T O U T S O U T H W E S T E R N M E D I C A L C E N T E R N OR TH C A MP U S el d M To Lo ve Fi Southwestern Medical Park Apartments . . Av e ar V . Rd R rr y St Fac a ff u l Ga ty/ rag e Info Booth we ste rn Me TR To D ow nto al A ven wn EM edi erg cal enc r Towe e g Gara PM CS /Ma AM ue yR rke oom tC En ent tran er S NPH H Lot 1 Em E G JA Faculty Parking dic 00 U J PB PA 52 ck F K S 03 ZL 51 M D is tr ice d ic a l S ta ff tGF a cu lty / a ra g e CM ces tati Blu on Me Aston Express picks up in Tower Garage breezeway 51 ic uth Do E P So C D Faculty Parking Lot 5 #822 Bus #703 Stop Bus Stop 23 53 B A L M 53 D r. tr 35 Y ison DART Train: Parkland/Southwestern Medical District Station is y. I - . D rw yH ) Faculty/Staff Parking Lot 10 sF le h utc . dic eP ark ing Brig ht B uild ing Dr. on vd St ak Tex O Student/Staff Parking Lot 4A ai MA e3 in g Bl ld al t Inw es ot P a rk s fie ic hw Stu er den n t/ S Dr P a r t a ff iv k e i Lot ng Stud 4 B Gara e n t (L g B ne ld na D oe l d i na S laz P CD ut Rd ulty Facage1 r Ga So d UTC Hi ed Lot 7 Visitor Parking ff Sta ge ra Ga 2 SOUTH CAMPUS TWU mm WP tD Ha ROC Faculty/Staff Parking Ste PG ed WA 1 R EB EAST CAMPUS d POB2 UT . 180 oo 09 e WEST CAMPUS Lee Hall Dr. W1 Staff/Visitor Garage POB 1 Visitor Parking oo Staff Lot 8 Campus Connector (Shuttle and Pedestrian Only) 00 59 POB Faculty/Staff /Visitor Garage S o u t h w e s t e r n M e d i c a l Avenu WT © UT Southwestern Medical Center, 2014. MKT 962 11 6 0 Emergency Room Entrance Lee Hall Staff Lot Chattanooga Place Enter here 60 w Record Crossing Rd. Visitor Garage Faculty/Tenant Parking NA In EMS Emergency Room ER Parking Lot 01 NE NH Auditorium .K ay Faculty/Staff Garage 58 NF NC NB CUH z NG Staff Parking Health Professions Faculty/Staff/Visitor Parking Garage D r. ND NL Physical location M 01 01 t. Helipad Staff Garage 11 60 rS 62 NORTH CAMPUS S OU TH CAM PUS Aston Building (U) Callier Child Development Center (CD) Cary Building (F) Children’s Medical Center (CM) Danciger Building (H) Florence Building (E) Food Court (C-lower level) Gooch Auditorium (C) Green Research Building (Y) Green Science Building (L) Hoblitzelle Building (G) Jonsson Building (K) Laboratory Research & Support Building (JA) McDermott Administration Building (B) McDermott Lecture Halls (D-lower level) McDermott Plaza (D) Meadows Imaging Building (AM) Moss Building (J) Parkland Memorial Hospital (PM) Physical Plant Administration Building (P) Physical Plant Service Building (PA, PB) Postal Substation (C-lower level) Skillern Building (M) Sprague Building (CS) Student Support Services (S) TWU School of Nursing (TWU) Transplant Services Building (R) University Store (C-lower level) UTD-Callier Center (UTC) Visitor Information Center (A) Williams Student Center (MA) Zale Lipshy University Hospital (ZL) le . W E ST CAM PUS Environmental Health & Safety Building (WT) Health Professions Building (V) Outpatient Building (WA) Professional Office Building 1 (POB1) Professional Office Building 2 (POB2) Simmons Radiation Oncology (ROC) William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital (CUH) ut vd Staff Parking Lot 16 ut Bl Visitor Parking Garage St s . Sen Wyche Blvd. Staff Parking ne Rd 01 Staff Parking Hi rk 22 y Staff/Visitor Parking Lot 21 Pa om D ay w ad Tr e . St ay w ad rr st Bass Center Faculty/Staff Garage BL BK re BP Police/Info Desk Tr e Ha Fo Visitor Parking Lot 18 B r. ng ki oc M Faculty Parking Lot 19 E A ST CAM PUS BioCenter at Southwestern Medical District (EB) Landscape Office (PG) Landscape Warehouse (WP) New Parkland Memorial Hospital (NPH) B . Ln Av e bi rd le NORTH Staff Parking Lot 17 UTD ap Bass Center Food Court (BL) Bass Center Post Office (BL-level D) Bass Center Tower 1 (BP) Bass Center Tower 2 (BL) Bass Center Tower 3 (BK) C. Kern Wildenthal Research Building (NL) Clements Imaging Building (NE) Hamon Biomedical Research Building (NA) Moncrief Radiation Oncology Building (NF) Pickens Biomedical Building (ND) Pickens Medical Education & Conference Center; Commons Food Court (NG) Police Station (BL) Prothro Plaza & Gardens (NH) Seay Biomedical Building (NC) Simmons Biomedical Research Building (NB) Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinics (NC) University Store (NG) UTD Center for Brain Health (UTD) To U D TS ow W nt S Amelia ow e Court n rvic D e al B la u s ild Children’s in Medical Center g (X Visitor & Staff ) Parking Garage ve G U I D E ri V I S I T O R S & al D i s t r ic t D r i v e IN THE SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL DISTRICT March 2015 Visitor Parking Only Valet Parking Designated Staff & Visitor Parking Hospital University Hospital Campus Buildings Listed by Map Code Parking SOUTH CAMPUS A AM B C C C C CD CM CM CS D D E F G H J JA K L M MA P PA, PB PM PM R S TWU U UTC Y ZL Visitor Information Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Meadows Imaging Building, 5171 Harry Hines Blvd. McDermott Administration Building, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Food Court (lower level) Gooch Auditorium Postal Substation (lower level) University Store (lower level) Callier Child Development Center, 1966 Inwood Rd. Children’s Medical Center, 1935 Medical District Dr. Children’s Medical Center Emergency Room Sprague Building, 5161 Harry Hines Blvd. McDermott Lecture Halls (lower level) McDermott Plaza Florence Building Cary Building Hoblitzelle Building Danciger Building Moss Building Laboratory Research & Support Building Jonsson Building Green Science Building Skillern Building Williams Student Center Physical Plant Administration Building Physical Plant Service Building Parkland Memorial Hospital, 5201 Harry Hines Blvd. Parkland Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Transplant Services Building, 5601 Southwestern Medical Ave. Student Support Services TWU School of Nursing, 5500 Southwestern Medical Ave. Aston Building, 5303 Harry Hines Blvd. UTD Callier Center, 1966 Inwood Rd. Green Research Building Zale Lipshy University Hospital, 5151 Harry Hines Blvd. NORTH CAMPUS BK BL BL BL BL BL BP NA NB NC NC ND NE NF NG NG NH NL UTD Bass Center Tower 3, 6303 Harry Hines Blvd. Bass Center Food Court, 6333 Forest Park Rd. Bass Center Post Office (Level D), 6363 Forest Park Rd. Bass Center Tower 2, 6363 Forest Park Rd. Human Resources Recruitment Office, 6363 Forest Park Rd. UT Police Dept. (Level C), 6363 Forest Park Rd. Bass Center Tower 1, 6303 Forest Park Rd. Hamon Biomedical Research Building, 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. Simmons Biomedical Research Building, 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. Seay Biomedical Building, 2201 Inwood Rd. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinics, 2201 Inwood Rd. Pickens Biomedical Building, 6001 Forest Park Rd. Clements Imaging Building, 2201 Inwood Rd. Moncrief Radiation Oncology Building, 5801 Forest Park Rd. Pickens Medical Education & Conference Center; Commons Food Court, 6001 Forest Park Rd. University Store, 6001 Forest Park Rd. Prothro Plaza & Gardens, 2201 Inwood Rd. C. Kern Wildenthal Research Building, 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. UTD Center for Brain Health, 2200 W. Mockingbird Ln. EAST CAMPUS EB PG WP NPH BioCenter at Southwestern Medical District, 2330 Inwood Rd. Landscape Office, 5511 Gregg St. Landscape Warehouse, 5511 Gregg St. New Parkland Memorial Hospital (opens May 2015) WEST CAMPUS POB1 POB2 ROC V WA WT CUH Professional Office Building 1, 5959 Harry Hines Blvd. Professional Office Building 2, 5939 Harry Hines Blvd. Simmons Radiation Oncology, 2001 Inwood Rd. Health Professions Building, 6011 Harry Hines Blvd. Outpatient Building, 1801 Inwood Rd. Environmental Health and Safety Building, 1931 Chattanooga Place William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital, 6201 Harry Hines Blvd. (pricing subject to change) VALET PARKING Valet parking is available for a nominal fee at the main entrances of the buildings listed below. Hours and rates are posted at the valet stations in front of each building. Validation is required to receive the patient rate. •OutpatientBuilding(WA): Monday– •ParklandMemorialHospital(PM): •ProfessionalOfficeBuildings1and2 (POB1,POB2):Monday–Friday, Patient & Visitor Valet Parking Coupon Books (UTSW): Five coupons for $20. May be purchased Vendor Valet Parking Fee: $25 for single access. •SimmonsRadiationOncology(ROC): •WilliamP.ClementsJr. UniversityHospital(CUH): •MoncriefRadiationOncologyBuilding(NF): Complimentary for radiation patients; Monday–Friday, 6:45 a.m.–5:30 p.m. SELF-PARKING Rates for UTSW parking do not exceed $3. Patients should note the location of their physician’s office or diagnostic center in advance to determine the best parking option. Aston Building (U): Tower Garage (Medical District Drive at Tex Oak Drive). Patients visiting physicians in the Aston Building will receive a voucher for free parking in the Tower Garage. Aston Express shuttle available from Tower Garage for Aston patients. BassAdministrativeandClinicalCenter (BK,BL,BP): Surface parking in open lots on north and west sides of center. No charge. HealthProfessionsBuilding(V):Garage self-parking. $3 fee. Cash or debit/credit card at exit. Monday–Friday, 6 a.m.–7 p.m. Outpatient Building(WA):Garage self-parking. $3 fee. Voucher, cash, or debit/credit card at Park & Pay station, parking garage elevator lobby/level 1. ParklandMemorialHospitalandEmergency Department(PM):Emergency Department parking available for $8 fee in garage behind emergency entrance. PickensBiomedicalBuilding(ND);Pickens MedicalEducation&ConferenceCenter; CommonsFoodCourt(NG):Garage self-parking. $3 fee. Voucher, cash, or debit/credit card at Park & Pay station, parking garage elevator lobby/level 3. Monday–Friday; weekends free. ProfessionalOfficeBuildings1and2(POB1, POB2):Garage self-parking. $3 fee. Cash, check, debit/credit card, or validation stamp at cashier booth. Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–10 p.m. Complimentary for radiation patients, Monday–Friday, 6:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Monday–Friday, 5 a.m.–10 p.m. Saturday, 5 a.m.–7 p.m. Sunday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. 6:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Friday, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. $5 fee •AstonBuilding(U): Monday–Friday, •Children’sMedicalCenter(CM): Monday– •SimmonsComprehensiveCancerCenter/ SeayBuilding(NC); Monday–Friday, 6:30 a.m.–6:45 p.m. This valet location also convenient for the Clements Imaging Building (NE). at valet stations. Patients who valet park and then drive to another UT Southwestern facility that day may valet park free at the second location by presenting their first valet ticket receipt. 6:30 a.m.–6 p.m. $10 fee; $5 for handicap 6:45 a.m.–6:45 p.m. Patient & Visitor Valet Parking Fee (UTSW): $5 for daily access with patient validation. Friday, 5:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. •ZaleLipshyUniversityHospital(ZL): Monday–Friday, 5 a.m.–10 p.m. Saturday, 5 a.m.–7 p.m. Sunday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Sprague Building (CS): Tower Garage (Medical District Drive at Tex Oak Drive). $5 fee. Cash, check, or debit/credit card at the cashier booth. WilliamP.ClementsJr.UniversityHospital(CUH): Garage self-parking. $3 fee. Voucher, cash, or debit/credit card at Park & Pay station, parking garage elevator lobby/level 2. ZaleLipshyUniversityHospital(ZL):Tower Garage (Medical District Drive at Tex Oak Drive). $5 fee. Cash, check, or debit/credit card at the cashier booth. PARK & PAY STATIONS Several parking areas are controlled by “Park & Pay Stations,” which are electronic vending machines located on the main floor of the parking garage. The parking ticket is fed into the machine, the rate is displayed, and payment is made by voucher, cash, or debit/credit card. The parking ticket is returned, and then is inserted at the exit gate. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Emergencies:911 CampusDirectory:214-645-3111 UTSWPolice(Non-Emergency24/ 7): 214-648-8311 AutomatedDirections: 214-648-6264 Automobile Assistance: 214-648-9600(daytime) 214-648-8311(after-hours) ClinicList: utswmedicine.org/hospitals-clinics/atoz Shuttles: utswmedicine.org/hospitals-clinics/ maps-directions/shuttles