I ntnat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. No. (1980) 113-149 113 Vol. LIMIT THEOREMS FOR SOLUTIONS OF STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS J. VOM SCHEIDT and W. PURKERT Idgenfeurhochschule Zwickau DDR-95 Zwickau Germany (Received September 5, 1978) ABSTRACT. In this paper linear differential equations with random processes as coefficients and as inhomogeneous term are regarded. imit theorems are proed for the solutions of these equations if the andom processes are weakly correlated processes. Limit theorems are proved for the eigenvalues and the eigenfunc- tons of eigenvalue problems and for the solutions of boundary value problems and initial value problems. KV W0S AP FHASS. Limit Theorem, Stochastic Eigenvalue Problem, Stochastic Boundary Value Poblem, Differential Equation. 90 K4[HArCS 83Cr CLFCArO COP. 60, 6OH. 114 J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT I. IRTROIEUTION. At the research of physical and engineering problems it is of great ortance the approach to the dierentia1 equations th ochaic process as eiciemts reectively th ochaic boda or Int cdiions. ere a probl. e s a sees fir ments of the slution are fr the fir moments of the 4]). e oen calcated occ pcess ovi the pbinteest an Implant problem I. For the applications te is (see of papas wch deal th ch calcation of the die.buttons of the sulutlon pro- eess fr the dibutions of the involvi pcess is o more dft. s pblem contains already diiculties for ve le na pbs (e.g. for the tial value probl of a linear d- derental equation of he flr order th ochaIc coei- ents). If one ecializ the ocic pcess olvi that In a f cas n obtai atents on he dibion of the luon. A ele of ch a re,It we rer t the paper of G.E. beck L.S. Ornen 8]. ey probl then one succeeds d such ochastlc inputs wch do not poss a "dsant eect", .e. the ce . sss valuea of the pcess d not between the obatlon points is a lation if the As a result they c sh tt the solution of a special nitial value problem wth ch a process without "distant effect" as the gh side is approx- tvly a -called Oein-lenbeck-pcess, wch the fir diibutlon ction s .e. a process for a Gaussian dstrlbuton ction. e pcess without "distt effect" were defined exactly by the uthors in the paper 6 toh the pcess class of the "weakly correlated processes" and they were applied in this paper at the con- sideraton of ocstic eigenvalue problems d bodary value prob- 115 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS lems. A limit theorem is obtained for the eigenvalues, eigenfunctions of stochastic eigenvalue problems respectively for the solutions of stochastic boundary problems, with weakly correlated coefficients. Ths 1mlt theorem shos the appro:mate Gaussan dstributon of the first distribution function of the solutions of eigenvalue problems and boundary value problems. In the present paper the conception of the weakly correlated proces s defined more gvnerally than in the paper K6S (.e. the sta- tonarty of the process falls out the suppositionS. The correlation Yenggh enotes the ,tin,mum distance between bservaton points of a wly CO:Telate process that the walues of the process do not affect in observation poimts which possess a dstance larger than la section 2 a few theorems wil be proved about functonals of weevily correlated a rocesse which re mportant for the apllcaon eigenalue problems, boundary value poblem$ and nita value problems in the following sections: Section , deals wit sochasic elgenvalue problems for odinary dilerentisl equations wth deterministic boundary conditions where . the eoefficient of the difTerential opeato are independent, weaEly eo--elated processes of he eorrelstlon length egenvalues and the eigenfunctions, as We prove hat the 550 possess a Gausslan distri- bution. For instance the eigenfunctions of the tochasic elgenvalue problem converge in the distribution as 0 to Gausslan processes. Methods of the perturbation theory are essentially used. In a general example it is eferred to a few remarkable appearances. In section 4 we deal with stochastic boundary problems and we tan similar results as fo stochastic eigenvalue problems. The case of a Sturm-Liouville-operator with a stochastic inhomogeneous tem J.V. -SCHEIDT-a’qI W. PURKERT i16 (y corelated which was dealt with by .E. Boyce cluded n n [] is n- the result of thie section. Soae limltatons relative to the Iness f the toehastic coefficlents of the operator but not of the’ nhoageneoue term ae assumed a at the eigenvalue probleae, too. e ehow a calculation f the correlation fYmctlon by the Ritz-aethod to eiminate the Green function f the average problea from the correlation fYhnction of the limi pocesa of the sluton of the bouary value problem. At last, sectoa 5 deals" with stochastic nitial value problems of ordinary differential equations. The inhomogeneous temas are weakly correlated processes. The result related procesees as n this theory of the weakly cor- It-theory if 0 esemble the results of the the nhomogeneeus temms are replaced by Gaussan white m to the I-theor and the formed ItS-equatlon s noae accord- solved according to the It-theory. The practice by the help of the weakly correlate procese iffers princpally from the It-theory. One obtains the lmit theorems by use of the weakly correlated processes f at first a formula for the a.s. continuous differentiable sample functions of the solutions is derived (%0) and then we go to the limit (0). ith it we get an approximation of the sIutfon of the initial value problem with weakly correlated processes (<< -theory one goes, to the limit ,0). In the It- in the differential equation and this equation is solved by a well worked out mathematical theory. We gt different results at this different practice in problems of differ- emtial equations in which the coefficients are weakly correlated pro- cesees and not the inhomogeneous term. We do not deal with such problems in this: paper. I% is principally no distinction in the proof of limit theorems STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS 117 for the nitial value problems and boundary value respectively eigen- value problems with weakly correlated processes. A widening of the l-theory on boundary value respectively eigenvalue problems with white noises for the coefficients seems to contain a few fundamental difficulties. 2. WEAELY COREELATED PROCESSES YNITION I. Let and 0. A subset (xl,x2,...,xn) be a finite set of real numbers (x1’ x2’’’’’xn) (xi1’xi2’’’’’x’Ik) is called -ad- joining if xi. j=1,...,k, is fulfilled for the which are arranged after the Xrl,X r2 ,...,Xrk). quality (these we have termed as number is always called -adjoining. A subset (xl ,... ,xn) (x ,...,x. is called maximum -adjoining (relative to (x if it is -adjoining but the subset joining for A subset of one xr (x ,...,xrl\(x Every finite set (x ,...,xn) (xl,...,Xik,Xr) )=_ ,... ,xn) is not e-ad- ,...,Xik ). -adjoining subset s. DEFINITION 2. A stochastic process f(x,) with Ef{x,) =0 (f(x,)> is called weakly correlated of the correlatfon length when the relation .. <zx )...f(Xn)>=<z(x ...(xp ) (f(x1 }...f(xep2)> <fx s tisfied for the nth moments (for al n ] if the set x ,...,xn) lits n If the pces leth , - split unique in disjoint maximum th f(x,) mam is k -adjoini subsets wey correlated with the then we get for its corlaton ction (pi=n).= corlation J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 118 f(x}ry)p (x,y) = 0 where K Cx)- yg R for y Kt(x) for y K(x) |x-y|a. The existence of especially has been proved in the paper aatonary weakly correlated processes 6. In this paper it is also proved that weakly correlated processes with smooth sample functions exist. In the following a few theorems will be proved about weaEly cot- related processes. These theorems will be used essentially in the applications at equations of the mathematical physics. THEOREM I. Let fE (x,) be a sequence of weakly correlated pro- cesses as 0 with the correlation functions <fCx)f(y) = [ (x’y) for y K(x) for 0 y K (x) where is fulfiled R (x,x+y)dy _i lm o a(x) foy in x. her on let and a(x) gi(x’Y)’ i=1,2, ferentable ctions relative to x 0 be in ( 0b i > a) [a-,bi+ dif- and i,x, en G2ffi[(xl,x2): Ix 1-x21e, aaxi i (x,) = lira $o il then we get for i f (y,)g(y,x)dy a the relation <rl )r2 (x)} (x b = n( R00F. We v set b 1 b and 2 II 11<rI (x 1) r2 (x2)>= g a ,b 2) a(Y)gl (Y’Xl)g2 (Y’x2)dY" b 1. We substitute n (Yl)f (Y2)>gl (Yl ,Xl )g2 (Y2,x2)dY12 119 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS wih h(z ,z2):$ (z ’=1 +z2)g! (=1 ’Zl )2 (z1+=2’z2) {==, lhCz ,z2) A Cz lm " F. /V )$(z1+=2,z1+))1/2C2 ,z 12 =lml gl (=1 ) it follows Ng(=I l+2}2(1+=2x2)d=1 At laa e obtain = o I12 ] = gl lira f the a RS(z1 ,1+=2)g2(z1 ,x2}+O(z2)] 8z2dzl (=1 ’Xl gl (=1 ’Xl )g2(Zl ’z2) lira ction g2(1+z2,z2) developed relative o =2 a z2=O. e theorem is proved. Before we denote the more important theorem 3, we prove a simple theorem. [(z1,...,zn}EWn:(x1,...,xn) E-adjoinin. Let (x1,...,zn) be a cton which is in [(x1,...,xn) :a- x bi+,i=1 ,...,n limited: (x 1,...,xn) C. en the ntegral g(x1,...,xn)dx 1...d is G at lea of the order PROOF. By I for n(bl,b2,...,bn) g(1 ’" ,Xn)1 where the a d Cnl x+ 2"’" x n EO. it is I a Xn_1+ S Xn_ x dx2"’" -I n=Cnl denotes the vole of (-a) J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 120 and we get H1...n 1...n G points in Gn with x i results from On - G 1"’’in marks the set of the &-adjoining xi x. z2 vW(1 ,...,n Then the above given inequality n )I17;(il....noomn i1"’’in ) and wth it the tatement of the theorem2 f (x,) THEOEEM 3. Le% (:esees and as e O. cj.(x) Cj. be a sequence of weakly correlated pro- The absolute moments Let gi(x,y), <If(x,)l J>=cj(x) are to exist [a-,bi+ ] i=1,2,...,n, be in differenti- able functions relativ to x (q > O,b i> a) and i,x,y Then we have for ri (x,)= if (Y’)gi (y,x) dy the relation l.m<rlt (xI )r2 (x2)-.-rn(Xn) ’ (i I,i 2),...,(in_ = = Iim<r.Xlg ri..>lim<r ,o 5r 1,in) .. 0 eends for all splittis of The th ir 4 1 equal wch differ toh "’’,(n-l,in e "n-1 t for n even for n odd. (1,...,n) in pairs par (ir,il). rn (I’i2)’ Splttis re the sequence of the pairs. pof of this theorem subts silar to the proof of theorem 6.S 7 in fer every lim<r go by the help of the above given theorem the proof of the and it also bmi%s followi theorem 4 from the proof of the theorem flz (x,),"’,fn(X,9) be sequences of independent s n []. THEOREM 4. Let weakly correlated processes as aO. Let be in [a-,bi+],i=1 ,...,k, gij(x,y), =1,...,k,j=1,...,n, differentiable fUnctions relatv to x and STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS c-n I... 2 p e in the te for Ap CI,...,i,P ) r; p) f r( ) p ip p J 121 ) rCP lira<tOP i o \ " eends for all splitters of in pairs like in teorem As an application of the theorems to 4 we will prove the theorem 5. THEORE 5. Let fi (x,w),...,fn(X,W) be sequences of independent, weakly correlated processes with eontlnuous eample functions as the correlation length 0. Let [a-,b+]x[a,b gj(x,y) be differeniable functions in relative to x with the condition8 of he limited like in theorem 4. Then the stochastic vector process r(x,) = (ri (x,))T with r(x,) = j=1 converges in the distribution as ) a gij(y’x)fj ,(y )dy 0 to a Gausslan vector process I) Matrices are denoted by underlining. (I) J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 122 n proceseee Cx,)= (Cx,))T & =I ,... ,n, A m’ are ndependen d aj(Y)gpj (Y, Xl )gqj(y,x2)dY) .e. all the dibution ctions of the adequate distribution (x,). I 0, E(x,) p,q m’ 0 to converge a ctons of the Gausan vector process is for the weakly corlated pcesses fig (x,e), Zo A f we calculate he l of he k-h the theorem a i=I ,...,n, momen and 4 <rat& (Xl 1a2& C2 )" "rak&()> d we obtain by with ap r.(x,)= r: :(x,), X =’ then n ak #o v_=o "-nk II splittings of (1,...,k) in (t ,...,i : ( ,..., n I o A VlO xp a,b [I ,2,...,rot, n j=Ira An t in 2v (2) n 2vi It is p $(x:[p)ra.p +/-1 :12 ,r and from theorem aiP P (x. ",wp STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS lim<ra .(xi) raj p (xj)> = 123 mn(x i x.) Sap Cy) gaiP Cy x)g Cy, xj)dy. ajp #o i a We introduce the Gaus prcess P(x’@)ffi(ip(X’))T_1iam with the ments <P(*I )P(x2)T> min(x a ffi and obtain ip i p i x 2ap (y)gip(y’x)gjp(y,x 2)dy) P i 2v are pd ndepende fm (2) wth (x,)1 (,,W),...,n(x,) T ( (x,))the IAm fola nm < en om #x . <%, k (5) we obtain x ...x s (tl ’’"’)=P(r(xt) I ’’’’’(xs) (r,...,) %or ) d dmtes the distbu%on fetion of the Gaussian (x ),... ,(:s) ). e heor 5 is OC EIAL 0 .I. We ard L()U & the ochaic (-I)m[fm(x)u(’) u (k) (0) - u (k) (I) ] (.) + egvaue pbl (-I )r[f(x,w)u()] (r) . u No (4) O, 0,I ,... ,I. r(X’W)r(x’)-<fr(x)> for 0, r4 m-1 be ndependen, weany correlated protests h the correlati leith E d a.s. all the ajetoee of fm(x) r(x,) be continuous. e detenistic ction ha continuous m-th rder devatives. Fther S)(x,)q is asked o be with a I 0,1,...,r 0,I,...,m-I, for a 0,I,...,I. e nctions Cr(X)<fr(X)>, ssess such ppeles that the avered problem %o (4) (see [4]) 124 J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT m-1 wCI)CO) . = w Ck) CI) = O, kffiO1,...,m-1 is positive definite. Then L() is also a.s. positive definite for small Let () be the eigenvalues of Eq. C4). Further on let the egenvalues and wl(x) the eigenfUnctlons of the averaged problem. 1 We assume that the eigenvalue de.elopment of () () = 3 + |I () with 11()--bll() / are simple. Then we have the 21 () + (convergence a.s.) and of the eigenfUnctons of Eq.(4) ulCx,) = wI(x) + UllCX,) + u21(x,) + (convergence in L2(O , 1) a.s.) with _I b u11(x’’) = (see .4S). It is piji-j and bjC):CL ()wi,wj) e L ()u e L()u-{Lu = (-I)r[rCX,)uCr)] (r). o followi imposer theorem 5 is proved in the paper [5]. 6. We get for the tes l(x’) d of the 2() develoents of () I ("’ =r ,.., rk:o ( ) where !"’, (Y’)"’’rk (Yk)r ..r (Y,, "’", Yk) dY, ’(P) (xy, .-.,yklC C([0,II I) 1...r(X;Yl ,’’’,Yk;-%1...r k for Opm-1 and ...rCY,.-.,Yk Paica we obtain C(O,]). dYk f G(x,y} s STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS 125 the generalized Green function to the operator L- conditlons u (k) (0=u 0t (1 =0 for =0, |,... ,m-!. For the following we define the notatfon and J:he boundar IC) C) A rot = o for i= I, 2,... are given numbers. Then we obtain, as giTen above, i) = wen we each o ki () (convergence a.s. ) additonall3 ase the conveence [0,I. Hence we ve of (,) a.s. for (lr w these neons we l"*’r(X[;Yl’’’"Y) for pve the follo heorem 7. quences of ndependent, wesley correlated pPocesses with the correlation lemgth $$ 0 where 0 and lm o (x,x+y}dy = ar(X] for y l[tCx ) foy In x. en the nd ct coteries e n te dstbuion to a rdom vector au rdom vector It(Zlil ,...,tlsis} T, t=0,1 ,...,I, are ndependent d we ve Iq (y) dy)lp,qs" J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 126 PROOF. e calculate /C^ Cnl. the k-th moment (A Cn a wth n laa laka aq [,...,s_,1 ) ()I_ () li d_ ts show that men converts to the adequate k-th moment of AI fir we calculate the order of a te of the fo as 0 if ...r tiies the condition ..rp Because of the independence of the pcess i(x’)’ we mu deal wth tes of the fo (5) . when w wt to calculate the order of P o ) L... since 0 0 o d It follows .d is bonded. By the use of l(eqa(,) fq( ,pq )>I d, dPq = (e the proof of the adequate theorem ts paper) we obtn ( )/2 al /UAI Q& for p odd. ak consideri a theorem 6 k k n pq to the theorem for p even With ts result we can now show n n K6 fo Pp [;(p/2) t( al al 0( estimation of the order of we obtain the estimate of I1 O( odd o and hence 127 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS AI i al 0() o($) for k even for k odd d hence lira .((n)]a_Aola,. (x(n). ). )> -A__ [ <AalAa2 ...ak l’m Zo = 0 q fo k even o o % (Y)t , i () d and Inq]aq =onsidmrstons as in the pof of theorem we obtain the theorem We will show in the followi considtions that the theorem 7 nce . (n) -Ai) imE<(Ai n@ ifoy in bounda )T. s- ’IiI )T s- m inead of For this we denote the conve = o We will deal with the idea of ts proof at the value problems because we use for the proof dental estimations from the perturbation Then from ts convergence in theol. L2-me it follows the conveence in probability ifoy in (n) P-lira n.=-- li -Aoli =(Ali -Aoli and then ifoy in . We have sho in a first part of this proof (n)(t I’’’’’ t s ) =$ s (t I’ lira "s $o s) for a na if we set F)(t1,.. .,is) pC #s(t,,...,ts) = P(? 1(A(n)111_AOll I t1’’’’’Alsis(n) )& i < t,,...,{ Isi s t s ). (9) J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PD-RKERT 128 --Fes(t1’’’’’t s) Let _ be the distribution function of )T "’’’sis-lS.FEs()(tl,...,t s) -Fs(tl,...,ts Hence we obtain from relations as in Eq.(8) n.no() uniformly in s(tl ,...,ts)- __._I F[s(t every 0. Then it follows o s I’’’’’ s for all for ) and with Eq.(9) ,...,t s) Ss(tl ,...,ts)+ ’’’’’ts) s (10) and by it the theorem 7. Now we consider a few important special cases of theorem 7: () (()-t% n ,o the distribution_ o, random variable with the parameters m-1 = = O, at(y)( ’12o> <Io (b) (ul(x,)-wl(x)) wl(t in the, where Io is a Gaussian (y))4dy. distributin&o l(X), where l(X) a Gaussian process with the parameters l(x)> O, <l(X)l (y)> = at (z)- Ozt t=o (Wl((z)) t" dz. By theorem 7 the distribution function of the random vector (Ul (x )_(Xl ),... ’Ul (Xk)_WI (xk))T dsributon function converges 0 to the random vector k) of Xl...Xk(tl,...,t vector wth Gaussian the (11’’’’’Ik)Tm-1which is a random m-1 q P t=o t (Xq (wl(t) 2dy. m-1 =o oat G (Xp’y)---ly 11-11,’’’,Ir-I ’r ulr+1(x)-wlr+1(x)’’’’’ulk(x)-wlk(x))T = (y) y) I (y)) Hence the case (b) is proved. (c) in the distribution_ o where ( (x)=(11o,.. .,IrO,Ir+ (x), I. ’IrO’ll(’ Ik (x))T ,Ik(X ))T is a Gaussian o’ STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS process with <_(x) = = ICwl(t)(z)w m-1 h s o P at(z) 0 and (t)(z)12 )1p’qr(V tqP (y zll lq (Wpq (x,y,z)) I pk 1qar n ) r+lqk1pr dz t t (Vpq (x,z)) t 129 (x,z) (w(t) ()) wt I p, qk () ease (c) also follows from theorem 7. 3.2. The results of this section can also be used of eigenvalue problems of the form Lu Ui[ul %h(x,)u, (11) O, i=1,2,...,2m, Ox&1. The operator L is a deterministic differential operator of the order m (r) (r) 2m (12). ] Lu (-1)r[fr(X)U where the coefficient fr(X) is continuous differentiable of r-th order. It is for the stochastic process ho(x)+g(x,). Let ho(X] h(x,) be positive d let the weakly correlated process of the correlation g(x,) conditions ( sufficient small). Ui[u]=O,i=1,2,...,2m, e h(x,)= process g(x,) be a the equation eth with deterministic bounda are constituted in that maer that the problem (11) is sefadjoint and positive definite. By the made suppositions the averaged problem to (11) Ui[w]=O,i=1,2,...,2m, 0 I 2 wl(x) Let al eigenvalues be simple. The eigennctions are asked to be ohonosl in L2(O, 1)ho, i.e. we have for k,l=1,2,... (Wk’Wl )ho We define as n LhoW possesses enterable many positive eigenvalues k(x)wl(x)hO(x)dx w o section 3.1. 1" J.V. SCHEIDT AND 130 u 0,. with x i li() lxi,) . PURKERT for Thn a dvlopmnt xists llil) for which we asse the ,onvergence of Ali= I for i:0 where Gl(X,y) denotes the generalized Green nction to wl(x i) for i#O and the boundary conditions b (w) IIi- o li= Gl(x,y)g(y,W)wl(y)dy Ui, i=1,2,...,2m, (w ())2g(y,) dy. g (Y’)i (Y) Y’ It is for i$0 ho d d By I G. (y)= -I (Wl (Y)) 2 for i=O G(xi,y)wl(y) for i@O we can foulate a to theorem 7 adequate theorem. TOS 8. Let x 1,x 2,... be from 0,I and let g(,) be a quence of weakly correlted process with the correlation leith and for (a(x)O) limo y K(x)’ a ,x+y)dy=a(x uniformly in x. Then the random vector s-oI sis )T i i ,’" 11 11 formed from the stochastic eigenvalue problem (I ’41 with g(x,) converges in the distribution to a Gaussian random vector 11ii"’’’ Isis q pi p )T with 0, pi plqi q = o a(y)IGp (y)lqGiq (y)dy. RE,AEK. We can also prove such a theorem for the more general stochastic eigenvalue problem Lu + L ()u A(hoU + M (W)u), Ui[u I = O, i=I ,2,...,2m, O gx Here the operator L is a deterministic differential operator like in Eq. (12) and m-1 L ()u _-6aok(X,)u (k) m-1 M ()u =bk(X,) (k) I. 131 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS with L ()B = (M () =0 where the coefficients ak(x,) bk(X,) are independent, weakly correlated processes. Perturbation serieses relativ to L in (), M () form the basic. These serieses were deduced 5S. 3.3. We regard the stochastic eigenvalue problem -u" + a(x,)u = (I + b(x,))u, u(O) u(1) = 0 where a(x,), b(x,@) denote independent, weakly correlated processes of the correlation length -w" =w, . The averaged problem to (13) is w(O) = w(1) = O. This averaged problem possesses the simple eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions Wl(X=sin(lrx). a(x,) and b(x,) aCx)a(y) Re(x,y), <bCx)b(y)> (Ra(X,y)=Rb(x,y)=O for y K a(x)) and lira I. Ra (I) (x ,x+y)dy = (x) l=(llr) 2 It is for the processes = RbCX,y) .Rb(X,x+y)dy = (x). lim o By the supposition that a(x,) and b(x,)| are smal we obtain the development (with the notation as above given) Ali() li= i the formula = () li k=o where for i=O is and with (x i) for 0 i (y) _li= o--(a(Y)-b(Y))(y)dY s 1 l(wl(y))2 _G for i=O l(x i,y)wl(y) for i$0 right. It is sn(Ivx)-xcos(11x) sin (11y)+ (l-y) cos(11y) sin(lx Gl(x,y): for OAxy1 1 s n(ll")/(-x)es(l’’x) in(l’y)-es(l’y) .iiiGaussian converges in the distribution to By theorem 7 the random vector the (I 1’’’" ’lss )T wth s- random vector )T J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 132 q o q Particulary we obtain: llpip P(Io t’ko ’’ s) (Gaussian distribution) we have Ik(t,s) _)wwdy) p,q (<PO)P, q I, k=( (+ lira with =0, -> <.pu io Particulary for eigenvalues f bO and q p Flk(t,s ! 1, wide-sense stationary, weakly correlated processes __ aCx,), b(x,) are wide-sense stationary, weakly cor- relsted processes. This is reflected in a melt of the eigenvalues with inereasi nber (see --,-- Fig. 2). -# # / Fig. 2 i # By b-zO the variation of the limit distribution does not dependlon the number of the egenvalues. In this case the corre]ation loko= for k#l is independent of k and I. This effect is expli- cable from the fact that the operator L(@) determines the eigenvalues respectively the eigenvalues () for a the random operator L(@) the other eigenvalues o determines about () for this o" STOCHASTI DIKENIAL EUATION PROBLEIS (b) The random vector dstributioh as wh <,[p(x)> for p, q : Ik,. (ul(x)-wl(x),uk(x)_wk(x )T 133 converges in the I0, to the Gaussian vector process (I(x)’k(x))T O, P o P We can also calculate the correlation values of ths Gaussian vector process from <p(X)(x)> Ulp(X,) denotes the Wp(X) relativ to a(x,) x if = lm Zo <Ulp(X)U q (y)> first term in the development of u (x W) p and b(x,w). One obtains o PP o(1-t)WW’p..pdt after a few c a Iculations with (x,)=a(x,w)-pb(x,) P -w (x) (14) the correlation function of the limit process of (14) and then from ],(Ul-WI) x) )w. (x)w o PURKERT J.Vo SCREIDT AND The figure 3 shows this variation for the parameters =I,2,3,4. e ea ske very good statements about the behaviour of the limit pro(C)esm of the egsnfunctions because of the limit process l(x) is a auealan process. 4. ;. We, cnsider the stochastic boundary value problem in this aection u[u]--o, --,,...,m, The boundary conditions are constituted so, that m m t (r) r=o o r=o o f right for all permissible functions u,v (i.e. functions, which pseeas 2m continuous derivatives end fulfil the boundary condi- tions), i.e. the boundary terms of - the integration by parts mue be zero. Then the stochastic operator L() is symmetric reltiv to aI1 permssdble functions. r(z,) fr(z,) -fr(Z,)), r m-; (0 (,) (,) are assumed to be stochastic independent end weakly correlated with the correletion length and fm(x)$O must be e eermintstic continuous function. Further on (s) aasumsd to be ith a small , s=O,,...,m-;, and the processes - appearing must be almost everywhere differentieble. The boundary vaIue problem () cen be written n ()u=(x,)/(x,), n()u=(Du/. mm-; e assume that 0. {L()}w=O, Ui[w=O ,, , the following form: u u=O, possess only the trivial solution 135 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS We make for the solution u(x,) of (I 5) the statement uCx, when = . k=o denotes the homogeneous part of k-th order of uk(x,) in the (C)oefficents r and Substituting this statement in (15) eads to the boundary value problem for (Lu u(x,) Uk(X,) Kg>; o L>u <L>uk -L U[Uol 0 L 1()uo; Ui[Ul] = 0 (W)Uk_ Ulink] = 0 Let G(x,y) be the Green (i=1,2,...,2m) for k=2,3,... function corresponding to <L> (17) and to the boundary conditions U.[.=O then we obtain (x,y){g(y,)dy, u o () = ioeo o is a deterministic funetiono ih (16) fr Uo() u() (18) m-1 o G(x,y)(y,)dy- rCY,)u (r) (y) rG,(x’ y) dy yr r=o o obtained. We get the following theorem that is right analog to the theorem 6 for eigenvalue problems: THEOREM 8. It holds u and for =k (x o(x) = O k=-1,2,... , =r1, m-J =o !’"lrl (Yl) "r(Yk rl rk ) + " r 1,-.rk_ I=o Uk(X,) for the tes ’" o rk (x;Yl "’’ Yk)dY dYk r (Yl)’"?rk_ Yk-1 )g(Yk Hr ..rk(X;Y, ,k) dyl -..dY 2 k of the development of the solution u(x,) the boundary value problem (I 5) with r(X;y) = r uo(r o.r 2 Hr(X;y) = G(x,y) and of - J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 136 .. l"r 2 (x;yl’" ’yk) : (z;y ,... ,y) ffi (xmYk))’Hrl (x,yk_ rk-1 )) C;...) C1)C0,1). Cx;...) and Cx;...) 00F. he atement followm for 1 vm C18). Ater e hate mbaihed the fIa for k-1 then t followv for O frCy,) : r II I I Cy)- ,..,>-_ s-- rl ()"" r-2 (y_}r(y)(y_) : _2:o o rO(’Y)(r) (Y;Yl "" ’Yk-1 )dYl"" Yk-1 dy. The theom 8 is ped. Now we deal th questions of the convergence of he delopment. OSG.(x’) r,0,,...,2m with 0,s&2m s continuous n O,xy respectively in Oyx, it follows for (x,y) O,x[0, and the stated r,s rS C, ther on Sie we have for (r)(x)l C0 Uo (x) Irp(r)(x W) C,C 0 a for O&r&2m and for x E [0,11 x [0,I (19) and almost rely for Op&m-1,0ra,x[0,1]. and a are constants. By properties of the Green" ction STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS u(2m)(x,&; = o -,.ox2m u(P) (x,) = E(x’Y) = o and therefore m-1 o for aost alI U then r = lu ) =,= d Hence 0&x I o when condition. t "", C o o (v v=o o =(c*)c o almost all =E[0,1]. (x,u)I converges tt ((C+a))-1 for (P)(x,@) L %-, (z) p ,.--, 2m-I %-I (y)dy r -(v) (2r-v) (v)fr Uo throh induction for for Op2m and f=z xafo,] t%-I Hence we obtain th IL luo(x)I LI_ 137 almost surely and ifoNy in almost all also converges unifoy in Uk(X,) 0x1 th this be calcuted by (17) then luton (x,@)u (5). Ro-e folae is the of the =tochastic u(x,)= boda 81ue pblem he heoem 9. TO 9. If e1 f(x), (x) 8e sequences of ndepenen, coelated pocess h he correlation (x,y) 0 for for y$ (z), Iim ao (u(x ,UI_uo( ag t+o then the dom vector ,’’" and Zor 0 ((x)() = leh 0 ,U(Xs,)_u (Xs))T which has been constituted by the solution u(xu) (x E [0,11 ), of (15) and the J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 138 solution of the averaged problem to (15), converges in the dsribution to a Gaussian random vector - (x,w})=(x,)+(x,). Io with 0, ,... ,m-, Further on the random vectors (r( are independent Gaus rdom vectors with ]. This theorem 9 proves the u(x,) problem to (]5) u o(x) convergence n the diri- (u(,)-uo(x)) whCeh has been constituted bution of the processes by the solution (z))2d)i,j s. zr r < (x, )> =o ,---, of (]5) and the solntion of the (x,) to the Gaussian process avered th and o m-1 rG(x,z) rG(y,z )( + Sar (z)r r u (r) ()) dz. O O n (x,)KUk(X,9). o PROOF. We put we see with similar eons derations as in the pof of theorem 7 d with theorem )-% Xa )... ((xa )-uo Xap ) ) P for p even I m$o <( (Xa = whe ith { lim<u @o aq E {1,...,s. m(x,) = br(x, ) (Xal) u1(Xap) 0 If we set u , -I for p od 1(x,)=e(x,)+br(x,) No G(x,y)(y,)dy =_ r(y,)uo(r) () d it follows as in the proof of the theorem 7 lm +o P u (Xa )...u (Xap)B. = [ o for p even for p odd (see (18) STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS , where lira $o A lg z I splitt-ngfi (1,...,n) in of v v_+ A o 139 Am- .:1[vg i i 2v i?! i m-1 eee i=0 -vj= (i , , go !" im-1 Vm_ and ig ilg 2Vg (i ig’) ,.., ig J2 ’X2Vg (Xaig. a2Vg 2Vg-1 #o and appropriate for Ar "’’I en with b r instead of c. the folas lira o <br(X)br(Y) = to g lira o arZ) G(x"Z)0z G(y.Z)r (ur) r ily the statement of the theorem for n r U(X )-u (x s) ((x )-uo(x The complete pof of ts theorem follows as (z)) 2dz ) In theorem 7 from the ifo convergence relativ to lira We consider ._(Up(X)Uq(X) with p,q kN Then we obtain with theorem 8 d the I (X)>l’ ’r, 2q=’O to pve foula (20). follo 0 estitions dy 0 (21) Let h(p,o be a wetly corlated process t the corIatt Ieh , h(y,) ao ehe d I 2. we estimate J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 140 an integral of the fom O O For I2 1/(2) an for I the 2 we ve / 2 g) deMgne the vle of the points -Im adjoini spliti is lYl Yl lYl -Y21 and we .btain for all 1 0 o. der he ondto because the process for which Since . =I 2 ...l<h(y 1)...h(yI)dy 1...dyI 0 (1...,yl) of ,I] I (I )’ (Y2)’’’’, (Yl)" 22 (22) fcor of te fo a in (22) h r(X,), (x,) are independent. Hence it foll fo (2) <=p(X)Uq(X)1A 2(mo)q-2o2(q)2[m2C2+ ses of the p,q=l (q)2(mc)q for o0 l(p1 )(2)> dP1dE2 ImCi Z I. The theorem 9 is preyed. 2. Let miic operator, fr(X’)O en for 0, I,...,m-I, .e. let L a deter- the statement of theorem 9 is right without seone ction of the weakly correlated pcess (x,) lat- e to the aless. oh s folows from the proof of theorem 9 or a direct use of the theorems and on the solution of this boundary value problem u(x,) = uo(x) + t (x,:y)(:,)e 0 with uo(x) = IG(x,y}<g(y)>dy. 0 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS (u(x, )-uo(x)) Hence we obtain in this case that distribution to a Gaussian process (x) converges in the wh I ag(z)G(,z)G(y,z)dz. (x)(y) = O, (x,) 141 0 .E. Boyce deals ih this case of a sochasic bounda value problem n [] and he shoed hat (u(x,)-Uo(X)) is in the limit a Gauss random vaable 3. Let [0,I. for any x be the eigenfctions of the avered i(x)wj(x)dij w d the eigenvalues of o we can calculate the correlation ction of the limi process operator en KL> wi(x) (x) of th (u(x’)-u(x)) toh w m-1 (X)Wq( with (Z)Wp(Z)Wq(Z)dz bpq crpq A at(z) (uo(r) (z)) d Wp (Z)Wq Specially we have for a wie-sense stationary, weakly correlated process -r <(x)(y) th ese -r ag pW (X)Wp(y)+ nard---- pq P o p,q=; (r)(z)) (z)dz. p (Z#Wq statements can be proved easly wth Cpq (see also (u Cpqw p (X)Wq(y) o G(x,y)= [7]). Now we regard the bodary value problem (;5) with the conditions given above. It denotes energetic space u(x,) of H<L >. i a system of fctions of the is system be complete in HL >. The solution the equation L()u=g() is the minimum of the energetic ctional (Lu,u)-2(g,u) n the energetic space. The Ritz-method with the co-ordinate fctions i conducts to the foowi stem J .V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 142 n (L=),)z n) = C,), (2D) =1,2,...,. n It is u n(x,)=_1_ x(n) ()Tk(X) solution u(x,u) the n-th Ritz-approximation of the of L()u;g(). We can write the frula (23) in the following form: (n) with A_o = _B() ( + BC))_z ((Lk,j)11k - _bo + _c() b-o jan ()k, j) )1k, j.n’ (L A_o is --o;(+/-j) li ,.n = -() ((g’j))Tjn’ = ((’j))Titian. regulr through the conditions for The matrix n);b_;’tx(n) Let ’on(n) ) be then e btin fr the n-th 8it-pprxitin Un(X) n (n n (x) + +) k Un(X,) = k=l ok + tes of higher order th first in Kx respectively with )k K(I(-n) - Xok k(X) Uon(X) k n + tes of higher order thn fSrst Sn h ((h (z,x),h2(z,x))z- that ((x,)-Uon (x )) the Gausan process n <n(Z)n(y) (z x)h2(z Paicularly we converges in the distribution as $ 0 to n(X,) th n(X)_ = 0 d %jpqXol Xoi Tk(X)p obtain for i(x)i(x) (see a (r) = ag k(X)wk(Y) * 1 n () 2_ (r) +Karr=ok,((un) ’wk "I (24) ) remark 3) and wide-sense ationa, weakly correlated procesaes n <n(X)n(y)) b, x)dz). From theorem 5 follows ,j,p,qkjpqk(X)p(Y)(agj,q +> Nok, j, p, q= Z I=I )Wk(1)Wl (y) 143 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS an approximation of the correlation function how it has been represented in the remark 3. The formula is used by an approximation of the correlation function explicit calculation of <q(x)(y)> ((x)(y) and (24) is suitable for a if the _Green function is ealculable difficult. .2. YAFLE. Let g(x,) be a wide-sense stationary, weakly correlated process then the simple boundary value problem -u" + bu = g(x,), u(O) = u(1) = 0 with b=const, possesses the averaged problem -w" + bw = O, w(O) = w(1) = O. __ This problem has only the trivial solution when b$-(kl) 2 is and the Green fUnction Gb Cx,y) Gb(X,y) = is sh(,x.).sh({(1.-y) for 0 sh(y) ah((1-x) for H(’) o x<y y x Hence we obtain the correlation function for the limit process b(X,) from theorem 9 o d the variance 2(x,z)d z with f(x) = sh = a 2((I-x)) (sh(2x) (f(x) x). a is helots to the wide-sense stationa, wetly g(x,). I iafor bO and th f(x):-sin((-x)) bo in(2x)-x). b-( + f(1-x)) tie pareter wNch correlated process Eecialy we have b In the following Fig.4 the variance of the limit process b(X,9) is J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT 144 potted for ,ome values of the parameter b. Since we have plotted ths function for O values submi for x1/2 only. <b2(x) =<b2(1-x)>, The following b= by contrast to it: 04 05 5,2382 .7,2570 0004 5. STOCHASTIC INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS We consider a system of ordinary differential equations of the first order dx - A_C t )x_ + _C ,) with the initial condition matrix, (26) _X(to)o. A(t)=(aij(t))lli,jan, x s A(t) is a nxn deterministic the vector x(t)=(x o(i)’iAn^ and f(t,)=(fi(t,))TI, in is a cess. Let fi(t,) continuous and (.e. stochastic vector pro- be processes of which a.s. the trajectories are Q(t,t o) be the principal matrix associated with A_(t) _Q(to,to)=_l A(t)Q_(,t o )), i(t))T olin’ (I is the dentity matrix) and (t,o)= then the unique solution a.s. of the nitial value problem (26) may be written in the form STOCPASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS t x(t,) = Q(t,to)(o _Q-1(s,t o)f(s,)ds) + to the The ntegral is defined by 145 integral of sample functions. In generally we cannot calculate the distribution of the solutfon x_(t,) f we know the distribution of Gausslan vector process, then is vector process and in the same system of linear differential Q_-I to way f(t,). Let _f(t,;) be a also a Gaussian (s,t)_f(s,)ds o the solution x(t,) of this equations (see /2/). The first moments of the solution are x(t) Q(t,to)(o R(t ,t 2) to -l<Ctl )-_(t t _ = _Q(t with K(t I Q-1(S,to)_f(s)>ds) + ,t 2) provided that )] [_x(tp)-(x(t2) T ,to) Q-I (s ,to)_K(s to -" f(t s2)_Q-T(s2,to)dSl as2QT(t2,to) )-_f(t ) [_f(t2)-f(t2)T, <ll_f(s)llds to and _f(s )fT(s2)l>dSldS2a_ to o t o (1.| denotes the Elidian no of Rn). :for all t 1,t 2 In the folowing we consider the solution (26) if f(t,)= E(t,) denotes a vector process with independent, weakly correl- ated processes gi(t’) as components. This leads to the following theorem. THEOREM I0. Let processes for gi(t)gi(s)} $ 0 : (t,) a sequence of weakly correlated vector with independent components Rit(t’s) 0 for s K(t) for sK(t)’ then the solution t with gi(t’) and lmo E. Ri (t t+s)dsai(t) 146 J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT y(t) _ _Q(t,t o) (o + : t -Q-I (s’to)h(s)ds) t of the initial value problem = _ACt)_x + _hCt) + x = -o X(to,) C,), (27) converges in the distribution to a Gaussian vector process 4(,) = (t) = wth (t,) y(t) + 0 and min(l ,t 2)(ak(s)qik(tl,t ;s) qjk (tl)(t2 )T = o to (t 2’ t o ;s) I_ i ,jn de" (qlj(t,to;s))|.i,n; -(t’to )Q--(a’to) It is PROOF. The proof is following from theorem.5 then we obtain with the dfinition of the qi n t x(t,) = [(t) + (qik(t,to;S)gk$(S,))iAindS o with and from this for the limit process n the notations of theorem 5 t (t,)=(i(t,))1i n i (tl)j(t2) = <ik(tl )jk(t2 ) k__n mnlt1’t2)ak(s)qik(tl,to;S)qjk(t2,to;s)ds. In generally (t,) process while on t2-t I. o does not denote a wide-sense stationary vector (tl)T(t2) is not a function which only depends We assume that the processes giz(t,) are wide-sense sta- tionary and weakly correlated and A(t)=A is a constant matrix, the of which have negative real parts. Then we obtain egenvalues T for t way the formula Q(t,t)o=e(-tO)o-> t eA (t_s) )s solutions the (h_(s) eA(-)((s)+(.))s of (s) 0 and in the same and the system of differential equations differ by a solution of the homogeneous sy’tem of (2"/) which is near by zero for t Z Tt o. Hence the solution of (27) is described by _Z(t,w) = h(s)ds + (s,w)ds. STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS 147 eA(t-s)(s,)ds is wide-sense stationary as we Then the term obtain from 4 t-c,s> : o o o theorem 11 can be proved like the theorem 10. e THEOREM 11. Let gZ(t,w) be a sequence of wide-sense stationary, weakIy correlated vector processes for 0 with independent component s and <g (t)gi (s)> = t (ai#O), (t-s) for It-s. for It-s 0 then the solution lim (s)ds = a.ee : of the system of differential equations d= (t) + + (t,) converges in the distribution to a Gaussian vector process t & (t-s) h(s)s + (t,). (t,) = (t,) with is a wide-sense stationa, weakly correlated vector process (t)> = 0 and <<t1Zt> = Indeed (t,w) we obtain for rain t I, t 2 is a wide-sense tl e t2 <t1- min(I_. t2(t l-S))ik((t2-s))jk <t-s ds) 1i,j en. stationa vector process because s <t-t+ = " the followi we describe the coecton with the It In O differential equations. The It8 differential equation 148 J.V. SCHEIDT AND W. PURKERT (]’_it = (A_.()Xt + h(t))dt + _Xt ()=_.xo o (27) as 0 where _G(t)dWt, corresponds to the initial value problem G(%)=(i a-)1,i,, n and (28) Et=(Wt)I,, n s %he ene process independent components. This statement s followng from correspondence of he integral equation x(t) =o t (A(s)x(s) /h(s)ds / / with (2V and of the It integral equation t _() = x + (A(s)X () + h(s))ds + " t o (s,ds a(s)__s with (28) if we take into consideration the convergence (29) n the distribution from theorem 5 Z,o We note the to relation ,1 2G( st)d-ws)T> = <toG--(s)dW-s (%o- for the It8 integral the It8 differential tl ’t2) mino _G(s)_G(s) T ds G(s)dWs. It is following from the theory of to equations that the solution of (28) (the solu- tion of the integral equation (28)) is a Gaussian vector process t with = Q(t,to)(o + <Xt> and <(_Xt1-_Xtl > (Xt2_Xt _Q-I (S,to)h(s)ds) t)T> in(t-?,2)Q-’(s t )G(s)G(s) TQ-T (s t )dsQT(t t oo 2’ o to A comparison of the limit solution (t,) from theorem 10 with this solution from (28) shows the correspondence of the solution pro- Q(tl,t o) cesses: _X(@)=(t,O). Hence the same solutions of the initial value problem (27) is obtained if one takes up the limit value equation and the It8 differential equation solves which one obtains and if one solves (27) limit value &0 0 in the n the sample functions and in the solution. akes up the STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION PROBLEMS 149 We can make many applications (e.g. the number of threshold crossings and other) because the limit process _(t,) or [(t,), respectively, is a Gaussian process. Hence we obtain approximately a good general view of the behaviour of the solution _xt(t,) or z_(t,w), respective- ly, if weakly correlated processes come in the differential equation. REFERENCES I. Boyce, W. E. Stochastic nonhomogeneous Sturm-Liouville problem, J.Franklin Inst. 282 (1966) 206-215. . 2. Bunke, H. GewOhnliche Differentialleichunen mit zufIRigen Parametern, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1972. 4. urkert, W. and vom Schedt, J. 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