Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 689-692 689 TAUBERIAN CONDITIONS FOR CONULL SPACES J. CONNOR Department of Mathematical Sciences Kent State University Kent, Ohio 44242 U.S.A. and A. K. SNYDER Department of Mathematics Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015 U.S.A. (Received February 15, 1984) ABSTRACT. The typical Tauberian theorem asserts that a particular summability method cannot map any divergent member of a given set of sequences into a convergent sequence. These sets of s,quences are typically defined by an "order growth" or We establish th,lt aly "gap" condition. conu11 space contains a bounded divergent member of such a set; hence, such sets fail to generate Tauberian theorems for conull spaces. YaEY WORDS AND PHRASES. FK pace; conull. 1980 ATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 46A45, 40E05, 40H05. INTRODUCTION In this note we establish that a broad class of Tauberian conditions that hold for regular matrix methods cannot hold for conull methods. "gap" In particular, we consider and "order growth" conditions and show they are not Tauberian conditions for conull spaces. Before proceeding with the discussion, we pause to collect some definitions and theorems. We let {the set of all sequences} {x : x is finitely nonzero} {x : limit x n n {x : limit x =x : SUPnlXnl c o c exists} } (1,1,,..) e e n n 0} n the nth unit vector, o n e j=l and, if E is a Frechet space, E’ denotes its continuous dual. Recall that a locally convex Frechet space is FK-space if it is a vector subspace of and the coordinate functionals are contiuous. space if it contains We call an FK-space a sequence J. CONNOR AND A.K. SNYDER 690 A sequence space Definition: if (o n E (a) conservative if is (c) conull if (o is weakly Cauchy, and n converges weakly to Clealy conull spaces are semi-conservative. E contains c if and only if o I j=l spaces are also semi-conservative. if (e )I E- c, (b) semi-conservative e. It is known that a sequence space for all f e E’[IJ, hence conservative An FK-space is pre-conull if every semi-conservative space containing it ;)efinition: is conul 1. We list some well-known facts in the following two theorems. ([2], [3]) Theorem- Let E F be FK-spaces with E F (set theoretically) and A a matrix map. Then (a) the inclusion map from E into F is continuous; {x e : (b) E A Axe E} is an FK-space; (c) if E is conull, F is conull; and (d) if E, E is F closed in Theorem: F and E is conull, then is conull. The intersection of two conull spaces is conull. We also use a characterization of conservative conull spaces. be an increasin sequence r(x) max{Ix u (r) {x O I. of natural numbers with r n Xvl r limit or(x) n v u Let (r) r n be Define rn+l and set If we define lxl Ir Ixll servative conu11 space. Theorem: Let E + m: SUPn Onr(x) E" is a Tauberian condition for x e P for x e (r), then ((r), II’I r) is a con- In fact, we also have from [3]: be conservative. Now we are ready to begin. (*) O} E implies x E Let is conull if and only if E be an FK-space and P E a (r) for some r. We say that "P provided c. Note that (*) is the general form of a (matrix summability) Tauberian theorem. The candidates for playing the part of P are defined as follows. Definition: ("gap" conditions) Let s (s) be an increasing sequence of natural n numbers" set G(s) Definition: {x m: (kx) k Recall that if n satisfy E limitn Tauberian conditions for A Xk+ there is always an bility field of A[4]. 0 only if k s n for some n e N}. (X) be a sequence of positive real Let . l n= 6() (S k ("order growth" conditions) numbers such that S x (AX)n[ {x e : o(k )} n FK-space of Caesaro summable sequences and we let -I and Sn+I/Sn are %n n then O(X) 0 and g(s) is the E. Also, J. Fridy has shown that for any real regular matrix such that C(s) n [ is a Tauberian condition for the summa- 691 TAUBERIAN CONDITIONS FOR CONULL SPACES PRE-CONULL SPACES. 2. Our arguments hinge on two properties of pre-conull spaces: that they are necessarily "large" and that pre-conullity is preserved under intersection with a conull These properties are exposed in the next two lemmas. space. If E is pre-conu[] and F is conu11, then E n F is pre-conull. Lemma i: H. F y F, then (E + H First observe that if H is a vector space containing E n Proof: This fo||ws F + H H E, z from noting that if y F, and clearly E E F and y + z F) F, then H. F Now suppose I is a semi-conservative space cntaining E F. Since F is n H), and consequently II is semi-conservative (i.e., () is weakly Cauchy in F E + F n H is conull, that n F H implies E + E Nw semi-cnservative. is E + F II H is also conull and Consequently H) n F is conull. and since F is conull, (E + F F . we have established the lemma. If E is pre-conull, then (E Iemma ’2" + for some r. (r) n c In particular, E contains a bounded divergent sequence. Prod)f: Since E ) + . + c (E + c) + c is conserwtive, hence semi-conservative, and E is pre-conull, E + is a conservative cnull space. (E oo) It is easy to check that (E !(r) c Consequently E + c c contains an f(r) for some r and Now E contains a bounded divergent sequence since (r) does, i.e., (r) contains a bounded divergent sequence of the form y be divergent (otherwise, y + z + z where y and z E c and y must c). We aIso give a sufficient condition for a space to be pre-conu11. Lemma 3: E is pre-conull if there is a sequence (z n) in E and sup k=l Proof: (Az)kl converges to e o. This foll(ws from the fact that semi-conservative space F is conul, only if) there is n sequence (z n) 3. a such that z ; such that z if (nd converges to e in F and sup n k--’l THE MAIN RESULT. Lemma 4: If (’(s), O(X) and B(X) are defined as in section l, they are all pre-eonull spaces. Proof: First we establish that C(s) is a pre-conull space. Observe that G(s) is a is given the topology of coordinatewise convergence closed subspace of m when (m’s FK-topology), hence it is an FK-space. Now let E be any semi-conservative space containing G(s) and set n o k s ej k= 1, 2, j=l n Since (o k cnveres to e in G(s), it converges to e in E. is weakly Cauchy in E and has a subsequence which weakly convergent to e in E. converes Now we have that (o weakly to e, hence (o n n is Thus F is conul], and consequently, G(s) is pre-conull. J. CONNOR AND A.K. SNYDER 692 We now turn our attention to 5(%) and bl,1 |’ B and 5(X) fined by () v, y te orm that, since 5() is I bn,n-I -I’ _-I n-I n,n (b Consider the natrix B Observe that 0 otherwise. bn, k and de- n,k hence both are FK-spaces with the metric topology bein (Co) B If II ! )(), b (%) maxIxI, u ]l<AxI it suffices to show that 5() Ao ot ’ ot c. is pre-conull () to show that pre-conu11. of Lemma 3. We now construct a sequence in 5() that satisfies the hypothesis -I for all k e Bk be a sequence of reals such that 0 (ilk) k- max(k: Z i=n fr k -< n, z k-I n l i=n k e that It’s I}. Bi gi IB als clear that (z n) _ for n -I max{ll k for all n e N. l(n) Note that n k -< l(n) and kl: n k=l 0 for k l(n)}, hence <- k Define z n z n n by z k It’s easy l(n). limitn and set to e in 5(). for all n e N, hence, by Lemma 3, l(AZn)k and z and k 125]) 0 (this is possible by one of Abel’s results [6, p. limitk %k fik l(n) N,k=l B 5(,) is pre-conull. We can now show that neither 5(), () nor G(s) can generate Tauberian conditions for a conull space. Theorem: If E is a conull space, then 5() a bounded diverent sequence. E, () E and G(s) E, 5() 5() and G(s) are all pre-conull, () sequence. bounded a diverent nre all pre-conu|l, hence each contain Proof: Since (), E all contain E and G(s) E REFERENCES BENNETT, G and KALTON, N J "FK spaces containin c ," Duke Math Jour., 39(3) (1972), 561-582. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "Summability through functional analysis," North-Holland, 1984. SNYDER, A. K. "Conull and coregular FK spaces," Math. Zeitschr., 90(1965), 378-381. FRIDY, J. "Tauberian theorems via block dominated matrices," Pacific Journal of Math. 81(1979), 81-91. SNYDER, A. K. and WILANSKY, A. "Inclusion theorems and semi-conservative FK spaces," Rocky Mountain J. of Math. 2(4) (1972). 595-603. KNOPP, K. Infinite Sequences and Series, Dover, 1956. WILANSKY, A.