從未知世界來的光: CDF實驗的光子物理 余欣珊 費米實驗室 清華大學高能物理演講 西元2009年2月26日 Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 1 Invisible Light from the Unknowns: Physics with Photons at CDF Shin-Shan Yu Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory High Energy Physics Seminar National Tsing Hua University February 26th, 2009 Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 2 Standard Model: Success • Predicted existence of W, Z, and gluon • Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions • Theory and experiments agree over a wide range of measurements Observed all SM particles except Higgs e.g. W, Z mass with great precision (better than 0.01%) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 3 Standard Model: Puzzles 1. Why are some particles so much heavier than the others? What is the origin of mass? Higgs not found yet 1 top quark = 336000 electrons 2. Why are there so many kinds of elementary particles? 3. Do all the forces become one? Gravity not included yet 4. How to explain the anti-matter and matter asymmetry of today’s world? 5. How do neutrinos mix? To be continued … Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 4 Physics Beyond Standard Model 1. Why are some particles so much heavier than the others? What is the origin of mass? Technicolor 2. Why are there so many kinds of elementary particles? 4th Generation, Compositeness, Leptoquark 3. Do all the forces become one? Supersymmetry, Extra Dimension To be continued … Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 5 Circle of Particle Physics Puzzles SM Parameters New Particles New Theory Parameters Models That Describe New Results One Theory? Measurement s of SM Parameters (Test of SM) Studies of New Phenomena Search for New Phenomena Theory A Miracle! Experiment Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 6 Outline Overview of Particle Physics • Tevatron and CDF Signatures in the Detector • Why Photons • Measurement of Differential Photon Production Cross Section • Signature-based Search for New Physics with Photons • Outlook Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 7 Outline Overview of Particle Physics • • • • • Tevatron and CDF Why Photons Test of Standard Model Parameters Search for New Phenomena Outlook Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 8 Fermilab Tevatron and Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 9 Fermilab Tevatron ~70 km west of Chicago 99.99995% of the speed of light TeV=1012 eV p Shin-Shan Yu s=1.96 TeV 0.98 TeV 0.98 TeV ? Physics with Photons at CDF p 10 Facts about Fermilab Tevatron • Run I (1990-1995) s = 1.8 TeV 110/pb per experiment • Run II (2001- ?) s = 1.96 TeV 2.0-2.5/fb in this talk ~ 4.8/fb per exp. so far ≥ 8.0/fb per exp. by the end of Run II Run until 2009-2010 (proposed to run until 2012, 10-15/fb) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 11 Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) • 600+ physicists 61 institutions 15 countries (including Taiwan) • 435 publications 180 in Run II • I am on CDF 2800 Weight Ford ~ 4500 Mustangs tons 5Size Eiko~ × 7.65 m Eiko cube × 5 Eiko Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 12 CDF Sub-Components Muon chamber Calorimeter Hadron Cal. EM Cal. Tracking System = Silicon Vertex Detector + Shin-Shan Yu Drift Chamber Solenoid + Physics with Photons at CDF 13 The Magnificent Seven Signatures in the Detector Momentum imbalance Muon Chamber n MET Hadronic Layers Calorimeter m EM Layers Tracking system jet g e Shin-Shan Yu t jet b-jet m n Physics with Photons at CDF Beam Axis px, y (m ) px, y ( j ) 0 14 Why Photons? Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 15 Photons in This Talk • Focus on photons with energy > 25 GeV (25×109 eV) Photon in this talk 10-16 m 1024 Hz Visible light: 380-750 nm, 400-790 THz Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 16 Why I Don’t Like Photons • Hard to get pure sample of photons for calibration Jets may be misidentified as photons, jet/photon ~ 1000 • Do not know where photon originates from (contamination of non-collision background) Cosmic ray muons: bremsstrahlung due to interaction with calorimeter p p Cosmic ray muon Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 17 Why I Like Photons • Copiously produced in p-pbar collisions, only after jets Test cross sections predicted by theory • Energy well-measured by the EM calorimeter Measure mass of exotic particles EM energy resolution > 2 times better than HAD energy resolution • Photons do not decay No reduction in rates due to decay branching fractions (BR ~10.8% for Wln and ~ 3.3% for Zll ) • High identification efficiency ~85% (if it does not pair-produce) For comparison, b-jet identification efficiency is 30-50% • Many theories beyond the standard model predict signatures with photons Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 18 Production Rates of SM Particles Rate: N/sec 4 x 106 Jets (including b-jets) cc g 4 x 103 2 x 100 5 x 10-1 5 x 10-4 (2/hour) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 19 Models Which Predict Photon Signatures • Supersymmetry c1 0 ~ g G or c20 gc10 ggll MET, ggMET, ggjMET, gbjMET , gjjMET , gl MET , gMET , displaced gMET • Compositeness X* g X ggbb, gll, ggll • Technicolor wT, rT g pT gbb • Extra dimension G gg or qq Gg gg, gMET • Higgs gg (qq) H (W,Z) gg (W,Z), qq H±h 4gW gg, ggl MET , ggMET, ggll , ggjj, gggg • 4th Generation b' Hb ggbbX Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 20 Published CDF Photon Analyses Inclusive Photon Cross Section (QCD) Angular Distribution (QCD) PRL 73 (94), PRD 48(93), PRL 68 (92), PRL 71 (93), PRD 65 (02), PRD 70 (04) Photon + Dijet Dijet Properties (QCD) PRD 57 (98) Photon + Muon Intrinsic Charm (QCD) PRL 77 (96), PRD 60 (99) Photon + Jet + X Jet h Distribution (QCD) PRD 57 (98) Photon + Lepton+X Signature-based (Search) PRD 66 (02), PRL 89 (02), PRL 97 (06), PRD 75 (07) Photon + Z or W Anomalous Couplings (EWK) Cross Section (QCD) PRL 74 (95) PRD 73 (06), PRL 94 (05) Photon + b-jet + X Techni-Omega, Signaturebased (Search) PRL 83 (99), PRD 65 (02) Photon + Ds W -> photon + Ds (EWK) PRL 77 (96), PRD 58 (98) Photon + Track W -> Photon + pion (EWK) PRL 76 (96), PRL 69 (92) PRL 58 (98) Delayed Photon GMSB (Search) PRL 99 (07), PRD 78 (08) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 21 Published CDF Photon Analyses Exclusive Photon + Met Extra Dimension (Search) PRL 89 (02), PRL 101 (08) Photon + Dilepton Excited lepton (Search) PRL 97 (06), PRL 94 (05) Exclusive Diphoton Diffractive (QCD) PRL 99 (07) Diphoton + X Signature-based (Search) PRL 81 (98), PRD 59 (99) Diphoton + Met GMSB (Search) PRD 71 (05) Diphoton Cross Section (QCD) PRL 70 (93), PRL 95 (05) High-mass Diphoton RS Graviton (Search) PRL 99 (07) Diphoton + W/Z Fermiophobic Higgs (Search) PRD 64 (01) • 38 Papers published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D Electroweak and Strong forces (QCD), Physics beyond Standard Model A big output from a small group Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 22 Circle of Particle Physics Puzzles SM Parameters New Particles New Theory Parameters Models That Describe New Results One Theory? Measurement s of SM Parameters (Test of SM) Studies of New Phenomena Search for New Phenomena A Miracle! Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 23 Measurement of Differential Photon Production Cross Section Work with R. Culbertson (Fermilab), C. Deluca, S. Grinstein, M. Martinez (IFAE, Barcelona) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 24 Test of Strong Interaction X-section Non-perturbative Proton Structure = Universal Proton Process-dependent structure (PDF) perturbative SM g BSM X Parton Distribution Function (PDF): fraction of proton momentum carried by parton • Test perturbative QCD Use PDF obtained from DIS, Drell-Yan, jet cross-sections • Potentially provide information on the non-perturbative part (PDF) PDF used to predict X-section of new physics Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 25 Why Is Gluon PDF Important • Photon x-section advertised for being useful to gluon PDF Previous photon x-section results are not used in current PDF fits. More discussions later. • Dominant Higgs production: gluon gluon fusion Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 26 Experimental Motivation • Advantages over jets Ease of trigger requirements allows access to lower pT Do not hadronize, no ambiguity due to jet definitions Better energy resolution Less uncertainty on energy scale (1-2% vs. 2-3%) • Probe photon techniques over a wide energy range • First CDF Run II measurement Focus on central photons (|h| < 1.0) A new method to estimate backgrounds from jets N total f sig d dpT dh pT hLU 2 Shin-Shan Yu fsig: fraction of signal photons L: number of p pbar per unit x-section U: unfolding factor for efficiency, energy scale, energy smearing Physics with Photons at CDF 27 Major Backgrounds Dominant at low pT Dominant at high pT Mesons in Jets Decaying to Multiple Photons:p0, h0,Ks0 g g p0 p BREM of Cosmic ray muon g p Signal MC Data N total f sig d dpT dh pT hLU 2 Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 28 Amount of Cosmic Background MET/ET (g)< 0.8 reduces the cosmic background to the level of < 1% Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 29 Cosmic Events • Use “photon arrival time at the EM calorimeter – collision time” (EM Timing) System intrinsic resolution ~ 0.6 ns Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 30 Central Electromagnetic Calorimeter • EM Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter (E)/E = 0.135/ET+0.02 500-cm long f×h=0.26 × 0.11 • CMS 0.017 × 0.017 Electromagnetic Calorimeter 18 X0 EM Cal. unit: 45.5 cm (width) × 22.7 cm (length) × 34.5 cm (depth) Minimum separation of two photons from p0: 50/ET(p0) [cm GeV], e.g. 5 cm for 10 GeV p0 Single EM shower size ~ 3.5 cm Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 31 Photon Isolation More isolation energy Photons less isolated Photons from jets have more surrounding tracks and energy (more isolation) g Isolation energy Energy of the jet photon Calorimeter isolation g DATA signal background Isolation Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 32 Fitting Isolation E iso Econe Eg E leakage E MI pT = 200-230 GeV Data Fit result Signal Background Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 33 Systematics Study (Signal Fraction) • Use Z electron data for signal template Electrons look like photons in the calorimeter • Decrease the number of histogram bins to 2 Removing details on the shape 2-bin method 2 unknowns 2 equations Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 34 Fraction of Signal Photons Signal fraction 70-100% Systematic uncertainty 13% first bin, 5% for the rest Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 35 Unfolding Factor • Correct detector level back to parton level energy scale, energy resolution, acceptance, efficiency • Systematic uncertainties Photon energy scale (613%) ID efficiencies (3-5%) N total f sig d 2 dpT dh pT hLU Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 36 Data rec ET true ET MC ? data Differential X-section How Well Do We Know the Energy? Data ET(g) • Photon energy affect the shape of differential x-section • Compare reconstructed Zee mass peak in data and MC Apply time-dependent energy calibration • Assign 1.5% systematic uncertainty Fitting model, energy dependence of scale Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 37 Systematic Uncertainty (X-section) • Major sources Signal fractions at low energy Photon energy scale at high energy • Total systematic uncertainty 12-15% Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 38 Cross Section Result • X-sections measured over 6 orders of magnitude • Cover the energy range from 30 to 400 GeV • Excess in data below 50 GeV? Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 39 Why Are Photon X-sections Not Used in PDF? • Data have steeper dependence on xT • Due to mis-modeling of soft gluon emission in the initial state Additional transverse momentum smearing of initial parton (kT) resolved the data/theory difference xT=2pT/s Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 40 Remarks • Effects other than kT at low pT? • kT is ad-hoc, better theoretical calculation needed Resummation of soft gluon emission Need to understand the difference between Run II CDF and D0 results 10% difference in normalization • May provide input to gluon PDF for photons pT > 50 GeV? • QCD Compton process dominant for all pT at LHC • Low pt region may be useful when the theoretical calculation improves in the future Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 41 Circle of Particle Physics Puzzles SM Parameters New Particles New Theory Parameters Models That Describe New Results One Theory? Measurement s of SM Parameters (Test of SM) Studies of New Phenomena Search for New Phenomena A Miracle! Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 42 Search for New Physics with Photons Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 43 Two Approaches Model-dependant search Model New Particles Signatures Supersymmetry Bosonic Higgs 2 photons with a W or Z boson Optimize selections based on model Report limits on theory parameters (e.g. MH > 106 GeV) Signature-based search Form 2-object combinations out of the 7 magnificent objects, Start from these 27 base signatures and look for additional objects gg + X, g MET + X Aim to maximize the chance of discovery Apply a set of various requirements Report event counts and kinematic distributions Signature chosen based on past experience, detector strength, etc. Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 44 The Magnificent Seven Signatures in the Detector Muon Chamber Hadronic Layers Calorimeter EM Layers Tracking system g e Shin-Shan Yu t jet b-jet m n Physics with Photons at CDF Beam Axis 45 CDF Photon Signature-based Search • • • • • HW gg + X, X = e, m, t, MET g + e or m + X, X = b-jet, MET, e, m, g gMET + b-jet + jet Displaced g + jet gMET+ n jets ggen Analyses I worked on Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 46 Search for New Physics in gge/ggm g NP g m (e) Data consistent with background prediction. No evidence of new physics, yet. Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 47 Search for New Physics in gbjMET Work with R. Culbertson (Fermilab), H. Frisch, D. Krop, C. Pilcher, S. Wilbur (U. Chicago) b NP g j Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 48 Major Backgrounds • Combination of real and fake objects CES/CPR method for fake photons from jets EM Calorimeter CES CPR Solenoid Central Shower Profile Detector (CES) Copper Strips on PC board Central Preshower Detector (CPR) 2 mm resolution Au-plated W Wires Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 49 CES Method • A method to estimate how likely a photon candidate is a jet • Jet has wider profile Compare measured with expected and form a c2 Jet g p0 Shin-Shan Yu g g Physics with Photons at CDF 50 CPR Method • A method to estimate how likely a photon candidate is a jet • Jets have more photons to covert into electrons g g CPR electron CPR efficiency ~ 100% Jet g e e p0 Shin-Shan Yu g g 1 e Physics with Photons at CDF CPR 7 M Ng 9 51 Statistical Technique • CES: edata = 1 if c2 < 4; otherwise edata = 0 • CPR: edata = 1 if there is a CPR hit; otherwise edata = 0 • esig and ebkg are calibrated E(g) [GeV] Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 52 Systematic Uncertainties (CES/CPR) • Uncertainty 10-15% • Dominant source CPR: hits contributed by backscattered low-energy particle (albedo) EM Calorimeter Preshower Detector Albedos Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 53 Kinematic Distributions (gbjMET) HT Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 54 Kinematic Distributions (gbjMET) Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 55 Event Counts Data consistent with background prediction. No evidence of new physics, yet. Observed 617 events in data Apply tighter cuts. Then, compare data and background estimate. Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 56 Model Phase • After a large set of signatures are looked for, perform a global constraint on models Parameter 2 eejj gbjMET gge ggm ggt gggg eeee Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF Parameter 1 57 Model-dependant vs. Signature-based • Optimized for model A Precise limits • Less sensitive to model A Maximize the phase space probed • Background estimate for the optimized cuts Good training ground for students • Report limits on new theory parameters Immediately useful for theorists Easy for comparison between experiments • Background estimate for several sets of cuts Advance techniques • Report event counts and kinematic distributions Results will not be obsolete • May miss very peculiar signatures or distributions Guidance from theorists Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 58 Outlook (Tevatron) • Searches with more data More sensitive to new physics S B L • Apply isolation and CES/CPR methods to other crosssection measurements and searches • Explore forward photons Increase di-photon data by at least a factor of 3 Probe parton in a wider x range ? x = M/s exp(±y) • Advantages over Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments Less tracking material (2-5 times smaller), good for photons Access to b-jets (before LHC silicon vertex detectors are fully commissioned) Access to peculiar signatures Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 59 Outlook (LHC) • Expect to have 1st collision by the end of 2009 at 10 TeV • Advantages over Tevatron 5-7 times s 10-100 times instantaneous luminosity Better detector • 5x better EM energy resolution • 10x better momentum resolution • More coverage • More uniform • Higher granularity Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 60 Conclusions • Presented physics results with photons Test of Standard Model with cross-section measurement Systematic signature-based search for new physics with photons • Both Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider have excellent prospects of discoveries. Will be lots of fun! Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF 61 Circle of Particle Physics Puzzles SM Parameters New Particles New Theory Parameters Models That Describe New Results One Theory? Measurement s of SM Parameters (Test of SM) Studies of New Phenomena Search for New Phenomena A Miracle! Shin-Shan Yu Physics with Photons at CDF Theory Experiment 62