1:1 simulation – to ensure everything runs smoothly under real operating conditions Simulator Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical SPPA-S3000 Simulator is used for intensive training and continuing training of power plant personnel. On the screen it displays a 1:1 image of your power plant with the original SPPA-T3000 human machine interface. Your Benefits ■ Increase availability through perfectly trained and more highly qualified employees who can master fault event conditions reliably and quickly The Task Even if today's highly automated plants only seldom require operator actions, training and in-depth knowledge of the plant remain indispensable for critical situations. Practical training on the simulator must always be given preference to dry theory. The more accurately the training environment can simulate the real plant, the more effective the learning effect will be. A simulator which could be individually tailored to suit specific plants would therefore be ideal. Our Solution We produce an image of the real plant 1:1 in the simulator based on the original engineering data of your power plant. The simulator then behaves exactly like the real power plant during operation and all the details on the screen are the same as those on the actual console in the control room. Every fault event and operating condition of the plant can be repeated as often as required using the simulator until employees are completely familiar with every reaction and procedure. Every kind of practice is possible, from simple day-to-day warm-up training through to an intensive course, during construction or during power plant operation - whenever the need arises. ■ Increase safety through risk-free training of employees and preparation for selective crisis situations SPPA-S3000 Simulator system architecture is equivalent to the control system SPPA-T3000. ■ Reduce costs through shorter employee training times and optimized plant operation Answers for energy. Published by and copyright © 2012: Siemens AG, Energy Sector Freyeslebenstrasse 1 91058 Erlangen, Germany For more information contact sppa-s3000.energy@siemens.com www.siemens.com/energy/sppa-s3000 Siemens Energy, Inc. Instrumentation, Controls, & Electrical 1345 Ridgeland Parkway, Suite 116 Alpharetta, GA 30004, USA S3_FS_Simulator_e_V2-0 Order No. E50001-G2300-A100-X-4A00 Printed in Germany Dispo 05401, c4bs-Nr. 7465 Printed on elementary chlorine-free bleached paper. All rights reserved. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their respective owners. Subject to change without prior notice. The information in this document contains general descriptions of the technical options available, which may not apply in all cases. The required technical options should therefore be specified in the contract.