Addendum #1 Parking Garage And Recreational Field Project Number: 13-007 Item 1 – RFP - Page 4 Replace: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD UTILIZING DESIGN / BUILD SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER BAKER RESIDENCE HALL RENOVATIONS With: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD UTILIZING DESIGN / BUILD SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO COLORADO SPRINGS PARKING GARAGE AND RECREATIONAL FIELD Item 2 – RFP I.C.7 Change: “fixed limit of construction…” to “fixed limit of design and construction…” Item 3 – RFP II.A.1 Change: Oral Interviews to “Week of 10/29/12” Change: Selection Announced to “Week of 11/5/12” Item 3 – RFP II.B.3 Answers will be made available by 9/18/12; 5:00 pm Item 4 – RFP III.C.13 Change: “CU Boulder” to “UCCS” Item 5 – RFP III.C.17 Add to the end of the paragraph: “The D/B Entity will be required to provide required information on designated forms for sales and use tax refunds.” Item 6 – RFP IV.A.3 Second sentence – Change: “University of Colorado at Boulder” to “UCCS” Item 7 – RFP IV.B Delete: “Oral interviews are to be done in a two-step process:” Item 8 – RFP IV.B Change: “Step-One Interview” to “Interview” Addendum #1 – Parking Garage & Recreational Field September 19, 2012 Item 9 – RFP IV.B.3.a Change: “The University of Colorado Boulder” to “UCCS” Item 10 – RFP IV.B.3.d Change: “April 26, 2011” to “September 2012” Item 11 – RFP IV.B.5 Delete the following: Following the first set of interviews, the university will provide clarifications on minimum staffing expectations for design and construction management. The university will also provide a specific group of issues germane to the project that will be the basis of discussion for the second interview session. Step-Two Interview – Problem Solving, Team Dynamics and Submittal of Cost Proposal: This second interview session is intended to be more of an interactive workshop format. Critical to the integrated project approach is how team members work together, listen to multiple parties and provide feedback to resolve issues. The specific group of issues to be outlined following the first interview is intended as a basis of discussion see how teams function to solve problems, involve the various team members including those representing the owner. Cost proposals will be due at the end of this second interview. Item 12 – RFP IV.B.5 Add: “Cost proposal will be due at the end of the interview.” Item 13 – RFP V.D Change: “CU Boulder” to “UCCS” Item 14 – Answers to Submitted Questions Question Does this bid include sports/athletic lighting? Answer Yes Question Can the Design Process commence immediately after the selection announcement per the RFP schedule in lieu of the December date in the Technical Requirements? Answer Yes, preliminary design work can start immediately after the selection is announced. However, we will need to have the Certificate of Insurance on file in the amounts required and with the following as the named insured: “The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate, acting by and through the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.” Question During the pre-proposal I believe it was stated that there are no MBE/WBE requirements or goals for this project. Please confirm that this is correct and that Section IV.A.1.d, p 14 of the RFP is not applicable which states the following: “Provide a description of D/B services which are anticipated to be subcontracted for, including MBE/WBE D/B sub(s) qualifications, if applicable, and indicate how coordination of subcontracted services will be accomplished.” 2 of 3 Addendum #1 – Parking Garage & Recreational Field September 19, 2012 Answer While an official MBE/WBE form does not need to be provided, the University is still interested in MBE/WBE participation for documentation purposes. Providing a list is not a requirement and “if applicable” can be provided. Question Have there been any changes to the schedule listed in the RFP for this project, such as pushing the date for the interview back to the week of Oct. 29, 2012? Answer See Item 3 above. Question Will this project follow the City of Colorado Springs zoning code? That code requires 9x18 stalls with 24’ access aisles and allows up to 40% compact spaces, while not restricting column encroachment into the stalls. Or is a different code being used to determine stall and access aisle size? If so, please advise on which code and specific parking requirements. Answer The University is not required to follow City of Colorado Springs zoning code. Stall size and percentage of compact spaces shall be per the Technical Requirements provided for this project. Question Could you elaborate on what is meant by the athletic field being “buffed on all sides by a 30’ to 40’ clearance,” mentioned in the second paragraph on page 4, item I.A? Can you explain how this has an impact on the building footprint, in terms of the minimum for the field and the relationship of other elements (elevator, etc.)? Answer Our feasibility study allowed for a 30’ clearance along the sides of the football field and 40’ clearance at each end of the field. The Technical Requirement I.j.i say, “The design shall include 300’ (includes end-zones) x120’ football field and 30’ on each side of the field and 40’ off of each end of the field for a total surface of 380’ x 180’. [NOTE: This is not a full length football field in order to create a structural module of 380’ x 180’, which ideally fits a parking structure. However, through design discussions we may lengthen the football field to full length and shorten the end overruns to 10’. This would mostly be a matter of stripping and would not fundamentally change the structural layout.] Artificial turf area shall also include a warm-up area of approximately 150’ x 60’. [Note: Our feasibility study, depending upon final layout, should allow for additional area outside the 380’ x 180’ area for warm-up, seating, etc.] Total artificial turf area shall be approximately 77,400 sf. Elevators, stairs, restrooms, storage may intrude into some of this surface area but should be placed in way that it does not diminish the use of the football field and safety zones around it. 3 of 3