ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCES FOR MAINE W.J. Jones Appendix M. Ruane G CONVERSION OF SOLID WASTES M. Ruane Prepared for the Central Maine Power Company. Report No. MIT-EL 77-010 MIT Energy Laboratory July 1977 This appendix is one of thirteen volumes; the remaining volumes are as follows: A. Conversion of Biomass; B. Conservation; C. Geothermal Energy Conversion; D. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; E. Fuel Cells; F. Solar Energy Conversion; H. Storage of Energy; I. Wave Energy Conversion; J. Ocean and Riverine Current Energy Conversion; K. Wind Energy Conversion, and L. Environmental Impacts. Preface The Energy Laboratory of the Mass. Inst. of Tech. was retained by the Central Maine Power Company to evaluate several technologies as possible alternatives (a 600 MWe coal fired to the construction generating plant of Sears Island #1 scheduled for startup in 1986). This is an appendix to Report MIT-EL 77-010 which presents the results of the study for one of the technologies. The assessments were made for the Central Maine Power the basis; that a technology should be: 1) an alternative to a base-load power facility. generation electric Base-load is defined as ability to furnish up to a rated capacity output for 6 57 0 hrs. per year. 2) not restricted to a single plant. It may be several plants within the state of Maine. The combined output, when viewed in isolation, must be a separate, "standalone", source of power. 3) available to deliver energy by 1 985. Company on APPENDIX G CONVERSION OF SOLID WASTES Page 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION General 1.2 Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) 1.3 Industrial Solid Wastes 1.4 Agricultural Wastes 1.5 Forestry Wastes BIOMASS PLANTATIONS - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 5.0 6.0 G-3 G-3 G-5 G- 5 Physical Characteristics G-5 2.2 Chemical Characteristics G-7 2.2.1 Heat Content G-8 2.2.2 Ultimate Analysis G-1O Preprocessing G-ll G-14 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY Biological Conversion G-16 3.2 Thermochemical Conversion G-16 3.3 Direct Burning G-18 3.4 Comparison of Processes G-20 3.1 4.0 G-3 2.1 2.3 3.0 G-1 1.1 SUPPLY OF SOLID WASTE IN MAINE G-21 4.1 Production Rates G-21 4.2 Population Patterns G-22 4.3 Energy Potential of MSW G-25 G-26 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 5.1 Collection and Transport G-26 5.2 Conversion Facility G-28 5.2.1 Incineration G-28 5.2.2 Refuse-Derived Fuels (RDF) G-29 G-32 ECONOMICS 6.1 Collection and Transport G-33 6.2 Conversion Facility G-35 6.3 6.2.1 Incineration Systems G-35 6.2.2 RDF Systems G-36 6.2.3 Dumping Charges G-37 Discussion G-37 7.0 CONCLUSIONS G-39 8.0 REFERENCES G-41 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 Field Crops in Maine G-4 Table 1.2 Livestock in Maine G-5 Table 2.1 Composition of MSW (% by weight -as disposed) G-6 Table 2.2 Projected Composition of MSW (% by weight as disposed) Table 2.3 G-7 Seasonal Variation of Refuse Composition Franklin, Ohio G-7 Table 2.4 Selected Heat Contents for MSW Components G-8 Table 2.5 Heat Contents of MSW G-8 Table 2.6 Ultimate Analysis of Typical MSW G-10 Table 2.7 Analysis of MSW Residue after Incineration G-ll Table 3.1 Comparison of Typical Properties of No. 6 Fuel Oil and Pyrolytic Oil Table 3.2 Comparison of Fluff RDF and Coal Table 3.3 Comparison of Energy Recovery Efficiencies for Various Solid Waste Energy Recovery Processes Table 3.4 G-18 G-19 G-20 Comparison of Energy Recovery Processes 1975 Dollars G-21 Table 4.1 Sliding Scale of Municipal Waste Generation Rates G-22 Table 4.2 Population Changes in Maine G-22 Table 4.3 Estimated 1986 Population and MSW Generation in Maine G-23 Table 4.4 Approximate MW Capacity Supportable by MSW G-25 Table 4.5 Comparison of MSW Transport Modes G-26 Table 5.1 Emission Factors for Diesel and Gasoline Engines G-27 Table 5,2 Comparison with Ambient Air Quality Standards for N.E. Massachusetts Incinerator Table 5.3 Heavy Metals Present in Leachings from MSW Residues and Processing Table 5.4 G-28 Emission Levels During RDF Firing at St. Louis ii G-29 G-30 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 6.1 Transport Cost in Dollars Per Ton Per Mile G-33 Table 6.2 Incineration Systems Estimated Capital Costs G-36 Table 6.3 RDF Systems Estimated Capital Costs G-36 Table 6.4 Hypothetical Utility-Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs Collection System Table 6.5 Hypothetical Utility-Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs Incineration System Table 6.6 G-38 Hypothetical Utility Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs RDF System Table 6.7 G-38 G-39 Hypothetical Utility Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs G-39 iii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Energy Savings of Recycled Materials - MBtu/ton G-2 Figure 2.2 Combustion Characteristics of MSW G-9 Figure 2.3 Typical Pre-Processing Arrangement G-12 Figure 2.4 Shredding Cost G-13 Figure 2.5 Shredding Energy G-14 Figure 3.1 Alternative Energy Conversion Technologies for MSW G-15 Figure 4.1 Suggested Centroids for MSW Collection G-24 Figure 5.1 Effect of Volumetric Gas Flow Rate on Particulate Emissions Figure 5.2 G-30 Boiler Residue Accumulation Rate for Coal and Coal-RDF G-31 Figure 6.1 Transfer Station Investment Versus Capacity G-34 Figure 6.2 Transfer Station Operating Costs G-34 Figure 6.3 Transportation Cost for Solid Municipal Waste G-35 iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The United States produces staggering amounts of waste materials,on the order of 160 million tons peryear by 1980. The concept of utilizing these wastes is not new, but only in recent years have the technologies for resource recovery from wastes received wide attention. This change in attitude has occurred for three reasons: · Traditional disposal methods (landfill, incineration, open dumps, sea dumping, etc.) have become inadequate for handling the increasing volume of solid wastes in an economical, environmentally acceptable manner. · The depletion of inexpensive natural resources has made wastes an economically at- tractive source of raw materials. Solid waste utilization can help maintain adequate energy supplies, both through energy conservation by the recycling of energy-intensive materials (e.g., glass, aluminum, iron), and through direct production of fuels and electricity from wastes. This appendix will not address directly the challenging waste disposal problems facing communities in Maine [see (Colonna and McLaren, 1974) or (EC, 1977)]. Nor will it address directly the problems and potential of raw material recovery from solid wastes [see (Colonna and McLaren, 1974) or (Blum, 1976, p. 669)]. Instead this appendix will concentrate on the potential contribution of solid wastes to the electrical energy supply in Maine. What form might this contribution take? duction are possible. Either electricity conservation or electricity pro- With respect to conservation, it has been estimated thatas much as 200 million Btu/ton can be saved (Figure 1.1) by recycling aluminum, 12 million Btu/ton for iron and about 2.6 million Btu/ton for glass [(Kohlhepp, 1975, p. 353) and (Blum, 1976, p. 670)], materials comprise, respectively, industrial wastes (see Table 21). about On a national basis, these 1%, 9%, and 8% of the total disposed tonnage of non- However, the potential savings in Maine of nearly 3.5 trillion Btu/yr. (assuming 3000tons of waste per day by 1986) would not accrue to Maine's electrical energy sector. This is true for two reasons. Less than 50% of the conserved energy is electrical; coal, oil, and gas are all utilized, along with electricity, in processing these materials. Also, the industries which process aluminum ore, iron ore, and glass are located beyond Maine's borders. Any electrical savings would occur in those states as the processing industries used recycled feedstock. This does not imply that recycling of these materials deserves no further consideration. The consumers in Maine pay for the energy content of their purchases, and could possibly benefit their own energy situation by helping relieve unnecessary demands in other parts of the country. Whether or not a concerted recycling program of energy-intensive materials should be attempted requires further analysis. This will not be attempted here since the electrical energy savings in Maine due to such a recycling effort would be negligible. This appendix will therefore consider only the production of electricity from wastes. By focusing on wastes as a source of energy for electricity production, this appendix takes an unconventional perspective. Research, development, and demonstration efforts reported in the published literature have generally considered the disposal of wastes as the problem of interest. Energy recovery has been included in disposal system designs because it has offered a means for reducing the per ton cost of disposal through revenues from the sale of energy. Hence, the pri- mary objective of such designs has been the economic disposal of wastes, rather than the economic production of electricity. G-1 Figure 1.1 FINISHED PRODUCT INGIOT ORE -4,BY RECYCLING Energy Savings of Recycled Materials - MBtu/ton (Kohlhepp, 1975, p. 353) Steel Aluminum Glass (Blum, 1976, p. 670) 8.8 12.0 185.0 200.0 2.6 1.2 G-2 Wastes are most easily considered according to their sources: cultural and forestry. municipal, industrial, agri- Nationally the greatest interest has been in the management of municipal solid wastes (MSW). 1.2 Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Included in the category of municipal solid waste (MSW) are those wastes generated in residences, by commercial activities, and at institutions. Sewage sludge, abandoned vehicles, demo- lition and construction debris, and street sweepings are not consideredin MSW. This class of wastes will be the principal focus of the appendix and will be described in detail in Section 2.0. 1.3 Industrial Solid Wastes Manufacturing and industrial operations produce wastes which can be considered as either process or non-process wastes. Non-process wastes are similar to MSW (e.g., shipping, office, and cafeteria wastes) and can be found in most industries. Process wastes are industry-specific and depend upon the products being manufactured. On a national basis, industries producing the largest quantities of wastes requiring disposal are (1) lumber and wood products; (2) printing and publishing; (3) food processing; (4) paper and allied products; and (5) fabricated metals (Rofe, et al., 1975, p. 41). industrial process waste producer In Maine, the largest is the pulp and paper industry, which also consumes about 75% of the total energy used in the industrial sector (Page, et al. industry wastes are generally in the form of bark and sawdust, 1976, p 1-11). Pulp and paper The wood products industry is also a producer of large quantities of waste in the form of shavings, wood scraps, and mill ends. In Maine, these wastes have been estimated at 350,000 tons/year (Page, et al., 1976, p. 28) or roughly 3.5 x 1012 Btu/yr (assuming 5,000 Btu/lb). The industries already use more than 50% of this total resource for process heat and electricity production [a total of 2.2 x 1012 Btu/yr in 1974 (Page, et al., 1976, p. 1-12)]. If the remaining wastes were to be used solely for electricity production, they could provide roughly 19 MW of capacity at 70% load factor. 1.4 Agricultural Wastes Wastes from field crops and animal husbandry are the two categories of agricultural wastes. The obstacles to their use as an energy source in Maine are their small total volume and their dispersed production. In addition, there are competitive uses for these wastes such as silage and fertilizer. Because of the dispersed nature of agricultural wastes, it has been estimated that only about 6% can be considered available for processing to energy (Rofe, et al., 1975, p, 50). The land under cultivation in Maine has been decreasing (Table 1.1) but if we assume an average production of 1 ton of crops per cultivated acre for the 1969 acreage, there would be a total crop production of about 460,000 tons. to energy. We further assume that half of this is wastes and that 6% can be processed With an average heat content of 5,000 Btu/lb and an efficiency of conversion to elec- tricity of 25%, there is roughly enough energy for a 1 MW plant. Of course, this approximation does not consider the energy, economic, and environmental penalties involved in collecting the wastes. G-3 Table 1.1 Field Crops in Maine Item No. of Farms Cropland Corn-silage, Fodder, Hogged or Grazed No. of Farms Sorghum-Si lage Fodder, Hogged or Grazed No. of Farms Units 1959 .1964 1969 - 17260 12875 7971 Acres 698188 594434 457935 Acres 8818 - 10048 - 19763 10 1 469 30 Acres - - Hay, excluding Sorghum No. of Farms Acres 451067 - 367476 - 208162 4041 Potatoes No. of Farms Acres - 133349 - 130707 - 152070 2210 Vegetables No. of Farms Acres - 14701 1392 17491 932 13188 644 Berries No. of Farms Acres 25212 - 22242 1446 17151 652 Orchards No. of Farms *from (USDA,1972, p. 5) Acres - 11050 1635 8693 885 7365 383 The dispersed pattern of livestock ownership (Table 1.2) presents problems for the use of manure as an energy source since free-roaming livestock. If we consider 25% a sizeable fraction of the manure is deposited in pastures by Poultry appear to be the one exception since most are kept in buildings. of the total tonnage of dry solids produced to be collectible and assume 6,500 Btu/dry lb and 25% conversion efficiency to electricity, there is potentially enough energy for roughly a 7 MW plant, This does not consider the energy, economic, and environmental penalties involved in collecting and transporting the manures. G-4 Table 1.2 Livestock in Maine* Organic Solids (Moisture and Ash Free)** . 1964 1969 186216 10500 157594 7014 127018 3389 Hogs & Pigs No. of Farms 24646 4134 13117 1662 7350 609 0.166 1200 Sheep & Lambs No. of Farms 40615 1627 23381 1008 14332 504 0.084 1200 1.50** 7400 0.0086 175700 Cattle & Calves No. of Farms Horses & Ponies No. of Farms Chickens older than 3 months 1.50 4930 1379 7730 3853 4480993 5773 Tons/animal yr For All Livestock 1959 Stock 4795565 2534 190500 7373553 13057223 459 Broilers less than 3 months I rrr. I cr .n IUI#AL J/OUUU *from (USDA, 1972, p. 5) **from (Rofe, 1975, p. 47) ***Estimated by MIT 1.5 Forestry Wastes In this category are those components of the commercial forest which have no commercial value. These include the unused tops, branches, stumps, and roots of merchantable trees, trees of noncommercial species, damaged and rotten trees, and brush. Detailed surveys of the extent of these wastes are not available and estimates of annual waste production vary by an order of magnitude. Even so, the most conservative estimates show that forestry wastes could have supplied one-eighth or more of the total energy needs of Maine in 1975. Collection logistics are the greatest problem associated with utilizing forest wastes. Because of the potentially great energy supply available from forestry wastes, a separate appendix has been prepared on this energy source (biomass). The interested reader is referred to Appendix A (Conversion of Biomass) for more details. The remainder of this appendix will consider the potential contribution of municipal solid waste to the production of electricity in Maine. 2.0 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) AS FUEL 2.1 Physical Characteristics MSW is the mixed refuse and garbage collected from residences, commercial sources, industrial non-process sources, and institutions. The gross composition of MSW is highly variable, changing from one community to the next, from one truckload to the next, by season and over longer periods of time (as consumer products change). The only universal description is that MSW is wet, bulky, and has an unpleasant odor. Numerous estimates of the average composition of MSW are available (Table 2.1). variation seen in Table 2.1 The reflects some of the difficulties involved in characterizing MSW. G-5 Of particular importance is the treatment of the moisture content of the wastes, which has been seen in one study to vary from 3% to 63% around an average of roughly 27% (Klumb, 1976, p. 86). Mois- ture content varies primarily as a function of weather and collection practices (e.g., separate collection of paper and food wastes). Table 2.1 Composition of MSW (% by weight - as disposed)* Paper a 1975-Illinois I 33.0 Glass Ferrous Metals Non-Ferrous Metals Component 1971-USAb 37.8 38.9 8.0 10.0 n.3 7.6 9.0 - 1.1 Plastics Leather & Rubber 6.4 Textiles Wood Food Wastes } 15.6 Yard Wastes Misc. (Ash, Dirt ) 1.8 Total Dry Wt. 73.0 Moisture 27.0 TOTAL 100.0 1975-Mlass.d 38.7 0 1 5.9 1.3 3.8 4.1 2.7 2.7 1.6 1.6 3.7 3.6 4.1 14.2 13.3 3.8 14.6 14.1 4.4 1.5 1.5 2.1 included included - - - 1972-USAe 1972-Kittery,Me 53.0 55.5 9.0 16.1 7.0 }12.9 f 2.7 }2.6 8.0 )12.2 24.0 3.0 73.7 100.0 5.0 Avg. Gen. Rate lb/person/day 1973-USAC 100.0 3.52 3.32 26.3 included included 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.5 7.0 4.4 *Moisture migrates from wet to dry wastes during collection; generation rates before collection will differ slightly from these numbers. a(Black, 1976, p.63) b(Lowe, 1974, p. 6) C(Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 15) d(ADL, 1976, p. 12) e(CEQ, 1975, p. 10-3) f(Dearborn, et al., 1974, p. 54) Projected future comlposition of MSW requires data (or assumptions) on growth rates for each category of waste (Table 2.2). Any such projections are conjectural and depend on lifestyle changes, population growth, and desire for recovery (as a function of economics, technology, and legislation). Because the heating value of MSW depends on the relative proportions of combustible and non-combustible wastes, these changing rates of growth have economic significance for processes attempting energy recovery from MSW. The most reliable method for estimating MSW composition in a region is a survey of existing disposals, preferably over a period of several months (to eliminate seasonal effects such as those shown in Table 2.3). G-6 Table 2.2 Projected Composition of MSW (% by weight - as disposed) 1970 1980 1990 Paper 37.4 40.1 43.4 Glass 9.0 10.2 9.5 Metal 8.9 3.0 8.6 Plastics 8.4 1.4 Leather & Rubber 1.2 1.2 3.9 1.2 Textiles 2.2 2.3 2.7 Component 3.1 2.4 2.0 Food Wastes 20.0 16.1 14.0 Yard Waste 13,9 12.9 12.3 Wood 2.7 3,4 Miscellaneous 2.4 from (ADL, 1976, p. 27) Table 2.3 Seasonal Variation of Refuse Composition Franklin, Ohio Values in Percent SORT DATES CATEGORY 4/10-4/18/74 9/17-9/23/74 Paper 33,8 37.34 Inert 2.5 5,18 Glass 9.7 7.94 Metals 10,7 11.88 Non-fiber organics 44.2 37.39 12/16-12/-- /74 49,4 2.4 8.0 10,7 Average 40.1 3.4 8.5 11.1 37.0 29.5 Adapted from (Wittman, et al., 1975, p, 39) 2.2 Chemical Characteristics Three aspects of the chemical characteristics of MSW are of interest. The first is heat con- tent, which will determine the amounts of wastes which must be processed for a given energy output. The second is the potential for producing objectionable air and water pollution, which will determine the extent of pollution controls needed. The third is the form of the noncombustible compo- nents, which will determine the preprocessing and residue disposal required. G-7 2.2.1 Heat Content The heat content of MSW is due to the 50-60% of refuse which is combustible (Table 2.4). Paper products are the largest component of the combustible refuse. Paper recycling,which can sometimes be more attractive than disposal, can preclude the use of the remaining MSW as fuel by removing as much as 70% of the total heat content (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-3). Moisture can be a significant factor in determining heat content and conversion process efficiency. Heat content of MSW (HV) is related linearly to moisture content: HV = Q(1 - M) (2.1) HV = heating value (Btu/lb) Q = dry heating value due to chemical composition M = moisture content (fraction by weight) Q varies with composition of the dry MSW, and has been calculated to range between Btu/lb (Table 2.5). 6000 and 8000 Although Q itself varies due to the changing proportions of combustible and noncombustible components in MSW, moisture content is more often responsible for changes in total heat content. If the moisture fraction, M, exceeds 50%, it is no longer possible to maintain comDepending on the relative proportions of combustible bustion of MSW without supplementary fuel. and noncombustible materials in MSW, even moisture contents below 50% will require supplementary fuels (Figure 2.2) Table 2.4 Selected Heat Contents for MSW Components* Component Btu/lb Paper 7572 Wood 8613 Grass 7693 Leaves 7096 8850 Leather Rubber 11330 Plastics 14368 Oils, Paints 13400 8484 Food Wastes 16700 Fats Metal 124 Glass 65 Ashes 4172 *from (Corey, 1969) Table 2.5 Heat Contents of MSW HV (Btu/lb) M(%) Q (Btu/lb) Source - 6200 20.7 7820 (Corey, 1969) 5200 20 6500 (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-3) 4500 20 6160 (Forrestell, 1976, p. 3), (Lowe, 1974, p. II-9) 4630 28 6430 (Schnelle, 1976, p. 186) G-8 Figure 2.2 COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MSW 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % Combustible Refuse will burn without auxiliary fuel when average composition falls into shaded area. from (Wheelabrator-Frye, 1976, p. 4) G-9 Table 2.6 Ultimate Analysis of Typical MSW Component % by Weight % by Weight as Received Dry Bases Moisture 25.1 Carbon 25.2 4.3 3.2 Hydrogen 25.2 18.8 ' Oxygen 33.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 Sulfur 0.1 0.1 Metal 8.7 11.6 12.2 16.3 6.0 8.1 Nitrogen Chlorine (organic 40%) (inorganic 60%) Glass, Ceramics Ash 100.0 100.0 Total from (Rofe, 1975, p. 34) 2.2.2 Ultimate Analysis Table 2.6 lists the components of typical MSW. As indicated, MSW has on the order of 0.1% sulfur, making it an attractive fuel in comparison with coal which ranges from 1% to 4% or more. Other chemical components tend to remain in the residue or ash produced by energy conversion. Nitrogen oxide production from bound nitrogen is not a problem, The moisture component of MSW can lead to water pollution problems if it is not contained properly. The residue remaining after the combustible portion of MSW is converted to energy consists mostly of metals and glass (Table 2.7), The form of the residue (ash, slag, etc.) depends on the preprocessing and energy conversion technology employed. This residue can be used as landfill, since it is inert, or processed further to recover some of the materials it contains (Blum, 1976, pp. 671l673). It is possible that MSW from a particular location may contain substances which when burned can produce noxious and toxic effluents. Any operation should include sample monitoring to insure that such objectionable wastes are not included in the combustion process. G-10 Table 2.7 Analysis of MSW Residue after Incineration Component Analysis (as received percent by weight) Iron* 30.5 Nonferrous 2.8 Glass 49.6 Ash 17.1 TOTAL 100.0 *Analysis of magnetic portion picked up and in iron Average Weight (%) 02 Carbon Sulfur .03 Manganese .01 Phosphorus .03 Tin .17 Copper .44 Chromium .09 Nickel .10 Molybdenum .02 Lead .10 TOTAL 1.01 from (Blum, 1976, p. 672). 2.3 Preprocessing Municipal solid waste contains too great a variety of materials to be used directly for most energy conversion processes. Preprocessing of MSW reduces its volume, proces a more uniform size (which simplifies handling) and removes noncombustible volume and can cause fouling of equipment). of recoverable materials. materials which increase the residue Non-combustibles often have value as economic sources Their recovery is frequently easier before processing for fuel occurs. Pre- processing usually involves some combination of three operations: metals recovery, waste classifi- cation, and waste shredding (Figure 2.3). Metals recovery operations separate ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the MSW stream. Bulky items, e.g., large appliances can be separated manually or by the crane operator as the wastes are moved in the recovery plant. The remaining wastes are shredded before further metals recovery since small, uniform pieces respond better to existing separation processes. as the waste stream passes an electromagnet. Ferrous metals are removed Nonferrous metals are separated on the basis of density differences (using floatation cells with controlled specific gravity to selectively "float" off the metals), eddy currents (induced currents in the metals produce a magnetic field force which results in the removal of the metals from a conveyor) or electrostatic separation (charged plates hold the nonmetallic wastes on a rotating drum while metals lose their charge and fall). Waste classification separates wastes on the basis of size, density, or weight. Since these characteristics are roughly correlated to the combustibility of the wastes, classification effectively separates combustibles and noncombustibles, A variety of screens or trommels (rotating, cylindrical screens) separate wastes according to size. Floatation methods can separate different nonmetallic G-ll11 Figure 2.3 PRIMARY SHREDDER AIR CLASSIFIER : SECONDARY SHREDDER WASTE HEAVIES TROMMEL TO LANDFILL TO TO ENERGY CONVERSION MIXED COLOR GLASS RES ,, . _ _.,, ~ TO GLASS COMPANY Typical Pre-Processing Arrangement adapted from (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 53). G-12 components in the same manner as the ferrous-nonferrous metals separation was performed. different specific gravity fluids from before are needed. For this, Weight separation relies on air classifiers, in which the upward flow of air in a cylinder is regulated to force-blow lighter fractions of waste out the top while heavy pieces fall to the bottom. Often shredding is performed at several stages. Initial shredding is used to produce a roughly uniform size for ease of metal separation and waste classification. Later shredding depends on the energy recovery process being used. Hammermill shredders, in which whirling hammers crush the wastes, are usually utilized and reduce MSW to a uniform size which can vary from 8 inches to 0.015 inches in different conversion processes. The preprocessing of MSW results in an improved input stream to the energy recovery technology in comparison with the original waste stream. The combustible fraction nears unity, the heat content is higher, volume is reduced and handling is simplified. simplified. The recovery of reuseable materials is also This improvement is achieved at the cost of increased investment and energy loss (Figures 2.4 and 2.5). Preprocessing systems and materials recovery systems are discussed in greater detail in (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 62), (Wilson, 1976), and (Nollet, 1976). Figure 2.4. Z 0 FI' 0 U 0U W ) mm PRODUCT MEAN $IZ17 Shredding Cost from (Wilson, 1976) G-13 Figure 2.5 25 C 0 .C 3 "- 15 IL CY UJ: 10 Z uJ VI ) PRODUCT MEAN SIZE from (Wilson, 1976) 3.0 Shredding Energy CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES Municipal solid waste (MSW) can be converted into a variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, Figure 3.1. Not all of these fuels are suitable for electricity production because of high cost, in- efficiencies, low heating value, combustion problems, or corrosion problems. ment of the several conversion methods varies greatly. The status of develop- Refuse-to-energy technologies can be characterized as biological, thermochemical, or direct burning methods (Levy and Rigo, 1976), (Parkhurst, 1976). G-14 - u.C - - FERROIJS NON-FFERROUS GLASS SECONDARY AvV (NON-COMB.) MATERIALS ETC. MASS BURNING j- WASTE SEPARATION 1 V-TJP-' "' STREAM" FACILITY I r.RCA GENERATE ENERGY 4I1-TANGENTIAL BURNING B MW. FUEL LIGHT FRACTION (COMBUSTIBLE) ADDITIONAL HEATING TO INCREASE BTU. i.e. ECO-FUEL - SECONDARY PROCESSING ~ - r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- - | 1, - HYDRO- I CHEMICAL I HYDROI ENATION I REDUCTION] PULPING tFUL FUEL - UEL FUEL PYROLYSIS FUEL FUEL UIL l 4 BIOLOGICALI OXIDATION REDUCTION (WET AIR) FU EL FUEL FUE Lt FUEL - . Figure 3.1 Alternative Energy Conversion Technologies for MSW from (Schnelle, 1976, p - 179) G-15 3.1 Biological Conversion Biological conversion of MSW produces fuels which have premium uses (e.g., pipeline gas, chemical feedstocks) other than electricity production, although the latter is technically possible (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 56), (Bargman and Betz, 1976). Commercial operation is considered to be eight to ten years into the future (Schnelle, 1976, p. 169). Anaerobic digestion has been in commercial operation for many years as a waste treatment method in landfills, domestic septic tanks, and municipal sewage treatment. The process is not completely understood. Two classes of bacteria are involved. molecules into organic acids. Acidogenic (acid-forming) bacteria break complex organic These bacteria are hardy and resistant to changes in their environment. Methanogenic (methane-forming) bacteria feed on the organic acids dioxide, and water. to release methane, carbon These bacteria are easily upset and are slow-growing. It is not known, for instance, what effect pesticides and disinfectants in the waste stream would have on these bacteria. Two methods of obtaining methane by anaerobic digestion are under consideration. volves drilling into existing landfills and tapping the methane that is produced. being tested in Los Angeles, California (Mandeville, 1976). MSW stream in a digestor tank (Klass, 1976). The second method The first in- Prototypes are uses a preprocessed Pilot plants are being tested with capacities of 1 to 50 TPD (tons per day). Enzymatic hydrolysis utilizes a strain of mutant fungus to convert the cellulosic components of MSW to glucose. Further processing and fermentation can yield ethyl alcohol (Spans, process is still in a laboratory stage of development (Andren 3.2 1976). This and Nystrom, 1976). Thermochemical Conversion Hydrogenation involves breaking the complex organic molecules in MSW and introducing hydrogen molecules, from steam, into the process. High temperatures and pressures are needed, and the re- sulting fuel resembles a heavy fuel oil. A similar process, hydrogasification, is being considered for production of methane-rich gas. Both processes are in the pilot plant stage (Klass, 1976, p. 49) and are not, at present, serious contenders for electricity production. Pyrolysis is the most advanced thermochemical system and involves the destructive distillation of the organic portions of solid waste. oxygen-poor atmosphere. Pyrolysis occurs when organic compounds are heated in an Since it is an endothermic (heat-absorbing) reaction, part of the energy fuel output must be used to provide the heat for pyrolysis. Pyrolysis can produce gaseous, liquid, or solid fuels from MSW, depending on preprocessing, reaction time, temperature, and pressure conditions, catalysts and auxiliary fuels, Because gas is more versatile than other pyrolysis products, its production is usually maximized. At present, four systems are classified as "developmental," i.e., they have been tested in small pilot plants and currently are being used in full-size plants of 200 tons per day (TPD) which are in operation or being built. Several other systems can be considered "experimental" (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 42). The Monsanto Landgard System pyrolyzes a shredded refuse stream to produce a very low-Btu 3 gas (120 Btu/ft ). In a 1000-TPD prototype facility in Baltimore, Md., this gas is immediately burned to produce steam for district heating. Alternative configurations, such as feeding the hot, low-Btu gas directly into a utility boiler for electricity production, are possible. Since the low heat content of the gas precludes economic shipment over a distance of more than a few hundred yards, the utility boiler and waste processing facility would have to be right next to each other (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 43). The Baltimore plant, which was built with an EPA subsidy, has been plagued with numerous problems since construction was completed in February 1975. G-16 New air pollution controls are being installed since the original design failed to meet Federal standards. The most recent plant shutdown began in late March 1977 when a conveyor removing slag from the pyrolysis kiln failed. A 25-day trial run has been the longest period of continuous operation. The Andco Torrax System does not require preprocessing of MSW and produces a low-Btu gas similar to that of the Landgard system. This gas also cannot be economically transported, so it is now burned on-site for process heat and to produce steam. A 75 TPD plant in Erie County, NY operated intermittently from 1971 to 1974, and a 200 TPD system was to be tested in Luxemburg beginning in 1976. No large-scale plants are in commercial operation in the U.S. (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 47). The Union Carbide Purox system (Donegan, 1976) utilizes shredded MSW to produce a medium-Btu gas (300 Btu/ft3). Unlike the previous processes, which use air, Purox utilizes oxygen to maintain higher temperatures in the pyrolysis reactor. The higher heat content makes it feasible to ship the gas several miles, depending on the volume of gas produced and pipeline costs (Schultz, et al., 1975, p. 79). If this is so, the gas could be sold to utilities or to other gas customers (Fisher, et al., 1976, p. 459). A 5 TPD pilot plant was tested in 1970 and a 200 TPD system is in operation in S. Charlestown, W. Va. The 200-TPD plant is being operated as a research demonstration facility in order to gain design experience for commercial modules in a 200- to 250-TPD capacity range. The Occidental Flash Pyrolysis process (formerly the Garrett process) requires extensive preprocessing of MSW and produces an oil-like liquid fuel by condensing a portion of the pyrolysis gases as they leave the reactor. The remaining gases and residues are used for process heat. The pyrolitic "oil" contains 35% less heat energy (10,500 Btu/lb) than that available in residual No. 6 oil (18,200 Btu/lb), has a higher moisture content, is more acidic and has a higher viscosity (Table 3.1). It also has very low S02 emissions when burned (Blum, 1976, p. 674). A 4 TPD test facility was operated starting in 1971. A 200 TPD prototype has been built in San Diego, County, Ca., and will produce pyrolitic oil for testing at San Diego Gas and Electric Company power stations. The cost of construction and a one-year test period has risen from initial estimates of $4 million to $14.5 million. The test is subsidized by both EPA and San Diego County. Because of the high costs,when the test period is completed in May 1978 the county may not be able to keep the plant in operation (EW, 1977, p. 28). G-17 Table 3.1 Comparison of Typical Properties of No. 6 Fuel Oil and Pyrolytic Oil No. 6 Carbon, weight percent 85.7 Hydrogen Sulfur Pyrolytic Oil 57,5 10.5 7.6 0,7 - 3,5 0.1 - 0.3 Chlorine - Ash 0.05 Nitrogen 0.3 0.2 - 0.4 0.9 Oxygen 2.0 Btu/pound 33.4 18,200 T0,500 Specific Gravity 0.98 1.30 Lb/gallon 8.18 10,85 148,840 113,900 Btu/gallon Pour point F Flash point F Viscosity SSU @ 190F Pumping temperature F Atomization temperature F 65 - 85 90 150 133 340 1,150 115 160 220 240 from (Mallan and Titlow, 1976, p. 242) 3.3 Direct Burning This class of conversion technologies includes incineration for steam production and burning MSW as a supplementary fuel. Refuse derived fuel (RDF), which can be used for direct burning or as a feedstock to pyrolysis, is discussed under supplementary fuels. Waterwall incineration burns either preprocessed or unprocessed MSW in a furnace whose walls are lined with closely spaced water-filled tubes, generated heat. These tubes remove a major portion of the Heat recovery boilers in the exhaust gas stream remove additional heat and so re- duce gas volume before the exhaust enters the plant pollution control equipment. Such furnaces have been used widely in Europe for over 20 years, where landfill opportunities, fuel costs, and institutional factors have long combined to make steam recovery attractive. European systems are typically low-temperature, low-pressure systems while most U.S. utilities operate high-temperature and pressure units. As a result, corrosion is not a serious problem in Europe (Lawrence, 1976, p. 349). In this country, a number of systems using unprocessed MSW have been operating for several years. The U.S. Naval Station, Norfolk, Va. has operated a 360 TPD plant since 1967, supplying the base's heating and cooling needs. Chicago, Ill, (1600 TPD), Saugus, Mass.(Forestell, 1976), (1200 TPD), and Harrisburg, Pa., (720 TPD) have facilities which have operated successfully for several years, although steam sales have not been consistent due to a lack of customers. 1976, Table II). (Parkhurst, An installation in Nashville, Tenn., (720 TPD), has operated since 1975 supplying heating and cooling to downtown buildings. Many of these facilities have had air pollution problems from particulates. Recent installations have generally operated reliably and economically, especially when the steam customers were identified beforehand. Electric utilities could use the steam for electricity but backup systems to G-18 ensure a constant supply would be required (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 28). There has been less operating experience here and abroad with waterwall incineration of processed wastes. Plants are announced or under study in Akron, Ohio, (1000 TPD), Niagara Falls, NY, Hempstead,. NY, (200 TPD), and Dade County, Fla (3000 TPD). A fluidized bed incinerator of MSW which uses a gas turbine in order to generate electricity, has been tested in Menlo Park, Calif., in a 100-TPD pilot plant. This system has not yet performed well enough to warrant building a prototype plant (Black, 1976, p. 30), (Huffman, 1976, p. 402). Supplementary firing of refuse involves preprocessing of MSW to remove metals and other noncombustibles. MSW would foul Further processing produces a homogeneous refuse-derived fuel, (RDF). Unprocessed and corrode conventional boilers if used as a supplementary fuel. RDF is pneumatically fed into a conventional boiler where it burns in suspension with normal fossil fuels. The degree of shredding (or further processing) depends on the design of the fossil- fired boiler, since it is more practical to produce an RDF which is compatible with the present fuel system than it is to modify significantly the combustion systems. RDF are being offered: As a result, several types of fluff RDF, densified RDF, and dust RDF. Fluff RDF can be produced by both dry and wet processing systems. In the dry systems, the combustible waste stream from the preprocessing facility is shredded to a size which will burn readily in suspension (Table 3.2). Such a system-was successfully tested by the EPA and Union Electric (on a pilot plant scale) in St. Louis, Mo., from 1972 to 1975. MSW was collected from St. Louis at a central processing plant and the RDF was then shipped to the utility boilers where it was burned with coal (Lowe, 1973). RDF constituted up to 28% of the heat input. Subsequent attempts to establish a permanent full-scale system in St. Louis have failed due to public opposition to transfer stations for the MSW. Electric Light and Power, 1977, p. 2). fluff RDF plants are in operation or planned for Ames, Ia., Other (200 TPD) (ELP, 1976), (Funk and Sheahan, 1976), Bridgeport, Conn., (1550 TPD) (Mallon and Titlow, 1976, p. 248), Milwaukee, Wis., (Lawler, 1976), and Chicago, Ill. (200 TPD) (Suloway, 1976, p. 437). Table 3.2 COMPARISON OF FLUFF RDF AND COAL . Per Pound Fluff RDF Coal Property 5,000 - 6,500 HeatingValue (Btu/lb) Bulk Density (Lb/Ft3) Moisture AverageSize (In.) 5-9 20 - 30% 106 11,500- 14,300 106 42 3-12% 31 - 60 Lb Lb Lb 3-11 29- 38 43- 56 2-10 2- 10 Lb 1/4-2 19. 28. 6.9 0.6 45. 0.2 Ash Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Sulfur . Per MillionBtu Fluff RDF Coal 6.2 - 81 4.3- 6.0 1.0- 1.7 4.8 - 17.4 0.6 - 4.3 11 -14 .9 - 1.2 64 - 90 2.5 - .35 43 - 70 3 -5 .7 -1.5 15 .4-3.7 . . . from (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 35) G-19 . Wet process fluff RDF uses hydropulper technology (from the paper industry) to separate the waste stream into combustible and noncombustible components and to reduce the combustibles to an aqueous slurry. This fraction can then be dewatered to any desired moisture content. Wet proces- sing is advantageous when sewage sludge must be treated, but the dewatering process can be prohibitively expensive. A demonstration plant by Black-Clawson in Franklin, . (150 TPD capacity - 45 TPD operation) has operated since 1971 (Whittman, 1975), but no commercial installations are planned. Densified RDF is produced by pelletizing, briquetting, or extruding fluff RDF, or by binding dust RDF into briquettes. Small quantities have been produced and burned successfully, but the process is not yet near commercial status (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 40). Dust RDF can be fired along with coal or may even be slurried with oil. Coarse, shredded MSW is embrittled and shattered to form particles of dust RDF of about 0.006 inches. developed by Combustion Equipment Associates under the name Eco-Fuel II This process, (ADL, 1976), was used for 21 months in a 4 TPD pilot facility . A 480 TPD facility in East Bridgewater, Mass., will produce dust RDF for use in industrial process steam boilers, is also planned (Rofe, et al., 1975, p. 72). An 1800 TPD facility in New Britain, Conn., Dust RDF has superior combustion and handling pro- perties when compared to fluff RDF, 3.4 Comparison of Processes The choice of the best conversion process for electricity production is a complex decision. It must include consideration of the entire waste collection and treatment process, not just energy recovery. The choice is necessarily site-specific, and considering that most processes lack exten- sive commercial experience, somewhat risky. unavailable for most processes. Conversion efficiencies of MSW to electricity were However, comparative efficiencies to steam production were found (Table 3.3). Table 3.3 Comparison of Energy Recovery Efficiencies for Various Solid Waste Energy Recovery Processes Process Net Fuel Produced Total Amount Available as Steam (Expressed as percent of heat value of incoming solid waste) Water Wall Combustion Total Available as Electricity - % (35% turbine efficiency) (MIT) 59 .21 Fluff RDF 70 49 17 Dust RDF 80 63 22 Wet RDF 76 48 17 Purox Gasifier 64 58 20 Monsanto Gasifier 78 42 15 Torrax Gasifier 84 58 20 Oxy Pyrolysis (Garrett) 26 23 08 29 42 15 14 05 Biological Gasification* With use of residue Without 16 se of residue Brayton Cycle/Combined Cycle 19 plus 19 Waste Ffred Gas Turbine 12 directly as electricity 12 *Tn~llrl p nrnr frm11. 1 UC(L euvv IICl . d frnm rnrnrmA y Ruguy,. from (Levy and Rigo, l cpwanp Inv cIllnP I 1976, p. 23). G-20 The last column of Table 3.3 illustrates total efficiencies of electricity production assuming bine efficiencies of 35%. tur- Actual turbine efficiencies are process-dependent and might produce slightly different numbers. The rapidly changing status of many of these technologies makes comparisons of future performance and costs hazardous. One comparison for large systems, as of 1975, is given in Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Comparison of Energy Recovery Processes 1975 Dollars :E: mrn I D m--I -m i-- ; 30 1n1 0I I C) OW C) c o D r0': O I C -H C) 0 1 co 0 -< rl - O - wra HO = C) rr'I --A --I-n 4IV -oc Z m.z -- 00 XZ ;O ;; --I 0 0 2 ) -10 0 ;C -I V) - CDA 00 C) -< -- -ow C) 0 Investment ($/Daily Ton) 31,000 OC ;c Qo m A ·I C) .C c no C) o O 3Z 11,100 18,000 13,500 22,5000 C) C) P1 '-4rm ;: :ZC P1 o COw .o Costs m x- D C)-o P1C I C) D c 2 0 * m 20,000 21,000 22,000 15,000 18,200 Total Operating Cost ($/Ton) 11.71 6.76 8.88 8.12 9.21 10.55 11.75 10.07 9.10 14.31 Capital Costs 10.3 3.68 5.98 4.49 7.48 6.55 6.98 7.31 4.99 6.05 12.00 6.80 9.00 5.16 5.50 9.60 7.00 13.50 6.30 7.14 1.68 1.67 1.68 3.50 3.65 2.05 3.69 2.05 0.60 1.68 Credits Energy Credits Materials Credits Sewage Sludge Disposal 1.88 Net Amortized Operating Cost 8.33 1.97 4.18 3.95 7.54 5.55 8.04 1.83 7.19 9.66 Energy Recovery Efficiency 67% 66% 62% 57% 36% 42% 36% 65% 32% 25% from (Schultz, et al., 1975, p. 10) 4.0 SUPPLY OF SOLID WASTE IN MAINE 4.1 Production Rates Table 2.1 compiled several recent estimates of waste generation rates. to 7.00 lb/person/day. These ranged from 3.32 Two local surveys of waste production arrived at a 1976 rate of 4.25 lb/person/day in the Waterville area and a 1975 rate of 3.78 lb/person/day in the Auburn area (Beaulieu, 1976), (ADL, 1975, p. 1-2), (Stephens, 1976, p. 387). A sliding scale has also been used to reflect the decreased waste generation rates found in rural areas (Table 4.1). A state average of roughly 4.2 lb/person/day was estimated (Dearborn, et al., 1974, p. 54) using a 1974 population of 1.047 million (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1975). G-21 Table 4.1 Sliding Scale of Municipal Waste Generation Rates Population Municipality Lb/person/day < 1,000 2.2 > 1,000 2.5 > 5,000 3.5 > 10,000 4.5 from (Dearborn, et al., 1974, p. 20) Determination of future generation rates in Maine is a matter of conjecture. For example, the trend of increased packaging of consumer goods could be offset by state or federal legislation. One study suggested that per capita rates wouldactually decrease (from 3.78 to 3.48 lb/person/day) (ADL, 1975, p. I-2). Since we are concerned with assessing the ultimate energy potential of munici- pal solid waste (MSW), let us assume that 1976 urban and rural generation rates averaged 4.0 lb/ person/day and are growing at 2% per year. In 1986, the generation rate will be 4.9 lb/person/day. 4.2 Population Patterns Maine's population grew 5.3% from the 1970 census to 1974 (Table 4.2). annual rate of growth of 1.3% (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1975). This represents an Assuming that this rate continues, the 1986 population of Maine will be 1.225 million. Table 4.2 Population Changes in Maine Population April 1, 1970 993,663 July 1, 1974 1,047,000 1970 Births 71,000 to Deaths 46,000 Migration 28,000 1974 from (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1975). Two qualitative aspects of population patterns affect MSW production. industry. The first is the tourist Maine's summer population is bolstered by an influx of visitors, with a resulting increase in business activity and MSW production. This increase, which is a function of weather, the state of the economy and location in Maine is superimposed on the normal seasonal variation of MSW generation due to yard wastes, etc. MSW production in Maine. more rural lifestyles. No survey data were found on this seasonal component of The second aspect of interest in Maine's population is a trend towards Although census data are not yet available to quantify this trend, it appears that new household formation is occurring more often in smaller towns than in urbanized areas in Maine. If this is so, it could have implications for the rates of MSW production since in the past rural lifestyles have generated less collectible MSW than urban living. There will cer- tainly be cost and energy penalties in the collection of MSW from a dispersed population. We will have to ignore the quantitative impacts of these trends until data become available, but their potential effects would need investigation before any specific plans for energy from MSW were implemented. G-22 Population in Maine tends to concentrate in the southern third of the state. have been suggested as centroids for MSW collection (Figure 4.1). 80% of Maine's population. Fourteen regions These 14 regions contain roughly The first five regions alone contain roughly 40% of the total (Table 4.3). Figure 4.1 SUGGESTED CENTROIDS FOR MSW COLLECTION G-23 Table 4.3 Centroid Estimated 1986 Population and MSW Generation in Maine Estimated Estimated Population 1986** Name Population 1976* MSW, TPD 1986 - - 1 Portland 204,000 232,000 569 2 Bangor 102,000 116,000 323 3 Augusta-Winslow 98,000 112,000 312 4 Lewiston 95,000 108,000 301 5 Sanford-N. Berwick 67,000 76,000 212 6 Brunswick 55,000 63,000 176 7 Rockport-Warren 40,000 46,000 128 8 Ellsworth City 30,000 34,000 95 9 Norway 24,000 27,000 75 72 10 Belfast City 23,000 26,000 11 Rumford 22,000 25,000 70 12 Newport 21,000 24,000 67 64 45 13 Farmington 20,000 23,000 14 Dover-Foxcraft 14,000 16,000 * derived from (Bagley, 1977) ** assumes population growth at 1.3%/yr. G-24 4.3 Energy Potential of MSW In Table 3.3 we saw that efficiencies for converting MSW to electricity ranged from 8% to 22%. The most thoroughly proven technology for direct use of MSW was waterwall incineration with an efficiency of 21%. Dust RDF, which would be burned as a supplementary fuel in existing boilers, could In Section 2.2 we saw that the heat content of produce electricity with roughly 22% efficiency. raw MSW varies from 4!500to 6200 Btu/lb, . If we optimistically assume a heat content of 6200 Btu/lb, with waterwall incineration, and with 24-hour/day firing of refuse fuel, the MSW of the entire state of Maine in 1986 could produce the energy equivalent of a 95 MW generating plant (100% load factor). In practice, many problems would tend to reduce the actual energy available. Because the wastes are so dispersed, a single waterwall incineration facility would be impractical. The alternatives are to construct several incinerators close to the MSW sources or to con- struct RDF conversion plants and ship the fuel to one or more boiler facilities. Logistical and institutional problems with the collection of raw MSW from the public make it likely that at least one incinerator, RDF conversion plant, or waste transfer station would be required in each of the centroids of Figure 4.1. The energy potential of each centroid, expressed in MW capacity for 24-hour/day firing of raw MSW or RDF, is given in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Approximate MW Capacity Supportable by MSW Centroid MW 1. Portland 18 8. Ellsworth City 3 2. Bangor 10 9. Norway 2 3. Augusta-Winslow 10 10. Belfast City 2 4. Lewiston 10 11. Rumford 2 5. Sanford-N. Berwick 7 12. Newport 2 6. Brunswick 6 13. Farmington 2 7. Rockport-Warren 4 14. Dover-Foxcraft 1 TOTAL: Centroid MW 79 MW It must be recognized that there are considerable, perhaps insurmountable, obstacles to realizing this small potential. Among the most serious are: Institutional and public resistance to regional collection and processing of waste on such an unprecedented scale in Maine. Logistical problems in truck transportation of MSW or RDF (other modes are not practical in Maine because of the low population density and amounts of waste [Table 4.5]). Availability of suitable boilers for burning RDF. The use of technologies other than waterwall incineration or RDF conversion may be practical for small-scale applications in specific locations, but do not appear promising as means for producing bulk supplies of electricity for the public in Maine. The low- and medium-Btu gas produced by pyrolysis or biological processes must be used relatively near the production site, requiring large collection distances to produce significant amounts of energy. Processes producing supplementary liquid fuels have lower efficiencies and face the same logistical problems as RDF systems. G-25 Table 4.5 Comparison of MSW Transport Modes MODE CONDITIONS CONDUCTIVE TO THE MODE LIMITING CONDITIONS TRUCK A. Packer drives to Utility Co-locate Processing Plant Congestion of Packers at Drop-off; Noise; Esthetics along route B. Transport Van 60 or 75 cu. yd. Congestion of collection vehicles; maneuverability; weight limits; low speed; central land avail- ability BARGE Limited Road Access Waterway Access High Volume of Waste Unloading Facilities Waterway with deep ports High Capital Cost RAIL HAUL High Population Density; Remote Power Plant (at least 40 miles); High Volumes of Waste (1000 TPD); Rail Spur to Power Plant (Single use train service) Availability of cars; Loading/Unloading Facilities; Scattered Population PIPELINE Very high population density; Large volumes; Limited truck access; Short distance from processing to utility (one mile or less) Cost Construction difficulties from (Ganotis, 1974, p. 47) 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Any scheme to produce electricity from MSW will produce two sets of environmental impacts. first set of impacts results from the collection of refuse and its transport to the sion facility. The energy conver- The second set of impacts results from the construction and operation of the con- version facility. It is not possible to quantify impacts for each centroid of collection mentioned in Section 4 with presently available data. 5.1 Collection and Transport A transfer station network is the most economical and environmentally sound option for collecting solid waste in a large region and transporting it to a single processing site. In such a system, collection would be performed on a local basis, much as it is today, using trucks or private vehicles. Instead of being taken to a landfill, the MSW would be carried to a transfer station. Some prepro- cessing, such as the removal of bulky noncombustibles, can be performed at the transfer station, but the major advantage lies in the use of larger capacity trucks for moving MSW from the transfer station to the energy conversion plant, Environmental impacts arise from the effects of collection and transfer truck traffic from the construction and operation of the transter stations. The most significant impacts occur as increased air pollution (from truck exhaust), noise (trucks and transfer station), and land use (transfer stations and roads). actual To determine the magnitude of these impacts requires the planning of the transfer station system for the region. G-26 Designing a transfer system can be a complex optimization problem. Data (or assumptions) are needed on MSW generation patterns, collection and transfer truck capacities and costs, possible transfer station sizes and sites and the location, allowable speeds and capacities of roads. Depending on these data, the design can be obvious, or can require increasingly sophisticated processing until only computerizedoptimization models can find a solution (Ganotis, 1974, p. 39). acceptable transfer station system can be designed. not economically viable. For some data, no For other data, a design may be feasible, but Case studies of the design of transfer station systems are given in (Ganotis, 1974) and (Cousins, 1976, p. 303). (Berman, 1976) discusses the use of a computerized planning model on eastern Massachusetts. The transfer station system design will determine the number, capacity and approximate location of transfer stations, and the number of collection and transfer truck trips required. These data can be combined with truck mileage efficiencies and emissions data (Table 5.1) to yield truck emissions and new traffic patterns in the region. Table 5.1 EMISSION FACTORS FOR DIESEL AND GASOLINE ENGINES Pollutant Diesel Emission Rate* (lbs/lOO gallons of diesel) Gasoline. Emission Rate** (lbs/1000 vehicle miles) Aldehydes 10 0.3 CO 60 165.0 Hydrocarbons 180 12.5 NO 2 222 8.5 SO 2 40 0.6 Organic Acids 31 0.3 110 0.8 Particulates from (Cousins, 1976, p. 333) Collection and transport problems are generally the same for incineration and RDF systems. RDF systems would have increased transport impacts as the RDF was shipped from the processing plant to the sites where it would be burned. G-27 5.2 Conversion Facility Environmental impacts vary significantly from one conversion process to another. Processes which produce a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) generate some of their impacts at the site where the RDF is burned. 5.2.1 Incineration The most significant air pollutant from incineration of MSW is particulate matter. Uncontrolled particulate emissions are usually high enough to violate Federal standards, but existing large MSW incinerators have been successful in meeting particulate standards by using electrostatic precipitators (Stabenow, 1972, p. 2). These devices remove 95-98% of the particulates in the flue gas. Other air pollutants include sulfur dioxide (S02), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrocarbons. hydrogen chloride (HC1), carbon monoxide (CO), Sulfur dioxide emissions, because of the low sulfur content of MSW (0.1%), are lower than those produced by burning distillate fuel oil. is needed. No SO 2 control equipment Hydrogen chloride is produced primarily by the combustion of plastics and should not re- quire control equipment. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide production can be regulated by controlling furnace operating conditions. Emissions of these pollutants should be within acceptable ranges. Hydro- carbons are controlled through a high rate of combustion and are released in only small amounts. Quantification of these pollutant emissions requires knowledge of the particular incinerator design being used, the characteristics of the MSW being fired, and the operating conditions of the combustion region. Evaluation of their ambient impact would further require meteorological and topographical data for the proposed site, In general, a well designed incinerator should be able to meet all applicable ambient standards (Table 5.2). Table 5.2 Comparison with Ambient Air Quality Standards for N.E, Massachusetts Incinerator Pollutant Particulates Max Increment from ProposedFacility** 3 (jg/m ) 3 Ambient Standard*(g/m ) Annualgeometric mean Annual average Max 24-hour 60 0.44 150 0.46 3.6 50°2o~ll 5)Annual (@ .1% S) average Max 24-hour Max 3-hour 80 365 1,300 0.8 6.3 5.2 NOy Annual average 100 1.5 10,000 40,000 14.1 20.1 (@150 ppm) CO Max 8-hour Max 1-hour HC1 (@ 400 ppm) Annual average Max 24-hour Max 8-hour (@150 ppm) 3.3 25.7 49.9 none none none*** Maximum concentrations may be exceededonce per year. The more stringentstandardsare presented. For 5,000 Btu/lbrefuse; annual averagesbased on 2,570tons/day,maxima on 3,450 tons/day. Maximaoccur at A stabilityand wind speed 3.0 m/sec. Note: for HaverhillMonitoringSite locationmultiplyannual values by 0.2, maxima by 0.8. Occupational8-hour exposurelimit is 7,000 g/m from (Cousins, 1976, p. 323) G-28 . Noise would result from the incineration plant operation and from transfer vans arriving and unloading MSW. Good facility design should keep noise levels within acceptable ranges. The largest water use is in the cooling towers required for electricity production. In the N.E. Massachusetts incineration proposal, 2.3 million gallons per day will be required for a 3000 TPD facility. Cooling tower losses represent 93% of the total (Cousins, 1976, p. 353). Since incinera- tion is less efficient (21%) than conventional fossil fuel generation (35-39%), as much as 30% more cooling water will be required. The overall system can be designed to avoid any disposal of waste water into local water bodies, thus preventing direct water pollution problems. Incinerator residues present several possible impacts. First the residues must be discarded. Compared to raw MSW, the residues are more compact 0/5 the volume) and can readily be used for landfill. Some dust problems may arise during storage and shipment of the residues. is the potential for leaching of toxic heavy metals (Table 5,3). The greatest concern This must be addressed on a site- by-site basis to prevent contamination of groundwater supplies. Table 5.3 Heavy Metals Present in Leachings from MSW Residues and Processing Constituent Average Constituent Concentration (mg/l) Cadmium 0.04 Total Chromium 0.055 Copper 0.10 Total Iron . 0.45 Lead 0.165 Nickel 0.19 Tin 18.5 Zinc 0.06 Limit for Drinking Water (mg/l) 0.01 0.05 1 0.3 0.05 5 from (Cousins, 1976, p. 356) 5.2.2 Refuse-Derived Fuels (RDF) RDF systems produce impacts at the processing plant and at the site of combustion. Since RDF has been used only as a supplementary fuel, a conventional fossil fired boiler is needed, with all of its associated impacts. These conventional impacts will not be discussed here. The most extensive environmental testing of a fluff RDF processing plant was performed by the EPA at St. Louis. The areas of environmental impact tested were air emissions, water runoff, and noise. Air emissions occurred from both the air classifier and the hammermill shredders in the St. Louis plant. These were particulate emissions since no combustion occurs in the RDF processing, The air classifier released an average of 1.25 lb of particulates per ton of processed MWS. data ranged from 0.50 lb/ton to 1.70 lb/ton, control measures (Shannon, 1975, p. 56). lb/ton (Shannon, 1975, p. 62). Test This is a significant quantity and would require The hammermill shredders generated between 0,005 and 0.03 Further emissions occur from dust and blowoff from conveyors, but these have not been quantified. Water runoff was due to plant dust control measures, and did not include water runoff from the MSW, which had to be separately controlled and treated, because of the small volumes of water used (2000 Water runoff was found to be insignificant 4000 gal/week). Noise was caused principally by the hammermill, the metals separator, the air classification system exhaust, trucks and transfer vans and the front-end loader used to move the waste within the plant. Within the St. Louis plant, two locations registered as high as 110 dBA. One was below the metals separator as magnetic materials dropped into a collection chute and the second was next to the collection trucks while they unloaded. Because all high noise levels were either of brief duration or in remote locations, the Federal OSHA noise level standards were not violated. G-29 Maximum noise levels observed outside the plant but within the plant grounds ranged from 76 to 95 dBA (SHannon, 1975, p. 69). The fluff RDF was fired as a supplementary fuel in Union Electric's Meramec Plant under boiler loads of 75 and 140 MW. The RDF contributed from 9 to 27% of the total heat input. No significant changes in SO 2 , NOx , or CO pollutant emission levels were observed during RDF firing (Shannon, 1974, p. 40) (Table 5.4). Moderate average C' emissions were noted. Table 5,4 Emission Levels During RDF Firing at St. Louis Coal (a) Component 6.8 943 9 298 335 H 0, Percent S82. ppm No, ppm C1, mg/m Coal RDF (b) 8.6 1067(c) 8 285 402 (a) Average for 3 coal tests (b) Ayerage for 10 coal-refuse (C) 13%increase in SO2 emissions during coal-RDF tests resulted from a 24% increase in coal sulfur content. from (Kilgroe, 1976, p. 423) It was observed that particulate emissions increased with RDF firing, but this is believed to be due to an efficiency reduction in the plant electrostatic precipitator (ESP) due to increased gas volumes when burning refuse (Figure 5.1). Particulate loadings at the input to the ESP were the same for coal only and coal + RDF operations. It should be possible to "tune" the ESP to various RDF conditions, in which case particulate emissions would be roughly equivalent for both coal and coal + RDF firing (Shannon, 1974, pp. 66-68). Figure 5.1 E 0.8 w I- 0 0.6 Q. U, w z0 0.4 C, u, - 0.2 -J a. n 150 200 ' 250 300 GAS FLOW RATE AT ESP INLET, m 3 /s EFFECT OF YOLUMETRIC GAS FLOW RATE ON PARTICULATE EMISSIONS from (Kilgroe, 1976, p. 422) G-30 350 Boiler residues were found to be 4 to 7 times as high for coal + RDF firing, on the order of 4.5 tons/hour (4350 Kg/h) (Figure 5.2). Besides coal ash, both inert MSW particles (glass, metals, etc.) and unburned MSW particles (wood, leather, etc.) are present in the residues. Three parameters in the ash disposal pond were found to exceed the proposed guidelines for Missouri: biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen, and suspended solids (Kilgroe, et al., 1976, p. 423). Controls for these parameters will probably be required. Figure 5.2 6000 5000 . ............... O . 15,570 . 4000 z 3000 o0. f- In a al 2000 0 i 1 1000 I 70 O _· _O' I 80 I I 90 I i I REGULAR 1o GRIND 04 I I I 100 110 120 GENERATION RATE MEGAWATTS I I 130 REFUSE I 140 BOILER RESIDUE ACCUMULATION RATE FOR COAL AND COAL-RDF A commercial demonstration of fluff RDF, based on the Union Electric test results was to have been implemented in St. Louis. Public opposition to traffic and transfer station siting caused repeated delays and the project was finally dropped (ELP, 1977). Environmental impact data for dust RDF systems was not available. no residue disposal and no waste water treatment will be required. The developers claim that Fabric filter systems will con- trol particulates and all existing and anticipated EPA and OSHA regulations will be met (ADL, 1976, p. 14). G-31 6.0 ECONOMICS A number of alternative arrangements can be made for converting MSW to electricity. The eco- nomics and reliability of the final electricity supply will depend upon which alternative is implemented. All operations reported to date have concentrated on finding the lowest waste disposal costs for a town or region. When electricity has been a byproduct it has been priced to compete with conven- tional generation (20-40 mills/kwh) so as to ensure a minimum reliable income to the disposal facility. Similarly, facilities producing steam with sufficient temperatures and pressures for electricity production have assigned competitive costs to the steam to ensure revenues to the disposal operation. It has usually been assumed in these cases that the purchaser of the steam will buy and operate the turbine/generator equipment. The difference between the costs of collection and the revenues from the sale of electricity or steam (and recovered materials) has been the net disposal cost per ton to communities. If refuse to energy facilities are built and financed in Maine by communities interested in economic solutions to their waste disposal problems, the resulting electricity or steam will have to be priced to compete with the energy from conventional utility generation. revenues for the disposal operation will not be guaranteed. a dedicated user rather than sold to electric utilities. provides General Electric with steam. Otherwise, long-term Of course, the energy may be given to For example, the RESCO plant in Saugus, Mass., Costs are set on the basis of the costs for steam production using conventional fuels (Papamarcos, 1974). If the refuse to energy facilities are built by electric utilities for the purpose of utilizing an indigenous renewable fuel supply, then it would be the disposal charges to communities which would have to compete with charges for alternative disposal methods, including the construction of the communities' own refuse to energy plants. guaranteed. Otherwise, a long-term reliable fuel" supply will not be Electricity costs would be the difference between annual costs and annual revenues from disposal charges and materials recovery. These alternatives are further complicated by issues such as public vs private financing of the waste to energy facility utility reluctance or regulatory opposition to utilities' becoming MSW processing companies community reluctance or inability to become responsible for providing a reliable electricity supply current uncertainty of cost figures due to site-specific factors, the general lack of commercial experience with refuse to energy technologies, and the variety of assumptions used by researchers, architect-engineers, and regulatory groups in making estimates of costs. Considering all of the possible variables, it is obviously difficult to assign "typical" costs for various refuse to electricity systems (See [Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 18]). We will nonetheless attempt to provide some information concerning collection and transport costs and conversion costs for incineration and refuse derived fuel systems. As more full-size plants are in operation, the EPA's Office of Solid Waste Management will be compiling the non-proprietary data on their costs. G-32 6.1 Collection and Transport It is impossible to assign accurate collection and transport costs without a specific collection scheme in mind. As mentioned in Section 5.1, the design of such a scheme is non-trivial and requires a substantial preliminary data collection effort which is beyond the scope of this study. We will only attempt to identify the important cost components and their range of values in this section. Refuse collection begins at the local levels and is usually done on a contracted basis by each local government. Collection costs will vary with the size and type of the vehicle, crew size, the distance covered on the collection route, and the speeds at which the vehicle can travel (Table 6.1). These costs will vary from community to community as functions of population densities, MSW generation rates, and road conditions. Table 6,1 Transport Cost in Dollars Per Ton Per Mile Miles Per Hour 35 40 45 60 50 15 20 25 30 0.202 0.298 0.'394 0.151 0.223 0.295 0.121 0.179 0.236 0.101 0.1.49 0.197 0.076 0.08610.0670.061 0.128 0.112 0.099 0.169 0.148 0.131 0.355 0.237 0.535 0.357 0.715 0.477 0.178 0.267 0.357 0.142 0.214 0. 286 0.118 0.178 0.238 0.101 0.153 0.204 0.089 0.134 0.179 0.079 0.071 0.065 0. 119 0.107 0.097 0.159 0.143 0.130 0.059 0.089 0.119 0.603 0.301 0.201 0.151 0.121 0.101 0.086 0.075 0.067 0.061 0.055 0.051 0.694 0.347 0.231 0.174 0.139 0.116 0.099 0.087 0.077 0.069 0.063 0.058 0. 2Z4 0.149 0.119 0.089 0.075 0.064 0. 056 0.049 0.045 0.041 0.037 0. 326 0.163 0.109 0.081 0.065 0.054 0.047 0.041 0.036 0.033 0.029 0.027 0.265 0.066 0.053 0.044 0.038 0.033 0.029 0.026 0.024 0.022 5 10 25 Yd Re..r End Loader 1 Man Crew 2 Man Crew 3 Man Crew 0.605 0.302 0.893 0.446 1.181 0.590 0.089 0.118 0.055 0.051 0.081 0.074 0.107 0.098 20 Yd Rear End Loader I Man Crew 2 Man Crew 3 Man Crew 30 Yd Front 0.710 1.070 1.430 End Loader I Man Crew 25 Yd Front End Loader 1 Man Crew 40 Yd Roll-On Roll-Off Refuse Coll. I Man Crew 0.448 65 Yd Transfer Trailer I Man Cre* Inc. Residue 40 Yd Roll On Roll-Off 1 Man Crew 0. 132 0.088 from (Ganotis, 1974, p. 44) At some point, it becomes more efficient to construct a transfer station than to haul MSW increasing distances with relatively small collection vehicles. The transfer stations can per- form several functions, including some preprocessing such as the removal of bulky items, non-combustibles, and hazardous materials. Their most important function is to compact the raw MSW and load it into larger, more efficient transfer vehicles for transport to the nearest conversion facility. could involve truck, rail, pipeline, or barge transport in general. This For Maine, truck transport is probably most practical although one study has indicated Maine's rail system would be more economic G-33 for distances over 75 miles (Hubbell in Dearborn, et al., 1974, p. 114). The design choice of transfer station locations will be a complex trade-off of rising local collection costs, transfer station investment and the costs of the various transportation options. Since transportation costs vary with capacity (Figures 6.1 and 6.2), a larger collection area is desirable. Transfer costs by truck are reflected in Table 6.1. Another estimate, assuming a 75 cu. yd., 20-ton transfer vehicle capacity yields a cost of roughly $0.10 per ton mile for a 50-mile haul (Figure 6.3). These costs and the design of the transfer system will depend strongly on the location of the central conversion facility and the adequacy of the intervening highway system to handle large trucks. Figure 6.1 10 9 8 7 6 5 - tn c c _ f; Ex rO c 4 3 - -o : rED~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 Capacity TPD x 101 5060708090100 200 TRANSFERSTATIONINVESTMENTVERSUSCAPACITY from (ADL, 1976, p. 30) Figure 6.2 3.. 2.5 2.0 U, S.. 'U r_1 0 '. I0h 8 C .0 0 c O 1.0 0 00 0.5 0 0 from (ADL, 1976, p. 31) 200 400 600 800 Capacity (TPD) 1000 1200 TRANSFERSTATIONOPERATINGCOSTS G-34 1400 1600 Figure 6.3 7.00 &6.00 5.00 S- to . 8 4.00 .Z I -. 2.00 .e~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·· 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 One-WayTrip Mileage (miles) TRANSPORTATIONCOSTFORSOLID MUNICIPAL WASTE from (ADL, 1976, p. 32) 6.2 Conversion Facility The costs of construction and operating a conversion facility depend on the technoogy used, site acquisition, and preparation, construction costs, labor, materials, and equipment. Annual costs are further determined by interest rates, capital structure, taxes, plant availability, and production, wage and utility rates, disposal costs, and O&M costs. In general, annual costs for converison are between $10 and $25/input ton (Levy and Rigo, 1976, p. 19). 6.2.1 Incineration Systems The estimated capital costs of incineration systems under construction or in operation range from $11,500/input ton of capacity to $29,200/input ton (Table 6.2) as high as $36,700/input ton (Standrod, 1977). Recent rough estimates are These agree with the range of $21,500 to $39,000/input ton given in (Rofe, et al., 1975, p. 60) and the range of $10,400 to $30,800/input ton given in tCousins, et al., 1976, p. 266). Note that most of the plants do not produce high quality steam, so costs for an electricity producing system would be even higher. In addition, there would be the investment required for the electrical plant itself. Annual operation and maintenance costs have been observed to vary in the range of 5 to 10% of plant investment (Rofe, et al., 1975, p. 60) (Schultz, et al., 1975, p. 10) depending on the size of the plant and upon accounting functions. G-35 Table 6.2 Incineration Systems Estimated Capital Costs* Capital Cost Design Capacity Ton per Day Location Steam Conditions 1000 lb/hr-psig/°F Capital Cost per input ton $106(yr) $103 720 270 400/600 17 (1974) 23.6 Saugus, Ma. 1200 370 890/875 35 (1975) 29.2 Quebec City, P.Q. 1000 162 680/600 25 (1974) 25.0 600 212 250/590 9 (1974) 15.0 1600 440 275/414 30 (1972) 18.8 720 183 250/456 Nashville, Tenn. East Hamilton, Ont. Chicago, Ill. Harrisburg, Pa. Hempstead, NY 2000 Estimated** 4000 /I -~~~~ _ Estimated** _/ _ 1500 8.3 (1972) 55 (1975) 115-120 (1977) 50-55 (1977) 11.5 27.5 30.0 36.7 *from (Parkhurst, 1976) **from (Standrod, 1977) 6.2.2 Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Systems The estimatedcapital costs of RDF systems under construction or in operation range from $7200/input ton of capacity to $28,000/input ton (Table 6.3). Other estimates have placed the costs between $4,600 and $9,500/input ton (Rofe, 1975, p. 70) and between $8,800 and $27,500/input ton (Cousins, 1976, p. 266). These costs do not include special modifications which may be required in existing or new boilers for the use of RDF. Table 6.3 RDF Systems Estimated Capital Costs Lncation -II· · ·- · · Design Capacity Ton Der Day ---r-- ·I St. Louis, Mo. 315 Ames, Ia. 200 Bridgeport, Conn. Berlin, Conn. Milwaukee, Wis. Baltimore, Md. 1500 800-1400 1000 Capital Cost per input ton $103 Fuel TDe '· Capital Cost 106 (yr) -L Fluff RDF 2.5 (1972) 7.9 5.6 (1975) 28.0 29.3 (1976) 19.5 II I" Dust RDF 22.0 (1975) 27.5 - 15.7 Fluff RDF 18.0 (1975) 25.0 - 8.3 10.0 (1975) 18.0 400-1200 Chicago, Ill. 2000 14.3 (1973) 7.2 Akron, O. 1000 24.0 (1975) 24.0 St. Louis, Mo. 8000 80.0 (1976) 10.0 from (Parkhurst, 1976) G-36 Annual operating and maintenance costs for RDF systems have also been observed or projected in a range from 5% to 10% of investment costs. The increased O&M costs at the plant burning the RDF are separate. Based on the St. Louis RDF demonstration project, which involved modification of the coalfired boilers at the Meramec Plant, the combined increase in capital and operating expenses have been estimated. These can vary according to existing ash handling and fuel feed facilities. Under favorable conditions, the increased annual cost might be as low as $0.50 to $1.00/ton (1973 dollars). If ash handling equipment must be installed and air pollution particulate controls added, the costs can be as high as $2.50 to $5.00/ton (1973 dollars) (Lowe, 1973, pp.19-20). Other estimates for boiler modification, electrostatic precipitators, etc. result in higher figures. The important point to be made is that retrofit of existing boilers in Maine can be extremely expensive. Compilation of data from the literature [Giglio, in Dearborn, 1974, p. 36, etc.] results in the following estimates in 1974 dollars. Capital Investment $/ton/yr I I . Boiler Modification $300,000 22 Electrostatic Precipitators $1,250,000 91 Fixed Charges II PriVate 221/2% $/ton/yr Public 12 1/2% $/ton/yr 5 3 21 11 j . _____________________________ _ I_ 6.2.3. Dumping Charges The price a town or refuse contractor pays to dump collected refuse is referred to as the tipping or dumping charge. It is affected by a variety of market conditions, the most important of which are land availability and the stringency of environmental requirements for dealing with the dumped refuse. The major problem in Maine today is the elimination of open dumps and the consequent need for either landfill systems or waste processing. Figures from various existing disposal systems including energy recovery have ranged from roughly $4 to $13/ton (Parkhurst, 1976)(Cousins, 1976, p. 289). 6.3 Discussion Given the large uncertainties in available cost information,and the lack of a specific system design, it is difficult to determine a final cost figure for electricity produced by a utility-owned and operated wastes-to-energy system. Tables 6.4 through 6.7 providean optimistic, rough, order-ofmagnitude computation for comparison with other alternatives. G-37 The following assumptions are used: All costs are 1986 dollars, using a 5%/year simple inflation rate A three-tier system of collection and processing is used to obtain processing economies of scale (see Figure 4.1): North: Centroids 2, 8, 10, 12, 14 (2 has conversion plant) Central: South; Centroids 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 (3 has conversion plant) Centroids 1, 4, 5, 6: (1 has conversion plant) Collection in the centroids is made at the expense of the communities; MSW is delivered to a central transfer station in each centroid where a dumping fee of $10/ton is charged. Centroids 1, 2, and 3 deliver MSW directly to the conversion plant. Our optimistic estimates of final costs are seen to be in the range of 43 mills/kwh (RDF) to 63 mills/kwh (incineration). Note that these are optimistic costs for the following reasons: Generating equipment and boiler modification costs are completely ignored. It is unlikely that all communities will cooperate to achieve such volumes of collected MSW at central locations, leading to smaller economies of scale and higher costs. Heat contents less than the assumed 6200 Btu/lb will often occur, with proportionally higher costs (see last column G-38 of Table 6.7) from 59 to 87 mills/kwh, Table 6,4 Hypothetical Utility-Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs Collection System (1986 dollars1 ) Annual ICosts - $103 Centroid North i 2 I Dumpinq Fee 30 157 136 (285) 10 75 35 148 124 (225) 12 67 30 129 96 (201) 45 40 105 81 (135) A TOTAL (969) 95 i 14 South 5 TranspDort 4 Trans. Station Miles3 323 8 A I . I central 2 MSW-TPD (89i I i I 3 3IZ 7 128 35 9 75 55 11 70 13 64 1 569 4 i (986) 187 213 (384) l 148 178 (225) 50 i, 135 151 (210) 30 i 132 91 (192) i . I (1707) 301 40 541 (903) 5 212 30 223 306 (636) 6 176 30 150 -253 (528) 1 265 (712) (2036) II l 15% per year simple inflation 2 Table 4.3 3 Figure 4.1 4 Figures 6.1 and 6.2 5 Figure 6.3 Table 6.5 Hypothetical Utility-Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs Incineration System OPERATING COSTS CAPITAL COSTS $106 MSW-TPD TOTAL1 ANNUAL 2 $106 3 ANNUAL TOTAL $106 North 605 38.4 6.9 3.1 10.0 Central 649 41.2 7.4 3.3 10.7 1258 79.8 14.4 6.4 20.8 South 1 Assuming $35,000/ton (1977 dollars), design capacity equal to 1.25 times average capacity, turbine and electrical equipment not included. 218% levelized carryin 3 charge At 8% of total capital investment G-39 Table 6.6 Hypothetical Utility Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs RDF System OPERATING COSTS 3 CAPITAL COSTS $106 MSW-TPD TOTAL1 605 27.4 649 29.4 5.3 1258 57.0 10.3 North Central South 1 i ANNUAL $10 49 ANNUAL TOTAL 2.2 1 $106 7.1 2.4 7.7 4.6 14.9 Assuming $20,000/ton (1977 dollars), design capacity equal to 1.25 times average capacity, boiler modifications not included. 218% levelized carrying charge 3 At 8% of total capital investment Table 6.7 Hypothetical Utility Operated Waste-to-Electricity System Costs I COSTS $106 { ANNUAL' MSW--TPD North South A 106 KWH COLLECTION 649 145.2 155.8 1258 301.9 (0.8) (0.7) (2.0) t I 602.9 (3.5) 605 Central ! PROCESSINGZ 10.0-7.1 41.5-29.7 i I 1 MILLS/KWH MILLS/KWH 63-43 64-45 62-43 10.7-7.7 20.8-14.9 87-59 88-62 85-59 i IUI AL i 87-594 63-434 . 1300 days/yr, 6200 Btu/lb, 22% efficiency 2 High cost: incineration; low cost: RDF 34500 Btu/lb 4 I See discussion in Section 6.3 for discussion of optimistic nature of these costs. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS By 1986 Maine will be producing on the order of 3000 tons per day (TPD) of municipal solid wastes (MSW). This waste theoretically could have the energy equivalent of a 95 MW generating plant. The dispersed nature of the wastes presents serious collection problems. If the 14 largest concentrations of population were to cooperate in a waste-toenergy program, about 75 MW potential would exist. The five largest would have the potential for 35-40 MW, assuming complete cooperation. The most promising and experienced technologies for electricity production are incineration and refuse-derived fuel (RDF) systems. RDF systems require the existence or construction of a coal-fired plant to burn the fuel. G-40 3 Environmental impacts consist of increased particulate and possibly heat emissions, noise, and traffic. When compared to existing waste disposal methods, incineration and RDF systems are more desirable. Compared to burning conventional fuels, incineration has greater heat and particulate discharges, but lower SO 2 impacts. RDF increases particulate loadings. Costs for collection, transport, and conversion vary widely and are strongly site- and design-specific. Utilities would receive energy from municipal or regional conversion facilities at a price competitive with other fuels. Costs for a utility-operated system would range upwards from optimistic figures between 60-90 mills/kwh (1986 dollars). Institutional, legal, and cost uncertainties, combined with the low energy potential, make the initiation of a utility-owned waste-to-energy collection and conversion system in Maine a highly risky venture. It may be economically attractive for utilities to use RDF or steam purchased from municipally owned and financed MSW systems, but this will have to be decided on a caseand site-specific basis. Such systems will not offer significant amounts of energy in comparison to Maine's electrical supply requirements. G-41 8.0 REFERENCES Andren, R.K. and J.M. Nystrom, "Cellulose - from Solid Waste to Chemical Resource," U.S. Army Natick Lab., from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Andren, R.K., Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. ADL, "Systems Evaluation of Alternative Statewide Recovery Techniques for the Disposal of Municipal Solid Wastes," report to the Mass. Dept. of Public Works, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1973. ADL, "A Report for Regional Solid Waste Management," prepared for the Regional Solid Waste Committee for Auburn, Gray, etc.," Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1975. ADL, "ECO-FUEL-II: The Technology and Economics," a report to Combustion Equipment Associates, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., January 1976. Andren, R.K. and J.M. Nystron, "Cellulose - from Solid Waste to Chemical Resources, U.S. Army Natick Lab., from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westoport, Conn., July 1975. Bagley, D., Personal communication, Division of Solid Waste Management, Bureau of Land Quality Control, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, March 1977. Bargman, R.D. and J.M. Betz, "Fuel Gas and Electricity from Municipal Storage, City of Los Angeles, from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass. Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. Beaulieu, R.A., "Keyes Fibre Resources Recovery Project - North Kennebec Regional Planning Commission," Dept. of Environmental Protection, Augusta, Me., 1976. Berman, E.B., "Resources Recovery Regional Design Analysis for the Eastern Massachusetts Region," MTR-3221, MITRE Corp., Bedford, Mass., June 1976. Black, D.O., "Energy Recovery from Solid Waste: A Review of Current Technology," NSF/IDOE-76-05, Ill. Dept. of Business and Economic Development, Springfield, Ill, July 1976. Blum, S.L., "Tapping Resources in Municipal Solid Waste," Science, Vol. 191, Feb. 1976. CEQ, Energy Alternatives, Council on Environmental Quality, University of Oklahoma, 1973. Colonna, R.A., and C. McLaren, Decision-Makers Guide in Solid Waste Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974. G-42 EPA-SW-127, Corey, R., ed., Principals and Practices of Incineration, Wiley-Interscience, N.Y., N.Y., 1969 Cousins, A.E., et al., "Draft Environmental Impact Report on tne Northeastern Massachusetts Resource Recovery Project," Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Bureau of Solid Waste Disposal and the MITRE Corporation, May 1976. Dearborn, R.K., et al., "Resource Recovery," Advisory Committee Report, Board of Environmental Protection, Augusta, Me., Dec. 1974. Donegan, T.A.,"Union Carbide Purox System for Solid Waste Disposal and Resource Recovery" Union Carbide Corporation, from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. EC, "Solid Waste Management," in Environmental Comment, Urban Land Institute, Washington, D.C., 1977. ELP, "Garbage Power Picks Up Momentum with $5.3 Million Project in Iowa," in Electric Light and Power, May 1976. ELP, "Union Electric Drops Trash Plan; Hopes for Public Financing," Electric Light and Power, March 1977. EW, "Pyrolysis Units Get Bigger," in Electrical World, Feb. 1977. Fisher, T.F., et al.,"The Purox System," Union Carbide Corporation from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. Forestell, W., "Don't Buy Garbage, Generate Tax Revenues," American City and County Magazine, Morgan-Grampian Publishing Company, May 1976, Funk, H., and Sheahan, R., "A Supplementary Fuel for Power Generation (Ames, Iowa)," from Solid Waste Utilization, from Energy Technomic Publications, Westoport, Conn., July 1975. Ganotis, C.G., and Schneider, S.A., "Joint Government-Electric Utility Planning of Refuse Fuel Systems - A Research Report," MTR-2894, The MITRE Corp., Bedford, Mass., Aug. 1974. Huffman, G.L.,'EPA's Program in Environmental Research in Wastes-as-Fuel," Fuels Technology Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agriultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. Kilgore, et al., "Environmental Studies on the St. Louis-Union Electric Refuse Firing Demonstration," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Midwest Research Institute, from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. Klass, D.L., "Wastes and Biomass as Energy Resources: an Overview," from Symposium Papers from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Chicago, Ill, March 1976. G-43 Institute of Gas Technology, Clean Fuels Klumb, D.L., "Union Electric Company's 8000 Ton Per Day Solid Waste Utilization System," Union Electric Co., from Symposium Papers Agricultural Wastes, Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill, March 1976. Kohlhepp, D.H. "The Dynamics of Recycling," Black Clawson Fibreclaim, Inc., from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Lawler, S.P., "The Americology System (Milwaukee)," American Can Company, from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Lawrence, D.W., "A Utilities Viewpoint of Burning a Refuse-Dervied Fuel," New England Electric System, from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Levy, S.J. and H.G. Rigo, Resource Recovery Implementation: Guide for Municipal Officials, EPA - SW - 157.2, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1976. Lowe, R.A., "Energy Recovery from Waste: Solid Waste as Supplementary Fuel in Power Plant Boilers," EPA-SW-36D.II, St. Louis, Mo., 1973. Lowe, R.A., "Energy Conservation through Improved Solid Waste Management," Report EPA-SW-125, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974. Mallan, G.M. and E.I. Titlow, "Energy and Resource Recovery from Solid Wastes," Garrett Research & Development Company, Inc., from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Mandeville, R.T., "Fuel Gas from Landfill," Reserve Synthetic Fuels, Inc., from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. Nollet, A.R., "The Real Problems of Solid Waste Reclamation, AENCO, Inc., from Energy from Solid Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. Page, et al., "Maine Comprehensive Energy Plan - 1976 Edition," Vols, I, II, Office of Energy Resources, State of Maine, 1976. Papamarcos, J., "Power from Solid Waste," in Power Engineering, Vol. 78, No. 9, Sept. 1974. Parkhurst, J.D., "Report on Status of Technology in Recovery of Resources from Solid Wastes," County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, California," 1976. Preston, G.T., "Resource Recovery and Flash Pyrolysis of Municipal Refuse," Occidental Research Corp., from Symposium Papers Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Ill., March 1976. G-44 Rofe, R., et al., "Energy Conservation Waste Utilization Research and Development Plan," MITRE Technical Report, MTR-3063, Bedford, Mass., July 1975. Schnelle, J.F., "Potential Alternative Fuel Derivatives from Municipal Solid Wastes," Combustion Engineering, Inc., from Energy from Solid Waste Utilization, Technomic Publications, Westport, Conn., July 1975. 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