Day 2: Trade and investment rules for inclusive and sustainable development What specific trade, technology and investment policy issues need to be addressed at the national and international levels to bring about a more balanced world economy, consistent with environmental sustainability? What sectoral policies (including agriculture, services, environment and natural resources, and technology) have potential to foster greater poverty reduction, decent job creation, gender and youth empowerment and access to essential services (water, health, education etc)? In particular, what emerging best practices in the respective policy areas, including trade and investment policies and rules supporting sustainable development strategies, the management of international production networks, food security issues, aid for trade and regional cooperation. Are there trade and investment rules at global, regional and bilateral levels that need to be reviewed to ensure that they do not conflict with, or prevent implementation of policies designed and applied to meet sustainable development objectives? Given the current state of the Doha Round, is there an alternative trade agenda that can be pursued at the regional and international levels in support of inclusive and sustainable development?