Introduction to electroweak phase transition Eibun Senaha (NCU) March 12, 2009@NTHU Outline Overview Effective potential Sphaleron Electroweak phase transition (EWPT) SM, MSSM Updated analysis of EWPT in the MSSM Summary Motivation ■ Energy budget of the Universe Baryons 4.6% Dark Energy Dark Matter Baryons Dark Matter 23% Dark Energy 72% ■ 95% of the Universe is made of dark object. ■ It should be stressed that there remains a mystery in the visible sector as well. Where did antibaryons go? Motivation ■ Energy budget of the Universe Baryons 4.6% Dark Energy Dark Matter Baryons Dark Matter 23% Dark Energy 72% ■ 95% of the Universe is made of dark object. ■ It should be stressed that there remains a mystery in the visible sector as well. Where did antibaryons go? BAU Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) nB nb − nb̄ η ≡ = nγ nγ −10 = (4.7 − 6.5) × 10 (95%C.L.) ■ If the BAU is generated before T=1 MeV, the light element abundances can be explained by the standard Big-Bang cosmology. Question: How did the BAU arise dynamically? [PDG ’08] Sakharov’s criteria To get the BAU from initially baryon symmetric Universe, the following conditions must be satisfied. [Sakharov, ’67] (1) Baryon number (B) violation (2) C and CP violation (3) out of equilibrium (1) is trivial. w/o (2), namely, if C and CP symmetries exist, ∂ρ(t) [ρ(t), O] = 0, (O = C, CP ), i! + [ρ(t), H] = 0, ∂t −1 !nB " = tr(ρB nB ) = tr(ρB nB O O) = tr(ρB OnB O−1 ) = −tr(ρB nB ) ∴ !nB " = 0 (CBC −1 = −B, (CP )B(CP )−1 = −B) B is vector-like w/o (3), namely, if the B violating process is in equilibrium, one would get nb = nb̄ ⇒ "nB # = 0 [N.B.] The masses of particle and antiparticle are assumed to be the same. (∵ CPT theorem) Two possibilities (1) B-L generation above the electroweak (EW) scale Leptogenesis, GUTs, Affleck-Dine etc (2) B generation during the EW phase transition (PT) EW baryogenesis (BG) (2) is directly linked to EW Physics. It is testable at colliders EW baryogenesis B violation: sphaleron process C violation: chiral gauge interaction CP violation: Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) phase and other sources in the BSM. out of equilibrium: 1st order PT with expanding bubble wall The SM has the problems with the last 2 conditions: ■ The KM phase is too small to generate the BAU. ■ The PT is not 1st order for the viable Higgs mass. (>114.4 GeV) The SM failed to explain the BAU Mechanism of EWBG [Kuzmin, Rubakov, Shaposhnikov, PLB155,36 (‘85) ] H:Hubble constant Due to CP violation, asymmetry of particle number densities at the bubble wall occur. they diffuse into symmetric phase. Left-handed particle number densities are converted into B via sphaleron process. Sphaleron process is decoupled after the PT. B is frozen. Mechanism of EWBG [Kuzmin, Rubakov, Shaposhnikov, PLB155,36 (‘85) ] H:Hubble constant Sakharov’s cond. Due to CP violation, asymmetry of particle number densities at the bubble wall occur. they diffuse into symmetric phase. Left-handed particle number densities are converted into B via sphaleron process. Sphaleron process is decoupled after the PT. B is frozen. Effective potential Effective potential T=0 The effective potential is defined by ! Veff (ϕ) = −Γ[ϕ(x) = ϕ]/ d4 x 1-loop effective potential: i V1 (ϕ) = − 2 ! " # d4 p −1 ln det iG (p; ϕ) . 4 (2π) e.g. scalar loop: After a Wick rotation, 1 ! V1 (ϕ) = µ 2 ! # dD pE " 2 2 ln p + m (ϕ) , E D (2π) D =4−# After performing the integration, we can get 4 m V1 (ϕ) = 64π 2 ! MS-bar scheme: 2 " 2 m 3 − − ln 4π + γE + ln 2 − + O(#) + · · · . # µ 2 4 m V1 (ϕ) = 64π 2 ! 2 " m 3 ln 2 − . µ 2 μ: renormalization scale Effective potential at finite T Imaginary time formalism: ! 4 dk → iT 4 (2π) ∞ ! " n=−∞ # # dk # (· · · ) #0 (2π)3 k =iωn 3 ωn = ! 2nπT (boson) (2n + 1)πT (fermion) 1-loop effective potential: ∞ " ! T d3 k 2 2 V1 (ϕ, T ) = ln(wn + w ), 3 2 n=−∞ (2π) Frequency sum: ∞ ! ω= z 1 1 = + z , 2 2 2 z + 4π n 2 e −1 n=−∞ ∞ ! z 1 1 = − z 2 2 2 z + (2n + 1) π 2 e +1 n=−∞ # 2 k + m2 (boson) (fermion) ! " 3 $% # dk w −w/T V1 (ϕ, T ) = + T ln 1 ∓ e 3 (2π) 2 T4 = V1 (ϕ) + 2 IB,F (a2 ), a2 = m2 (ϕ)/T 2 . 2π where T=0 2 IB,F (a ) = ! 0 ∞ 2 " √ − x2 +a2 dx x ln 1 ∓ e # , [N.B.] Since the divergences appear only in the 1st term (T=0 part), the counter terms at T=0 are enough. High T expansion For a=m/T<<1, IB,F can be expanded in powers of a. boson: 4 2 4 ! 2 π π 2 π 2 3/2 a a 3 IB (a ) = − + a − (a ) − log − 45 12 6 32 αB 2 2 fermion: 4 2 4 7π π 2 a IF (a ) = − a − 360 24 32 2 ! 2 a 3 log − αF 2 log αB = 2 log 4π − 2γE " 3.91, " " + O(a6 ) + O(a6 ) log αF = 2 log π − 2γE " 1.14, Euler’s constant: γE ! 0.577 The bosonic loop gives a cubic term a3 which comes from a zero frequency mode. Validity of HTE Boson case 0.3 HTE 2 IB (a2 ) − IB (a ) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 a 2 |IB (a ) − HTE 2 IB (a )| < 0.05 for a < ∼ 2.3 4 5 Validity of HTE Fermion case 0.3 IF (a2 ) − IFHTE (a2 ) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 a 2 |IF (a ) − HTE 2 IF (a )| < 0.05 for a < ∼ 1.7 4 5 Sphaleron Sphaleron ■ A static saddle point solution with finite energy of the gauge-Higgs system. [N.S. Manton, PRD28 (’83) 2019] Energy ∆B != 0 Instanton: quantum tunneling Sphaleron: thermal fluctuation sphaleron Esph instanton 0 -1 Transition rates: (b) Γsph (s) Γsph 1 Ncs NCS = ! (αW T )4 e−Esph /T , ! (αW T )4 , ∆B = 3∆NCS g22 32π 2 ! # " 2 3 d x "ijk Tr Fij Ak − g2 Ai Aj Ak 3 (broken phase) (symmetric phase), αW = g22 /4π B violation is active at finite T but is suppressed at T=0. no proton decay problem Sphaleron decoupling condition: To preserve the generated B after the PT, (b) Γsph Tc3 < H(Tc ) ⇒ vc > 1. Tc ∼ Hubble parameter: √ H(T ) ! 1.66 g∗ T 2 /mP Sphaleron solution for SU(2) gauge-Higgs system i Ai (µ, r, θ, φ) = − f (r)∂i U (µ, θ, φ)U −1 (µ, θ, φ), g2 ! " # " #$ v 0 0 Φ(µ, r, θ, φ) = √ (1 − h(r)) + h(r)U (µ, θ, φ) . −iµ e cos µ 1 2 Ansatz: Energy functional: Esph " # $ % # $ 2 2 2 4πv ∞ df 8 ξ dh λ 2 2 2 2 2 2 dξ 4 = + 2 (f − f ) + + h (1 − f ) + 2 ξ (h − 1)2 . g2 0 dξ ξ 2 dξ 4g2 ! Equation of motion: ξ = g2 vr d2 2 1 2 f (ξ) = 2 f (ξ)(1 − f (ξ))(1 − 2f (ξ)) − h (ξ)(1 − f (ξ)), 2 dξ ξ 4 ! " d λ 2 2 dh(ξ) 2 ξ = 2h(ξ)(1 − f (ξ)) + 2 (h (ξ) − 1)h(ξ). dξ dξ g2 PT in the SM Order of the PT This is what the 1st and 2nd order PTs look like. ■ order parameter = Higgs VEV ■ EWBG requires 1st order PT vC ≡ lim v "= 0 T ↑TC Higgs potential c.t. Veff (ϕ) = V0 (ϕ) + ∆V (ϕ) + ∆V c.t. = V0 (ϕ) + ∆g V (ϕ) + ∆t V (ϕ) + ∆t V (ϕ, T ) + ∆V , Tree: 1-loop: 2 2 4 V0 (Φ) = −µ |Φ| + λ|Φ| ! " ! " ∆g V (ϕ) = 2 · 3F m2W (ϕ) + 3F m2Z (ϕ) , ! " ! " m4 (ϕ) # m2 (ϕ) 3 $ 2 ln − ∆t V (ϕ) = −4 · 3F mt (ϕ) , F m2 (ϕ) = 2 2 64π 1-loop finite T: Mren # ! " T ∆V (ϕ, T ) = 2 ni IB (a2i ) + nt IF (a2t ) , 2π i=W,Z 4 Renormalization conditions: ! ∂(∆V (ϕ) + ∆V c.t. ) !! = 0, ! ∂ϕ ϕ=v0 ! 2 c.t. ! ∂ (∆V (ϕ) + ∆V ) ! = 0, ! 2 ∂ϕ ϕ=v0 (vacuum) (Higgs mass) 2 Higgs potential (cont) If we use the high T expansion, 2 Veff (ϕ, T ) ! D(T − T02 1 = D B = D = E = λT = ! " T02 )ϕ2 λT 4 − ET |ϕ| + ϕ + ··· , 4 3 1 2 mh − 2Bv02 , 4 $ 3 # 4 4 4 2m + m − 4m W Z t , 4 2 64π v0 $ 1 # 2 2 2 2m + m + 2m W Z t , 2 8v0 $ 1 # 3 3 −2 2m + m ∼ 10 , W Z 3 4πv0 % & '( 2 2 2 2 mW mh 3 mZ mt 4 4 4 1 − 2 2 2 2mW log + mZ log − 4mt log , 2 2 2 2 2v0 8π v0 mh αB T αB T αF T The critical temperature Tc is given by 2 T 0 Tc2 = . 2 1 − E /(λTc D) At Tc The potential has two degenerate minima at 2ETc ϕ = 0, ϕc = . λTc Sphaleron decoupling condition: Veff 2E ϕc > = 1 ∼ Tc λTc T>Tc T=Tc 0 T<Tc 0 50 100 150 200 ! (GeV) 250 Since λTc ∼ m2h /2v02 , mh < 48 GeV. ∼ 300 This upper bound has been excluded by the LEP data. [N.B.] Higgs mass (λ) E strength of the PT strength of the PT What is the minimally required value of E for mh=114.4 GeV? Minimal value of E ϕc 2E From the sphaleron decoupling condition, = >1 Tc λTc Emin m2h > 2 ! 0.054, 4v0 for mh = 114.4 GeV SM contributions: ESM ! " 1 3 3 = 2m + m W Z ! 0.01 3 4πv0 Note: The origin of E is the zero frequency modes of the bosonic loops. To have a strong 1st order PT, the extra bosonic degrees of freedom are needed. Caveat “Bosons do not always play a role.” Suppose that the bosonic particle whose mass is given by 2 2 2 2 2 M = m + g ϕ , m : gauge invariant mass g : coupling constant For m2 ! g 2 ϕ2 3 3 Veff ! −g ϕ T ⇒ strengthen the 1st order PT The loop effect is large. 2 2 For m ! g ϕ 2 3 3 No (−g ϕ T ) term in Veff The loop effect is vanishing. 2 Requirements: 1. large coupling g, 2. small m . PT in the MSSM Stop loop effect [Carena, Quiros, Wagner, PLB380 (‘96) 81] The LEP bounds on mH and ρ-parameter constraints demand mq̃2 ! m2t̃R , Xt2 , Xt = At − µ/ tan β. ■ Stop masses: m̄2t̃1 m̄2t̃2 yt2 2 ! 2 |Xt | sin β 2 v , = + + 1− 2 2 mq̃ ! " 2 2 2 yt sin β |Xt | 2 2 2 2 = mq̃ + Dt̃L + 1+ v " m q̃ , 2 2 mq̃ m2t̃R Dt̃2R soft SUSY breaking masses: m2q̃ , m2t̃R , To have a large loop effect, 2 mt̃R " = 0 gives Furthermore 2 mt̃R Dt̃2L,R ∼ O(g 2 ) should be small. mt̃1 < mt Xt = 0 (no-mixing) maximizes the loop effect Stop loop effect (cont) Using the High T expansion, ■ Coefficient of cubic term in Veff(T) Veff ! −(ESM + Et̃1 )T v 3 yt3 3 sin β Et̃1 ! + √ 4 2π Et̃1 ! 0.054, for Xt = 0 ! 2 |Xt | 1− m2q̃ "3/2 Therefore E = (ESM + Et̃1 ) > Emin = 0.054 Such a light stop can play a role in strengthening the 1st order PT. As I wrote before, to have a strong 1st order PT 2 Requirements: 1. large coupling g, 2. small m . → top Yukawa yt → 2 mt̃R and large statistical factor nt̃ = NC × 2 = 6 =0 . Updated analysis [K. Funakubo (Saga U.), E.S.] Tension in the MSSM BG tan! ■ The LEP data put a strong constrains on the light Higgs boson. 160 mA (GeV/c2) (b) No Mixing, (a) (a) No Mixing, (a) 140 120 10 Theoretically Inaccessible 100 Excluded by LEP 80 60 40 Theoretically Inaccessible 1 Excluded by LEP 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2 mh (GeV/c ) 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 mh (GeV/c2) ■ There is a tension between the LEP data and the sphaleron decoupling in the MSSM. More precise analysis of the sphaleron decoupling is needed. Allowed region ■ The allowed region is highly constrained by the experimental data. mq̃ = 1200 GeV, mt̃R ! 0, At = Ab = −300 GeV. Maximal v/T: tan β = 10.1, mH ± = 127.4 GeV 107.10 GeV vC = = 0.92 TC 116.27 GeV The sphaleron process is not decoupled at Tc. Loophole: supercooling ⇒ The PT begins to proceed with bubble wall at below Tc. We need to know the dynamics of bubble wall. s: ## # # # # dh (ξ) dh (ξ) dθ(ξ) 1 2 dh1 (ξ) ## # = 0, dh2 (ξ) # = 0, dθ(ξ)# ## = 0. # θ(ξ) # 0, = 0, = 0. dξ dξ lim h1 (ξ) = dξ 0,dξ lim (ξ) = 0, lim = 0, # #ξ=0h= # # 2 ξ=0 ξ=0 dξ dξ Critical bubble CP-conserving case ξ→∞ ξ→∞ ξ=0 ξ→∞ξ=0 (ξ) = 0, lim h2 (ξ) = 0, lim θ(ξ) = 0, ξ→∞ 2 2 ξ=0 (1.30) ξ→∞ (1.30) (1.( CP-conserving case # # # # dh1 (ξ) ##= static solution dh2 (ξ) ## dθ(ξ) criticalInbubble which is unstable against variation # # the energy = the# CP-coserving case functional is reduced to = 0, 0, = 0. (1.31) # # # # # dhthe In case #the functional is reduced to dξ ξ=0 dθ(ξ) dξenergy dξ! 2 (ξ)CP-coserving ξ=0 ξ=0 # % &! " " ' ( of radius. $ 2 2 = 0, = 0, = 0. (1.31) ∞ # # dρu "2 ' ! $ 2% 1&! dρd "2 dξ dξ ∞ =0 ξ=0 ! r2 1 " dρd + dρu! +"Veff (ρd , ρu ; T ) .( E = 4π ξ=0dr (2 dr dr 1 0 + Veff (ρd , ρu ; T ) . 01 dr r ρd 2 E = 4π + Higgs fields: CP-conserving Φcase , 2 , drΦu = √ dr d = 0√ 0 by EOM for ρd and ρu are 2 given g caseTheTheEOM for ρdenergy and ρu functional are given by ! "to he CP-coserving case the is reduced Energy functional: 1 d ! 2 dρd " 2 ρu ∂Veff % to &! "2− 12!d r"dρ 'd + ∂Veff = 0,( energy functional$is∞reduced 2 ∂ρd 2 dr dρd − r drdρ u 2 1 r + =; T )0, . ! " 2 dr r + + V (ρ , ρ % &! E ="4π ! " ' ( eff d u r1 dr dru ∂ρeffd 2 2 dρ ∂V d 2 2 dr dr dρd "+ 0 dρu − 2 !r = 0. 2 1 r + + Veff (ρd , ρu1r; Tdr ) . (2.1) dρ ∂V d ∂ρueff 2 dru Veff dr EOM2 for ρdr d and ρu are given by − r2 r + r= √ (2 x (2.1) (2 = 0. dr are dr ∂ρ uthe symmetric phase as The boundary conditions for EOM imposed in Equation of motion: ! " given by 1 d dρd EOM∂V eff imposed in the symmetric 2 for e.g. 1dim The boundary − conditions are phase as(2.2) r + = 0, lim ρ (r) = 0, lim ρ (r) = 0, ! " d u 2 dr b.c. r→∞ r→∞ r dr ∂ρ d 1 d dρd ∂Veff ! lim"ρd (r) = 0, lim ρu (r) = 0, = 0, (2.2) 2 1 dρ ∂V d r→∞ r→∞ r dr anddrin the broken ∂ρd −phase asr2 u + eff = 0. ! " 2 dr # ∂ρu # r dr 1 d and2 dρ ∂V # in uthe broken eff phase as dρd (r) # dρu (r) ## − 2 r + = 0. (2.3) = 0, = 0. # # # # r dr dr ∂ρfor dr dr(r) #r=0 phase as The boundary conditions EOM aredρimposed in the symmetric u # r=0 (r) dρ d u − r2 (2 + (2.3) (2 T=Tc # # = 0, = 0.0 # # dr phase dr r=0 It is convenient parameterize the Higgs profiles (ρd , ρu ) in termsT=T of Nthe (2.4) dimensionl for EOM are imposed in lim the to as r=0 ρsymmetric (r) = 0, lim ρ (r) = 0, d u r→∞ change variables r→∞ as quantities. We be thus Bubbles can nucleated at below Tc. It is convenient to parameterize the Higgs profiles (ρ , ρ ) in terms of the dimensio lim ρ (r) = 0, lim ρ (r) = 0, (2.4) d inr→∞ the broken phase as u r→∞ ρd (r) d 0 u ρu (r) 50 100 150 200 v [GeV] 250 300 Ecb (TBubble ) is the energy of the critical bubble at temperature T 2 . Note that this is Nucleation per unit volume. We define the nucleation temperature TN as the temperature to of [3],nucleation the bubbleofnucleation per unit time per unitvolume hccording the rate a criticalrate bubble within a horizon volumeisisgiven equalbyto ! Since " bble parameter at that temperature. the 3/2 horizon scale is roughly given by 4 Ecb (T3) , the nucleation rate: temperature by ΓN (T ) is % defined T e−Ecb (T )/T , (4. Nucleation Bubble nucleation 2πT Nucleation T: [A.D. Linde, NPB216 (’82) 421] ΓN (TN )H(TN )−3 = H(TN ). (4.2) 5 he Hubble parameter at temperature T is H(T ) = ∗ (T ) ! 8πG ρ(T ) = 3 " Numerical results: (preliminary) 2 #1/2 2 8π π T 116.73 v 4 1/2 N g (T )T ! 1.66 g (T ) , ∗ ∗ 1.01 = = 2 3mP 30 mP TN 115.59 is the effective massless degrees of freedom at T defined by 10% enhancement! (4.3) But, $ 7$ g∗ (T ) = θ(T − mB (T ))gB Sphaleron + θ(T −decoupling mF (T ))gF , cond.@T(4.4) N: 8 F B E = 1.77, Ntr = 6.65, Nrot = 12.27 and gF being intrinsic degrees of freedom of boson B and v fermion F , respectively, > 1.35 nition of TN (4.2)ρd is reduced to (r) ρu (r) ξ = vr, h1 (ξ) = , h2 (ξ) = " v cos β #3/2 v sin β ■ The T 4 Ecb (TN ) T sphaleron process isN not decoupled e−Ecb (TN )/T = 7.59 g∗ (TN )2 N4 ,at 2πT m TN either. (4.5) More examples −4 −4 Table 1: Examples of the 1st order PT. |A | = |A | = 300 GeV, m = 10 b t Ab = At = −300 GeV, mt̃R = 10 GeV, mb̃Rt̃R= 1000 GeV, GeV,mb̃R = 1000 GeV, |µ| = µ 100=GeV, 2 = 500 GeV, δA ≡ δAt = δAb = π, δµ = 0. 100 M GeV, M = 500 GeV, 2 mq̃ (GeV) tan β mH ± (GeV) vC /TC tan βC vN /TN tan βN Ecb /(4πv0 ) Ecb /TN Esph /(4πv0 /g2 ) Ntr Nrot vN /TN > 1200 10.11 127.30 107.095 = 0.921 116.274 13.812 116.726 = 1.010 115.585 13.684 5.623 150.386 1.7686 6.6522 12.266 1.345 1300 9.87 127.40 107.512 = 0.923 116.496 13.640 117.155 = 1.012 115.798 13.503 5.633 150.379 1.7695 6.6576 12.253 1.344 1400 9.75 127.40 107.768 = 0.923 116.770 13.606 117.403 = 1.012 116.068 13.462 5.646 150.369 1.7704 6.6623 12.241 1.344 1500 9.57 127.40 107.914 = 0.922 117.045 13.465 117.530 = 1.010 116.340 13.317 5.659 150.360 1.7711 6.6666 12.230 1.343 Typically, vN /TN > 1.34 is needed for sphaleron decoupling. More examples −4 −4 Table 1: Examples of the 1st order PT. |A | = |A | = 300 GeV, m = 10 b t Ab = At = −300 GeV, mt̃R = 10 GeV, mb̃Rt̃R= 1000 GeV, GeV,mb̃R = 1000 GeV, |µ| = µ 100=GeV, 2 = 500 GeV, δA ≡ δAt = δAb = π, δµ = 0. 100 M GeV, M = 500 GeV, 2 mq̃ (GeV) tan β mH ± (GeV) vC /TC tan βC vN /TN tan βN Ecb /(4πv0 ) Ecb /TN Esph /(4πv0 /g2 ) Ntr Nrot vN /TN > 1200 10.11 127.30 107.095 = 0.921 116.274 13.812 116.726 = 1.010 115.585 13.684 5.623 150.386 1.7686 6.6522 12.266 1.345 1300 9.87 127.40 107.512 = 0.923 116.496 13.640 117.155 = 1.012 115.798 13.503 5.633 150.379 1.7695 6.6576 12.253 1.344 1400 9.75 127.40 107.768 = 0.923 116.770 13.606 117.403 = 1.012 116.068 13.462 5.646 150.369 1.7704 6.6623 12.241 1.344 1500 9.57 127.40 107.914 = 0.922 117.045 13.465 117.530 = 1.010 116.340 13.317 5.659 150.360 1.7711 6.6666 12.230 1.343 Typically, vN /TN > 1.34 is needed for sphaleron decoupling. More examples −4 −4 Table 1: Examples of the 1st order PT. |A | = |A | = 300 GeV, m = 10 b t Ab = At = −300 GeV, mt̃R = 10 GeV, mb̃Rt̃R= 1000 GeV, GeV,mb̃R = 1000 GeV, |µ| = µ 100=GeV, 2 = 500 GeV, δA ≡ δAt = δAb = π, δµ = 0. 100 M GeV, M = 500 GeV, 2 mq̃ (GeV) tan β mH ± (GeV) vC /TC tan βC vN /TN tan βN Ecb /(4πv0 ) Ecb /TN Esph /(4πv0 /g2 ) Ntr Nrot vN /TN > 1200 10.11 127.30 107.095 = 0.921 116.274 13.812 116.726 = 1.010 115.585 13.684 5.623 150.386 1.7686 6.6522 12.266 1.345 1300 9.87 127.40 107.512 = 0.923 116.496 13.640 117.155 = 1.012 115.798 13.503 5.633 150.379 1.7695 6.6576 12.253 1.344 1400 9.75 127.40 107.768 = 0.923 116.770 13.606 117.403 = 1.012 116.068 13.462 5.646 150.369 1.7704 6.6623 12.241 1.344 1500 9.57 127.40 107.914 = 0.922 117.045 13.465 117.530 = 1.010 116.340 13.317 5.659 150.360 1.7711 6.6666 12.230 1.343 Typically, vN /TN > 1.34 is needed for sphaleron decoupling. More examples −4 −4 Table 1: Examples of the 1st order PT. |A | = |A | = 300 GeV, m = 10 b t Ab = At = −300 GeV, mt̃R = 10 GeV, mb̃Rt̃R= 1000 GeV, GeV,mb̃R = 1000 GeV, |µ| = µ 100=GeV, 2 = 500 GeV, δA ≡ δAt = δAb = π, δµ = 0. 100 M GeV, M = 500 GeV, 2 mq̃ (GeV) tan β mH ± (GeV) vC /TC tan βC vN /TN tan βN Ecb /(4πv0 ) Ecb /TN Esph /(4πv0 /g2 ) Ntr Nrot vN /TN > 1200 10.11 127.30 107.095 = 0.921 116.274 13.812 116.726 = 1.010 115.585 13.684 5.623 150.386 1.7686 6.6522 12.266 1.345 1300 9.87 127.40 107.512 = 0.923 116.496 13.640 117.155 = 1.012 115.798 13.503 5.633 150.379 1.7695 6.6576 12.253 1.344 1400 9.75 127.40 107.768 = 0.923 116.770 13.606 117.403 = 1.012 116.068 13.462 5.646 150.369 1.7704 6.6623 12.241 1.344 1500 9.57 127.40 107.914 = 0.922 117.045 13.465 117.530 = 1.010 116.340 13.317 5.659 150.360 1.7711 6.6666 12.230 1.343 Typically, vN /TN > 1.34 is needed for sphaleron decoupling. Is MSSM BG dead? It looks almost dead, but there might be a way out. TN ⇒ onset of the PT. We should know a temperature at which the PT ends. The sphaleron decoupling condition should be imposed at such a temperature. Higher order (2-loop) contributions must be taken into account. [J.R. Espinosa, NPB475, (’06) 273] ⇒ The sphaleron decoupling cond. might be relaxed. The potential can be extended in such a way that stop also has a nontrivial VEV. (Color-Charge-Breaking vacuum) ⇒ MSSM BG is viable. [Canena et al, NPB812,(‘09) 243] [N.B.] EW vacuum: metastable, CCB vacuum: global minimum If the refined sphaleron decoupling cond. is used, is it still viable? Summary We have studied EW bayogenesis focusing on the EWPT. In the SM, the PT is not 1st order for the viable Higgs mass. mH > 114.4 GeV In the MSSM, the 1st order PT can be strengthen by the light stop. mt̃1 < mt However, it is found that the sphaleron process is not decoupled at both Tc and TN. More refined analysis is needed to reach a convincing conclusion for successful EWBG in the MSSM. Review papers A.G. Cohen, D.B. Kaplan, A.E. Nelson, hep-ph/9302210 M. Quiros, Helv.Phys.Acta 67 (’94) V.A. Rubakov, M.E. Shaposhnikov, hep-ph/9603208 K. Funakubo, hep-ph/9608358 M. Trodden, hep-ph/9803479 A. Riotto, hep-ph/9807454 W. Bernreuther, hep-ph/0205279