in the SM and Beyond Kwei-Chou Yang (楊桂周) Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan 2011 Cross Strait Meeting on Particle Physics and Cosmology Refs: PRD78:074007(2008) with H. Hatanaka PRD77:094023(2008) with H. Hatanaka Eur.Phys.J.C67:149(2010) with H. Hatanaka Phys.Rev.D78:034018,2008 arXiv:1011.4661 with T.M. Aliev, M. Savci Outline → ℓℓ : SM, new physics, data the K1A-K1B mixing angle, Results from SM and determination of Results for new physics Conclusion In SM, flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) transitions, → ℓℓ, are forbidden at the tree level Electroweak penguin loops Weak box diagram sensitive to new physics 3 In SM, the → ℓ ℓ decay amplitude is given by Dominant contributions are mainly from magnetic dipole operator vector current operator axial-vector current operator | | is constrained by → data 4 Data: Forward-Backward Asymmetry of → ∗ ℓ ℓ / Dash: (1) sign-flipped model; or (2) sign flips for New physics Dotted dash: flipped sign( ) (excluded) models Dot: (1) sign flips for and ; or sign flip for and (OK) alone (excluded) 5 SUSY phenomenology can enter at same order as SM contributions Large tan 30, … ⟹ sign flip in 6 Decays involving and/or From Br ( B K1 (1270 ) ) ( 4.3 0.9 0.9 ) 10 5 Br ( B K (1400 ) ) 1.5 10 1 5 Belle : New window for studying FCNC 7 Axial-vector mesons 3P 1 (1++) a1 a1 a10 , f 8 , f1 K1A K1B K10B K1A K10A K10A b1 b1 b10 , h8 , h1 K1B 1P 1 (1+-) K10B For JP=1+ light axial-vector mesons, two nonets have been observed: 3P1 nonet (S=1) I=0: f1(1285), f1(1420), I=1/2: K1A, I=1: a1(1260), 1P1 nonet (S=0) I=0: h1(1170), h1(1380), I=1/2: K1B , I=1: b1(1235) K1A, K1B→ K1(1270), K1(1400) 8 8 Mixing angles 3P 1 a1 ++ (1 ) a1 a10 , f 8 , f1 K1A K1B K10B K1A K10A K10A b1 b1 b10 , h8 , h1 K1B 1P 1 (1+-) K10B 3P1 states f1(1285) & f1(1420) have mixing [so are 1P1 states h1(1170) & h1(1380) ] magnitude of sign of 3P1 & 1P1 depend on the K1A-K1B mixing angle 9 9 In SU(3) limit, K1A & K1B do not get mixed. However, they have admixture due to strange and light quark mass difference PDG ⇒ |K| 45o Strong decays K1(1270), K1(1400)→ K,K* and their masses ⇒ K= 33,57 → K1(1270),K1(1400)⇒ K= ±37, ± 58 HYC,’03) (Suzuki,’93) From Br ( B K1 (1270 ) ) ( 4.3 0.9 0.9 ) 10 5 Br ( B K (1400 ) ) 1.5 10 1 5 Br ( K1 (1270 ) ) ( 4.7 1.1) 10 5 Belle ALEPH ⇒ K= -(34± 13), H. Hatanaka & KCY, Phys.Rev.D77:094023,2008 10 10 For axial-vector mesons: Decay constants 3P1( p, ) | q 5 q' | 0 if 3 P1m3 P1 * , 1P1( p, ) | q 5 q' | 0 f1P1 ( * p * p ) scale dependent QCDSR by KCY, ‘07 Form factors for B → A By light cone sum rules (KCY,PRD78:034018,2008) 11 11 dependence of differential dilepton mass spectrum → , Charmonium resonances : : : 34∘ 45∘ 57∘ → ℓℓ : : 12 The effects of charmonium resonances become large for 5GeV . In the low s region, s 2GeV , the differential decay 1400 with 57∘ is rate for → enhanced by about 80% compared with that with 34∘ , The rates for → variation of . 1270 is not so sensitive to 13 can be well determined by the ratio: 57∘ 45∘ 34 Insensitive to form factors and resonances 14 15 Solid curve Dashed curve , , Dot-dashed curve The ratio is less than 0.15 for 47∘ 21∘ 16 , → ℓℓdecay ℓ B ℓ → 1270 → 1400 → ∗ → → ℓℓ Forward-Backward Asymmetry ℓ B ℓ B ∗ Forward-Backward Asymmetry 0 90∘ 90∘ 180∘ with hard spectator correction Non-factorizable contribution, see Beneke, Feldmann & Seidel hep-ph/0106067 18 Forward-Backward Asymmetry (FBA) Zero of FBA: Form factor ̂ 0 (zero is insensitive to 19 FBA of → ∗ ℓℓ decay H. Hatanaka, KCY, Eur.Phys.J.C67:149-162,2010. 20 New Physics The sign of can be flipped in susy models with non-minimal flavor violation via gluino-down-squark loops In general flavor violating supersymmetric models the sign of can be flipped and is highly insensitive to the NP effect and thus is suitable for determining the value of , =1.0 (solid), 1.2 (dotted), 0.8 (dot-dashed) and −1.0 (dashed) where ≡ , 21 Ratio of differential widths as function of the dimuon invariant mass, s The blue and red curves correspond to 34◦ 57∘ =1.0 (solid), 1.2 (dotted), 0.8 (dot-dashed) and −1.0 (dashed) where ≡ , , is insensitive to variation of The ratio is increased (decreased) by about 100% (40%) at about s = 1.5 ◦ ◦ corresponding to when equals to −1 (sign flip) 22 Forward-Backward Asymmetry of Dash: flipped sign of → Double-dotted dash: sign flips for and Dash: flipped sign( ) long-short dash: sign flips for and Dash: flipped sign( ) 23 Conclusions the K1A-K1B mixing angle, determined can be more precisely It is accessible for new physics signals The mode is accessible in LHCb and future B-factories 謝謝 24 BACK UP For axial-vecotr mesons: Decay constants 3P1( p, ) | q 5 q' | 0 if 3 P1m3 P1 * , 1P1( p, ) | q 5 q' | 0 f1P1 ( * p * p ) scale dependent QCDSR by KCY, ‘07 Form factors for B → A By light cone sum rules (KCY,PRD78:034018,2008) 26 Light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) chiral-even chiral-odd twist-2: ∥, twist-3: g(v),g(a), h(t), h∥(p) related to twist-2 ones via WandzuraWilczek relations (neglecting 3-parton distributions) 27 1P 1 meson Due to G-parity, , h∥(t), h∥(p) are symmetric under u→1-u, while ∥,g(v), g(a) are antisymmetric with the replacement u→1-u in SU(3) limit Convention: 1.4 1 1.2 0.51 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4 ∥ 0.2 -0.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1 1 -1 3P 1 meson Due to G-parity, , h∥(t), h∥(p) are anti-symmetric under u→1-u, while ∥,g(v), g(a) are symmetric with the replacement u→1-u in SU(3) limit Convention: 28 Gegenbauer moments KCY, Nucl. Phys. B776, 187 (2007) 29