I ntrnat. J. Math. Mh. Sci. Vol. 5 No I(1982) 141-157 141 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES INVOLVING THE SUMS AND PRODUCTS OF FUNCTIONS KONG-MING CHONG Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur 22-11 MALAYSIA (Received April 2, 1975 and in revised form December II, 1980) In this paper, the notation ABSTRACT. < denote the Hardy-Littlewood-Polya and spectral order relations for measurable functions defined (X,A,) with (X) spectral inequalities. log[b + L 1([0, ment. (flg) +] a]), here and expressions of the form a, (fg)+] log[b + and LI(x,A,), f, g If I With the particular log[b + s t on a fnite measure space f- g and b fg Lburg spectral inequality fg are called proven at, for se (fg)+] enever log+[b respectively denote decreasing and case f ’, g + (where g lity. f, g LI(x,A,)), thus (fg)+] ncreas rearrange- 0 of this result, the Hardy-Littlewood-Polya- for 0 f, g LI(x,A,) is s consequence of the well-o but seingly uelated spectral inequality + giving new proof for e foyer (flg) + not necessarily non-negative (fg) f, g E f spectral inequa- + + to be a f + g reover, t rLittleod-Polya-L5urg spectral inequality is tended to give O, b also (fg) and (fg)- (fg)- (flg)LI,A,B). for , Y R D PS. Esle Hets, Spl Inelies, nve dete m, nc m, gle cpe or. 1980 TICS SCT CLSATION CODE. I. 26D20. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we prove some spectral inequalities involving the sums an prod ucts of measurable functions as well as their equimeasuraSle rearrangements, W,tk K.M. CHONG 142 these results, we extend some knownrearrangement inequalities of Day [2, Hardy-Littlewood-Plya Theorem 378, p. [4, Proposition i, ntz-Shimogaki 34] p. 278], [3, London [5, and Luxemburg [i, pp.941-943], Theorems i and Theorem 8.2, p. 2], Lore102]. Moreover, using our method of approach, we obtain in several cases more general conditions for equality than those given by either Day in 2. or London in [3]. (X) a. PRELIMINARIES. (X, A, ) Let X [I be a finite measure space with total measure .d is clear from the context, we often write function with either the positive or negative part integrable. the set of all extended real valued measurable functions on M(X,) and (written f g E M(X’ ), where ’(X’) for all real If If t. R / a, are said to be equimeasurable (X) g, it is not hard to see that f f (2.2) (g) f on the interval and f(s) s e [0,a]. decreasing function If f called the decreasing reagement [0, a], In fact, are equimeasurable. inf {t e R: f(x) > t})6 s} ({x (2.3) Observe that there also exists a unique right continuous non- -6_f, If called the increasing rearrangement of f, such that R by m. f. In what follows, we denote the Lebesgue measure on the real line It is easy to see that 1,2,3, t" f f n n=l whenever f + nn=l where f, f n f M(X,I.I), n The following theorem generalizes this fact. THEOREM 2.1 If f n e M(X,), where 61ira and f E f e M(X,B), it is well-known that there exists a unique right continuous non- f, such that for all Two functions is a Borel measurable function. R increasing function of we denote ’({x:g(x) > t}) f(x) > t}) (f) : X. M(X,) By for any g) whenever B({x whenever X for integration over Whenever n inf f n (t) 1,2,3, lim inf then 6f n (t) (2.4) SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS Slim for all t e [0,a]. 6f as Thus, if sup f f (t-) 6fn (t-) -a.e. as lira sup n converges to n f 143 (2.5) n / f n con- then 0% 6f. then Furthermore, if fn converges to f in measure fn also converges to 6f P in measure and fn converges to f in L if and only if f converges to 6f in LP, where 1 p < verges to n at every point of continuity of / . PROOF. ltuation (2.4) f n n--I/ f follows from the fact that whenever / f fn n--I in exactly the same way that Fatou’s Lemma is obtained from Lebesgue’s Monotone Conve- Next rgence Theorem. fact that 6_f(t) ((a- t) ,< Nw’ {6fn ence of sequence t E [0,a], n }’n--1 }; then I1 fni j fni f [0,a], when=e (2.5) in measure as n / is a subsequence of i=l which converges to f ’ in measure (cf. li--- 6f n follows. let {fn } fni and be any subsequ-. i=l hence contains a sub- -a.e., by Riesz’s Theorem. Then j=l fni also converges to and j--i f m-a. j--I so by Riesz’s Theorem again, we conclude that / and using the we immediately obtain InI cnverges t j--I j for t) ), t is a subsequence of fnij e. as f t)-) -6f((a l-m f n ((a- if {-f on applying (2 4) to the functions 6fn converges to f [6, (11.45), p.163]). The last assertion follows directly from the preceding paragraph and the fact that the operation of decreasing rearrangements preserves uniform integrability (see Section 2]). REMARK. The preservation of L convergence is also shown to be true in [7, K.M. CHONG 144 COROLLARY 3.5 below using a different method of proof. M(X’ M(X,) If f, g ’(X’) a < , then we write 0 and f " f and f.<’ + g E I L (X,) I L (X’ , (X) where whenever g fdm + dm [O,a] t g 0 (2.6) f- g and whenever g , By an argument given in [8, p.152], we infer that (2.6) is equivalent to requiring t) f t) + (2.7) Moreover, it can be shown (see [9, Proposition 10.2 (iii), p.62], t e R. for all I(g + for example) that II f ILo II II=o f whenever g L (X,)’L (X’,’). g where (2.8) In the sequel, expressions of the form g (respectively f f.<-< g) are called trong (respectively weak) spectral inequalities 3. SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES INVOLVING THE SUMS OF FUNCTIONS. In this section, we give simpler proofs for the spectral inequalities obtained by Lorentz-Shimogaki [4, Proposition I, p. 34] [i, p. 941] and we also extend and Day them to include not necessarily integrable functions defined on a finite measure space In what follows, if x (x I, x 2, x n) x and n) (Xl, x2, x’ (x I, x x easing and increasing rearrangement of x’) 2, x e Rn is any n-tuple, then we write where we have regarded function defined on a discrete measure space with LEMMA 3.1. a If (al, a2, , n E (a i + i--I PROOF. If I b) + n a n n Y. to denote respectively the decr- n (ai+ bi i=l R + n and n Y. (a i=l n and bi < bj, as a measurable atoms of equal measures. ’= (bl, b2, , ,+ + i b n) R n, then bi) Without loss of generality, we may assume that i < j x. a i --ai, then it is not hard to see that i I, 2, (ai+ b i) + n. + (a.+3 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS bj) + bj)++ (aj+ b i)+. (ai+ < 145 i, j Thus, for each pair of integers I such that i the middle sum of (3.1) is never decreased on interchan- < j n, whenever b ging b. and We therefore conclude that the left hand sum is the minimum possi- b.. i bj, value while the right hand sum is the maximum possible value attainable by the runs through all its rearrangements. middle sum as LEMMA 3.2. I f, g e L (X,) then If Ig)+dm (f+ 0 + (f + g) (6f 0 d X + + g (3.2) dm. We first note that it suffices to prove (3.2) for non-atomic measure spa- PROOF. [9, pp. 52-54] ces by imbedding (X,A,p) in a non-atomic measure space; we refer to or [5] for this method. (X,A,) Thus, we assume that is non-atomic. To prove (3.2), we need only prove the right hand inequality, the rest is similar. To this end, we first show that there exist sequences of simple functions and {gn i} such that both n rywhere but also in L preserving map For each n o:X / I. fn / f (X,A,p) Now since [0,a] suck that f I, 2, 3, o-l([ n g i, 2, 3, (i-l)a i__a ]) n n Theorem 2 n 6.2, p. 49]. let 2 I} n by 2n n For each n i, 2, 3, 2 n} i -I, 2, 3, )(A) IA f dll A i=l (Ei (n)) let A and let A, A E. i denote the o-algebra generated by then, by the martingale convergence theorem 56, p. 369], f d(,IAn n d(ll JAn) {E (n) o- algebra generated by denote the f I} not only pointwise almost eve- -a.e. [9, o o i 2 Define a sequence of functions {f / n n is non-atomic, there exists a measure f and for each E.(n) x _gn and {f -a.e. [6, nffii An" If Theorem 20. 146 as K.M. CHONG , n where the convergence takes place point-wise almost everywhere with the () where 9, p. 70], oo is B denotes the Borel o-algebra of [0,a] f n in L i} f 1 f n as n / . gn n since n I} / 0 of the fact that fn n / Theorem 5.1, p. 403], -I f n {gn / Ifnl i< Ignl Ign’l n / f’n But then oo. f’n fn and both / f and - gn o% and the convergence also takes place in f’nl -< fnl 403] since f --:> o there exist two sequences of simple functions pointwise almost everywhere as Theorem 5.1. p. [7, Aoo [9, Proposition I0. But, by and so, by If’In Ifnl’ pointwise almost everywhere as [7, measurable and having the same sets of constancy and with these sets having equal measure such that gn gn Aoo- Similarly, there exists a sequence of simple functions I + g pointwise almost everywhere and also in L as n {g and f I, 2, 3, [I, Lemma 5.5, p. 938] i} n f for such that Now, by {f’n -a.e. f limit function being J fl and g => Ifl and gn. gn’)+ d I (f, g nl -< Ignl g nl < Igl gl and + L g I by by virtue [9, (see 0 Theorem I0.I0, p. 71]). Hence, by Lemma 3.1, we have IX (f’ + n a 0 + g n )+ dm where the result follows by taking limits. THEOREM 3.3. If LI(x,), f, g 6f PROOF. On substituting + Ig / f- t f then +g< f for f +6 (3.3) g in (3.2), we see that the result follows immediately from Lemma 3.2, by virtue of (2.7). REMARK. and [5, The spectral inequality Theorem i0.i, p. 108]) f + g -< 6f + 6 and it can be used is well-known (see g [7, Theorem 2.2, p. [9, p. 88 397] for giving a simple proof of a result concerning the uniform integrability of functions. On the other hand, the spectral inequality p. 941]. f + ig- f + g is obtained by Day in [i, In either case, our present method of approach is simpler. SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS COROLLARY 3.4. If f, g g LI(x,), 6 6f PROOF. Since stituting -g g for COROLLARY 3.5. i], m) -6_g, Ig f g 147 then g (3.4) f the result follows immediately from Theorem 3.3 on sub- (3.3). in [4, Proposition I, p. 34]). (Lorentz-Shimogaki LI([o, f, g If are positive, then This is an immediate consequence of the preceding corollary and a theorem PROOF. of Luxemburg REMARK. [5, Theorem 9.5, The notation f -< p. 107]. g used by Lorentz and Shimogaki in [4] means in our present context. Suppose COROLLARY 3.6. to a function f L (X,) f as n g L (X,), n I, 2, n / oo, then f n also If f n converges in converges in L f to L as n / oo. Using Corollary 3.4, we have, for each PROOF. f "<.- II f n ..llf f[loo by (2 8) and so f[Ioo n f n f fn- I, 2, 3, whence the result follows. The following simple theorem is useful especially for generalizing certain rearrangement inequalities (by removing restrictions that certain functions must be non- negative) and certain spectral inequalities (by removing restrictions that certain functions must be integrable). THEOREM 3 7 n)+-n satisfies ffndn__+0 If ntly In general, if dta + f dla If f ]fn LI(x,) if] then the sequence for all {f n f defined by n=O n and decreases to g I L (X,), then, as f as n oo. n (f + Conseque- d. f M(X,V) with f+ n + oo, f n + f and f n R. n 0 PROOF. The result follows immediately from Lebesgue’s Dominated Convergence Theo- K.M. CHONG 148 rem. and Levi’s Monotone Convergence Theorem. The following theorem extends Theorem 3.3 to include measurable functions which are not necessarily integrable. THEOREM 3 8 Suppose f, g f f+ or, equivalently, if + (f + n) lg n (lg lg n f n n, + n) + gn Theorem 3.7. gn + (g + n) g f n, - f + But, as Hence f + g, + Ig Suppose g I + e L (X,), then g (3.6) "f Ig" (3.7) f + g, Ig where by Theorem 3.3. f + the rest is similar. 0, i, 2, n fn’ gn e LI(x’) Clearly, n. COROLLARY 3.9. n, + <f g I If suffices to prove + f + g Ig f+ If L (X,), then g e f PROOF. M(X,) g n + oo, fn + f n (f Then for O, 1, 2, n f ig n + Let Ig, fn + n) and so fn + gn n, f n+ f + g by [I0 Corollary i.II]. by f fl’ f2’ g M(X,) f.+ If L I (X,), i g i, 2, then fl + f2 PROOF. + fn f i + 6f 2 + + + fn (3.8) The result follows from Theorem 3.8 by induction. As a direct consequence of Theorem 3.8 above, the following theorem proves some basic spectral inequalities which can be used to give simple proofs for some known spectral inequalities involving the products of functions. THEOREM 3.10. LI(x,) f, g If are either both non-negative or both non-posi- tive, then log In general, if If f, g f fl’ f2’ log PROOF. f Ig< g LI(x,) LI(x,) g n flf2 log log fg f n - log (3.9) fg. are all non-negative, then 6f I f 2 (3.10) fn are both non-negative, then the result follows immedi- ately from Theorem 3.8 on replacing f, g respectively by log f, log g and on using 149 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS log the fact that log + log+g f + log g log I(x,). LI(x,) f, g g and (log f + log g) + ,< fg)+ (log f + g g L The case that both ing the previous case to 4. f, log f SOME SPECTRAL -g, and using and -f are non-positive follows immediately by apply- [9, INEQUALITIES INVOLVING THE PRODUCTS Theorem 4.6, p. 33]. OF FUNCTIONS The following theorem extends some spectral inequalities obtained by Luxemburg Theorem 10.4] (cf. [9, p. 88]) and Day [5, Theorem 8.2, p. Theorem 378, p. 278] of to include not necessarily non- Using this extension, we can easily derive Luxemburg’s negative integrable functions. generalization [i, p. 942] [5, 102] of a theorem of Hardy-Littlewood-Polya [2, Furthermore, our method enables us to give a further extension Hardy-Littlewood-Plya-Luxemburg’s Theorem using increasing functions of mixed con- vex-concave type (see Theorem 4.2 below). Suppose THEOREM 4 1 (flg)- Ll([0,a], f m)), g g L I(X,). (f)+ g g L 1 ([0 a] m) (respectively then . (flg)+’i (respectively If (fg) (fg) (fg)+<-Q (fg) + (flg)) (4.1) and the strong spectral inequalities (fg)+’ (fg) + (respectively (fg)- (fg)--i (flg)-) hold + (fg)- (flg)-)(respectively (f)(flg) (fg)+ (f)+ g g (flg)+ if Furthermore, [(fg) [(flg)+] <’ [(fg)+] < <’< [(flg) +[(fg)+] ]) Ll([0,a], [(f g )+] for all increasing convex functions m) (respectively +[(flg) tion, is strictly convex and increasing such that pectively [(flg) [(fg)+] and only if PROOF. (respectively L 1 ([0,a], m)), e L 1 : R + if and only [(fg)-] < R ([0,a], m)). such that If, in addi- Ll([0,a], [(fg)+] then the strong spectral inequalities m) (res- [(flg) -<.[(fg)+] (respectively [(fg)-] [(fg)-] [(flg)-]) hold (flg)+ (fg)+ (fg)+ (respectively (fg)- (fg)- (flg)-)We first prove the theorem for the case that case, (3.9) holds. f 0 and g O. + if In this 150 K.M. CHONG Assume LI(x,). fg e Since the exponential function [I0, Theorem 3.3] Again, if log(l + et), R, t e fg ,’ The spectral inequality then log(l + fg) e LI(x, ll), (3.9), to the left spectral inequality of 6flg’< fg. fg e LI(x,), (log fg), i.e., fg e exp(log fg) ng and strictly) convex and since LI(x,) R R exp + is (increasi- we have, on applying 6f6g 6flg)../’ exp (log exp is proved analogously. t+ and, since the function is increasing and convex, by Theorem 3.10 and [I0, Theorem 3.3], 6flg)"<’< log(l + fg). Thus, by [I0, Corollary 2.4], the strong spectral inequality 6flg-< fg or, equivalently, I + 6flg< i + fg, i.e., exp(log(l + 6flg)) exp(log(l + fg)), holds if and only if exp(log(l + 6flg)) exp(log(l + fg)), 1 + fg or, equivalently, 6flg fg. Similarly, if 6fg e Ll([0,a i.e., i + 6flg m), then fg 6fg and fg 6fg are equivalent. By [i0, Theorem 3.3], it is clear that (6flg) ’< (fg) (respectively (fg) I + (6f6g)) for all non-decreasing convex functions : R R such that + (fg) L (X,) (respectively +(f6g) e Ll([0,a], m)). The last assertion is an immediate we have log(l + / [i0, Theorem 3.3] and the foregoing result. consequence of To prove the theorem in general, we need only establish the spectral inequality (flg )+<-< (fg)+ and the corresponding assertions concerning the strong spectral in- equality (flg)+ (6fl g)+ f+ f+g+ + f g g + (fg) + f +, the rest is analogous. 6 (since g f+ and If f and .+ f (fg) + f where the summands on the right in each expression have disjoint supports Now by what we have proved, easily from (2.7) that (6flg)+’< 6f To this end, we first note that (fg) + 6f+ (6flg) g + + f+g+ f + 6f+ 6f+ +’< f+g+ f+ g if and only if + f g f g + f+g+ g _’< 6 and g f+ (fg) and that But, by the re- f g f g _<’ f-g- 6 and f g + g f+g+ + and f It then follows f g g -< f+g+ + f g suit established in the preceding paragraph, respectively equivalent to _< 6 and g are 151 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS 8 + Thus, using (2.7) again, we conclude that g f ad f+ only if + f g (flg) or g f g f In theorem 4.1, the spectral inequality REMARK. LI(x,)) g f+g+ + + fg + (fg) J’J if f g and + fg + (where 0 f, g g is shown to be a consequence of the well-known but seemingly unrelated spec- -< f f + g tral inequality g + (where f, g g I L (X,)), thus giving new proof for the former spectral inequality. THEOREM 4.2. g f, g If M(X,), then I(f Ig) I dm :R (-0% 0] on I a 0 (fl g )dm Ll([0,a], m)), then if and only if (fg)d I (fg)d X fg fg X g (fg) e L ja0 ( fg )dm R + and (0) 0, it is easy to see that l([0,a], (fg)+ L Ll([o,a] m) that the m) whenever implies function (flg)t I [0,), it is ([O,a], m), -(-t) fg)" +(f Since g + and :R/R + Since also easy to see that Similarly, by noting that is convex, (respectively +(fg) [(fg)+]. [(fg)+]g L l([0,a],m). L I ([O,a], m) flg (respectively is non-constant and that both is convex, non-negative and increasing on and and which is concave 0 are integrable, otherwise, there is nothing to prove (fg) LR+q g We may assume that PROOF R which vanishes at is strictly increasing such that (flg) (respectively R [0,=). and convex on in addition, If + (4.2) 0 X for all increasing functions I (fg)dm a .< (fg)d non-negative -(flg) (flg) e -[-(flg) and increasing [(6flg )+] < [(fg)+] [(6f g )+] a that which imply [(6flg) +] dm .< and-[_(6fg)-]..(-5[-(fg)-]-.,-5[-(flg)0 [(fg)+] dl : q[(fg) ]dm and 5[-(flg) dm .< [-(fg)-] dla : 5[-(f g 0 X 0 0 X in t g R + Thus, by Theorem 4 1 we have I dm, whence the required inequalities follow easily. To prove the final assertions concerning the case of equalities, let [ X(fg)dp 152 K.M. CHONG a (fg) 0 for some strictly increasing function dm [(fg)+] (fg)d Then, since potheses. [-(f g )-]dm 0 fg)-] d d + (fg) [(fg)+] dm, and 0 + 0 [(fg)+] dm d X )+]dm [( X X X satisfying the given hy- [-(fg) and a d .< 0 [-(fg)-] dm, [(fg)+] case if and only if (fg)+~ (fg) + and only if fg, fg we have equalities in the last two inequalities; this is the [(fg)+] and (fg)- -[-(fg)-], -[-(fg)-] and (fg)-, i.e., if by Theorem 4.1 or, equivalently, a fact which is easily seen using (2.7). The rest follows analogously. REMARK. [5, orem (t) When Theorem 8.2, p. t, Theorem 4.2 gives 102] as Hardy-Littlewood-Plya-Luxemburg’s Moreover, our method an important particular case. shows that the condition imposed earlier by Luxemburg on the functions ifligl Ll([0,a], e., The- f g, i. and not necessary for the theorem to hold, though it is a m), is necessary and sufficient condition to ensure the integrability of both flg and f In our version of the theorem, we have, therefore, omitted this condition, provi- g ded the inequality is interpreted in its appropriate sense. A REARRANGEMENT THEOREM INVOLVING THE SUMS OF FUNCTIONS. 5. The following extension of Corollary 3.6 also contains the inequality of Hardy- Littlewood-Plya [2, Theorem 378, p. If f, g E 278] [5, and Luxemburg 102] Theorem 8.2, p. as a particular case. THEOREM 5.1. (f + g)’- LI(x,) f (f + g )) $(f + g) d g fa$(6f + 6 0 in addition, (respectively (f + g) then (f for all convex functions I e L ([0,a] (respectively $+ (6f + 6 g X If LI(x,), g dm m)) Ig)’, (f + : and I(X,)), - R then the strong (respectively such that +(f more generally, : for all convex functions is strictly convex such that L R + g) $(f + R 6g) / + g) E + R. I e L ([0,a], m) spectral inequality Ig)dm 153 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS (f + g) f + g #(f + 6f + 6g PROOF. g) (6f (respectively 6f (respectively + + -< ig (f + g)) f + g)- Ig [i0, Theorem 3.3]. This is an easy consequence of Theorem 3.8 and COROLLARY 5.2. L2n(x,p), f, g e If a (6f 0 + I Ig) 2ndm holds if and only if (f + g) is an integer, then n ) i where I 2nd X a (8 0 + f g) 2ndm. 6f There is equality on the left (respectively on the right) if and only if f + g PROOF. vex on (t) The result follows easily since the function t 2n is strictly con- R. COROLLARY 5 3 (Hardy-Littlewood-P61ya-Luxemburg) 2 f, g e L (X,), if and only if PROOF If 6f + I f, g e L (X,), then f6 g dm. J0 X If then equality on the left (respectively on the right) occurs L2(X,), I then Corollary 5.2 implies a (6f 0 Ig) + 6f + 6g). f + g f + g (respectively Ig f, g e fg d dm Ig If Ig + 6 ). g 6f f + g (respectively + 2 I dm (f + I (6f a g)2 d + 6 0 X 2 g dm which, after expansions, clearly simplify to give fa06flg Ixfg dm equalities’are where the conditions for Since 6f^t 6f A t, Ig ig^t d If as stated above. t, t e R ^ am g / the inequalities just proven can be easily extended to non-negative integrable functions f, g by approxitions. The result then follows from the approximation procedure given in Theorem 3.7. COROLLARY 5 4 tively fg PROOF. f6g) If f, g 2 L (X,) if and only if 6f where + Ig (X) f + g a < =, then (respectively 6flg f + g This is a direct consequence of Theorem 4.2 and Corollary 5.3. (respec- fg 6f + 6 ). g K oM. CHONG 154 REMARK. The spectral inequality tl p (t) ed by putting + g p If lf + p p g which is obtain- i, in Theorem 5.1, can be used for establishing the sub-addi- A(, p) [4] tivity property of the norm for the Lorentz space [9, p. 88]). (see Furthermore, Theorem 5.1 also contains the results obtained by Day in 6.6, pp. 942-943] and 6. [I, 6.4 as particular cases. AN EXTENSION OF A THEOREM OF LONDON. [3, In Theorem i and n-tuples and, in London proved two rearrangement inequalities involving [i, p. 943], [3, It turns out that rems. 2], Day obtained some continuous versions of these theois also a particular case of Theorem 4.1. Theorem 2] Theorem i]. [3, We shall now give a further generalization of In either theorem, we obtain conditions for equality for a wider class of convex functions than the one given in [I] or [3] for every strictly convex and increasing function is strictly increasing and convex but not necessarily conversely, e.g., the identity function on R is strictly increasing and convex but not strictly convex. THEOREM 6.1. t : Let ve R. If R + + {c R LI(x,) f, g e Let be either both non-positive or both non-negati- (e t) be a function such that [b + + (fg)r]r} e Ll([0,a], m) {c + [b + (flg)r]r} (e t) If, in addition, r > 0, b for some f.< {c + i (fg)r]r} < [b + [b {c + and t g R is strictly increasing and convex in such that I (fg)r]r} e e I(X,) (respectively {c + [b + (fg)r]r} L l([0,a], m)) b + c > O, then the left (respectively right) spectral inequality is strong if and only if PROOF. flg and fg (respectively This follows directly from with the convex function t (f6g)r]r} + i {c + [b + 0, 0, c I i then is convex and non-decreasing in I (e ) where fg [I0, and fg) Theorem 3.3, p. is the function are equimeasurable. 1338] t / and Theorem 3.10 log{c + (b + e rt r }, R, which is easily seen to be strictly convex and increasing. The following theorem is an extension of Theorem 3.10 for integrable functions which are not necessarily non-negative or non-positive. as a particular case, via [i0, Theorem 3.3, p. 1338]. It also contains Theorem 4.1 155 SPECTRAL INEQUALITIES OF FUNCTIONS THEOREM 6.2. l([0,a], + (6f6g)+] log+[b + (fg)+] e LI(x,)) (fg)+] -< log [b + (6flg) +] 4 log [b log [b + b > 0 If ely f, g e log+[b log [b + e L Suppose I(X,)), and e L if log [b + m) If (respectively for some b ) 0, (f6g)+] (respectively then (fg)+]). + (fg)+] e L I ([0,a], log [b + m) (respectively (fg)+] then -< log [b + (fg)+] log [b + (flg)+] "< log (flg) LI(x,). + PROOF. log [b + (6fg)+] (respectively [b + (fg)+]) if and only if (fg) + (6fg) + (respectiv- (fg)+)" For Theorem 4.1. b > 0, the result can be obtained from Theorem 3.10 and 6.1 as in The case that b 0 b > 0 then follows from the case that by approx- imations. COROLLARY 6.3. log log [b + + [b + (fg)-] e LI(x,)) (fg)-] ,-< log [b + (fg)-]-- b > 0 f, g e (flg)-] e Ll([0,a], log [b + If ly Suppose + and if log [b + log log [b + (fg)-] e L l(x,)), log [b + (fg)-] -< log log [b + (fg)-] (fg) PROOF. , [b + log [b + m) If (respectively for some b > 0, (flg)-] (respectively log [b + [b + LI (X, ). then (fg)-]). (flg)-] L 1 ([0,a], m) (respectively then (flg)-] (fg)-]) (respectively if and only if (fg)- (flg)- (respective- (fg)). This follows immediately from Theorem 6.2 on replacing g by -g. Using Theorem 6.2 and Corollary 6.3, we can give a further generalization of [6, Theorem l for integrable functions which are not necessarily non-positive or non- negative. This generalization turns out to be of the same form as Theorem 6.1 except K.M. CHONG 156 LI(x g g f that ) flg, are now any pair of integrable functions and that (6flg) +, can now be replaced respectively by either and 6f6g or (6f6g) 7 A CONCLUDING REMARK. (fg) (fg) + and fg (f6g) (6flg) and The particular case that 0 b in Theorem 6.2 deserves to be highlighted as a single theorem to be given below since it not only generalizes Theorem 3.10 but also gives rise to all the results obtained in Sections 4 and 6 via 1338] some O(t) with an appropriate convex function such as b 0 [i0, Theorem 3.3, p. log (b+e t) t ER, for in the case of Theorem 6.2. THEOREM 7.1. (respectively log I f, g e L (X,) If + log are such that + [(6fg)+] e L 1 ([0,a], m) I [(fg) +] L (X,)), then +- log(6f6g) log(flg) +-< log(fg) log(fg) + (respectively + where the spectral inequalities are strong if f and g are either both non-negative or both non-positive. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to the referee for his many helpful suggestions. 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