The Speed of Light - Monmouth Telecom User Pages

The speed of light is NOT a constant!
Quote from Wikipedia:
The photon is currently understood to be strictly massless, but this is an experimental
question. If the photon is not a strictly massless particle, it would not move at the exact
speed of light in vacuum, c. Its speed would be lower and depend on its frequency.
Relativity would be unaffected by this; the so-called speed of light, c, would then not be
the actual speed at which light moves, but a constant of nature which is the maximum
speed that any object could theoretically attain in space-time.[20] Thus, it would still be
the speed of space-time ripples (gravitational waves and gravitons), but it would not be
the speed of photons.
Quote from Scientific American:
As waves travel through a medium, they lose energy over time.
This dampening effect would also happen to photons traveling through spacetime, the
researchers found. Although the effect is small, high-energy photons traveling very long
distances should lose a noticeable amount of energy, the researchers say.
Photons can take millions of years to exit the Sun which
were generated in its core
. The speed of a Photon emitted by the Sun is affected by
the amount of material it passes through by the time it
exits the surface
. The speed a Photon from the Sun is detected determines
how deep within the Sun the Photon was generated
Photons are affected by many factors:
. Gravitational effects
. Passing through dark matter
. Passing through matter (glass, plastic, etc.)
. Deviation from a straight line
. The shortest distance between two points is a straight
line, but light does not travel in a straight line
. It arcs around a star or other gravitational items it
passes close to (Galaxies, Dark Matter, etc.)
Distance to another star may best be estimated by its
relative light speed at the point of observation
. The observation should be taken way away from the
Earths atmosphere as the atmosphere slows light down
due to its interaction with the gas molecules
Photons leave and enter our Universe
. Look in a dark area of our Universe to see Photons from
another Universe
. Our Universe glows when observed from outside our
I have read that scientists can stop and hold a Photon for a
short amount of time
Can ionized Electrons and Protons be observed traveling
through space?
. They can be used to detect anti-Matter from within and
outside our Universe
. Electrons travel at light-speed and slower
. They have mass, so are many times more sensitive to the
anomalies that affect Photons
All of these factors affect using Photons, Electrons,
Protons, Neutrons in a computer
. Determine their speed in existing computers
. Determine their speed in new Quantum and 'light'
. Early CDC Computers in the 7600 Series fine tuned
processing by trimming the wires connecting components
to compensate for the speed of light in wires, similar to a
fluidics approach. For instance, all of the inputs to an AND
Gate or an OR Gate should arrive at the same time for
highest efficiency
Chuck Moore