UCCS Construction Documents University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 SECTION 27 00 30 BIDDING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section provides requirements for bidding, including a format and definitions for the presentation of pricing for the base bid, and where applicable, alternate bid(s) and unit pricing. The contents of this Section are intended to establish pricing breakdowns which are useful to the Owner and the Engineer for evaluating bid responses. 1.02 BASIS OF BID A. The Contractor shall perform all required work to provide a fully functioning and operational system ready for the Owners use by March 31, 2012. On#Site work will be performed on or after March 1, 2012. 1. 2. It is anticipated that rooms will be in use during the project and the contractor will have to work closely with the owner to schedule rooms to be taken out of service. Due date unobtainable: If the defined work defined herein cannot be completed upon or before this date, the Contractor shall provide the following: i. ii. B. The Contractor shall determine all existing conditions affecting the work, the type of construction to be used, and the nature and extent of work provided by other trades. Failure to do so shall be construed as willingness to provide complete and fully operational system(s) within the amount bid by the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of five (5) days prior to the bid date in the event of any of the following circumstances: 1. 2. BIDDING Explanation: An explanation describing the inability to complete work on this date, i.e. equipment lead times, staffing limitations, etc. Projected due date: The Contractor shall provide a due date in which work can be completed. Required items or details have been omitted from the Construction Documents Discrepancies or conflicts between the requirements of the Drawings and the Specifications, between the Governing Requirements and the Construction Documents, and between the various Governing Requirements. D. Where omissions, discrepancies, or conflicts are not brought to the attention of the Engineer, it shall be assumed that the most stringent requirement(s) constitute the basis for the Contractor’s bid, and as such shall be construed as willingness by the Contractor to provide complete and fully operational system(s) within the amount bid. E. Fees for necessary or required licenses, permits, and inspections shall be included in the bid amount. F. Bids shall be based on products, materials and methods of construction as specified. Bids based upon substitution of product and materials, as well as deviations from the methods of construction specified, shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor and as such are subject to rejection without consideration at the time of submittal review – should the Contractor be awarded the contract. G. If the bidder proposes to sub#contract portions of the work, sub#contractors shall be identified and their Statement of Qualifications (per Division 27 Specification Section Contractor Qualifications) submitted as part of the Bidder’s bid submission. 27 00 30 # 1 UCCS Construction Documents 1. H. University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 The Contractor is responsible for any and all work performed by a sub#contractor, and shall provide direct and continuous supervision of the sub#contracted work. Furthermore, this clause applies to any work provided by the Manufacturer(s) for equipment installation at the Contractor’s request. By submitting a Bid, the Contractor agrees: 1. 2. 3. 4. To honor the Contractor’s Bid for 90 days subsequent to the date that bids are opened. To enter into and execute a Contract, if awarded, and to furnish all bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents. To accomplish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. To complete the Work within the schedule stipulated by the Contract. 1.03 BID FORMAT A. The Bid shall contain the following mandatory documentation. Bids submitted without this documentation (in whole or in part) may be rejected without review. The documentation shall be provided in addition to any forms/documents required by the General Provisions of the Contract and/or the contracting authority. 1. 2. 3. 4. Statement of Qualifications: Provide per Division 27 Specification Section Contractor Qualifications and/or its sub#sections. Bid Form: A bid form summarizing the Contractor’s bid in the Contractor’s standard format. Bid Supplement: Complete the Bid Supplement attached to the end of this Section. Additional Information: i. ii. Subcontractor Identification: Identify sub#contractors and their responsibilities. Submit their Statement of Qualifications per Division 27 Specification Section Contractor Qualifications and its sub#sections. Bill of Materials (BOM): The BOM shall include each item individually priced, and shall reflect any and all required modifications, accessories, and labor for the item. Each item listed shall be complete with the following information: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) iii. iv. Description Part number (if applicable) Quantity included in bid Material cost (including all required modifications, accessories and incidental materials) Labor cost to install (if applicable) Total installed price Bid Bond: Provide documentation/certificate verifying same Performance Bond: Provide documentation/certificate verifying same 1.04 BID SUBMITTAL A. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed outer envelope, which in turn will contain two sealed inner envelopes: 1. The outer envelope shall bear the following information: i. ii. iii. iv. BIDDING Project Name Project Number Name and Address of Bidder Bid Due Date and Time 27 00 30 # 2 UCCS Construction Documents 2. University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 The Bid shall consist of two sealed inner envelopes, each bearing the name of the bidder and the name of the information to be contained within envelope, as follows: i. Statement of Qualifications: The first sealed envelope shall contain ONLY the bidder’s SOQ. 1) Bid Form, Bid Supplement, and Additional Information: The second sealed enveloped shall contain the Contractor’s Bid and any Additional Information as called for below. 1.05 ALTERNATE PRICING A. An Alternate is an amount proposed by the Contractor and stated on the Bid Form for certain work defined in the Construction Documents that may be added to or deducted from the Base Bid amount. 1. 2. B. The cost or credit for an alternate is the net addition to or deduction from the Base Bid to incorporate the alternate into the work. Alternate pricing shall include all costs of related coordination, modification, or adjustment of the work to accommodate and completely integrate the Alternate into the project, and shall include all necessary materials, labor, delivery, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, markups and profit. Provide alternate pricing for the addition/deduction of the work specified below. 1. Audiovisual: 1) ADD Alternate #1: – 116A/116B and 303A/303B: Provide a fully operational Bi#divisible AV system for this space. 1.06 UNIT PRICING A. Unit pricing is a price per unit of measurement for materials, equipment and labor added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification. Unit pricing is to be provided for common items which may be added or deleted during the course of construction. 1. 2. 3. B. It is the intent that components added by unit price during construction shall result in complete and operable components ready for the Owner’s use. It is further the intent that components deducted by unit pricing shall not adversely impact the remaining or adjacent work. Unit prices shall include all costs of related coordination, modification, or adjustment of the Work to accommodate and completely integrate the component into the project, and shall include, but shall not be limited to, all necessary materials, labor, programming, incidentals, delivery, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, markups and profit. Unit pricing shall remain in effect until Final Acceptance. Provide unit prices for the addition/deduction of the items specified below. 1. Audiovisual: i. ii. iii. BIDDING 70” display and wall mount bracket installed. W2A interface plate and cable installed. Wall mount rack installed. 27 00 30 # 3 UCCS Construction Documents 2. University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 Electrical i. ii. iii. 20 amp duplex outlet installed. 20 amp circuit breaker installed. 1” conduit and back box stubbed to accessible ceiling. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 THIS SECTION NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 THIS SECTION NOT USED BIDDING 27 00 30 # 4 UCCS Construction Documents University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 BID SUPPLEMENT DIVISION 27 COMMUNICATIONS BASE BID Project Information PR OJEC T N U M B ER Communications Cabling Manufacturer PR O PO SED (PROVIDE ONLY IF BIDDING COM M UNICATIONS CABLING) PR O JEC T N A M E 11 001 UCCS UNIVERSITY CENTER AV INTEGRATION Contractor Information C O M PA N Y N A M E C O N T A C T PER SO N / T I T LE A D D R ESS CIT Y ST A T E FAX EM A I L Base Bid Breakdown (before applic able taxes) Addenda Received Enter a bid amount for each system listed below * if not bidding on a given system, check the "No Bid" box for that system Acknowledge each Addenda Received # PHO N E D A T E R EC EI V ED N O B ID SY ST EM M A N HO U R S LA B O R M A T ER I A LS T OT AL Audiovisual $ $ $ Electrical $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Statement of Qualifications $ $ $ Bill of Materials $ $ $ Bid Bond $ $ $ Performance Bond $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Required Attachments A T T A C HED D O C U M EN T SU B T O T A LS $ Signature B ON D ING (if applic able) $ The undersigned, having carefully examined the Contract Documents, and being familiar with all conditions affecting the Work including but not limited to the availability of materials and labor, and furthermore being fully authorized to act on behalf of the bidder, agrees to furnish all labor and materials required for the construction of the Work in accordance with the accompanying Contract Documents, and further agrees that the information provided on all pages of this Bid Supplement is correct and will be honored by the Contractor, and as such is incorporated into and made part of the Contractor's Bid. B ID T OTA L $ SI G N A T U R E PR I N T ED N A M E PR I N T ED T I T LE D ATE Page 1of 3 BID SUPPLEMENT DIVISION 27 COMMUNICATIONS ALTERNATES Alternates The Base Bid may be increased or decreased by the following Alternates. If bidding more than one system, the Add/Deduct amounts for a given Alternate line item shall represent the sum total for all systems that are applicable to that line item. The Alternates listed may not be applicable to all systems. Alternates applicable to a given system will be indicated by a bullet (●) in the 'Applies to this System' column. Provide all Alternate pricing required for each system being bid. Refer to the 'Bidding' section of the Specifications for a more detailed description of these Alternates. ALTERNATES 1) ADD Alternate #1: – 116A/116B and 303A/303B AP P LIES TO THIS S Y S TEM ● ADD $ DEDUCT $ Page 2 of 3 BIDDING 27 00 30 # 5 UCCS Construction Documents University Center AV Integration February 8, 2012 BID SUPPLEMENT DIVISION 27 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT PRICING Unit Pricing The Base Bid may be increased or decreased by the following Unit Prices. If bidding more than one system, the Add/Deduct amounts for a given Unit Price line item shall represent the sum total for all systems that are applicable to that line item. The Unit Prices listed may not be applicable to all systems. Unit Prices applicable to a given system will be indicated by a bullet (●) in the 'Applies to this System' column. Provide all Unit Prices required for each system being bid. Refer to the 'Bidding' section of the Specifications for a more detailed description of these Unit Prices. UNIT P RICING AP P LIES TO THIS S Y S TEM 70" display and wall mount bracket installed. ● W2A interface plate and cable installed. ● Wall mounted rack installed. ● 20 amp duplex outlet installed. ● 20 amp circuit breaker installed. ● 1" conduit and back box stubbed to accessible ceiling. ● ADD DEDUCT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 3 of 3 END OF SECTION BIDDING 27 00 30 # 6