AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Jessica Ann Curteman for the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology presented on December 11, 2015. Title: Geoarchaeological Investigations at the Devils Kitchen Site (35CS9), Southern Oregon Coast Abstract approved: ______________________________________________________ Loren G. Davis A geoarchaeological investigation was conducted at the Devils Kitchen archaeological site, located in the Devils Kitchen State Park along the southern Oregon coast. In this thesis research, the author paired previous and recent excavated stratigraphy profiles to define culturally significant deposits. These stratigraphic units were defined further geochemically using a multivariate statistical analysis from data gathered by a portable xray fluorescence. Radiocarbon dates from excavated charcoal samples associated with cultural artifacts show an intact deposit dating from 10,638±35 to 11,596±37 RCYBP. The author used textural analysis from Ro-Tap sieve shaker data and Munsell color identification extracted from 33 bucket auger units to subsurface test the Devils Kitchen State Park area. The auger samples portray an uplifted aeolian landscape once influenced by alluvial deposition, commonly observed along coastal environments altered by rising sea levels. This research applied a geoarchaeological method to identify deposits of the right age (DORA) that have the potential to contain intact, early evidence of prehistoric people. The identification of DORA can serve as a marker for future coastal research searching for rare, intact paleolandscapes and archaeological deposits dating to the late Pleistocene to mid Holocene. ©Copyright by Jessica Ann Curteman December 11, 2015 All Rights Reserved Geoarchaeological Investigations at the Devils Kitchen Site (35CS9), Southern Oregon Coast by Jessica Ann Curteman A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Presented December 11, 2015 Commencement June 2016 Master of Arts thesis of Jessica Ann Curteman presented on December 11, 2015 APPROVED: Major Professor, representing Applied Anthropology Director of the School of Language, Culture, and Society Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Jessica Ann Curteman, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have truly been honored with the best support system throughout the entirety of my graduate program. I cannot express enough thanks to my friends, family, colleagues, and mentors for their unending support and encouragement throughout these many years. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Loren G. Davis, for the continuous support of my abilities and research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of the research and writing of this thesis. You have been a tremendous mentor for me and an invaluable friend. I would like to thank you for encouraging my research and for helping me grow to be a successful graduate student and a confident archaeologist. I look forward to working with you again in the future. I am also immensely grateful to my committee members for serving on my committee and for their insightful comments and suggestions. Dr. Jay S. Noller introduced me to the world of soil science while Dr. Leah D. Minc willingly taught and re-taught me the language of statistical analysis. Thank you both for encouraging questions, and motivating me to continually reach a higher standard of research. I would like to thank David Sisson who provided me with the opportunity to experience archaeology through my first job. Long after my job ended, he has always been there to listen and give advice. I am deeply grateful to him for the long, encouraging, and honest discussions that helped me focus on my academic and life goals. Thank you for being the firm hand and caring friend I needed. To my partners in crime, my colleagues, who have helped me stay sane through these adventurous years. Without your help, the field work completed at the Devils Kitchen site would not happened. A huge thank you to Alex Nyers for being my go-to for just about anything and everything with including the technical details of my work. Special thanks to the peoples of the Coquille Indian Tribe and to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department for supporting this research and for the logistical help during the field portion of the project. None of this would have been possible without the love and patience of my family to whom I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude. My family has been a constant source of love, concern, support, and strength all these years. Much of this support has come from my biggest fans: my parents. Thank you for believing in me and never letting me give up. I dedicate this thesis to you. My completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the support and love from my incredible husband and best friend, Alex J. Curteman. You are my rock. You have seen me through the ups and downs with unending encouragement and patience. I'm excited for what the future holds for us and look forward to our next adventures together. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1 1.1. Beginning of Investigations..........................................................................1 Why Investigate at the Devils Kitchen Site...........................................2 1.2. Geomorphic Setting......................................................................................2 1.3. Previous Research.........................................................................................3 1.4. Research Goals..............................................................................................4 1.5. Paleoenvironmental Setting..........................................................................4 1.6. Geology and Geomorphology.......................................................................6 Regional Tectonics.....................................................................................6 Eustatic/Regional Sea Level Change..........................................................8 1.7. Archaeological Site Types and Landscape Distribution Along the Southern Oregon Coast...................................................................................8 CHAPTER 2. MODELS AND EXPECTATIONS..........................................................13 2.1. Southern Oregon Coast Environment...........................................................13 Climate and Vegetation..............................................................................13 Resources...................................................................................................14 2.2. Relationship Between Environment and Resources.....................................14 2.3. Environmental Zones and Lithofacies..........................................................15 2.4. Environmental Facies Present at the Devils Kitchen Site............................16 Maritime Lithofacies.............................................................................16 Littoral Lithofacies................................................................................16 Dune Lithofacies...................................................................................17 Coastal Plain Lithofacies......................................................................17 Alluvial Valley Lithofacies...................................................................18 2.5. Expected Distribution and Preservation of Site Types Within Each Facie Zone.....................................................................................................18 Maritime Lithofacies.............................................................................19 Littoral Lithofacies................................................................................19 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Dune Lithofacies...................................................................................20 Coastal Plain Lithofacies......................................................................20 Alluvial Valley Lithofacies...................................................................21 2.6. Evolving Coastline.......................................................................................21 Resource Changes.................................................................................22 2.7. Expected Observations.................................................................................22 Testing our Expectations at the Devils Kitchen Site............................23 CHAPTER 3. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION..........................................................25 3.1. Pairing Archaeology and Geoscience...........................................................25 Stratigraphic Units in Archaeological Sites..........................................26 3.2. Subsurface Testing at the Devils Kitchen Site.............................................28 3.3. Laboratory Methods.....................................................................................30 Auger Sediment Samples......................................................................31 Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker............................................................................31 Statistical Analysis................................................................................31 Munsell Colors......................................................................................32 PXRF Samples......................................................................................33 3.4. Landscape Reconstruction at Devils Kitchen State Park.............................34 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION.....................................................39 4.1. Physical Stratigraphy and Soil Development...............................................39 Lithostratigraphy...................................................................................39 Pedostratigraphy...................................................................................41 Archaeological Stratigraphy.................................................................43 4.2. PXRF: Exploratory Data Analysis...............................................................44 Can the PXRF data distinguish soil horizons?......................................46 Exploring Chemical Variation among Soil Horizons...........................47 4.3. PXRF: Cluster Analysis...............................................................................50 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.4. Auger Sediment Analysis.............................................................................51 4.5. Auger Munsell Color Analysis.....................................................................52 4.6. Radiocarbon Dates.......................................................................................53 CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION.......................................................86 5.1. General Northwest Coastal Research...........................................................86 5.2. Locating Archaeological Sites Along the Coast...........................................86 5.3. Documenting Early Sites Along the Southern Oregon Coast......................88 5.4. Facies Interpretation.....................................................................................90 5.5. Research Questions Addressed....................................................................90 How did the Devils Kitchen site form, and how has post-depositional processes affected the site's appearance and preservation?..................................................................................91 What are the Devils Kitchen site's archaeologically relevant sediments and where are they distributed?...........................................92 What is the geoarchaeological context of human occupation at the Devils Kitchen site?....................................................................95 5.6. Future Work.................................................................................................94 BIBLIOGRAPHY..............................................................................................................98 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1. Location of the Devils Kitchen site, 35CS9...........................................................10 1.2. Plate deformation associated with an active subduction zone...............................11 1.3. The Coquille Fault in relation to the Devils Kitchen site......................................12 2.1. A coastal facies model showing the relation of coastal environments..................24 3.1. Aerial photo from Google Maps (2014) showing the Devils Kitchen State Park with auger units and test units locations........................................................35 3.2. Locations outlined in red of the PXRF samples from Unit C's north wall............36 3.3. Locations outlined and pointed in red of the PXRF samples from Unit C's west wall................................................................................................................37 3.4. Locations outlined in red of the PXRF samples from Unit D's south wall............38 4.1. 35CS9, Unit C, north wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries..........................................................................54 4.2. 35CS9, Unit C, east wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries..........................................................................55 4.3. 35CS9, Unit C, south wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries..........................................................................56 4.4. 35CS9, Unit C, west wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries..........................................................................57 4.5. 35CS9, Unit D, south wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries..........................................................................58 4.6. Bivariate scatterplot matrix showing the relationship two elements have on each PXRF sample using all detected elements.....................................................59 4.7. Step-wise discriminant Analysis on all elemental data with all soil groups present, colored, and labeled..................................................................................60 4.8. Step-wise discriminant Analysis on all elemental data with soil groups A and 5Cb2 removed.................................................................................................61 4.9. A 3D scatterplot of the PXRF data containing all elements detected with soil groups A and 5Cb2 removed.................................................................................62 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 4.10. Principal component analysis on all elemental data with the first two PCs graphed to show correlation.................................................................................63 4.11. Scatterplot matrix of the four saved PCs on the 13 diagnostic elements.............64 4.12. Ward cluster analysis on four principal component data for diagnostic elements colored by soil group............................................................................65 4.13. Ward cluster analysis on the 13 diagnostic elements colored by soil group.......66 4.14. Aerial photo of 35CS9 showing the location of auger units with the trends of the fence diagrams...........................................................................................67 4.15. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from south to north most western area at 35CS9 (F1-F1')...................................................................68 4.16. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from west to east of northern area at 35CS9 (F2-F2')..........................................................................69 4.17. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from west to east of southern area at 35CS9 (F3-F3')..........................................................................70 4.18. Interfluves and old channel interpretations..........................................................71 4.19. Fence diagram of south to north most western area at 35CS9 (F1-F1') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger and excavation units.........72 4.20. Fence diagram of west to east of northern area at 35CS9 (F2-F2') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger units................................................73 4.21. Fence diagram of west to east of southern area at 35CS9 (F3-F3') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger units................................................74 4.22. 35CS9, Unit C, north wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries along with 14C dates of charcoal samples in their easting and depth location.......................................................................75 5.1. Locations of the four discussed sites on the southern Oregon coast......................96 5.2. Environmental facies zone eastern shift as related to eustatic sea level rise.........97 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 4.1. Soil horizon description of Units A and B of Devils Kitchen site.........................76 4.2. The presence and absence of excavated artifacts by unit and depth......................77 4.3. Correlation matrix of all base 10 logarithmic transformation elemental data.......78 4.4. Correlations of the first eight PCs from the principal component analysis of all elemental data...................................................................................................80 4.5. Contingency analysis of saved clusters from a Ward cluster analysis of the four PCs by soil groups..........................................................................................81 4.6. Contingency analysis of saved clusters from a Ward cluster analysis of the 13 elements by soil groups.....................................................................................82 4.7. 14 C dates from Unit C at the Devils Kitchen site...................................................83 4.8. 14 C dates from charcoal samples taken from the Devils Kitchen site, previously known at the Bandon Ocean Wayside site.............................................................84 4.9. All 14C dates from the Devils Kitchen site with their associated LU, PU, and soil horizon, sorted by date within each LU..........................................................85 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A: The Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker data (shown in grams) from auger level samples........108 B: The Munsell colors of dried samples gathered from each auger unit levels (cm below the surface)...........................................................................................124 C: All PXRF raw, uncalibrated data of readings from Units C and D at 35CS9........139 D: The PXRF standards ran before and during soil sample readings to check for device drift and error........................................................................................154 E: All PXRF raw, uncalibrated data of readings from the auger units at 35CS9........156 F: Univariate one-way analysis of all elements by soil group....................................180 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The northwest coastline has been actively evolving in result to a fluctuation in sediment supply, energy, and relative sea level. The Oregon coastline has been and continues to be a dynamic environment. To better predict where early people were in the landscape, an understanding of the distribution and availability of resources is key. The present day environment is not an appropriate representation of an area’s geological and environmental context for the entirety of its past. Resources are influenced through environmental changes, which are necessary to understand for reconstructing the coastal past environment that people utilized. At the Devils Kitchen archaeological site (Smithsonian designation 35CS9), located along the southern Oregon coast in the Devils Kitchen State Park, south of Bandon (Figure 1.1), archaeological material found within buried soils suggests people used the landscape during a time when the environment and relative sea level was different than today. 1.1. Beginning of Investigations The Devils Kitchen site was officially recorded as an archaeological site in 1951 by Lloyd Collins who observed artifacts eroding from an exposed western bank. Northwest coast archaeological sites are typically buried, covered by vegetation, or eroded making their visibility limited (Ames & Maschner, 2000). Sites are commonly discovered after a portion of the site has been exposed or damaged, as such is the case for the Devils Kitchen site. Being buried by sediment accumulating throughout the years, this prehistoric site was not only protected from destructive elements, it was also hidden from vision. As the natural terrace was eroded by gravity and wave action, the western facing bank exposed the Devils Kitchen site and its artifacts, allowing the site to be discovered and recorded. Interest in the site arose as it was recognized as not matching a typical prehistoric site along the Oregon coast. The Devils Kitchen site did not have evidence of containing a shell midden, an expected feature for a coastal site. The site appeared to have deep, preserved deposits, suggesting that it might be a representation of an older landscape, one 2 that might not match the modern environment, and may not represent a marine lifeway. Subsurface testing further supported the possibility of a preserved paleolandscape (Hall et al., 2005). Not only would the site be able to offer data to help reconstruct the prehistoric environment, but it has potential to contain an in situ, early archaeological component. There are not many examples of preserved archaeological components that represent a prehistoric environment along today’s Oregon coast. Why Investigate at the Devils Kitchen Site The Devils Kitchen site has the potential to contain preserved features of an early prehistoric cultural and natural environment. The early deposits would represent a very different environment than the one present today. These well preserved, stratified deposits at the site are noted as being uncommon along the southern Oregon coast, and could contain preserved evidence of an early occupation (Davis et al., 2008). The site is described by Rick Minor (1986:81) as having ―considerable potential for containing information about a different aspect of prehistoric occupation in this region‖ after being declared as a terrestrial site rather than the original claim as an eroded shell midden site. There has been little work done along the Oregon coast to investigate these terrestrial sites, now existing along the coastal margin. An examination of the nature and extent of early, preserved deposits around the site will provide information on identifying potential areas for similar terrestrial prehistoric sites to exist. Results of this research can also be used to aid in reconstructing the landscape as it might have been observed by early people, which can then help answer where early human activities occurred. 1.2. Geomorphic Setting The Devils Kitchen site is an open alluvial riparian site located on a naturally raised marine terrace, or bluff, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Uplifted by the active Cape Blanco anticline fault located just north of Cape Blanco, the site has been partially protected from wave action and changing sea levels. The site is buried by multiple deposits, and today is eroding into the ocean along its most western edge. Dune deposits at varying thicknesses have capped the site and covers the Devils Kitchen State Park. 3 Much of the site area is situated on compact sandstone and shale which is continuously being uplifted and exposed. Sandstone is interpreted as the parent material for soil development and is observed as small gravels in a few soil horizons at the site. Other rocks and minerals such as quartz and cherts are often found at the site, imported there by the nearby Crooked Creek from the formations that make up the nearby Klamath Mountains. The Devils Kitchen State Park is mapped as existing within the Bullards and Waldport soil series (United States Department of Agriculture, 2015). The Bullards soil is found on marine terraces and is typically a sandy loam with some gravels. It could contain minor components from the Blacklock series such poorly drained soils that are shallow up to a cemented ornstein pan. Blacklock soils are formed in sandy marine sediments and are often found in depressions on marine terraces. The Waldport soil is found on stabilized dunes and are typically fine sands. This soil is excessively drained and is formed in mixed aeolian sands. Properties from all three soil series have the potential to be present in state park area. Today the site is situated within a dune environmental facie (further explained in chapter 2). The dune is stabilized by grasses, planted by the State Parks' management, and intrusive gorse. The thickness of the dune drastically varies across the state park and is absent in the most western, eroded portions. Today's vegetated surface has caused the dune to become stable, allowing soil production to occur (Wells, 2001). 1.3. Previous Research The Devils Kitchen site was first described by Lloyd Collins as a very dark, thick soil that contained chipped stone artifacts. It was predicted that the site covers an area approximately 100 m x 100 m and that there once was a shell midden that deteriorated, leaving the stone artifacts behind (Collins, 1951; Minor, 1986:81). The site was later suggested by Rick Minor to be a bluff site where people were focusing on a more terrestrial rather than a marine economy, therefore never having a shell midden (1986). The first formal excavations at the Devils Kitchen State Park, previously known as Bandon Ocean Wayside, were in 2002 by Oregon State University archaeologists. Two 1 x 1 meter test units were placed within the site’s boundaries in order to 4 investigate the site’s subsurface deposits. Results from this research showed that the Devils Kitchen site consisted of a stratified sequence of aeolian deposits overlying alluvial deposits which overlaid marine deposits (Hall et al. 2005; Davis et al. 2008). The sequence was later described by Davis et al. (2009) to be a preserved representation of deposits supporting a facies shift model. This representation is a focus that this thesis research will describe and explore at greater depth. 1.4. Research Goals The goal of this thesis is to develop a spatially expanded geoarchaeological model to be applied to the Devils Kitchen site and demonstrate a collaboration of interdisciplinary practices to aid in answering three main questions: 1. How did the Devils Kitchen site form, and how have postdepositional processes affected the site's archaeological record? 2. What are the Devils Kitchen site's archaeologically relevant sediments and where are they distributed? 3. What is the geoarchaeological context of human occupation at the Devils Kitchen site? I will address these questions through building an expanded stratigraphic framework for the site by combining the results of past and recently conducted field investigations. This framework will be based on analysis of sediment and soil samples taken from the Devils Kitchen site and the surrounding park area. The stratigraphic framework will be interpreted within the site's archaeological context, adding to the record of early cultural sites along the Oregon coast. 1.5. Paleoenvironmental Setting The Oregon coast has experienced multiple environmental changes during the span of human occupation. As part of understanding how early people interacted with the environment, the identification of the available landscape and the resources is necessary. An interpretation of the geoarchaeology of a site aids in the understanding 5 of past environments and therefore can begin to piece together how foragers used the landscape. To better understand the natural processes and products associated with the Devils Kitchen site, we must consider the environmental context of the southern Oregon coast. Analyzing the vegetation of the past environment gives an estimation of the climate for that time. Since vegetation relies on soil production and soil relies on climate, a relationship between vegetation and climate can be found. In central Oregon’s coast range at Little Lake, Oregon, macrofossils were analyzed to create a record of vegetation and climate changes during the late Quaternary (Worona and Whitlock, 1995). It was found that the climate went from cooler and wetter than it is today to a more temperate climate by 13,500 cal BP. There was a period of cooling from 12,900 cal BP and 11,500 cal BP which coincides with a climate shift seen in North America known as the Younger Dryas (Davis, 2011). The early Holocene experienced summer droughts with many wildfires. After 5,600 cal BP, the climate began to shift to its present-day cool, moist atmosphere. In general, the coast range went from hosting pine, fir, western and mountain hemlock, and spruce during cooler episodes to Douglas-fir, red alder, and bracken fern during long, drought summers to Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar as climate began to resemble today's and ending with increased Douglas-fir and decreased cedar as seen today (Ames & Maschner, 2000; Worona & Whitlock, 1995). Even though the Little Lake study area is not along the southern Oregon coast and is more inland than this research's study area, it provides a basis for study and a general idea of the changes the Oregon coast range experienced from the time of early human occupation to today. Oceanic properties have a large impact on the biological environment. Current marine biological activity is reliant on the summer upwelling of cold, nutrient water. During times when this upwelling is reduced, such as with El Niño Southern Oscillation climate events, there is a dramatic decrease in fish and seabird populations attributed to a drop in zooplankton densities (Pearcy & Schoener, 1987). Davis (2011) suspects that with changing climate conditions and differences in sea and land temperatures after the last glacial maximum, the strength of upwelling in the Pacific Ocean would be influenced, therefore, ―the northeastern Pacific Ocean probably exhibited a significantly 6 different ecology during the LP-EH [late Pleistocene to early Holocene], compared to its modern (i.e., post-Younger Dryas) state‖ (Davis, 2011:13). This emphasizes that the diverse and populous marine life seen today along the Oregon coast might not have been consistently available at the same rate throughout human’s coastal existence, further supporting that today’s coastal ecology is not a proper analogy to ecologies of the past. 1.6. Geology and Geomorphology With the Pacific Ocean at its western edge and an uplifted coast range mountain at its eastern edge, the coastline features are dependent on the behavior of its geoactive neighbors. The active tectonic zone along with changes in relative sea level is responsible for much of the dynamic topographic and geomorphic landscape along the coastline. The southern Oregon coast is positioned between the Pacific Ocean and the Klamath Mountains. The Klamath Mountains are primarily composed of Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations that commonly include granite, quartz, limestone, marble, sandstone, shale, serpentine, and cherts (Baldwin, 1981). The elevation of these mountainous features abruptly drop to form a narrow coastal plain where rivers and creeks flow from the mountain range to the ocean. These rivers and creeks transport and deposit many of the rocks and minerals form the mountain range to the coastal plain. The southern Oregon coast has fewer large bays and estuaries than the central and northern Oregon coast. In the southern portion of the central coast and some areas in the southern coast are large freshwater lakes, formed around the time of the middle Holocene by encroaching sand dunes blocking streams from flowing into the ocean (Minor, 1992; Minor & Toepel, 1986). While the mixing of salt and freshwater resources might not be as prevalent as it was before the streams were blocked, the two ecologies are today present in close proximity to one another. Regional Tectonics There are two major tectonic forces that have influenced the southern Oregon coastline, with focus on the research area: the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the Coquille fault. 7 The southern Oregon coastline is greatly influenced by the geologic activity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) where the oceanic Juan de Fuca plate is actively subducting below the continental North American plate. The Juan de Fuca plate dips beneath today’s coast range at about 13 to 16 degrees and is subducted at approximately 4.75 cm per year (DeMets et al., 2010; Tréhu et al., 1994). The plates apply pressure and resistance as they move alongside one another causing uplift and periodically slips approximately every 600 years, resulting in a large earthquake and coseismic subsidence of the land (Figure 1.2). The CSZ has been active for the entirety of human’s existence on the Northwest Coast and can produce earthquakes as large as magnitude 9+ (Atwater et al., 1995; Satake et al., 1996; Clague, 1996). The last CSZ earthquake occurred in AD 1700, leaving very little to the written record. However, evidence of this and previous CSZ earthquakes are found in the geologic record. Micromorphology studies on sediments from areas that have been influenced by episodic events from tsunamis and seismic shaking reveal that the coastline was subjected to tectonic activity from the CSZ multiple times since the late Pleistocene (Kilfeather et al., 2007). At Bradley Lake, Oregon, 13 marine incursions were recorded and are interpreted as being the result of a CSZ plate boundary rupture, or an earthquake, and a tsunami inundating the lake area (Ollerhead et al., 2001; Kelsey et al., 2005). It is noted that a plate boundary rupture does not need to occur directly below a location in order for a tsunami to present itself. As a result of the CSZ, a series of north and northwest trending faults and folds, known as the Cascadia fold and thrust belt, deform the continental slope (Goldfinger et al., 1992; Goldfinger et al., 1997; MacKay et al., 1992; McNeill et al., 2000). Active faults and folds trend perpendicular to the CSZ and the coastline which greatly influence the formation of raised marine terraces and headlands (Kelsey, 1990; Kelsey et al., 1996). One fault significant to this research is the Coquille fault, an upper-plate tectonic structure that is associated with the offshore fold-and-thrust orogenic belt and is described as a northwest striking fault (Witter et al., 1997; Witter, 1999). The axis is illustrated to be located at the mouth of the Coquille River with the north side being downthrown and the south side being upthrown (Punke & Davis, 2006). The downthrown and upthrown fault is reported to have vertically displaced sediments 8 approximately 50 meters at its axis (McInelly & Kelsey, 1990). The fault is attributed to causing a significant upper-plate deformation, aiding in the preservation of coastal archaeological sites (Punke & Davis, 2006). Effects of the fault is less dramatic the further north or south the area is from the axis point with a current southern peak at Coquille Point and the tail of the upthrow being at Bradley Lake (McInelly & Kelsey, 1990; McNeill et al., 1998; Witter et al., 2003). Eustatic/Regional Sea Level Change As the ice sheets began to melt, water that was once held on land began to reenter the oceans during the end of the last glacial maximum. The eustatic sea level irregularly rose approximately a total of 130 m until reaching modern levels around 3,000 cal BP (Fleming et al., 1998; Fairbanks, 1989). Relative sea level change was not consistent throughout the world, or even the northwest coast, and needs to be addressed regionally. Tectonic activity resulting in crustal deformation also influences local relative sea level, which is an active component to consider when examining the paleolandscape of the Oregon coast. Tectonic uplift was significantly outpaced by sea level rise around 9,000 cal BP, and therefore, is said to not be a major factor in changing the depositional setting (Punke, 2005). However, this uplift would eventually influence the landscape as the rise of eustatic sea level slowed to modern levels. The Oregon coast is currently uplifted from interseismic activity between 0-5 mm per year, and subsidence from coseismic activity can range from 0-2 meters (Peterson et al., 2000). 1.7. Archaeological Site Types and Landscape Distribution Along the Southern Oregon Coast An extensive 10 year-long investigation into all recorded sites along the entire Oregon coast was reported in 1996 for a multiple property nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). As a result, 89 coastal archaeological sites were listed on the NRHP that are located within an Oregon state park. During the evaluation process, sites were categorized into eight types based on their archaeological findings. A correlation between site type and environment is noted and used as a basis for predicting locations for future site type discoveries (Davis, 2006; Jenevein, 2010; Moss & 9 Erlandson, 2008; Ross, 1984). Of the evaluated 89 sites, 46 of them exist along the southern Oregon coast, within Curry or Coos counties. Most of the southern Oregon sites are identified as having a shell midden while only 15% of sites are typed lithic sites without a shell midden. Of the seven lithic sites, five are said to exist today on the outer coast ecological setting (Moss & Erlandson, 2008: Table 2), including the Devils Kitchen site. Although the number of lithic sites is small compared to midden sites, both types are expected to be influenced by the ecological setting, or environmental zone, that they are found in today. A relation of the environmental zone that the site existed in at the time of occupation is also expected. Richard Ross (1984) relates coastal, non-shell midden archaeological sites midden to their current location in the landscape. These sites are noted to be frequently found on higher elevation bluffs overlooking the ocean, while shell midden sites are typically found at lower elevations, or at the very edge of a bluff. As an alternative to explaining sites without a shell midden as a result of preservation issues, Ross’ bluff sites is an identification of a ―functionally/adaptationally different type of site‖ (Ross, 1984:246). The archaeology at the bluff sites suggest a more terrestrial, versus a marine, resource orientation. Since bluff sites typically predate the modern, more eastern shoreline, the lack of marine resources at these sites is not surprising. Overall, particular types of archaeological coastal sites are not found in random landscapes, but are resulted in reaction to that environment in both creation and preservation. 10 Figure 1.1. Location of the Devils Kitchen site, 35CS9. 11 Figure 1.2. Plate deformation associated with an active subduction zone (from Punke & Davis 2006:Figure 2). 12 Figure 1.3. The Coquille Fault in relation to the Devils Kitchen site. Up-thrown (U) and down-thrown (D) sides of Coquille fault lie on the southern and northern sides of the axis, respectively (from Punke & Davis 2006:Figure 7). 13 CHAPTER 2. MODELS AND EXPECTATIONS Archaeological and paleoenvironmental reconstructions are difficult to model without an understanding of the changing paleolandscapes through time (Davis, 2011). By applying geoarchaeological methods, a prediction on the location of preserved, early deposits will be made. Through geoarchaeological models, information gathered from multiple formal excavations and subsurface testing at the site will be analyzed and interpreted on the grounds of site formation, explaining how the site formed and the postdepositional forces that influenced its preservation. Results of the geoarchaeological investigation outline the integrity of the stratigraphic and cultural record at the site level, which have the potential to be applied to other coastal locations. 2.1. Southern Oregon Coast Environment Climate and Vegetation Much of the weather fronts come from the ocean side with variations in north and south trending winds. Today the climate of the southern Oregon coast is, on average, warmer than the northern Oregon coast. Much of the moisture for vegetation comes from heavier rainfall from November to May and consistent fogs during the summer (Franklin & Dyrness, 1988). The average annual temperature for the southern Oregon coast near the research area is 53°F (11.7°C) with an average maximum of 60°F (15.5°C) and an average minimum temperature of 45°F (7.2°C). July and August have the highest monthly temperature averages while December and January have the lowest averages (, 2015). The interior coast is composed of tall vegetation such as coniferous forests, evergreens, and hardwoods. Juniper, wildflowers, sedge, and other ground cover plants are commonly found on exposed slopes along the southern Oregon coast. The area above the beaches is dominated by shrubs such as deerbrush, western azalea, alder, and gooseberry (Franklin & Dryness, 1988). There is a known importance of the Oregon 14 white oak and California black oak trees to native coastal people that are found today along coastal valleys (Moss & Erlandson, 2008). Resources The southern Oregon coast offers a wide variety of marine and terrestrial resources. Seasonal upwelling in offshore ocean waters bring the nutrient-rich deep water to the surface, providing the nutrients to the building blocks of the food chain such as zooplankton and phytoplankton. With a narrow southern Oregon coastal plain, the marine and terrestrial environments are in close proximity to one another. This offers both marine and terrestrial resources to predatory hunters and gatherers. Economically significant land mammals present along the Oregon coast include elk, deer, bear, beaver, river otter, bobcat, coyote, and raccoon. A wide variety of ground mammals including rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, gophers, and voles are also common (Moss & Erlandson, 2008). Although these mammals are labeled as terrestrial, it is common for them to be found in what would be considered marine environments such as dunes, bluffs, and intertidal zones. Marine resources include those found in intertidal or littoral zones and submerged areas. The larger mammals commonly found in submerged areas include sea lion, seals, sea otter, and grey and humpback whales. Today, many of these mammals are found along the Oregon coast year-round while others are migratory. A large variety of fish are found along the coast, including four salmon species. While salmon is historically known for being economically important, other fishes were also traditionally important such as sturgeon, lamprey, rockfish, cod, smelt, tuna, gerring, sardines, and anchovies (Moss & Erlandson, 2008). Some fish can be found in both the ocean’s salt water and the river’s fresh water such as salmon, making these confluence areas high in resource potential. 2.2. Relationship Between Environment and Resources There is a direct relationship that can be made between the environment and the resources present within that environment. The environment is defined as surrounding factors such as air, water, organisms, and minerals affect the area at a given time. These, 15 and additional factors, shape the nature and distribution of the environment's resources. If the environment changes, then we expect to see a change in resources as well. Through understanding of an area's environment at a given time, a prediction of the available plants, animals, minerals, and other resources can be made. This prediction can aid in discovering the characteristics and distribution of archaeological sites. As a site's environment changes, there will be a shift in how that particular landscape is being used by people as they adjust to better utilize available resources. When preservation of organic resources is not ideal, the archaeologist can examine intact evidence of a site's environment to better understand what could have attracted people to the site. At the Devils Kitchen site, this examination is approached through geoarchaeological methods. 2.3. Environmental Zones and Lithofacies The Oregon coast is comprised of dynamic environments that exist in a common spatial relationship with one another. Each environment is identified as a part of an overall facie series. A facies series, or model, is a general summary of a given depositional system made up of multiple facies (Walker & James, 1992). Walther’s Law of Facies outlines that the vertical order of a series deposits reflects the order of lateral deposits as a result of accretion shifts (Walker & James, 1992). Each facie is a component of its system and therefore can be described individually. The depositional environment is a preserved representation of the natural environment that has changed, or shifted, over time. Each facie can be conceptualized as an environmental zone offering particular resources and containing particular deposits. The environmental facies along the southern Oregon coast are maritime, littoral, estuary, alluvial valley and uplands, and montane and headwaters (Davis et al., 2009). Figure 2.1 shows the order in which these environmental facies are observed. Each facie has a characteristic pattern of sediment deposition that corresponds to particular geomorphic processes within a coastal landscape. These sedimentary depositional patterns are called lithofacies and signal the presence of a certain environmental facie. 16 2.4. Environmental Facies Present at the Devils Kitchen Site The coastal facies model observed today along the southern Oregon coast is similar to the model that is expected to have been present in the past, when the first people were utilizing its landscape. Focusing on the Devils Kitchen location, the facies to be discussed are maritime, littoral, dune, coastal plain, and alluvial valley from west to east accordingly. As previously mentioned, each facie can be described individually based on their depositional system, environmental properties, and distribution of resources. Through a direct relationship between cultural and environmental deposits, each lithofacie, can also be associated with particular human activities (Waters, 1992; Davis, 2009). Below is an outlined description of each environmental lithofacie unit that is observed at the Devils Kitchen site. The description covers the expected sediment depositional pattern and economically relevant resources typically associated with each environmental zone. The Devils Kitchen site does not currently exhibit an estuary environment as modeled for other coastal landscapes modeled by Davis et al. (2008). Therefore, the estuary environmental facie is not discussed here. Maritime Lithofacies Maritime lithofacies are the areas furthest west of this coastal facies model, including open and deep waters that are difficult to access without a boat. The eastern boundary of this facie is at the beginnings of the intertidal zone. This area is considered a low-energy zone where deposits are made up of small, fine grained sediments that are well sorted (Waters, 1992). The resources available in this facie are solely marine resources including fish, sea mammals such as whales, seals, sea lions, and sea bottom vegetation. Resources can be found at varying locations and depths within the matrix of the facie. Littoral Lithofacies Littoral lithofacies includes from the intertidal zone to the high tidewater line. This area is characterized by wave and tidal action (Wells, 2001) which makes this a high-energy environment. Sediment deposits are poorly sorted and range in size from 17 pebbles to fine depending on the wave’s force and influence. Paleoenvironmental context of the littoral facie contained both land and marine resources that often coexist such as shellfish, fish, seabirds, barnacles, snails, crabs, mussels, jellyfish, squirrels, rodents, and sea otters. While the location of these resources could vary, some rely directly on the tide to travel through or bring in resources and are typically found in shallow water or on land close to the low-energy tide. Dune Lithofacies Dune lithofacies include the area from the high tidewater line to the coastal plain or alluvial valley, whichever is present as the next adjacent facie. This facie is characterized by its windblown or aeolian sediments that are associated with localized deposition and erosion. The sediments are generally well sorted, well rounded, and consist of fine to very fine sand sizes (Wells, 2001). While the surface of this environmental facie can often be too unstable for resources to be predictable, it is not completely void of value to foragers. Grasses, shrubs, and forbs can being to grow and help make dune surfaces more stable for a time. Historically introduced grasses and shrubs have stabilized and slowed the inland advancement of the dunes. Depressions within the dune can hold water, which has potential to host small fish. Dune ponds can also be formed by shifting aeolian sands blocking water systems such as receding tides, often stranding fish. North to south trending dune sheets are often observed to block stream channels from directly emptying into the ocean, causing them to parallel the ocean’s front until they break free of the dune and continue west. Streams that are blocked can create wetlands and lakes in adjacent terrestrial environments. Coastal Plain Lithofacies The coastal plain is characterized by its relatively flat, low elevation land that is often flooded preventing trees and large vegetation to grow but allowing grasses to thrive. The facie includes the low lying land situated between the western beaches and the eastern gradient alluvial valley. This area provides a home for many invertebrates and vertebrates, birds, waterfowl, snakes, and rodents. Seasonal streams and flooded area might hold fishes and amphibians. Deposits in this area would resemble those of lower 18 energy alluvial systems, being moderately to poorly sorted and rounded to subrounded. Many sediments might represent sources further up stream that have been deposited into this area. It is predicted that coastal plains were more common and larger when the ocean was further west at the last glacial maximum (Davis et al., 2009). Today coastal plains are not commonly present along the southern Oregon coast. Alluvial Valley Lithofacies The alluvial valley includes the more eastern fluvial systems that include various topography such as river valleys, ridge lines, steep and gradual slopes, and hills. Along the southern Oregon coast this includes areas where rivers and streams connect with coastal plains or dunes to the footslopes of the Coast Range (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). The depositional system for this facie can vary from low energy to high energy across seasons. Although the majority of the depositional system is alluvial, due to possible steep topography, some colluvial processes could be present. This area is characterized by wetlands, grasslands, and forests that stabilize the landscape, enabling soil development. Sediments here experience more physical and chemical weathering from pedogenic processes than sediments in more western facies. This facie environment offers a habitat for the most diverse array of mammal species. Berries, roots, and bulbs can often be found seasonally in the forests. Since this environment is adjacent to an uplifted coast range, much of its bedrock is exposed, revealing sources of chert and other silicates that are known to be excellent tool making material. 2.5. Expected Distribution and Preservation of Site Types Within Each Facie Zone The archaeology of early people along the Oregon coast has often been described in relation to human environmental interactions (Hall, 1995; Ross, 1984). Moss and Erlandson (2008) define eight characteristic Native American site types that are found along the Oregon coast, including shell middens, lithic sites, villages, ethnographic and ethnohistoric places, burial sites, intertidal fishing structures, quarries, and rock art sites. While these sites are not exclusive to any particular environmental zone, some are more commonly situated in particular locations. Understanding the relationship between a site and its environment, along with identifying post-depositional forces, will provide the 19 researcher a way to predict the nature and location of sites within coastal landscapes (Jenevein, 2010). The archaeological site types and human interactions with resources are based on researched sites that are located within one of the coastal facies (Aikens et al., 2011; Connolly & Tasa, 2008). The following expectations are outlining where human activity occurred within that environmental facie at the time the facie was the active surface. That is, the discussion below is not necessarily about what sites are found within each facie today but rather is about what facies the sites were originally created in. Maritime Lithofacies The resources associated with maritime environmental facie are located below sea level and at varying depths. People would need to utilize watercraft in order to successfully access these resources and would not be staying in one location for an extended time. Due to the uninhabitable environment, the archaeological record for this facie is expected to be non-existent or indistinguishable. Any materials used or altered by people that are deposited in this lithofacie are expected to be disturbed by ocean currents. Sites would be difficult to locate and study for anything other than presence or absence. Artifacts and features would be directly related to obtaining marine resources and are not expected to represent cooking or intensive handling of the resources. Littoral Lithofacies This area is a high productivity area, providing diverse food resources. Shell middens and intertidal fishing structures are commonly found within the littoral zone. Features and artifacts such as traps, nets, and digging tools are often recorded within these archaeological sites. However, due to the high-energy wave activity, brought on by daily, seasonally, and storm wave and tidal activity, and low vegetation density some sites are often exposed to prolonged erosion causing them to be deflated or removed from this facie. Gathering activities would be concentrated to where salt and fresh water combine and the resources are the most available and dense. Processing these resources are expected to occur slightly more inland where wave action would not be interruptive. These processing sites are better preserved as they are better protected from daily tidal forces. 20 Dune Lithofacies This is a particularly dynamic landscape. Stabilization can occur when there is a period of little deposition and erosion, allowing plants to grow and help stabilize surface of the dune. Evidence of occupation in dunes can be both deeply buried and heavily eroded causing deflation. The Indian Sands site on the southern Oregon coast is an example where parts of the site have been buried by aeolian deposits and others deflated. The deflated areas have artifacts from multiple occupations through time resting together on the dune's surface (Davis et al., 2004; Willis, 2005). While archaeological sites can be well preserved in a dune, they also can be heavily eroded. The surface of an active dune is constantly exposed to wind forces and the rate of deposition and erosion can vary. It is not surprising when dunes are excavated and there is little to no evidence of a human occupation. The dunes can provide protection from wave activity and can be an ideal nearby location, on more surface stable conditions, to host both marine and land resource processing activities. Shell middens and lithic sites have been recorded in the dune environmental facie. Archaeological sites could be located in lower elevation points within the dune where people would be better protected from the winds. However, caution is advised when examining the present day surface of a dune since it does not necessarily represent the paleosurfaces. Today the dune environment is sometimes difficult to observe and is not as active due to recent, stabilizing grass planting by land management agencies. Coastal Plain Lithofacies The coastal plain is predicted to host the most diverse of sites and has potential to contain every coastal site type (Jenevein, 2010). Shell middens, lithic sites, villages, burial sites, and quarries have been recorded within the coastal plain. While today coastal plains are not always observed to the extent that they once were in a prehistoric environment, the evidence of this facie is often preserved in coastal headlands underlying Holocene deposits and overlying pre-Pleistocene deposits (Davis et al., 2008; Davis et al., 2009; Jenevein, 2010). Sediments represent an area that has fluxuation in energy, depositing sands sizing from fine to coarse. Over time, this facie could experience many episodes of flooding, burying sites under layers of deposits. While this protects the site, 21 the facie has been uplifted throughout human occupation and waves have carved out banks, cutting into many sites. Sites can exist throughout the facie, but are more concentrated around reliable fresh water sources such as streams and creeks. Alluvial Valley Lithofacies Archaeological sites located in this facie are not expected to host large amounts of marine resources, if any at all. The distance from the marine source to this facie at early occupation would be large enough to most likely defer people from bringing all marine resources to this site for processing. Sites within this environmental facie are in higher density near fresh water sources such as creeks, rivers, and lakes. Lithic sites, villages, burial sites, quarries, and rock art sites have been recorded within this facie. Terrestrial resources will dominate the faunal record for these sites. This is also where rock sources would be located either as primary or secondary sources through exposed bedrock or cobbles in riverbeds. Due to the dense vegetation and mammals present in this facie, soil development and bioturbation will most likely be present at these sites. However, better preserved features and in situ artifacts can be expected. While sites are expected to be more dense near water systems, this facie has been observed to have few and widely spread sites as compared to other coastal facies as outlined in Davis et al (2008). 2.6. Evolving Coastline A stable coastline would allow for improved preservation of archaeological sites. However, Oregon's coastline has been actively evolving in result to a fluctuation in sediment supply, energy, and relative sea level. The Oregon coastline has been and continues to be a dynamic environment. With a proper balance of sediment accumulation and land stability, archaeological sites would be well preserved with a high amount of detail or resolution. This, however, is not a characteristic feature of the Oregon coast as it has existed during the archaeological past. The Oregon coast appeared to early people differently than the way it looks today. The first people arrived to the coast during the time when glaciers continued to rapidly melt at the end of the last glacial maximum. Since much of the world's water was still on land in the form of glaciers, the sea level for the coast would be lower than today. As the 22 glaciers continued to melt, the eustatic sea level rose. Approximately 8,000 years ago the rate of sea level change slowed as the eustatic sea level began to stabilize (Jenevein, 2009). In relation to the lower sea level, the environmental facies would be located further west. The Devils Kitchen site today is situated close to the intertidal zone, however, this was not always so. By reconstructing the environmental facie zone shifts throughout the time of human occupation at the Devils Kitchen site, we can begin to hypothesize what activities people were doing and where they were being done. Resource Changes With a location shift in environmental facies comes a shift in resource location relative to a stationary spot, such as the Devils Kitchen site. The modern position of resources do not represent their location in the past. As the environmental facies shifted in reaction to a rise in relative sea level, the resource zones were displaced, causing people also shift in order to continue to use those resources zones. To better understand where people were utilizing particular coastal and nearby landscapes, it is essential to know where that landscape was located during the time of occupation. 2.7. Expected Observations Understanding that the environmental facies have shifted throughout the time of human occupation, there are a few features that are expected to be seen in the stratigraphy. The classification and distinction of environmental facies can be based on the depositional process in which that facie is influenced by. Evidence of the depositional environment can be imprinted and preserved in the stratigraphy in the form of grain size and texture. The evidence of soil development can also be an indication of a particular facie. When there is a change in the depositional environment or a facie shift over time, it will be noticeable in the site's stratigraphy. With the shift of depositional processes comes a shift in the environmental facies. This also influences the activities people are partaking as a result of the change in available resources. A change in activities is reflected in the archaeological record as an artifact assemblage change. As more marine resources become available in closer 23 proximity to the site, people will be making and leaving behind the tools used to gather and processes these marine resources. The sites within this changing environment are anticipated to also change location and densities to match the concentration and location of desirable resources. Therefore, it is expected to see sites containing a higher density of artifacts to exist in a stratigraphic layer representing a littoral environment where resources are concentrated and a lower density of artifacts in a forested environment layer where sites are scattered. This further emphasizes the recommendation to identify the environmental facie present for the studied time period in order to better predict the locations of archaeological sites. Testing our Expectations at the Devils Kitchen Site The Devils Kitchen site has a buried cultural component that spans over thousands of years. It was predicted to have experienced environmental facie shifts over its location. Understanding the natural transformation processes that occurred through time will help explain the nature of preserved or altered deposits that contain cultural material. Before examining the stratigraphy of the site, predictions can be made on what is expected to be seen imprinted from the environmental facie shifts over time. The horizontal movement of the depositional system within each facie is represented by the vertical accumulation of deposits. Studying these deposits will help define the environmental facie it represents. To connect the identified environmental facies with the represented artifact record, a comparison of the artifact densities for each horizon might coincide with what is expected; e.g., a less artifact density in alluvial deposits as compared with other deposits. Studying the artifacts within each represented environmental facie is used to help answer how people are using that location through time, not how the people's culture changed through time. It is assumed that as the environment changes for a location, people will move and change their activity to adapt to the new ecology. 24 Figure 2.1. A coastal facies model showing the relation of coastal environments. "Description: LP—late Pleistocene; LH—late Holocene; LIT—littoral; EST—estuary; CP—coastal plain; R/H—riparian/headland; UB—upland basin. Capitalized codes reflect early site functional types while lowercase codes reflect site functional types ―modern‖ coastal environments (late Holocene)" (from Davis et al. 2009:Figure 9). 25 CHAPTER 3. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION The research presented here takes a geoarchaeological approach to examine the Devils Kitchen archaeological site and answer questions concerning its formation and preservation. Geoarchaeology is often defined as archaeology research that uses methods and theories from the geosciences, including geology and soil science (Goldberg & Macphail, 2006; Hassan, 1979; Waters, 1992). Research in geoarchaeology is one contribution of a multidisciplinary study used to reconstruct and understand past human ecosystems. Waters outlines the objectives of a geoarchaeology study into three parts: 1. ―Place sites and their contents in a relative and absolute temporal context through the application of stratigraphic principles and absolute dating techniques. 2. Understand the natural processes of site formation. 3. Reconstruct the landscape that existed around a site or group of sites at the time of occupation‖ (1992:7-12; Renfrew, 1976). These geoarchaeology objectives are the basis in formulating the goals of this research. The methods used to gather and analyze data from the Devils Kitchen site and state park land are focused on identifying the nature and preservation of subsurface deposits and how they relate to cultural material found at the site. 3.1. Pairing Archaeology and Geoscience Subsurface investigations allow for a reconstruction of the natural environment available to early people along the northwest coast, a subsurface investigation has to take place. Along the Oregon coast, many of the deposits that might contain evidence of early people are buried, making them difficult to locate without further investigation. Identifying the sediments (or deposit) which represent the time period of interest will also locate areas that have high potential for hosting an early, preserved archaeological site (Lyman, 2009; Hall et al., 2005;Waters, 1992). The deposit of the right age (DORA) is identified using geologic and soil science practices. 26 The Oregon coast is a dynamic landscape as a result of multiple geologic processes that have influenced its lands over time and space. Sediments have been deposited and imprinted by soil processes which can alter the appearance and texture of the original deposit. Along with the knowledge of the influence both geologic and soil processes forces can have on an archaeological site, it is also critical to understand that the defined DORA for a particular location is not going to be unanimous along the coastline. Therefore, each area of investigation will have its own DORA, set by the research questions and localized studies. Once the DORA has been defined, those targeted sediments can be compared to those found within the local landscape. Wherever this DORA is found, an early, preserved prehistoric site has potential to exist within its sediments which could be investigated further. By probing into the landscape and borrowing practices from the geosciences and soil sciences, the geoarchaeologist can begin to search for horizons that could possibly host evidence of early people while at the same time reconstructing the paleolandscape. The landscape reconstruction shows environments that no longer exist today and can help answer questions about a site’s post-depositional processes. Geoarchaeological studies focusing on oceanic coasts are not uncommon (e.g., Waters 1992; 1999; Wells & Noller, 1999), however, few studies along on the Oregon coast examine the prehistoric landscape (e.g., Davis, 2006; Jenevein, 2010; Punke, 2001; 2006; Punke and Davis, 2003). The work done by Jenevein outlines a structure for geoarchaeological studies along the central Oregon coast (2010). Much of the methods applied in his thesis will be used here and applied to the Devils Kitchen archaeological site. Stratigraphic Units in Archaeological Sites It is critical to understand the differences between different stratigraphic units and what it means to the archaeological record. Stratigraphy has different specific definitions across disciplines. For this research in geoarchaeology it will be defined as ―the study of the spatial and temporal relationship between sediments and soils‖ (Goldberg & Macphail, 2006; Waters, 1992: 60). An explanation of the stratigraphic sequence for a site outlines the depositional environments that are being altered across periods of 27 stability, deposition, or erosion. The stratigraphic units that are commonly referenced and discussed in geoarchaeology are lithostratigraphic units, pedostratigraphic units, and chronostratigraphic units (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 2005; Waters, 1992). Simply explained: a lithostratigraphic unit is a continual mode of deposition of sediments; a pedostratigraphic unit is an identified horizon of soil development; and chronostratigraphic units are series of absolute dates representing time blocks separated by changes in depositional environments (Goldberg & Macphail, 2006; Waters, 1992). Identifying and interpreting the different units within an archaeological site is critical for reconstructing a paleoenvironment and understanding when people were at the site and how the site has been impacted throughout time. Lithostratigraphic units (LU) represent changes in depositional environment. These units explain how sediment came to that location and ultimately buried the archaeology material. The boundaries between LUs are markers for changes in depositional forces which can also be markers for a period of time that is missing at a site due to erosion or lack of sedimentation, known as an unconformity. If there is no new sediment being deposited at the site or no erosion of sediment, then, over time, it's stable surface will being to develop a soil. Soil development imprints over LUs often changing their physical appearance. This imprinting, post-depositional process can cross LU boundaries making pedostratigraphic units (PU) often existing out of sync with LUs (Waters, 1992). While PUs can identify stable surfaces that could host archaeological material, its lower units within the same soil series are not good indicators of previous occupation surfaces. When wanting to date artifacts by the context they are found in, samples will need to be within the same LU since that represents the deposition of the site. Defining chronostratigraphic units (CU) is typically done using radiocarbon dates that are associated with artifacts. Involving the identification of the LUs and PUs of the site to support the association with the sample and the artifacts can strengthen the evidence needed to explain that the items are in situ, or undisturbed. Stratigraphic profiles of a site should show boundaries for both the LUs and PUs when possible in order to fully explain the depositional and post-depositional processes that occurred and is fundamental for studying the geoarchaeological context of a site. 28 3.2. Subsurface Testing at the Devils Kitchen Site Expectations that an archaeological site was originally deposited by means of Law of Superposition is the starting point in examining a buried site (Harris, 1989). Subsurface testing is one way that the researcher finds exceptions to horizontal stratigraphic layering and can begin to understand the site’s matrix, that is, the nature of the material that physically surrounds cultural artifacts and features. An archaeological site’s matrix is the element that archaeologists can use to reconstruct how the site was built and preserved from the time it was created to when it is being excavated or destroyed. At the Devils Kitchen site, completed subsurface testing revealed preserved deposits containing cultural material that dated to around the mid-Holocene (Davis et al., 2008; Hall et al., 2005). To gain insight on what was to be expected with further subsurface testing at the Devils Kitchen site, reports on the previous excavations of two 1 x 1 meter test units (Unit A and Unit B) were reviewed. I expected to observe a stratified LU series deposits with soil imprinting. Since the Devils Kitchen State Park is a large area, a uniform 20 m interval grid sampling method was originally proposed to obtain 50 hand-auger test units outside of the site’s boundary. To understand the geoarchaeological structure of the immediate surrounding area, the augers were distributed outside the existing site’s boundaries but within the Devils Kitchen State Park. The most western edge of the area were first sampled. Additional samples were selected based on in-field landform observations and on discrepancies in the previous sample’s sediments and artifact content. Large sand dune mounds limited the depth of some augers, and encroaching gorse prevented access to areas and were avoided. If sediment samples were observed that were unique to the previous auger, then more augers were placed in attempt to explain the discrepancy. Between 2009 and 2011, a total of 33 round bucket hand augers were excavated and screened at 10 cm arbitrary levels with vertical control measured relative to its surface (Figure 3.1). A sediment sample was taken from each 10 cm level for further lab testing, producing a total of 660 sediment samples, while the rest of the matrix was passed through a ⅛‖ mesh screen for artifact recovery. After each level was excavated, it was described generally based on pedogenic and lithostratigraphic properties along with a 29 count of recovered archaeological materials. Termination of each auger was determined based on inability to continue into additional levels (i.e., ground was too cemented to physically auger or the depth exceeded the length of the auger extensions). If archaeological material was found, additional augers were placed around the positive auger, in order to understand the extent of a possible cultural deposit. All archaeological material found within the augers were noted and collected for cataloging. While hand augers are a quick way to examine subsurface deposits, analysis is limited. In order to view the structure and stratified nature of deposits at the Devils Kitchen site, the complete, intact stratigraphy needs to be visible. From 2010 to 2013 two 2 x 2 m units were excavated to gain more insight on the archaeology and geoarchaeology nature of the site and area. One unit (Unit C) was placed on a flat area, clear of gorse, at the southwestern part of the site. Unit C is further west of units A and B and is within the site’s boundary. Since the stratigraphy reported in Davis et al. is combined from Unit A and Unit B, the larger Unit C was opened to gain a clear overview of the stratigraphy of the site with addition to a larger sample of the archaeology and potential for radiocarbon dates. The second 2 x 2 m unit (Unit D) was placed near the park’s restrooms on a small hill which represents a larger dune deposit. Although Unit D is outside of the site’s boundaries, it was placed where three augers tested positive for archaeological material including shell which had not been seen at the Devils Kitchen site before. Being approximately 200 m northeast from Unit C, the stratigraphy of Unit D is compared with that of the other units for commonalities and differences. Both units C and D were excavated in either 20 cm or 10 cm arbitrary levels with vertical control measured relative to a datum set individually at each of the unit’s surface. If a change in stratigraphic unit was noticed, the level was terminated prematurely or slightly extended to expose the natural surface of the horizon. Arbitrary 10 cm levels were continued thereafter. Levels were dug using square shovels, skimming material off at approximately one centimeter at a time. Any artifacts found while skim shoveling were mapped in situ and bagged individually. If a feature or possible artifact cluster appeared, excavation technique was switched to using trowels to remove sediment more carefully. All material removed from the units during excavations were passed through a ⅛‖ mesh screen where archaeological artifacts were collected for cataloging. Charcoal 30 was only collected from in situ. Excavations of Unit C ended at 270 cm below surface (BS) when a compact, cemented sandstone was encountered, making excavation difficult without a pickaxe. Unit D was terminated at 270 cm due to collapsing sidewalls and the unit getting too deep to continue without creating safety benches. Armed with additional technological devices, units C and D were documented in the field in ways that were not available during the excavations of Units A and B. A portable x-ray fluorescence device (PXRF) was used in the field to gather geochemical data on the observed lithostratigraphic units from units C and D (Figures 3.2 to 3.4). An Olympus DELTA handheld PXRF analyzer, configured in Soil analysis mode, was used to gather all in-field samples. PXRF readings were taken from the south wall of Unit D focusing on sampling LUs and any variation within such as color or texture. Additional PXRF readings were taken from the southern portion of the western wall of Unit C focusing on soil horizons. Sediment samples of each PU were collected from Unit C’s north and west walls for additional PXRF readings in the lab (see section below on Laboratory Methods for more details). A series of high resolution, close up digital photos were taken of Unit C’s four walls to be stitched together later for an accurate, to scale photo that can be used to create figures to show detailed stratigraphy. Typically wall photos are taken at an angle due to the depth of the unit and width limitations. Over 100 photos were taken of each wall at a close-up horizontal, level shot then combined in a mosaic pattern to create a single photo with high detail known as a gigapixel photo. Each photo is digitally large (over 3 gigabytes) and provides a clear photographed image of a unit’s wall that can be closely examined by future researchers without having to reopen the unit. 3.3. Laboratory Methods All data and samples collected in the field were taken back to the Pacific Slope Archaeological Laboratory (PSAL) at Oregon State University for further testing and analysis. Here I will review the methods used at the PSAL to obtain information from the samples which will be used in an analysis to answer the research goals. 31 Auger Sediment Samples A total of 660 sediment samples were collected from each excavated level of 32 augers. Due to collection errors, some samples had to be removed from analysis. A total of 644 samples from 30 augers (auger units 7 and 28 were removed) are used in this research's analysis. The samples are analyzed to achieve the goal of understanding the nature of the depositional environment and preservation of a paleolandscape at the Devils Kitchen State Park. Through grain size, textural, and color analysis the depositional environments present at each auger can be illustrated. Grain size is a fundamental physical property of sediment and is used to study the surface process conditions of transportation and deposition. Through grain size, the texture can be identified which categorizes the sediment based on the percentages of grain sizes. Color analysis is one property to describe soil horizons which is influenced by decomposition of organics, chemical weathering of minerals such as iron and manganese, and parent minerals (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker Sediment samples taken from each level excavated from each auger were ran through a Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker. A 100 g loose sample from each auger level was dried for 20 minutes at 100º F to remove moisture but not burn off organic material. The dried sample was then put into the Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker for 15 minutes where it was organized by grain size through 6 sieves. The U.S. Standard Sieve Size numbers are 10, 18, 35, 60, 120, 230, and a pan which are interpreted by grain size as granule, very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, very fine sand, and silt and clay respectively (Wentworth, 1922). At the end of this process, the sediment in each sieve is weighed and recorded. Each sediment sample is recorded with the percentage of each grain size it contains (Appendix A). Statistical Analysis Analyzed results will detail the sediment’s degree of sorting, textural group, and grain size of each auger level sample. This information can interpret the depositional environment that each level represents. The statistical analysis numerically explains each 32 sample's range within its standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of the grain size percentages. The higher the standard deviation, the more dispersed the data is from its mean, therefore having more grain size variation within the sample (Boggs, 2006). A standard deviation closer to 0 is less variation, therefore the sample is well sorted with minimal grain size variation. On a scale from fine to coarse grain size, skewness states what grain size is more present. A negative skewness means the sample has more fine grains while a positive skewness indicates more coarse grains. If the skewness is symmetrical, then there is an even amount of both grain sizes (Boggs, 2006). The kurtosis of a sample will also explain grain sorting. A sample with a low kurtosis number is platykurtic, a high number is leptokurtic, or a middle number between 0 and 3 is mesokurtic. Leptokurtic samples have a high occurrence of one grain size while platykurtic samples have a more steady occurrence across multiple grain sizes. The statistical analysis of the auger sediment sieve data was done in the GRADISTAT Ver. 8.0 program (accessible online at . The results associated with grain sorting and texture are used to determine the boundaries of depositional environments. Parameters of the program are outlined by its developer, Simon J. Blott (2010): Grain size parameters are calculated arithmetically and geometrically (in microns) and logarithmically (using the phi scale) (Krumbein and Pettijohn, 1938; Table 1). Linear interpolation is also used to calculate statistical parameters by the Folk and Ward (1957) graphical method and derive physical descriptions (such as ―very coarse sand‖ and ―moderately sorted‖). The program also provides a physical description of the textural group which the sample belongs to and the sediment name (such as ―fine gravelly coarse sand‖) after Folk (1954). Munsell Colors Each auger sample is identified by their dry Munsell Color (Appendix B). The Munsell Colors is a standardized way to color a soil (Munsell Soil Color Charts, 2009). 33 The colors can be used to relate the auger samples to other augers’ and units’ stratigraphy for correlation and difference. A color change in stratigraphy will be a general indication of a LU or PU change. If there is a difference in the auger sample as compared to the units, the Munsell Color cannot be used to absolutely identify the sediment or soil, only infer that there is a difference and suggest possible reasons for the variance. Color is a result of minerals, organics, and oxidization (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005), however, further testing will need to occur before the reason for a change in color can be identified. In attempt to keep the variance in color identification to a minimum, all Munsell Colors were identified by a single person within a consistent, controlled lighted environment. PXRF Samples Bulk samples taken from the north and west wall of Unit C were submitted for geochemical examination. By using the PXRF on sediment samples I can analyze the elemental chemistry of the sediment without destroying or altering the sample. Using xrays, the PXRF excites the atoms in the sample causing inner shell electrons to become ejected and then replaced with high-energy electrons (Davis et al., 2012). X-rays unique to each element are fluoresced back to the PXRF device, which reads and translates this signal into the kind and amount of different elements Shackley (2012). Samples were analyzed using the Olympus DELTA Premium handheld PXRF analyzer, configured in Soil analysis mode. This PXRF was equipped with a 40kV, 4W, Rh, Au anode X-ray tube with a large area silica drift detector for element measurement and backscatter sensing. X-ray correction was accomplished via Compton Normalization and translated into elemental composition by a 530 MHz CPU with integrated FPU (128 MB RAM) and proprietary Olympus Digital Pulse Processor (, 2015). To run a PXRF sample, small amount of sediment was taken from a sealed bulk sample and packed into a 32mm plastic cup. A 0.14 mil plastic film was placed over the top and secured tightly with plastic rings. The PXRF device was connected to a docking station that was connected to a computer with Microsoft Excel used to extract the data. A calibration check was conducted on a stainless steel reference ingot before and periodically during the PXRF analysis. Three other standards were measured to verify 34 that the elements detected in soil mode were within error boundaries of the reading and that there was no detector drift. The NIST_2710a, NIST_612, and NIST_2711a standards were run at the start of each analysis session and after the completion of approximately 30 sample analyses (Appendix D). Every sample was read by the PXRF under three beams, or filter configurations, set as copper filter at 40 keV, aluminum filter at 14 keV, and no filter at 40 keV. The sample was subjected to each beam for 45 seconds. PXRF analysis results were recorded in Excel, showing the elemental parts per million (ppm) detected in the sample. If any particular element returned 75% of more detection errors, then that element was eliminated from the dataset. In other lower percentage cases, elemental measurements returning below level of detection (<LOD) results were replaced with a random number between .0001 and the detection limit of the device (Antweiler & Taylor, 2007; Nyers, 2013). Statistical analysis on the PXRF sample data from Units C and D (Appendix C) will examine if the soil samples collected are distinguishable between one another through geochemical analysis and will identify the elements that are diagnostic for each soil horizon. 3.4. Landscape Reconstruction at Devils Kitchen State Park Analysis on in-field and lab data are combined to be used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment for the occupation instances at the Devils Kitchen site. Archaeologically relevant deposits within the Devils Kitchen site will be defined based on cultural finds and the associated stratigraphy from excavated units A thru C. Deposits containing cultural material where observed within multiple auger units from throughout the Devils Kitchen State Park. Deducing the boundaries of sediment textures, the two depositional systems seen at the site are identified through the auger units and are visually portrayed in the fence diagrams shown in chapter 4. The PXRF data will provide geochemical descriptions of the soil horizons observed during excavations. All of the analyzed data combined are used to identify intact sediments within the state park that represent a paleoenvironment. 35 Figure 3.1. Aerial photo from Google Maps (2014) showing the Devils Kitchen State Park with auger units and test units locations. The size of the labels is not to scale. Auger 32 is over Unit C and was not analyzed. 36 Figure 3.2. Locations outlined in red of the PXRF samples from Unit C's north wall. 37 Figure 3.3. Locations outlined and pointed in red of the PXRF samples from Unit C's west wall. 38 Figure 3.4. Locations outlined in red of the PXRF samples from Unit D's south wall. 39 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION This chapter will describe the results of the in-field and laboratory investigations and will provide a geoarchaeological characterization of the Devils Kitchen State Park. First the site's stratigraphy will be explained based on observations of the lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic units. Then, the statistical analysis of the geochemistry of in-field and lab samples will be outlined followed by the results of the analysis. Next, the results of texture and color analysis of the auger unit samples are explained along with a landscape interpretation. Lastly, radiocarbon dates are implemented to help explain the stratigraphic sequence at the site. 4.1. Physical Stratigraphy and Soil Development The stratigraphic record of the Devils Kitchen site is based on the previous observations from excavations in 2002 (Davis et al., 2008) and recent excavations from two 2 x 2 m test units (C and D). Stratigraphic profiles were created for Unit C and D by using gigapixel photography and graphic overlays that show the boundaries between stratigraphic units (Figures 4.1 to 4.5). These profiles show the distribution of lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic units and the position of radiocarbon-dated samples and form the basis for describing the site’s formation history. Lithostratigraphy The LUs are stratigraphic layers that are formed following the Law of Superposition and can be identified by the nature of its sediments North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 2005; Waters, 1992). At the Devils Kitchen site, six LUs (LU1-5 and 4a) were identified from Units D and C. The units are composed of aeolian or alluvial deposits and are defined based on the sediment's grain size and the sorting of. All discussed LUs were observed in Unit C, however, Unit D had to be terminated early and only LU5 and LU6 were revealed. 40 Lithostratigraphic Unit 1: LU1 is the deepest deposit encountered at the Devils Kitchen site during the latest excavations and is the base for the four LUs above. This deposit was only uncovered at Unit C, and is suspected to be directly above a weak sandstone bedrock. LU1 is a compact, cemented layer with grey nodules and subrounded sand. It is comprised of a well sorted, slightly very fine gravelly fine sand, and is most likely a compressed sand dune. The thickness of this unit is unknown since here is where excavations terminated due to the difficulty of excavating through this hardened, compressed layer. The upper boundary between LU1 and LU2 is sharp and wavy, representing an unconformity, and appears in Unit C approximately 265 cm below the surface (BS). Lithostratigraphic Unit 2: LU2 represents moderately sorted slightly gravelly sands. Soil imprinting has occurred, giving some areas a slightly more yellow color. This unit averages 15 cm thick and appears in Unit C at approximately 250 cm BS. The upper boundary of LU2 is wavy and fairly sharp. There are very few sandstone nodules, which are commonly seen in above units. This unit is representing a low energy alluvial deposit with subangular sands. Lithostratigraphic Unit 3: LU3 is a poorly sorted, very fine gravelly medium sand, with subangular to angular clasts. Observed in Unit C at approximately 220 cm BS, the unit averages 20 cm in thickness and has a blended, smooth boundary which is made difficult to delineate due to soil imprinting. There are iron-manganese nodules in its matrix along with cemented sandstone conglomerate nodules ranging in size from 2 to 50 millimeters. LU3 represents an alluvial deposit and is diagnostic with the appearance of the sandstone conglomerates. Lithostratigraphic Unit 5: LU5 is very similar to LU3. The sediment is very poorly sorted, very fine gravelly medium to fine sand, with subrounded to angular clasts. Its upper boundary is sharp, and is a buried surface that was once stable. LU5 is seen in Unit C and D at approximately 130 cm BS and in Unit D at approximately 190 cm BS. In Unit C the unit is approximately 120 cm thick. Iron-manganese nodules are found 41 throughout the matrix with a higher concentration at the lower boundary. The cemented sandstone conglomerate nodules range in size from 2 to 20 millimeters with larger nodules existing in the lower boundary. LU5 represents an alluvial deposit. Lithostratigraphic Unit 4: LU4 is the remains of an intact alluvial deposit that has been heavily eroded and filled in by LU3 and LU5. The boundary of LU4 is irregular and sharp with a rough oval shape on Unit C’s north wall and is approximately 40 cm thick. The unit is mostly present in Unit C’s north and south walls, suggesting more erosion occurred along its western and eastern boundaries. LU4 represents an alluvial deposit with sandstone nodules <10cm in size. LU4 was most likely observed in irregular pockets along the walls of Unit A and Unit B at similar depths, continuing the trend of this unit being heavily eroded. Lithostratigraphic Unit 6: LU6 is a very dark grey (2.5Y 3/1), well sorted, slightly very fine gravelly fine sand, with well rounded clasts that are loose within the matrix. This is the top unit that is seen in both Unit C and D as overlying all other LUs. The unit varies in thickness from 73 cm to 190 cm with more variance expected across the area. LU6 represents an aeolian dune deposit and is frequently observed throughout the Devils Kitchen State Park. Pedostratigraphy The pedostratigraphy for the Devils Kitchen site is defined based on the soil horizons observed in the field and described in Table 4.1. Samples from Units A and B were sent for analysis to the United States Department of Agriculture laboratory in Lincoln, Nebraska and to the Oregon State University Central Analytical Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. Annotations and descriptions for the soil horizons are used to identify the PUs for Unit C and D after in-field observations coincided with the soil horizons described from Units A and B. In total, 5 PUs, or soils, were observed during excavations. 42 Pedostratigraphic Unit S1: S1 is the lowest PU seen at the Devils Kitchen site and consists of extremely gravelly sands. This soil has been heavily eroded and is buried. Only part of its C horizon is still preserved and is represented at the site as 5Cb2 that is olive yellow (2.5Y 6/6) colored. S1 is associated with LU1. Since the bottom of S1 was not reached during excavations due to its hardness preventing further digging, the thickness of S1 is unknown. Pedostratigraphic Unit S2: S2 consists of loamy fine sands that are part of the C horizon of the soil. Other horizons have been eroded before the soil was buried. Due to erosion, the thickness of S2 varies from 20 cm to 50 cm. S2 is associated with LU2 and contains 4Cb1 that is yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) colored. Pedostratigraphic Unit S3: S3 consists of brown (7.5YR 4/4) clay loam. Only a portion of the weakly developed B horizon is preserved from this soil sequence, represented as 3Bwb2 at the site. Iron-manganese nodules are present within this B horizon. The thickness of S3 varies from 10 cm to 30 cm. S3 is associated with LU3. Pedostratigraphic Unit S4: S4 consists of a yellowish brown (10YR5/4) clay loam. With the presence of a moderate subangular blocky structure and spherical iron-manganese nodules within its matrix, this horizon most likely is the remainder of a weakly developed buried B horizon (Bwb). This horizon was not interpreted from previous studies, and is not included in the soil description of the site (Davis et al., 2008). The boundary of this unit is the sharpest at its southern, western, and eastern edges. Heavy erosion has almost completely removed this soil from the site. S4 is associated with LU4. 43 Pedostratigraphic Unit S5: S5 consists of loamy soil with an increase of iron-manganese nodules. This soil has diagnostic sandstone clasts that range in size from 1 cm to 5 cm in diameter. The unit ranges in color from dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) to black (10R 2/1) as a result of soil imprinting. At the site, S5 is represented by the presence of 2Ab1, 2Ab2, and 2Bwb1, the largest and most intact soil observed. The boundary between 2Ab1 and 2Ab2 was not clear in Unit D, therefore those PUs are grouped together and labeled as 2Ab for analysis. The B horizon is weakly developed, however, this series is the largest evidence at the site of a buried, stable surface. While buried paleosols, like S5, could contain preserved archaeological material, other evidence presented later suggests that this soil could contain mixed deposits. S5 is associated with LU5 at the site. Pedostratigraphic Unit S6: S6 is the uppermost soil observed at the site. It consists of loamy fine sand to a single grained matrix of fine sand. Generally S6 is grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) with some darker horizons (2.5Y 3/2) that could represent intermittent A horizons, or periods of stability, within S6. This soil is represented at the site as an A horizon and is associated with LU6. Archaeological Stratigraphy Archaeological artifacts are direct evidence that people were utilizing the area. While an artifact analysis will not be included in this research, the presence and absence of artifacts and their associated stratigraphic unit will be presented. The artifacts were found during excavations of Units A-D. Since excavations were recorded in arbitrary levels, varying between 20 cm and 10 cm, the presence and absence of artifacts will be reported with 10 cm levels for easier cross unit comparison (Table 4.2). Artifacts were found in both the aeolian and alluvial deposits, however, the highest density of artifacts were found in the upper boundary of the alluvial deposit in units A, B, and C, within LU5 and LU3. LU4 was identified after excavations were completed, and therefore, artifacts associated with that unit will be determined once artifact maps have been completed. Unit D has a low artifact count (< 30 artifacts total) with a concentration overlapping the 44 lower aeolian boundary and the upper alluvial boundary. In general, the cultural material as observed in the excavated units appear to be concentrated below the aeolian dune (S6 and LU6) and above the C horizon (S2 and LU3). The Devils Kitchen site is situated today overlooking the beach on top of a bluff that is actively eroding into the ocean. Investigations have not identified a shell midden, a common feature representing the utilization of marine resources. Common artifacts found during excavations include CCS debitage and fire cracked rock (FCR). The FCR is typically river cobbles of local rock types, including CCS. Stone tools found are mostly bifaces. Preservation at the site is low with only a few pieces of bone. A single whale vertebra was found in Unit D, though no lithics were found in association. While some excavated levels only produced FCR, many of them were larger in size compared to naturally deposited nodules, suggesting that the rock is at least a manuport if not purposely heated by people. The occupation at the Devils Kitchen site appears to be more oriented to terrestrial resources with a lack of shells and a presence of stone tools and FCR, representing a landscape where marine resources were not as easily obtainable as they are today. 4.2. PXRF: Exploratory Data Analysis A total of 373 soil samples from units C and D from the Devils Kitchen State Park were analyzed using an Olympus DELTA Premium handheld PXRF analyzer. To ensure no one soil horizon dominated the analysis, I kept the sample size of each group consistent. There are nine soil groups (group 4a is LU4) with the smallest group containing 25 samples, therefore, all soil horizon groups were established with a total of 25 samples each. In order for each soil horizon, or group, to have 25 samples, I have excluded at random 126 samples from soil horizon A, 16 from soil horizon 2Bwb1, and 6 from soil horizon 2Ab. The remaining 225 uncalibrated PXRF data (Appendix C) were analyzed using a multivariate statistical approach using JMP version 11.0 using procedures outlined in similar, recent research (Davis et al., 2012; Templ et al., 2008). A similar statistical analysis was ran on 602 PXRF data from the auger samples (Appendix E), however, the analysis was inconclusive possibly due to contamination issues from vertical mixing within the open augers. 45 The goals of this analysis were to: 1. determine whether the soil horizons could be distinguished based on chemistry, 2. identify elemental groups that are diagnostic or key for identifying the sample's soil horizon of origin, 3. use the chemical data to understand the source(s) of these sediments and/or the environment they represent. All of the following analyses were done using log10 transformed data in order to reduce issues of skewness, kurtosis, and scale between elements (Drennan, 2004; Shennan, 1997; Templ et al., 2008). A total of 20 elements were recorded by the PXRF device: arsenic (As), barium (Ba), bismuth (Bi), calcium (Ca), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), rubidium (Rb), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr), thorium (Th), titanium (Ti), yttrium (Y), zinc (Zn), and zirconium (Zr). To get a general determination of diagnostic elements, a univariate one-way analysis was run in which element values were plotted by soil groups (Appendix F). Based on visual observation of these plots, it appears that the elements As, Ba, Bi, Ca, Co, Pb, Se, and Th might not be good discriminators. The one-way graphs plotting these elements by soil group show the soil groups have similar levels of these elements, meaning that these elements cannot be used to uniquely identify a soil horizon. All elements were put into a bivariate scatterplot matrix where each element is graphed against another element. This is a visual, graphical representation of how well the ratio of two elements can separate the soil groups and is an explanatory tool, not a discriminate tool (Figure 4.6). If the data points for a soil group are clustered on a graph and separated from other soil groups, then those elements might discriminate that soil group from the others. For example, the ratio of Zr to Ba could discriminate 5Cb2 from the other soil groups, but does not discriminate 4Cb1 from 3Bwb2. These correlations are shown in Table 4.3 where the closer to 1 the value is, the stronger positive correlation the elements have with each other. If the value is close to -1, the elements have a strong negative correlation, that is, as one element increases in presence the other element decreases. The highest correlation observed was 0.92 (between Cr and Zr), but in general, the correlations do not reach the threshold (0.95) to show evidence of high intercorrelations that rise to the level of multicollinearity. 46 Can the PXRF data distinguish soil horizons? In order to evaluate the differences between soil horizons a discriminant analysis will help identify variables, or elements, that are the best at distinguishing the soil horizons. A discriminant analysis shows the differences between two or more groups with respect to several variables; in a step-wise discriminate process, elements are selected in order of their ability to distinguish among groups. The results also suggest ways in which the groups differ based on the strength of the discriminating variables which the researcher can use for interpretation (Klecka, 1980). In a step-wise discriminant analysis 12 elements were found to be significant (p ≤ 0.05) in separating the soil groups. In order of the greatest discriminatory power to the least, the elements identified were Fe, Zr, Rb, Mn, Sr, Ti, Ni, Zn, K, Cr, Ba, and Co. Applying this model showed that 5Cb2 and A horizons are clearly separated from the other soil groups (Figure 4.7), however, the other soil groups are not well separated and needed to be analyzed separately. In this first discriminant analysis 13 (5.8%) samples have been misclassified, meaning these samples were identified as belonging to one soil group but statistically they were classified to another soil group. Four samples were labeled as 2Ab2 but were classified as 2Ab1. The elemental data for these four samples were read in the field, and the boundary between 2Ab1 and 2Ab2 is blended causing difficulty when identifying an accurate soil boundary. A similar situation occurred with five samples that were labeled as 2Bwb1 but classified as 3Bwb2. It is important to point out that all misclassified samples were classified to an adjacent soil, one that shares a boundary with the soil that the sample was identified with. These misclassified samples are most likely a result of indeterminate boundary lines due to blended soil boundaries rather than errors in the PXRF reading. In order to better separate other soil groups, soil groups 5Cb2 and A were excluded in a second discriminant analysis using the same criteria. This time, 10 elements were found to be significant (p ≤ 0.05), Mn, Sr, Fe, Rb, Zn, Ti, Ni, Zr, K, and Y, in order of greatest discriminatory power to the least. Elements Ba, Co, and Cr were not included, while Y was added. This already suggests that Ba and Co could be strong discriminants for soils 5Cb2 and A from the other soil groups. Results from the analysis 47 better separated the remaining soil groups from one another visually, although the number of misclassified samples was 12 (6.9%) (Figure 4.8). Again, these misclassified samples were identified as belonging to an adjacent soil. To better see the groupings of the soil samples, the canonical variates were graphed on a 3D scatterplot (Figure 4.9). This shows that 2Ab and 2Ab1 are somewhat better separated and that the other soil groups are more distinct from one another than the canonical 2D plot shows. After going through the above tests, an exploratory data analysis indicates that elements Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, Ti, Y, Zn, and Zr can be used to successfully discriminate between the soil horizons seen the Devils Kitchen site. These 13 elements are the combined elements from the two step-wise analyses. Analysis of the PXRF samples only including data from these diagnostic elements will better illustrate the similarities and differences between the soil groups. From there, the correlations between elements is found and used to describe the soil groups based on their geochemical makeup. Exploring Chemical Variation among Soil Horizons The diagnostic elements identified through discriminant analysis showed that the soil groups can be distinguished based on chemical data. To understand how the elements relate or correlate to one another as reflected in the samples, a principal components analysis (PCA) was implemented; PCA identifies interelement correlations and linearly transforms them into a set of new variables called principal components (PCs). These PCs are a smaller set of variables that are uncorrelated, making them easier to interpret and use in future analysis (Dunteman, 1989). A principal component analysis was run using all 20 elements detected by the PXRF. Since there were 20 variables that are independent from one another (have no exact linear dependencies), there are 20 PCs total (Figure 4.10). Guidelines for deciding the number of PCs to save for future analysis are, 1. to keep those PCs that have an eigenvalue of >1 (Kaiser, 1960), or 2. keep the PC's which explain a given cumulative percentage (e.g., 80% or 90%) of the variance (Dunteman, 1989). The key goal is to retain the PCs that contain enough information for interpretation while maintaining relevancy. For this analysis, there were four PCs with an eigenvalue of >1 and the first 48 eight PCs had a cumulative percentage of 90% of the variance. To further examine the PCs and decide on how many to save, the correlations of the first eight PCs to the 20 elements were examined (Table 4.4). I decided to save the first four PCs, using those PCs with an eigenvalue of >1 for a cumulative percentage of 75%. Based on a visual examination of the total structure coefficients, it is clear that the strength of correlation drops and the number of elements showing correlation decreases significantly after PC 4. I determined that the first four PCs contained significant variation amongst soil horizons and are sufficient for an interpretation of the soil chemical data. When interpreting elemental data from soil, it is crucial to understand that soil obtains elements in multiple ways. Elements can be present in the soil sample as a result of the soil's parent material, in-place weathering caused by soil formation processes, and human depositing elements from their activities. For this research, interpretation will be focused on elements coming from the soil's parent material and formation processes. However, it is difficult to determine with exactness the reason for the presence of the elements without further lab testing. I will outline the elemental trends outlined in the statistical data and how that relates to soils. The first PC illustrated a strong positive correlation between Fe, Ti, Zn, Co, Ba, Cu, and As along with a strong negative correlation between K and Sr (Table 4.4). Most of the first set of elements are transition metals which as a group are characteristic of mafic minerals found in basalts. In addition, some metals, especially Fe, are known for having several oxidization states, making important markers of a range of different soil formation processes (Gill, 1989). Color in soil can be caused by the oxidization of these transition metals which often occurs through soil formation (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Ba is likely to be found in igneous rocks along with Fe, but is considered to be less mobile. Ti-rich minerals are very resistant to weathering, therefore appearing in older, more developed soils (Kabata-Pendias & Mukherjee, 2007). In contrast, Sr is an alkaline earth element and K is an alkali metal; both are indicative of feldspars. The soil horizons A and 5Cb2 score low on this first PC, suggesting that the elemental concentrations of the metals vary inversely with the amount of fine sands that characterize both horizons (dune and sandstone, respectively). 49 As can be seen in Figure 4.10 soil horizons A and 5Cb2 (dune and sandstone, respectively) score low on this first PC, suggesting that they are low in metals and high in elements representing feldspar (K and Sr). Quartz and feldspars are common minerals to find in soils with a parent material of sandstone (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Soil horizons 2Ab1, 2Ab2, 2Bwb1, 3Bwb2, and 4a score the highest on the first PC, suggesting that they are high in metals but low in feldspar elements. The first PC is dividing the sand horizons from the loam and clay-loam horizons, also interpreted as the highly weathered sediment from the immature sediment. The second PC shows a strong positive correlation between Y, Zr, Mn, Cr, Ca, and Sr with a negative correlation with Pb, Rb, and Ni. Many of these elements are considered heavier, resistant metals that are largely inherited from the parent material. The Klamath Mountain formation provides parent material more inland and contains igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, and granodiorite in addition to serpentinite (Baldwin, 1981). Ca and Mn are found in high amounts amongst these rocks; Cr is particularly characteristic of serpentine. PC 2 is representing those soil horizons that are mostly influenced by their parent material, which are described to be coarser, less developed soils (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Soil horizons A, 2Ab, and 2Ab1 score high on PC 2, suggesting that they are high in the heavy metals while low in Pb, Rb, and Ni. Soil horizon 5Cb2 scores the lowest on PC 2, however it is not much lower than the rest of the soil horizons: 2Ab2, 2Bwb1, 3Bwb2, 4a, and 4Cb1 (Figure 4.10). The third PC demonstrated a strong positive correlation between Th, Rb, and K which are alkali metals. Rb is described as largely deriving from the soil's parent material, commonly from igneous rocks (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Rb is considered a trace element in rocks and is often observed with K. K is richly found in granitics and other felsic igneous rocks and is often easily dissolved when weathered (Gill, 1989). With regard to Th, organic substances and clay minerals are the most important sorbents of this element; thus, Th is typically seen in soils that are near aquatic systems (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). Soil horizons 2Ab1 and 5Cb2 score the highest on PC 3, suggesting they are high in alkali metals relative to the other soil horizons. Soil horizons 2Bwb1 and 3Bwb2 score the lowest on PC 3, suggesting they are low in alkali metals. The alkali 50 metals appear to be a discriminator between soil horizons A and 5Cb2 with horizon 5Cb2 containing more alkali metals than horizon A (Figure 4.11). The fourth PC showed a strong positive correlation with Bi and a negative correlation with As. Bi is a basic metal and As is a semimetal. As and Bi are typically described as a contaminant in soils from human activities such as industrial runoff, agricultural practices, and mining (Schaetzl & Anderson, 2005). A distinction of soil horizon scores on PC 4 was difficult to make (Figure 4.11). While every soil horizon had a handful of samples that showed higher scores on PC 4, no group was suggesting to be high in Bi and As. 4.3. PXRF: Cluster Analysis In order to illustrate how the previously identified 13 discriminating elements clearly distinguish the soil horizons, a cluster analysis was conducted. The goal of cluster analysis is to form clusters of highly similar samples creating relatively homogeneous groups (Aldenderfer & Blashfield, 1984). A cluster analysis will always result with data clustering. To confirm if the clusters are real and not imposed, a couple of cluster analyses will be made, one on the first four PCs and another on the 13 diagnostic elemental data. Ward's clustering method is often used in continuous numeric data such geochemical data analysis and aims to create groups that are as homogeneous as possible by minimizing within-group variance (Shennan, 1997) and will be the clustering method used. A Ward cluster analysis was executed using the retained four PC data (Figure 4.12) and the 13 diagnostic elements (Figure 4.13). There are a several different guidelines for determining how many groups or clusters should be saved so that the optimal number of groups is found. One method is to graph the number of clusters against the fusion coefficient (a numerical value given to represent the increase in withingroup variability when samples or sub-clusters are merged to form a cluster) and identify where this graph begins to flatten out (Aldenderfer & Blashfield, 1984). In Figures 4.12 and 4.13 this linear graph is at the bottom of each figure. Deciding where the graph flattens out can be difficult if this graph shows multiple plateaus, as true with these Ward clusters. Another method for determining the appropriate cluster solution is to examine 51 the values of the fusion coefficients and identify any jumps or large difference in this value as two clusters are joined. A large difference in the fusion coefficient between two clusters indicates that relatively dissimilar clusters were merged. Reviewing the fusion coefficients graphs shows a significant jump of at least 25% for each graph, identifying the number of clusters that should be saved for further analysis. A total of six clusters were saved from the Ward cluster analysis of the four PCs and five clusters from the Ward cluster analysis of the 13 elements based on the large jump. A quick comparison of the sample cluster assignments appears to show similar assignment across the two Ward clusters. To identify which cluster is most similar with the soil horizon group identifications, the soil horizons were graphed against each cluster analysis (using the saved clusters). According to the contingency tables (Tables 4.5 and 4.6), the clusters on the four PCs have fewer miscalls of samples as compared to soil groups. The Ward cluster analysis on the four PCs suggests that these five clusters are chemically the main divisions. The result of the cluster divisions matching well with the soil horizon group divisions supports that the soil horizons can be separated based on their geochemistry. In summary, three key results were obtained through the statistical analysis on Unit C's and Unit D’s PXRF geochemical data: 1. the soil horizons can be discriminated from each other based on geochemical data, 2. the percentage of misclassified samples is less than 7% and misclassifications are found along bordering soil units, suggesting a unit boundary error rather than a PXRF error, 3. the most important elements for distinguishing the soil horizons at the Devils Kitchen site are Ba, Cr, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, Ti, Y, Zn, and Zr. 4.4. Auger Sediment Analysis Of the 32 auger units (AU) that were excavated at the Devils Kitchen State Park, only 2 augers were unable to be ran through the ro-tap sieve shaker (AU7 and AU25) due to recording errors or contaminated samples from bag tears. The remaining 30 augers resulted in 614 sediment samples that were sieved and analyzed through GRADISTAT. 52 Each sample was labeled based on their sorting and textural group by the GRADISTAT program. These labels were used to produce fence diagrams showing the distribution of aeolian (well sorted) and alluvial (moderately sorted to poorly sorted) deposits across the Devils Kitchen State Park. The aeolian deposit is interpreted as the dune that is capping alluvial deposits as observed in the excavation units. Three fence diagrams visually showing the extent of the deposits were produced to cover the area of interest (Figure 4.14) and included analyzed augers (Figures 4.15 to 4.17). The figures show a vertical scale, however the horizontal, or distance between augers, is not to scale. The fence diagrams outline a few trends that are seen in the Devils Kitchen State Park: 1. the dune’s thickness decreases the further inland, 2. the elevation difference of the alluvial’s upper boundary suggests erosional features such as a channels, 3. the consistent thickness of the alluvial deposit across auger units, where units were terminated due to physical constraints, suggest a cemented hardpan-like deposit below the alluvial deposit, possibly the same one observed at the base of Unit C. These trends will be taken into account when interpreting where intact DORA exists at the park. Examining the results of the fence diagrams and comparing the elevation differences between auger units, a couple of patterns emerged. A series of three depressions trending east to west were observed, possibly representing erosional channels from alluvial forces. Figure 4.18 shows these depressions represented by the red dashed lines. The area between the channel depressions are called interfluves and could be hosting preserved deposits. As we tested further inland/east, the depressions became less apparent. 4.5. Auger Munsell Color Analysis Of the 30 augers that were used for analysis, a total of 644 samples were used to identify the color of each sample using a Munsell Color book (Munsell Soil Color Charts, 2009). The results of the colors are visually displayed in fence diagrams to show the general trends of deposits across the Devils Kitchen State Park (Figures 4.19 to 4.21). Like the sediment analysis, the fence diagrams show elevations and thicknesses of each color, however, these diagrams contain more detail. While the Munsell colors do not identify the PUs or LUs of the augers, they do suggest a pattern of soil development that 53 appears to be consistent throughout the research area. A distinct pattern is apparent after reviewing the Figures 4.19 to 4.21, from the surface to the bottom, there is: 1. a grayish brown sediment (represented as the dune deposit), 2. a darker grayish brown, 3. a brown colored soil, 4. a more yellowish brown colored soil sometimes capping a brownish gray soil, a hardpan, or gravels. This pattern is observed in the excavated units and augers. 4.6. Radiocarbon Dates Additional radiocarbon dates were submitted from Unit C in order to better understand the depositional processes and preservation of sediments at the Devils Kitchen site (Table 4.7). Details of the methods and analysis used on the samples will be outlined in Bulder's unpublished Master's thesis (2016). These new radiocarbon dates are applied to the site's stratigraphy (Figure 4.22). Figure 4.22 suggests some deposits are mixed while others are intact. The range of 14C dates within 2Ab2 and 2Bwb1 suggest that these horizons are filled with mixed, redeposited alluvial material. The dates within 2Ab1 and L4a are similar within the unit, giving evidence that these sediments are intact. In order to strengthen a chronostratigraphy discussion, the previously analyzed radiocarbon dates from the Devils Kitchen site (Table 4.8) are compared to the new radiocarbon dates. Using additional information from Hall et al. on the depths of each soil horizon, I can suggest the soil horizon that the sample came from, and therefore, compare the date to those found in the same horizon in Unit C (Table 4.9). In total, only 3 LUs were represented in the radiocarbon dates. LU1, LU2, S1, and S2 were not radiocarbon dated, however, through Law of Superposition, they should be older than 11,521±40 radiocarbon years before present (RCYBP). LU3 has one radiocarbon date, 11,000±140, LU5 and S5 appears to have sediments that have been redeposited. These units date between 1901±28 RCYBP and 11,698 RCYBP. The upper soil horizon of LU5 and S5 might contain more intact sediments since the eight radiocarbon dates within 2Ab1 are closer in range (1901±28 to 2970±70 RCYBP). LU4 contains three radiocarbon dates, all of which are within a close range (10,638±42 to 11,596±37 RCYBP), suggesting that the sediments are intact with no vertical mixing. LU6 and S6 were not radiocarbon dated, but should date before 1901±28, explaining that the aeolian dune deposit capping the site was deposited within the last few thousand years. 54 Figure 4.1. 35CS9, Unit C, north wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries. The photo is a result of high resolution photos stitched together to make a gigapixel photo. 55 Figure 4.2. 35CS9, Unit C, east wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries. The photo is a result of high resolution photos stitched together to make a gigapixel photo. 56 Figure 4.3. 35CS9, Unit C, south wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries. The photo is a result of high resolution photos stitched together to make a gigapixel photo. 57 Figure 4.4. 35CS9, Unit C, west wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries. The photo is a result of high resolution photos stitched together to make a gigapixel photo. 58 Figure 4.5. 35CS9, Unit D, south wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries. 59 Figure 4.6. Bivariate scatterplot matrix showing the relationship two elements have on each PXRF sample using all detected elements. This is a visual explanation of all detected elements across 225 samples. 60 Training Score Summaries Number Misclassified Percent Misclassified -2LogLikelihood Training Counts: Actual Rows by Predicted Columns 2Ab 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 3Bwb2 2Ab 25 0 0 0 0 2Ab1 0 25 0 0 0 2Ab2 0 4 21 0 0 2Bwb1 0 0 0 19 6 3Bwb2 0 0 0 0 24 4a 0 0 0 0 1 4Cb1 0 0 0 0 0 5Cb2 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 4a 0 0 0 0 1 24 1 0 0 4Cb1 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 5Cb2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 13 5.778 112.5 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Figure 4.7. Step-wise discriminant Analysis on all elemental data with all soil groups present, colored, and labeled. 61 Score Summaries Number Misclassified Percent Misclassified -2LogLikelihood Training Excluded 11 6.286 90.22 0 . Training Counts: Actual Rows by Predicted Columns 2Ab 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 3Bwb2 4a 4Cb1 2Ab 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 3Bwb2 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 4 21 0 0 0 0 0 20 5 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4a 0 0 0 0 0 24 1 4Cb1 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 Figure 4.8. Step-wise discriminant Analysis on all elemental data with soil groups A and 5Cb2 removed. All other soil groups are colored and labeled. 62 Figure 4.9. A 3D scatterplot of the PXRF data containing all elements detected with soil groups A and 5Cb2 removed. 63 Figure 4.10. Principal component analysis on all elemental data with the first two PCs graphed to show correlation. 64 Figure 4.11. Scatterplot matrix of the four saved PCs on the 13 diagnostic elements. 65 Figure 4.12. Ward cluster analysis on four principal component data for diagnostic elements colored by soil group. 66 Figure 4.13. Ward cluster analysis on the 13 diagnostic elements colored by soil group. 67 Figure 4.14. Aerial photo of 35CS9 showing the location of auger units with the trends of the fence diagrams (Google Maps, 2014). 68 Figure 4.15. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from south to north most western area at 35CS9 (F1-F1'). It shows the distribution of aeolian and alluvial deposits based on sorting and grain size from sieve data analysis done by GRADISTAT. 69 Figure 4.16. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from west to east of northern area at 35CS9 (F2-F2'). It showing the distribution of aeolian and alluvial deposits based on sorting and grain size from sieve data analysis done by GRADISTAT. 70 Figure 4.17. Fence diagram showing the deposits of auger units from west to east of southern area at 35CS9 (F3-F3'). It shows the distribution of aeolian and alluvial deposits based on sorting and grain size from sieve data analysis done by GRADISTAT. 71 Figure 4.18. Interfluves and old channel interpretations. (a) Aerial photo of 35CS9 showing the location of auger units with areas of possible old Crooked Creek channel paths shaded in red (Google Maps, 2014). The oldest channel is the most northern. (b) Coast-parallel profile of the Devils Kitchen State Park with the modern surface outlined as a solid red line and old channels outlined as dashed red lines. Altered from Punke & Davis 2006: Figure 9. 72 Figure 4.19. Fence diagram of south to north most western area at 35CS9 (F1-F1') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger and excavation units. 73 Figure 4.20. Fence diagram of west to east of northern area at 35CS9 (F2-F2') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger units. 74 Figure 4.21. Fence diagram of west to east of southern area at 35CS9 (F3-F3') showing the Munsell color distribution across auger units. 75 Figure 4.22. 35CS9, Unit C, north wall stratigraphic profile with lithostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic unit boundaries along with 14C dates of charcoal samples in their easting and depth location. Adapted from Davis et al., 2015b. 76 Table 4.1. Soil horizon description of Units A and B of Devils Kitchen site (from Davis et al. 2008) A—0 to 73 cm; very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2), loamy fine sand, grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2), dry; 3 percent clay; single grain; loose, loose, nonsticky, nonplastic; common fine roots throughout and common very fine roots throughout; common fine interstitial and common very fine interstitial pores; NaF pH<8.0; clear smooth boundary. 2Ab1—73 to 115 cm; black (10YR 2/1), medial loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) dry; 15 percent clay; moderate fine subangular blocky parting to weak fine granual structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; weakly smeary; common fine roots throughout and common very fine roots throughout; common fine irregular and common very fine irregular pores; 10 percent medium distinct spherical moderately cemented yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) iron-manganese nodules in matrix; NaF pH>9.5; gradual smooth boundary. 2Ab2—115-136 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) and dark brown (10YR 3/3), loam, brown (10YR 4/3) dry; 17 percent clay; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; weakly smeary; few fine roots throughout and few very fine roots throughout; commonfine tubular and common very fine tubular pores; 12 percent coarse distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) iron-manganese nodules in matrix and 13 percent medium distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) iron-manganese nodules in matrix; NaF pH>9.5; clear smooth boundary. 2Bwb1—136 to 167 cm; dark brown (7.5YR 3/4), loam, brown (7.5YR 4/4), dry; 23 percent clay; moderate medium subangular blocky and moderate fine subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly hard, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; weakly smeary; few fine roots throughout and few very fine roots throughout; common fine tubular and common very fine tubular pores; 12 percent coarse distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) ironmanganese nodules in matrix and 13 percent medium distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) iron-manganese nodules in matrix; NaF pH>9.5; abrupt wavy boundary. 3Bwb2—167 to 244 cm; brown (7.5YR 4/4), clay loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4), dry; 30 percent clay; moderate coarse subangular blocky and moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm, hard, moderately sticky, moderately plastic; 12 percent coarse distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) iron-manganese nodules in matrix and 13 percent medium distinct spherical moderately cemented strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) iron-manganese nodules in matrix; 10 percent very weakly cemented 2 to 75 millimeter sandstone fragments; NaF pH 9.0; clear smooth boundary. 4Cb1—244 to 287; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), loamy fine sand, light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), dry; 3 percent clay; very friable, hard, very weakly, nonsticky, nonplastic; NaF pH>9.5; abrupt wavy boundary. 5Cb2—287 to 350 cm; extremely gravelly sand; abrupt wavy boundary. 6R—350 to 360 cm; very strongly cemented sandstone bedrock, fractured at intervals of 10 to <45 cm. 77 Table 4.2. The presence and absence of excavated artifacts by unit and depth. Depth Below Surface (cm) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230 230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ○ ● = artifacts absent = artifacts present = aeolian deposit = alluvial deposit 78 Table 4.3. Correlation matrix of all base 10 logarithmic transformation elemental data. As Log10 Ba Log10 Bi Log10 Ca Log10 Co Log10 Cr Log10 Cu Log10 Fe Log10 K Log10 Mn Log10 Ni Log10 As Log10 1 0.4475 0.0633 -0.2014 0.4488 0.1283 0.4314 0.5652 -0.1673 -0.0123 0.146 Ba Log10 0.4475 1 0.3453 -0.0431 0.6627 0.4561 0.6569 0.7718 -0.3782 0.488 -0.0847 Bi Log10 0.0633 0.3453 1 -0.1991 0.3422 0.1511 0.3667 0.4234 -0.0687 0.1205 -0.0548 Ca Log10 -0.2014 -0.0431 -0.1991 1 -0.1262 0.3997 -0.2746 -0.3241 -0.0236 0.3999 -0.1912 Co Log10 0.4488 0.6627 0.3422 -0.1262 1 0.1458 0.7786 0.8871 -0.6879 0.179 -0.2427 Cr Log10 0.1283 0.4561 0.1511 0.3997 0.1458 1 0.0324 0.1303 -0.0048 0.8223 -0.3126 Cu Log10 0.4314 0.6569 0.3667 -0.2746 0.7786 0.0324 1 0.8634 -0.5408 0.115 0.0304 Fe Log10 0.5652 0.7718 0.4234 -0.3241 0.8871 0.1303 0.8634 1 -0.5426 0.157 0.0003 K Log10 -0.1673 -0.3782 -0.0687 -0.0236 -0.6879 -0.0048 -0.5408 -0.5426 1 -0.0883 0.2231 Mn Log10 -0.0123 0.488 0.1205 0.3999 0.179 0.8223 0.115 0.157 -0.0883 1 -0.3407 Ni Log10 0.146 -0.0847 -0.0548 -0.1912 -0.2427 -0.3126 0.0304 0.0003 0.2231 -0.3407 1 Pb Log10 0.0203 0.1546 0.1876 -0.3325 0.32 -0.2578 0.3424 0.3872 -0.1078 -0.2947 0.1499 Rb Log10 0.2812 0.1088 0.2075 -0.4912 0.1256 -0.351 0.3524 0.3615 0.2992 -0.2215 0.4358 Se Log10 0.2168 0.236 0.2531 -0.0707 0.3277 0.0649 0.3003 0.3554 -0.0687 0.1113 -0.0619 Sr Log10 -0.2987 -0.3871 -0.2006 0.4358 -0.707 0.4084 -0.6975 -0.7174 0.7077 0.3425 -0.0017 Th Log10 0.2576 0.2467 0.2253 -0.2013 0.1292 0.083 0.167 0.2896 0.1806 -0.0236 0.176 Ti Log10 0.5289 0.8379 0.4275 -0.179 0.7706 0.4472 0.7346 0.9014 -0.4248 0.4021 -0.0857 Y Log10 0.1619 0.4684 0.0824 0.45 0.2476 0.8419 0.1133 0.1919 -0.1785 0.7642 -0.3616 Zn Log10 0.4487 0.8206 0.3605 -0.0727 0.8258 0.3676 0.763 0.8652 -0.5278 0.4435 -0.1212 Zr Log10 0.1251 0.4591 0.1343 0.4451 0.1966 0.9164 0.0593 0.1493 -0.0946 0.8528 -0.3422 79 Table 4.3 (continued). Correlation matrix of all base 10 logarithmic transformation elemental data. Pb Log10 Rb Log10 Se Log10 Sr Log10 Th Log10 Ti Log10 Y Log10 Zn Log10 Zr Log10 As Log10 0.0203 0.2812 0.2168 -0.2987 0.2576 0.5289 0.1619 0.4487 0.1251 Ba Log10 0.1546 0.1088 0.236 -0.3871 0.2467 0.8379 0.4684 0.8206 0.4591 Bi Log10 0.1876 0.2075 0.2531 -0.2006 0.2253 0.4275 0.0824 0.3605 0.1343 Ca Log10 -0.3325 -0.4912 -0.0707 0.4358 -0.2013 -0.179 0.45 -0.0727 0.4451 Co Log10 0.32 0.1256 0.3277 -0.707 0.1292 0.7706 0.2476 0.8258 0.1966 Cr Log10 -0.2578 -0.351 0.0649 0.4084 0.083 0.4472 0.8419 0.3676 0.9164 Cu Log10 0.3424 0.3524 0.3003 -0.6975 0.167 0.7346 0.1133 0.763 0.0593 Fe Log10 0.3872 0.3615 0.3554 -0.7174 0.2896 0.9014 0.1919 0.8652 0.1493 K Log10 -0.1078 0.2992 -0.0687 0.7077 0.1806 -0.4248 -0.1785 -0.5278 -0.0946 Mn Log10 -0.2947 -0.2215 0.1113 0.3425 -0.0236 0.4021 0.7642 0.4435 0.8528 Ni Log10 0.1499 0.4358 -0.0619 -0.0017 0.176 -0.0857 -0.3616 -0.1212 -0.3422 Pb Log10 1 0.3921 0.1257 -0.4137 0.1764 0.2361 -0.3123 0.2227 -0.2752 Rb Log10 0.3921 1 0.3238 -0.1915 0.2835 0.1746 -0.4296 0.1774 -0.3888 Se Log10 0.1257 0.3238 1 -0.131 0.1008 0.2898 0.0761 0.272 0.0963 Sr Log10 -0.4137 -0.1915 -0.131 1 -0.0309 -0.4665 0.2787 -0.502 0.3819 Th Log10 0.1764 0.2835 0.1008 -0.0309 1 0.3303 0.0741 0.1793 0.0658 Ti Log10 0.2361 0.1746 0.2898 -0.4665 0.3303 1 0.4682 0.856 0.4376 Y Log10 -0.3123 -0.4296 0.0761 0.2787 0.0741 0.4682 1 0.3994 0.885 Zn Log10 0.2227 0.1774 0.272 -0.502 0.1793 0.856 0.3994 1 0.3794 Zr Log10 -0.2752 -0.3888 0.0963 0.3819 0.0658 0.4376 0.885 0.3794 1 80 Table 4.4. Correlations of the first eight PCs from the principal component analysis of all elemental data. Coefficients in bold are strong, positive correlations while those in bold and italicized are strong, negative correlations. Eigenvalue Percent Cum. Percent PC 1 7.1 35.3 PC 2 4.7 23.7 PC 3 2.0 10.1 PC 4 1.1 5.6 PC 5 0.9 4.7 PC 6 0.8 3.9 PC 7 0.7 3.5 PC 8 0.6 3.2 35.3 58.9 69.0 74.6 79.3 83.2 86.7 89.9 PC 2 -0.278 0.047 0.036 -0.151 0.142 -0.313 -0.150 -0.089 0.819 0.858 0.791 0.838 -0.092 -0.541 -0.130 -0.620 0.671 -0.433 0.068 0.633 PC 3 0.015 0.131 -0.028 -0.268 0.104 -0.075 0.234 0.249 0.044 0.143 0.132 0.216 0.239 0.060 0.588 0.583 -0.189 0.433 0.722 0.461 PC 4 -0.038 -0.058 -0.033 0.047 -0.091 -0.014 -0.549 0.563 -0.085 0.005 0.104 0.005 0.404 0.293 -0.110 0.073 -0.059 -0.430 0.093 0.046 PC 5 0.000 -0.097 -0.004 0.050 -0.075 0.043 0.270 -0.228 -0.026 -0.030 0.042 -0.074 0.699 -0.276 -0.388 0.223 0.147 -0.005 0.000 0.054 PC 6 0.005 -0.021 0.137 -0.044 0.105 0.122 -0.290 -0.136 -0.041 0.033 0.190 0.033 -0.099 0.376 -0.339 0.181 0.300 0.450 -0.020 0.068 PC 7 -0.004 -0.023 -0.048 0.110 -0.062 -0.089 0.006 -0.386 0.062 0.026 -0.118 -0.010 0.229 0.437 0.398 -0.079 0.268 -0.161 -0.024 0.012 PC 8 -0.012 -0.043 -0.044 0.019 -0.039 0.028 -0.055 0.359 0.015 -0.037 -0.147 -0.088 0.154 -0.198 0.239 -0.173 0.406 0.339 -0.178 -0.051 Total Structure Coefficients: Elements Fe Log10 Ti Log10 Zn Log10 Co Log10 Ba Log10 Cu Log10 As Log10 Bi Log10 Y Log10 Zr Log10 Mn Log10 Cr Log10 Se Log10 Pb Log10 Th Log10 Rb Log10 Ca Log10 Ni Log10 K Log10 Sr Log10 PC 1 0.947 0.942 0.928 0.890 0.867 0.837 0.540 0.448 0.436 0.407 0.400 0.382 0.369 0.268 0.264 0.181 -0.148 -0.150 -0.572 -0.576 81 Soil Table 4.5. Contingency analysis of saved clusters from a Ward cluster analysis of the four PCs by soil groups. The table indicates the number of samples that were classified to each cluster and identified to each soil group. Count 2Ab 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 3Bwb2 4a 4Cb1 5Cb2 A Total 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 Ward Clusters of four PCs 2 3 4 5 6 Total 1 0 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 25 0 4 20 1 0 25 0 0 1 24 0 25 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 25 24 0 0 0 0 25 25 29 71 50 25 225 82 Soil Table 4.6. Contingency analysis of saved clusters from a Ward cluster analysis of the 13 elements by soil groups. The table indicates the number of samples that were classified to each cluster and identified to each soil group. Count 2Ab 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 3Bwb2 4a 4Cb1 5Cb2 A Total Ward Clusters of 13 Elements 1 2 3 4 5 Total 3 22 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 25 1 4 0 20 0 25 1 0 0 24 0 25 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 25 8 1 16 0 0 25 13 52 16 119 25 225 83 Table 4.7. 14 C dates from Unit C at the Devils Kitchen site. From Davis et al., 2015a. All radiocarbon analysis conducted at DirectAMS Laboratory in Bothell, WA. Lab Number 11_3 11_2 231 48 X1 232 311 361 355 376 339 412 403 381 410 409 405 423 351 343 338 Provenience Unit C, level 11, N59, E177, 139 cm B.S. Unit C, level 11, N28, E138, 137 cm B.S. Unit C, level 13, N3, E88, 157 cm B.S. Unit C, level 12, N127, E154, 148 cm B.S. Unit C, level 12, N89, E48, 141 cm B.S. Unit C, level 13, N7, E59, 158 cm B.S. Unit C, level 14, N88, E172, 170 cm B.S. Unit C, level 16, N45, E26, 185 cm B.S. Unit C, level 16, N43, E51, 184 cm B.S. Unit C, level 17, N49, E65, 190 cm B.S. Unit C, level 15, N100, E160, 177 cm B.S. Unit C, level 19, N55, E18, 215 cm B.S. Unit C, level 18, N185, E180, 199 cm B.S. Unit C, level 17, N65, E179, 199 cm B.S. Unit C, level 19, N25, E90, 210 cm B.S. Unit C, level 19, N150, E173, 212 cm B.S. Unit C, level 18, N177, E149, 208 cm B.S. Unit C, level 20, N107, E75, 224 cm B.S. Unit C, level 16, N170, E160, 185 cm B.S. Unit C, level 15, N90, E32, 180 cm B.S. Unit C, level 15, N165, E145, 178 cm B.S. 14 C Age BP 1901± 28 1994± 29 2087± 23 2093± 23 2101± 23 2503± 37 2571± 28 2741± 26 4274± 26 6739± 35 6750± 35 6765± 35 7858± 36 9333± 44 10,638± 42 11,521± 40 11,565± 37 11,596± 37 11,616± 55 11,626± 51 11,698± 38 84 Table 4.8. 14 C dates from charcoal samples taken from the Devils Kitchen site, previously known at the Bandon Ocean Wayside site. Altered from Hall et al., 2005:Table 1. Lab Number Beta-189635 Beta-170404 Beta-170405 Beta-189637 Beta-189636 Provenience Unit B, level 6, 89–91 cm B.S. Unit B, level 8, 103–113 cm B.S. Unit B, west wall, 150 cm B.S. Unit A, level 13, 155–165 cm B.S. Unit A, level 21, 235–245 cm B.S. 14 C Age BP 2600 ± 40 2970 ± 70 5820 ± 40 5900 ± 80 11,000 ± 140 85 Table 4.9. All 14C dates from the Devils Kitchen site with their associated LU, PU, and soil horizon, sorted by date within each LU. LU LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU5 LU4 LU4 LU4 LU3 PU S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S4 S4 S4 S3 Soil Horizon 2Ab1 2Ab1 2Ab1 2Ab1 2Ab1 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Ab1 2Ab2 2Bwb1 2Bwb1 2Ab2 2Ab2 2Bwb1 2Bwb1 2Bwb1 2Bwb1 2Ab2 2Ab2 2Ab2 ---3Bwb2 14 C Age BP 1901 ± 28 1994 ± 29 2087 ± 23 2093 ± 23 2101 ± 23 2503 ± 37 2571 ± 28 2600 ± 40 2741 ± 26 2970 ± 70 4274 ± 26 5820 ± 40 5900 ± 80 6739 ± 35 6750 ± 35 6765 ± 35 7858 ± 36 9333 ± 44 11,521 ± 40 11,616 ± 55 11,626 ± 51 11,698 ± 38 10,638 ± 42 11,565 ± 37 11,596 ± 37 11,000 ± 140 86 CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 5.1. General Northwest Coastal Research The continental Northwest American coast hosted prehistoric people utilizing its current landscape and resources. The dynamic environment along the northwest coast has been dynamic since before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, approx. 21,000 BP), making it a challenge to understand the coastal paleoenvironment (Davis, 2006). By using geoarchaeological methods, we can begin to reconstruct the coastal environment that early people during the late Pleistocene to early Holocene (ca. 13,000-9,000 BP) were utilizing and predict their activities. The western North American coastline is accepted as one of the ice-free routes available to early people moving south into the North American continent from Siberia. Large ice sheets covered a majority of today’s Canada, preventing much of the land from being utilized. Whether the western coastline was ever covered in ice or not, the land would have been exposed to early people at the end of the LGM. Although some of the earliest sites in North America are predicted to exist along the coastal route (Punke & Davis, 2006), the visibility and preservation of these sites are limited and challenging due to tens of thousands of years of diverse and dynamic coastal landscapes. An understanding of the local environment and the changes it has been exposed to over time is a strong step towards accurately predicting the location of undisturbed, early archaeological sites. 5.2. Locating Archaeological Sites Along the Coast When searching for archaeological sites along the western coast, a few key features are considered. With a broad and shallow coastal shelf, the Oregon coast has experienced significant shoreline movement since the LGM. When early people utilized marine environments, they faced a coastline very different to the one seen today. As large ice sheets were forming on the continental surface, water was being extracted from the oceans causing the absolute sea level to lower and resulting in a lower relative sea level. This caused the continental shelf to be more exposed during the last glacial 87 maximum. Oregon’s Pacific coastline took its modern form at about 3,000 RYBP (Aikens et al., 2011; Davis et al., 2009; Fairbanks, 1989). Archaeological site located near prehistoric marine resources, are most likely be underwater today (with some localized exceptions such as the raised beach deposits at Haida Gwaii), and therefore, difficult to find and record. Sites located above sea level have multiple factors that could affect the site’s visibility. These factors include heavy vegetation, buried under thick deposits, or deflated from erosion. The ability to identify early coastal archaeological sites by means of surface surveys is often limited, making a subsurface investigation necessary. Ross (1984) identifies two types of sites along Oregon’s southern coast: marine (having an association with a shell midden) and terrestrial (no shell midden present but having lithic stone artifacts associated). Archaeological sites are typically found after it has been exposed or damaged. In earlier surveys, archaeological sites were located by examining the eroded bluffs along the coast, searching for cultural artifacts and features exposed in the banks. Many of the features found were shell middens, or piles of shell byproducts, which are obvious white horizon bands in the exposed stratigraphy. The presence of shell middens at an archaeological site that today exists on eroding bluffs represent a time period when the ocean was roughly in the same position it is at today. Relating back to the factor that relative sea level has changed, the location of marine resources is assumed to have a direct correlation with the location of archaeological sites that contain evidence of activities utilizing marine resources. With the assumption that people would not have carried large amounts of shell to an inland location, a shell midden that exists at today’s oceanfront would represent a time of similar sea level. These shell midden sites are highly visible and often documented in surveys. The archaeological sites that do not contain a shell midden, or terrestrial sites, are frequently missed during surveys, resulting in the prehistoric record for the coast representing the time when the sea level has been relatively constant with today’s. Sites that predate the modern shoreline that exist along today's coast will represent a more inland, terrestrial environment. Traditional surveys of searching for exposed shell 88 middens are missing earlier archaeological sites that represent a different environment and landscape than today's. The Devils Kitchen archaeological site is situated on an uplifted marine terrace overlooking the ocean and does not contain a shell midden that is a common feature at sites along the Oregon coast. In response to sea level changes, the coastal environment is dynamic throughout time. To further our understanding of past human activities along the coast, geoarchaeological practices are applied to study paleoenvironments. By reconstructing the paleolandscape of the Devils Kitchen State Park, deposits of the right age that have high potential for containing preserved cultural material can be identified for future investigations and preservation. 5.3. Documented Early Sites Along the Southern Oregon Coast Significant survey work has been done along the Oregon coast. A formal survey was conducted over a period of ten years (from 1986 to 1996) along Oregon coast lands managed by Oregon State Parks. While there are multiple summaries of sites along the Oregon coast dating to the mid-Holocene (Connolly and Tasa 2008; Moss and Erlandson 2008; Aikens et al., 2011), a few early sites will be discussed that have a comparative value to the Devils Kitchen site. There are four sites along the southern Oregon coast (Figure 5.1) that are reported to have cultural material associated with a mid-Holocene or earlier date (>6,000 cal BP), including the Devils Kitchen site (35CS9), The Indian Sands Site (35CU67), The Blacklock Point Site (35CU75), and the Cape Blanco Site (35CU82). The Indian Sands site is located in Curry county within the Samuel H. Boardman State Park. The lithic site is located on a bluff, or headland, with a stratified sequence of aeolian dune deposits from the late Pleistocene to Holocene, providing a general observation of a late Pleistocene coastal plain environment (Davis et al., 2004, 2008; Davis, 2006; Davis, 2009; Willis, 2005). Excavations at the site resulted with no evidence of an intact shell midden, however, many lithic tools and debitage were found there. Over ninety percent of the lithics were made from cryptocrystalline silicate (CCS) rocks, which are often found today in local streams along the southern Oregon coast. Based on radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating on cultural deposits, the earliest 89 occupation dates to 10,430±150 radiocarbon years before present (RCYBP) (12,322±210 cal BP) which is associated with a paleosol (Davis et al., 2004; Davis 2009; Willis, 2005). While the site does have areas that have experienced erosion and deflation, the association of a paleosol with cultural material is evident of site stability during human occupation. The early dates and absence of marine resources suggest that people utilized the Indian Sands site when relative sea level was lower and the shoreline was further to the west than it is today (Davis et al., 2008). Excavation and analysis concluded that the site was most likely used for processing raw CCS lithic material and manufacturing lithic tools (Willis, 2005). The Blacklock Point site is located in Curry county within Floras State Park on an uplifted marine terrace. The site contains lithic tools and debitage and no evidence of a shell midden (Minor, 1994; Davis et al., 2008). Radiocarbon dates of cultural deposits date the site to as early as 8,367 ±60 cal BP. As reported, the site was probably occupied when the ocean’s shoreline was further west, attributing to the lack of marine resources (Minor, 1994). Similar to many coastal sites, the Blacklock Point Site experienced many episodes of deposition and erosion, making it necessary to conduct a geoarchaeological investigation to better interpret the site’s preservation (Davis et al., 2008). For now, the site is interpreted as a lithic site overlooking the ocean that may or may not have been occupied by the same people who created a shell midden located further west (Erlandson et al., 2008; Minor, 1994). The Cape Blanco site is located in Curry county within Cape Blanco State Park on a north-facing slope. It was originally recorded that there is not a shell midden present (Ross, 1976). While the site does have many erosion and deflation issues, intact deposits have been documents and tested. Test pits recovered lithic tools and debitage, mostly made from CCS, and also confirmed that there is no shell midden. Radiocarbon dates taken from the lowest deposit containing cultural material range from 5,140 ±90 BP to 5,390 ±100 BP (5890 ±100 cal BP to 6183 ±116 cal BP). It is discussed that the site was probably not utilized in the summer, assuming that the north-facing slope would not be protected from strong northwest orientated summer winds. The acidic soils are attributed to poor organic preservation at the site. With a lack of direct evidence of marine resource exploitation and a presence of hunting-type tools, it is concluded that this site was more 90 for obtaining terrestrial resources, possibly from the nearby Sixes River (Minor & Greenspan, 1991). The three southern Oregon coastal sites summarized share common features that has been discussed as key points to make when evaluating coastal sites that predate the modern ocean shoreline (Jenevein, 2010). All three sites were in a different environment at the time of early occupation. While the coastline was evolving in response to a rise in relative sea level, each site experienced episodes of erosion and deposition brought on by forces of wind and water. The intensity and timing of the episodes will need to be examined individually at each site in order to understand the often localized environment evolution. Understanding the basics behind the common features that lithic sites share can lead the researcher to areas that have high potential for hosting a preserved early site. 5.4. Facies Interpretation Using the data gathered in the geoarchaeological investigations at the Devils Kitchen site, an interpretation of the site's deposition and preservation can be made. Sediment data gathered from the auger units show that the state park area contains aeolian deposits, in the form of a dune, overlying alluvium deposits with a compressed, cemented dune or a weakly formed sandstone at its base. Returning to Figure 4.1, the environmental facies that are known to create these deposits can be identified along with and interpretation of the facies shift at the Devils Kitchen State Park location. As the ice sheets began to melt and water returned to the world’s oceans, eustatic sea level rose causing a rise in marine transgression. With this transgression, the coastal facies were pushed further inland, capping the previous depositional environment. Figure 5.2 shows this facies shift with a focus on where the Devils Kitchen site is theoretically located based on results from the geoarchaeological investigation. 5.5. Research Questions Addressed In chapter 1 I outlined the three research questions that guide this thesis. I will now address these questions by discussing the results of my findings. 91 1. How did the Devils Kitchen site form, and how has post-depositional processes affected the site's appearance and preservation? Using information gathered on the site's stratigraphy, the order of depositional and erosion operations can be outlined starting with the lowest deposits: The lowest component seen at the site is LU1, a compressed, hardened deposit possibly a compressed dune or sandstone. This deposit was thicker and had a stable surface long enough to form S1. Another deposit, LU2, was brought in by water movement after eroding most of LU1/S1. Similarly, LU2 was a thicker deposit that had stability to form S2. The upper boundary of LU2 is sharp and irregular and S2 is missing its A horizon, suggesting another erosion event. LU3 is then deposited, stabilized to produce S3, then eroded down to its lower weakly developed B horizon. After 11,596±37 RCYBP the eroded surface is capped by LU4. The surface of LU4 was heavily, almost completely, eroded causing its shape and boundary to be extremely irregular and sharp. This unit is interpreted to be the intact remains of an early deposit as supported by the consistent 14C dates. After the erosion of LU4, the area was in-filled by alluvial deposit LU5. The lower portion of LU5 is mixed with 14C dates ranging from 11,686± 38 RCYBP to 1,901±28 RCYBP. The upper portion of LU5 contains a tighter range of dates, suggesting little mixing of deposits. There was a time of stability at the surface of LU5 long enough for a thick A horizon and a weak B horizon, S5, to develop. Lastly, aeolian dune deposit, LU6, capped the site and is responsible for the topography of the area today (Figure 4.22), stabilized by recent vegetation growth. The patterns seen at the Devils Kitchen site of deposition, stability, then erosion could be a result of the landscape adjusting from the rise in sea level. While the ocean continued to move inland and the Coquille fault uplifted the bluffs, load bearing features such as streams were easily influenced. Punke and Davis (2006) suggest that the Crooked Creek once flowed north of the site and migrated south through time as the Coquille reverse fault uplifted the northern portion of the landscape. A similar situation occurred with the Elk River where the Cape Blanco anticline has forces the river to shift southward through time (Punke & Davis, 2006). This shift, or change in flow path, of the Crooked Creek could be responsible for the erosion and deposition at the site. Figure 92 4.18 suggests that a channel eroded the park area. This is most likely from the Crooked Creek shifting south with each old channel being the remains of Crooked Creek's old paths. The presence of the creek in close proximity to the site might have been an attractor for people to this landscape when it was mostly a terrestrial-based environment. If people were staying in close proximity to the creek, then earlier sites would theoretically exist further north within an interfluve between older Crooked Creek channel paths. 2. What are the Devils Kitchen site's archaeologically relevant sediments and where are they distributed? Nearly all of the archaeological materials were recovered in alluvial deposits. Within unit C the cultural material were within soil horizons, preserved, weakly developed B horizons contained in LU5 and LU4. The aeolian deposits were almost completely sterile of cultural material, explaining that these deposits were not in an ideal environment for prehistoric activities. LU5 is the thickest, preserved soil sequence at the site. However, 14C dates show that this deposit is comprised of sediments from a large range of ages, suggesting material was redeposited at the site from eroded sediments elsewhere. This dark brown to reddish brown sediments appears to be fining upward in texture with the upper soil horizon having a much more consistent 14C dates. The texture and color matching LU5 is observed in most of the auger units throughout the entire park. LU4 is the most culturally relevant sediment at the site due to its consistent early 14 C dates and it contains cultural material. This deposit is heavily eroded within all excavated units, however, the colors and textures in the auger units suggest that it could be present in patches throughout the state park. Auger units 13, 22, and 24 have strong evidence with its yellow-brown colored, loamy alluvial deposit characteristic of LU4. These augers exist within the interfluves outlined in Figure 4.18, suggesting that less eroded portions of LU4 could exist. There is a high probability that early archaeological relevant sediments will be preserved within the interfluves at the Devils Kitchen State Park. 93 An alternative hypothesis of the origin of LU4 is that it is a feature filled in from a fallen tree, or a tree throw. Tree throws that have been buried are expected to have inclusions of charcoal, phytoliths, burned soils, biologically worked soils, and textural pedofeatures (Goldberg & Macphail, 2006). The soil found within a tree throw is expected to contain fragments of an A and B horizon, for shallow uplifted roots, or an A mixed with Bs and C horizons, for deeper roots. The geometry of the LU4 deposit does not conform to the "cradle and knoll" shape of classic tree throw features (Waters, 1992:Figure 7.9) but looks to be an infilled channel feature oriented and dipping downward from the southeast to northwest. Moreover, the sedimentary matrix of LU4 contains a higher gravel and cobble content than its surrounding deposits, which begs the question of how a tree throw would preferentially concentrate larger clasts by overturning lower finer grained deposits. Tree throws are described as having a heterogeneous matrix as a result of being infilled over time with some areas more susceptible to bioturbation (Macphail & Goldberg, 1990). LU4 is more homogenous than a tree throw is expected to be. Stratigraphic drawings and notes of Unit A and B suggest that LU4 extends into these areas as well. Further testing, including a micromorphological examination of microfabrics, is necessary to fully confirm or deny this hypothesis. Another alternative hypothesis is the origin of LU4 is the result of hyperconcentrated flows from tsunami runoff. Witter (2008:8) outlines ten criteria that can be used to assess whether a deposit originated due to a tsunami event: 1. The sand deposit consists of well-sorted, quartz-rich sand and rounded augite grains; 2. Brackish-marine diatoms are present; 3. The deposit thins and/or sand grain size fines in a landward direction; 4. Normally graded beds and/or mud lamina are present; 5. Rip-up clasts are present; 6. The lower contact of the deposit is sharp or shows evidence of erosion; 7. Organic debris is present at the top of deposit; 8. The deposit extends over hundreds of meters; 9. The deposit coincides with a buried soil subsided by an earthquake; 94 10. The deposit age overlaps with regional evidence for a Cascadia earthquake or tsunami. Of these ten criteria, LU4 only demonstrates criteria 6 based on the analysis completed in this research; however, this can also be achieved by fluvial channel erosion. While specific tests for diatoms were not conducted here, Witter's other expected properties were not observed in the field. The site today is located on an uplifted bluff that is assumed to be uplifted around the time of LU4's deposit. For an open coastal site, the prehistoric tsunami minimum runup elevation is estimated to be 20 ft (6.1 m) (Witter et al., 2008). However, the Devils Kitchen site was not an open coastal site at the time of LU4's deposition (approx. 10,600 RCYBP or roughly 12,000 BP) but positioned farther inland relative to the ocean. At ca. 10,600 RCYBP, eustatic sea level is estimated to be 85 meters lower than today, displacing the shoreline approximately 8 kilometers (~5 miles) further west (Jenevein, 2009). Correcting for expected rates of tectonic uplift in the area around Coquille Point (ca. 5 m during the last 10,000 radiocarbon years (Kelsey & Bockheim, 1994), we expect that the LU4 surface would have been ca. 80 above sea level and well beyond the reach of tsunami flooding. Thus, given the coarser, poorly sorted matrix of LU4 contained in what appears to be a channel feature, the most parsimonious explanation is that LU4 is an alluvial deposit. 3. What is the geoarchaeological context of human occupation at the Devils Kitchen site? Evidence for human occupation at the Devils Kitchen site is seen within alluvial deposits that date between 1,901±28 RCYBP and 11,596±37. Soil imprinting over alluvial sediments explains that the site's surface was stable from erosion and depositional forces. The nearby Crooked Creek was most likely the contributor of the alluvial sediments and also responsible for much of the erosion. The creek also brought in rock material, such as cherts, from the nearby mountains that could be used for tool manufacturing. Early people inhabiting today's Devils Kitchen State Park were in a terrestrial environment with a nearby fresh water creek. Although marine resources were probably within a few hours walking distance, people did not bring these resources to the 95 Devils Kitchen site. With the active Coquille fault uplifting the landscape, the site might have had a view to the ocean and the creek could have provided an easier way to travel through the terrestrial terrain. 5.6. Future Work The research completed at the Devils Kitchen site and state park provides support for early deposits, that have potential to contain evidence of early people, to be preserved along costal bluff landscapes. While the auger units helped to outline the extent of the aeolian and alluvial deposits, they cannot provide the amount of stratigraphic detail that excavated, open units can. An ideal subsurface testing probe would be one that can extract intact sediments without the risk of vertical mixing, such as a GeoProbe. A GeoProbe was used to pull approximately 13 subsurface cores at the Devils Kitchen State Park in 2013 by Dr. Loren Davis. Currently, no work has been done with these cores, but they are expected to provide further correlation with the excavation units' stratigraphy. The stratigraphic units that are identified at the Devils Kitchen site that contain the earliest evidence of human occupation also appear to have experienced heavy erosion. Heavy erosion is common for sites along the Oregon coast as active bank erosion is a recognized modern concern (Davis et al., 2009; Jenevein, 2010). Even after heavy erosion, a preserved, early deposit containing cultural material is identified as the DORA for finding evidence of early occupation at the Devils Kitchen site. This DORA marker has been identified through this thesis both physically and geochemically which can subsequently be sought elsewhere along the Oregon coast. Similar coastal bluff sites with a similar environmental history has high potential to contain the DORA identified. 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Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 1 10-20 0.1 0.2 0.9 17.5 78.4 2.1 0.8 100 1 20-30 0.1 0.2 0.3 11.2 83 3.6 1.6 100 1 30-40 0.1 0.2 0.2 10.9 83.5 3.2 1.5 99.6 1 40-50 0.2 0.2 0.1 10.8 83.9 3.3 1.3 99.8 1 50-60 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.3 84.1 3.3 2 100 1 60-70 0.1 0.1 0.1 13.3 82.2 2.5 1.6 99.9 1 70-80 0.6 0.2 0.4 20.2 70.4 4.5 3.7 100 1 80-90 3.3 0.9 4.1 28.8 51.3 6.3 4 98.7 1 90-100 3.1 1.8 6.2 23.4 48.8 7.8 8.5 99.6 1 100-110 12.1 8.8 11.3 21.8 29.5 7.3 7.4 98.2 1 110-120 18.2 17.5 14.4 18.8 17.4 5.8 7.2 99.3 1 120-130 18.7 17.8 15.8 18.8 15.3 5.7 7.3 99.4 1 130-140 31.5 18.8 13.1 13.8 10.8 5.4 6.3 99.7 1 140-150 27.2 22.3 14.9 14.8 10.2 4.8 5.1 99.3 1 150-160 27.7 23.8 13.8 12.2 10 4.4 7.4 99.3 1 160-170 49.9 18.7 10.2 8.4 6.1 3 3.6 99.9 1 170-180 46.1 17.4 8.5 9.4 9.8 4.3 4.5 100 1 180-190 58.4 16.3 8.5 7.1 5.1 2.1 2.5 100 1 190-200 58.1 12.8 5.5 6.1 7.1 3 7.3 99.9 1 200-210 55.7 16 6.5 7.1 5.8 3.3 5.6 100 1 210-220 47.6 16.3 9 10.1 7.3 3.4 6.3 100 1 220-230 50.1 12.2 5.8 9.2 13.2 4.2 5.1 99.8 1 230-240 27.9 8.7 8.3 16.8 29.6 4.2 4.2 99.7 1 240-250 7.9 3.4 3.1 18.1 62.1 2.9 2.5 100 1 250-260 37.5 13.9 6.5 12.8 25.4 1.9 1.1 99.1 2 0-10 0.1 0.1 0.3 29.5 68.3 0.5 0.3 99.1 2 10-20 0.2 0.2 0.3 21.7 76.4 0.8 0.3 99.9 2 20-30 0.2 0.1 0.3 14.7 82.9 1.3 0.3 99.8 2 30-40 0.1 0.1 0.2 12.6 84.2 2.1 0.7 100 2 40-50 0.1 0.2 0.3 14.2 83.2 1.7 0.1 99.8 2 50-60 0.1 0.1 0.1 16.7 81 1.7 0.3 100 2 60-70 0.1 0.1 0.1 16.8 80.8 1.9 0.1 99.9 2 70-80 0.1 0.1 0.2 19.3 78.5 1.7 0.1 100 2 80-90 0.1 0.1 0.1 18.8 79.2 1.4 0.2 99.9 109 Auger Level (cm BS) 2 90-100 2 Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 0.2 0.1 0.1 16.7 79.1 2.3 0.8 99.3 100-110 4 0.3 0.2 13.8 76.7 2.9 1.9 99.8 2 110-120 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.5 83.5 3.4 2.3 100 2 120-130 0.1 0.1 0.1 9.1 85.7 3 1.9 100 2 130-140 0.1 0.1 0.1 12.4 81.6 3.2 2.2 99.7 2 140-150 1 0.1 0.3 19.8 66.5 7.3 5 100 2 150-160 1.3 0.4 4.2 24.5 56.4 7.3 5.3 99.4 2 160-170 0.8 0.2 4.8 25.4 56.7 7.5 4.4 99.8 2 170-180 12.5 8.3 10.2 21.2 25.2 10.2 11.6 99.2 2 180-190 11.8 11.3 9.8 23.2 20.7 12.7 10.4 99.9 2 190-200 17.6 21.3 17.6 24.2 11.4 4.2 2.5 98.8 2 200-210 28.7 20.1 19.9 18.2 5.8 2.5 4.5 99.7 2 210-220 28.8 34.7 17.3 8.7 5.4 2.5 2.4 99.8 2 220-230 58.7 18.4 6.2 5.3 5.1 2.8 2.6 99.1 2 230-240 26.1 17.3 17.5 21.6 10 3.1 3.4 99 2 240-250 33.8 24.9 13.3 8 11.9 3.5 4.5 99.9 3 0-10 1.4 2 2.3 19.7 72.1 1.9 0.5 99.9 3 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.2 20.5 75.8 1.9 0.6 99.2 3 20-30 0.1 0.1 0.2 22.9 73.8 1.9 0.9 99.9 3 40-50 0.1 0.1 0.2 17.5 76.9 2.9 1.6 99.3 3 50-70 0.1 0.1 0.2 16.1 78.7 3.1 1.5 99.8 3 70-80 0.1 0.1 0.1 17 77.8 2.9 1.3 99.3 3 80-90 0.1 0.1 0.1 15.8 78.4 3.2 2.2 99.9 3 90-100 0.1 0.1 0.1 13.3 81.9 2.8 1.7 100 3 100-110 0.6 0.1 0.2 13.1 80.3 3.4 2.3 100 3 110-120 0.1 0.1 0.2 14.2 75.4 4.9 4.8 99.7 3 120-130 0.1 0.1 0.2 17.6 74.4 4.5 2.4 99.3 3 130-140 1.3 0.2 1.4 29.9 57.7 5.6 3.9 100 3 140-150 2.1 0.8 4.4 31.8 48.4 6.4 5.8 99.7 3 150-160 4.7 3.9 9.4 31.4 36.1 7.3 7.2 100 3 160-170 16.8 7.5 9.7 26 22.5 6.9 10.5 99.9 3 170-180 10.9 8.6 16.4 30.8 16.6 5.6 10.7 99.6 3 180-190 12.4 9.7 13.1 25.1 22.8 5.8 11.1 100 3 190-200 16.6 15.4 18.5 22.4 11.4 4.1 11.5 99.9 3 200-210 17.8 16.4 12.9 21 12.8 5.2 13.7 99.8 3 210-220 4.4 2.3 16.4 38 21.4 4.6 7.9 95 4 0-10 0.2 0.4 1.1 15.6 77.7 3.1 0.9 99 4 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.2 13.5 81.5 2.9 1.2 99.5 4 20-30 0.1 0.1 0.2 14.4 80.1 2.8 1.6 99.3 4 30-40 0.2 0.1 0.5 13.5 73 6.3 6 99.6 110 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 4 40-50 0.3 0 0.3 15 74 5.5 4.4 99.5 4 50-60 0.4 0.1 0.9 29.2 60.1 5.1 3.6 99.4 4 60-70 0.8 0.3 1.7 31.1 55.1 6.1 4.4 99.5 4 70-80 4.1 0.9 5.4 39.1 39.3 5.5 5.1 99.4 4 80-90 4.6 4 9.2 34.2 32.2 7.5 7.8 99.5 4 90-100 7.7 7.9 13.4 35.1 22.5 6.9 6.4 99.9 4 100-110 9.7 10.7 15.6 33.8 18.6 6.2 5.4 100 4 110-120 10.7 9.6 18.5 34.6 16.6 5.1 4.8 99.9 4 120-130 10.3 10.1 18.6 34 16.2 4.9 5.2 99.3 4 130-140 5.9 8.7 18.7 35.8 21.1 4.5 4.8 99.5 4 140-150 5.2 8.6 19.7 39.5 20.1 3.5 3.4 100 4 150-160 3.7 3.4 23.4 44.9 20.5 2 2 99.9 4 160-170 1 1.5 16.2 53.1 24.4 2 1.7 99.9 5 0-10 0.3 0.4 1.3 16.2 79.6 1.7 0.5 100 5 10-20 0.1 0.2 0.6 19.2 77.1 2 0.7 99.9 5 20-30 0.1 0.1 0.1 11.8 81.7 4.4 1.8 100 5 30-40 0.1 0.1 0.1 14.7 78.2 4.1 2.6 99.9 5 40-50 0 0.1 0.1 14.2 77.1 5.3 3.2 100 5 50-60 0.1 0.1 0.1 22.3 73.8 2.4 1.2 100 5 60-70 0 0.1 0.1 19.1 78 1.8 0.9 100 5 70-80 0 0.1 0.1 13.6 80.3 3.1 2.3 99.5 5 80-90 0.1 1 0.1 11 81.8 3.6 2.9 100.5 5 90-100 0.5 0.1 0.2 11.3 77.2 5.2 4.8 99.3 5 100-110 0.7 0.1 0.3 15 72.3 5.7 5.4 99.5 5 110-120 2 1.2 4.7 24.9 50.2 7.9 8.4 99.3 5 120-130 6.3 5.5 10.5 27.4 33.4 7.1 9 99.2 5 130-140 9.3 9.2 11.3 24.3 19.7 8.7 16.5 99 5 140-150 13.3 9.3 12.5 25.2 17.8 7.4 13.4 98.9 5 150-160 21.6 6.6 9.7 31 19.8 3.7 6.8 99.2 5 160-170 4.5 6.1 13.4 39.7 27 3.6 5 99.3 6 0-10 0.4 0.6 0.9 17.9 73 4.5 2 99.3 6 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.2 22 72.8 2.8 1.8 99.8 6 20-30 0 0.1 0.2 26.7 67.3 2.8 2.1 99.2 6 30-40 0 0.1 0.2 19.2 78.3 1 0.4 99.2 6 40-50 0 0 0.2 32.2 67.1 0.3 0.1 99.9 6 50-60 0 0.1 0.7 24.5 71 2 0.9 99.2 6 60-70 0 0.1 0.7 23.7 71.7 2.1 1.4 99.7 6 70-80 0 0.3 0.8 22 69 3.7 4.2 100 6 80-90 0.2 0.3 0.6 18.3 68.1 6.3 6.1 99.9 6 90-100 0.1 0.1 0.1 13.5 76.9 4.8 4.5 100 111 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 6 100-110 0.1 0 0.1 6 110-120 0.1 0.1 6 120-130 0.3 6 130-140 6 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 20.4 72.8 3.8 2.6 99.8 0.1 15.6 75.9 4.1 3.6 99.5 0.1 0.1 14.4 74.8 4.9 4.7 99.3 0.7 0.6 2.9 18 60.1 7.2 10.4 99.9 150-160 0.4 0.3 0.4 13 72.3 6.1 7.5 100 6 160-170 36.4 12.5 7.9 13.9 11.8 4.5 12.1 99.1 6 170-180 22.3 12.8 9.5 18.8 16.2 6.3 14.1 100 6 180-190 13.5 6.3 6.4 27 25 6.9 13 98.1 6 190-200 5.7 2.9 4.1 28.5 43.3 5.2 10.2 99.9 8 0-10 0 0.5 4.4 22.7 66.6 3.3 3.5 101 8 10-20 0 0.1 1.2 22.6 70.9 3.1 1.8 99.7 8 20-30 0 0.8 0.2 18 73.1 4.3 3.6 100 8 30-40 0 0 0.1 14.3 78.9 3.9 2.7 99.9 8 40-50 0 0 0.1 19.4 77 2.4 0.9 99.8 8 50-60 0 0 0.1 13.3 82.1 3.2 1.3 100 8 60-70 0 0 0.1 11.6 84.7 2.2 1.2 99.8 8 70-80 0 0 0 11.5 84.6 2.5 1 99.6 8 80-90 0.2 0.1 0.1 9.7 82.3 4.6 2.7 99.7 8 90-100 0 0.1 0.3 12.8 72.6 7.5 6.7 100 8 100-110 0.4 0.3 1.2 14.1 62.7 9.8 11.2 99.7 8 110-120 0.1 0.3 0.1 10.3 81.5 4.4 3.3 100 8 120-130 10.9 10.4 9.5 18.5 15.6 7.7 27.8 100.4 8 130-140 5.9 5.9 4.7 15.5 28.3 8.5 31.2 100 8 140-150 6.2 4.7 3.2 15.4 41.1 7.8 21.6 100 9 0-10 1.7 1.9 3.8 26.7 64.5 1 0.4 100 9 10-20 0 0.1 0.1 19.8 77.2 1.8 0.6 99.6 9 20-30 0.1 0.1 0.1 16.7 80.8 1.6 0.5 99.9 9 30-40 0.1 0.1 0.2 14.3 82.9 1.8 0.6 100 9 40-50 0.1 0.2 0.6 18.5 77.9 2 0.7 100 9 50-60 1 0.5 1.7 20.6 67.1 4 4.3 99.2 9 60-70 2.9 1.5 7.3 35.6 40.2 6.2 5.4 99.1 9 70-80 4.7 1.9 6.9 43.2 30.5 5.8 6.2 99.2 9 80-90 15 4.4 7 40.3 23.1 3.8 5.5 99.1 9 90-100 14.8 6.9 6.7 33.9 26.2 4 7 99.5 9 100-110 43.5 13 5.5 16.1 16.3 1.6 3.2 99.2 9 110-120 30.5 14.5 7.4 17.5 28 0.8 1.1 99.8 9 120-130 0.4 0.2 0.5 12 82.7 2.1 0.6 98.5 10 0-10 0.2 0.2 0.3 16.6 79.8 2 0.5 99.6 10 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.1 17.7 78.9 2.4 0.5 99.8 10 30-40 0 0.1 0.1 10.1 85.1 2.8 1.4 99.6 112 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 10 40-50 0.1 0 0.1 14.6 83.1 1.4 0.2 99.5 10 50-60 0 0.1 0 20.5 77.7 0.8 0.1 99.2 10 60-70 0 0.1 0 13.9 82.6 1.8 1.1 99.5 10 80-90 0 0.1 0.3 19.8 75.7 2.3 1.5 99.7 10 90-100 0 0 0.1 16.9 81.7 0.9 0.2 99.8 10 100-110 0 0 0.2 18.9 79.1 0.9 0.5 99.6 10 110-120 0 0 0 26 73.4 0.4 0.2 100 10 120-130 0 0 0.1 19 79.8 0.7 0.3 99.9 10 130-140 0 0.1 0.1 21.3 77.3 0.8 0.5 100.1 10 140-150 0 0 0 25.5 73.8 0.4 0.1 99.8 10 150-160 0 0 0 21.5 77 0.7 0.4 99.6 10 160-170 0 0 0 22.4 76.2 1 0.4 100 10 170-180 0.8 0 0.2 22.8 70.6 3.3 2.3 100 10 180-190 0.2 0 0.2 18.5 74.7 3.5 2.7 99.8 10 190-200 0.1 0.1 0.2 15.3 77 4.1 3.7 100.5 10 200-210 0.3 0.1 0.2 13.7 77.2 4.3 4.1 99.9 10 210-220 0.9 0.2 0.4 12.3 72.1 6.3 7.8 100 10 220-230 2.9 2.1 3.3 18.4 58.4 7.5 7.4 100 10 230-240 10.7 10.8 8.6 15.6 35.7 8.4 10.1 99.9 10 240-250 24.5 18.1 11.5 11.9 14.1 6.2 13.4 99.7 11 0-10 0.9 0.6 1.3 22.2 71.2 2.7 1.1 100 11 10-20 0.4 0.2 0.4 17.1 73.8 5.1 3 100 11 30-40 1 0.1 0.3 16.6 74.8 4.6 2.5 99.9 11 40-50 0.2 0.1 0.2 10.8 78.9 5.8 3.7 99.7 11 50-60 1.7 0.8 0.6 17.2 75.8 2.7 1.2 100 11 60-70 0.7 0.4 0.5 17.1 77.9 2.3 1.1 100 11 70-80 0.7 0.2 0.2 18.3 78.1 1.8 0.6 99.9 11 80-90 0.3 0.1 0.1 21.8 75.5 1.5 0.7 100 11 90-100 0 0 0.1 21 77.3 1.3 0.3 100 11 100-110 0 0 0.1 23.5 74.6 1.1 0.6 99.9 11 110-120 0 0 0.1 22.2 76.1 1.2 0.4 100 11 120-130 0.1 0.1 0.1 18.9 75.7 2.9 1.9 99.7 11 130-140 0.1 0 0.1 15.3 78.4 3.8 2.3 100 11 140-150 0.2 0 0 14.5 80.8 3 1.5 100 11 150-160 0.2 0 0.1 11.9 82.9 3.2 1.7 100 11 160-170 0.1 0.1 0.1 9.7 85.4 2.8 1.8 100 11 180-190 5.4 0.5 0.3 13.3 66.5 6.6 7.3 99.9 11 200-210 4.9 4.4 4.1 15.7 46.8 10.4 13.5 99.8 11 210-220 26.7 10.3 7.3 10.5 19.6 8.2 17.4 100 11 220-230 33.2 18.8 10.7 9.5 10.7 5.2 11.9 100 113 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 11 230-240 42.6 15.7 8.1 11 240-250 30.8 24.8 12 0-10 0.4 12 10-20 12 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 8.9 9.7 4.9 9.9 99.8 11.4 10.4 9.7 4.4 8.4 99.9 0.9 2.8 27.2 66.9 1.4 0.3 99.9 0.2 0.2 0.6 22 74.9 1.6 0.5 100 20-30 0.1 0.1 0.2 16.8 80.6 1.2 0.7 99.7 12 30-40 0.1 0 0.2 23.9 74.5 1.3 0.3 100.3 12 40-50 0 0 0.3 41.5 56.9 0.9 0.4 100 12 50-60 0 0 0.4 49.6 48.8 0.6 0.5 99.9 12 60-70 0 0 0.4 47.2 50.7 0.6 0.9 99.8 12 70-80 0 0 0.2 18.8 77.7 2.4 0.9 100 12 80-90 0 0 0.2 19.3 76.8 2.4 1.3 100 12 90-100 0 0 0.2 21.6 74.9 2.1 1.2 100 12 100-110 0 0 0.1 19.3 76.8 2.4 1.3 99.9 12 110-120 0 0 0.2 26.7 71.2 1.2 0.7 100 12 120-130 0 0.1 0.1 21.5 76.3 1.5 0.5 100 12 130-140 0 0.1 0.1 15.9 81.4 1.9 0.5 99.9 12 140-150 0 0 0 11.3 85.5 2.3 0.8 99.9 12 150-160 0.1 0 0 11.8 84.8 2.3 1 100 12 160-170 0 0 0.1 13.7 81.5 2.5 2.2 100 12 170-180 0.1 0 0.2 22.6 68.8 4.8 3.4 99.9 12 180-190 0.8 0.3 1.6 25.9 58.9 6.4 5.9 99.8 12 190-200 3.7 1.8 3.9 17.7 48.7 10.6 13.6 100 12 200-210 14.9 9.7 7.6 16 23.8 9.8 18.2 100 12 210-220 25.2 13.6 7.3 11.8 12.1 7.7 22.2 99.9 12 220-230 27.3 16.9 9.4 10.8 8.9 6.7 20 100 12 230-240 18.4 9.2 7.3 12.7 13.8 9.5 29.1 100 12 240-250 18.2 11.8 8.9 12.8 12.2 8.8 27.3 100 13 0-10 0.3 0.9 2.6 17.4 76 2.3 0.5 100 13 10-20 0.1 0.1 2.6 17.7 77.3 1.5 0.6 99.9 13 20-30 0.1 0.1 1.8 12.8 82.1 2.4 0.7 100 13 30-40 0.1 0.1 0.1 16.4 80.7 1.9 0.6 99.9 13 40-50 0.1 0.1 0.2 13.6 83.6 1.6 0.7 99.9 13 50-60 0 0.1 0.1 20.8 74.6 2.9 1.5 100 13 60-70 0.1 0.1 0.2 18.1 74.9 4.7 1.9 100 13 70-80 0.1 0.1 0.2 24.5 72.6 2 0.5 100 13 80-90 0 0 0.2 22.7 75.3 1.5 0.2 99.9 13 90-100 0 0.1 0.1 17.5 79.7 2.1 0.5 100 13 100-110 0 0 0.1 12.7 84.6 2 0.6 100 13 110-120 0 0 0 12.1 85.1 2.1 0.7 100 13 120-130 0.1 0.1 0.1 13.8 82.8 2.2 0.7 99.8 114 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 13 130-140 0.1 0 0.1 13 140-150 0 0 13 150-160 1.1 13 160-170 13 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 12.6 82.4 3 1.8 100 0.1 12.7 81.2 3.5 2.5 100 0.1 0.2 20.2 69.5 5.2 3.7 100 2.8 1.7 8.4 28.8 48.1 5.8 4.2 99.8 170-180 12.8 16.5 13.3 20.7 24.8 5.7 6.2 100 13 180-190 19.9 14 12.6 20.5 18.3 6.8 7.9 100 13 190-200 16.4 8.8 10.9 21.3 17.8 9.9 14.8 99.9 13 200-210 20.2 10.4 10.8 21.6 14.6 8.5 13.8 99.9 13 210-220 16.3 9.5 10.7 25 19.2 7.4 11.9 100 13 220-230 23.6 8.9 9.8 22.4 13.5 7.1 14.6 99.9 13 230-240 25.8 12.3 11.6 21.2 15.8 4.6 8.7 100 13 250-260 9 8.8 9.5 21.4 15.4 8.6 27.3 100 13 260-270 11.6 5.9 8.9 31.3 19.7 7 15.6 100 14 0-10 0.1 0 0.5 14.9 82.4 1.7 0.2 99.8 14 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.4 15.5 81.9 1.7 0.3 100 14 20-30 0 0.1 0.2 13.9 83 2.3 0.5 100 14 30-40 0 0.1 0.2 15.8 81 2.5 0.4 100 14 50-60 0 0.1 0.2 15.1 82.2 1.9 0.5 100 14 60-70 0 0 0.2 14.8 82.4 2.2 0.4 100 14 70-80 0 0 0.2 14.1 83 2.1 0.6 100 14 80-90 0.3 0 0.1 14.5 80.6 2.9 1.5 99.9 14 90-100 0.4 0.1 0.3 23.2 68.8 4.3 2.9 100 14 100-110 2.3 0.2 1.2 26.4 60.3 5.4 4.2 100 14 110-120 5 1.7 8.4 30.2 42.7 6.7 5.3 100 14 120-130 15.5 10 12.8 21.4 26.8 2.9 7.6 97 14 130-140 13.8 11.6 13.4 21.8 21.5 7.3 10.5 99.9 14 140-150 21.9 9.8 10.8 18.8 18.2 7.3 13 99.8 14 150-160 16.3 10.1 11.5 21.1 20.7 7.8 12.5 100 14 160-170 25.1 13.5 12.8 20.1 12.1 5.4 11 100 14 170-180 21.9 14.2 10.8 20.8 13.9 6 12.3 99.9 15 0-10 0.2 0.4 1.3 23.4 72.8 1.5 0.4 100 15 10-20 0 0.1 0.3 20.7 26.5 1.8 0.4 49.8 15 20-30 0 0 0.2 18.9 78.7 1.8 0.4 100 15 30-40 0 0.1 0.2 18.8 79 1.7 0.2 100 15 40-50 0 0 0.1 19 79.3 1.4 0.2 100 15 50-60 0 0 0 21.1 76.9 1.5 0.3 99.8 15 60-70 0.1 0.1 0.1 20.9 77 1.3 0.4 99.9 15 70-80 0 0.1 0.1 18.2 79.8 1.5 0.3 100 15 80-90 0 0 0 18.5 79.2 1.6 0.5 99.8 15 90-100 0 0 0 18.4 80 1.3 0.3 100 115 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 15 100-110 0 0.1 0 15 110-120 0 0 15 120-130 0 15 130-140 15 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 15.8 82.4 1.4 0.3 100 0.1 14.9 83.1 1.6 0.3 100 0.1 0.1 16.3 81.5 1.5 0.4 99.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 17.6 80.2 1.6 0.3 100 140-150 0 0.1 0.1 17.4 79.8 1.8 0.7 99.9 15 150-160 0 0.1 0.1 14.8 81 2.1 1.9 100 15 160-170 0 0.1 0.1 15.2 81.2 1.8 0.9 99.3 15 170-180 0 0.1 0.2 19.4 77.9 1.8 0.5 99.9 15 180-190 0 0.1 0.2 19.6 77.8 1.7 0.4 99.8 15 190-200 0 0.1 0 20.1 77.7 1.5 0.5 99.9 15 200-210 0 0.1 0.1 13.8 83.2 2.1 0.7 100 15 210-220 0 0.1 0 12.3 85.1 2 0.5 100 15 220-230 0 0 0.1 12.7 84.7 1.8 0.6 99.9 15 230-240 0 0 0.1 12.9 83.7 2.3 1 100 15 240-250 0 0 0 9.8 83.8 3.9 2.5 100 15 250-260 0.5 0 0 17.4 75.6 3.8 2.7 100 15 260-270 1.7 0.1 0.6 23 62.7 6.5 5.3 99.9 15 270-280 4.4 2.7 9.4 24.9 44.8 6.7 6.9 99.8 15 280-290 6.6 9.3 10.8 21.9 34.7 7.3 9.4 100 15 290-300 15.3 14.6 13.9 20.7 16.9 6.7 11.8 99.9 15 300-310 10.3 6.8 8.8 23.3 19.6 8.8 22.4 100 15 310-320 13.5 5.8 5.8 21.6 19.9 8.3 25.1 100 15 320-330 10 4.5 5.4 20.6 21.2 8.5 29.6 99.8 15 330-340 19.1 7.4 7.3 23.7 26.3 5.7 10.5 100 16 0-10 0.2 0.4 2.3 24 70.4 2.1 0.6 100 16 10-20 0 0 0.3 17.6 79.8 1.8 0.5 100 16 20-30 0 0.1 0.2 12.7 83.7 2.5 0.8 100 16 30-40 0 0 0 13.4 82.5 2.6 1.5 100 16 40-50 0 0 0.1 17.7 78 2.7 1.5 100 16 60-70 0 0 0 21.8 75.9 1.7 0.5 99.9 16 70-80 0 0 0 20 77.7 1.4 0.9 100 16 80-90 0 0 0 15.5 81.4 2.2 0.9 100 16 90-100 0.3 0 0 12.8 84.1 2 0.7 99.9 16 100-110 0 0 0 12.9 83.5 2.7 0.9 100 16 110-120 1 0.1 0 12.9 82.2 2.8 1 100 16 120-130 0 0 0 13.8 82.7 2.5 1 100 16 140-150 0.9 0 0 14.4 78.4 3.8 2.3 99.8 16 150-160 5.6 0.6 3.1 24.7 55.9 6.8 3.1 99.8 16 160-170 5.8 1.1 3.8 21.9 52.8 8.6 6 100 17 0-10 0.1 0.1 0.5 16.1 77.8 3.8 1.6 100 116 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 17 10-20 0 0 0.1 13.7 81.4 3.7 1 99.9 17 20-30 0 0 0.2 11.8 82.9 3.7 1.4 100 17 30-40 0.5 0 0.1 13 80.3 4.1 2 100 17 40-50 0.8 0 0.4 24.3 67.5 4.1 2.9 100 17 50-60 2.2 0.4 1.5 29.4 57 5.5 4 100 18 0-10 11 6.8 8.9 16.8 48.9 4.2 2.8 99.4 18 10-20 5.4 5.2 6.4 15.4 58.7 5.4 3.3 99.8 18 30-40 0.2 0.1 0.3 12.1 76.2 6.3 4.7 99.9 18 40-50 3.2 0.2 0.4 12.8 71.6 5.9 5.7 99.8 18 50-70 5.8 0.6 1.2 13.3 61.4 7.2 10.2 99.7 18 70-80 14.7 2.7 4.4 17.7 43.4 8.3 8.8 100 18 80-90 12.4 4.3 5.3 17.3 40.4 9.2 10.9 99.8 19 0-10 0.1 1.1 3.6 17.2 69.2 5.9 2.9 100 19 10-20 1.1 0.4 3.4 20 67.4 5.2 2.5 100 19 20-30 1.5 0.7 3 24.7 60.8 5.3 3.9 99.9 19 30-40 2.3 0.8 1.2 21.9 62.5 6.5 4.7 99.9 19 40-50 3.5 1.9 2.4 24.2 55.1 6.3 6.4 99.8 19 50-60 5.5 2.9 3.4 24.1 55 6.6 4.5 102 19 60-70 9.4 6.3 7.6 24.5 29.6 10.9 11.7 100 19 70-80 15.8 8 8.2 23.3 19.5 10.8 14.4 100 19 80-90 13.5 7.9 7.8 24.4 20.4 8.9 17.1 100 19 90-100 24.1 7.6 7.5 24.5 19.1 7 10.2 100 20 0-10 0.3 0.6 2.9 12.9 69.7 8.4 5.1 99.9 20 10-20 0.1 0.8 3.6 13.1 67.5 8.1 6.8 100 20 20-30 1.3 0.2 0.6 8.5 68.6 7.8 13 100 20 30-40 0.3 0.2 0.8 11.6 64.9 7.7 13.8 99.3 20 40-50 0.1 0.2 0.6 11.2 61.6 8.7 17.6 100 20 50-60 0.1 2.3 3.5 20.1 39.2 12.9 21.5 99.6 20 60-70 20.5 5.4 5.9 18.9 18.1 10.4 20.6 99.8 20 70-80 5.1 4.9 4.4 28.6 28.5 8.9 19.4 99.8 20 80-90 30.9 5.7 4.6 21 21.1 4.5 12.2 100 20 90-100 22.8 4.1 4.1 28.4 26.7 4.3 9.2 99.6 20 100-110 38.4 2.7 2.5 22.3 24.9 3.6 5.3 99.7 21 0-15 0 0 0.2 12 83.7 3 1.1 100 21 15-25 0 0 1 12.6 83.1 3.2 1 100.9 21 25-35 0 0 1 12.7 83.8 2.8 0.6 100.9 21 35-45 0 0 1 12.5 83.4 3 1.3 101.2 21 45-55 0 0 1 13.7 83.2 2.8 0.2 100.9 21 55-65 0 0 0 13.9 83.7 2.3 0.1 100 21 65-75 0 0 0 19.8 77.7 2.4 0.1 100 117 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 21 75-85 0 0 0 17.9 79.7 2 0.3 99.9 21 85-95 0 0 0 23 75.8 1.1 0.1 100 21 95-105 0 0 0 20.3 77.4 1.7 0.4 99.8 21 105-115 0 0 1 14.5 82.7 2.2 0.5 100.9 21 115-125 8.4 2.2 0.8 12.4 70.9 3.3 1.9 99.9 21 125-135 1.7 0.4 0.2 14.5 79 2.9 1.3 100 21 135-145 2.6 0.4 1.2 22.7 66.4 5.5 1.2 100 21 145-155 12.5 9.5 9.8 24.4 34.5 7.3 1.8 99.8 21 185-195 15.2 7.9 9.5 22.9 29.8 8.9 5.7 99.9 21 195-205 25.3 7.6 9.7 22.4 20.8 8.3 5.9 100 21 205-215 20.1 7.7 8.9 26.6 23.9 6.6 5.9 99.7 21 215-225 22.4 7.2 8.2 27.8 26 4.8 3.1 99.5 21 225-235 16.8 4.5 6.1 33.7 31.6 4.1 3.2 100 22 0-10 0.3 0.2 0.9 15.9 77.6 4 1.1 100 22 10-20 0.1 0.1 0.3 14.3 79 4.3 1.9 100 22 20-30 0 0 0.3 15.6 77.9 4.3 1.7 99.8 22 30-40 0.9 0 0.1 15.8 77.9 3.9 1.4 100 22 40-50 0.2 0 0 11.8 79.4 4.7 3.8 99.9 22 50-60 0.9 0.2 0.4 15.7 73.6 5.1 4.1 100 22 60-70 2.9 0.6 1.6 22.7 58.5 7.7 6 100 22 70-80 9.1 4 7.4 22.6 37.8 9.9 9.2 100 22 80-90 14.2 7.4 9.7 22.6 23.4 9.9 12.7 99.9 22 90-100 18.7 4.6 6.4 22.8 19.6 9.4 18.5 100 22 100-110 21.9 6.7 8.5 22.9 16.4 8.6 14.8 99.8 22 110-120 17.8 6.9 9.7 27.7 18.7 8.5 10.7 100 22 120-130 19.7 4.8 9.1 33 22.3 5.3 5.8 100 22 130-140 2.7 0.4 4.2 48 40.1 2.6 1.9 99.9 23 0-10 0.4 0.3 1.1 12.2 78.6 5.6 1.8 100 23 10-20 0.3 0.2 0.4 11.5 80.4 5.3 1.9 100 23 20-30 0.3 0.1 0.3 10.7 80.9 5.3 2.4 100 23 30-40 0.5 0.3 0.3 11.5 77.2 5.9 3.2 98.9 23 40-50 3.9 0.5 5.4 18.8 61.5 6.2 3.6 99.9 23 50-60 7.7 6.4 5.6 17.5 42.9 10.1 9.7 99.9 23 60-70 12.8 11.6 8.7 17.9 28.2 10.8 10 100 23 70-80 16.2 11.8 8.8 17.6 18.9 11.3 14.7 99.3 23 80-90 45.6 9.1 5.3 9.1 14.7 5.3 10.9 100 23 90-100 24.2 10.7 7.8 17 16.1 8.1 15.9 99.8 23 100-110 31.5 7.9 6.9 19.4 15.7 7.3 11.2 99.9 23 110-120 28.2 8 8.6 22.8 15.5 7 9.8 99.9 23 120-130 8.4 5.9 9.2 37.8 30.4 4 4.3 100 118 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 23 130-140 5.9 5.6 5.7 23 140-150 2.2 2.7 23 150-160 3.6 23 160-170 23 170-180 24 24 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 40.3 36.2 3.1 3.2 100 5.4 45.7 40.3 2.8 1.2 100.3 4.8 5.1 16.7 65 2.4 2.4 100 5.5 5.8 7.2 22.3 47.7 5.3 6.1 99.9 20.7 9.8 8.8 18.9 25.3 8.7 7.7 99.9 0-10 0.7 0.6 0.8 13.3 79.8 4.3 0.5 100 10-20 0.1 0.2 0.2 12.2 84.4 2.3 0.5 99.9 24 20-30 0 0 0.1 12.7 84.5 2.3 0.4 100 24 30-40 0 0 0 13.6 83.5 2.4 0.5 100 24 40-50 0 0 0.1 16.5 81.1 2 0.3 100 24 50-60 0 0 0.2 14.8 82.4 2.3 0.3 100 24 60-70 0 0 0.1 13.7 83.9 2.1 0.3 100.1 24 70-80 0 0 0.1 13.4 83 3.3 0.2 100 24 80-90 0 0 0 17.3 80.1 2.4 0.2 100 24 90-100 0 0 0.1 18.7 79 2 0.2 100 24 100-110 0 0 0.1 18.8 78.7 2.3 0.1 100 24 110-120 0 0 0.1 17.2 80.2 2.2 0.3 100 24 120-130 0 0 0.1 20.4 77.2 2 0.3 100 24 130-140 0 0 0.1 19.9 77.6 2 0.4 100 24 140-150 0 0 0.2 17.6 79 2.5 0.7 100 24 150-160 0 0.1 0.1 11.8 83.5 3.2 1.3 100 24 160-170 0.1 0 0.1 13.5 80.8 3.2 2.2 99.9 24 170-180 1.5 0.1 0.4 18.3 70.3 5.4 4 100 24 180-190 3.3 0.6 2.5 22.5 58.1 7.5 5.5 100 24 190-200 11.3 4.8 8.6 23.6 37.2 7.6 6.9 100 24 200-210 16.2 7.6 7.2 20.8 31.7 8.4 8.1 100 24 210-220 28.4 8.6 7.7 18.7 19.4 8.3 8.9 100 24 220-230 24.1 8.4 7.7 19.6 23.7 8.3 8.2 100 24 230-240 30 7.8 7.8 20.2 22.6 6.3 5.3 100 24 240-250 30.5 8.2 8 19.6 22.5 5.6 5.6 100 24 250-260 29.4 8.6 9.4 23.8 20.1 5.7 3 100 24 260-270 12.9 2.1 7.9 45.3 27.7 2.3 1.8 100 25 0-10 0.1 0 0.1 23.5 75.9 0.3 0.1 100 25 10-20 0 0 0 22.3 75.6 1.9 0.2 100 25 20-30 0 0 0 22.3 75.6 1.9 0.2 100 25 30-40 0 0 0 22.3 75.6 1.9 0.2 100 25 40-50 0 0 0 22.3 75.6 1.9 0.2 100 25 50-60 0 0 0 17.3 79.7 2.2 0.8 100 25 60-70 0 0 0 17.3 79.7 2.2 0.8 100 25 70-80 0 0 0 17.3 79.7 2.2 0.8 100 119 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 25 80-90 0 0 0 17.3 79.7 2.2 0.8 100 25 90-100 0 0 0 17.3 79.7 2.2 0.8 100 25 100-110 0 0 0.1 23.7 74.8 1.1 0.2 99.9 25 110-120 0 0 0 23.2 74.5 1.6 0.5 99.8 25 120-130 0 0 0 23.2 74.5 1.6 0.5 99.8 25 130-140 0 0 0 23.2 74.5 1.6 0.5 99.8 25 140-150 0 0 0 23.2 74.5 1.6 0.5 99.8 25 150-160 0 0 0.1 23.3 75.3 1.2 0.1 100 25 160-170 0 0 0 20.8 77.7 1.2 0.3 100 25 170-180 0 0 0.1 25 73.6 0.8 0.4 99.9 25 180-190 0 0 0.3 22.3 74.5 1.9 0.8 99.8 25 190-200 0 0 0.2 23.9 73.3 1.9 0.6 99.9 25 200-210 0 0 0 15.5 80.7 2.8 0.8 99.8 25 210-220 0 0 0.1 11.1 84.9 2.9 0.9 99.9 25 220-230 0 0 0 14.3 82.1 2.8 0.8 100 25 230-240 0 0 0 13.4 81.7 2.7 2.1 99.9 25 240-250 2.1 0.1 0.3 19.6 67.9 6.1 3.9 100 25 250-260 3 0.5 2.5 23.9 59.8 5.4 4.8 99.9 25 260-270 9.2 4.1 7.8 22.4 41.1 7.6 7.8 100 25 270-280 10.8 7.2 8.1 20.7 37.8 7.6 7.7 99.9 25 280-290 25.7 9.3 7.4 18.1 23.4 7.7 8.4 100 25 290-300 36.1 10 7.5 14.9 15.2 7.5 8.6 99.8 25 300-310 27.9 10.1 7.7 20.4 18 7.3 8.4 99.8 25 310-320 18.2 10 8.4 21.2 32.3 4.3 5.6 100 25 320-330 23.4 8.7 10.1 21.3 23.6 5.5 7.3 99.9 25 330-340 34.7 8.5 8.9 21.4 17.3 3.7 5.4 99.9 26 0-15 0.1 0.1 0.2 13.4 82.9 2.8 0.6 100.1 26 15-25 0 0 0.2 14.2 82.6 2.7 0.3 100 26 25-35 0 0 0.1 14.3 83 2.3 0.3 100 26 35-45 0 0 0.1 15.5 81.6 2.4 0.4 100 26 45-55 0 0 0.2 21.3 76.5 1.5 0.5 100 26 55-65 0 0 0.2 22.4 74.7 2.2 0.5 100 26 65-75 0 0 0.1 20.4 76.9 2 0.6 100 26 75-85 0 0 0.1 10.6 85.4 2.9 1 100 26 85-95 0 0 0.1 14.1 83.4 2 0.4 100 26 95-105 0 0 0 12.3 84.6 2.3 0.8 100 26 105-115 0 0 0 12 84 2.5 1.5 100 26 115-125 2.8 0 0 14.8 75.8 3.9 2.6 99.9 26 125-135 2.7 0.1 1.5 25.4 60 5.5 4.7 99.9 26 135-145 3.9 1.9 7.3 26.4 46.8 7.7 5.9 99.9 120 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 26 145-155 7.4 6.8 10.9 26 155-165 7.3 6.5 26 165-175 17.2 26 175-185 26 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 27.9 31.8 7.7 7.5 100 11.3 27.1 32 7.6 8.2 100 5.1 7.2 25.6 22.1 9.8 12.7 99.7 22.1 6.5 6.8 25.8 21.3 7.7 9.6 99.8 185-195 21.8 6.3 6.8 25.4 22.3 7.2 10.1 99.9 26 195-205 22.6 4.1 5.9 30.6 25.4 7 4.3 99.9 27 0-10 0.2 0.3 1.3 15.9 79.3 2.5 0.5 100 27 10-20 0 0 0.1 12.4 84.2 2.6 0.7 100 27 40-50 0 0 0.1 12.6 84.5 2.3 0.5 100 27 50-60 0 0 0.1 14.7 81.9 2.4 0.6 99.7 27 60-70 0 0 0.1 17.4 79 2.7 0.8 100 27 70-80 0 0 0.1 17 80.2 2.1 0.6 100 27 80-90 0 0 0.1 17.7 80 1.8 0.4 100 27 90-100 0 0 0.2 16.1 81.8 1.8 0.1 100 27 100-110 0 0 0.1 15.5 82.2 1.8 0.3 99.9 27 110-120 0 0 0 21.2 77.1 1.2 0.4 99.9 27 130-140 0 0 0.1 17.5 77.9 2.4 1.9 99.8 27 140-150 0 0 0.1 18.2 78.9 2.3 0.4 99.9 27 150-160 0.2 0 0.1 13.8 82.4 2.7 0.7 99.9 27 160-170 0 0.1 0.1 10.7 85.8 2.5 0.8 100 27 170-180 0.1 0.1 0.1 13.5 81.4 2.7 1.9 99.8 27 180-190 0.2 0.1 0.2 16.5 76.9 3.5 2.6 100 27 190-200 3.3 1.1 2.7 24.4 58.8 5.8 3.8 99.9 27 200-210 3.7 1.3 4.5 26.5 52.9 6.8 4.2 99.9 27 210-220 5.8 5.6 6.9 23 46.7 6.7 5.2 99.9 27 220-230 14.6 7.1 8.8 20.5 32.5 8.2 9.3 101 27 230-240 11.8 7.2 7.8 24.9 34.4 7.3 6.6 100 27 240-250 20.5 9.9 10.6 22.8 22 7.3 6.7 99.8 27 250-260 30.8 9.7 9.9 20.1 21.5 4.2 3.8 100 27 260-270 20.2 10.1 11.6 24.8 24.2 4.9 4.2 100 27 270-280 23.8 11.3 11.4 21.5 24.5 3.8 3.6 99.9 29 0-15 0 0.2 0.4 13.3 82.5 2.8 0.6 99.8 29 15-25 0.1 0.2 0.2 17.5 78 2.8 1.2 100 29 25-35 0 0.1 0.1 17.9 78.5 2.8 0.6 100 29 35-45 0 0 0.2 22.2 73.8 2.3 1.4 99.9 29 45-55 0 0 0.1 20.5 75.8 2.3 1.2 99.9 29 55-65 0 0 0 13.6 82.6 2.4 1.3 99.9 29 65-75 0 0 0 13.3 83.3 2.7 0.7 100 29 75-85 0 0 0.1 16.1 80.2 2.5 1.1 100 29 85-95 0 0 0 15.9 80.8 2.5 0.7 99.9 121 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 29 95-105 0 0 0.2 21.2 76.7 1.5 0.4 100 29 105-115 0 0 0.2 22.4 75.2 1.7 0.4 99.9 29 115-125 0 0 0.1 23.3 74.7 1.7 0.2 100 29 125-135 0 0 0.2 23.3 73.4 2.2 0.8 99.9 29 135-145 0 0 0 23.8 73.6 1.7 0.6 99.7 29 145-155 0 0 0.1 25.1 73.3 1.2 0.3 100 29 155-165 0 0 0.1 17.3 79.6 2.3 0.7 100 29 165-175 0 0 0 12.5 84.7 2.3 0.5 100 29 175-185 0 0 0 12.4 85.7 1.6 0.3 100 29 185-195 0 0 0 11.6 85.5 2.3 0.5 99.9 29 195-205 0 0 0 13.4 82.8 2.3 1.4 99.9 29 205-215 0.2 0.1 0.1 16.7 77.5 3.1 2.2 99.9 29 215-225 0.8 0.2 2.6 27.4 60.4 5.5 3 99.9 29 225-235 3.6 2.1 7.8 26.5 48.6 7.2 4.2 100 29 235-245 6.2 9.8 10.9 24.8 35.7 7.2 5.2 99.8 29 245-255 16.7 11.4 11.8 21.6 21.5 8.7 8.2 99.9 29 255-265 13 8.9 10.8 24.7 27.9 8.4 6.3 100 29 265-275 23.3 8.9 9.9 24.1 22 6.1 5.6 99.9 29 275-285 20.9 9.5 10.8 24.5 18.8 7.4 7.9 99.8 29 285-295 27.4 7.7 9.3 22.1 18.6 5.8 9.1 100 29 295-305 20.2 9.2 11.6 26.7 17.2 5.8 9.2 99.9 29 305-315 26.3 7.9 7.7 28.4 20.3 3.6 5.8 100 29 315-325 25.4 6.4 7.6 24.7 25.8 4.4 5.7 100 30 0-10 0.1 0.1 0.2 12.8 83 3.1 0.7 100 30 10-20 0 0 0 13.4 83.2 2.6 0.7 99.9 30 20-30 0 0 0 13.4 83.2 2.6 0.7 99.9 30 30-40 0 0 0 13.4 83.2 2.6 0.7 99.9 30 40-50 0 0 0 13.5 83.6 2.4 0.5 100 30 50-60 0 0 0 14.3 83.4 2 0.3 100 30 60-70 0 0 0.1 15.6 81.6 2.2 0.4 99.9 30 70-80 0 0 0 26.7 71.7 1.3 0.3 100 30 80-90 0 0 0 20.7 77.3 1.7 0.3 100 30 90-100 0 0 0 20.8 76.6 1.8 0.5 99.7 30 100-110 0 0 0 19.8 77.9 1.8 0.4 99.9 30 110-120 0 0 0.1 22 75.3 1.7 0.8 99.9 30 120-130 0 0 0 22.3 74.8 1.8 0.9 99.8 30 130-140 0 0 0 18.9 78.3 2.1 0.7 100 30 140-150 0 0 0 11.6 85.1 2.7 0.6 100 30 150-160 0.6 0 0.1 15.7 80 2.3 1.3 100 30 160-170 0.6 0.1 0.3 21 72.2 3.2 2.5 99.9 122 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 30 170-180 2.2 0.2 1.5 30 180-190 4.6 1.3 30 190-200 7.6 30 200-210 30 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 28.6 59.7 4.4 3.4 100 5.7 28.5 50.8 5.2 3.8 99.9 6 10.4 23.7 36.7 7.8 7.6 99.8 12.9 7.3 10.4 23 29.4 8.7 8.3 100 210-220 16.4 5.7 6.6 25.2 30 8.7 7.4 100 30 220-230 21.1 5.1 5.8 22.9 33.5 6.3 5.2 99.9 30 230-240 11.6 3.5 5 25.7 46.5 4.1 3.4 99.8 30 240-250 17.2 3.6 4.6 18.3 49.2 4 3.1 100 30 250-260 10.1 5.3 8.6 31.8 35.7 4.1 4.3 99.9 30 260-270 25.4 8.4 8.8 22.2 25.4 4.3 5.4 99.9 30 270-280 22.8 8.2 7.2 18.9 32.6 4.8 5.5 100 30 280-290 12 1.8 2.9 18.9 58.4 3.2 2.7 99.9 31 10-20 0.1 0 0.2 15.5 80.9 2.5 0.8 100 31 30-40 0 0 0.2 20.1 76.5 2.5 0.7 100 31 40-50 0.1 0 0.2 18.7 78.3 2.1 0.6 100 31 50-60 0 0 0 13.5 83.3 2.1 1 99.9 31 60-70 0 0 0.1 13.3 83.6 2 0.8 99.8 31 70-80 0 0 0 11.5 85.4 2.3 0.8 100 31 80-90 0.8 0.1 0.3 21.9 69.7 3.8 3.4 100 31 90-100 0.8 1.4 8.6 29.8 48.9 5.6 4.8 99.9 31 100-110 3.7 3.9 9.6 24.8 43.8 6.4 7.6 99.8 31 110-120 8.4 9.9 12.3 24.6 29.4 6.4 8.7 99.7 31 120-130 11.6 7.2 12.6 26.7 25.9 6.9 8.9 99.8 31 130-140 9.8 7.2 12 27.6 29.1 7.1 7.2 100 31 140-150 17 7.9 11.6 28.7 18.8 6.7 9.1 99.8 31 150-160 18.5 8.1 11.5 26 16.3 6.5 12.8 99.7 31 160-170 21.6 8.8 12 22.6 13.7 5.9 15.2 99.8 31 170-180 21.6 9.5 12.2 23.4 14.1 6.3 12.9 100 33 0-10 0.7 0.9 1.2 16.6 70.6 5.2 4.8 100 33 10-20 1 1.3 1.4 15.4 68.5 6.8 5.2 99.6 33 20-30 1.9 1.4 1.5 20.4 62.7 6.7 5.3 99.9 33 30-40 1 0.3 0.3 11 81.5 3.3 2.6 100 33 40-50 0.1 0.1 0.2 10.2 85.1 2.3 2 100 33 50-60 0 0 0.1 10.3 84.3 2.6 2.7 100 33 60-70 0 0 0.1 14.6 81.8 2.4 1.1 100 33 70-80 0 0 0 13.4 81.5 3.1 1.9 99.9 33 80-90 2 0 0.1 14.5 78.3 3.1 2.8 100.8 33 90-105 2 0.2 0.5 28.4 61.6 4.3 4.8 101.8 33 105-120 10.3 5.2 8.4 25.8 40 5.5 5.5 100.7 33 120-130 16.5 11.6 10.4 20.8 30.7 5.2 4.7 99.9 123 Auger Level (cm BS) Granual (10) VC Sand (18) C Sand (35) 33 130-145 19.9 12.1 11.7 33 145-150 22.5 12.1 33 150-165 21.8 33 165-170 33 M Sand (60) F Sand (120) VF Sand (230) Silt+Clay (PAN) Total (g) 22.4 23.6 5.9 4.3 99.9 11.4 21.2 19.7 6.8 6.2 99.9 12.3 12.4 22.9 17.4 6.1 7.1 100 20.1 13.1 12.8 23.5 17.6 5.7 7.2 100 170-180 28.5 14.6 13.4 20.8 11.3 4.6 6.7 99.9 33 180-190 26.2 15.1 14.3 20 12.8 5.1 6.4 99.9 33 190-200 25.1 14.5 14.3 21.5 13.3 5 6.3 100 33 200-210 23.6 15.2 16.7 22.3 11.8 3.8 6.5 99.9 33 210-220 23.5 11.7 15.3 24.1 13.5 5.1 6.6 99.8 33 220-230 22.8 11.9 14 25.8 14.9 5.2 5.2 99.8 33 230-240 23.1 11.2 14.3 25.6 15.2 5.3 5.3 100 33 240-250 14.9 3.9 3.7 20.4 51.8 2.4 2.8 99.9 33 250-260 3.8 1.3 1 12.3 78.7 1.9 0.7 99.7 33 260-270 0.1 0 0 5.2 925.5 1.9 0.3 933 33 270-280 0.1 0.1 0 5.9 91.6 1.4 0.8 99.9 33 280-290 0.1 0.1 0.2 7.5 90.7 1.3 0.2 100.1 33 290-300 1.2 0.5 0.3 15 80.9 1.5 0.5 99.9 33 300-310 2.5 0.7 0.4 16.3 78.5 1.2 0.4 100 33 310-320 2.8 0.7 0.5 23.8 70.5 1.2 0.4 99.9 33 320-325 4.6 1.6 1.6 22.9 66.3 1.8 1.1 99.9 124 Appendix B: The Munsell colors of dried samples gathered from each auger unit levels (cm below the surface). Auger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 0-10 2.5Y5/2 10-20 2.5Y5/2 20-30 2.5Y5/2 30-40 2.5Y5/2 40-50 2.5Y5/2 50-60 2.5Y5/2 60-70 2.5Y5/2 70-80 10YR 3/2 80-90 10YR 3/2 90-100 10YR 3/2 100-110 10YR 3/2 110-120 10YR 4/3 120-130 10YR 4/3 130-140 7.5YR 4/4 140-150 7.5YR 4/4 150-160 7.5YR 4/4 160-170 7.5YR 5/6 170-180 7.5YR 5/6 180-190 7.5YR 5/6 190-200 7.5YR 5/6 200-210 7.5YR 5/6 210-220 7.5YR 5/6 220-230 7.5YR 5/6 230-240 10YR 6/4 240-250 10YR 6/4 250-260 gravel 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 3/2 110-120 2.5Y 3/2 120-130 2.5Y 3/2 130-140 2.5Y 3/2 125 Auger 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 140-150 2.5Y 3/2 150-160 2.5Y 3/2 160-170 10YR 2/1 170-180 10YR 3/2 180-190 10YR 5/4 190-200 10YR 5/4 200-210 10YR 5/4 210-220 10YR 5/4 220-230 2.5Y 5/4 230-240 10YR 5/3 240-250 2.5Y 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 N/A 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 3/2 130-140 2.5Y 3/2 140-150 2.5Y 3/2 150-160 2.5Y 3/2 160-170 10YR 5/3 170-180 10YR 5/4 180-190 10YR 5/4 190-200 10YR 5/4 200-210 10YR 5/3 210-220 10YR 5/3 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 10YR 2/1 60-70 10YR 2/1 70-80 10YR 2/1 80-90 10YR 3/2 90-100 10YR 3/2 100-110 10YR 3/2 110-120 10YR 5/3 126 Auger 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 120-130 10YR 5/4 130-140 10YR 5/4 140-150 10YR 5/4 150-160 2.5Y 5/4 160-170 2.5Y 6/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 3/2 90-100 2.5Y 3/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 3/2 120-130 10YR 4/1 130-140 10YR 3/2 140-150 10YR 5/3 150-160 10YR 5/3 160-170 10YR 4/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 3/2 80-90 2.5Y 3/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 3/2 120-130 2.5Y 3/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/1 140-150 N/A 150-160 2.5Y 5/1 160-170 2.5Y 6/2 170-180 2.5Y 6/2 180-190 2.5Y 6/2 190-200 2.5Y 5/1 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 127 Auger 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 10YR 4/1 130-140 2.5Y 5/1 140-150 2.5Y 5/1 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 10YR 2/1 70-80 10YR 5/3 80-90 10YR 5/3 90-100 10YR 5/3 100-110 10YR 5/3 110-120 GRAVEL 120-130 GRAVEL 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 5/2 128 Auger 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 180-190 2.5Y 5/2 190-200 2.5Y 5/2 200-210 2.5Y 5/2 210-220 2.5Y 5/2 220-230 2.5Y 5/2 230-240 10YR 3/2 240-250 10YR 5/3 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 5/2 180-190 2.5Y 3/2 190-200 2.5Y 3/2 200-210 2.5Y 3/2 210-220 7.5YR 4/4 220-230 10YR 5/6 230-240 2.5Y 5/4 240-250 2.5Y 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 129 Auger 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 3/2 180-190 2.5Y 3/2 190-200 10YR 4/1 200-210 2.5Y 4/2 210-220 2.5Y 4/2 220-230 2.5Y 4/2 230-240 2.5Y 6/2 240-250 2.5Y 6/2 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 3/2 160-170 2.5Y 3/2 170-180 10YR 4/1 180-190 10YR 3/2 190-200 10YR 3/4 200-210 10YR 3/4 210-220 7.5YR 4/4 220-230 10YR 5/6 230-240 10YR 5/6 250-260 2.5Y 6/2 260-270 2.5Y 6/2 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 130 Auger 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 3/2 110-120 2.5Y 3/2 120-130 10YR 3/2 130-140 10YR 3/2 140-150 10YR 5/3 150-160 10YR 5/4 160-170 10YR 5/3 170-180 10YR 5/6 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 3/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 5/2 180-190 2.5Y 5/2 190-200 2.5Y 5/2 200-210 2.5Y 5/2 210-220 2.5Y 5/2 220-230 2.5Y 5/2 230-240 2.5Y 5/2 240-250 2.5Y 5/2 250-260 10YR 2/1 260-270 10YR 2/1 270-280 10YR 2/1 280-290 10YR 2/1 290-300 10YR 3/2 300-310 10YR 5/3 131 Auger 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 310-320 10YR 5/6 320-330 10YR 5/6 330-340 10YR 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 10YR 2/1 160-170 10YR 2/1 0-10 2.5Y 3/2 10-20 2.5Y 3/2 20-30 2.5Y 3/2 30-40 2.5Y 3/2 40-50 2.5Y 3/2 50-60 10YR 4/1 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-70 2.5Y 3/2 70-80 10YR 5/3 80-90 10YR 5/3 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 3/2 50-60 10YR 4/1 60-70 10YR 4/1 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 6/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 132 Auger 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 0-10 2.5Y 3/2 10-20 2.5Y 3/2 20-30 2.5Y 3/2 30-40 2.5Y 3/2 40-50 2.5Y 3/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/1 60-70 10YR 5/3 70-80 2.5Y 6/3 80-90 2.5Y 6/3 90-100 2.5Y 6/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/3 0-15 2.5Y 5/2 15-25 2.5Y 5/2 25-35 2.5Y 5/2 35-45 2.5Y 5/2 45-55 2.5Y 5/2 55-65 2.5Y 5/2 65-75 2.5Y 5/2 75-85 2.5Y 5/2 85-95 2.5Y 5/2 95-105 2.5Y 3/2 105-115 2.5Y 3/2 115-125 2.5Y 3/2 125-135 2.5Y 3/2 135-145 2.5Y 3/2 145-155 10YR 3/2 185-195 10YR 3/2 195-205 7.5YR 4/4 205-215 7.5YR 4/4 215-225 7.5YR 4/4 225-235 10YR 5/6 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 3/2 70-80 2.5Y 3/2 80-90 7.5YR 4/4 90-100 7.5YR 3/4 100-110 7.5YR 4/4 110-120 7.5YR 4/4 120-130 7.5YR 4/4 133 Auger 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 130-140 10YR 6/6 0-10 2.5Y 3/2 10-20 2.5Y 3/2 20-30 2.5Y 3/2 30-40 2.5Y 3/2 40-50 2.5Y 3/2 50-60 2.5Y 3/2 60-70 2.5Y 3/2 70-80 7.5YR 4/4 80-90 7.5YR 3/4 90-100 7.5YR 3/4 100-110 7.5YR 3/4 110-120 10YR 5/6 120-130 10YR 5/6 130-140 10YR 5/6 140-150 10YR 5/6 150-160 10YR 5/6 160-170 10YR 5/6 170-180 2.5Y 5/4 180-190 2.5Y 5/3 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 3/2 180-190 2.5Y 3/2 190-200 2.5Y 3/2 200-210 10YR 5/3 210-220 10YR 5/4 220-230 7.5YR 4/4 230-240 7.5YR 4/4 134 Auger 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 240-250 10YR 5/4 250-260 10YR 5/4 260-270 10YR 5/6 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 5/2 180-190 2.5Y 5/2 190-200 2.5Y 5/2 200-210 2.5Y 5/2 210-220 2.5Y 5/2 220-230 2.5Y 5/2 230-240 2.5Y 5/2 240-250 2.5Y 5/2 250-260 2.5Y 5/2 260-270 10YR 5/3 270-280 10YR 5/3 280-290 7.5YR 4/4 290-300 7.5YR 3/4 300-310 7.5YR 4/4 310-320 7.5YR 4/4 320-330 7.5YR 4/4 330-340 10YR 5/6 0-15 2.5Y 5/2 15-25 2.5Y 5/2 25-35 2.5Y 5/2 35-45 2.5Y 5/2 45-55 2.5Y 5/2 55-65 2.5Y 5/2 65-75 2.5Y 5/2 135 Auger 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 29 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 75-85 2.5Y 5/2 85-95 2.5Y 5/2 95-105 2.5Y 5/2 105-115 2.5Y 3/2 115-125 2.5Y 3/2 125-135 2.5Y 3/2 135-145 10YR 3/2 145-155 10YR 3/2 155-165 7.5YR 4/4 165-175 7.5YR 4/4 175-185 7.5YR 4/4 185-195 10YR 5/4 195-205 10YR 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 5/2 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 5/2 180-190 2.5Y 5/2 190-200 2.5Y 3/2 200-210 2.5Y 3/2 210-220 10YR 3/2 220-230 7.5YR 4/4 230-240 10YR 5/4 240-250 10YR 5/4 250-260 10YR 5/4 260-270 10YR 5/4 270-280 10YR 5/4 280-290 10YR 5/4 290-300 10YR 5/8 0-15 2.5Y 5/2 136 Auger 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 15-25 2.5Y 5/2 25-35 2.5Y 5/2 35-45 2.5Y 5/2 45-55 2.5Y 5/2 55-65 2.5Y 5/2 65-75 2.5Y 5/2 75-85 2.5Y 5/2 85-95 2.5Y 5/2 95-105 2.5Y 5/2 105-115 2.5Y 5/2 115-125 2.5Y 5/2 125-135 2.5Y 5/2 135-145 2.5Y 5/2 145-155 2.5Y 5/2 155-165 2.5Y 5/2 165-175 2.5Y 5/2 175-185 2.5Y 5/2 185-195 2.5Y 5/2 195-205 2.5Y 3/2 205-215 10YR 2/1 215-225 10YR 2/1 225-235 10YR 2/1 235-245 10YR 2/1 245-255 10YR 5/3 255-265 10YR 5/3 265-275 10YR 5/4 275-285 10YR 5/4 285-295 10YR 5/4 295-305 10YR 5/4 305-315 2.5Y 5/4 315-325 2.5Y 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 5/2 90-100 2.5Y 5/2 100-110 2.5Y 5/2 110-120 2.5Y 5/2 120-130 2.5Y 3/2 137 Auger 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 130-140 2.5Y 5/2 140-150 2.5Y 5/2 150-160 2.5Y 5/2 160-170 2.5Y 5/2 170-180 2.5Y 3/2 180-190 10YR 3/2 190-200 10YR 5/3 200-210 10YR 5/3 210-220 10YR 4/4 220-230 10YR 4/4 230-240 10YR 5/4 240-250 10YR 5/4 250-260 10YR 4/4 260-270 10YR 5/4 270-280 10YR 5/4 280-290 10YR 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 5/2 70-80 2.5Y 5/2 80-90 2.5Y 3/2 90-100 10YR 2/1 100-110 10YR 4/1 110-120 10YR 4/1 120-130 10YR 3/2 130-140 10YR 5/3 140-150 10YR 5/4 150-160 10YR 5/4 160-170 10YR 5/4 170-180 10YR 5/4 0-10 2.5Y 5/2 10-20 2.5Y 5/2 20-30 2.5Y 5/2 30-40 2.5Y 5/2 40-50 2.5Y 5/2 50-60 2.5Y 5/2 60-70 2.5Y 3/2 70-80 2.5Y 3/2 80-90 10YR 2/1 90-105 10YR 2/1 138 Auger 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Level (cm) Munsell (Dry) 105-120 10YR 3/2 120-130 10YR 3/2 130-145 7.5YR 4/4 145-150 7.5YR 4/4 150-165 7.5YR 4/4 165-170 7.5YR 4/4 170-180 7.5YR 4/4 180-190 7.5YR 4/4 190-200 7.5YR 4/4 200-210 7.5YR 4/4 210-220 7.5YR 5/6 220-230 7.5YR 5/6 230-240 7.5YR 5/6 240-250 10YR 5/8 250-260 2.5Y 6/4 260-270 2.5Y 6/4 270-280 2.5Y 6/4 280-290 2.5Y 6/4 290-300 2.5Y 6/4 300-310 2.5Y 6/4 310-320 2.5Y 6/4 320-325 2.5Y 5/2 139 Appendix C: All PXRF raw, uncalibrated data of readings from Units C and D at 35CS9. Site Unit DK_D LU 5 Soil 2Ab As 4.8 Ba 295 Bi 1.64 DK_D 5 2Ab 6.9 381 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.7 342 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.6 DK_D 5 2Ab DK_D 5 DK_D Ca 7530 Co 7.3 Cr 692 Cu 13 Fe 19368 K 4074 Mn 409 13 10780 5.9 1129 11.2 19689 4608 445 20 46.46 6.2 1007 15 20062 4697 483 288 5.56 6405 5.9 708 12 18042 4419 442 6.9 345 6.23 5072 6.5 860 12 18484 4370 2Ab 5.4 296 11 7913 6.4 841 11 17534 5 2Ab 4 331 20 6662 7.1 1342 14 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.1 310 13 6895 6.1 795 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.9 338 6.84 4510 4.5 DK_D 5 2Ab 4.2 318 12 4305 DK_D 5 2Ab 3.7 309 15 8187 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.1 361 14 DK_D 5 2Ab 4.8 319 DK_D 5 2Ab 3.2 DK_D 5 2Ab DK_D 5 DK_D 5 DK_D 5 DK_D 5 DK_D 5 DK_D Ni 4.44 Pb 5.2 Rb 31.1 Se 0.83 Sr 159 33 4.2 32.3 0.44 6.29 2.76 28.9 1.8 15 5.8 30.3 392 21 3.8 4651 457 25 17302 5814 398 12 17855 4477 1100 13 19196 5.7 982 14 7 1151 11 8309 6.6 686 6.22 9320 6.9 310 13 4589 5.2 271 6.07 2Ab 4.2 305 2Ab 4.8 2Ab Th Ti 3758 Y 5 12 Zn 28.4 Zr 497 174 12 3816 12.4 30.2 537 154 5.37 3872 11.2 32.2 722 0.26 172 11 3732 20.3 25.9 539 30.9 0.93 163 2.67 3243 10.8 26.2 604 3.7 29.4 0.88 169 5 3490 13.3 29.1 569 5.09 5.8 29.4 0.34 183 0.57 3449 13.2 29.8 761 434 22 4.5 27.4 0.24 169 0.98 3248 11.9 24.7 632 4820 416 23 4.6 28.1 0.81 164 12 3473 12.1 24.5 624 17923 4384 463 1.83 4.8 28 1.7 175 0.07 3521 13 26.7 642 19690 4492 460 26 6.4 30.1 0.99 174 1.07 3753 11.9 29.5 603 14 18433 4454 438 15 5.3 30.9 1.6 169 2.96 3161 12.5 25.2 600 1028 15 18761 4472 401 21 6.1 28.1 0.05 184 0.61 3820 10.8 25.5 653 6.5 980 10 18618 4386 452 30 6.4 27.6 0.06 156 0.8 3583 13 23.8 607 7317 6.5 1614 11 17829 4563 476 18 4.3 28 0.83 170 2.23 3814 12.4 24.1 581 12 8678 8.3 828 14 18884 4351 432 16 6.4 30.5 0.96 175 1.37 3507 13.3 26.2 741 330 12 5671 4.9 536 11 19597 4254 435 34 3.9 30.4 0.2 159 4.11 3595 12.4 49 539 6.4 356 13 7522 7.8 1161 12 19762 4830 468 22 1.51 29.6 0.03 152 10 3994 12.8 29.8 517 2Ab 3.2 241 17 5906 7.4 891 13 19064 3996 374 19 7.3 29.6 0.94 159 4.45 3957 11 29.2 518 2Ab 1.13 298 17 5211 8.2 848 19 20835 3901 432 3.6 6.3 30.1 0.64 157 0.88 4106 15.8 30.3 590 5 2Ab 5.7 334 1.34 6679 6.4 960 11 18291 4382 388 25 4.4 30.4 0.07 176 1.07 3419 13.1 36.5 705 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.1 339 5.81 8667 7.8 887 14 19668 4689 447 0.28 4.9 28.9 2.4 163 16 3801 14.4 28.5 643 DK_D 5 2Ab 4.1 280 5.19 9724 6.8 1125 11.6 18304 4096 416 19 5.3 29.6 0.87 175 10 3301 10.4 25.8 617 140 Site Unit LU Soil DK_D 5 2Ab 2.9 312 15 8631 6.1 607 DK_D 5 2Ab 5.2 352 17 11113 4.7 DK_D 5 2Ab 6.2 289 12 8330 DK_D 5 2Ab 4.9 369 18 DK_D 5 2Ab 6.9 320 17 DK_D 5 2Ab 4.3 289 DK_D 5 2Ab 7.4 295 DK_D 5 2Ab 4 284 DK_C 5 2Ab1 5.1 DK_C 5 2Ab1 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni 13 18323 4473 425 26 1281 10.6 19626 4899 413 5.6 891 13 19623 4563 7269 8.4 1175 9.3 19172 9175 6.6 1053 13 16 8813 7.9 975 1.29 10338 7.7 980 16 12395 7.3 836 403 21 736.11 6.4 6.1 412 14 748.91 2Ab1 6.5 377 16 2Ab1 6.1 432 2Ab1 5 2Ab1 2Ab1 5 DK_C Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y 4.9 28.7 0.65 36 4.7 29.6 424 34 4.1 4249 475 17 19930 4643 452 21 14 20016 4603 441 10.4 18132 4837 394 13.8 18749 4135 2945 11.5 21026 6.8 2233 13 95.12 6.7 1779 21 4154 6.9 425 18 5712 7.2 424 15 8 339 23 2Ab1 6.9 340 21 5 2Ab1 7 365 DK_C 5 2Ab1 5 DK_C 5 2Ab1 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C Zn Zr 159 3.91 3192 12.3 27 523 0.35 170 2.24 4232 10.5 31.2 624 31.3 0.62 161 5.38 3245 11.5 28.7 609 4.7 28.1 0.11 158 5.12 3882 11 26.7 639 0.28 28.9 0.98 178 2.44 4061 17.6 26 698 25 5.8 32.9 0.61 167 5.27 3525 9.8 25.3 576 21 2.58 29.3 0.53 169 3.76 3082 10.9 24.3 638 391 36 6.8 32.8 1.9 166 4.67 3276 13.6 28.7 664 7485 416 14 5.7 32.9 0.16 194 13 6421 12.9 33.6 833 21845 7644 420 7.35 6.2 34 1.1 194 14 5115 12.9 38.7 796 13.6 22932 6760 521 10 6 36.3 1.7 194 6 4919 15.6 34.1 755 2152 19.7 22872 7287 471 14 6 34.9 1.2 200 15 4528 14.2 32.6 1075 6.9 1528 14.9 22327 5649 550 16 7.3 32.7 1.3 201 14 5035 12.7 32.2 863 6799 7.1 1575 11.6 23142 6428 436 15 5.4 32.5 1.3 193 11 4617 13 31.7 878 633.75 9.5 1452 20.4 29499 5773 436 22 4.3 43.3 2.3 159 5.27 5015 10.9 35 535 5069 8.9 1089 17.2 27119 5327 443 26 6.5 38.9 2 179 7 4719 13.8 35.6 678 22 3828 9.3 1587 19.3 28428 5633 520 27 6.5 42.8 1.8 171 9 5014 11.4 37.8 571 331 21 3043 8.2 821 19.4 28099 5158 432 28 8.2 41 1.4 166 3.03 4845 11.8 34.6 648 6.9 357 23 1825 7.6 1596 20.4 29183 5382 447 31 7 39.5 2 168 9 4728 12.2 36.2 651 2Ab1 5.4 274 12 5333 8 1543 12.2 23459 5673 453 21 5.7 33.6 1.4 189 11 4627 13.3 29.6 687 2Ab1 6.8 373 29 560.47 7.3 1613 15.5 24752 6024 610 19 5.8 34.2 1.3 201 9 6487 13.3 32.7 802 2Ab1 6.6 383 20 7200 6.8 1673 14.8 24571 6395 679 26 4.6 35.4 0.6 194 9 5255 15.6 35.2 884 2Ab1 5.2 324 25 4216 7.7 2136 15.7 23670 6016 437 28 6.5 35.6 1.3 194 7 4399 12.7 37 995 5 2Ab1 6.3 302 20 5742 7.6 1851 16.2 24200 5404 528 21 6.6 33 0.39 195 7 4992 14.1 36.3 946 DK_C 5 2Ab1 6.9 312 19 3961 7.8 1706 10.9 23874 5330 547 23 3.7 34.2 2.4 182 9 4880 13.5 38.9 657 DK_C 5 2Ab1 5.4 336 23 3246 7.8 1399 16.6 23400 6441 487 17 6.5 36.3 0.6 186 8 4396 11.6 33.1 603 141 Site Unit LU Soil DK_C 5 2Ab1 6.5 359 14 3924 DK_C 5 2Ab1 6.4 332 16 DK_C 5 2Ab1 6.1 352 DK_C 5 2Ab1 6.1 DK_C 5 2Ab1 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr 7.1 1627 19.2 24194 5588 463 21 6.3 35 1.6 185 2430 6.9 1860 16.4 22971 5820 465 13 7 33.8 0.47 17 5520 8.4 2035 17.8 25656 5949 540 23 6.3 34.3 330 21 3176 6.8 1267 15.7 23400 5743 574 17 5.8 6.5 329 14 2880 7.2 1610 13.6 22061 5986 459 18 2Ab1 7.9 330 19 1509.17 7.7 1185 11.4 23455 5660 491 2Ab1 6.9 369 23 3405 7.1 2418 20.9 26313 5531 502 5 2Ab2 5.5 409 19 312.7 6.9 1468 15.7 23094 5337 DK_C 5 2Ab2 6 400 19 5373 7.2 1145 19 24866 DK_C 5 2Ab2 6.8 361 14 3214 6.9 1209 17.6 DK_C 5 2Ab2 4.8 388 17 7135 6.2 1329 DK_C 5 2Ab2 6.5 354 22 492.2 12 DK_C 5 2Ab2 4.5 303 28 578.35 DK_C 5 2Ab2 5 310 24 DK_C 5 2Ab2 6.5 339 20 DK_C 5 2Ab2 4.8 332 21 DK_C 5 2Ab2 4 302 DK_C 5 2Ab2 5.1 DK_C 5 2Ab2 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C Th Ti Y Zn Zr 8 5811 14.1 36 705 187 11 4948 12.2 31.4 845 0.3 190 12 5053 14.5 36.3 886 36 1.4 192 13 4863 12.9 30.8 780 4.4 35.3 1.3 189 4.45 4207 13.8 31.4 776 17 4.5 34.9 1.3 186 11 5058 15.9 32.7 600 20 5.4 34.5 2.1 187 10 4633 12.5 37.4 922 499 17 5.5 34.5 0.64 154.1 8.5 4501 10.7 29.9 644 5096 491 26 5.3 38.2 1.5 159.8 12.5 4751 12.5 33.6 576 23047 4865 487 22 5 37.6 1.4 151.6 9.5 4332 11 31.4 700 14.5 22805 5459 389 24 7.4 36.9 1.3 173 11.3 4557 13.3 32.6 669 544 22.9 31920 4839 373 15 6.6 38.9 2 103.8 7.2 4813 8.4 32.6 387 11.9 400 26.1 30023 4678 312 12 7.4 39.3 1.8 106.1 5.6 4406 9 31 347 2712 12.2 381 21.9 30388 4389 312 24 8.6 39.7 1.7 119.3 8.4 4493 9.6 35.6 411 187.41 10.5 518 22.4 29814 4871 357 29 8.3 39.3 1.6 117.3 8.6 4307 8.9 32.3 374 100.3 10.5 600 22.7 29692 4506 341 23 7.4 39.7 1.5 117.6 1.11 4333 8.6 37.1 389 19 47.86 8.3 464 20.5 25762 4401 307 14 7.7 38.9 1.3 111.3 2.69 3997 7.6 27.4 364 322 21 2016 10.4 610 21.1 28729 4492 299 13 7.8 40.4 2.1 116.2 2.97 4112 8.8 33.9 302 7.3 338 20 2840 11.4 461 21.9 29681 4382 324 24 5.5 38.8 1.9 116.8 6 4082 12.9 34.9 336 2Ab2 5 299 16 2191 9.5 372 25.6 28347 4346 321 22 10.6 37.5 1.2 122.6 1.28 4038 8.3 29.2 337 2Ab2 4.7 274 27 706.08 10.2 651 19.2 26637 4587 386 1.41 7.3 37.5 1.4 107.2 4.45 4545 8.4 31.4 376 2Ab2 5.5 327 22 1932 11.5 428 25.7 29364 4714 325 14 8.8 39.9 1.6 109.3 2.43 4256 8.2 31.3 391 2Ab2 5.2 315 22 1336.24 10.9 591 25.9 29135 4614 320 12 6.4 38.6 1.6 108 6.1 4447 8.9 31.7 354 5 2Ab2 5.8 383 19 145.01 10.5 435 23.5 29122 4854 288 16 7 40.6 1.9 110.3 9 4410 8.3 33.9 377 DK_C 5 2Ab2 5.8 299 18 1205.9 9.1 447 18.1 27715 4848 302 17 7.2 37.6 0.45 105 3.75 4785 8 30.4 274 DK_C 5 2Ab2 6.8 305 14 981.61 9.7 639 23.7 28732 4461 314 22 5.8 41.4 1.9 109.7 9.5 4381 8.2 32 361 142 Site Unit LU Soil DK_C 5 2Ab2 5.1 302 23 42.79 8.6 DK_C 5 2Ab2 5.5 336 17 136.27 DK_C 5 2Ab2 7.1 326 16 DK_C 5 2Ab2 5.5 283 DK_C 5 2Ab2 4.6 DK_C 5 2Ab2 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 DK_C 5 DK_C As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni 477 22.1 28041 5182 314 14 8.1 318 20.9 28957 4618 315 1544.03 9.8 470 22.3 28143 4726 16 253.68 9.3 461 21.4 28983 295 19 1524.96 7.2 599 20 7.1 330 19 404.9 9.9 654 6 286 12 4606 8.9 194 2Bwb1 5.1 384 17 685.41 7.4 5 2Bwb1 5.7 359 19 1648 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 5.5 435 22 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 4.7 419 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 6.6 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 DK_C 5 DK_C 5 DK_C Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr 7.1 39.2 0.06 106.8 0.8 4502 9 29.9 346 24 7.4 39 1.4 106.9 7.7 4188 7.2 31.5 371 295 21 6.9 39.8 1.7 111.9 2.51 4368 8.8 30.1 356 4580 307 16 8.4 39.6 1.5 106.9 5.06 4276 8.6 31.9 316 26974 4873 326 21 7.5 37.9 1.1 107.9 9 4308 9.1 29 370 20.8 29010 4957 288 19 6.5 39.3 1.5 104.2 9.1 4019 7.9 33.3 362 21 26270 3727 250 28 6.1 32 0.44 82.9 0.62 3609 10.2 34.2 252 540 15.2 23991 4784 336 27 5.8 33.8 1.7 105.7 6.9 4596 7.4 27.8 338 10 376 21.5 26816 4336 291 18 6.5 35.8 1.8 100.3 9.2 4466 7.4 27.9 339 5693 8.3 1490 21.3 25062 5122 530 19 6.9 38 1.5 167.3 10.7 5017 13.5 34.7 697 20 4102 9.8 712 18.1 25614 4582 361 28 7 36.7 1.1 109.6 8 4217 8.7 32.5 351 387 20 4029 10.3 523 18.1 27280 4718 323 31 5.9 37.7 1.7 108.5 8.1 4414 7.5 33.9 236 5.9 345 13 7452 9.7 513 25.6 26345 4176 323 18 6.4 38 1.7 113.7 5.4 4144 9.2 29.5 346 2Bwb1 5.9 281 18 418.09 11 337 23.8 30360 4237 179 11 6.5 37.4 1.2 105.4 8.1 4396 9 32.5 277 2Bwb1 5.4 306 15 466.45 9.4 333 23.2 28973 4312 186 14 8.6 35 1.8 99.3 6.6 4299 11.5 31.1 312 5 2Bwb1 5.8 345 19 211.24 9.6 361 24.1 29951 4442 202 17 7.7 36.6 1.3 99.6 4.73 4234 8.2 31.7 262 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 4.9 340 19 263.02 9.4 379 23.8 27801 4355 192 15 7.6 35.6 1.7 100.4 5.5 4308 8.6 28.2 277 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 5.3 345 19 4.34 9 292 21.1 26586 4443 176 3.13 5.6 33.9 1.8 97.4 0.46 4142 8.6 27.6 247 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.8 315 14 547.15 9.8 282 19 24130 3508 150 24 8.2 30.7 0.24 77.9 1.42 3790 7.9 35.1 230 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.9 370 3.11 654.82 12.2 334 25 29933 4007 207 16 8.3 31 1.7 82.8 2.12 4144 7.2 38.9 251 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.3 328 20 2594 9.6 208 29 29079 3365 137 3.65 8.1 33.3 2.8 85.6 3.2 3519 6.8 40.3 263 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.5 287 30 1325 8.9 298 18 24916 3835 198 33 5.6 29.4 0.91 84.7 3.85 3669 8.1 32.6 209 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 6.4 349 3.5 5507 10.8 295 24 25532 3958 205 16 6.9 31.6 2.5 90.9 0.93 3475 7.2 35.2 249 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.8 349 0.26 2707 9.8 271 25 26501 4131 312 31 5.7 32.5 0.68 87 4.85 3730 8.2 35.8 289 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 6.5 346 16 2017 11.7 299 24 27263 3748 222 22 6.3 30.6 0 83.2 3.97 3731 8.2 37.7 252 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 6.4 340 2.46 1551 10.6 428 27 28034 3885 212 24 5.1 34.3 0.08 88.5 0.46 4027 9.1 40.2 195 143 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.6 353 11 3867 12.1 351 21 26136 3530 184 22 7.3 31.4 0.77 80.5 4.8 3737 8.3 36.3 325 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5 364 17 5024 9.7 270 20 25937 3970 263 24 6.8 30.5 1.8 82.6 0.5 3818 7.5 38 243 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.8 333 16 4478 10.4 273 25 29792 3720 178 25 7.2 32 0.12 82.7 8 3835 9.2 38.7 307 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 5.9 290 17 683.64 12.1 294 22.7 29110 4095 173 12 6.4 34.4 1.6 92 7.9 3998 8.6 30.3 274 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 6.3 314 22 246.41 11.3 276 21.3 29092 4452 197 13 6.2 34.5 1 95.3 7.7 4492 9.1 34.1 311 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 7.4 301 11 2074 10.2 327 21.4 29054 4101 194 16 7 35.6 0.47 97.4 5.5 4177 8.5 31.7 281 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 6 299 17 651.84 13.1 355 24.8 30253 4365 192 7.78 6.8 36.2 1.7 95.3 2.17 4232 10.2 33.9 299 DK_C 5 2Bwb1 7.3 300 15 1690 10.5 267 25.1 30288 4270 210 24 7.3 36.8 1.6 104.2 1.61 4117 9.1 32.8 265 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.5 352 18 4194 11.5 247 21 27999 3877 258 23 9.2 33.7 1.6 83.4 3.25 3881 6.7 34 234 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 6.5 326 14 4376 12.2 347 24 28060 3834 339 4.44 7.2 34.3 2.1 91.8 1.69 3618 9.6 40.7 279 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.7 306 11 7142 12.3 195 23 23250 2108 208 26 6.6 31.6 0.76 88 0.51 2489 6.8 50.4 213 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 7.7 373 27 3989 15.7 340 27 37835 4424 182 42 9 38.7 3.4 90.9 4.51 4595 9.2 43.2 273 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.7 326 20 8235 10.9 308 24 26587 3631 290 36 6.5 31.9 2.2 85.4 5.11 3505 8.9 38 268 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.6 348 21 8373 9.2 326 21 24755 3281 296 28 5.6 35.4 2.2 90.8 0.03 3274 7.8 36.5 236 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.4 354 19 500.95 10 310 19 24628 3436 208 0.56 7 29.2 0.86 77.6 0.21 3711 6.7 32.7 208 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.2 319 17 684.07 8.7 433 18 24125 3695 264 24 5.7 32.1 0.97 82 0.13 3659 7.3 32.6 226 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.9 366 11 278.78 8.8 258 21 25166 3783 295 17 6.5 34.4 0.1 86.1 9 3267 6 30.6 254 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 5.7 404 18 680.8 9 207 23 26629 3918 243 22 7.1 29.6 0.86 84.2 2.29 4169 6.9 36.3 188 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.3 342 14 97.84 10.1 270 20 24411 3783 254 16 4.6 31.9 1.6 85.7 5.33 3748 7.7 35.5 193 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 3.8 338 19 2236 8.5 299 15 23458 3536 376 25 6.6 31 0.07 84.5 1.92 3408 6.8 31.5 239 DK_D 5 2Bwb1 4.3 327 16 26.08 6.8 331 20 23694 3454 289 39 5.4 29.5 0.15 80.4 3.43 3516 10.1 34 263 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 7.2 264 17 678.83 10.2 184 20.6 29597 3925 133 16 7.5 31.7 0.81 92.6 5.7 4168 9.1 30.8 234 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.9 278 16 131.13 8.8 223 17.4 29673 4284 129 17 6.9 32 0.02 87 9.4 4485 8.4 30.2 235 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.4 280 18 286.43 11.4 199 18.2 30132 4036 115 15 5.9 32.7 1.1 88.6 4.38 4345 9.2 33.5 336 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5 295 18 758.6 10.7 280 22.5 28936 4111 109 4.52 8.5 31.2 0.18 87 5.17 4275 8.4 31.6 233 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.2 316 13 454.66 10.5 228 19.6 28578 4026 111 13 8 33 1.5 86.1 8.4 4016 9.2 30.4 233 144 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5 304 17 346.38 9.6 288 21.3 27524 4181 181 16 9.3 34 0.57 94.8 8.1 4314 10.1 29.1 257 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 4.8 323 19 3096 11.3 346 24.4 28589 4300 180 12 7.1 35.5 1.2 99.8 7.3 4007 8.3 33.6 245 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5 287 18 4246 10.2 278 23.8 27800 4172 170 14 6.6 34.9 1.7 95 5.7 4065 9.3 31.4 244 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6 291 16 255.18 10.1 286 21.3 25735 3944 164 3.53 7.6 32.1 0.46 89.7 7.5 4142 8.2 26.4 225 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.8 311 19 3006 10.6 266 23.3 28042 4063 175 17 7.3 36.8 1.1 100.2 8.1 4188 9.8 29 242 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.6 315 16 476.64 9.6 314 19.6 29310 4369 123 24 7.4 32.6 1.6 82.5 6 4564 8.8 29.3 236 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.4 329 16 1655.65 10.8 401 21.7 28676 4308 131 12 8.7 30.6 1.5 84.2 6.3 4849 8.5 29.5 232 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6 285 18 1289.31 9.8 290 19.9 27118 3697 128 16 8.6 30.9 0.92 87.6 7.2 4069 11.5 30.4 228 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.9 314 17 774.89 9.7 296 16 27476 4218 134 12 7.6 31.8 1.1 86.2 3.97 4466 10.1 29.2 241 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.9 328 19 1577.59 11.1 276 19.2 28000 4429 127 12 7.5 30.5 1.6 84.4 5.8 4434 9.8 30.9 218 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.2 315 18 322.43 10.9 248 20.5 28163 4224 182 14 6.5 33.6 0.26 98 7.5 4288 8.6 28.4 307 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.1 288 16 1400.55 10 454 22.5 27473 4264 193 15 6.2 33.3 1.5 93.6 2.9 4214 9.3 31.3 244 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6.3 332 15 646.83 10.5 441 23.7 27465 4485 210 16 7.5 33.9 1.6 92.8 1.26 4355 8.4 29.8 304 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 4.2 357 19 508.64 10.6 472 22.5 28336 4515 203 17 8.7 33.6 0.1 93.8 6.7 4362 8.2 29.8 256 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.6 282 14 667.11 9.9 382 23.5 27695 4167 200 7.17 7.2 34.1 1.4 93.1 6.7 4221 8.5 31.4 288 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5 311 15 508.4 9.7 464 25 27336 4281 194 17 7.2 33.9 1.3 92.2 8.1 4237 9.2 31.2 268 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 6 341 18 1755.9 10.9 260 22.4 28199 4493 189 15 7.4 35.5 1.2 95.2 1.34 4328 8.3 30.5 244 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 4.7 306 13 1278.48 9.9 323 22.5 27708 4188 177 12 8.3 33.2 1.3 92.4 7 4456 8 31.5 232 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.5 290 11 1227.25 11.4 258 24.4 27154 4193 199 12 6.7 33.1 1.1 92.1 4.22 4156 7.8 28.3 233 DK_C 3 3Bwb2 5.5 300 19 1320.47 10 279 22.7 27688 4338 181 8.78 6.9 33.9 1.5 89.3 6.7 4392 7.8 29.9 216 DK_C 4 4a 7 318 20 124.56 8.5 393 19.1 29717 4757 168 36 8.5 35.9 2 114.7 9.3 4488 8.5 31.6 358 DK_C 4 4a 7.2 334 19 423.05 10 404 18.8 30131 4635 146 30 6.5 37.2 1.2 116.7 8 4406 7.5 31.4 256 DK_C 4 4a 7.9 343 15 763 8.3 394 16.8 28665 5019 179 40 7.1 37.6 1.2 124.7 13.4 4057 8.7 29.5 355 DK_C 4 4a 7.8 270 17 0.38 9.6 474 18.3 30052 4430 173 33 6.9 36.5 1.9 114.4 10.4 4253 6.3 30.6 325 DK_C 4 4a 7.6 317 22 412.93 10.6 402 20.7 30297 4697 182 33 7.9 38.1 1.8 118.9 10.5 4704 7.3 31.7 306 DK_C 4 4a 6.9 305 18 923.73 10.1 374 18.4 27266 4589 129 28 7 36.5 1.8 112.8 6.1 4027 7.1 27.4 260 145 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_C 4 4a 5.7 337 25 316.48 9 456 19.2 28489 4375 159 32 7.2 36.3 1.3 105.8 5.6 4214 8.6 30.4 258 DK_C 4 4a 6.4 355 20 635.42 10.2 329 21.1 28251 4708 165 26 7.6 35.9 1.8 102.9 12.3 4330 7.9 31.4 261 DK_C 4 4a 7.2 371 17 113.98 10.1 395 19.6 30126 4685 176 34 8.6 37.4 2.4 113.9 9.7 4630 8.7 30.4 276 DK_C 4 4a 5.9 343 19 1665.1 10.5 313 15.5 29994 4549 189 28 8.4 36.1 1.4 106.5 9.3 4419 9 29.9 304 DK_C 4 4a 7.4 300 23 75.38 9.3 275 17.4 28507 4726 145 30 6.4 35.5 2 113.1 8.2 4353 8.4 31.1 259 DK_C 4 4a 5.9 336 31 1660.27 9.6 408 21.6 30417 4928 194 35 8.4 35.8 1.7 127.5 9 4992 8.7 30.8 477 DK_C 4 4a 5.4 361 22 1595.61 9.4 380 17.9 29752 4961 162 37 8 35.5 2.3 108.7 6.1 4601 8.4 31.9 296 DK_C 4 4a 7.2 315 13 1101.46 8.1 263 18.5 28197 4554 197 31 7.2 35.9 2.1 100.5 7.8 4298 9.3 28.6 368 DK_C 4 4a 6.3 366 15 1238.51 10.3 471 16.9 29893 5009 156 35 7.4 37 1.3 110.7 5.9 5070 8.6 29.6 290 DK_C 4 4a 7.4 324 14 480.33 12.2 374 26 31065 4477 156 23 8.3 37.7 1.2 108.8 4.43 4341 8.7 31.5 258 DK_C 4 4a 6.7 311 17 43.94 9.2 342 17.5 28844 4520 174 32 7.4 35.7 1.5 107.9 10 4337 8.5 30.1 278 DK_C 4 4a 6.7 363 16 777.61 8 528 19.9 27224 4950 216 27 8.2 33.5 1.9 118.3 8.3 4829 11.8 29.1 509 DK_C 4 4a 6.9 273 14 1894.87 9.6 349 18.2 28653 4347 155 30 7.2 35 1.6 114.1 10.7 4527 8.4 27.2 307 DK_C 4 4a 7.3 277 18 232.04 8.9 319 17.3 27156 4354 209 30 7.3 35.5 1.8 100.7 3.3 4300 7.9 28.6 273 DK_C 4 4a 6.8 284 11 1540.52 9.5 477 16.6 27612 4127 147 28 7.4 35.5 1.3 117.1 8.9 4226 8.7 28.8 242 DK_C 4 4a 6 332 20 1731.48 9.5 419 16.9 27937 4743 143 25 7.3 34.6 1.2 103.9 6.5 4210 9.1 29.4 251 DK_C 4 4a 8 297 17 1037.93 10.7 400 19.1 28314 4415 145 24 6.6 35.9 1.7 109.2 10.3 4135 7.9 29.3 278 DK_C 4 4a 6 316 20 1105.42 9.8 355 17.6 27752 4484 144 32 8 36.2 1.9 106.5 6.7 4350 7.4 30.1 274 DK_C 4 4a 6.3 343 14 1803.79 9.8 378 19.4 28586 4842 175 31 8 37.1 1.6 112.1 7.8 4341 7.8 28.1 268 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.8 261 13 111.77 6.5 355 17.8 24553 4491 134 56 8.3 35.1 0.09 115.3 7.1 4154 8.1 25.4 233 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.6 308 13 425.98 7.3 389 16.1 23727 4572 124 58 8.7 35.1 1.4 113 8.3 4100 9.8 26.2 284 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.8 299 13 39.71 6.7 333 14.5 22224 4877 124 53 8.7 33.8 0.7 108 0.42 4114 7.6 26.7 240 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.8 339 13 587.55 6.6 549 13.9 23960 4986 132 49 5.9 32.8 0.03 105 7.3 4042 8.2 29.7 196 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.1 314 16 247.1 7.6 305 17 24951 5009 129 52 7.8 33.8 1.2 108.5 6.4 4135 7.7 26.6 281 DK_C 2 4Cb1 7 309 12 626.11 7.4 308 17.9 23939 4432 103 50 7.5 33.8 0.11 99.4 7.1 3752 7.3 27.3 233 DK_C 2 4Cb1 5.9 300 8 783.72 7.2 305 15.9 23496 4428 107 55 8.1 34.8 1.1 97.3 7.2 3836 7.1 26.1 207 146 Site Unit LU Soil DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.8 319 11 258 7.5 DK_C 2 4Cb1 5 306 19 667.89 DK_C 2 4Cb1 7.1 363 14 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.8 271 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.2 DK_C 2 4Cb1 DK_C 2 4Cb1 DK_C 2 DK_C As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr 320 17.9 25295 5032 156 50 8.4 36.6 1.4 98.9 5.4 4279 6.9 25.3 268 6.9 468 15.8 23851 4691 101 52 7.9 33.6 1.01 102 6.2 3564 7.6 25.1 220 1660.41 7.1 358 17.1 24442 4435 147 48 7.3 34 1.1 100.5 8 4036 8 29.5 240 13 1348.52 10.4 329 17.4 25097 4271 122 41 8 34.7 1.05 101.2 9.3 4006 8.5 26.2 236 310 14 1409.37 6.2 333 16.4 22701 4905 106 53 6.7 34.5 0.68 99.2 6.6 4155 8.4 23.7 258 5.6 287 12 844.3 7.1 525 18.3 24924 4424 138 55 8.6 35.5 1.3 106.2 8.1 4354 8.4 25.7 264 6.8 312 10 1659.25 7.4 375 19 24176 4619 122 49 6.9 34.8 0.57 102.5 3.86 4013 7.5 26.3 210 4Cb1 5.9 351 11 1049.17 7.3 469 18.1 24439 4574 147 48 8.6 33.8 1.4 105 5.9 3790 8.1 25.9 267 2 4Cb1 7 302 14 1648.36 7.1 404 17.7 24506 4614 125 49 5.9 33.8 0.29 103.5 10.5 3859 7.7 25.8 250 DK_C 2 4Cb1 7.4 275 4.22 428.82 7.4 355 17.8 23959 4611 110 47 7.9 34.5 0.18 103.6 6.5 4071 9.2 25.9 250 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.3 310 13 1719.46 8.9 368 16.8 24114 4676 126 48 7.4 34.3 0.67 106.7 4.24 3918 7.5 24.9 264 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.9 312 14 827.49 6.7 495 16.1 24464 4762 138 50 7.1 35.2 0.53 105.2 8 4603 7.9 25.7 219 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.9 307 15 1784.97 7.5 309 18 24038 4343 99 52 7.3 33.6 0.01 105.1 9 4048 8.6 26.6 205 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.2 318 20 6593 8.4 416 16.2 25238 6004 187 49 7 38.6 1.4 167 7.2 4288 7.8 28.6 296 DK_C 2 4Cb1 5.8 310 21 5022 8.1 322 12.7 24609 5854 237 54 7.8 37.2 1.6 168 7 3936 8.7 27.7 229 DK_C 2 4Cb1 6.6 313 15 3525 8.5 378 16.5 24893 5560 159 50 8.1 36.8 1.5 146.5 9.8 4187 8.4 29.2 260 DK_C 2 4Cb1 7.9 282 22 5138 10.5 462 16.9 27727 5241 192 47 6.1 35.6 1.7 156.5 2.13 3826 8.1 33.7 255 DK_C 2 4Cb1 4.7 308 19 148.44 4.8 493 11.2 22940 5717 180 50 6.2 31.4 0.37 139.4 8.1 3769 7.8 24.8 237 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.9 238 9 1411 4.1 205 10 13001 6441 137 49 6.5 38.6 0.51 173 1.13 1814 6 17 119.2 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.6 202 9 27.48 3.3 147 9.1 13570 6715 111 51 7 40.8 0.35 184 4.53 1820 6.7 16.3 114.4 DK_C 1 5Cb2 5 189 0.58 2004 4.5 80 9.1 13451 5942 107 47 6.2 38.6 0.33 172 3.39 1625 6.5 18.6 113.6 DK_C 1 5Cb2 5.9 198 2.54 2084 4.3 64 4.8 12114 6541 113 49 5.1 39 0.27 171 3.18 1631 5.3 17.9 154 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.8 205 1.54 1058 4.7 184 9.2 13621 6129 107 48 6.5 41.2 0.11 176 4.21 1820 5.9 18.4 150 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.3 248 15 102.9 4.6 176 9.5 13514 7092 122 50 6.8 37.6 0.41 172 7.1 2125 5.4 16.4 110 DK_C 1 5Cb2 6.3 213 5.76 231.18 3 107 7.2 12385 7862 108 43 4.8 40.4 0.31 173 0.94 1581 4.7 17.2 102.2 DK_C 1 5Cb2 3.9 211 11 219.87 3.6 66 4.3 11740 6666 81 47 6 37.8 0.85 169 7.5 1461 4.9 15.3 124.2 147 Site Unit LU Soil DK_C 1 5Cb2 6.8 216 10 1580.61 4.9 171 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.3 182 9 1555.15 2.5 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.5 197 8 469.44 DK_C 1 5Cb2 3.5 152 12 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.6 183 8 DK_C 1 5Cb2 3.8 156 DK_C 1 5Cb2 3.8 209 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.5 DK_C 1 5Cb2 DK_C 1 DK_C As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni 9.8 13189 6393 101 38 89 8.9 11729 7143 101 3.4 119 6 12687 7582 1073.19 3.8 140 7.5 11690 278.7 3.2 153 8.4 14 178.58 3.8 135 12 1165.19 3.2 66 238 8 1050.7 3.4 4.1 169 11 1923.22 5Cb2 4.2 175 10 1 5Cb2 4.5 219 DK_C 1 5Cb2 4.4 DK_C 1 5Cb2 DK_C 1 DK_C 1 DK_C Pb Rb Se 4.8 39.9 0.94 43 5.2 35.5 98 44 6.5 6512 89 46 12609 6817 111 9.7 11562 6673 8 11742 7622 82 6.6 12240 4.7 151 8.9 1018.55 3.8 124 12 1301.51 3.9 220 12 238.04 4.9 186 8 5Cb2 4.5 213 5Cb2 3.8 181 1 5Cb2 3.3 DK_C 1 5Cb2 DK_D 6 DK_D Sr Th Ti 169 0.24 1562 0.41 176 8.2 40.6 0.53 174 7.5 38.8 0.91 42 5.9 39.9 106 33 6.2 97 44 5 7345 118 46 12867 7035 119 9 11909 6910 117 8.4 12268 3.2 376 9.1 756.87 2.9 115 13 1716.91 3.3 14 814.09 3.7 162 15 675.62 4.8 234 10 A 4.4 296 6 A 5.6 DK_D 6 A DK_D 6 A DK_D 6 DK_D 6 DK_D Y Zn Zr 5.4 18.9 121.2 1638 5.2 16 100.4 5.4 1793 4.8 17.7 120 169 1.74 1551 5.6 17.3 129.1 0.6 177 5.24 1693 4.7 17.3 85.5 38.1 0.69 175 6.4 1499 5 18.2 90.6 39.3 0.36 174 8.6 1539 5.2 15.9 88.3 6.3 38.2 0.8 176 2.87 1844 4.8 17.4 93.7 47 7.3 39.7 1.02 178 1.15 1560 5 20 102.6 96 45 6.2 40.2 0.54 179 3.01 1517 4.9 17 113.7 7218 108 40 5.4 37.5 0.14 174 5.4 1613 4.5 17.1 113.9 13284 8285 138 52 7.7 40 1.01 185 7.9 2051 5.6 17.8 116.5 5.9 12353 6867 120 51 5.3 39.4 0.71 179 0.78 1508 3.9 16.3 158 140 10.5 12363 7215 103 50 6.1 37.4 0.29 175 4.9 1623 5.3 14.9 113.6 63 7 11159 6597 82 44 5.8 40 0.57 161 7 1540 5 15.6 90.1 3.9 49 7.7 11717 7400 95 40 7.8 38 0.86 172 8.1 1715 5.1 15.9 135 1451.14 4.1 169 6.9 11686 7505 94 49 7.1 37.6 0.29 175 7.6 1513 4.5 16.9 103.3 16 10872 7 928 9.4 13249 5501 254 2.2 5.8 28.4 0.82 199 16 1761 11 22.1 487 170 16 6459 5.8 506 6.2 10801 4502 162 3.85 5.4 26.4 0.62 188 4.45 1564 7.9 16.4 339 4.2 217 5.17 4806 5.6 905 1.38 12815 5157 271 1.71 4.2 23.3 0.62 191 2.41 2855 10.1 17.6 399 3.4 262 16 6597 5.6 1154 3.48 11863 5837 270 3.7 6 26.3 0.29 190 2.82 2146 10.1 18.6 415 A 3 219 16 6530 5.3 1002 11 13164 5358 266 17 5.4 25.7 0.1 189 1.06 2944 9.5 20.2 387 A 4.3 230 15 6741 5.3 662 9.6 13023 4781 232 16 5.7 27.4 0.48 178 2.18 2217 9.6 17.3 545 6 A 5.1 239 18 6463 4.4 671 10 12471 4901 336 15 0.32 26.6 0.94 187 2.62 2205 13.3 17.7 500 DK_D 6 A 5.1 204 12 9092 5.1 701 8.4 11331 4658 210 6.71 4.1 24.4 0.26 198 4.04 2561 9.2 20.2 526 DK_D 6 A 5.6 236 4.25 8477 5.4 458 9.5 10643 4845 194 1.93 3.8 26.2 1.7 181 0.28 1601 15.9 13 484 148 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 6 A 5.3 187 11 7975 4.2 511 1.33 10942 5215 187 6.92 5.1 27.6 0.28 193 4.71 1536 8.2 15.9 445 DK_D 6 A 4.1 197 11 8637 4.4 1006 7.9 11773 5011 165 20 5.1 25.1 0.49 193 5.16 1859 10.9 17.1 577 DK_D 6 A 3.8 220 11 7745 4.1 529 6.7 12771 5655 333 24 6.3 30.4 0.1 187 1.38 1999 9.2 16.3 394 DK_D 6 A 5.8 184 0.34 10376 5.5 707 6.7 12281 5210 229 16 5.1 27.7 0.37 207 1.44 1938 9.9 18.2 362 DK_D 6 A 3.6 210 13 7652 5 658 8.1 12701 5606 252 19 6.2 27.8 0.71 186 1.61 1632 10.2 16.6 327 DK_D 6 A 5.7 150 4.03 8804 5.1 834 6 11697 4385 204 18 3.35 26.7 0.34 183 0.01 2086 10.6 17.5 445 DK_D 6 A 5.6 228 15 10460 6.8 992 7.6 13488 6187 227 1.86 2.8 26.9 0.15 204 9 2397 10.8 27.9 427 DK_D 6 A 5.9 240 4.21 8165 3.7 842 9.7 11819 5006 253 20 4.6 29.2 0.61 187 1.72 1867 10.1 15.3 557 DK_D 6 A 5.1 252 3.1 10529 4.4 619 10.7 12015 5547 381 17 4.6 27.3 0.34 200 3.6 1847 13.1 18.4 501 DK_D 6 A 4.1 266 2.75 12378 7 999 3.35 13391 5871 246 15 6 29 0.81 202 2.08 1840 13.7 24.1 482 DK_D 6 A 5 250 14 9006 5.3 978 10.9 12904 4768 279 18 5.3 26.4 0.5 178 2.57 2731 11.3 24.4 372 DK_D 6 A 4.7 220 14 12249 5.4 778 8 12772 4587 266 31 4.9 26.8 0.03 199 10 2268 11.3 21.7 485 DK_D 6 A 4.4 207 13 13549 5.7 522 8.5 12218 5041 194 17 5.6 26.1 0.87 200 0.39 1621 8.8 16.9 631 DK_D 6 A 4.3 273 15 12596 4.3 692 11.8 13726 5289 289 27 6.2 29.6 0.35 213 0.9 1819 10.5 21.3 532 DK_D 6 A 4.1 174 20 11732 6.1 723 11.8 12650 5488 219 23 5.2 27.3 0.66 203 3.06 2078 8.4 23.7 583 DK_D 6 A 6 304 13 11431 7.2 732 10.7 15250 5756 307 22 5.4 30.4 0.03 190 0.73 2750 11.3 26.9 679 DK_D 6 A 3.2 234 24 11401 6.9 590 2.17 13962 4866 279 44 6.4 25.9 0.4 183 4.77 2624 10.2 20.2 428 DK_D 6 A 5.6 205 15 11630 6.1 619 10.3 11914 5011 281 15 4 25.8 0.4 193 10 2477 9.2 18.8 647 DK_D 6 A 5.7 239 15 13337 5.9 804 9.4 12762 5823 238 31 3.7 28.7 0.56 204 10 1773 9.1 19.9 506 DK_D 6 A 3.7 288 16 2818 4.8 1319 1.39 13847 5862 242 0.69 6.5 28.2 0.82 201 13 3051 11.7 20.9 498 DK_D 6 A 3.9 272 16 6699 5.3 1137 11 12459 5871 269 2.76 4.9 28.8 0.87 198 11 2385 12.4 20.6 552 DK_D 6 A 3.4 207 14 6039 5.7 798 8 13151 5691 243 3.71 7.5 26.3 0.8 192 19 2916 11.6 19.6 477 DK_D 6 A 4 250 12 9212 7 1154 12 12800 4636 273 4.34 5 25 0.33 195 3.57 2563 14.2 20.9 775 DK_D 6 A 3.9 272 13 6080 5.4 902 8 13214 5577 320 5.9 3.9 27.3 0.59 197 0.05 2333 11 17.2 545 DK_D 6 A 3.2 255 19 7621 5.3 965 10 13032 4977 212 16 6.1 26.9 0.38 197 2.43 2450 10.7 22.7 640 DK_D 6 A 5.2 259 2.09 7858 4.7 965 10 12362 4834 241 19 4.9 27.4 0.48 195 4.03 2337 11.3 19.9 616 149 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 6 A 5.2 251 12 6837 5.4 1024 9 13341 5290 318 2.31 3.9 28.1 0.08 201 2.05 2450 11.9 22.8 575 DK_D 6 A 4.4 270 6.43 9466 5.2 901 8.6 12322 5054 231 18 4.9 26.5 0.11 188 1.67 2455 10.1 18.3 710 DK_D 6 A 4.7 310 16 7140 8.1 1225 14 14500 5901 347 7.3 5.3 25.8 0.39 201 4.13 4060 12.7 29.2 815 DK_D 6 A 3.4 249 1.87 8203 5.8 1326 7.9 12033 5571 221 18 4.6 26.8 0.57 183 11 2308 12.4 21.9 468 DK_D 6 A 3.5 215 19 10000 6 960 0.8 14225 5064 366 14 6.6 25.3 0.47 202 3.4 2535 10.6 22.6 508 DK_D 6 A 4.1 278 16 7021 3.7 1112 8 13742 4610 356 18 4.8 25.9 0.11 201 5.21 2936 12 24.5 682 DK_D 6 A 3.2 263 15 7530 6.2 970 8.9 12756 4851 290 3.61 3.8 28.3 0.47 199 11 2894 11 21.8 602 DK_D 6 A 3.6 336 2.8 9382 5.3 1248 0.85 14845 6101 379 2.95 5.9 27.6 0.51 201 12 4490 11.6 27 697 DK_D 6 A 3.5 246 1.38 11253 5.4 1431 2.46 14368 4350 333 7.77 4.4 26.6 0.23 196 1.68 2470 14 25.9 439 DK_D 6 A 3.8 250 16 10094 6 972 7.8 12650 5446 234 16 4.4 27 0.4 205 3.48 2170 11.9 17.9 590 DK_D 6 A 5.4 311 16 8777 7.2 1403 9 13421 5700 262 0.99 4.4 27.8 0.93 201 2.47 2906 11.1 27.9 728 DK_D 6 A 3.6 264 11 9402 4.5 965 11 13361 5019 285 3.39 4.4 26.7 0.57 189 4.77 2667 8 19.7 654 DK_D 6 A 5 250 13 8346 5.8 1213 10 13325 5435 239 18 5.2 29 0.92 199 14 2266 12 19.9 667 DK_D 6 A 3.6 245 12 8893 6 1180 9.5 12656 5766 233 21 3.8 28.2 0.36 198 11 2554 10.9 21.1 612 DK_D 6 A 4.2 250 4.28 10623 6.4 1112 12 13116 5401 272 14 6.3 28.7 0.66 203 11 2305 12.2 23 553 DK_D 6 A 4.2 214 0.17 8553 6 721 8.9 13480 5025 387 15 4.8 27.6 0.87 187 2.17 2168 9.8 21.9 586 DK_D 6 A 5.2 224 16 11575 5.4 954 8.6 12776 4515 248 18 3.9 27 0.3 199 0.91 2760 11.6 23.3 519 DK_D 6 A 2.9 261 12 9111 5 759 9.4 13433 5036 243 1.5 5.8 28 0.52 204 2.13 2904 11.4 22.9 454 DK_D 6 A 3.6 197 15 9657 5 953 6.7 11824 5142 238 18 6.2 29.2 1.6 208 0.69 2410 11.3 21.7 560 DK_D 6 A 3 219 19 10790 5.9 1190 0.05 13165 4564 215 19 5 27.6 0.73 198 2.27 2096 11.1 20.2 615 DK_D 6 A 3.8 213 11 10495 5.7 1291 9.2 12879 5205 211 15 5.9 26.3 0.67 191 2.56 2297 9.4 19.3 476 DK_D 6 A 4.8 252 2.39 11820 6.4 895 9.7 14146 5730 230 1.08 4.7 28.6 0.31 206 12 2990 11.5 19.5 620 DK_D 6 A 0.88 209 13 45.74 4.1 1077 7 12433 6266 265 16 7 25.9 0.75 169 4.29 3237 7.7 15.9 479 DK_D 6 A 1.13 200 13 301.54 3.8 1397 6 12499 5572 333 17 6.8 25.9 0.69 174 0.31 3000 9.6 21.2 464 DK_D 6 A 4.4 178 13 4655 4.4 976 7 11785 4610 300 7.49 4.4 26.3 0.46 180 3.42 1932 9.9 21.7 504 DK_D 6 A 1.1 254 29 325.81 4.1 997 8 9794 5287 309 7.47 1.02 24.3 0.54 206 4.15 2048 10.9 20.1 508 150 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 6 A 4.2 247 0.86 8209 5.8 991 6.4 13239 5330 339 2.66 5 27.1 0.57 184 4.97 2189 9.2 19.7 458 DK_D 6 A 3.5 269 3.58 7528 5.2 549 8.4 12511 5105 365 5.25 4.8 27.6 0.38 193 13 2227 11.1 21 451 DK_D 6 A 3.2 162 16 4671 3.8 709 2.26 11112 4546 288 17 3.4 23.6 0.98 180 11 1829 9.5 20.2 424 DK_D 6 A 0.6 337 20 5189 4.7 2106 15 16123 4990 438 5.81 5.3 26.7 0.25 194 1.21 4712 10 25.7 680 DK_D 6 A 3.9 232 18 8953 3.9 740 10 12875 5486 296 6.31 4.3 28.6 0.27 189 1.01 2467 11.4 17.8 593 DK_D 6 A 4.8 314 12 9742 4.5 1579 6.2 13967 5758 352 16 3.7 27.9 0.15 200 2.04 3369 12.9 26.6 648 DK_D 6 A 5.7 245 5.55 9837 5.9 878 8.2 12797 4911 298 5.92 4.1 28.7 0.85 202 2.5 2470 12.1 17.7 542 DK_D 6 A 3 285 15 9099 3.5 854 5.7 12733 6210 307 14 5 26.7 0.35 188 9 2795 10.8 21.2 501 DK_D 6 A 4.3 191 14 8567 5.3 1021 3.1 12459 4733 308 21 4.8 29.3 0.64 189 1.44 2205 11.1 23.4 479 DK_D 6 A 3.7 223 5.3 11883 6.3 1134 14 12768 5048 251 28 6.2 26.5 0.46 203 0.43 2030 11.6 21 751 DK_D 6 A 3.8 226 13 10394 6.6 1030 10.3 14499 5326 405 16 6.4 25.7 0.72 201 1.71 2853 11.8 19.5 748 DK_D 6 A 3.7 264 12 8819 5.9 933 6.9 12206 5727 301 16 4.4 26.6 0.1 179 5.32 2064 10.8 20.8 484 DK_D 6 A 3.6 242 6.81 8924 3.7 876 7 12722 5092 329 22 5.4 29.3 0.13 185 9 2453 9.8 21.6 464 DK_D 6 A 5.4 323 0.9 11686 5.5 1725 11 14434 5401 342 4.76 3.06 26.1 0.91 203 15 3594 13.4 25.6 595 DK_D 6 A 3.3 200 25 9544 5.4 963 8.2 12596 5279 264 16 4.1 26.2 0.21 200 2.13 2236 11 21.9 626 DK_D 6 A 4.4 175 2.84 11712 5.7 859 7.1 12830 4527 248 18 4.2 27.7 0.33 207 11 2090 11.6 19.3 676 DK_D 6 A 4.3 193 19 10413 5.8 772 11.9 11767 4982 281 20 4.2 27.7 1.7 190 0.63 1908 11.5 15.6 558 DK_D 6 A 4.1 240 11 9990 6.3 823 10.1 13291 5388 407 14 7.2 26.9 0.87 187 14 2938 12.6 25.2 632 DK_D 6 A 5.2 236 16 14582 7 1036 9.5 13840 5387 349 25 4 26 0.09 207 14 2713 12.8 22.6 700 DK_D 6 A 4.1 197 14 13324 6.6 1236 6.7 11459 5769 318 30 3.9 29.8 0.43 196 4.84 1782 14.1 22.9 577 DK_D 6 A 4.2 255 22 13084 5.6 1090 7.3 12302 4666 240 26 1.32 26.5 1.5 211 2.38 1637 11 18.2 606 DK_D 6 A 4.5 221 6.26 5031 5.1 1025 7.2 12389 4735 240 6.06 4.5 26.8 0.82 176 3.25 2123 8.8 17.9 489 DK_D 6 A 4.6 248 6.16 7473 4.9 902 8.5 11679 4532 264 16 3.9 27 0.97 173 1.63 1819 9.2 17.3 424 DK_D 6 A 3.7 253 12 7335 4.9 813 9.1 12771 5091 289 21 3.6 24 0.37 185 0.9 2148 9.4 18.1 504 DK_D 6 A 4.5 209 12 7202 3.8 1003 8.7 10826 4036 264 16 2.23 24.4 0.23 172 4.24 1843 7.6 21.3 450 DK_D 6 A 3.3 228 3 9198 6.4 1003 10.2 11854 5005 343 3.37 5.1 26.8 0.57 179 0.43 1979 10.1 22.5 419 151 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 6 A 3.3 198 5.02 9242 4.9 1256 1.18 11934 5536 242 5.31 4.3 27.3 0.05 180 9 1818 10.9 22.6 555 DK_D 6 A 2.9 219 13 1943 4.4 1114 7.8 12525 5569 314 17 5.4 25.5 0.13 180 2.63 3015 10 21.3 474 DK_D 6 A 2.9 196 14 6737 5 1114 7.6 11493 5141 274 14 5.4 26.4 0.79 179 2.16 1704 11 18.3 353 DK_D 6 A 4.3 229 13 8137 3.7 495 5.8 11592 4551 357 18 1.11 27.3 0.77 182 3.79 2078 9.7 17 401 DK_D 6 A 4.1 258 1.96 8482 3.8 1142 9.5 11343 4847 262 17 4.5 25.7 0.94 173 9 2260 10.5 21.3 436 DK_D 6 A 3 251 20 11454 5.1 839 7.2 11389 4712 286 13 4.2 24.8 0.89 184 2.82 1905 10.8 22.6 397 DK_D 6 A 4.9 264 3.73 10918 6.3 1333 10.3 13199 6326 261 5.43 4.3 29.1 0.38 191 1.21 2723 13.1 21.1 531 DK_D 6 A 4.5 195 3.57 10291 4.1 793 8 11286 4990 281 23 4.7 26.1 0.3 186 0.31 1835 10.2 22.4 586 DK_D 6 A 2.08 333 17 6351 4 1132 9 12119 4795 294 23 4.9 21.8 0.96 183 11 2835 13.2 20.5 754 DK_D 6 A 4.6 235 3.19 8200 5.9 798 7.4 11691 5648 266 6.96 3.7 28 0.46 183 4.76 2112 7.3 17.2 465 DK_D 6 A 5.8 199 3.12 10982 6.3 1071 8.1 11774 4241 248 14 1.4 26 0.75 179 0.77 2045 8.2 17.6 431 DK_D 6 A 5.1 253 12 10473 5.6 1022 7 13161 4908 380 22 3.5 29 0.34 189 10 2277 9.7 20 537 DK_D 6 A 4.5 295 11 10455 5.8 1232 0.31 11422 4951 286 1.92 4.4 26.2 0.43 178 14 1959 11.3 24.6 422 DK_D 6 A 4.4 162 5.18 10130 5 1041 5.7 11027 5093 272 17 1.62 26.4 0.16 175 5.33 1740 9.9 17.9 319 DK_D 6 A 4.3 192 17 10616 5.1 1009 8.3 10886 4729 304 25 2.33 27.7 0.65 173 1.68 2480 9.7 19.6 431 DK_D 6 A 4.6 240 20 11367 5.4 749 7.4 11941 3975 264 31 3.9 26.4 0.19 179 1.15 1552 10.8 20.9 395 DK_D 6 A 2.64 215 16 11454 5 1254 9.5 12458 4547 254 20 4.1 26.2 0.96 168 4.51 2563 9.8 25.1 544 DK_D 6 A 2.76 219 12 12176 4.8 987 8.8 12109 3848 240 20 5 27.5 0.24 188 2.04 2628 10 18.9 428 DK_D 6 A 5.4 197 2.12 11702 4.4 903 6.2 11636 4677 251 19 3.7 27.4 0.28 174 1.36 2331 12.5 19.8 443 DK_D 6 A 4.4 249 14 12446 5.4 1319 8.2 13003 4542 271 19 4.9 26.8 0.98 181 1.82 2499 14.8 22.7 625 DK_D 6 A 4.2 236 0.18 499.28 7.1 1562 9 14357 6402 224 7.43 4.6 27.2 0.83 168 4.53 3519 10.1 22.3 646 DK_D 6 A 4.1 253 15 2654 5.1 882 6.9 11274 5910 218 16 4.9 25.6 0.31 184 3.76 2878 8.8 17.5 378 DK_D 6 A 3.4 267 17 8205 3.5 1111 7.5 10331 6075 193 2.43 4.2 25.7 0.75 180 4.71 2511 7.8 17.7 249 DK_D 6 A 3.9 202 0.07 8578 4.6 757 8.2 9184 6015 159 20 5.1 29 0.61 189 2.86 1842 10 15.9 422 DK_D 6 A 5.4 245 15 9450 5.7 1058 9 14236 5979 244 18 5.3 29.8 0.11 213 0.59 2730 9.6 19.8 719 DK_D 6 A 3.8 303 23 10430 5.9 1944 11 15196 5807 333 5.95 4.2 26.2 0.42 209 0.6 4964 12.7 25.5 621 152 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_D 6 A 3.6 231 12 7251 4 843 8.6 9679 6449 302 17 5.9 25.9 0.25 174 5.12 1987 9.6 11.6 345 DK_D 6 A 5.7 283 3.38 11857 5.2 1244 9 13130 4921 323 15 5.3 28.1 0.05 198 5.26 3144 11.2 22.4 493 DK_D 6 A 3.8 237 13 10327 6.5 1147 8.2 13160 5485 291 1.3 4.7 26.6 0.21 214 0.23 2520 12.3 24.7 709 DK_D 6 A 5.5 239 16 11023 5.4 1151 10.5 13129 6090 244 27 3.8 29.3 0.58 177 9 3150 8.8 18.6 508 DK_D 6 A 3.6 206 14 10189 4.4 961 1.23 12131 5242 286 23 5.2 29.7 0.27 204 4.37 2065 10.2 20.3 553 DK_D 6 A 0.54 241 21 12182 6.6 1571 10 11942 4793 291 22 5 25.8 0.81 212 3.92 2586 11.5 21.3 637 DK_D 6 A 3.3 228 14 10156 5.4 1086 7.9 11323 6063 230 28 7.6 27.7 0.7 195 1.23 2422 9.9 18.9 403 DK_D 6 A 6.2 246 14 11050 5.1 683 0.2 9704 5643 186 19 1.41 28.3 0.08 179 4.41 1637 9.6 16.7 316 DK_D 6 A 5.8 230 4.57 11620 4.5 1968 7 13516 5353 324 29 4.8 28.8 0.27 205 4.8 3768 9.4 24.7 544 DK_D 6 A 4.7 304 13 13025 5.3 2133 11 14070 5992 298 26 4.6 29.7 0.61 205 3.29 2746 10 22.7 414 DK_D 6 A 3.7 314 14 14168 6.9 2197 13 16094 5803 393 19 4.9 25.9 0.79 198 10 4198 14.9 23.8 578 DK_D 6 A 0.54 277 15 11128 4.4 1326 7.9 11133 6845 257 25 6.7 28.9 0.99 193 4.34 2107 10.5 18.3 558 DK_D 6 A 3.8 327 22 15926 6.6 1258 6.7 13509 6454 326 26 0.91 27.7 0.05 182 0.13 3131 10.8 21.4 418 DK_D 6 A 6.3 279 14 11403 5.5 1537 9.2 11245 6911 221 23 4.1 26.2 0.41 207 0.48 2334 12.3 21.5 455 DK_D 6 A 4.7 250 17 8760 4.9 1569 6.2 10794 4553 201 21 3.6 24.2 0.43 169 3.92 2385 7.3 19.8 326 DK_D 6 A 3.1 237 21 13957 6 1617 10.5 13097 5346 245 37 6.9 26.8 0.68 189 0.73 3821 11.4 19.6 596 DK_D 6 A 3.9 232 5.02 10822 4.3 1114 9.6 10864 5161 260 42 4.4 26.8 0.19 190 2.14 2521 9.6 15.7 433 DK_D 6 A 4.9 320 2.11 14909 5.9 1703 7.1 13873 5045 280 33 5.7 25.5 0.05 204 13 3126 10.4 24.9 406 DK_C 6 A 4.3 322 25 190.46 5.4 1058 14.1 18634 6035 318 21 8.5 34.1 0.42 189 8.5 3944 11.2 26.4 708 DK_C 6 A 5.4 254 21 3027 5.6 1615 12.5 15821 6120 323 36 6.4 32.1 1 243 14 3222 14.6 27.7 663 DK_C 6 A 5.8 286 13 4136 5 1192 10.3 16678 6286 343 24 6.4 31.1 0.22 210 7.4 3640 11.1 22.2 595 DK_C 6 A 2.86 161 45 391.89 4 579 9.5 8900 5269 359 77 5.5 25.6 0.74 212 7.8 2920 11.4 13.3 593 DK_C 6 A 4.5 303 23 4910 3.3 1361 11.8 18935 6715 572 31 6.8 33.6 0.05 202 8 3570 11.2 25.9 453 DK_C 6 A 5 158 0.1 3455 3.7 40 4.3 7530 6000 99 2.51 5.7 32.2 0.82 188 5.04 656 6.8 12.3 143 DK_C 6 A 4.4 161 10 5525 3.9 204 1.85 8901 6972 120 14 5.9 31.6 0.29 200 7.2 1038 9.6 13.4 160 DK_C 6 A 6.3 213 11 9895 5.5 308 7.6 10728 7591 187 14 5.2 32.8 1.3 217 15 1274 11.8 17 572 153 Site Unit LU Soil As Ba Bi Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Pb Rb Se Sr Th Ti Y Zn Zr DK_C 6 A 6.1 174 5.57 7455 3.7 68 5.7 9698 6118 133 21 4.2 31.6 0.18 231 10 1056 9.6 14.5 481 DK_C 6 A 4.1 144 7 4895 4 21 5.2 7783 6452 105 8 6.6 32.8 0.42 204 6.8 776 8.2 12.1 270 DK_C 6 A 5.3 228 15 8637 5.8 529 9.6 13796 6007 202 20 6.1 32.4 0.28 233 7.3 1591 11.3 19 265 DK_C 6 A 5.6 251 2.06 8328 5.4 784 7.3 16240 6542 307 19 5.7 34.9 0.02 236 2.73 2636 15 25.8 781 DK_C 6 A 7.3 290 14 10756 9 1502 15.6 21413 6804 473 4.72 5 34.6 1.2 258 15 3418 20.6 36.6 1634 DK_C 6 A 6.2 274 11 7007 7.5 954 10.9 16209 6939 293 14 5.9 35.8 1.3 212 12 2330 14.4 25.7 846 DK_C 6 A 5.2 268 14 6128 6.9 1112 11.1 17770 5946 356 7.97 7 31.5 1.3 217 1.97 3157 14.8 26.1 849 DK_C 6 A 5.7 176 9 10248 4.6 302 7.8 12732 6165 255 13 6.2 30.7 0.07 243 13 1754 14.4 21 561 DK_C 6 A 6.3 184 5.94 8016 3.4 249 6.2 11470 5700 201 14 5 31.4 1.2 206 8.3 1147 9.8 18.1 333 DK_C 6 A 4.9 169 3.98 4931 4.1 226 4.8 9567 6909 122 4.19 5 33.9 0.02 205 5.9 848 8.3 13.9 161 DK_C 6 A 4.4 175 10 4794 4.1 122 6.7 10305 6332 142 9 6.4 33.1 0.38 199 10 1242 9.7 15.6 328 DK_C 6 A 4 186 6.9 6612 6.5 229 6.2 12660 7690 282 3.66 8 33.2 0.82 255 19 1493 15 17.3 922 154 Appendix D: The PXRF standards ran before and during soil sample readings to check for device drift and error. Date 3/27/2012 3/27/2012 9/23/2012 9/23/2012 9/23/2012 9/23/2012 9/23/2012 9/23/2012 1/13/2015 1/13/2015 1/13/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/14/2015 1/15/2015 1/15/2015 1/15/2015 Standard NIST_2710a NIST_2711a bcr1 bcr1 g2 g2 rgm1 rgm1 NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2710a NIST_612 NIST_612 NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2711a NIST_2711a NIST_2710a NIST_2710a NIST_2710a NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2710a Ag 44 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 24 <LOD 46 23 24 27 <LOD <LOD <LOD 49 52 49 22 <LOD 38 As 1610 59 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 4.1 8.9 39.5 92 1603 41.4 36.7 38.1 92 92 91 1584 1572 1597 38.5 80 1609 Ba 694 206 1842 1922 983 1000 350 49 136 475 581 133 149 137 483 519 475 609 631 559 128 513 584 Bi 86 <LOD 84 38 <LOD <LOD 10 <LOD 22 19 80 17 23 19 20 12 23 79 73 82 19 19 81 Ca <LOD 22792 79878 78083 7810 7000 6030 17272 101858 23967 <LOD 101509 102638 102796 23125 23366 23735 <LOD <LOD <LOD 101771 23341 <LOD Cd 22 37 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 11 <LOD 40 67 <LOD 42 39 42 64 60 69 20 21 20 43 64 13 Cl <LOD 116 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 168 259 527 <LOD <LOD 470 518 480 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 459 <LOD 354 Co Cr Cu Fe Hg K Mn 17.9 28 3392 48581 <LOD 26491 2265 5.7 22 62 12674 <LOD 9729 226 36.3 <LOD 31.3 98470 <LOD 24409 1535 27.2 <LOD 20.5 70224 <LOD 24194 1578 6.8 37 12.5 15216 4.3 32250 198 6.8 40 11.8 14594 5.3 32660 186 4.5 17 12.4 9756 5.7 26112 209 1.8 14.5 <LOD 3705 <LOD 3034 69.4 3.2 37 73 152 63 598 70 12.3 32 132 24631 11 24370 586 18.5 24 3421 48484 15 26588 2251 3 35 70 161 64 528 69 3.1 33 72 174 61 534 71 2.9 36 71 158 58 544 71 12.6 37 131 24686 11.5 24360 574 11.9 33 133 24669 10.8 24788 580 13 31 126 24644 12.4 24176 574 16.3 15 3399 48425 18 26388 2252 18.8 13 3401 48263 21 27621 2330 16.8 18 3446 48770 <LOD 27017 2318 2.9 37 69 181 57 607 75 10.8 30 132 24858 11.9 24556 589 16.7 17 3446 48955 18 26673 2352 155 Standard NIST_2710a NIST_2711a bcr1 bcr1 g2 g2 rgm1 rgm1 NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2710a NIST_612 NIST_612 NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2711a NIST_2711a NIST_2710a NIST_2710a NIST_2710a NIST_612 NIST_2711a NIST_2710a Ni <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 94 <LOD <LOD 96 93 96 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 96 <LOD <LOD P <LOD <LOD 10316 12181 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD Pb 5494 644 10.7 4.8 32.6 30.5 20.4 7.7 33.4 1405 5507 34.3 37.9 36.2 1405 1405 1398 5487 5529 5538 37.4 1406 5540 Rb 116 58.4 45.1 32.7 186.1 182.2 157.2 57.7 35.7 125.7 117.2 36.4 34.7 37.2 124.9 125.8 123.1 115.7 116.1 115.1 36.2 123.4 115.1 S 20744 695 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 345 <LOD 1525 20237 <LOD <LOD <LOD 1310 933 1372 21362 22557 21456 <LOD 1087 20238 Sb 65 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 18 <LOD <LOD 43 42 44 43 37 55 31 39 37 55 63 51 46 30 60 Se <LOD <LOD 3.7 1.4 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 19.8 <LOD <LOD 20.1 20.2 20 <LOD 2.4 2.8 <LOD <LOD <LOD 20.2 2.6 <LOD Sn 34 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 51 19 30 54 58 59 <LOD <LOD <LOD 21 <LOD 24 47 <LOD 32 Sr Th 277 20 144 13 365 14 363 10 514 33 490 39 102.9 21.5 61.4 10.9 80.2 70 241 22 277 22 78 70 76.3 74 77.6 74 232 23 237 24 244 22 270 24 271 17 277 21 79.8 64 238 25 270 19 Ti 3765 1208 20557 20187 2266 2096 1232 140 <LOD 2688 3241 <LOD <LOD <LOD 2634 2605 2690 3219 3410 3477 <LOD 2712 3445 U <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 36.3 <LOD <LOD 34 37.1 36.2 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 37 <LOD <LOD W 218 <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 143 <LOD 220 156 148 147 <LOD <LOD <LOD 207 187 217 148 <LOD 201 Y 27 18 34.2 36 8.2 6.9 20.5 11.4 38.8 31.6 26 39.5 37.7 37.6 32.4 31.4 31.2 23 26 23 39.3 29.8 23 Zn Zr 4252 315 179 255 102 266 105.5 256 145 450 74.8 450 29.5 297 195 177.6 45 52.8 370 408 4207 302 46.8 53.3 45.9 50.7 45.9 52 376 406 380 406 374 415 4189 305 4198 302 4229 299 45.4 54.6 380 409 4262 299 156 Appendix E: All PXRF raw, uncalibrated data of readings from the auger units at 35CS9. MASL is meters above sea level. MASL Bottom 13.32 Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A01-010-020 MASL Top 13.42 166 325 12.2 9973 6515 173 12 32.4 186 1316 6.8 18.1 196 DK-A01-020-030 13.32 13.22 223 711 13.1 12661 6988 238 20 30.8 194 1516 9.1 21.1 177 DK-A01-030-040 13.22 13.12 157 125 6 9245 6328 153 12 31.3 180 985 7 13.8 152 DK-A01-040-050 13.12 13.02 212 294 5.3 10990 7690 192 14 36.5 207 1189 11.3 17 543 DK-A01-050-060 13.02 12.92 179 301 4.5 10011 6820 146 9 30.4 184 1216 7.3 13.6 141 DK-A01-060-070 12.92 12.82 520 4550 18.1 23960 7120 721 15 30.7 230 7758 16.5 41.8 982 DK-A01-070-080 12.82 12.72 593 2847 24.9 30663 7876 631 30 39.1 242 8557 16 50 1292 DK-A01-080-090 12.72 12.62 493 2940 42.2 32104 7575 587 31 41.9 214 6695 16.3 49.1 1393 DK-A01-090-100 12.62 12.52 468 1950 31.1 35559 7910 553 30 50 203 6768 13.9 46.7 1047 DK-A01-100-110 12.52 12.42 454 1907 40.1 37186 6706 644 31 50.9 176 6364 12.2 56.2 814 DK-A01-110-120 12.42 12.32 431 1268 48.1 36134 6242 623 38 50.3 154 6068 10.8 55.1 692 DK-A01-120-130 12.32 12.22 436 1539 48.7 38992 6159 547 40 46.9 144.6 5985 12.1 58.1 478 DK-A01-130-140 12.22 12.12 456 949 54.6 40728 6674 431 33 46.1 129.8 6738 10.5 55.5 589 DK-A01-140-150 12.12 12.02 467 846 63 38312 6159 353 14 43 124.2 5714 9.5 57.2 366 DK-A01-150-160 12.02 11.92 488 600 41.4 38800 6522 294 18 41.9 122.4 6050 12.5 48.8 514 DK-A01-160-170 11.92 11.82 461 809 53.5 40286 6303 307 27 38.8 117.1 6246 12.3 51.6 534 DK-A01-170-180 11.82 11.72 407 463 47.5 38534 5894 337 30 40.5 131.6 6229 18.6 48.7 492 DK-A01-180-190 11.72 11.62 485 572 61 41809 6136 205 1.43 36.5 103.1 5979 11.8 53 412 DK-A01-190-200 11.62 11.52 417 900 31.8 40630 5869 211 32 37.1 119.1 6002 12.4 42.9 362 DK-A01-200-210 11.52 11.42 534 576 59 41317 6753 220 30 38.6 104.1 6276 12.5 51.7 363 DK-A01-210-220 11.42 11.32 412 644 48.4 37872 5923 174 30 36.2 102.7 5599 11.3 41.4 527 DK-A01-220-230 11.32 11.22 386 592 30.2 37282 7133 239 37 43.3 156 5707 12.1 42.8 445 DK-A01-230-240 11.22 11.12 388 447 31.4 26466 8064 275 52 39.3 183 4961 9.5 37.1 271 Auger 157 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A01-240-250 11.12 11.02 371 904 19.8 24704 8517 296 54 36.9 234 5153 10.1 30.2 282 DK-A01-250-260 11.02 10.92 428 937 35.3 26024 8282 317 51 39.2 206 5426 9.2 40.1 480 DK-A02-000-010 14.56 14.46 199 538 19.4 9980 6112 275 9 27 178 1539 7.9 19.8 188 DK-A02-010-020 14.46 14.36 187 370 18.7 9447 6122 140 11 30.7 177 1374 8.1 20.2 176 DK-A02-020-030 14.36 14.26 310 1609 18.4 14619 7469 436 17 29.7 182 5003 8.8 24.1 285 DK-A02-030-040 14.26 14.16 235 1710 7.8 13544 6760 357 13 29.2 216 3168 11.3 22.2 255 DK-A02-040-050 14.16 14.06 368 2804 18.7 17647 7125 486 12 32.6 221 5667 11.7 30.4 1127 DK-A02-050-060 14.06 13.96 290 2041 20.7 15726 7254 448 7.61 31.5 209 3540 11.7 27.9 585 DK-A02-060-070 13.96 13.86 229 1049 15.4 11104 6171 201 3.64 27.3 177 2675 9.4 18.6 520 DK-A02-070-080 13.86 13.76 353 2697 14.1 17561 6282 365 14 29 216 6026 10.9 28 632 DK-A02-080-090 13.76 13.66 389 2499 18.5 18436 6881 322 19 29.4 223 6172 13.5 32.2 1449 DK-A02-090-100 13.66 13.56 484 6205 18 24186 8205 601 18 29.9 214 9774 15.4 45.6 1146 DK-A02-100-110 13.56 13.46 342 2491 23.2 17683 6705 573 19 30.4 228 4802 14.1 59.3 569 DK-A02-110-120 13.46 13.36 295 1137 20.5 15411 6759 559 21 32.7 225 2571 12.3 26.4 414 DK-A02-120-130 13.36 13.26 293 2150 9.9 17427 7111 638 24 29.9 253 3112 13.3 31.6 274 DK-A02-130-140 13.26 13.16 356 2901 13.9 19715 7759 518 14 32.4 224 5749 11.8 30.3 777 DK-A02-140-150 13.16 13.06 466 3032 22.1 27067 7108 595 28 40.6 220 8154 15 43.4 1258 DK-A02-150-160 13.06 12.96 501 2430 45.1 28735 7186 618 27 42.1 220 9080 15.4 42.6 1066 DK-A02-160-170 12.96 12.86 363 1288 48 24926 6258 522 20 46.7 193 5682 12 42 583 DK-A02-170-180 12.86 12.76 421 1189 88 28291 6650 501 25 54.4 162 6092 12.8 55.9 561 DK-A02-180-190 12.76 12.66 385 643 52.2 24821 5706 361 17 47.3 135.1 6056 10.4 50.4 505 DK-A02-190-200 12.66 12.56 363 630 54.5 21663 5515 236 7.94 43 114.3 5494 9.8 44.1 408 DK-A02-200-210 12.56 12.46 423 598 46.4 21658 5719 157 5.47 42.5 157 5751 10.4 34.4 444 DK-A02-210-220 12.46 12.36 345 344 62 21734 5424 149 0.85 39.7 101.4 5176 9 37.8 345 DK-A02-220-230 12.36 12.26 323 640 31.1 25088 6216 138 3.51 39.2 121 5019 10 26.2 392 DK-A02-230-240 12.26 12.16 351 937 45.6 27574 6325 191 1.32 39 126.8 6202 9.3 33.1 414 158 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A02-240-250 12.16 12.06 539 808 71 42080 7217 251 23 40.4 150 7141 7.8 44.6 659 DK-A03-010-020 13.17 13.07 336 1877 28.9 15374 7328 458 14 34.1 201 5164 9.3 28.8 546 DK-A03-020-030 13.07 12.87 351 2687 14.1 17514 6078 662 17 30.6 198 4902 9.7 31.3 658 DK-A03-040-050 12.87 12.77 355 2508 15.3 17237 5967 535 7.45 27.8 216 4472 12.8 29.5 546 DK-A03-050-070 12.77 12.57 437 3537 47.2 25424 7031 602 26 33.9 246 7206 15.6 49.3 1163 DK-A03-070-080 12.57 12.47 239 933 12.4 11627 5731 344 7.99 24.9 173 3164 8.5 16.9 257 DK-A03-080-090 12.47 12.37 384 3066 31.1 18649 6905 727 12 30.5 224 4300 12.8 37.7 579 DK-A03-090-100 12.37 12.27 283 2303 16.8 16185 6506 755 13 29.4 221 2915 12.9 29.8 544 DK-A03-100-110 12.27 12.07 322 2450 14.7 18365 6807 703 11 31.4 214 6075 12.5 30.2 676 DK-A03-120-130 12.07 11.97 371 3666 26.4 22406 7106 829 21 32.1 243 5571 15.5 36.3 630 DK-A03-130-140 11.97 11.87 328 1168 35.6 16941 7737 504 13 36.5 214 3127 11.2 28.2 498 DK-A03-140-150 11.87 11.77 416 1939 47.4 23505 7484 483 3.18 42.6 220 5658 14.3 39.2 1335 DK-A03-150-160 11.77 11.67 405 2675 31.7 26120 6475 718 16 41.7 185 7343 14.5 40.3 835 DK-A03-160-170 11.67 11.57 507 3867 43.7 24950 7118 604 15 39.7 167 7224 12.4 44 842 DK-A03-170-180 11.57 11.47 398 1894 41.7 23036 6313 396 27 42.6 160 5394 11.6 37.6 507 DK-A03-180-190 11.47 11.37 408 1505 91 25669 6601 242 14 44.8 136.3 6559 11.9 47.3 928 DK-A03-190-200 11.37 11.27 375 1524 51.9 21702 6059 226 13 38.4 117.4 6624 10.8 30.8 603 DK-A03-200-210 11.27 11.17 326 1624 42.1 19189 5206 153 22 35.4 92.9 5291 8.4 25.9 519 DK-A03-210-220 11.17 11.07 307 1386 47.7 19563 5926 288 19 32.9 130.5 5145 9.6 28 582 DK-A04-000-010 13.14 13.04 227 582 16.2 11235 5999 223 9 29.4 199 2404 9 19.6 400 DK-A04-010-020 13.04 12.94 372 2591 18.2 18288 6924 498 20 30.9 201 6222 9.1 28.7 956 DK-A04-020-030 12.94 12.84 425 3219 16.3 23034 6433 751 21 30.8 213 6943 11.9 35.4 1001 DK-A04-030-040 12.84 12.74 786 9050 74 44095 8180 1336 35 34.9 243 19042 19.8 84 3344 DK-A04-040-050 12.74 12.64 703 5267 51 33092 7663 953 21 38.9 221 14007 16.8 52.3 2409 DK-A04-050-060 12.64 12.54 443 2929 27 25964 7476 714 20 34.8 245 6748 14.9 41.9 645 DK-A04-060-070 12.54 12.44 346 2645 19.7 23312 7001 602 22 39 190 4976 11.1 33.2 642 159 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A04-070-080 12.44 12.34 420 2440 29.8 27018 6452 574 21 40.8 192 5704 11.9 37.7 624 DK-A04-080-090 12.34 12.24 400 1620 34 28524 6294 451 32 47.3 139.8 5440 9.1 41.4 737 DK-A04-090-100 12.24 12.14 404 973 72 31112 5780 486 45 46.9 128.8 5837 8.2 46 625 DK-A04-100-110 12.14 12.04 496 3477 41.5 36495 7222 636 41 48.4 162 7768 12.8 55.8 991 DK-A04-110-120 12.04 11.94 461 2207 39.9 33568 6374 573 30 41.7 142.6 6266 12.7 44.9 754 DK-A04-120-130 11.94 11.84 392 1401 19.5 28965 6540 386 38 37.4 118.8 6821 8.8 30.5 693 DK-A04-130-140 11.84 11.74 482 3432 32.4 25905 6845 503 33 33.7 141.2 7233 11.8 37.3 902 DK-A04-140-150 11.74 11.64 347 1174 18.8 18593 6326 177 35 35.9 124.1 4689 8.6 23.3 563 DK-A04-150-160 11.64 11.54 321 982 24.6 16756 6353 156 27 34.6 129.3 4342 7.3 23.1 511 DK-A04-160-170 11.54 11.44 454 3473 56.9 23676 7517 539 43 34 157 9531 12.1 47.5 977 DK-A05-000-010 12.96 12.86 236 831 99 15583 5723 371 12 30.9 202 3362 11.9 50.5 732 DK-A05-010-020 12.86 12.76 336 2236 17.3 17562 7939 476 3.8 31.1 221 4307 12.8 32.8 1085 DK-A05-020-030 12.76 12.66 314 1282 33.7 17102 6366 486 10 29.7 207 4595 13.6 32.2 574 DK-A05-030-040 12.66 12.56 447 2631 30.7 22612 6946 729 16 33.6 208 9153 13.9 38.2 1217 DK-A05-040-050 12.56 12.46 377 2487 18.3 19304 7058 677 15 34.1 206 4805 11 33.3 664 DK-A05-050-060 12.46 12.36 229 1191 13.5 11541 7117 450 9 29 177 2068 9.5 19.2 475 DK-A05-060-070 12.36 12.26 350 1954 14.6 17057 6969 444 12 28.9 219 4097 10.4 27.7 434 DK-A05-070-080 12.26 12.16 378 2243 22.1 18565 6638 894 21 31.8 224 4547 16.2 37.9 464 DK-A05-080-090 12.16 12.06 419 2467 30.2 22997 7536 813 18 34.5 238 6584 15.2 39.5 1242 DK-A05-090-100 12.06 11.96 271 1696 15.4 14854 6303 522 7.86 29.9 195 3757 11.8 28.7 390 DK-A05-100-110 11.96 11.86 1781 15258 113 77411 12045 2839 7.76 43.9 215 39616 21.7 126 7009 DK-A05-110-120 11.86 11.76 378 1637 24.3 23947 7445 588 19 44.3 194 6595 13.6 37.2 811 DK-A05-120-130 11.76 11.66 397 1647 36.8 21522 6107 387 18 45.2 161 5596 8.7 37.5 654 DK-A05-130-140 11.66 11.56 360 1757 45.5 21350 5874 427 25 44.6 137 5940 11.5 39 806 DK-A05-140-150 11.56 11.46 340 1146 53.8 20899 5773 307 21 42.7 137.2 6851 10.4 38.4 899 DK-A05-150-160 11.46 11.36 345 2277 42.3 22563 5622 343 22 40.3 145.4 6075 7.9 32.4 790 160 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A05-160-170 11.36 11.26 286 1621 30.8 19913 4775 329 25 34.8 143.6 6625 7.4 26 608 DK-A06-000-010 12.9 12.8 200 989 18.7 11625 6436 242 12 31.5 220 2027 11.2 29.8 486 DK-A06-010-020 12.8 12.7 269 2020 11.7 13648 6429 477 15 28 176 2661 11.9 23.5 227 DK-A06-020-030 12.7 12.6 220 720 17.6 9434 7032 169 13 33.3 182 1505 5.6 19.3 95.8 DK-A06-030-040 12.6 12.5 192 165 9.8 7728 7402 103 1.81 35 149.7 1526 3.7 11.5 105.4 DK-A06-040-050 12.5 12.4 222 362 9.8 10617 5978 303 17 31 144.3 2006 5.4 14.9 129.7 DK-A06-050-060 12.4 12.3 196 173 17.8 7550 5619 267 11 29.7 104.4 1266 4.4 14.7 159 DK-A06-060-070 12.3 12.2 241 647 12.3 13008 5918 535 18 34.4 153.7 2605 7 24.7 207 DK-A06-070-080 12.2 12.1 275 829 17.7 14047 6098 528 15 34.4 193 3283 8.2 27 331 DK-A06-080-090 12.1 12 325 1721 30.7 17095 7061 418 12 35.6 176 4632 12.1 31.3 726 DK-A06-090-100 12 11.9 370 1432 21.4 19656 6670 496 12 32.8 228 5291 12.7 31.5 582 DK-A06-100-110 11.9 11.8 258 1114 16.9 13831 6318 370 14 33 203 3295 10 21.4 420 DK-A06-110-120 11.8 11.7 345 1789 17.8 15561 6982 345 5.02 32.4 214 4240 11.5 29.9 505 DK-A06-120-130 11.7 11.6 400 1596 27.1 17007 7216 323 4.15 33.5 198 6433 10 27.8 972 DK-A06-130-140 11.6 11.4 312 1625 20.1 13769 6431 266 5.05 34.7 175 5562 11.8 22.5 642 DK-A06-150-160 11.4 11.3 297 1402 29.4 13383 7034 309 7.92 33.5 210 4964 11.4 24.6 434 DK-A06-160-170 11.3 11.2 316 549 98 13007 5667 194 4.1 34.4 123.2 4537 7.4 27.8 413 DK-A06-170-180 11.2 11.1 360 548 93 14941 5630 203 13 34.6 129.8 5085 11 30.2 562 DK-A06-180-190 11.1 11 425 1642 68.1 10454 5751 226 17 32.8 150.6 5237 9.5 30.5 618 DK-A06-190-200 11 10.9 324 2230 39.2 9884 6015 243 5.31 30.2 147.8 5132 7.9 22.9 643 DK-A08-000-010 13.47 13.37 275 1391 23.6 14015 6777 538 12 29.6 210 3241 12.4 27.7 517 DK-A08-010-020 13.37 13.27 280 2033 27.1 16787 5913 443 3.17 30.7 212 3769 13.5 34.6 602 DK-A08-020-030 13.27 13.17 200 490 20.9 10842 5909 224 2.01 28.4 148.6 1526 7.1 19.1 230 DK-A08-030-040 13.17 13.07 289 1283 13.6 13738 7367 234 2.63 31.8 200 3585 11.6 19 844 DK-A08-040-050 13.07 12.97 216 1604 7.9 12896 5839 317 11 25.8 204 2511 10.6 19.6 313 DK-A08-050-060 12.97 12.87 332 1814 17.4 14404 6461 471 14 30.6 186 5246 9 21.1 576 161 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A08-060-070 12.87 12.77 152 245 11.2 9298 6375 206 9 31 194 1069 8.9 13.8 126.9 DK-A08-070-080 12.77 12.67 230 2452 12.2 13035 6152 316 5.59 23.8 173 2784 7.9 22.6 247 DK-A08-080-090 12.67 12.57 441 1537 31.3 15943 7768 339 7.06 35.5 213 4610 11.6 24.4 768 DK-A08-090-100 12.57 12.47 327 1889 18.2 11258 6570 325 6.96 32 205 4023 10.7 21.5 449 DK-A08-100-110 12.47 12.37 368 3116 35.7 13898 5069 519 0.12 33.4 182 6895 12.7 33.4 663 DK-A08-110-120 12.37 12.27 273 1981 11.5 14863 7038 269 0.52 30.3 248 3239 10.4 23.8 341 DK-A08-120-130 12.27 12.17 319 530 41.1 5992 4418 90 7.27 31.6 73.8 5903 11.3 21.2 442 DK-A08-130-140 12.17 12.07 528 968 121 9383 5580 159 0.67 47.3 101.9 9491 14.4 48.6 954 DK-A08-140-150 12.07 11.97 363 1256 53.4 10549 5684 239 4.02 35.8 160 7506 13.5 32.9 694 DK-A09-000-010 11.31 11.21 155 628 15.4 8166 5398 166 1.82 28.2 181 1294 6.8 17.4 153 DK-A09-010-020 11.21 11.11 390 2565 20.6 18177 6917 554 20 31.7 192 7020 12.6 29.3 981 DK-A09-020-030 11.11 11.01 228 1023 11.3 11282 6823 183 1.62 30.9 211 2711 9.5 17.2 647 DK-A09-030-040 11.01 10.91 232 425 7.7 9439 7054 246 10 32.6 205 868 7.4 13.8 115.3 DK-A09-040-050 10.91 10.81 322 3076 15.6 16329 5866 286 12 27.7 187 5125 8.5 25.5 514 DK-A09-050-060 10.81 10.71 426 2369 28.6 21437 6528 462 24 35.7 207 6055 14.8 32.3 873 DK-A09-060-070 10.71 10.61 482 2675 53.7 31177 6523 772 36 47.6 171 7473 10.9 46.3 979 DK-A09-070-080 10.61 10.51 373 1258 40.8 23629 6302 409 36 45 142.1 4872 6.9 32.3 387 DK-A09-080-090 10.51 10.41 521 2140 87 36509 7115 595 52 53.4 151 7092 10.5 54.2 936 DK-A09-090-100 10.41 10.31 439 1547 44.7 23448 7681 420 59 41.7 127.7 5580 7.5 33.1 435 DK-A09-100-110 10.31 10.21 416 1212 23.7 27148 7619 395 66 41.3 160 5200 7.8 30.9 463 DK-A09-110-120 10.21 10.11 431 1438 16.4 20893 8781 339 68 42.9 181 5758 8.2 28.8 279 DK-A10-000-010 13.71 13.61 244 1222 13.8 11786 6165 262 6.89 29.1 210 3138 9.1 29.1 228 DK-A10-010-020 13.61 13.41 332 2220 15.3 15661 7879 395 5.87 31 278 3170 14.5 31.7 281 DK-A10-030-040 13.41 13.31 302 1626 51.1 14483 6398 331 11 34.5 202 4439 10.5 49.3 735 DK-A10-040-050 13.31 13.21 180 504 16.5 9021 6065 198 6.09 27.1 149.9 2304 6 17.2 150 DK-A10-050-060 13.21 13.11 221 1648 17.2 12860 5848 427 5.5 26.7 213 2999 10.3 20.3 173 162 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A10-060-070 13.11 12.91 153 522 14 9454 5341 166 5.72 26.1 165 1908 7.3 16.1 118.4 DK-A10-080-090 12.91 12.81 193 438 12.5 8888 6200 150 16 32.7 182 2017 5.7 16.3 143 DK-A10-090-100 12.81 12.71 179 641 11.9 8336 6153 181 9 23.8 133.1 1961 5.1 13 158 DK-A10-100-110 12.71 12.61 253 1020 10.2 12642 6526 266 18 32.7 188 3303 8.7 20.2 330 DK-A10-110-120 12.61 12.51 221 243 26.4 8533 7027 128 10 30.1 156.5 1844 5.6 16.4 146 DK-A10-120-130 12.51 12.41 178 66 11.2 8193 8020 182 9 31.8 180 837 5.4 14 88.4 DK-A10-130-140 12.41 12.31 169 425 28 9805 5751 183 16 29.9 181 1966 6.2 21.2 206 DK-A10-140-150 12.31 12.21 189 361 7 9001 6950 309 7.39 31.6 165 2401 6.8 14.8 113.5 DK-A10-150-160 12.21 12.11 138 129 19.3 7348 4694 111 13 23.2 120.3 956 5.3 12.4 92.8 DK-A10-160-170 12.11 12.01 270 1740 18.1 14264 6391 252 16 28.6 179 4946 9.5 22.8 533 DK-A10-170-180 12.01 11.91 322 1513 25.1 15242 7321 329 7.82 33.2 200 3459 10.3 27.7 591 DK-A10-180-190 11.91 11.81 269 632 15.6 12490 7072 200 5.7 32.6 212 2400 8.6 19 298 DK-A10-190-200 11.81 11.71 412 2848 41.1 22448 7352 496 16 29.9 234 5328 15.2 44.2 1036 DK-A10-200-210 11.71 11.61 266 1943 19.4 16886 6450 440 18 30.1 230 3228 12.7 30.3 377 DK-A10-210-220 11.61 11.51 496 3095 46.4 26530 7821 590 23 33.4 247 6915 18.7 49.8 750 DK-A10-220-230 11.51 11.41 481 1402 80 26862 7449 343 29 39.8 211 7893 13 50.9 971 DK-A10-230-240 11.41 11.31 476 952 80 26150 7132 214 44 40.1 150 5908 13.3 52.2 510 DK-A10-240-250 11.31 11.21 488 1409 64 32093 7346 370 40 41 144 8047 15.2 48 823 DK-A11-000-010 14.13 14.03 193 603 17.3 12183 5978 324 15 30.1 154.5 1868 7.6 28.4 267 DK-A11-010-020 14.03 13.83 295 1451 14.9 17019 6427 491 2.42 32.2 223 4192 11.7 29.8 351 DK-A11-030-040 13.83 13.73 446 2385 35.1 22470 7074 778 14 33.5 196 6800 10.7 41.3 816 DK-A11-040-050 13.73 13.63 351 2047 16.3 17113 6533 572 10 29.3 226 4019 12.2 33.4 480 DK-A11-050-060 13.63 13.53 245 650 14.7 13050 7254 265 4.21 27.5 190 2420 10.3 33.1 135 DK-A11-060-070 13.53 13.43 316 1916 40.6 19581 6507 503 19 29.9 212 4680 13.1 84 661 DK-A11-070-080 13.43 13.33 289 1938 16.7 13921 6714 365 10 27.7 229 2580 11.9 38 245 DK-A11-080-090 13.33 13.23 205 863 18.6 10355 7006 208 9 32.2 212 2149 9.9 24.8 145 163 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A11-090-100 13.23 13.13 158 317 11 7076 5788 102 1.48 29.9 168.5 1365 5.7 15.5 92.3 DK-A11-100-110 13.13 13.03 196 939 11.5 10063 6922 174 4.56 28.2 211 1841 8.2 18.3 179 DK-A11-110-120 13.03 12.93 190 413 11.8 9307 5333 133 12 26.7 147.4 1545 6.4 16.8 87.2 DK-A11-120-130 12.93 12.83 129 37 8 7089 4759 124 6.02 25.6 128.4 910 5 12 71.1 DK-A11-130-140 12.83 12.73 200 432 10 10851 6500 433 7.67 29.8 175 1898 7.4 18.1 202 DK-A11-140-150 12.73 12.63 266 1469 10 14164 5637 580 14 25 184 2996 10 24.6 272 DK-A11-150-160 12.63 12.53 253 1142 11.7 12762 6203 337 5.46 29.5 198 1986 10.9 23.5 259 DK-A11-160-170 12.53 12.43 371 3724 12.9 21629 6844 486 17 27.9 274 4602 16.8 32.8 643 DK-A11-170-180 12.43 12.13 461 895 100 28090 7297 313 26 47.3 180 6179 13.9 59.4 893 DK-A11-200-210 12.13 12.03 473 1681 70 29163 7540 329 23 45.1 188 6384 13 52.1 875 DK-A11-210-220 12.03 11.93 524 1241 126 39297 7226 327 40 47.7 157 7092 17 73 644 DK-A11-220-230 11.93 11.83 568 555 139 35068 7086 208 42 45.4 119 7487 16 62.8 539 DK-A11-230-240 11.83 11.73 511 762 121 29080 6687 184 36 41.2 118.8 6461 12.2 47.7 481 DK-A11-240-250 11.73 11.63 422 1322 43.1 25252 6208 149 24 37 113.8 5857 9.2 28.8 421 DK-A12-000-010 13.99 13.89 194 902 21.8 11345 6371 221 6.81 30.5 206 1685 8.7 26.9 326 DK-A12-010-020 13.89 13.79 115 73 15.6 8257 4302 138 0.93 23.8 131.6 1120 5.9 13.8 120.9 DK-A12-020-030 13.79 13.69 200 546 7.9 8820 6558 150 9 29.5 192 1217 7.5 19.9 172 DK-A12-030-040 13.69 13.59 182 682 13.8 8566 6820 221 4.41 30.6 169 1800 6.5 12.9 126.6 DK-A12-040-050 13.59 13.49 212 348 10.2 9630 7217 175 14 29.8 188 1210 6.8 14.8 121.1 DK-A12-050-060 13.49 13.39 186 1232 8.8 9667 6494 174 8 29.1 181 1383 7.7 17.6 96.7 DK-A12-060-070 13.39 13.29 232 1041 10.8 11195 6660 331 13 30.9 202 1803 10.2 19.9 238 DK-A12-070-080 13.29 13.19 276 2114 25.9 16265 6654 564 18 30.1 219 3903 11.2 32.1 490 DK-A12-080-090 13.19 13.09 315 1561 38.4 17714 6348 351 13 34.5 206 2925 11.8 35.3 1734 DK-A12-090-100 13.09 12.99 750 8095 47 36908 7777 1147 17 27.4 199 21641 14.4 61.3 2681 DK-A12-100-110 12.99 12.89 250 1843 13.6 12661 5894 359 12 29 211 2296 11.5 24.8 249 DK-A12-110-120 12.89 12.79 263 1604 11.2 12669 6931 425 3.1 29.2 172 3330 10.8 19 475 164 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A12-120-130 12.79 12.69 233 835 12 11070 6985 358 6.81 26.9 174 2071 7.9 19 119.8 DK-A12-130-140 12.69 12.59 247 1412 17 13977 5827 406 6.36 27.9 201 3110 10.1 24.9 615 DK-A12-140-150 12.59 12.49 414 2798 17.1 18561 7712 427 15 31.2 221 5809 13.1 36.9 974 DK-A12-150-160 12.49 12.39 255 1458 16.5 12701 5887 366 13 27.7 191 2955 12.1 25 483 DK-A12-160-170 12.39 12.29 641 4564 67 29267 7733 756 4.2 33.9 195 14693 21.8 57 2844 DK-A12-170-180 12.29 12.19 375 1477 33.4 18660 6865 352 4.24 33.8 194 7072 13.6 30.6 705 DK-A12-180-190 12.19 12.09 306 1522 24.7 15577 5950 271 2.74 33.9 187 4779 12 27.4 459 DK-A12-190-200 12.09 11.99 549 1305 167 26930 7096 345 6.23 46.5 166 8486 18 60.2 1162 DK-A12-200-210 11.99 11.89 477 541 143 23763 6390 208 0.79 48.4 125.4 7776 15.1 55.5 608 DK-A12-210-220 11.89 11.79 406 776 81 17147 5871 173 19 43.8 110.2 6930 13.8 56.7 631 DK-A12-220-230 11.79 11.69 360 797 61.3 11557 5912 181 20 35.9 115.2 6964 12 33.4 494 DK-A12-230-240 11.69 11.59 340 480 43.4 9687 4830 125 15 30.9 87 5800 10 22.3 361 DK-A12-240-250 11.59 11.49 409 361 56.8 12726 5371 97 19 43.2 94.3 7118 14.8 31.2 502 DK-A13-000-010 14.94 14.84 271 1128 12.5 11634 5991 298 10 26.9 206 2215 9.7 31.8 254 DK-A13-010-020 14.84 14.74 235 754 12.8 11744 5265 315 14 27.6 216 2065 10.7 20.6 420 DK-A13-020-030 14.74 14.64 247 1906 23.4 13970 6327 337 5.7 27.7 250 2631 11.4 29.9 262 DK-A13-030-040 14.64 14.54 371 1492 10.6 13505 6713 400 13 29.5 196 2868 9.3 26.8 411 DK-A13-040-050 14.54 14.44 145 566 26.9 9734 4966 166 10 25.5 148.4 1593 6.5 19.1 338 DK-A13-050-060 14.44 14.34 339 1899 80 18735 6918 591 21 30.2 186 4516 10.3 40.7 525 DK-A13-060-070 14.34 14.24 211 1030 19 11227 5565 441 13 25.2 140 1719 8.3 17.1 180 DK-A13-070-080 14.24 14.14 270 1247 19.8 15236 6673 553 20 33.2 197 3287 12.8 27.6 417 DK-A13-080-090 14.14 14.04 190 1183 13.6 11368 6474 307 9 30.8 224 2179 8.4 20 199 DK-A13-090-100 14.04 13.94 301 1964 9.2 16877 5812 524 10 30.2 207 4601 11.9 27.6 694 DK-A13-100-110 13.94 13.84 197 444 12.3 9431 6215 155 5.69 30.3 195 1499 7.7 16.7 147 DK-A13-110-120 13.84 13.74 234 905 9.6 11787 6762 244 9 30.5 211 1167 9.5 17 141 DK-A13-120-130 13.74 13.64 229 1569 13.3 13537 5560 484 13 28.6 150 3731 7.6 20.6 245 165 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A13-130-140 13.64 13.54 433 2473 27.6 25686 6877 1008 26 35.4 234 7389 16.3 43.2 1292 DK-A13-140-150 13.54 13.44 448 2410 22.4 23819 7507 776 24 33.9 227 8003 18.1 46 1022 DK-A13-150-160 13.44 13.34 426 2901 27.7 20776 7528 491 12 37.6 224 5905 13.9 35.8 709 DK-A13-160-170 13.34 13.24 509 2455 51 29307 7709 804 21 53.4 189 7994 10.8 46.2 895 DK-A13-170-180 13.24 13.14 545 2614 80 32420 6532 884 18 58 176 7679 10.6 63 985 DK-A13-180-190 13.14 13.04 419 894 74 30942 6420 606 25 62.5 148.7 6032 6.2 52.6 475 DK-A13-190-200 13.04 12.94 445 938 60.1 32931 6087 480 29 53 134 6397 10.4 58.4 507 DK-A13-200-210 12.94 12.84 454 985 61 32069 5959 417 22 48.2 115.1 6423 8.9 53.1 670 DK-A13-210-220 12.84 12.74 403 1453 44.3 29763 5541 397 29 40.1 124.9 5574 10.9 46.2 649 DK-A13-220-230 12.74 12.64 429 1714 57.8 34484 6335 298 22 40.2 119.2 7353 11.4 46.6 816 DK-A13-230-240 12.64 12.44 427 1600 50.3 29274 6640 580 30 39.4 139.2 5874 12 42.8 596 DK-A13-250-260 12.44 12.34 324 924 37.7 7552 5027 155 14 34.5 99 5305 9.1 20.6 546 DK-A13-260-270 12.34 12.24 334 861 59.3 8052 5207 119 12 41 118 5445 8.6 28 635 DK-A14-000-010 13.53 13.43 235 631 13.1 13321 6920 252 7.17 28.2 218 2292 12.5 23.8 448 DK-A14-010-020 13.43 13.33 428 3440 53.3 21700 6853 665 14 29.1 194 9058 12.3 49.4 1338 DK-A14-020-030 13.33 13.23 210 759 15.7 10461 5892 219 14 25.1 152.3 1938 7.3 17.9 190 DK-A14-030-040 13.23 13.03 253 2885 19.2 13709 6019 379 14 26.3 192 2985 11.8 28.2 357 DK-A14-050-060 13.03 12.93 194 1307 24.9 12461 5797 327 13 25.4 181 1911 7.6 22.4 181 DK-A14-060-070 12.93 12.83 361 2991 18.5 17977 6768 418 17 29.4 219 5629 13.1 32.6 926 DK-A14-070-080 12.83 12.73 422 3844 18.3 21982 6963 638 12 27.1 226 8305 11.8 31.6 1202 DK-A14-080-090 12.73 12.63 586 6208 32.8 30586 6752 1100 29 27.1 274 8208 23.1 58.1 864 DK-A14-090-100 12.63 12.53 332 1506 21.4 17390 6881 385 12 32.7 212 4133 11.7 26.2 552 DK-A14-100-110 12.53 12.43 399 2508 21.3 20695 7023 681 13 37.2 212 4941 11.4 30 483 DK-A14-110-120 12.43 12.33 438 2986 39.9 27301 6483 600 23 42.5 196 8368 11.3 44.2 686 DK-A14-120-130 12.33 12.23 441 1579 87 31003 6688 714 32 52.5 164 5784 11 56.9 716 DK-A14-130-140 12.23 12.13 406 818 104 31896 6758 554 30 56.1 162 5933 11.3 64 458 166 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A14-140-150 12.13 12.03 442 728 69 29738 6789 429 30 49 140.4 6130 10.9 49 608 DK-A14-150-160 12.03 11.93 373 1201 62 27805 6226 482 20 40.8 136.5 6010 11 44.9 511 DK-A14-160-170 11.93 11.83 488 741 125 29886 6674 300 22 46.2 120.4 6549 10.8 56.7 512 DK-A14-170-180 11.83 11.73 442 361 170 30619 6128 196 21 45.3 113.7 6652 12.2 59.5 447 DK-A15-000-010 13.29 13.19 220 364 9.8 10366 6168 215 11 29.1 198 1441 7.1 22.1 223 DK-A15-010-020 13.19 13.09 215 1007 12.7 9108 5689 211 9 25.8 160.4 1319 6.3 21.7 224 DK-A15-020-030 13.09 12.99 405 4176 17 18024 6830 593 13 26.1 239 3232 17.3 39.6 457 DK-A15-030-040 12.99 12.89 189 422 20.3 8854 5857 132 2.93 25 152.2 1124 5.8 16.2 230 DK-A15-040-050 12.89 12.79 256 1104 23.8 11718 5966 298 12 26 159.1 3641 6.2 23.9 371 DK-A15-050-060 12.79 12.69 421 2879 15.8 19366 7148 428 0.22 30 212 6701 12.7 31.1 1665 DK-A15-060-070 12.69 12.59 360 3440 15.1 16916 7121 542 17 28.4 227 4030 13.4 36.1 599 DK-A15-070-080 12.59 12.49 409 2389 20.3 18469 7053 510 10 29.2 216 5933 12.6 29 960 DK-A15-080-090 12.49 12.39 199 78 8.6 7276 6964 117 6.7 29.4 167 819 6.4 12 89.1 DK-A15-090-100 12.39 12.29 247 930 10.3 13222 5992 380 7.19 29.6 172 3413 7.9 18.4 295 DK-A15-100-110 12.29 12.19 217 870 25.9 10100 5862 210 7.97 26.3 183 2096 8.8 19.8 354 DK-A15-110-120 12.19 12.09 218 497 15.7 9550 5647 181 11 25.9 168 1868 7.5 16.6 142.9 DK-A15-120-130 12.09 11.99 198 928 18.5 10841 7323 289 6.62 29.3 200 1775 10.5 23 129.1 DK-A15-130-140 11.99 11.89 230 960 7 9464 7002 218 14 28.2 175 1171 7.1 18.6 79.7 DK-A15-140-150 11.89 11.79 259 764 22.5 11054 6394 266 10 29.5 177 3408 9.1 20 223 DK-A15-150-160 11.79 11.69 183 267 18 8630 6543 125 1.44 33.5 164 1130 6.6 14.7 159 DK-A15-160-170 11.69 11.59 312 1242 15.6 15366 6485 579 21 31 196 3921 12.2 23.9 444 DK-A15-170-180 11.59 11.49 232 1012 16.2 11823 7421 365 10 29.7 191 1653 10 24.4 213 DK-A15-180-190 11.49 11.39 181 317 16.1 9819 5672 194 0.25 28.2 160.8 1163 7.3 17.1 141 DK-A15-190-200 11.39 11.29 253 853 19.1 11113 6286 330 1.6 27.3 167 1865 8.6 19.1 262 DK-A15-200-210 11.29 11.19 529 3633 64 26200 7574 1222 31 29.9 199 12395 11.3 46.1 764 DK-A15-210-220 11.19 11.09 419 2158 29.2 17433 6548 554 14 29.3 205 6922 11.6 30.8 671 167 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A15-220-230 11.09 10.99 318 1556 28.6 17072 7050 465 7.64 30.6 245 4549 11.7 30.7 889 DK-A15-230-240 10.99 10.89 202 822 14.7 13495 7539 337 7.15 28.7 232 2021 10.3 22.4 380 DK-A15-240-250 10.89 10.79 517 4301 53 29213 7519 1135 19 29.8 246 10743 15.5 45.9 1818 DK-A15-250-260 10.79 10.69 304 1912 36 19169 7246 534 15 34.1 207 4902 12.3 35.9 756 DK-A15-260-270 10.69 10.59 481 2429 93 28930 7080 699 22 42.2 223 7989 12.9 55.2 1257 DK-A15-270-280 10.59 10.49 540 4592 82 31593 7482 996 14 39.6 217 9355 17.1 61.7 1462 DK-A15-280-290 10.49 10.39 509 2419 141 31977 6657 760 25 56.8 159 8925 12.2 64.1 1317 DK-A15-290-300 10.39 10.29 413 884 147 30333 6285 512 36 60.1 140.3 6379 10.3 69.8 756 DK-A15-300-310 10.29 10.19 511 424 229 38271 7156 397 2.72 66.3 128.1 6811 11.5 103 471 DK-A15-310-320 10.19 10.09 344 1041 87 22416 5849 314 25 37.3 116.9 4570 8.3 48.3 381 DK-A15-320-330 10.09 9.99 490 889 144 32702 6717 358 14 42.3 126.7 6904 12.4 76.3 552 DK-A15-330-340 9.99 9.89 335 589 64.4 17890 6252 270 26 40.7 159 4441 7.8 36.2 339 DK-A16-000-010 14.77 14.67 302 1566 32 16025 6173 431 7.73 30.1 219 4440 12 35.7 688 DK-A16-010-020 14.67 14.57 326 2503 30.7 17052 6326 411 16 30.3 219 4792 12.7 36 1239 DK-A16-020-030 14.57 14.47 220 709 14.7 11330 7212 247 10 30.9 202 2335 8.8 20.7 219 DK-A16-030-040 14.47 14.37 310 1244 14.9 12026 8140 317 13 32.5 214 3445 9.5 21.2 425 DK-A16-040-050 14.37 14.17 301 1347 68 18268 6932 498 15 34 217 3940 11.4 38.1 843 DK-A16-060-070 14.17 14.07 198 1493 19.7 10297 5989 260 1.68 30.3 179 1457 6.1 18.9 204 DK-A16-070-080 14.07 13.97 175 797 14.8 8461 5436 126 6.5 28.2 164.3 994 6.2 17.3 128.9 DK-A16-080-090 13.97 13.87 236 1035 14.6 11670 6381 275 3.67 29.1 192 1128 9.4 18.7 208 DK-A16-090-100 13.87 13.77 349 3233 26.1 14892 6235 490 13 27.7 228 2445 11.1 30.6 331 DK-A16-100-110 13.77 13.67 223 1484 13 13104 5851 336 2.14 28.3 197 1753 8.7 26.1 143 DK-A16-110-120 13.67 13.57 383 2370 34.1 21874 7084 790 23 30.7 210 7424 14.1 37.6 949 DK-A16-120-130 13.57 13.27 1324 13879 67 55709 10054 2323 1.99 30.6 243 37668 19 90 5159 DK-A16-150-160 13.27 13.17 495 1477 139 35505 8247 790 21 54.9 196 6395 11.9 70.9 1035 DK-A16-160-170 13.17 13.07 501 1349 68 36370 8228 768 20 57.6 178 6567 13.1 59 1144 168 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A17-000-010 13.65 13.55 381 2036 20 20946 7275 659 21 32 258 4133 15.2 31.1 491 DK-A17-010-020 13.55 13.45 383 3107 20.1 23433 6847 681 12 28.4 292 4029 19.8 36.8 334 DK-A17-020-030 13.45 13.35 414 3879 14 23489 8428 966 16 27.6 275 4981 18.6 39.7 346 DK-A17-030-040 13.35 13.25 449 4557 29.9 25914 7160 798 25 32.5 251 6932 19.2 48 740 DK-A17-040-050 13.25 13.15 516 3503 36.5 30122 8474 852 23 37.2 247 9709 15.9 49.2 1836 DK-A17-050-060 13.15 13.05 362 2058 53 26860 7184 656 29 37.7 243 4387 17.4 45.2 734 DK-A18-000-010 15.93 15.83 336 1780 38.8 20111 6683 758 18 30.1 197 4985 13.4 54.3 656 DK-A18-010-020 15.83 15.73 287 1372 28.5 16389 5905 473 27 34.2 213 3847 9.7 54.5 611 DK-A18-020-030 15.73 15.53 195 435 11 11579 5818 240 5.3 29.9 174 1812 7.9 23.3 121.7 DK-A18-040-050 15.53 15.43 303 933 20.7 17901 7207 448 14 34.6 234 3300 13 30.9 344 DK-A18-050-070 15.43 15.23 249 795 13.8 17437 6846 455 24 35.2 201 2740 10.6 27.7 219 DK-A18-070-080 15.23 15.13 427 1015 47.1 36976 6930 667 35 51.5 185 6353 10.6 59.3 696 DK-A18-080-090 15.13 15.03 421 1848 50.8 31572 6891 659 34 45.8 190 6122 10.5 51.4 531 DK-A19-000-010 15.83 15.73 522 2960 41.1 22216 6986 664 3.37 32.2 225 7724 15.1 58.8 1132 DK-A19-010-020 15.73 15.63 296 3634 28 18268 7138 635 13 28.8 246 3946 17.4 43.3 779 DK-A19-020-030 15.63 15.53 452 2828 27 20536 7245 569 6.54 31 226 8036 14.3 41.3 813 DK-A19-030-040 15.53 15.43 382 1874 68 18480 6979 509 4.58 37.3 184 6560 11.3 43.6 966 DK-A19-040-050 15.43 15.33 262 911 20.4 13923 6705 350 12 37.2 195 4137 13.7 27.9 522 DK-A19-050-060 15.33 15.23 586 2609 96 22677 7381 581 3.52 49.2 155 11053 15.9 64.7 1773 DK-A19-060-070 15.23 15.13 407 1775 49.2 18235 6863 361 14 44.6 156 7964 15 50.5 1135 DK-A19-070-080 15.13 15.03 448 1314 76 16916 6629 272 11 52.6 124.8 8507 14.2 48.4 1209 DK-A19-080-090 15.03 14.93 385 376 101 9625 6132 121 14 51.9 107.5 5912 11.5 35 512 DK-A19-090-100 14.93 14.83 386 1167 91 11387 6017 214 20 46.6 129.3 7177 10.5 41 841 DK-A20-000-010 16.06 15.96 301 1360 18.8 15054 6579 391 3.35 30.5 222 4458 13.1 27.1 464 DK-A20-010-020 15.96 15.86 396 2551 47.4 19268 6166 561 3.49 29.5 245 6451 14.6 37.3 1010 DK-A20-020-030 15.86 15.76 474 1440 84 24285 6646 341 2.38 50.6 156 7692 23.3 55.8 2840 169 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A20-030-040 15.76 15.66 403 922 48.5 13729 5651 245 0.69 36.4 230 6316 17.5 32.4 725 DK-A20-040-050 15.66 15.56 495 1608 49.6 12910 5410 268 6.88 41.7 166 9870 17.5 35.9 1628 DK-A20-050-060 15.56 15.46 377 529 53.5 6256 4289 110 5.06 36.9 100.3 7370 15.5 27 1063 DK-A20-060-070 15.46 15.36 261 1377 36 7361 4755 210 1.24 39.1 97 4462 7.6 22.8 540 DK-A20-070-080 15.36 15.26 325 2790 34.4 9128 5233 349 10 34.1 125.9 5231 12 28.6 1552 DK-A20-080-090 15.26 15.16 282 746 17.2 10267 5024 106 16 33.5 107.4 4745 6.8 12.9 622 DK-A20-090-100 15.16 15.06 256 690 34.5 10861 4598 140 34 34 110.7 4030 5.7 20.5 231 DK-A20-100-110 15.06 14.96 857 3969 295 45167 6661 823 7.74 53.5 148 17723 20.2 114 4193 DK-A21-000-015 15.8 15.65 218 925 17.3 10864 6922 246 12 29.3 222 1239 8.7 23.5 303 DK-A21-015-025 15.65 15.55 234 974 14.6 14415 7223 317 4.13 30 248 2489 15.6 26.3 159 DK-A21-025-035 15.55 15.45 279 2219 13.6 16601 7186 546 13 28.5 251 2668 12.8 31 235 DK-A21-035-045 15.45 15.35 180 215 13 7554 5825 118 11 30.1 180 1125 5.8 13.2 136.1 DK-A21-045-055 15.35 15.25 193 221 16.2 9484 5473 183 4.43 25.6 209 1229 8.6 17.6 106.1 DK-A21-055-065 15.25 15.15 407 2705 13.7 19361 8339 755 27 31 259 3387 14.4 30.1 369 DK-A21-065-075 15.15 15.05 1006 12462 52 43739 8810 1483 15 25.2 234 25995 17.9 75.3 2817 DK-A21-075-085 15.05 14.95 332 2745 23 20422 7158 694 11 26 273 3582 16 34.2 310 DK-A21-085-095 14.95 14.85 412 2560 125 17876 7386 519 2.66 31.6 241 3281 14.4 51.1 898 DK-A21-095-105 14.85 14.75 206 730 18.7 10147 4988 273 6.16 28 190 1668 9.7 19.3 309 DK-A21-105-115 14.75 14.65 204 867 10.8 11144 6821 361 14 31.6 197 1993 7.7 21 156 DK-A21-115-125 14.65 14.55 318 2025 33 18404 6188 461 17 30.2 277 3476 12.4 37.5 772 DK-A21-125-135 14.55 14.45 469 3100 236 29446 7973 899 13 34.2 294 6927 19 81.1 1180 DK-A21-135-145 14.45 14.35 329 882 33.3 22948 6737 515 21 42.9 216 4370 10.3 36.1 752 DK-A21-145-155 14.35 13.95 434 1316 128 32467 6658 747 30 45.8 207 6928 9.2 62.2 686 DK-A21-185-195 13.95 13.85 468 806 130 36422 6994 713 27 54.1 213 5669 11 74.8 593 DK-A21-195-205 13.85 13.75 476 837 153 38612 6720 592 30 48.1 164 5806 9.9 80.7 398 DK-A21-205-215 13.75 13.65 445 848 88 36179 7045 518 32 41.7 175 6220 11.4 63.5 506 170 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A21-215-225 13.65 13.55 470 1505 67 39587 6807 427 42 40.1 180 6354 11 51.6 647 DK-A21-225-235 13.55 13.45 313 335 148 35280 6098 252 38 39.6 171 4639 13.1 60.6 379 DK-A22-000-010 15.39 15.29 477 3795 32.2 25112 7432 787 20 30.6 233 11319 12.5 42.4 1130 DK-A22-010-020 15.29 15.19 366 1487 26.7 23445 7104 656 6.37 31.3 214 6685 12.7 32.2 976 DK-A22-020-030 15.19 15.09 295 1446 17.7 17538 7328 476 16 32.6 229 4521 11 28.3 805 DK-A22-030-040 15.09 14.99 494 3204 121 28835 7215 1067 27 35.6 228 8562 15.6 65.5 1560 DK-A22-040-050 14.99 14.79 374 2033 67 23694 6769 744 17 33.3 245 4214 14.9 47.8 1019 DK-A22-060-070 14.79 14.69 503 3112 40.8 27984 6994 811 16 34.5 230 8439 14.5 44.3 1584 DK-A22-070-080 14.69 14.59 500 1703 66 37354 7270 800 30 51.8 185 7939 13.2 60.2 1051 DK-A22-080-090 14.59 14.49 311 707 51.2 25625 5885 439 24 39.9 139.7 4400 9.2 39.5 374 DK-A22-090-100 14.49 14.39 454 2181 45.3 34644 6396 616 33 41.3 167 6933 13.9 53.6 764 DK-A22-100-110 14.39 14.29 410 668 44.8 32491 6395 379 31 39.5 121.5 6004 10.2 47 455 DK-A22-110-120 14.29 14.19 563 718 145 46325 6870 339 26 41.2 120.5 7171 13.4 74.1 547 DK-A22-120-130 14.19 14.09 607 1353 201 49871 7173 396 48 40.4 131.8 8949 13.3 80.2 782 DK-A22-130-140 14.09 13.99 285 704 58.8 17856 6400 163 45 38.5 161 3176 6.4 31.1 389 DK-A23-000-010 14.96 14.86 332 956 24.6 16803 7167 521 15 35 204 3630 10.5 30.8 426 DK-A23-010-020 14.86 14.76 1556 10443 151 73192 10635 2653 0.49 41.5 240 30130 32.5 134 7234 DK-A23-020-030 14.76 14.66 464 2145 80 27647 7952 938 12 36.2 237 6386 20.1 52.4 1799 DK-A23-030-040 14.66 14.56 543 3329 71 30498 7029 974 23 37.3 249 7916 17.5 56.8 1907 DK-A23-040-050 14.56 14.46 415 1304 36.2 23141 7165 728 27 37.6 238 5203 15.1 38.8 821 DK-A23-050-060 14.46 14.36 478 2007 33.6 26015 7282 822 12 36.5 241 4729 17 44.9 783 DK-A23-060-070 14.36 14.26 495 1553 74 32087 6898 818 21 45.1 175 5913 15.3 57.1 669 DK-A23-070-080 14.26 14.16 543 509 88 39285 6768 680 18 52.7 135.6 6812 11.6 65.7 594 DK-A23-080-090 14.16 14.06 452 663 96 35583 6661 467 29 46 127.5 6238 13.2 60.5 518 DK-A23-090-100 14.06 13.96 498 922 97 34303 6610 392 14 41.4 127 6973 10.3 57.5 625 DK-A23-100-110 13.96 13.86 590 1502 138 46286 7050 408 24 49.3 108.7 9024 15.1 79.9 1067 171 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A23-110-120 13.86 13.76 538 681 162 46517 6368 228 43 50.4 101.1 6949 13.8 77.5 494 DK-A23-120-130 13.76 13.66 1537 11973 173 80547 7572 1952 41 31 210 34712 27.5 113 5284 DK-A23-130-140 13.66 13.56 403 2997 59.6 26545 5147 587 46 33.5 164 7401 12.8 44 1214 DK-A23-140-150 13.56 13.46 435 2145 85 29481 6517 518 35 36.3 192 8181 11.2 44.1 898 DK-A23-150-160 13.46 13.36 248 260 28.7 17456 6061 137 42 35.6 207 2501 9 25.7 168 DK-A23-160-170 13.36 13.26 375 674 29.6 29616 7810 394 38 34.5 261 4319 11.6 34.4 230 DK-A23-170-180 13.26 13.16 393 542 85 36454 10250 417 50 40.6 152 4625 9.3 61.6 422 DK-A23-180-190 13.16 13.06 413 408 71 34789 10345 425 45 39.2 145.2 4783 8 58.6 224 DK-A24-000-010 15.37 15.27 351 2448 31.2 17588 5632 470 6.62 29.6 217 3980 11.9 42.1 1268 DK-A24-010-020 15.27 15.17 330 1332 17.5 14345 6283 455 11 28.4 235 1761 11.5 30.7 388 DK-A24-020-030 15.17 15.07 374 3820 69 20215 7318 621 6.19 26.9 252 4907 15.2 44.2 282 DK-A24-030-040 15.07 14.97 254 2173 17.8 15539 5556 519 10 28.1 212 3720 12 30.5 569 DK-A24-040-050 14.97 14.87 296 1694 19.3 14043 6792 351 4.83 29.4 219 2553 8.7 21.7 250 DK-A24-050-060 14.87 14.77 320 1942 28.5 17790 7044 567 12 28.7 227 5568 12.9 30.3 1012 DK-A24-060-070 14.77 14.67 327 2457 14.6 17896 6847 629 18 29.1 223 5473 12.1 31.8 549 DK-A24-070-080 14.67 14.57 364 3054 33.8 18318 7432 481 16 32.1 202 9574 8.3 31.7 661 DK-A24-080-090 14.57 14.47 265 2743 18.3 16262 6433 458 15 25.1 216 3975 12.5 28.5 659 DK-A24-090-100 14.47 14.37 215 564 16.6 13026 6217 233 9 28.7 206 2128 7.9 21.1 161 DK-A24-100-110 14.37 14.27 176 220 18.1 8668 6160 169 10 28.3 174 1457 8.3 15 178 DK-A24-110-120 14.27 14.17 201 915 17.3 11794 5517 317 20 26.8 199 1364 10.8 21.4 213 DK-A24-120-130 14.17 14.07 218 946 15.1 11755 6815 290 7.63 31 205 2141 9.4 21.1 220 DK-A24-130-140 14.07 13.97 347 1883 30.6 14321 7223 401 3.91 29.7 236 3330 12.9 30.1 435 DK-A24-140-150 13.97 13.87 140 146 15.5 9275 5301 143 2.86 27.1 139.9 1037 6.2 14.4 205 DK-A24-150-160 13.87 13.77 604 5356 104 35933 7745 948 2.8 29.6 247 13484 21.4 77.4 3217 DK-A24-160-170 13.77 13.67 493 2628 188 28029 7425 858 23 35 235 7730 15.2 76.7 1296 DK-A24-170-180 13.67 13.57 397 2750 50.2 22144 6848 558 21 33 245 5427 15.3 44.5 932 172 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A24-180-190 13.57 13.47 491 2877 78 32321 7474 931 20 37.9 237 7651 16.8 54.2 975 DK-A24-190-200 13.47 13.37 540 1156 200 35825 7240 849 35 47.8 200 6447 14.6 77.7 958 DK-A24-200-210 13.37 13.27 362 1477 73 25481 6546 449 25 38.6 203 4966 11.3 44.9 560 DK-A24-210-220 13.27 13.17 443 1655 40.8 30700 6424 588 36 38.7 194 5936 11.1 48.1 483 DK-A24-220-230 13.17 13.07 594 778 150 45128 7462 428 1.12 49.6 155 7376 16.5 85.4 626 DK-A24-230-240 13.07 12.97 471 990 82 36015 6782 365 19 41.4 148 5871 11.4 56.3 564 DK-A24-240-250 12.97 12.87 490 354 151 38616 6657 392 29 41 118.4 5786 11.9 67.2 323 DK-A24-250-260 12.87 12.77 371 1175 49.4 31437 6725 286 28 37.2 139.9 5392 8.7 40.9 319 DK-A24-260-270 12.77 12.67 359 323 66.3 27742 6405 147 55 39.8 133.4 3482 8.2 35 184 DK-A25-000-010 15.55 15.45 343 2242 15.3 16757 6401 473 15 28.6 219 3924 12 29.8 395 DK-A25-010-050 15.45 15.05 411 5988 19.5 30754 6405 1066 12 23.3 287 5285 22.4 51.7 578 DK-A25-050-100 15.05 14.55 277 1370 18.5 17997 7482 346 6.28 31.8 259 2633 18.5 31.8 2035 DK-A25-100-110 14.55 14.45 194 363 10.4 9147 6982 180 11 29 200 1224 8.2 14.5 165 DK-A25-110-140 14.45 14.05 197 546 10.6 10949 6470 209 10 26.5 211 1151 8.8 16.3 110 DK-A25-150-160 14.05 13.95 234 1157 18.4 11552 6666 241 16 30.2 214 2693 9.4 21.5 360 DK-A25-160-170 13.95 13.85 140 72 12.5 7339 5869 109 4.56 25.8 154.2 905 5.6 15.6 73.5 DK-A25-170-180 13.85 13.75 192 287 16.7 8294 6579 150 10 30.8 201 970 7.6 15 92.6 DK-A25-180-190 13.75 13.65 356 3049 23.7 21441 7894 690 0.14 31.1 265 3668 20 44.7 803 DK-A25-190-200 13.65 13.55 286 3134 39.3 17256 6839 726 15 30.1 219 4698 11.4 32.1 821 DK-A25-200-210 13.55 13.45 236 229 11.7 10350 7101 204 11 33 202 1541 6.9 17.2 190 DK-A25-210-220 13.45 13.35 466 5881 30.8 29864 8341 1019 16 25.3 305 5028 26.6 57.3 912 DK-A25-220-230 13.35 13.25 523 3466 105 29095 7513 879 0.75 32 217 9355 16 54.7 2354 DK-A25-230-240 13.25 13.15 466 5589 39.3 31143 7236 1197 14 27.5 295 7819 23.4 56.6 1161 DK-A25-240-250 13.15 13.05 495 2765 59 29197 8063 796 15 38.9 228 8046 20.3 46.9 1757 DK-A25-250-260 13.05 12.95 317 1008 40.3 20439 7213 494 21 33.4 245 4119 11.8 33.7 457 DK-A25-260-270 12.95 12.85 637 5565 54 33827 7216 1073 26 34.5 222 8631 22.2 60.8 914 173 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A25-270-280 12.85 12.75 565 6170 51 31755 7944 1078 29 32.4 257 7034 20.2 64.9 901 DK-A25-280-290 12.75 12.65 418 1293 51.5 32504 7146 585 30 45.5 144 5978 11.1 53.7 502 DK-A25-290-300 12.65 12.55 489 708 83 37558 6488 455 28 46.6 131.5 6432 12.7 67.5 393 DK-A25-300-310 12.55 12.45 637 1232 113 45795 7066 468 24 44.2 143 9417 14.3 73.6 1060 DK-A25-310-320 12.45 12.35 479 404 230 41425 6859 372 3.82 43.3 140.7 6548 14.2 92.4 520 DK-A25-320-330 12.35 12.25 458 617 82 32884 6858 372 16 37.8 149 5835 14 50.2 512 DK-A25-330-340 12.25 12.15 389 1492 83 30939 6527 270 30 35 138.6 5604 10.5 51 510 DK-A26-000-015 14.14 13.99 1551 17473 172 62247 9414 2223 21 26.5 230 43185 22.4 129 3768 DK-A26-015-025 13.99 13.89 268 2586 29.6 18113 5763 396 19 28.8 213 4439 9.5 34.4 944 DK-A26-025-035 13.89 13.79 240 1091 17.4 11664 6753 286 4.93 30.9 216 2859 8.3 19 547 DK-A26-035-045 13.79 13.69 257 1029 15.1 11706 6897 206 1.37 28.8 196 2058 9.7 19.6 681 DK-A26-045-055 13.69 13.59 150 555 26.4 8564 5863 139 9 27.5 143.9 1020 7.1 17.2 365 DK-A26-055-065 13.59 13.49 253 1347 30.5 13470 6929 381 10 28.4 236 2168 13.8 22.8 281 DK-A26-065-075 13.49 13.39 292 1778 13.9 15699 6512 473 22 26.9 173 3452 8.3 28.3 238 DK-A26-075-085 13.39 13.29 300 2273 25.7 17509 7252 519 6.53 28.9 223 4449 14.6 32.9 1046 DK-A26-085-095 13.29 13.19 245 1421 47.7 13634 6857 344 1.63 28.3 202 2431 9.6 26.6 431 DK-A26-095-105 13.19 13.09 332 1724 62.5 15091 6629 455 17 28.7 200 3513 9.3 28.7 489 DK-A26-105-115 13.09 12.99 321 3412 29 21157 7288 660 15 28.7 246 4615 16.1 40.5 650 DK-A26-115-125 12.99 12.89 214 468 26.5 12155 5508 258 17 28.7 174 2282 9.6 21 454 DK-A26-125-135 12.89 12.79 513 2527 130 30886 7949 906 26 38.9 213 7995 15.9 61.4 975 DK-A26-135-145 12.79 12.69 477 2671 55 30800 6590 910 22 36.2 256 8051 18.9 49.9 1124 DK-A26-145-155 12.69 12.59 513 2134 101 36756 7059 906 36 54.4 170 6775 12.3 64 1054 DK-A26-155-165 12.59 12.49 399 979 42.6 32849 6909 602 42 49 137.6 6504 11.6 50.1 398 DK-A26-165-175 12.49 12.39 471 986 82 29740 6861 498 36 43.7 160 5262 10.4 52.8 392 DK-A26-175-185 12.39 12.29 392 472 92 33085 6753 531 45 42 132.8 5735 11.2 54.8 367 DK-A26-185-195 12.29 12.19 427 589 128 33020 6642 473 41 39.6 130.2 5634 12.9 59.3 406 174 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A26-195-205 12.19 12.09 336 787 73 27497 6616 446 42 37.8 178 4547 12.4 54.2 456 DK-A27-000-010 16.02 15.92 413 3221 59 21632 6650 650 2.64 29.3 221 7826 18.2 46 1363 DK-A27-010-020 15.92 15.62 342 2809 17.1 14277 7055 392 1.58 29.1 202 6962 7.4 26.9 893 DK-A27-040-050 15.62 15.52 478 7332 20.3 31603 6944 1411 26 25.6 319 5320 28.6 63.3 690 DK-A27-050-060 15.52 15.42 269 1541 65 12504 6727 234 10 29.7 174 3375 8.8 32.7 661 DK-A27-060-070 15.42 15.32 393 5250 23 25086 7209 922 19 27.2 320 4055 26.9 49.1 900 DK-A27-070-080 15.32 15.22 226 992 20.9 11269 7272 228 9 31.1 194 2287 7.1 20.3 177 DK-A27-080-090 15.22 15.12 389 2596 35.7 20703 7087 572 12 27.5 204 7505 12.3 34.3 769 DK-A27-090-100 15.12 15.02 248 1519 13.4 14548 6610 317 12 27.8 232 2454 11.9 25.4 187 DK-A27-100-110 15.02 14.92 491 5520 54 26551 8213 1018 12 26.8 280 5913 20.4 52.2 901 DK-A27-110-120 14.92 14.72 504 5208 30.6 26888 6624 660 16 26.8 222 13384 15.2 44.9 1328 DK-A27-130-140 14.72 14.62 423 3282 36.5 16465 7014 531 13 29.5 212 4826 11.3 32.9 232 DK-A27-140-150 14.62 14.52 605 6256 259 33610 8308 1366 14 33.6 243 10293 20.2 97 2225 DK-A27-150-160 14.52 14.42 412 3211 29.2 21518 7425 729 21 31.7 227 8356 12.8 37.6 827 DK-A27-160-170 14.42 14.32 265 1172 21.8 14312 6894 391 2.23 31.4 213 3727 8.9 23.7 669 DK-A27-170-180 14.32 14.22 292 1593 52.4 18268 6953 606 19 29.4 211 3865 11.3 32.5 598 DK-A27-180-190 14.22 14.12 254 805 17 16128 7533 338 7.75 30.9 215 2870 9.9 28.5 239 DK-A27-190-200 14.12 14.02 533 1711 41.2 25033 8280 717 24 38.7 193 6079 12.7 41.2 578 DK-A27-200-210 14.02 13.92 396 2210 48.6 26199 6936 738 41 37.9 200 5998 13.7 46.3 732 DK-A27-210-220 13.92 13.82 414 1093 45.1 24778 7097 547 31 43.7 153.1 5107 9.1 42.5 378 DK-A27-220-230 13.82 13.72 514 1304 84 35697 6909 570 27 45.6 137.8 7020 10.9 65 678 DK-A27-230-240 13.72 13.62 414 888 32.1 30684 6553 496 28 40 158 5470 12.6 44.9 540 DK-A27-240-250 13.62 13.52 427 559 35.9 32142 6364 418 15 36.9 140 5697 11.7 47.3 429 DK-A27-250-260 13.52 13.42 493 792 99 35681 6886 530 27 38.4 151.1 6393 11.9 64.3 441 DK-A27-260-270 13.42 13.32 388 501 76 33111 6871 314 25 38.9 125 5326 10.1 49 345 DK-A27-270-280 13.32 13.22 388 503 138 31084 6415 268 23 38.1 141.8 5349 9.5 63.7 228 175 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A27-280-290 13.22 13.12 501 881 102 34932 7407 264 42 40.4 181 6941 9.3 51.2 365 DK-A27-290-300 13.12 13.02 376 949 127 28100 6872 395 45 37.5 200 5935 10.8 48 366 DK-A29-000-015 13.93 13.78 266 1554 22.8 13844 6844 319 12 29 227 2717 11.4 68.9 585 DK-A29-015-025 13.78 13.68 360 2486 23 16405 7018 469 4.93 30.9 185 6832 10.2 33.8 936 DK-A29-025-035 13.68 13.58 380 4928 20.4 21252 6810 531 12 27.9 233 4839 15.5 43.5 817 DK-A29-035-045 13.58 13.48 251 1038 22 12114 6881 359 17 29.5 175 3469 10.4 24.9 606 DK-A29-045-055 13.48 13.38 219 1861 15.2 12976 5866 296 2.19 30 200 2371 11 23.7 450 DK-A29-055-065 13.38 13.28 267 1868 39.2 14688 7045 279 10 30.4 199 4328 11.5 32.9 804 DK-A29-065-075 13.28 13.18 239 927 17.7 12538 7724 295 11 33.7 237 2984 9.7 21.2 510 DK-A29-075-085 13.18 13.08 404 2373 39.3 19337 7627 508 16 29.7 231 4887 13.1 35.7 791 DK-A29-085-095 13.08 12.98 353 3254 20.1 16509 7753 596 19 31.4 219 3643 13.1 29.6 625 DK-A29-095-105 12.98 12.88 333 2800 29.6 16326 6715 428 13 30.3 191 6277 8.9 28.5 932 DK-A29-105-115 12.88 12.78 342 2168 11.1 14171 7198 384 10 28.7 205 4309 10.8 24.1 818 DK-A29-115-125 12.78 12.68 384 3311 14 17771 7049 453 15 28.5 195 5697 11.7 28.1 440 DK-A29-125-135 12.68 12.58 325 2553 22.2 16287 7744 826 23 31.2 213 3757 14.6 28.7 566 DK-A29-135-145 12.58 12.48 312 2172 13.7 16121 6855 504 15 29.2 204 4166 10.5 29.5 597 DK-A29-145-155 12.48 12.38 286 1376 12 13832 6054 352 14 26.1 201 4192 9.4 20.2 407 DK-A29-155-165 12.38 12.28 420 2920 20.5 20298 7381 495 20 32.3 212 7467 12.8 29.2 1080 DK-A29-165-175 12.28 12.18 269 1959 13.4 15702 6447 354 14 30.5 206 4819 11.5 23.7 549 DK-A29-175-185 12.18 12.08 222 1462 11.8 14409 6782 421 10 29.5 220 2614 10.7 24.6 436 DK-A29-185-195 12.08 11.98 241 1658 16.3 15728 6969 511 17 31.4 230 2744 11.6 24.3 487 DK-A29-195-205 11.98 11.88 317 1775 14.6 16150 6577 521 14 28.9 218 3465 13.6 27 247 DK-A29-205-215 11.88 11.78 465 1232 45.3 17509 7675 565 18 36.9 204 3589 10.3 32.3 370 DK-A29-215-225 11.78 11.68 397 1799 42.9 22796 7013 577 22 36.4 233 5608 11.8 42.2 629 DK-A29-225-235 11.68 11.58 549 1958 64 32055 7191 737 26 50.3 203 7564 16.2 51.6 1093 DK-A29-235-245 11.58 11.48 388 2053 38.9 28799 6296 771 31 46.6 179 6442 12.5 40.8 811 176 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A29-245-255 11.48 11.38 422 581 55.1 32643 6163 547 32 57.4 145.4 5992 8.8 49.9 430 DK-A29-255-265 11.38 11.28 436 2232 51.3 29761 6417 501 23 46.8 170 5782 13 50.7 919 DK-A29-265-275 11.28 11.18 366 553 35.1 26136 6136 294 25 45.9 126.8 5159 9.5 37.9 341 DK-A29-275-285 11.18 11.08 424 986 47.7 28030 6202 299 24 41.1 113.9 6161 9.8 41 512 DK-A29-285-295 11.08 10.98 452 1382 61.7 32327 6188 331 24 42.1 132.4 7275 17.5 49.2 824 DK-A29-295-305 10.98 10.88 442 679 82 31441 6014 279 12 39.9 111.5 6672 11.3 45.2 625 DK-A29-305-315 10.88 10.78 325 825 45.3 22996 5448 237 33 40.8 151.1 4046 9.2 31.9 396 DK-A29-315-325 10.78 10.68 437 1253 109 24690 5451 325 38 43.1 126.8 6389 9.1 48.1 562 DK-A30-000-010 15.85 15.75 310 2952 18.3 19414 6412 547 13 28.1 229 5363 14.4 36.9 743 DK-A30-010-040 15.75 15.45 501 4956 24.1 26422 6970 784 14 26.5 233 9721 17.4 47.5 1037 DK-A30-040-050 15.45 15.35 254 1388 13.6 13285 6525 329 13 26.1 171 3437 12.2 19.3 476 DK-A30-050-060 15.35 15.25 304 1509 16.4 16889 6676 545 5 29 224 3893 13.1 25.7 512 DK-A30-060-070 15.25 15.15 441 4462 22.5 22629 7237 643 22 27.8 224 9062 14.7 40.7 1141 DK-A30-070-080 15.15 15.05 237 1033 12.3 12398 6953 339 17 27 194 1780 10.3 19.2 283 DK-A30-080-090 15.05 14.95 361 2492 16.5 18720 6664 526 7.79 27 217 5529 12.8 27.2 923 DK-A30-090-100 14.95 14.85 290 2133 18.5 17459 6366 550 0.58 28.5 235 5530 12.2 28.2 511 DK-A30-100-110 14.85 14.75 342 1876 28.4 15472 7281 380 6.42 30.5 195 6440 16.9 24 1286 DK-A30-110-120 14.75 14.65 359 2919 11.4 18516 6687 585 21 28.3 204 6829 11.9 34.6 703 DK-A30-120-130 14.65 14.55 422 3059 21.2 19174 6675 675 15 28.8 214 5262 10.8 33.1 970 DK-A30-130-140 14.55 14.45 418 3475 51.8 22660 7391 563 11 31.1 206 8633 13.1 48.7 1271 DK-A30-140-150 14.45 14.35 234 820 16.5 15242 7096 337 16 32.6 213 3639 9.9 26.8 530 DK-A30-150-160 14.35 14.25 311 1975 12.7 17753 6498 468 16 29 217 4279 12.5 30.2 390 DK-A30-160-170 14.25 14.15 308 1035 15.1 16906 7175 377 14 33.9 220 2972 11 26.8 306 DK-A30-170-180 14.15 14.05 337 1281 27.9 22069 6914 514 22 36.3 200 4853 10.8 32.8 792 DK-A30-180-190 14.05 13.95 481 3900 40.6 31799 6692 900 34 42.7 197 8716 15 57.2 668 DK-A30-190-200 13.95 13.85 435 1096 29.3 33802 6631 600 39 49.4 168 5889 9.8 52.8 572 177 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A30-200-210 13.85 13.75 499 1119 54.9 38644 7072 597 41 49.9 152 6867 10.4 62.4 691 DK-A30-210-220 13.75 13.65 458 1086 60 34972 7072 498 46 44.3 155 6920 11.7 58.7 379 DK-A30-220-230 13.65 13.55 412 567 52.3 30197 7212 278 38 45.4 163 5000 10.3 45.7 356 DK-A30-230-240 13.55 13.45 425 746 51.1 32550 7441 361 56 41.3 194 5417 10.4 46.8 216 DK-A30-240-250 13.45 13.35 386 347 94 30512 7138 231 45 39.1 195 5193 10.1 43.4 199 DK-A30-250-260 13.35 13.25 415 422 42.9 26270 7582 239 31 40.7 160 4473 9.6 35.7 231 DK-A30-260-270 13.25 13.15 422 494 72 32287 7340 238 25 40.7 147 6498 11.8 44 439 DK-A30-270-280 13.15 13.05 293 522 54.3 21786 7477 172 28 42 183 4353 9 33.9 220 DK-A30-280-290 13.05 12.95 349 794 30 26208 6665 427 45 35.9 211 5723 10.2 31.9 267 DK-A31-020-030 13.53 13.43 342 2113 22.1 19627 6456 510 20 30.7 213 5764 10.8 34.2 806 DK-A31-030-040 13.43 13.33 340 1893 27 19891 6968 614 19 32.6 203 6267 13.3 31.6 1067 DK-A31-040-050 13.33 13.23 374 2315 22.6 16824 5992 542 4.46 26.4 188 5328 12 27.4 914 DK-A31-050-060 13.23 13.13 403 3168 14.6 17972 7201 657 12 29.8 225 5908 11.9 33.2 625 DK-A31-060-070 13.13 13.03 418 3764 18.7 24040 6384 626 21 30.7 230 8258 13.6 38 1296 DK-A31-070-080 13.03 12.93 472 4403 17.6 24070 7078 1039 19 25 252 5225 20 44.6 707 DK-A31-080-090 12.93 12.83 481 5716 37.9 25732 6451 1020 18 28.8 244 6635 19.7 54.6 962 DK-A31-090-100 12.83 12.73 452 4009 37.7 28956 7358 769 18 41 195 9213 14.1 45.7 778 DK-A31-100-110 12.73 12.63 421 1460 40.6 23735 6386 504 16 44.1 166 5363 10.7 37.3 614 DK-A31-110-120 12.63 12.53 490 1111 88 26437 6528 557 21 56.5 158 5155 9.5 49.2 553 DK-A31-120-130 12.53 12.43 356 1409 40.5 23762 6562 422 19 50.6 134.5 5565 9.4 35.5 473 DK-A31-130-140 12.43 12.33 359 1362 42.9 23419 6422 372 28 43.2 160 5825 10.8 35.4 499 DK-A31-140-150 12.33 12.23 383 665 39.2 22338 6560 212 24 47 117.4 5377 8.7 29.7 435 DK-A31-150-160 12.23 12.13 449 624 84 25172 6343 306 16 45.2 113.9 5736 8.9 37.2 404 DK-A31-160-170 12.13 12.03 389 335 114 24824 6243 210 21 48.2 115.1 5582 11.6 46.8 370 DK-A31-170-180 12.03 11.93 362 475 107 21685 5983 194 28 40.3 112.6 5147 9.6 43.5 286 DK-A33-000-010 11.13 11.03 336 1589 19.2 20655 6410 461 29 32 194 4870 11.5 33.8 677 178 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A33-010-020 11.03 10.93 412 2413 39.8 22709 7737 438 17 35.9 185 9554 10.1 36.2 1317 DK-A33-020-030 10.93 10.83 301 986 14.8 15444 7594 390 20 33.3 241 2606 10.5 21.9 293 DK-A33-030-040 10.83 10.73 268 1486 22.4 15291 6591 394 19 29.1 175 4629 7.8 25.3 285 DK-A33-040-050 10.73 10.63 309 1524 14.8 16580 6748 458 12 29.2 199 4171 9.7 23.4 359 DK-A33-050-060 10.63 10.53 403 2464 21.1 21778 8260 533 13 32.7 260 4911 16.2 36 788 DK-A33-060-070 10.53 10.43 356 2504 16.2 18327 6774 669 17 30.3 221 6169 13.3 29.6 930 DK-A33-070-080 10.43 10.33 445 2310 13.4 18603 7726 644 22 32.8 219 6083 17.5 29.4 685 DK-A33-080-090 10.33 10.23 416 3139 22.5 23334 5737 742 23 28.1 194 6432 15.9 38.4 753 DK-A33-090-105 10.23 10.08 349 1456 25.9 19972 6811 414 22 37.8 190 5197 10.6 28.2 482 DK-A33-105-120 10.08 9.93 347 1846 29 25080 7122 477 25 40.9 177 4579 12 40.6 603 DK-A33-120-130 9.93 9.83 564 2542 86 36810 7668 694 28 49.4 189 7870 14.6 61.9 1344 DK-A33-130-145 9.83 9.68 410 1180 45.6 32315 6809 402 27 46.1 132.2 5523 9.3 41.1 415 DK-A33-145-150 9.68 9.63 517 771 76 41162 6310 377 21 49.1 130 7169 10.8 55 735 DK-A33-150-165 9.63 9.48 442 713 58.1 34349 6151 253 16 42.4 129.6 5805 10.1 43.1 373 DK-A33-165-170 9.48 9.43 396 1211 43.7 33585 5682 287 15 40.3 123.7 6358 9.8 40.3 302 DK-A33-170-180 9.43 9.33 392 984 55 35885 5681 215 21 36.8 103.9 6918 11 46.2 383 DK-A33-180-190 9.33 9.23 406 775 40.8 31789 5656 214 17 37.4 111 5929 9.6 36.3 391 DK-A33-190-200 9.23 9.13 425 1327 58.4 35640 6046 376 31 40.8 138.4 6860 13.2 50.8 570 DK-A33-200-210 9.13 9.03 370 597 33.7 32599 5635 225 20 38.2 116.1 5767 9.6 35.2 391 DK-A33-210-220 9.03 8.93 395 452 75 32870 5955 176 19 41.1 117.3 5928 10.6 48.6 372 DK-A33-220-230 8.93 8.83 397 817 36.1 30280 6119 212 35 39.3 119.5 5592 9.8 38.2 272 DK-A33-230-240 8.83 8.73 399 427 50.4 32600 5822 184 36 40.1 118.5 6142 10.2 43.4 341 DK-A33-240-250 8.73 8.63 304 602 32.6 19711 7600 199 53 40.2 193 4354 8.3 29.7 329 DK-A33-250-260 8.63 8.53 277 301 18.4 14508 7779 215 42 37 219 2749 9.4 18.9 258 DK-A33-260-270 8.53 8.43 292 852 24.2 19705 7824 304 56 36.5 243 5577 11.1 28.1 328 DK-A33-270-280 8.43 8.33 302 1033 19.5 19267 7903 267 51 35.3 222 4776 8.6 27.8 337 179 Auger MASL Top MASL Bottom Ba Cr Cu Fe K Mn Ni Rb Sr Ti Y Zn Zr DK-A33-280-290 8.33 8.23 286 916 23.9 17742 6698 275 56 34.1 222 3085 8.2 29.1 211 DK-A33-290-300 8.23 8.13 276 562 15.1 15858 7442 212 55 34.3 243 2888 9 25.7 183 DK-A33-300-310 8.13 8.03 276 660 47.6 14953 8753 203 49 37.8 215 3298 8.1 28.5 589 DK-A33-310-320 8.03 7.93 284 455 19.7 16896 8168 237 51 35 246 2592 8.8 26.1 287 180 Appendix F: Univariate one-way analysis of all elements by soil group. One-way Analysis of As Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Ba Log10 By Soil 181 One-way Analysis of Bi Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Ca Log10 By Soil 182 One-way Analysis of Co Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Cr Log10 By Soil 183 One-way Analysis of Cu Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Fe Log10 By Soil 184 One-way Analysis of K Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Mn Log10 By Soil 185 One-way Analysis of Ni Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Pb Log10 By Soil 186 One-way Analysis of Rb Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Se Log10 By Soil 187 One-way Analysis of Sr Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Th Log10 By Soil 188 One-way Analysis of Ti Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Y Log10 By Soil 189 One-way Analysis of Zn Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Zr Log10 By Soil 190 One-way Analysis of Ba Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Cr Log10 By Soil 191 One-way Analysis of Cu Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Fe Log10 By Soil 192 One-way Analysis of K Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Mn Log10 By Soil 193 One-way Analysis of Ni Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Rb Log10 By Soil 194 One-way Analysis of Sr Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Ti Log10 By Soil 195 One-way Analysis of Y Log10 By Soil One-way Analysis of Zn Log10 By Soil 196 One-way Analysis of Zr Log10 By Soil