Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 29-35 29 Vol. 8 No. A TRACE THEOREM FOR CALORIC FUNCTIONS H.N. MHASKAR Department of Mathematics and Computer Science California State University Los Angeles, California 90032 U.S.A. (Received August 4, 1983) ABSTRACT. Given a solution of the heat equation in an open strip, we state necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a boundary function in a given weighted We then investigate the relationship between the smoothness of this Banach space. boundary function and the growth of the solution of the heat equation. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Caloric functions, moduli of continuity. 1980 MATHEtTTCS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 35BG5, 35B30, 26A75 io IN’[RODUCTION. An interesting problem in classical analysis can be described as follows We are given a sufficiently nice function on an open domain and we wish to extend it to the boundary of the domain while preserving continuity in some sense. When this is possible, we also wish to investigate the relationship between the smoothness of the boundary function and the growth of the function on the domain. ing well known theorems in the theory of H THEOREM I. M P (a) ([I], Izl unit disc {z , For example, we have the follow- spaces’ p. 33) Let f be a complex valued harmonic function in the open i} and set If(re p max 0_< t _< 2H If (re (r,f) := If 1 < p p 1 -< p d (I.i) it then f is the Poisson integral of a function in L p on the unit circle if and only if sup 0<r<l (b) For p M (r,f) P (1.2) i, f is the Poisson integral of a complex Baire measure on the unit circle if and only if sup O<r<l M l(r,f) (1.3) The following theorem of Hardy and Littlewood relates the smoothness of the boundary function with the growth of the function on the disc. 30 H.N. MHASKAR i-< p<=, f be analytic in the open unit disc and(l.2)hold. [2], p. 78) Let THEOREM 2. (Then f is the Poisson integral of a 2H-periodic function g in LP[-N, H].) The follow- ing are equivalent: f sup 0<lhl<-t M P 0 (r,f ]) Here, 0 2H Ig( 0 + =(I r) g(O) p dO h) o(t =p) (1.4) =-I (1.5) i. It is well known that caloric functions (i.e. the solutions of the heat equation) share quite a few properties with analytic functions. [3], [4]). (e.g In 1954, Czipszer [5] obtained an analogue of Theorem l(b) for caloric functions defined on the R x strip (0,c) where the boundary measure is not necessarily finite itself, but a certain weight function is integrable with respect to the measure. [6], In my dissertation it is demonstrated how the proof of Czipszer can be modified to yield an of Theorem l(a), not just for L p analogue spaces but even for more general weighted rearrangement invariant Banach spaces. In this paper, we wish to report a somewhat more interesting part of our work in [6], namely, an analogue of Theorem 2. Unlike the case of analytic functions, the first order modulus of continuity does not seem to be an adequate measurement of the smoothness Introducing a second order modulus of continuity, we shall of the boundary function. obtain a relationship between the growth of the caloric functions and the smoothness of its boundary values. 2. MAIN RESULTS. Let X be a rearrangement invariant Banach function space. We assume the following: (A) X is isometrically isomorphic to the normed dual of its associate space. (B) If f is in X, then lim II f(x+h) II f(x) (2.1) 0 h+O . Both the conditions are satisfied for L will not be true for p I, versions valid for the space p spaces if l<p<=. With slight modifications, Co(R). In general, our theorems it is possible to obtain the A survey of some of the important properties of the rearrangement invariant Banach function spaces can be found in [7 ], 8 ]. We say that a function u is caloric on S := R x (O,c) if c 2u u For a function u caloric on S c (x,t) e (2.2) Sc we define the following analogue of the norms M p defined in (I.i): N(u,c;t) := Nx(u,c;t) := (c t) 1/2 If w(c-t, x) u(x,t) I, O<t<c (2.3) where w(h,x) := exp In [6], x 2/4h) we proved the following analogue of Theorem Theorem l.l(b) being given in [5]. (2.4) l.l(a), the analog,e of A TRACE THEOREM FOR CALORIC FUNCTIONS 31 The following are equivalent: (a) u is a caloric function on S and for each h e (O,c), c sup N(u,h;t) <= (245) O<t<h (b) There exists a function f such that w(h,x)f(x)e X for each h u(x,t) (O,c) and H(f,x,t) (2.6) where the operator H is defined by I H(f,xt,t) := w(t.x-y) f(y)dy (2.7) In (2.7) and in all the other formulae of the paper, all integrals are taken over the whole real line unless otherwise specified. We note that the boundary function f itself is not necessarily in X. w(h,x), the presence of the weight functions Because of we need to modify the expression for the usual second order modulus of continuity to measure the smoothness of f. In [9 ], Freud introduced a certain modification which was found to be completely satisfactory for the study of weighted polynomial approximation of such functions. 2(h,f,6) := O. Let h defined as follows. llF(x+2t) sup + 6 With -2F(x+t) + F(x) If F6(x) sup This new modulus is F(x) := w(h,x)f(x), put [f(x+t) II F(x) ]If =I I(x)F()II + (2.8) where 6(x) := min {6 (l+x2) 1/2} -1, (2.9) Then the modulus of smoothness of f is given by 2(h,f,6) := inf a,beR 2(h,f(x) (2.10) bx, 6) a This modulus measures not just the smoothness of f but also the growth of f near . In [i0] we proved THEOREM 2. O, w(h,x)f(x)eX. O, Let h Then there exist constants Cl, c 2 depending upon h and X alone such that ClK(h,f,6) -< oq2(h,f,6) where the K-functional K(h,f,6) := inf K(h,f,6) -< is given by {IIw(h,X)fl(x)II the inf being taken over all fl (2.11) c2K(h,f,6) and + f2 621[w(h,x)f(x)ll} such that f a twice iterated integral of a function fp e fl + (2.121 f2’ w(h’x)fl(x)eX’ and f2 is X. We can now state our main theorem. THEOREM 3. (a) <- i. O, 0 Let c Suppose for each h e(O,c), w(h,x)f(x)eX and 2(h’f’6) Define u by (2.6). 6u N(-, h; t) o(6 =) (2.13) Then u is a caloric function on S o(t =/2 i) for each h (O,c) and satisfying (2.5) and further e(0,h) (2 ]4) H.N. MHASKAR 32 (b) Let u be a caloric function satisfying (2.5) and (2.14) for each h e (O,c) there exists a function f such that for every h e (0,c), w(h,x)f(x)eX Then and further, (2.6) and (2.13) hold. 3. PROOFS. We adopt the following notation. A B means that there exists a constant c independent of the obvious variables such that A -< cB. B A. AB means that A B and Thus, in Theorem 2.2, K(h,f,6) If s (h,f,6) 2 (3.1) O, l(s) will denote the indicator function of X; thus, l(s) := f(st) sup It is known [7] that I(s) -< max (l,s -I) (3.3) Further for convenience, we shall often write w h instead of w(h,’). PROOF OF THEOREM 2.3 (a) We shall prove that 0 N(u g + Let f a locally integrable function u(x,t) were f2 f2 c, then I -) f; where with whf2 (3 4) whge X, f2 e X. Then is a twice iterated integral of v(x,t) + v(x,t) :=H(g,x,t) 8u2 t Hence, h t-l 2(hl, t) << h We use Theorem 2.2. h u2(x,t u2(x,t) := H(f2, 2u2 H(f (3.5) x,t). x, t) Note that (3 6) in view of the easily verified identity (3.7) (3.8) Thu s, N 8u2 (-- h t) <<II whf211 -< t -I t II w h f" I 2 II (3.9) Part (a) will be proved if we now show that N(--{Sv h,t) t-Ill whl flll (3.10) A TRACE THEOREM FOR CALORIC FUNCTIONS Let 33 Fr om O<t<h<hl<C. ex - we get 4t z t I ex[’I (Y- -t x)2 - + g(y)dy 4t y) exp + 2 g(y)dy (h-t).ty(y_h h-’--h x) 4h (hzt + y2 ] (3.11) We shall estimate each term in (3.11) separately. Y exp ’i-{ R y h-- wh(Y)g(y)dy x (h--t);Y2 (- whgll Y2) II -< exp h-t dY R 3 <<\-fFI If y(y II Whlg h R x) xp (3.12) I_h-t( 4- y h(y)g(y)dy [I w dy y2g(y)wh(y) ll R (3.13) (3.14) H.N. MHASKAR 34 [[ 4- (y- exp ht x2 wh(Y)g(y)dyll R -< I h-t exp whg I[ dy y 4- \h-t] lWh i g I[ (3.15) R (3.14) and (3.15). Inequality (3.10) follows from (3.11), (3.12), (3.13), completes the proof of part (a). 2d c. (b) Choose d small enough so that we can choose This 0<hl<h I[exp (x ox =Z n=O d/2n1 N <Z n=0 IId/2n << n=0 +1 d/2n t 2n+l N a/2 n=0 2na/2 lxp (- x2 exp I - d) 2n+l n=0 2n u -- t)[ (x ) x d 2 dt [l u n (3.16) Thus, (3.17) (, o(d u(x,d 2-) and the series exp I u, (x,d)+n= converges in X to say exp( d___._)_2 (x, n+l u(x, vd) (3.18) x2/4hl)f(x). A standard argument then shows that w for all 0<t<h I t (x-y) f (y)dy and hence for all (x t) in S C" (3.19) Since a subsequence of (3 18) can be chosen to converge almost everywhere, fs not dependent upon h as it might appear to I be. Further, from (3.17) lWhl(X)[f(x) u(x,d) ]I l<<d a/2 (3.20) A1 so, 2 lwh (x)-x I u(x,d) I[-<l lexp x 4(h-d) 2 x u(x,d) II<< The proof of part (b) is now complete in view of d a/2 i (3.20), (3.21) (3.21) and Theorem 2.2. A TRACE THEOREM FOR CALORIC FUNCTIONS 35 REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I0. HOFFMAN, K. 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