RAPHAEL SASSOWER CURRICULUM VITA Degrees: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Boston University, 1985 M.A. in Philosophy, Boston University, 1983 B.A. in Economics and Philosophy, Lake Forest College, 1980 Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Experience: (1994-present); Associate Professor (1990-4); Assistant Professor (1986-1990) Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Boston (1982-6) Administrative Chair, Department of Philosophy, UCCS (January – June 2011; July 2005 Experience: June 2007; January – July 1999; January 1991 - July 1997) Director, Center for Legal Studies and the Minor in Pre-Law, UCCS (2008- 9; Fall 2010; 2014present) Director, Center for the Arts & Humanities, UCCS (1991-4), including the Music Program since Fall 1992 and the Theater Program since Fall 1993. Founded the Center for Women's Studies (1992) as part of the Center (made it an independent Center in 1993). Responsible for the administration of Core Humanities (undergraduate) courses and course development with five departments, organized faculty workshops, established annual lecture series, coordinated public forums, and raised funds Associate Director, Center for the Arts & Humanities, UCCS (1990-1) Areas of Prime Cultural Critique of Technoscience, including the Sociology of Interest: Knowledge, Postmodernism, the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Economics, Medicine, and Psychology), and other areas, such as Aesthetics and Education. PUBLICATIONS: Books: 18. The Price of Public Intellectuals. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 17. Religion and Sports in American Culture (with Jeff Scholes). London and New York: Routledge, 2014. 16. Digital Exposure: Postmodern Postcapitalism. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 15. Solo: Postmodern Explorations. Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2011. 14. War Images: Fabricating Reality (with Louis Cicotello). Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. 13. Postcapitalism: Moving Beyond Ideology in Economic Crises. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2009. 1 12. Ethical Choices in Contemporary Medicine (with Mary Ann Cutter), London: Acumen Publishers and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 11. Popper’s Legacy: Rethinking Politics, Economics, and Science, London: Acumen Publishers and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006. 10. Political Blind Spots: Reading the Ideology of Images (with Louis Cicotello), Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. 9. Confronting Disaster: An Existential Approach to Technoscience. Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. 8. A Sanctuary of Their Own: Intellectual Refugees in the Academy. Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. 7. The Golden Avant-Garde: Idolatry, Commercialism, and Art (with Louis Cicotello). Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 2000. 6. Technoscientific Angst: Ethics and Responsibility. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. 5. Cultural Collisions: Postmodern Technoscience. New York: Routledge, 1995. 4. Knowledge without Expertise: On the Status of Scientists. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1993. [Chosen as one of the Outstanding Books of 1993 by Choice.] 3. Prescriptions: The Dissemination of Medical Authority (edited with Gayle L. Ormiston). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990. 2. Narrative Experiments: The Discursive Authority of Science and Technology (with Gayle L. Ormiston). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989. 1. Philosophy of Economics: A Critique of Demarcation. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1985. Revised PhD Dissertation: "What Gives Economics Scientific Status? Methodological Transformation in Political Economy and its Pragmatic Consequences." Works in Progress: Has Science Sold Out? under review Selective Capitalism (with Joseph Agassi); under review “Money, Power, and Religion” (with Jeff Scholes); under review Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters: 66. “Religion and Science from a Postsecular Perspective” (with Jeff Scholes), Journal of Religion and Culture (forthcoming). 2 65. “Beyond Lamentations: Comments on Justin Cruickshank’s Public Intellectuals, Education and the Need for Dissatisfaction.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 3, no. 7 (2014): 50-54. 64. “Problem-Solving Critical Contingencies: Popper and Rorty According to Cruickshank,” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 3, no. 6 (2014): 30-32. 63. “The Price of Public Intellectuals,” Impact of Social Sciences Blog, London School of Economics, April 2014. 62. “A Bridge over Turbulent Waters: A Reply to Justin Cruickshank on Comparing Popper and Rorty,” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 3, no. 3 (2014): 57-59. 61. “Systems Heuristics and Digital Culture,” with Nimrod Bar-Am, in Traditions of Systems Theory: Major Figures and Developments, edited by Darrell Arnold and Robert King. New York: Routledge, 2014. 60. “Upstream, Anyone?: A Critical Reply to J. J. Fellows’ “Downstream of the Experts,” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 2, no. 8 (2013): 139-142. 59. “Virtual Reality and Mediated Immersion,” Humanities and Technology Review Volume 31, Fall 2012, pp. 1-24. 58. “Louis Cicotello: An Intellectual Artist,” in Louis Cicotello: A Retrospective, UCCS, 2012, pp. 30-35. 57. “East Meets West: Beyond the Reach of the Law,” The Image of the Outlaw in Literature, Media, and Society, Will Wright and Steven Kaplan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, 2011, pp. 360-363. 56. “Technoscience and Society,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Sage. 2012, pp. 1-2. 55. “Heroism as a Struggle Between Reason and Desire,” The Image of the Hero II, Will Wright and Steven Kaplan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, 2010, pp. 87-92. 54. “Is Homo Economicus Extinct?,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol 40:4, 603-615, 2009. 53. “Reconstructing Epistemology,” (review Essay of Barbara Herrnstein Smith’s Scandalous Knowledge: Science, Truth and the Human, 2005), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 37:2, 242-247, 2007. 52. “Postmodern Aesthetics: Manipulating War Images,” in Tensions and Convergences: Technological and Aesthetical Transformation of Society, Marcus Stippak (Ed.), German Transcript Verlag, pp. 351-361, 2006. 3 51. “Science and Culture,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 35:4, 499-508, December 2005. 50. “Can Popper’s Ideas Enlighten Postmodern Technoscience?,” Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, Edited by Ian Jarvie, Karl Milford, and David Miller. London: Ashgate, 2005, Ch. 17. 49. “The Perpetual Ambivalence of Intellectuals: A Comment on Steve Fuller,” History of the Human Sciences, Vol. 17:4, 109-113, 2004. 48. “Joseph Agassi: A Life in Letters,” Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 2004. 47. “Medicine as Cultural Technoscience,” in Mary Ann Cutter (ed.) Philosophy of Medicine. Kluwer, Holland, 2003. 46. “Practiced Economies: From Marx to Marx,” in Carol Gould (ed.) Constructivism and Practice: Toward a Historical Epistemology. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003, pp. 229-241. 45. "Technology," Routledge Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, New York and London: Routledge, 1999. 44. "A Balancing Act Between Technoscience and Humanity," Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science Vol. 6:3/4, 1-19, 1999. 43. "Misplaced Pressure: Between Bondage and Rage at the University," Science Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2:23-34. 42. "The Economics of Science: A Comment," Knowledge and Policy: The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer and Utilization Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3: 88-90. 41. "Who Can Survive a Deadly Collision?" (response to review of Cultural Collisions), Social Epistemology, Vol. 11, No 1: 137-8. 40. "The Prolegomena to Postmodern Philosophy of Science," Social Sciences Abroad (China), No. 5:45-51. 39. "Responsible Technoscience: The Haunting Reality of Auschwitz and Hiroshima," Science and Engineering Ethics Vol. 2, 3:277-290. 38. "The 'Jew' as 'Postmodern': A Personal Report," People of the Book: Jewish Identity in the Academy, Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky and Shelley Fisher Fishkin (eds.), Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996, pp. 298-312. 37. "Postmodern Marxism: Political Economy in the Making," Rethinking Marxism Vol. 8, 1:122125, 1995. 36. "Prolegomena to Postmodern Philosophy of Science," Continental and Postmodern Perspectives in the Philosophy of Science, Babette Babich, Debra Bergoffen, and Simon Glynn (eds.), Hants, UK: Avebury Press, 1995, pp. 13-30. 4 35. "On Madness in the Academy," Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 65, 4:473-485. 34. "Verklighetens ofrankomlighet" (Trans. into Swedish); ["The Inevitability of Reality"] Vest: Journal for Science Studies Vol. 7, 3:21-36. 33. "Pedagogy as Psychology: A View from Within," Critical Rationalism, the Social Sciences and the Humanities: Essays for Joseph Agassi, I.C. Jarvie and N. Laor (eds.), Vol. II, pp. 79-99. 32. "The Politics of Situating Knowledge: An Exercise in Social Epistemology," Argumentation: An International Journal on Reasoning Vol. 8, 2:185-198, 1994. 31. "Avoiding the Posts" (with Joseph Agassi), Critical Review Vol. 8, 1:95-111. 30. "Technoscience and Medicine," Science, Technology, and the Art of Medicine: EuropeanAmerican Dialogues, Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes and Mary Ann Gardell Cutter (eds.), Kluwer, 1993, pp. 219-228. 29. "From Marx's Politics to Rorty's Poetics: Shifts in the Critique of Metaphysics" (with Gayle Ormiston), Man and World 26:63-82, 1993. 28. "Postmodernism and Philosophy of Science: A Critical Engagement," Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. 23, 4:426-445, 1993; translated by Yaohou Qu into Chinese for Journal of Abroad Social Science 4:16-21, 1995. 27. "Intellectual Responsibility for an Ecology Agenda," Technology and Ecology. Carbondale, IL: Society for Philosophy & Technology, 1993, pp. 48-63. 26. "Economics According to Boland: Methodology and Pedagogy," Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. 22, 2: 241-250, 1992. 25. "Philosophical Hierarchies and Lyotard's Dichotomies" (with Charla P. Ogaz), Philosophy Today Summer 1991, 153-160. 24. "Economics in Context: The Bicentennial of the Constitution of the U.S.A.", The American Constitutional Experiment, eds. David M. Speak & Creighton Peden, Lewiston: Edwin Mellon Press, 1991, pp. 255-267. 23. "Interpretive Displacements and Seductions of Pluralism," (with Gayle L. Ormiston), Social Epistemology 5:311-315, 1991. 22. "Scarcity and Setting the Boundaries of Political Economy," Social Epistemology Vol. 4, No. 1, 75-91, 1990. 21. "A Conceptual Approach to Child Maltreatment" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), Pediatrician: International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health 17:74-78, 1990. 20. "The Alarmist View of Technology," Broad and Narrow Interpretations of Philosophy of Technology, Paul T. Durbin (ed.), Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp. 167-180. 5 19. "Medical Education: The Training of Ethical Physicians," Studies in Philosophy and Education 10:251-261, 1990. 18. "Therapeutic Moments in Technology Assessment," Technology in Society 12:441-455, 1990. 17. "In Search of Self-Interest: Ethics and Multinational Corporations", Terrorism, Justice, and Social Values, Creighton Peden and Yeager Hudson (eds.). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990, pp. 207-221. 16. "Economics and Psychology: Estranged Bedfellows or Fellow Travelers? A Critical Synthesis," Social Epistemology Vol. 3, No. 4, 269-280, 1989. 15. "Collaboration as a Pedagogical Device," The History & Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Don Emil Herget (ed.), Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University, 1989, pp. 313-321. 14. "Ideology Masked as Science: Shielding Economics from Criticism", Journal of Economic Issues XXII:167-179, 1988. 13. "Economics: Rhetoric or Mathematics?", Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18:551-558, 1988. 12. "The Myth of Expertise", Social Concept 4:58-66, 1988. 11. "Beyond Medical Ethics: New Directions for Philosophy and Medicine" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 9:121-134, 1988. 10. "Economics According to Popper", Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18:383-386, 1988. 9. "Language and Culture: The Context of STS Education", (with Gayle L. Ormiston), Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 7:754-757, 1988. 8. "The Business of Ethics", Journal of Business Ethics 7:279-282, 1988. 7. "Scientific Uncertainty and Medical Responsibility" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), Theoretical Medicine 8:221-234, 1987. 6. "Whose Patient is That, Anyway?" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Research 9:6-7, 1987. 5. "Epistemological Questions Concerning Death" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), Death Studies 10:341-353, 1986. 4. "Ethical Issues in AIDS Research" (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D. and Paula Kaminow, J.D.), Quality Review Bulletin: Journal of Quality Assurance 12:347-352, 1986. Revised and reprinted in New England Journal of Public Policy 4:215-225, 1988. Reprinted in The AIDS Epidemic: Private Rights and the Public Interest, Padraig O'Malley (ed.), Boston: Beacon Press, 1989. 6 3. "Medical Technology: Indicator of Modern Technocracy", Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 6:53-59, 1986. Also printed as "Facing Technocracy", Humanities and Technology Association Newsletter 5:17-23, 1986. 2. "Collaborations Between Physicians and Humanists -- Beyond the Metaphors," (with Michael A. Grodin, M.D.), Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 7:135-138, 1986; corrected 8:52-55, 1987. 1. "Avoiding the Hazards of Educators: A Response to Joseph Agassi," Interchange 16:69-71, 1985. Reviews: 56. “The Role of the Left in American History: Eli Zaretsky’s Why America Needs a Left: A Historical Argument (2012), Radical Philosophy Review (forthcoming). 55. “On the Possibility of Radical Public Intellectuals”; review of Stanley Aronowitz, Taking it Big: C. Wright Mills and the Making of Political Intellectuals (2012), Radical Philosophy Review Volume 16:3, 827-830, 2013. 54. Milad Doueihi, Digital Cultures (2011), Humanities and Technology Review Volume 32, 9094, Fall 2013. 53. George P. Fletcher and Jens David Ohlin, Defending Humanity: When Force Is Justified and Why (2008), Utopian Studies, Vol. 20:1, 194-6, 2009. 52. John B. Davis, Alain Marciano, and Jochen Runde (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy (2004), Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. No. p. 1, 2008. 51. William Gorton’s Karl Popper and the Social Sciences (2006), Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol, No., pp. 1-2, 2008. 50. Kevin Sharpe’s Science of God: Truth in the Age of Science (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 167-169, 2007. 49. Elliot R. Wolfson’s Alef, Mem, Tau: Kabbalistic Musings on Time (2005), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 172-173, 2007. 48. Douglas Allen’s (ed.) Comparative Philosophy and Religion in Times of Terror (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 125-127, 2007. 47. Elliot D. Cohen’s The New Rational Therapy: Thinking Your Way to Serenity, Success, and Profound Happiness (2007), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 136-141, 2007. 46. Stephen Kellert, Helen Longino, and C. Kenneth Waters (eds.)’s Scientific Pluralism (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 145-149, 2007. 7 45. Michael Ruse’s The Evolution-Creation Struggle (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:1/2, 159-164, 2007. 44. Lew Daly’s God and the Welfare State (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:3/4, 330-334, 2007. 43. Mike W. Martin’s Creativity: Ethics and Excellence in Science (2007), Bridges Vol. 14:3/4, 357-361, 2007. 42. Donald Morris’ Opportunity: Optimizing Life’s Chances (2006), Bridges Vol. 14:3/4, 365-368, 2007. 41. Arthur Grenke’s God, Greed, and Genocide: The Holocaust through the Centuries (2005), Bridges Vol. 13:3/4, 376-380, 2006. 40. C. Mantzavinos’ Individuals, Institutions, and Markets (2001), Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. 36:2, 1-6, 2006. 39. Gerald Holton’s Victory & Vexation: Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, and Others (2005), Bridges Vol. 13: 1/2, 149-152, 2006. 38. Andrew Koch’s Knowledge and Social Construction (2005), Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. 36:4, 1-3, 2006. 37. Derrick Jensen and George Draffan’s Welcome to the Machine: Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control (2004), Utopian Studies. Vol. 16:2, 311-316, 2005. 36. Yirmiyahu Yovel’s Hegel’s Preface to the Phenomenology (2005), Bridges, Vol. 12:3/4, 465469, 2005 35. Tom Regan’s The Case for Animal Rights (2004), Bridges, Vol. 12:3/4, 434-437, 2005. 34. David Stamos’ The Species Problem: Biological Species, Ontology, and the Metaphysics of Biology (2003), Bridges, Vol. 12:3/4, 459-462, 2005. 33. Esther-Mirjam Sent’s The Evolving Rationality of Rational Expectations: An Assessment of Thomas Sargent’s Achievements (1998), Philosophy of the Social Sciences Vol. 34:3, 436-440, 2004. 32. Theodore M. Porter’s Karl Pearson: the Scientific Life in a Statistical Age (2004), Bridges Vol. 11:3/4, 326-329, 2004. 31. Davis Baird’s Thing Knowledge: A Philosophy of Scientific Instruments (2004), Bridges Vol. 11:3/4, 293-296, 2004. 30. Michael Carter’s Where Writing Begins: A Postmodern Reconstruction (2003), Bridges Vol. 11:1/2, 110-112, 2004. 29. Oeke Hoogendijk’s “The Holocaust Experience” (2002), Bridges Vol. 11:1/2, 163-167, 2004. 28. Richard Wolin’s Heidegger’s Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Lowith, Hans Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse (2001), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 33:4, 510-514, 2003. 8 27. Michael Hard and Andrew Jamison's The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology: Discourses on Modernity 1900-1939, (1998), ISIS, Vol. 92, 1:215-6, 2001. 26. Joseph Pitt's Thinking about Technology: Foundations of the Philosophy of Technology (2000), Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 19, pp. 365-367, 2000. 25. William B. Schwartz's Life Without Disease: The Pursuit of Medical Utopia (1998), Utopian Studies, 2000 pp. 207-9. 24. Lewis S. Feuer's Varieties of Scientific Experience: Emotive Aims in Scientific Hypotheses (1995), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1999. 23. Keith Grint & Steve Woolgar's The Machine at Work Technology, Work and Organization (1997), The Sociological Review Vol. 46, No. 1:168, 1998. 22. Thorsten Bagschik's Utopias in the English-speaking World and the Perception of Economic Reality (1996), Utopian Studies, Vol. 9:2, 1998. 21. Donald MacKenzie’s Knowing Machines: Essays on Technical Change (1996), The Sociological Review Vol. 44, 4:767-769. 20. Sande Cohen’s Academia and the Luster of Capitalism (1993), Journal of Higher Education Vol. 66, 2:242-244. 19. Simon Zadek’s An Economic of Utopia: Democratising Scarcity (1993), Utopian Studies Vol. 6, 1:189-190, 1995. 18. Paul T. Durbin’s Social Responsibility in Science, Technology, and Medicine (1992), Science, Technology & Society Nos. 97/98, Fall 1993/Winter 1994, pp. 27-28. 17. Andrew Benjamin’s (ed.) Judging Lyotard (1992), Canadian Philosophical Reviews, XIII, 1:36, 1993. 16. Andrew Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Technology (1991), Theory, Culture & Society Vol. 10, No. 3, 1993. 15. Jean-Francois Lyotard’s Phenomenology (1991) and The Inhuman: Reflections on Time (1991), Canadian Philosophical Reviews Vol. XII, No. 4:278-280, 1992. 14. Stanley Aronowitz and Henry Giroux’s Postmodern Education (1991), Teaching Philosophy 15:407-409, 1992. 13. Robert F. Weir’s Abating Treatment with Critically Ill Patients: Ethical and Legal Limits to the Medical Prolongation of Life (1989), Ethics Vol. 101, No. 3:680-681. 12. Subroto Roy’s Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry (1989), Canadian Philosophical Reviews X, 12:xx-xx, 1990. 9 11. Alexander Rosenberg’s Philosophy of Social Science (1988), Journal of Economic Issues XXIV: 1172-1175, 1990. 10. Stanley Aronowitz’s Science as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society (1988), Socialism and Democracy 9: 186-192, 1989. 9. Peter E. Earl’s (ed.) Psychological Economics: Development, Tensions, Prospects (1988), Journal of Economic Issues XXII: 1269-1273, 1988. 8. Amartya Sen’s On Ethics & Economics (1987), Teaching Philosophy, 11:146-147, 1988. 7. Richard A. McCormick’s How Brave A New World? Dilemmas in Bioethics (1981), Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 8:75-76, 1987. 6. I. B. Cohen’s Revolution in Science (1985), Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 23:244-247, 1987. 5. Bruce J. Caldwell’s Beyond Positivism: Economic Methodology in the Twentieth Century (1982), Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17:283-287, 1987. 4. Richard B. Carter’s Descartes' Medical Philosophy: The Organic Solution to the Mind-Body Problem (1983), Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 22:78-80, 1986. 3. Lawrence Boland’s The Foundations of Economic Method (1982), Journal of Business Ethics 5:284, 290, 311, 1986. 2. Daniel M. Hausman’s (ed.) The Philosophy of Economics: An Anthology (1984), Teaching Philosophy 8:267-269, 1985. 1. R. W. Home’s (ed.) Science Under Scrutiny (1983), Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 21:224-226, 1985. Popular Publications: 103. “The ‘other’ side of the NFL’s story,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 19-25, 2014, 27. 102. “Who should be culpable for Citigroup’s bad dealings?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 25-31, 2014, 23. 101. “Whose great ideas are those, after all?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 410, 2014, 23. 100. “Convenient capitalism deviates from ideals,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 16-22, 2014, 25. 99. “Looking for the right standard to implement wage fairness,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 11 -17, 2014, 23. 10 98. “Colorado Springs—a city in search of leadership,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, February 28 – March 6, 2014, 21. 97. “What the Super Bowl tells us about our culture,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 31 – February 6, 2014, 19. 96. “A Super(natural) Bowl?,” (with Jeffrey Scholes), Religion in American History, January 28, 2014. 95. “Pope’s views against idolatry…and more,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 3 – 9, 2014, 17. 94. “Altcoin mania makes it onto stage, but for how long?” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, November 29-December 5, 2013, 17. 93. “Detroit’s lessons might affect answers on retirement,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 6 - 12, 2013, 21. 92. “Financial inequities persist under Obama,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 9 - 15, 2013, 21. 91. “New concepts change face of higher ed,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 12 18, 2013, 21. 90. “Is the time right for tax reform, or is it already too late?” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 7 - 31, 2013, 21. 89. “Framing the campaign for Obama and Romney,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 21 - 27, 2012, 19. 88. “We need to raise ethical expectations,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 14 - 20, 2012, 21. 87. “Turn off your engine!,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 7 - 13, 2012, 17. 86. “Why proximity matters,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 31 – September 6, 2012, 19. 86. “Irrational economic behavior,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 24 - 30, 2012, 17. 85. “Why support Israel?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 17- 23, 2012, 17. 84. “Mandatory service,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 10 - 16, 2012, 17. 83. “The right, and duty, to bear arms,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 3 - 9, 2012, 25. 11 82. “Let’s just follow Denver,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 27 – August 2, 2012, 19. 81. “Simple questions about water,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 20 - 26, 2012, 19. 80. “Consider a paradigm shift,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 13 - 19, 2012, 19. 79. “Fires and human nature,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 6 - 12, 2012, 17. 78. “10 ideas that could change our city,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 29 – July 5, 2012, 25. 77. “Let’s use common sense,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 22 - 28, 2012, 19. 76. “Let’s talk about blue gold,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 15 - 21, 2012, 19. 75. “Laying a business, and dreams, to rest,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 8 14, 2012, 19. 74. “Belief in marketplace,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 1 - 7, 2012, 17. 73. “Perry Sanders and shrewd dealing,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 25 - 31, 2012, 21. 72. “Is college worth it?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 18 – 24, 2012, 19. 71. “Earnings fairness,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 11 – 17, 2012, 19. 70. “A tale of two cities,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 4 – 10, 2012, 19. 69. “Our drug dilemma,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 27 – May 3, 2012, 15. 68. “Money and faith,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 20 - 26, 2012, 17. 67. “On the beauty of paying taxes,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 13 -19, 2012, 21. 66. “On style and substance,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 6 -12, 2012, 21. 65. “Play nice, Council & Mayor” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 30 – April 5, 2012, 21. 64. “Utilities gamble might be community’s loss,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 23 - 29, 2012, 21. 63. “Warren Buffet and our Regional Building Dept.,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 16 - 22, 2012, 17. 12 62. “CSU should follow Memorial’s fate,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 9 - 15, 2012, 21. 61. “The global economy and local stress,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 2 8, 2012, 21. 60. “Should the city be run like a business?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, February 24 – March 1, 2012, 17. 59. “Who’s in charge at the Regional Building Department?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, February 17 - 23, 2012, 21. 58. “Many Valentines, one day,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, February 10 - 16, 2012, 21. 57. “Shouldn’t public servants face questioning?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, February 3 - 9, 2012, 21. 56. “Slow it down,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 27 – February 2, 2012, 17. 55. “Mayor Bach is well-equipped, so let him lead,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 20 - 26, 2012, 17. 54. “The 2012 economic forecast,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 13 - 19, 2012, 17. 53. “Who’ll turn on the lights?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, January 6 - 12, 2012, 17. 52. “New Year’s resolution: No more wars this year,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 30 – January 5, 2011, 13. 51. “Consider Tebow, Newton and Christmas this season,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 23 - 29, 2011, 21. 50. “Eliminate the fire dept.?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 16 - 22, 2011, 21. 49. “A couple ideas about bases in foreign countries,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 9 - 15, 2011, 21. 48. “Listening is a public duty,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 2 - 8, 2011, 21. 47. “Be mindful and grateful this Thanksgiving,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, November 25 – December 1, 2011, 17. 46. “Super committee is succeeding at failure,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, November 18 - 24, 2011, 21. 13 45. “Rethinking outsourcing,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, November 11-17, 2011, 21. 44. “Protestors closer to popular views than politicians,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, November 4 - 11, 2011, 10. 43. “Let’s celebrate the right to assemble with equality,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, October 28 – November 3, 2011, 25. 42. “Wall Street Occupiers vs. The Tea Party,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, October 21-27, 2011, 17. 41. “Look to our own backyard to see abundance,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, October 14-20, 2011, 23. 40. “Partnerships bring best of times, worst of times,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, October 7-13, 2011, 19. 39. “A eulogy: Goodbye to Chinook and Borders,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 30-October 6, 2011, 18. 38. “Community and family at heart of civil society,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 23-29, 2011, 23. 37. “Too big to manage?” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 16-22, 2011, 19. 36. “Refinancing mortgages, solving foreclosures,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 9-15, 2011, 23. 35. “It’s a global, but political, economy,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 28September 1, 2011, 19. 34. “What is fair tax-burden?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 19-24, 2011, 23. 33. “Setbacks and strides in Springs’ diversity appreciation,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 12-18, 2011, 20; reprinted as “Interfaith Initiatives,” The Scribe, September 12, 2011. 32. “Let’s look outside the military for brand,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, August 511, 2011, 25. 31. “Running the city like a business is odd,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 29August 4, 2011, 24. 30. “Higher education is one of our precious resources,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 22-28, 2011, 21. 29. “Weighing the importance of sales and ethics,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 15-21, 2011, 21. Reprinted in Idaho Business Review, Vol. 32:40, July 22, 2011, 4A, 10A. 14 28. “Memorial is our very own golden goose,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 814, 2011, 18. 27. “The Myth about what’s behind the numbers,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 24-31, 2011, 19. 26. “If pets can be put to sleep, why not people also?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 17-23, 2011, 19. 25. “Is it worth going to college?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 3-9, 2011, 19. 24. “Let’s close AFA golf course,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 20-28, 2011, 19. 23. “The Digital Age of Marketing,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 28-May 5, 2011, 18. 22. “Are Pensions a Right or a Privilege This Day and Age?,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, April 8-14, 2011, 17, 19. 21. “Mayor’s Job Calls for Accountability and Leadership,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, March 18-24, 2011, 19. 20. “Liquor-license law structure misguided,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December 24, 2010, 16. 19. “Front-line lessons in Entrepreneurship,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, October 15, 2010, 16. 18. “What Defines Our Community? Socialism,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 10, 2010, 18. 17. “Advice on Living on $3,000 net a Month,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, September 3, 2010, 16. 16. “Illegal immigrants: Answer to debt crisis,” The Colorado Springs Business Journal, July 23, 2010, 20.. 15. “Postcapitalism,” The Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO, November 25, 2008. 14. “Seeing Red: A Domestic Cold War: There Might be a Little Commie In All of Us,” County Cable, February 2008, pp. 26-27. 13. “The Limits of the Law: Should We Define When Life Begins?,” County Cable, January 2008, 7-8. 12. Weekly Column, “Publishers’ Pen” in County Cable (Colorado), October 2006 - March 2007. 11. "Whetting the Public's Appetite for Art Works," The Colorado Springs Business Journal, June 2000. 15 10. "Hospitality Begins at Local Establishments," The Colorado Springs Business Journal, May 1999. 9. "City/Developers Must Put Aside their Differences to Create Viable Downtown," The Colorado Springs Business Journal, December,1998. 8. "Tax-Free Nightmare," The Independent, November 1995. 7. "We Pay the Same; Why Don't We Get the Same?," The Scribe, November 1995. 6. "Abandon Usual Tactics in Search for New Dean," The Scribe, September 1995 5. "Faculty Must Increase in Line with Students," The Scribe, September 1995. 4. "Travel-Log Adrift," News with a View Vol. 2, 5:7, 1993. 3. "Redefining Radicalism," News with a View Vol. 2, 1:3, 1993. 2. "On Intellectual Responsibility," News with a View Vol. 1, 1:5, 1992. 1. "Amendment 2 Must Go!," The Scribe November 1992. Professional Service and Initiatives: Member, Editorial Board, Humanities and Technology Review (2012-present) Member, Editorial Board, Philosophy of the Social Sciences (2005-present) Reviewer for publishers/presses: Acumen Publishers (UK), Polity Press (UK), Springer (Netherland), Routledge (USA and UK), Rowman & Littlefield International (UK); Macmillan Palgrave (UK); Journals: Contemporary Economics, Economics and Philosophy, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Social Epistemology, Humanities and Technology Review, Sage online (2000-present) Member, Editorial Board, Techne (2000-2005) Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Collegiate Press (2000-2003) Member, Editorial Board, Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy (1989-1995; 1998-1999) Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Issues (1991-1993) Member (at-large), Executive Committee, Humanities and Technology Association, (1991-1993) Member, Nominating Committee of the Society of Philosophy and Technology, (1990-1993) Organized a seminar on diversity for the Colorado Restaurant Association Education Division, November 7, 1998 16 Organized a keynote panel on feminist and cultural studies perspectives for the Humanities and Technology Association's INTERFACE '92 meeting in Atlanta, GA, October 1992 Organized (with Karen Warren) the meeting of the North American Society for Social Philosophy in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Central Division meeting in Kentucky, April 1992 Evaluator, Colorado Endowment for the Humanities, "1492" (Project Director, Richard Wunderli), 1991-1992 Member, Advisory Committee, "Humanistic Perspectives on Science," National Endowment for the Humanities (Project Director, Robert Larkin), 1991 Participant in the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) Seminar, "Integrating Minority and Women into the Liberal Arts Curriculum," 1989-1990 Founded and organized (with Steve Fuller) a Philosophy Section of the Western Social Science Association (WSSA), beginning at the 30th Meeting, Denver, CO, 1988 Program Coordinator of the Philosophy Section of the WSSA, Denver, CO, 1988; Albuquerque, NM, 1989; and Portland, OR, 1990 Organized the meeting of the Society of Technology and Philosophy in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, Los Angeles, CA, 1990 Organized a panel "The Fragmentation of Postmodernism" for the American Culture Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1988 Established (with Gayle Ormiston) the University of Colorado Colloquium in Science, Technology, and Society; Directed (with Gayle Ormiston) the 1987-88 Colloquium, devoted to the Foundations of Health Care Practices; and the 1992 Third Colloquium, "Humanizing Science: Contemporary Critiques." Organized a workshop "Dealing with AIDS in the Workplace: Will Your Company be Prepared?" for the Division of Continuing Education, UCCS, 1987 Refereed Presentations: 154. “Religion and Sports: History and Reality in American Culture,” FAR/NCAA, Dallas, TX, September 2014. 153. “Selling Out in American Culture,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2014 152. “Are Scientists Heroes?” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2014. 147-151. “Have Digital Technologies Promoted Public Intellectuals,” Humanities and Technology Association, Miami, FL, November 2013; “Artists as Public Intellectuals,” School of 17 Visual Arts, New York, October 2013; “Should STS Leaders be Public Intellectuals,” Society for the Social Study of Science, San Diego, CA, October 2013; “Artists as Public Intellectuals,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2013; “Public Intellectuals,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2013. 146. “Politics in a Postsecular Age,” (with Jeffrey Scholes), Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Washington DC, March 2013. 145. “Seeing Sports and Religious through a Postsecular Lens,” (with Jeffrey Scholes), Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Washington DC, March 2013. 144. “Digital Technologies in a Postmodern World,” University of Colorado, Denver, February 2013. 143. “Digital Word-images are Cheap, Transformation is Expensive,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2012. 142. “Framing the Digital: Revisiting Perennial Issues,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2012. 141. “On the Road with Books: Postmodern Travel,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2012. 139-140. “The Digital Age: The Costs of Accessibility,” Society for the Social Study of Science, Cleveland, OH, November 2011; earlier version delivered at the Midwestern Popular Culture Association, Milwaukee, WI, October 2011. 138. “Digital Revolutions: Global Transformations,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2011. 137. “Mediated Immersion: Contemporary Artistic Expressions,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2011. 136. “East Meets West: Beyond the Reach of the Law,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2011. 135. “Visual Literacy: from Nature to Human Nature,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2010. 134. “Visual Literacy as Activism,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2010. 132-133. “Visual Literacy: How to Read Images,” Brill Center for PTSD, Tel Aviv University, Israel 2010; Miriam’s Circle, Dept. of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University, Israel June 2010. 131. “Heroism as the Struggle between Reason and Passion,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2010. 130. “Artists as War Critics,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2009. 18 129. “How To Sell Art,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2009. 128. “Should You Trust Your Doctor?,” Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge, CO, March 2009. 127. Keynote Speech: “Postmodern Technoscience: from Atomic Bombs to Subprime Mortgages,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2009. 126. “Postcapitalism: Technological Transformation of the Economy,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2009. 125. “Reading War Images: Modern vs. Postmodern,” Masters of Liberal Studies, Lake Forest College, IL, March 2009. 124. “Investing in Real Estate in Peril Economic Times,” Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge, CO, February 2009. 122-123. “Postcapitalism: Overcoming the Current Financial crisis,” Lake Forest College, IL, March 2009. Earlier versions: Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge, CO, January 2009. 121. “The Social and Political Rights and Responsibilities of Artists and Designers,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2008. 115-120. “The Dangers of Postmodern Readings of Images of War and Terrorism,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2008. Earlier Versions: “Fabricating Reality: Are We All Outsiders?,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2008; “The Reality of Violence through War Images,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2007; “Photojournalism as Political Weapon,” The Arts in Society, New York University, February 2007; “The Power of Images: How Wars are Waged and Misrepresented,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2006. 114. “Images of American Warfare: From the European Sublime to the American Nightmare,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2005. 113. “Postmodern Aesthetics: Manipulating War Images,” Aesthetics and Warfare, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, October 2005. 112. “Artistic Idolatry: The Golden Calf Today,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2007. 111. “Integrative Medical Knowledge: Art, Science, and Ethics,” Society for the Social Study of Science, Montreal, Canada, October 2007. 110. “The Original Humanist: Postmodern Reflections,” Humanities Symposium 2007, Columbia University, February 2007. 19 109. “Reassessing the Modern: Aesthetic Theory from Kant to Lyotard: School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2006. 108. “Popper’s Legacy,” The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, October 2006. 107. “Nationalism vs. Patriotism: Manipulating ‘American’ Images,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2006. 106. “The Myths of Freedom: Aesthetic Symbols of Inspiration and Deception,” Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts, APA, Central Division, Chicago, April 2006. 105. “Modern Aesthetics in a Postmodern World,” American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 2005. 104. “On the Road to Baghdad,“ Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2005. 103. “Visualizing Myths,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2004. 102. “Manufactured Heroism,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2004. 101. “Art Pedagogy as Political Complicity,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2003. 100. “From Rockwell to the Indian Pueblos: Sanctifying a National Identity,” American Society for Aesthetics, Santa Fe, NM July 2003. 99. “National Identity and the City,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2003. 98. “The Interface of Science and the Law,” Tellus Institute, San Diego, CA, March 2003. 97. “Popper’s Legacy,” Forum for Contemporary Thought, Departments of Political Science and the History of Science, University of Virginia, November 2002. 96. “Certainty and Predictability in Medicine,” Society for the Social Study of Science, Milwaukee, WI, November 2002. 95. “Abstract Memories,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2002. 94. “Can Popper’s Ideas Enlighten Postmodern Technoscience,” Karl Popper Centenary Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2002. 93. “The Ultimate Hoax: The Artist as Outsider,” Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 2002. 92. “The Predicament of Medical Technoscience,” Society for the Social Study of Science, Boston, MA November 2001. 20 91. “The Artistic Faces of Fascism.” (with Louis Cicotello), Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 2001. 90. “Do We Need Europe’s Approval,” Keynote speech at the annual meeting of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 2001. 89. “The Sad Future of Avant-Garde Art in the 21st Century,” School of Visual Arts, New York, October 2000. 88. "Follow the Gold Trail: A Marxist Critique of the Avant-Garde," American Society for Aesthetics, Santa Fe, NM, July 2000. 87. "Artistic Sites and Sights," Heidegger and Visual Form, University of North Texas, April 2000. 86. "Technoscientific Medicine: A Postmodern Critique," Society for the Social Studies of Science, San Diego, CA, October 1999. 85. "What's Next for STS? New Engagements for Science Studies," Society for the Social Studies of Science, San Diego, CA, October 1999. 84. "In Defense of Teaching Aesthetics," National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Arts, New York, October 1999. 83. "Broken Promises: Between Frustration and Anger in the Academy," Re-Organizing Knowledge: Transforming Institutions, Knowing, Knowledge, and the University in the XXI Century, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, September 1999. 81-82. "Christos' Infatuation with the Southwest," American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, July 1999; revised version of "Artists' Image of America: Christos' Infatuation with the Environment," (with Louis Cicotello) Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 1999. 80. "Practiced Economies: From Marx to Marx," The Philosophy of Marx Wartofsky, New School for Social Research, NY, March 1999. 79. "The Missing Theory: Art's Engagement with Business," (with Louis Cicotello), College Art Association, Los Angeles, CA, February 1999. 78. "Avant-Garde: Nothing But Business," (with Louis Cicotello) National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Arts, New York, October 1998. 77. "Images of Coyotes as Avant-Garde Art," American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe, NM, July 1998. 76. "Author Meets Critics--Technoscientific Angst," Society for Philosophy and Technology, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, Washington, DC, December 1998; Society for Philosophy and Technology, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, Los Angeles, March 1998. 21 75. "One's Class and One's Art: The Case of Avant-Garde Art," Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 1998. 74. "The High and Low Cultures of Technoscience," Society for Social Studies of Science, Bielefeld, Germany, October 1996. 73. "Misplaced Pressure: Economics at the University," Society for Social Studies of Science, Bielefeld, Germany, October 1996. 72. "The 'Jew' as 'Postmodern': A Personal Report," Western Jewish Studies Association, Denver, CO, April 1996. 71. "Christ(o): A Second Coming Mired in the Myths of the West," (with Louis Cicotello), Society for Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO, March 1996. 67-70. "Postmodern Technoscience: Accounting for Auschwitz and Hiroshima," Society for Literature and Science, Los Angeles, CA, November 1995; previously presented at the Society for the Social Study of Science, Charlottesville, Virginia, September 1995; an earlier version: "Postmodern Technoscience," 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Florence, Italy, August 1995; an earlier version "Postmodern Technoscience: A Translation" was presented at Interface '94, Humanities and Technology Association, Atlanta, GA, October 1994. 66. "The Third World," Theory, Society, and Culture, Berlin, Germany, August 1995. 64-65. "The Inevitability of Reality," Society for Literature and Society, New Orleans, November 1994; Earlier version: Society for Social Studies of Science/Philosophy of Science Association, New Orleans, October 1994. 63. "Political Economy in the Age of Postmodernity," Society for the Advancement of SocioEconomics, Paris, France, July 1994. 62. "Technological Metaphors: Philosophical Perceptions," Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, March 1994. 60-61. "Knowledge without Expertise," Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria, July 1994; earlier version delivered at the Philosophy Club, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, December 1993. 59. "The Politics of Situating Knowledge," Nottingham-Trent University, Nottingham, England, May 1993. 58. "Intellectual Responsibility for an Ecology Agenda," VII Biennial of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Peniscola, Spain, May 1993. 57. "'Nature as Public Discourse," Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, Colorado, March 1993. 54-56. "The Rhetoric of Situating Knowledge: Haraway and Popper," Society for Literature and Science, Boston, MA, November 1993; revised version of "The Politics of Situating Knowledge," 22 Society for the Social Studies of Science, Purdue, IN, November 1993; earlier version presented at Academic Knowledge and Political Power, University of Maryland, College Park, November 1992. 52-53. "Innovative Interruptions" (with Cheryl Cole), Society for Literature and Science, Atlanta, GA, October 1992. Earlier version: "Innovative Interruptions: Postmodernism and Cultural Studies," Philosophy Section, Western Social Science Association, Denver, CO, April 1992. 51. "Postmodern Technoscience," Theory, Culture & Society, Seven Springs, PA, August 1992. 50. "Sociology and Philosophy: An Unholy War?," 4S/EASST Joint Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden, August 1992. 49. "The Discursive Authority of Science and Technology," Society for Philosophy and Technology, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Louisville, KY, April 1992. 48. "The Social Sciences and the Humanities: Toward a Tolerance of Diversity," American Association for the Advancement of Core Curriculum, Chicago, IL, November 1991. 47. "On Postmodern Science: Is Tolerance Possible?," Society for Literature & Science, Montreal, Canada, October 1991. 46. "Should There be Postmodern Philosophy of Science?," INTERFACE '91, 15th Annual Humanities and Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1991. 40-45. "Postmodern (Philosophy of) Science," Third University of Colorado Colloquium in Science, Technology, and Society, Colorado Springs, CO, April 1992. Different versions delivered at the Philosophy Club, University of Colorado at Denver, March 1992; the Literature, Communication, and Culture Program, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, February 1992; the Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture Colloquium of the Department of Philosophy at the State University of New York, Binghamton, NY, February 1992; the Social Study of Science and Technology Program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, February 1992; Program in Science, Technology, and Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, October 1991; and Department of Philosophy, York University, Toronto, Canada, October 1991. 39. "Social Epistemology in a Postmodern Context," Social Epistemology & Social Theory of Knowledge, 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Sweden, August 1991. 38. "Postmodern Philosophy of Science: Legitimating Minority Voices," Berlin Summer Institute, Berlin, Germany, July 1991. 37. "Postmodern Science and Empowerment," Philosophy Section, Western Social Science Association (WSSA), Reno, NV, April 1991. 36. "Science with a Twist: Methodology as Morality," Society for Social Studies of Science, Minneapolis, MN, October 1990. 23 35. "The Irony of Replacement," (with Gayle L. Ormiston), Society for Literature and Science, Portland, OR, October 1990. 34. "Blurring Disciplinary Boundaries," Sixth International Social Philosophy Conference, University of Vermont, Burlington, August 1990; earlier version presented at the WSSA, Portland, OR, April 1990. 33. "Must the French and German Meet in America?," Rocky Mountain American Studies Association, Colorado Springs, CO, April 1990. 32. "The Social Role of Therapists," Brull Mental Health Centre, Tel-Aviv University School of Medicine, Israel, January 1990. 31. "Appropriate Technology as Therapy," INTERFACE '89, 13th Annual Humanities and Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1989. 30. "Should Experts Decide on the Direction that Research in their Expertise Takes?", Conference on the Mutual Relevance of Science Studies and Science Policy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Center for the Study of Science in Society, May 1989. 29. "Scarcity as an Idea and an Ideal", WSSA, Albuquerque, NM, April 1989. 28. "The Social Role of Specialists", 4th International Conference on Social Philosophy, Somerville College, Oxford, England, August 1988. 27. "Technology as Alarm: A Breakdown in Communication", Tech '88: Technology, Communication and the Humanities Conference, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, August 1988. 26. "Reductionism in and Autonomy of the Social Sciences", Philosophy Section, WSSA, Denver, April 1988. 25. "The Paradox of Planning in Science", Twelfth Regional Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder), April 1988. 24. "Discourse in Postmodernism: Habermas and Foucault", Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Culture Association, New Orleans, LA, March 1988. 23. "Science, Technology, and Society: Textbook Writing for College Students" (with Gayle L. Ormiston), Technological Literacy, The Third National Science, Technology, and Society Conference, February 1988. 22. "Economic Frustration and Psychological Gratification", Association for Evolutionary Economics Meeting, Allied Social Science Associations, Chicago, IL, December 1987. 21. "Institutions, Technology, and Society", Association for Evolutionary Economics Meeting, Allied Social Science Associations, Chicago, IL, December, 1987. 19-20. "Collaboration as a Pedagogical Device," The History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, November 1989. 24 Earlier version: "Collaboration Vs. Isolation: The Scientific Paradigm", 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, November 1987. 18. "The Impact of the Alarmist View of Technology", INTERFACE '87, Atlanta, GA, October, 1987. 17. "Rethinking the Scientific Status of Economics: Five Positions", Economics Dept., CUBoulder, September 1987. 15-16. "The Prestige of Scientific Status", XVIII World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, England, August 1988.Earlier version: "The Quest for Scientific Respectability: Classical Economics in England", Section 11: Foundations of the Social Sciences, VIII International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow, USSR, August 1987. 14. "Economics in Context: The Bicentennial of the Constitution of the U.S.A.", Third International Social Philosophy Congress, Charlotte, NC, June 1987. 13. "Ideology Masked as Science: Shielding Economics from Criticism", Association For Institutional Thought, WSSA 29th Annual Conference, El Paso, TX, April 1987. 12. "Scientific Status as Political Power", Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, Montreal, Canada, March 1987. 10-11. "The Implications of Economics as Science", Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, February 1987. Earlier version: "The Politics of Scientific Status", Conference on Culture and Communication, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, Oct., 1986. 9. "The Myth of Expertise", INTERFACE '86, Atlanta, GA, October 1986. 7-8. "Scientific Foundations for Contemporary Discourse", Philosophy Dept., UCCS, May 1986. Earlier version: "The Political Shield of Economics as Science", Philosophy Dept., St. Louis University, St. Louis, May 1986. 6. "The Context of Medical Crises", McCormack Institute, University of Massachusetts at Boston (UMass-Boston), April 1986. 5. "Experimentation in Human Subjects", Philosophy Dept., UMass-Boston, March 1986. 4. "In Search of Self-Interest: Ethics and Multinational Corporations", First Inter-American Conference on Social Philosophy, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1985. 3. "The Politics of Economic Theory", XXI Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1985. 2. "The Age of Technocracy", INTERFACE '85, Atlanta, GA, October 1985. 25 1. "Given the Move Toward Supply-Side Economics, What Issues of Justice are Raised?", Congressional Committee of the American Philosophical Association (APA), Washington, DC, March 1985. Awards and Honors: President’s Teaching Scholar Award, University of Colorado, 2014. Spirit of the Springs Award, Colorado Springs, 2014. Empowering Professor Award, National Society of Leadership and Success, UCCS, 2014. Outstanding Research and Creative Works Award, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, UCCS, 2012. CU-Colorado Springs 1996 Book Award for Cultural Collisions: Postmodern Technoscience (1995), Spring 1996 ($250). Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, UCCS, Spring 1992. The Simon J. McPherson Award for Excellence in Philosophy, Lake Forest College, 1979. Phi Beta Kappa, Lake Forest College, 1979. Grants and Funding: CU Mentorship Program, Campus-wide program, representative for the Humanities, Summer 2008, $2,000. President's Fund for the Humanities, "Art and Ecology Guest Lecture," (with Rex Welshon), Fall 1997 ($2,000). Committee on Research and Creative Work, UCCS, "Technoscientific Angst: Toward a Responsible Millennia," Summer 1996 ($4,500). CU-Colorado Springs 1994 Book Award for Knowledge Without Expertise (1993), Spring 1995 ($250). Private Endowment named the Holocaust Memorial Annual Lectureship for Harold Dobbs, Fall 1994 and Fall 1995 ($1,000 annually). Private donations, Film Studies Program, "Inauguration," Summer 1994 ($2,400). President's Fund for the Humanities, Center for the Arts and Humanities, "Lecture Series" (with Mary Ann Cutter), Spring and Fall 1994 ($1,500). President's Fund for the Humanities, Theatreworks, "Annual Playwright's Forum," Spring 1994 ($4,960). 26 The Gill Trust, Lectureship Series 1992-3 ($2,000); 1993 ($1,000). President's Fund for the Humanities, Center for the Arts and Humanities, "Lecture Series," Fall 1992 - Spring 1993 ($3,000). Committee on Research and Creative Works, UCCS, "Knowledge Without Expertise," Summer 1992 ($2,500). President's Fund for the Humanities, Center for the Arts and Humanities, Spring 1992 ($1,800). President's Fund for the Humanities, "Non-Western Contemporary Art: Repetition or Creativity?" (with Louis Cicotello), Spring 1992 ($1,000). President's Fund for the Humanities, "Humanizing Science: Contemporary Critiques," Spring 1992 ($2,350) President's Fund for the Humanities, "1492: Clash of Cultures," (with Richard Wunderli and Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky), Fall 1992 ($2,000) President's Fund for the Humanities, "Holocaust Memorial," (with Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky), Spring 1992 ($1,580) Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research Discretionary Fund, "UCCS Center for the Arts & Humanities," 1991-1992 ($3,500). President's Fund for the Humanities, "Collaborative Research between Faculty and Students," 1990-1991 ($5,000) President's Fund for the Humanities, "Inauguration of the Center for the Humanities at UCCS," 1989-1990 ($5,000). Humanities Gift Fund, UCCS ,"The Pragmatic Uses of Expertise", Summer Stipend 1990, ($2,000). President's Fund for the Humanities, Mini-Grants, University of Colorado, "Visual Devices for Philosophical Analysis: Videos and Films as Tools for Teaching Applied Ethics", 1989 ($800) President's Fund for the Humanities, Mini-Grants, University of Colorado, "Inaugural Lectures in American Studies", (with John Miller and Jeffrey Ruben-Dorsky), 1989 ($1,000). President's Fund for the Humanities, University of Colorado, "Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities", 1989 ($6,000). Humanities Gift Account, UCCS, "Narrative Experiments", Spring 1989 course off-load ($1,680). Research Stipend for "Narrative Experiments": University of Colorado Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chancellor of the Colorado Springs Campus, Dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Colorado Springs Campus, Summer 1988 ($4,200). 27 Committee on Research and Creative Work, UCCS, "The Convergence of Science and Technology: A Cultural Critique", Fall 1988 course off-load ($1,680). Colorado Humanities Institute for Progress Studies, UCCS, Travel Grants, 1987-1988 ($1,250). Support Grants for the Colloquium on Science, Technology, and Society, 1987-88: President's Fund for the Humanities (Outreach Program), University of Colorado ($2,000); Chancellor Nuzum ($3,150), Vice-Chancellor Klingel ($3,340), Dean Null, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences ($1,000) -- all of UCCS; Beth-El College of Nursing ($550), CU-Health Science Center ($250). Colorado Humanities Institute for Progress Studies, UCCS, Core Humanities Course Development: "Between Two World Wars (1919-1939)", Summer Stipend, 1987 ($3,200). Committee on Creative Works and Research, UCCS, Travel Grant, 1986 ($500). Faculty Development Travel Grant, UMass-Boston, 1985 ($440). Senior Teaching Fellowship, Metropolitan College of Boston University, 1984 ($1,800). Teaching Fellowship, Boston University, 1982-1983 ($9,370) Graduate Assistantship, Boston University, 1981 ($3,500) Professional Affiliations: American Philosophical Association Society for Technology and Philosophy Society for Social Studies of Science American Society for Aesthetics Courses Taught: Prior to Appointment at UCCS (1982-6) Undergraduate: Introduction to Philosophy; Moral and Social Problems; Foundation of Law and Justice; Economic Justice; Justice and Punishment; Theory of Justice; Introduction to Logic; Social and Political Thinkers (University of Massachusetts, Boston). Business Ethics (Clark University). Politics and Philosophy; Logic and Language (Boston University). Philosophies of Human Nature (Bridgewater State College). Introduction to Logic (University of Lowell). Graduate: Aspects of Clinical Decision Making in the Newborn ICU: The Ethical Dimension; Ethical Issues of Health Care (Boston University School of Medicine). Courses Taught at UCCS (1986-present) Lower Division: Introduction to Philosophy; Introduction to Logic (Critical Thinking); Ethics; Ethics in the Professions; Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning; Science, Technology, and Values; Philosophy and Society; Sports Ethics. 28 Upper Division: Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Technology; Social and Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Law; Politics and the Law; Ethical Theory; Business and Management Ethics; Symbolic Logic; Existentialism; Twentieth Century Philosophy; Holocaust; Philosophy and Literature; History of Philosophy: Kant and the Enlightenment; History of Philosophy: From Hegel to Nietzsche; Aesthetics; Philosophy of War and Terrorism; Senior Seminar & Thesis; Postmodernism; Hebrew Bible. Humanities "1492: The Renaissance"; Humanities "1492: Voices and Visions of America"; Humanities "Journeys"; Humanities "Madness and Civility"; Humanities “The Value of Art”; Humanities “Art and Politics”, Humanities “Art, Politics, and War”; Humanities “Religion and Sports in American Culture.” UTLS: “Perspectives on Science and Mathematics.” Graduate: Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Law; Existentialism; Cultural Studies (with Cheryl Cole, Sociology); Postmodernism; The Digital Age (Tel-Aviv University) * Supervised numerous undergraduate Senior Theses in the department, and was a member on MA & PhD theses outside UCCS (College of Education, York University, Tel-Aviv University). UNIVERSITY SERVICE: Committees: Chair, LAS Committee on Legal Studies (minor and distributed studies, 2005-9, 2014-present Chair, Personnel Committee, Department of Philosophy, UCCS, 2002-4, 2011-present Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee for Dorothea Olkowski, Fall 2014 Member, Vice Chancellor Review Committee, 1991-2, 2008-2014 Mentor, UCCS Mentorship Program, 2008-present Chair, LAS Personnel Merit Grievance Committee, 1998-2000, 2003-2014. Faculty Sponsor, UCCS Debate Team, 2011-4 Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee for Elissa Auther, Fall 2013 Chair, Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, UCCS, 2011-2 Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee for Dorothea Olkowski, Fall 2011 Chair, Board of the Center for Religious Diversity and Public Life, Spring 2011 Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee for Valerie Brodar, Fall 2010 Member, Center for the Study of Government and the Individual, UCCS, 2001-12 29 Member, Personnel Committee, Dept. of Philosophy, 2008-11 Member, LAS Committee of Curriculum and Requirements, 2005-8. Member, LAS Committee on Academic Progress, 2004-7 Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, UCCS, 1986-1991/ Animal Subjects Committee 1991-1994 / Human Subjects, 1999-2004 Member, two personnel committees for promotion to Professorship, (College and Departmentwide), UCCS, 1998-2000 Member, Fine and Performing Arts Task Force (college-wide), UCCS 1996-7 Member, Admissions Committee (campus-wide), UCCS, 1996-7 Member, Fulbright Evaluation Committee (campus-wide), UCCS, 1995-9 Member, University Budget Advisory Committee (campus-wide), UCCS, 1995-7; Member, Budget Committee, 1986-90 Member, Religious Studies Committee (College-wide), UCCS, 1994-2002 Member, Advisory Committee, President's Fund for the Humanities (university-wide), 1994-6 Chair, Advisory Committee, Center for the Arts & Humanities, LAS, UCCS, 1991-4; Member, 1994-7 Chair, Humanities Appeals Committee, LAS, UCCS, 1991-4; Member, 1994-7 Chair, Primary Unit Committee, Department of Philosophy, UCCS, 1991; 1992; 1993; 1995 Chair, Personnel Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, UCCS, 1991; 1992; 1993; Member, 1988-9 Member, Convocation Committee, UCCS, 1994-5 Member, LAS Teaching Award Committee, UCCS, 1994-5 Member, Honorary Degrees Committee (campus-wide), UCCS, 1994-5 Member, Primary Unit Personnel Review, Department of Sociology, UCCS, 1991 Member, College of Business Dean's Review Committee, UCCS, 1991-2 Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee (elected representative of LAS), UCCS, 1990-2 Member, College Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee, UCCS, 1990-2 Chair, Faculty Council Appeals Committee, UCCS, 1989 30 Member, Search Committee for Vice President for Budget and Finance, University of Colorado (system-wide), 1989 Member, Reappointment Evaluation Committee for UCCS Library, 1989 Member, Committee on Research and Creative Works, UCCS, 1988-1991 Member, Committee for the MA Degree Program in American Studies, UCCS, 1987-1995 Member, Master Planning Committee, UCCS, 1987-1990 Member, Classified Research Advisory Committee, UCCS, 1987-1991 Adviser, Philosophy Club, UCCS, 1987-1990 Member, UCCS Friends of the Da Vinci Quartet, 1987-1990 Member, Search Committee for Director of Development, UCCS, Spring 1987 Member, Academic Program Review Panel, UCCS, 1986-7 Community Service: Member, Colorado Springs Fire Department's Code Solution Committee, Spring 2013. Member, Development Committee, Downtown Colorado Springs, 1999-2003. Member, C/S Confluence Park Committee, 2002-3 Member of the Board, Colorado Opera Festival, 1999-2000. Member of the Board, Pikes Peak Arts Council, 1999-2000. Treasurer and Secretary, Founding Director, The Smokebrush Foundation; Member, Advisory Board, Smokebrush Center for the Arts & Theater, Colorado Springs, 1992-9 Member, Board of Directors, Theatreworks, 1993-4. Faculty Adviser, News with a View (alternative campus newspaper), 1992-3 Member, Board of Directors, Soundscapes (contemporary music), 1992-3 Member, the El Paso County Medical Society Ethics Committee, Colorado Springs, CO, 1990-1 Member of the Human Studies Committee (Institutional Review Board for Human Research), Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA, 1985-6 Numerous public presentations and workshops at Junior-high, high-schools, colleges, and religious organizations in Colorado 31 Personal: Born 9/26/55 in Israel; USA naturalized citizen since 1982; father of two daughters. 31 W. Cimarron Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, cell: 719-338-9900. Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 719-255-4090; e-mail: rsassowe@uccs.edu Revised September 2014 32