I nt. J. Math. Mh. S. (1980) 42-42 No. Vol. 423 GENERALIZED KTHE-TOEPLITZ DUALS I.J. MADDOX Department of Pure Mathematics Queen’s University of Belfast Belfast BT7 INN Northern Ireland (Received November 9, 1979) .ABSTRACT. The where O < p < . and B-duals spaces of generalized The question of when the and P spaces are characterized, B dual spaces coincide is also considered. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Genzed Kthe-Toeplitz dual spaces, Sequences of op Giz spaces. p lin 19gO MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. INTRODUCTION. 40C05, 40J05. X and Y denote complex Banach spaces with zero elements O, and denotes the norm in either X or Y. The continuous dual of X is written X*. By s(X) we mean the space of all X-valued sequences x for k e N (1,2,3,...}. II" II (Xk) where x e X k 424 I.J. MADDOX , If O < p < X we mean by p IXkl (xk) such that Z < P . (X) the space of all X-valued sequences Sums are over k N, unless otherwise E indicated. By (X) (xk) such that sup we denote the space of all x C, the space of complex numbers, we write In case X P ,P (c). Let A (Ak) lXkll < . instead of denote a sequence of linear, but not necessarily bounded, If E is any nonempty subset of s(X) then the e-dual operators on X into Y. of E is defined to be E The {A Z B-dual of E is defined EB Since Y is complete {A IAkXklI < , E}. for all x to be converges, for all x ZAkXk we have E EB a The a and B E E}. duals of E may be regarded as generalized Kthe-Toeplitz duals, since in case X be identified with complex numbers ak, Y C, when the Ak may the duals reduce to the classical spaces first considered by Kthe and Toeplitz [I]. Using the notation (l/p) + (l/q) convention that q i, where I < p < I, and q when p ,o B P P i when p B(X), P < I the and I < p < , the a and it is well-known that (i.I) E(X) P However, when O < p the ,q We shall see that, in general, strict. , , with B where the inclusion may be duals coincide. B duals coincide provided Also, when that Y is finite dimensional. GENERALIZED KOTHE-TOEPLITZ DUALS 425 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE DUALS. 2. EB(X) p Then A Let 0 < p < I. THEOREM i. N such that A is bounded, for all k > m, k m H PROOF. mllAkl < suPk_> and . (2.1) Let (2.i) hold and Z Sufficiency. if and only if there exists IXkl p < . By a familiar inequality, see for example Maddox [2], page 22, P k=m XAkXk Hence Necessity. k=m _< p II kllPllxkll k--m < HP El l kl p" is absolutely convergent, and so convergent. Let A B(X) p and suppose, if possible, that no such m exists. Then there are natural numbers k(1) < k(2) < that for i l IXkl that lAkXk zi/i 2/6, 2/p for k < i such (2.2) 0 otherwise. > Then x e gp(X) since I for infinitely many k, contrary to the fact converges. IAk( )ll X with suPk>m l kll Then there are natural with k(1) > m such that for i numbers k(1) < k(2) < z.x lzill 2/p. k(i) and xk IAkXkll but > i Now suppose, if possible, that Choose X N, lAk(i) -ill Define x k p < and z. lzi It > 2i N, 2/p. < i such that (2.3) 2] IAk(i)zil _> IAk(i)ll so by (2.3) I.J. MADDOX 426 we see that (2.2) holds with the new k(i) and z.. I We may define x E (X) p Hence (2.1) must hold, and the proof as above and obtain a contradiction. is complete. If we examine the proof of Theorem I we see that in the sufficiency we had l llXkll , e(X). so that A < p(X) constructions involved x Also, in the necessity, the P such that l IAkXkll was divergent. Hence we have: THEOREM 2. If 0 < p < i then S(x). P =(x) P _ Next we consider the case i < p < =. THEOREM 3. Let I < p < =. is bounded for all k m e N such that M PROOF. Then A e Ea(X) p if and only if there exists m, and q [IAkll k=m (2.4) Let (2.4) hold and x e Sufficiency. P (X). By Hlder’s inequality, [lXkl[ k=m Necessity. Since a(X)p -< M I/q 1/p (El IXkl E l(X) when p > I, the existence of the m in the theorem follows from Theorems I and 2. Now for k > m we may choose z k For all % p we have __(%kZk lZkl X with p(X), so < such that GENERALIZED KOTHE-TOEPLITZ DUALS 427 k=m for all By (i.I) it follows that P q , llAkZkll k=m H 2qH, whence M _< < so (2.4) holds, and the proof is complete. Let I < p < THEOREM 4. . 8(X) p Then A if and only if there exists m e N such that A is bounded for all k > m, and k sup k=m where the lfl q < supremum is over all f PROOF. , (2.5) Y* with lfl] -< . With the restriction that all the A are bounded, and with k different notation, this result was proved by Thorp [3]. Only the existence of m in the necessity needs attention, and this follows from Theorems 1 and 2, 8(X) P and the fact that c 18(X). Finally, we examine the case p . The proofs are left to the reader. We remark that with the restriction that all the A are bounded, the result k concerning 8(X) THEOREM 5. was given by Maddox [4]. A (X) if and only. if there exists m e N such that A k is bounded for all k > m, and (2.6) k=m THEOREM 6. A e 8(X) if and only if there exists m is bounded for all k -> m, and N such that A k I. J. MADDOX 428 m+n Z supl AkXk[ k=m < o, (2.7) m+n sup where the 3. I AkXkl ll k--m suprema / O (m + ), are over all n > O and all x k (2.8) X with lXkl _< 1. COINCIDENCE OF DUALS. It was shown in Theorem 2 that, when O < p i, 8(X) P a(X) P for any Banach spaces X and Y. We next shown that, when I < p < , the inclusion a(X) P c B(X) P may be strict. THEOREM 7. (X) P B(X) P PROOF. If 1 < p < then there are Banach space.s X with strict inclusion. Take X Y and write P e (O,O,...,i,O,O,...) k where I is in the k-place and there are zeros elsewhere. operators A on k P (xk) Define bounded linear into itself by AkX for each x and Y such that P xkek Then I[Akll 1 for all k N so A is not in aCX) p by Theorem 3. Let us now show that (2.5) holds. for x P Take any f we have f(x) 7.f.x. 1 1 E* with P lfll < I. Then 429 GENERALIZED KOTHE-TOEPLITZ DUALS for some (fi) llfi lq such that f(AkX) (Af) (x) and so llAfll--Ifkl. ZllAfl A, fkXk Hence q Zlfk lq < I, 8(X).P so by Theorem 4 we have A e Still with the case 1 < p < THEOREM 8. Hence, by definition of < i. we have: and Y is finite dimensional then for any X If 1 < p < we have a(x) P PROOF. A e 8(X) P t 8(x). P We have to show that A (X) P then by Theorem 4 there exists m all k e m. implies A e Now if N such that b is bounded for K Suppose Y has finite dimension n and that Hamel base for Y. a(X). P (bl,b 2 ,b n) is a Then y e Y implies n Z Xi(Y)bi i=l y Take z e X and k > M. where each %. e Y*. Then n r. Akz-and h i Ak X*. i=l Z Since convergent for all x AkXk converges for all x k=m k---m P (2.9) i(AkZ)bi Ak)Xk (X) and each i. P (X) we have I.J. MADDOX 430 Choose z If t k then P e lZkl X, _(tkZ k) gp(X) so that k(x i Ak)Zk V. t k-- -< I such that g converges for all t 21(I i Ak)Zkl > II whence for each i, P kll q ll i k--m (2.10) <’- By (2.9) and HDlder’s inequality, n n i=l i=l q/p. (2.11) Denoting the final term in (2.11) by H, llll k=m n q _< v. i=l [li k=m ll q (2.12) It follows from (2.10) and (2.12) that (2.4) holds, so by Theorem 3 we have a(x). P A For certain values of p, and any X, the next result is the converse of Theorem 8. THEOREM 9. If 2 < p < a(X) p and B(X) P then Y must be finite dimensional. PROOF. q < Suppose, if possible, that Y is infinite dimensional. -2/q then Ec < =. 2, if c k -k k By the Dvoretzky-Rogers theorem [5], there exists an unconditionally convergent series Ey lykll 2 c k for k N. Then X* with lAkll lykl fll k in Y such that Hence r[l Ykll q Take f Since x (2.13) diverges. and define rank one operators A k so by (2.13) and Theorem 3 A is not in Yk ) a(X). p f" 431 GENERALIZED KOTHE-TOEPLITZ DUALS Now if x P (X) then ZAkXk If(xk)Yk. But (f(xk)) and ly is unconditionally convergent, so that k pB(X), converges, whence A Zf(xk)Yk which gives a contradiction. We remark that it would appear that the argument of Theorem 9 cannot be 2, since in a general Hilbert space Y the unconditional 2 convergence of Zyk implies that l used in the case p lykl 2 of Theorem 9 when Y is a Hilbert However, we can deal with the case p space: Let Y be a Hilbert THEOREM IO. space and suppose 4 (x). 2(X) Then Y must be finite dimensional. Suppose, if possible, that Y is infinite dimensional. PROOF. orthonormal sequence (e X*,llgll Take g IAkll I. k) in Y and denote the inner product in Y by I ad define rank one operators Ak Now let f lfll Y* with f(z) for all z Y, with IlYll I[Afl[ -< l(ek,Y) I, I for all k. k @ (z,y) Then for x g(x) X, (ek,Y). so by Bessel’s inequality, . 2, and so A B (X). But A 2 (X) This contradiction implies our result. (yl,Y2). g, so that Then there exists y .][fll 2_< ]lyll2_< Thus (2.5) holds with q [IAkl] < I. (g(x)ek,Y) (Af) (x) Hence llfll I. _< e Choose an since Y such that I.J. MADDOX 432 The case p (X) (X) is due essentially to Thorp [3], who shows that if and only if Y is finite dimensional. REFERENCES I. Kthe, G. and Toeplitz, O. Lineare Rume mit unendlich vielen Koordinaten und Ringe unendlicher Matrizen, J. reine angew. Math. 171 (1934), 193-226. 2. Maddox, l.J. Elements of Functional Analsis, Cambridge University Press, 1970. 3. Thorp, B.L.D. Sequential-evaluation convergence, J. London Math. Soc. 44 (1969), 201-209. 4. Maddox, l.J. Matrix maps of bounded sequences in a Banach space, Proc. American Math. Soc. 63 (1977), 82-86. 5. Dvoretzky, A. and Rogers, C.A. Absolute and unconditional convergence in normed linear spaces, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.). 36 (1950) 192-197.