seek your Offered online! Dream Master of Arts in History The School of Behavioral & Social Sciences Degree Requirements n Choose from the following courses to complete 27 hours (9 courses): The Master of Arts in History degree will equip r The Intertestamental Period (HIST/RLGN 5306) students to pursue a doctorate in history; to teach at r Church History (HIST/RLGN 5307) the public school or college level; or to engage in his- r Studies in U.S. Colonial and Revolutionary History toric preservation, public history, records management, or other related careers. (HIST 5310) r Studies in Nineteenth Century America (HIST 5311) u Flexibility of the Program The MA in History can be earned completely online through the Virtual Campus. All options are on the r Baptist History (HIST/RLGN 5330) r Studies in the History of Science and Technology (HIST 5331) quarterly system with four 11-week terms per year r Studies in Environmental History (HIST 5332) offered. r Studies in Regional History (HIST 5333) Students can choose from a variety of courses for the bulk of the program, and specific seminar topics may vary each time the course is offered. Students may also take some history courses within the School r Seminar on Ancient Near Eastern Backgrounds to the Old Testament (HIST/RLGN 5337) r Studies in Ethnic and Gender History (HIST 5340) of Religion and Philosophy (listed here) to fulfill r Studies in the History of Warfare (HIST 5341) requirements. r Studies in British History (HIST 5342) r Studies in Medieval European History u Leveling Requirements Applicants are required to have six hours of undergraduate history courses to begin the program. For those opting to include the biblical history courses, the Old Testament and New Testament history classes are also required for leveling. (HIST 5345) r Studies in Early Modern European History (HIST 5346) r Studies in Modern European History (HIST 5437) r Studies in the Twentieth Century (HIST 5348) n Required Courses (4 hours): Choose from the two following tracks to com- r Historical Methods (HIST 5301) - should be taken plete the degree (6 hours): as early in the program as possible r Comprehensive Exam (HIST 5100) - taken in the last semester of the program n Thesis (HIST 5660) n Non-Thesis: Choose two additional courses from above list Altus Campus 510 N. 6th St., Bldg. 87 Rm. 231, Altus AFB, OK 73523 w 580.481.5243 w Truman Education Center, 3281 Koehler Loop, Ft. Sill, OK 73503 w (580) 248-1171 w 400 Young Rd., Bldg 200, Suite 209A, Vance AFB, OK 73705 w 580.213.6452 w