Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 183-187 183 Vol. 8 No. RESEARCH NOTES A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MODIFIED EULER METHOD AND RICHARD B. DARST Department of Mathematics Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 THOMAS P. DENCE Department of Mathematics Ashland College Ashland, Ohio 44805 (Received March 18, 198A and in revised form November ABSTRACT. f(x,y) dy/dx Approximating solutions to the differential equation f(x,y) where y by a generalization of the modified Euler method yields a sequence of approximates that converge to e. Bounds on the rapidity of convergence are determined, with the fastest convergence occuring when the parameter value lized method reduces to the standard modified Euler method. is 1/2, so the genera- The situation is similarly examined when f is altered. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Euler method, modifi.d Euler method. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 65D20. 65L99 i. INTRODUCTION. The Euler method is known as a simple, but crude,method for approximating solutions to differential equations. The modified Euler method offers greater Let us recall in this setting we wish to solve the condition YO" We let h denote a x + kh. To approximate the exact solution y positive increment in x and define xk 0 which at Xk, Y(Xk) a seaence of approximates yk construct we yk Yk’ converge to Yk" Proceeding inductively we get Yk+l by considering the sequence: refinement, as shown in Ross [i]. the equation dy/dx f(x,y) subject to Y(Xo) (I), (2), Yk+l Yk+l () Yk + hf(xk,Yk) (2) Yk + (h/2)[f(xk’Yk) + f(Xk+l’Yk+l (I))] while in general Yk+l (n) Yk + (h/2)[f(xk’Yk) + f(Xk+l’Yk+l (n-l))] i. i) (1.2) 184 R B. DARST AND T. P. DENCE hen successive terms in this sequence are close enough, we set their common value :qual to With this in mind, we can consider the equation Yk+l" Yk+l Yk + hi 1/2f(xk,Yk) + 1/2f(xk+l,yk+l (1.4) defining the solution points by the modified Euler method (MEM). If we consider the specific differential equation with f(x,y) y(O) zondition i/n i, with an increment of h Yn 2n + i 1 n (i + 2n y, and the side we get the values (n- .5) + .5 1 (1.5) (as was to This produces a sequence that converges to e be expected since y). y’ The modified Euler method fits into a more general scheme given by Yk+l where 0 I. p Yk + h[pf(xk’Yk) + (l-p)f(xk+l’yk+l) (i.6) If we now apply this generalized method (call it M EM) to the same P get a general term of differential equation as above, we Yn and clearly Yn n n+p (l-p) approaches e. 1/2 the Euler method, and p n 1 (17) =[i+ n- (l-p) n- 1 produces the same sequence as We note here that p produces the same sequence as the modified Euler method. 2. MAIN RESULTS. e. One is now led to ask which value of p yields the sequence that best approximates The expression for suggests one could examine the family of functions Yn f P (x) x (i + i/x) + (l-p). (2.1) These functions fall into one of three types, depending on the size of p. function f P is decreasing for p _z .5, is increasing for p > (-i + V5)/2, The and is decreasing at first then eventually increasing for .5 < p (-i + V5)/2. The reader is referred to the articles by Darst, Dence and Polya [2-4] for further details on this. It follows that p .5 yields the best approximation to e because any value p’ greater than .5 can be improved upon by, say, (p’ + .5)/2. Perhaps Euler knew something that we haven’t given him credit for when he chose p 1/2 instead of an alternate weighting system! To converges to e, we wish to find N such that x > N quickly determine, e is bounded above by implies > O. To this end we have how, f.5 f.5(x) i f.5(x) f. si(x) (i +) x[ e" 501n(l i + ) (. 50 i + i/x) .49i)ini( i .o()(.5o-a( z e .491n(i + i/x) + i/x)(i/i: (2.2) (2.3) + /x(/:) +/- 0 i(.50i-l)(i/x)i(i/i!) <.Ole i=I (2.5) _ 185 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MODIFIED EULER METHOD AND e < .Ole 21-ix i=I e/[ 50(2x Since f.5(x) e < .5[f.5 (x) large x, the difference between I) ], 12xl > for f.51 (x)] e/[lOO(2x f.5 and e can be made greater than .511 + e/(iOOz)]. For example, with e and get 2. 7182938 and the difference f.5(137) (2.) . (2.7) i)] for all sufficiently small enough by choosing x .0OO1 we then choose x f.5(137) If we now consider the slightly more general initial value problem f(x,y) Ay with side condition y(O) YO Yl + I then, using (I/n)[pAYo + (I-p)AYl] i MpEM,we + (i/n)[pA + > 136.A .000012. e dy/dx get (2.8) (l-p)AYl] so Yl n n+Ap + (p-l)A (2.9) and then Yl + I/n)[pAYl + I-p)AY2] n given by Yn Yl or (2.10) Y2 so 2 Y2 The n-th term is Yl Yn [i + n n A (2 II) (l-p) A A. x + (I-p)A Furthermore, since Yn is of the form (i + A/x) insight into the behav-ior of Yn can be gained by examining the related family of sequences Bn + C + so Yn converges to e (i A/n) (2.12) with A,B,C real. We shall consider A as positive in what follows. Case i. (I + A/n) n + e and bn Set a n a (i + A/n) -n + and define the number IA) by AI > in(1 + A/2) ln(l + ln(l + A) ln(l + A/2 The motivation for this is that which a that n [an a n+l" if y(A) is the limiting value of a as n tends to for By methods analagous to those used by the author in [4] we know is increasing if e then eventually increasing if of (2.1.3) O. Qy(A), decreasing if < A/2. 7(A) an it follows that the monotonicity of bn A/2, and initially decreasing Because bn is basically a reciprocal is increasing if e -A/2, decreasing and initially increasing then eventually decreasing if -A/2 -y(A). a Set c n (i A/n) n +e and d n (I A/n) -n +a with n > A, and define the > -7(A), Case 2. umber 7(A) by ([A] + 2)in(l y (A) in(l [’] A A [A] + 1 2 ([A] + l)in(l ln(l A [A] + 1 <, 0 (2.1A) A [A] + 2 where the brackets denote the greatest integer function. Similar to above we have \ that is increasing if -A/2 decreasing if < y(A), and initially increasing hen eventually decreasing if (A) < is increasing if < -A/2, and that m decreasing if A/2 and initially decreasing then eventually increasing if Cn [dn 186 R.B. DARST AND T. P. DENCE A/2 a Because of cases I and 2 we can determine the monotonicity of (2.12’ <-(A). from the identity Furthermore, since (2.11) C/IBI A (sgn B)n + A Bn + C (1+ ;) [(1+ ) ] IBI (2.15] is of the form x (i + A/x) + (I-p)A (2.16) - A A/2, or p 1/2. This it follows that the fastest convergence to e is when (1-p)A n + A A/2, with the fastest converis decreasing to e for is because (i + A/n) gence at a A/2. We remark here that some of the above monotonicity properties could Bx + be alternately derived by examining the logarithm of (I + A/x) C. The rapidity of this convergence can be discussed by considering the functions f (x) p given by (2.16) (same and noting before) technique as 50Aln(l + A/x) f.5(x) f.51 (x) < eA[e < "OleA Ai(A/x)i21-i A2eA/[50(2x A 2) ]. e that .A9Aln(l + A/x) (2.17) I (2.8) (2.19) Table 1 lists some data for this situation. i0 50 I00 /+00 f. 50 (x) f. 51 (x) f. 50 x)-f. 51 (x) 20.A3377 20.10259 20.08992 20. 08581 20.27357 20.067/+8 20.07211 20. 08131 16020 .03511 .01781 A2eA (A 2) 32867 .03972 .01892 00/+ 57 00/+50 Table 1 A 50(2x 3) For large enough x we have f.50(x)- eA< 1/2[f.50(x)- f.51(x)] . < A2eA I00(2x-A2) (2,20) and for this difference to be less than > 0 just choose x greater than 5[A 2 + )]. For example, with z .001, we choose x 999 and get (x) e 3 .0000/+. A2eA/(IO0 f.50 3. CONCLUDING REMARKS. Noticing how critical the value p 1/2 is on the efficiency of convergence orompts one to characterize those functions f(x,y) which fall under this classification. Knowing this to be true for f(x,y) the elementary functions (we know y 2 3 h i/n we get m, f(x,y) =x xm+l/( re+l) and Ay, we can now show it to be true for with the side condition y(1) 1/(m+1)) (0,0), Using M EM of P and for m (1 6) and 0,i, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MODIFIED EULER METHOD AND e n i=I Yn n-1 n i=1 i=I TM i=I a m 1/2. - is expressable as a polynomial i Thus Yn I a ni i + (1/2 m n with a m+l i/(m+l) and i=1 m+l n + am_i nm-i + whenever + aln) pnTM) m+l and this expression converges to 1/2 p(n) can be written as 1 that p (.) m+l n m+1 m+l n n But 187 f(x,y) I/(m+l) fastest when p is a polynomial in x. 1/2. Likewise it follows Further classifications of f appear to be more difficult to obtain. REFEHENCES 2. ROSS, S.L. Introduction to Ordinary_ Differential Equations (3rd ed. ,), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980. DARST, R.B. Comparison of estimates for e and e -I Amer. Math Monthly, 86 (1979) 3. DENCE, T.P. i. 772-773. Monthly, 88 A. On the monotonicity of a class of exponential sequences, Amer. Math. (1981), 3Ai-3AA. POLYA, G., SZEGO, G. Springer-Verlag, 1972, Problems and Theorems in Analysis 38. I (part i, No. 168)