TFH4E COURSE OF STUDY OUTLINE The Ontario Curriculum Grades Ministry of Education Policy Document Upper Grand District School Board College Heights Secondary School Technology Department Head L.Furfaro Department L.Furfaro, S.Doucette Date Sept 07/11 Developed by Hospitality and Tourism Type W orkplace Grade 12 Course Title TFJ 4E Prerequisites TFJ 3E Course Code Overall Expectations: Theory and Foundation Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: • demonstrate an understanding of the importance of tourism at the local, provincial, national, and global level; • explain the importance of each of the eight sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry – accommodation, adventure tourism/recreation, food and beverage, transportation, travel trade, events and conferences, attractions, and tourism services; • explain the importance and value of nutrients in food products; • describe a variety of tourism attractions and their physical layouts or plants; • identify the equipment and facilities used in the hospitality and tourism industry. Skills and Processes Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: • design and manage a school or community activity or fund raiser; • use advanced product preparation and presentation skills to plan and prepare menus; • handle and store foods safely and hygienically; • use management techniques to complete a variety of tasks; • identify various communication strategies to ensure customer service. Impact and Consequences Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will: • describe the impact of the hospitality and tourism industry on the environment and the economy; • identify health and safety standards for the hospitality and tourism industry; • describe career opportunities and the education and training required for each; • identify the individual personality traits and skills that lend themselves to a career in tourism. Units - Titles and Times 1 Safe and Secure Practice hours 20 2 Working with Food Inside and Out hours 30 3 Professional Practice hours 30 4 Tourism hours 30 Unit 1 Activity Name Overall Expectations Categories Focus knife safety practical daily practical B1, A4, D1 A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, D1 K,A K,A K, I, C, A Safety Equipment Safety Practical Skills Marks Out of 25 10 5 daily Accommodations: Oral testing, scribing, reading instructions, note frame, peer grouping, photo copied notes, demonstration/modeling Formative Assessment in the Unit: Constructive practical feedback, specific job tasks and assignments Unit Evaluation: 40% Practical, 30% Tests/Assignments Unit 2 Activity Name Overall Expectations Categories Focus Menu planning Banquet planning A2, B2 A1, A2, B2, B3 K, I, K, I, Nutrition Daily Practical A2, B2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, D1 K, C K, I, C, A Types of Menus Costing, Measurement, Event Delivery Healthy Menu Planning Marks Out of 25 50 20 5 daily Accommodations: Oral testing, scribing, reading instructions, note frame, peer grouping, photo copied notes, demonstration/modeling Formative Assessment in the Unit: Constructive practical feedback, specific job tasks and assignments Unit Evaluation: 40% Practical, 30% Tests/Assignments Unit 3 Activity Name Overall Expectations Categories Focus Customer Service Career Opportunities D2, D3 K, I, C, A, K, I, Service Etiquette F&B Sector Positions Marks Out of 20 25 Accommodations: Oral testing, scribing, reading instructions, note frame, peer grouping, photo copied notes, demonstration/modeling Formative Assessment in the Unit: Constructive practical feedback, specific job tasks and assignments Unit Evaluation: 40% Practical, 30% Tests/Assignments Unit 4 Activity Name Overall Expectations Categories Focus Tourism Sectors C2 K, C, Five Industries of Tourism Marks Out of 25 Accommodations: Oral testing, scribing, reading instructions, note frame, peer grouping, photo copied notes, demonstration/modeling Formative Assessment in the Unit: Constructive practical feedback, specific job tasks and assignments Unit Evaluation: 40% Practical, 30% Tests/Assignments Course Evaluation: Knowledge Inquiry Communication Application 20% 20% 20% 40% Term work ~ 70% , plus 30% final culminating (20% practical, 10% written)