I ntt. J. Math. Math. Si. Vol. 3 No. 4 (1980) 793-796 793 APPROXIMATION ON THE SEMI-INFINITE INTERVAL A. McD. MERCER Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Received February ii, 1980) ABSTRACT. The approximation of a function f E is well-known. C[a,b] by Bernsteln polynomials It is based on the binomial distribution. O. Szasz has shown that there are analogous approximations on the interval [ O,) based on the Polsson distribution. Recently R. Mohapatra has generalized Szasz’ result to the case in which the approximating function is se lux) I+-i -ux k=N r (ks+8) f ka (u) The present note shows that these results are special cases of a Tauberlan theorem for certain infinite series having positive coefficients. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Szasz operators, Borel sure,ability, Taubian theorems. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. Primary A36, Secondary A10, A46. INTRODUCTION. Let us denote the class of functions f such that f E C[O,=) and for which A. McD.MERCER 794 by 0 we shall denote The subclass for which llm f(t) CL lim f(t) exists by t-o t-o Coo. It is known that if f lim e C E -xu ufor each x E (0,oo). > Here then L (xu) k-i F (ke+) k--N f() Z f(x) (i) is a real number and N is a positive integer O, This result was proved in [i] and is a generalization of e exceeding-/. result due to 0. Szsz [2] i, N which was the special case O. The proof of (i) depends heavily on a result due to D. Borweln [3], namely that (2) Z k=N e lira u-o F (ke+8) and it is the purpose of the present note to show that the deduction of (i) from (2) is a special case of a general theorem about infinite series. This theorem is of the Tauberlan type and the method of proof which we give is of rather wide applicability. THEOREM. {vk} be Our result is CL,oo. Suppose that f lira e implies > 0, let K be a constant and let lira e -xu Z a k uVk -u Z k=0 2. k strictly increasing sequence of positive numbers. ,a for each Let a X a k(xu) Then (3) i f u f(x) -’) (O,,x,). PROOF OF THE THEOREM Since the result is trivially true if f is a constant function there is no loss of generality in supposing f E APPROXIMATION ON THE SEMI-INFINITE INTERVAL space C, . CL, As namely llfll instead of f E lfll usual we will denote by If(x) l. sup [0,) lim e -xu u Now for each x Z k:O defines a linear functional on C ak(xu Vk 795 the norm of f in he (0, ) E Vk+K f(----) which we will denote by X And if llm is replaced by llm the corresponding linear functional will be denoted by First we consider Since X (vk+K) Vk functional on C u-o, that I(f) X (e -%t) that-x lfll. < (f) BV[O, =o) for some function e see k:0 H== X is a bounded linear and so we will have x in the usual way. k u k:0 we see, on letting v f(t) and we shall take e -%x as having been normalized X Now if we take f(t) e dex(t) e -At (% > O) it is a simple matter to In this calculation the hypothesis (3) is used in the form lira e -xu u 7. k:O ak(xU Vk (x > 0). 1 Henc e g-(-xt) o e -xt d(Xx(t) e -x (,I. > 0). By a well known theorem [4] this determines the normalized function e uniquely X and by inspection it is seen to be 796 A. McD. MERCER (0-<t <x) 0 (t) (t x) (X < t) Hence for f C we have x(f) fCt) dc (t) X Now all of the above analysis involving The same function e X X f(x) could be repeated with instead. would be obtained and so we have --X (f) X (f) f(x) That is to say, if x > 0 then -xu llm e u-o and equals f(x). 7. a k=0 k(xu) Vk f( Vk+K-) u exists This concludes the proof of the theorem. We conclude with two remarks. The above theorem is about point-wise convergence whereas in [i] and [2] the uniform convergence of a set of functions P (x) to f(x) at each point U x [0,=o) was considered O For the definition of this type of convergence we refer the reader to either of these sources but, when f C to go from pointwise convergence to this other L oo, type of convergence is, any way, a simple matter. in [i] Ne+8 the result (i) was stated for x i the point x Secondly, we mention that [0,) but except in the case 0 should be omitted. REFERENCES i. Mohapatra, R.N., A Note on Approximation of Continuous Functions by Szsz Ope’r’ators, .Na.nta. Mathematica, i0 (1977), 181-184. Szsz, O., G.eneralization of. S.. Ber.nste.in’s P.!/n.mia! to the Infi,ni..te Interval, J. Nat. Bur. Standards, 45 (1950), 239-245. Generalized 2. 3. Borwein, D., Rel, atlons Between Borel-type Methods of Summability, J. London Math. Soc., 35 (1960), 65-70. 4 Widder, D V "The Laplace Transform, " Princeton (1941).