Document 10496828

Music Education 4 year plan Catalog Year 13-­‐14 RLC 10/28/13 IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU KEEP YOUR GPA AT 2.50 OR HIGHER Fall semester 13-­‐14 Vocal 18; Instrumental 16-­‐19 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance 0 MUSC 1011 Intro to the Study of Music 2 MUSC 1021 Tech. for Musicians (Vocal in fall) 1 MUSC 1111 Music Theory I 3 MUSC 1131 Aural Skills I 1 MUSC 1331 Singers Diction I (vocal majors) 1 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble 1 MUSL 1211 Applied Lessons -­‐ 2 MUSL 1011 Piano Skills I -­‐ 1 EDUC 1151 Culture and Schooling -­‐ 3 TREX 1001 3 Instrumental majors can add a GEN ED here -­‐ 3 •
Between F & S, complete first 5-­‐day field experience which is scheduled during Culture and Schooling class. •
IF ACT score is not 25+, and/or SAT-­‐I total score is not 1130+, must pass the Praxis CASE tests (Core Academic Skills for Educators: reading, math, writing). Deadline is beginning of spring semester soph. yr. TESTS GIVEN OFF CAMPUS. Submit scores to Center for Teacher Education. •
Get BCI (and FBI, if appropriate) background checks, which are required for all upcoming field experience. See Penny Gibson in Educ. NOTES: Fall semester 14-­‐15 Vocal 20; Instrumental 20 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance-­‐0 MUSC 2111 Music Theory III-­‐3 MUSC 2131 Aural Skills III-­‐1 MUSC 2311 Basic Conducting -­‐2 MUSC 3461 Methods of Marching and jazz Bands and Marching Band-­‐ 2 credits (Instrumental majors only) MUSE 1051 Marching Band – 1 (Instr. Majors only) MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble-­‐1 Register for 1st year applied proficiency MUSL 1391-­‐ 0 MUSL 2211 Applied Lessons -­‐ 2 MUSL 2011 Piano Skills 3-­‐1 EDUC 2101 Exceptional Learners -­‐3 (evening course) EDUC 1521 Second five Day Field Experience 1 PSYCH 2151 Dev. Across lifespan/Psych. -­‐ 3 Vocal majors should add a GEN ED here -­‐ 3 •
Apply for admission to Teacher Ed ASAP. See Dr. D’Arca and give forms to all faculty you’ve had by end of wk 10 and preferably sooner •
ACT/SAT/CASE requirement if not already done NOTES: Spring semester 13-­‐14 Vocal 18; Instrumental 18 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance 0 MUSC 1121 Music Theory II 3 MUSC 1141 Aural Skills II 1 MUSC 1021 Tech for Musicians (Instrumental in spring) -­‐ 1 MUSC 2331 Singers Diction II (vocal majors) -­‐ 1 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble 1 MUSE 1XXX Minor ensemble – 1 MUSL 1221 Applied Lessons – 2 MUSL 1021 Piano Skills 2-­‐ 1 EDUC 1501 First five Day Field Experience 1 ENGL 1221 Writing Seminar 3 CAMS 1311 Communication in the Classroom 3 ACTV 1001– 1 •
Plan/schedule second 5-­‐day field experience with Field Experience Coordinator. •
This spring, pass 1st yr. applied proficiency exam at jury •
Between this spring and next fall, complete second 5-­‐day field experience •
ACT/SAT/CASE requirement if not already done NOTES: Spring semester 14-­‐15 Vocal 19; Instrumental 20 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance-­‐0 MUSC 2121 Music Theory IV-­‐3 MUSC 2141 Aural Skills IV-­‐1 MUSC 3331 Singers Diction III 1 (Vocal majors) MUSC 2201 Non-­‐Western Music 3 MUSC 2411 Woodwind Methods 3 MUSC 3321 Instrumental Conducting -­‐ 2 (instrumental majors) MUSC 2401 Foundations of Music Education 1 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble -­‐ 1 MUSL 2221 Applied Lessons 2 MUSL 2021 Piano Skills 4 – 1 EDUC 2681 Curriculum and Assessment-­‐3 •
Beginning of this semester is deadline to pass CASE (Core Academic Skills for Educators) •
This spring, pass 2nd yr. applied proficiency exam at jury •
Register for MUSL 2041 when piano prof. is passed so it gets on your transcript •
Be admitted to Teacher Ed. NOTES: 1 Fall semester 15-­‐16 Vocal 20; Instrumental 18 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance – 0 MUSC 2421 Brass Methods -­‐1 MUSC 3471 Technology for Music Educators -­‐ 2 MUSC 4171 Instrumentation and Arranging -­‐ 2 MUSC 3211 Music History 1 3 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble -­‐1 MUSE 1XXX Minor ensemble – 1 (Instrumental majs.) Register for 2nd yr. applied proficiency MUSL 2391-­‐0 MUSL 3211 Applied Lessons -­‐ 2 EDUC 4591 Integrated Music Methods – 3 PLUS 1 of the following for instrumental majors and two (2) for vocal majors: Math/Statistics., Natural Science, or one of the three required humanities (Phil., Relg., History or Literature) – 3-­‐6 •
IF NOT admitted to Teacher Ed. at beginning of this semester, you won’t graduate on time. •
Do Check sheet of Unfulfilled Requirements at A&S Dean’s Office (Junior Checklist) by end of this fall •
Apply for student teaching for Senior Year – have student teaching application completed, signed and submitted to Education Dept. by end of pre-­‐registration for spring semester, and no later than the beginning of this spring semester. NOTES: Fall semester 16-­‐17 Vocal 17; Instrumental 20 MUSC 011 Concert Attendance -­‐ 0 MUSL 4211 Applied Lessons -­‐2 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble -­‐ 1 MUSE 1XXX Minor Ensemble – 1 (Women’s or Men’s Chorus required for Choral Methods) MUSL 3301 Half Recital -­‐ 0 (Capstone) MUSC 4491 Choral Music Methods-­‐3 MUSC 2441 Percussion Methods -­‐1 EDUC 3451 Literacy across content areas – 3 PLUS 2 of the following for voice majors and 3 for instrumental majs. : Math/Statistics., Natural Science, or one of the three required humanities (Phil., Relg., History or Literature) – 6-­‐9 •
Application for Graduation must be done before you pre-­‐register for spring semester. •
Complete the OAE tests (pedagogy test is given on campus—Ohio Assessments for Educators) NOTES: Adjustments will be made for the minor ensemble requirement to allow men’s and women’s chorus to count for instrumental majors. Spring semester 15-­‐16 Vocal 19; Instrumental 19 MUSC 0011 Concert Attendance -­‐ 0 MUSL 3221 Applied Lessons -­‐ 2 MUSE 1XXX Major Ensemble -­‐ 1 MUSE 1XXX Minor ensemble – 1 (vocal majors) MUSC 2431 String Methods -­‐ 1 MUSC 4481 Instrumental Music Methods -­‐ 3 MUSC 3311 Choral Conducting (Vocal majors) -­‐ 2 MUSC 3221 Music History 2 -­‐ 3 EXDS 2001 Extra-­‐disciplinary seminar -­‐ 3 EDUC 4401 Ed Psych and instructional practices. – 3 PLUS 1 of the following for instrumental majors: Math/Statistics., Natural Science, or one of the three required humanities (Phil., Relg., History or Literature) -­‐ 3 •
Submit Application for Graduation NOW. •
Take OAE Content Assessment at the end of this semester if you can. Content exam is given off campus. (Praxis II) (Ohio Assessments for Educators) NOTES: Spring semester 16-­‐17 Vocal and Instrumental: 15 EDUC 4451 Leadership Seminar – 3 EDUC 4701 Student Teaching EC./MC 6 EDUC 4721 Student Teaching AYA 6 •
You may take 1 ensemble for credit during student teaching. Arrange for permission ahead of time. You can be in more than one ensemble during student teaching but you won’t get credit for the second and subsequent ones. •
Complete your edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) •
Apply for your teaching license NOTES: Music Ed page 2 of 2 2 