ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCES FOR MAINE W.J. Jones Appendix M. Ruane E FUEL CELLS W.J. Jones Prepared for the Central Maine Power Company. Report No. MIT-EL 77-101 MIT Energy Laboratory July 1977 This appendix is one of thirteen volumes; the remaining volumes are as follows: A. Conversion of Biomass; B. Conservation; C. Geothermal Energy Conversion; D. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; F. Solar Energy Conversion; G. Conversion of Solid Wastes; H. Storage of Energy; I. Wave Energy Conversion; J. Ocean and Riverine Current Energy Conversion; K. Wind Energy Conversion, and L. Environmental Impacts. I Acknowledgments Initial literature reviews and drafts of the various technical appendices were prepared by the following people: Appendix A Conversion of Biomass - C. Glaser, M. Ruane Appendix B Conservation - P. Carpenter, W.J. Jones, S. Raskin, R. Tabors Appendix C Geothermal Energy Conversion - A. Waterflow Appendix D Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion - M. Ruane Appendix E Fuel Cells - W.J, Jones Appendix F Solar Energy Conversion Appendix G S. Finger, J. Geary, W.J. Jones Conversion of Solid Wastes M. Ruane Appendix H Storage of Energy - M. Ruane Appendix I Wave Energy Conversion - J. Mays Appendix J Ocean and Riverine Current Energy Conversion - J. Mays Appendix K Appendix L Wind Energy Conversion - T. Labuszewski Environmental Impacts J. Gruhl 3 Numerous people shared reports and data with us and provided comments on the draft material. We hope that everyone has been acknowledged through the references n the technical sections, but if we missed anyone, thank you! Ms. Alice Sanderson patiently weathered out many drafts and prepared the final document. I Preface The Energy Laboratory of the Mass. Inst. of Tech. was retained by the Central Maine Power Company to evaluate several technologies as possible alternatives (a 600 MWe coal fired of Sears Island #1 to the construction generating plant scheduled for startup in 1986). This is an appendix to Report MIT-EL 77-010 which presents the results of the study for one of the technologies. The assessments were made for the Central Maine Power the basis that a technology should be: 1) an alternative to a base-load power generation facility. electric Base-load is defined as ability to furnish up to a rated capacity output for 6 57 0 hrs. per year. 2) not restricted to a single plant. It may be several plants within the state of Maine. The combined output, when viewed in isolation, must be a separate, "standalone", source of power. 3) available to deliver energy by 1 98 5. Company on I· _ _ I _ _ APPENDIX E FUEL CELLS Page 1.0 2.0 E-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Attractiveness E-1 1.2 Limitations E-2 1.3 History E-2 1.4 Current Status of Fuel Cells E-2 THERMODYNAMICS OF ELECTROCHEMICAL FUEL CELLS 2.1 E-6 Introduction 2.1.1 Why a Fuel Cell? 2.1.2 Indirect Method of Electricity Generation Direct Method of Electricity Generation 2.2 Thermodynamics of some Fuel Cells 3.0 E-6 E-6 E-6 E-6 E-8 2.2.1 Fuels (general) E-8 2.2.2 Hydrogen/oxygen E-8 2.2.3 Other fuels (carbonaceous) E-8 2.2.4 Electrolytes E-9 2.2.5 Catalyst E-9 2.3 Reformer E-10 2.4 Carbon Monoxide Cell E-1 0 2.5 Molten Carbonate Cell E-ll 1 2.5.1 Introduction E-ll1 2.5.2 Operation E-12 THE UT/IGT SYSTEMS E-14 3.1 Introduction E-14 3.2 Fuel Cell Section E-14 3.3 Bottoming Cycle E-14 3.4 Power Conditioning (Inverter) E-14 3.5 Fuel (coal gasification) E-15 3.5.1 Introduction E-15 3.5.2 Coal Gasification E-15 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT E-16 5.0 U.S. Government Support E-23 5.1 Overall Program E-23 5.2 Demonstration E-23 5.3 Research E-23 5.4 Comment E-23 Page 6.0 7.0 STATUS OF OTHER TYPES OF FUEL CELLS E-24 6.1 Methanol-Air Fuel Cell Battery E-24 6.2 Tungsten Carbide/Carbon Fuel Cells E-24 ECONOMIC EVALUATION E-25 7.1 General E-25 7.2 1st Generation UT/IGT/NU E-25 7.3 Second Generation/Molten Carbonate Cell E-25 7.3.1 Burns & Roe E-25 7.3.2 Hart & Womack E-25 7.3.3 Bockris and Scrinivasan E-25 7.3.4 Westinghouse/NASA E-28 7.4 Economics of Pollution Abatement E-28 7.5 Conclusion - Economics Evaluation E-28 8.0 CONCLUSION E-37 9.0 TECHNICAL NOTE - HYDROGEN ECONOMY E-38 9.1 General E-38 9.2 Production of Hydrogen E-38 9.2.1 Fossil Fuel Processes E-38 9.2.2 Electrolysis E-38 9.2.3 Chemical Disassociation E-40 9.2.4 Direct Disassociation E-40 9.2.5 Transportation E-40 9.2.6 Storage E-40 9.2.7 Markets E-40 9.3 10.0 General E-40 Fuel Cells E-42 Other Commercial Uses of Hydrogen E-42 Conclusion- Prospects for Hydrogen REFERENCES E-42 E-43 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 The Status of Fuel Cell Batteries Table 4.1 Comparative Air Pollutant Levels of 1000 MWe Powerplants Table 4.2 Annual Environmental Impacts from Operation of 1000 MWe at 0.75 Load Factors E-3, E-4 E-16 Coal-Fired Fuel Cell Powerplant with Load Factor of 0.75 E-17 Table 4.3 Emissions and Effluents from Fuel Cell Powerplant E-18 Table 4.4 Chemicals Used in Recirculative Cooling Water Systems E-19 Table 4.5 Powerplant Performance Summnary,Gaseous and Thermal Table 4.6 Base Case Estimate of Potential Trace Elements Emissions E-20 Discharged to Atmosphere Without Scrubber E-21 Table 4.7 Powerplant Performance Summary Liquid and Solid Waste E-22 Table 7.1 Major Component Relative Cost Comparison E-27 Table 7.2 Westinghouse Values of All Relevant Parameters for Low and High Temperature Fuel Cell Powerplants E-34 Table 7.3 Plant Capital Cost Estimate Summary (638 MWe Plant) E-35 Table 7.4 Composite Capital Cost Estimate E-36 Table 9.1 Comparison of the Manufacturing Costs of Hydrogen from Several Processes E-39 i LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Comparison of the Ideal and the Actual Efficiency of E-7 Thermal Engines and Fuel Cells Figure 2.2 Principle of Fuel Cell Operation E-7 Figure 2.3 Construction and Principle of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell E-7 Figure 2.4 Electric Power Plant System Concept: Coal/ Reformer (Gasification)/ Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell/ E-ll11 Bottoming Cycle Figure 2.5 The Elemental (Molten Carbonate)Cell E-13 Figure 7.1 Nuclear vs. Fuel Cell Baseload Expansion E-26 Figure 7.2 Gas Turbine vs. Fuel Cell Peak Load Expansion E-26 Figure 7.3 Minimal Capital Cost Points (General Electric) E-30 Figure 7.4 Capital Costs (Westinghouse) E-31 Figure 7.5 Cost of Electricity for Several Advanced Generating E-32 Systems (Westinghouse) Figure 7.6 Average Cost of Electricity (Summarized) E-33 Figure 9. Transportation Costs for H2 by Various Means E-41 ii __ 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Attractiveness The attractiveness of fuel cells as a means of generation of electricity rests with the following characteristics: a. Efficiency Sixty to seventy percent fuel energy conversion efficiencies are readily obtainable with hydrogen and oxygen as fuels, less with carbonaceous types. b. Flexibility Cells are connected to form a battery. Battery banks constitute modules of specified capacity and voltage. Modules may be assem- bled into any of a range of sizes necessary to meet the load requirements at specific sites. c. Manufacture There are no moving parts and required close tolerances. Manufacturing processes are straightforward and simple, amenable to mass production methods. d. Noise There are no moving parts; electricity is generated silently. The inverters (that change the DC to AC) are solid state devices. e. Heat The electrical conversion inefficiencies in a fuel cell are manifested as heat. Even with efficiencies of 50% there is considerably less to dissipate than with conventional power plants. f. Capacity One of the major advantages of fuel cells is their high overload capacity. or more. They are able to stand overloads of 100% The only factor affected by briefly overloading a cell, is efficiency. g. Idling Requirements Fuel cells consume fuel and oxidant only when power is drawn from the system. Consequently, no fuel is consumed during idle periods when there is no demand. h. Reliability Although many types of systems are not highly refined at the present time, it is known from experience with the hydrogen-oxygen cell that the device has a potential reliability equivalent to a storage battery at its best. Without this reliability, fuel cells obviously could not be considered for use in manned space vehicles. E-1 1.2 Limitations The results are, for the most part, proprietary. about the status and prospects. It is difficult to obtain detailed information There is, however, a body of literature which provides enough information for one to conduct a technology assessment such that one can come to some "ballpark" conclusions about the status, problems, and speculation as to probable economics. There are several obstacles to the widespread introduction of fuel cell power plants into commercial utility service: a. High capital costs b. Requirement for "pure" fuels (an absence of chemicals that "poison" the cells) c. Resultant high cost of electricity (COE) 1.3 History The fuel cell history has its roots deep in the past of science research. In 1808 Sir Humphrey Davy demonstrated that water, when an electrical current was passed through it, could be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen at the electrodes through which the electricity was delivered to the water. H2 0 + electricity - H2 + 1/2 02 In 1839 Sir William Grove turned the process around; he combined hydrogen and oxygen in such a way as to produce water and electricity. H > H2 0 + electricity + 1/2 02 In theory, this process can be carried on with about 90% efficiency. The only products are water and electricity. Work along the lines of developing Grove's experiment into a practical electrical generation process culminated in 1959 at two demonstrations: fuel cells operating a fork lift truck in England and a tractor in the U.S.A. In the NASA Gemini and Apollo spacecraft program, the astronauts carried along tanks of chemically pure oxygen and hydrogen (both in liquid form) which were used with fuel cells to produce electricity. For terrestrial, commercial, applications, those fuel cells and requirement for hydrogen and oxygen are not cost competitive. All current effort is directed towards development of fuel cells that consume carbonaceous, fossil derived (mainly coal) fuels. 1.4 Current Status of Fuel Cells The tremendous research and development effort expended on fuel cell development for the NASA space and the Department of Defense programs was aimed at special applications and has been very successful. This development work has led to the accumulation of considerable understanding of the chemistry and technology useful to the evolution of commercial fuel cells. Table 1.1 gives a listing of fuel cell developments as of April 1969 and indicates that almost all of the work has been for government-based special applications. However, this table does not show some of the work aimed at civil applications since these developments are, for the most part, proprietary. E-2 - -I- · ·--- a) 4- a) 0 3s C) o o L I I I I I I I I I I I C) cD 44 -)r a) S- C C I C - ) 41 03 I CD CO O O C, c' L- I O 0 0 C) 1L L 0 CD n 0 C O O OC 0 C CD .CD C) CD O O LA O 0 O O C- ,-- 0? 0 C LO OL Cto C. a) C" CO CO "-I I tn C'J O '. C r-- P- LO LA C 3- a) E4O ia_ a::: 0 LO C- LA C C) Ln -C r- I-: --J U) -I LAI .LL ,U- I Im: 4-) U) S.- CD ,) U) L 3C 0 a) 3 C).. : OC CD C) 0- I 0L- OC) L 1D '.0 C) N C d O n C L Co C)o oC ~:)t LO L LA O -- OL LO a) 4-. u to 5(o a (da) m C) 10 C., Q) ) -4 tO C) LA L UO Lto0 '.0 _D Ura -1 -- UL r- C) o LD N N C) o C) o C) C. I 0) 0 ~ o c C 0 C) ) C) C) LA S tD C) - co - 00 L CD C) I CD C) LA C) C C).- LO LA L0 +t a iy 4 SU '-(- o0 4 "- - 'I-a) C IE5 u *,=nS Ot @ ' 0o I I Qt 0) I 0 o0 L C) C) N- .0 C"0 N- r O '4- C) N- + I 0 4-) r C) 5- 0) 2 c) LO C( P-0 r- C) C - C . 0~ ~66 U u a U- - S. - 4 - E 4-) a) o CD 4( a- UJ Sa S D 4-) co - c = m 3: 2 .- 0 0 CD C 4 r oU) E 0 I o I X o I x o0 I a a a) c O O O 0O I I2 = n 0& o a) cn I.I- 00 I C a) 0 C <: o 0 -1 2: 0 (Ia)o0 CO 00 U I =: t 5- E-3 z 0 )0 0 U - . 40- 00 a) C o 4) 0 V- ) a) ) e >, 0 4-) M S- cn I-- -D S._ I L I" (U ~~ to rU L C 0o2.U) a) 0)-) *_ 4-) c U tm .- (U X a) u 0 4'C 0 0/ ct O I C a) a)O a) o O 0 x 0 U) a) '- L- u U) L-l C, '0 a) x O (U -r 'U " a aoD aCD a)0CG ' X S- E LcU CJ- a) U) a) CD X 0 CD C .- OC L0 ,-. 4-) tu 0 4- C C.) ao = aC o = I a( to -c S- 4a) 3: 4-s 0) M: L) ._ C 4C0 M: 4-)C (a ' - US(at 2 ^C IC . a ,:) ,U L a) r I U) r * SLV) 0 -U r - aU)0 ).- L C-) 5._ a u) ,5- 0-0 la. CD-.- a I X (1 .P CD~ 0O N x a *_ a I-O 0 0 0'>) (U L-) C.)'- -: -.. _ a a , N SlS U >) r2 _0 4) 0 3 4-) 4c- o a, a) r-- o C- a) o O O 4- V) oo OC) C's C) C) O) OCO r-O O C0 -J -- - a O r, O O C) O O LO -O N () 0 O O O O a0) 4 OC '.0 3.-- ) C\ - CD C) C)j c; C~j t.0 a_ : :I 41 >1 u . (A a) C 5U1) 4-) u - 4-) C 5.(a 0 C-) L. L.) c, 0) V) - I C) r) Nl -.:t O O C) LA C~j - zj 3 o W) 4C) 0 )>. IU rC4) 4-) -L U O r- O Ln I a) O L) Ln I LA O O0 Ck o a) N (O- C0) C 5- ! i Ll_ IO C) I O >n (a (L) co u- C) C 30 C C) a3: ) 3 C) I ) U LU -j O (VE E UL k00 O LO S LO to Ir LO C LO CO C) LA C~j r 0 LO CD O- 0 a0 ) u O U) 0E (O L. 5- m 'O I 0 U) D _ cn CD (0 L O SC-) 3 CD -C U u to U C) 0 .r- 3: a) c *- X En o , - >U- O0 4-'L U '~J Cr) ~ UJ -( E I -- a 0O S. N (US 5- N-* (UU 5- > >,o-- (U O( N 4 - 3 O So 4-) 0 3: 0 3: C 0 : N (U 0 0C 5a) C U) CD IL 4-) (AOU LU * Oa-, C 0U V) U CD .rCD a) = cn ,xs I E U) 0. - 5- >, LA) o . C E r:n c : .- N E-4 ~~~ 0O 4- r 0 E C N (U >, ~~~~~~ (A ( E r- N Cr0 I a) (A _ o O O, c o C . U a) .-(U -.0 E a) (J CD o LJ u -4 -o S- oC a) I) 0 .- Ln 0 Ur E -0 a) U (n U) E O >( C o l C.- J ) E) I a C U) IE *, t-E -r 4 (n 'E s U aJ a*.L = U 0C 04 41 _- a (1n L In the United States, the former United Aircraft Corp., (Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Div.) and several other companies (among these are Esso Research and Engineering Co., the Institute of Gas Technology, TRW, and Battelle Memorial Institute) have initiated full cell development programs. This non-governmental effort has been directed entirely toward the development of hydrocarbon-air fuel cell powerplants for commercial electrical utility use. Since 1967, more than $50 million has been expended at United Technologies* grams to develop fuel cell powerplants for utility service. towards this goal. in specific pro- This constitutes the principle effort More than half of the funding of the first development program has been pro- vided by a group of natural gas and utility companies in a program called "TARGET."** The concurrent program, since 1971, has involved ten electric utility companies and the Edison Electric Institute. The EEI portion has been assumed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). About one-third of the total investment has gone into the technology associated with cost evaluation and reduction of cost and operating life considerations. The remainder has been spent in developing experimental fuel cell powerplants, in producing and field testing prototype powerplants, and in building a technology base to make the powerplant concept more versatile (e.g., allowing for the use of many different liquid and gaseous fossil fuels, scaling of cell and reformer component elements to multi-megawatt size, and improving efficiency of ancillary components). These latter efforts are difficult and costly in an engineering sense, but do not require many significant advances in the present state-of-the-art to ensure success. Small-scale, commercial-type fuel cell powerplants were build in 1971-1972 and have demonstrated in actual field test operation the ability to satisfy all of the functional requirements for electric utility service. These 12.5KW powerplants operate on air to obtain the required oxidant and either gaseous or sulfur-free distillate fuels. Several powerplants are now in operation and shortly a total of sixty powerplants will be operational in various installations as part of the TARGET program. Data from the initial installations have verified that fuel cell powerplants have minimal air pollution, can reject their waste heat to air, are quiet, and are highly efficient at both rated power and at part load. These units operate unattended and have a minimum of scheduled maintenance. Both voltage regulation and AC frequency control are equal to or superior to electric utility standards. Rapid response to load change from zero to full power has been demonstrated to be less than one cycle. The.noise level is no greater than a home humidifier since the basic energy conversion process is static, and the only moving parts are circulators for processing and cooling air. Clean natural gas, and clean very light petroleum distillate fuels (alchohols, naptha, etc.) required for the operation of this generation of fuel cells are, since the embargo of 1973/1974, not considered available or economical for use in fuel cell power plants that would constitute part of the generation mix of the 1980's. The future large scale use of fuel cells in electrical generation depends upon the development of fuel cells that can operate, economically, on fuels derived from coal. It is toward this goal that research and development efforts, both private and government, are directed. There are different engineering problems associated with the design of a self-contained fuel cell/steam turbine electric power plant which are believed to be solveable. The cost competitiveness of such a facility can not be estimated until the technological questions have been answered. *Formerly United Aircraft, Pratt & Whitney Division **Team to Advance Research for Gas Energy Transformation E-5 2.0 THERMODYNAMICS OF ELECTROCHEMICAL FUEL CELLS 2.1 Introduction Most thermodynamic aspects of electrochemical fuel cells are related to the thermodynamic aspects of chemical galvanic cells. A galvanic cell consists basically of two electrodes in con- tact with an electrolyte and combined in such a manner that an electric current flows over an external wire connected to the two electrodes. A galvanic cell is "reversible" in that depending upon the direction of flow of electrons in the external circuit the galvanic cell may be "charged" or "discharged." "Charged" and "discharged" can also refer to the chemical composition of the electrolyte or electrodes. because of the choice o Some galvanic cells, electrolyte, cannot be "charged." Fuel cells are dynamic devices in which continuous feed streams of reactants (fuels)and exit streams of the "combustion" products are involved while a flow of electrons takes place between the electrodes. Thermodynamic treatment is somehwat more complex than that for a typical primary or secondary battery. The fuel cell is not "reversible." The precise thermodynamics and electrochemical kinetics of electrolytes, reactants, etc., is beyond the scope of this paper. The inquisitive reader is referred to the bibliography. Portions of fuel cell technology will be briefly discussed to the extent that the fundamentals of operation and characteristics are appreciated to the degree necessary to understand the application, present status problems, and the magnitude of the constraints to favorable cost-effectiveness. 2.1.1 Why a Fuel Cell? Most of Indirect Method of Electricity Generation he electricity consumed today is generated by the combustion of fossil fuels. An increasing portion is by fission (nuclear) reactions. The remainder is derived from hydro-electric plants. Fossil fuels (gas, coal, oil) are hydrocarbons which are oxidized (burned) by atmospheric oxygen; the heat generated is converted to mechanical energy in an engine. turn, is converted into electrical energy. The mechanical energy, in The nuclear reactor, too, generates heat which eventually becomes electricity. A greater portion of the original generated heat is not converted into electricity, approximately 66% is wasted. The unused (rejected) heat and the fuel residues are contaminants that pollute land, water, and air, and interfere with the global heat balance. 2.1.2 Direct Method of Generation of Electricity The chemical process which proceeds in a fuel cell results, at once, in electricity. The direct method of energy conversion into electricity by use of galvanic elements does not involve the limitations of the thermal engine. In ideal cases, it is capable of a conversion efficiency close to 90%. day, rea;-life, values are around 60%. Present- The losses in galvanic cells are determined by the kinetics, the electrode reaction, the type of physical configuration (geometry) and the electrolyte used. Figure 2.1 shows a comparison between ideal and real-life efficiencies for thermal engines and fuel cells. A fuel cell is illustrated, in principle, in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.3 shows schematically the construc- tion and principle of a cell in which hydrogen and oxygen are the reactants and the electrolyte is potassium hydroxide. The emf at the terminals of a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is approximately 1.2 volts. E-6 Figure 2.1 ldeal / Heat Fuecell conversion c6one'szon Heat conllers:on Fuelcell Convermon -1-10-301/ electric erorgy 30-501/. I loss I GOverpteela I PAi -1-n0/o loss . . -Carnol/ 0 I ilmital on losses 10 5S i I 10-101 V MIS Lossor M Intrinsiclosses i Extrinsiclosses Figure 1. Comparison loss gain or gain f the ideal and the actual efficiency of thermal engines and fuel cells Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Load td ectlbn Reaction pores Hz- 2H'4 2e in pores Reaction 'I 02+HO+2e-ZOH- 2H'+20H--2H20 - Finalproduct Anode Cathode Figure 3 Construction and principle of a hydrogen-oxygen cell Figure 2 Principle of fuel cell operation' E-7 2.2 Thermodynamics of Some Fuel Cells 2.2.1 Fuels (General) Fuel cells may be classified as high, medium or low temperature cells. a. High temperature: b. Medium temperature: c. Low Temperature: 1100 - 1200°F (molten salt electrolyte) 4000 F (Bacon hydrogen-oxygen cell) below the boiling point of the aqueous electrolyte (hydrogen-oxygen cell) However, the "steering" factor is the type of fuel employed. of liquids or gases. The fuels may be any of a number Hydrogen-oxygen cells are the most highly developed. zine have been made for the U.S. armed services. Fuel cells utilizing hydra- Methyl alchohol, a very high hydrogen content fuel, has been used as batteries in river signal buoys and power sources for television relay stations. Fuel cells are currently classified by the fuel required since this is what is of primary national interest. The cell technology and configuration and operating temperature follows fuel choice. a. Gaseous: b. Liquid: c. Carbon based (gas or liquid derived from coal) 2.2.2 (hydrogen, methane, etc.) (alchohol, naphtha, and other hydrocarbons of light molecular structure) Hydrogen/oxygen Hydrogen and oxygen are the ideal fuels. They are, however, "manufactured" fueld in the sense that they are not available in pure form in nature. They must be extracted from chemical compounds or mixtures. Hydrogen has serious disadvantages, among which only high cost and difficulties in handling and storage need be mentioned at this point. A somewhat more detailed treatment exists in a technical note to this paper. For very special purposes or where money is not a constraint, a pure hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell is used. In the space research program, for example, or at isolated terrestrial research or data acquisition sites. There are, in addition, those applications, such as radio relay stations and meteorological monitoring and transmitting stations for which the fuel cell is the only viable alternative. More importantly, a hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell contains an alkaline electrolyte. The alkaline fuel cell is highly sensitive to carbon dioxide and thus to cheap, carbon-containing fuels. As a matter of fact, even in terrestrial applications one uses oxygen instead of air because the carbon dioxide present in air (about 0.03 percent) can and does give trouble either by precipitating solids in the electrodes or by reacting with the bulk electrolyte. Scrubbing the air to remove the carbon dioxide or frequent changes of electrolyte is often necessary. Nitrogen in the air too can, under some conditions with some fuel cells, give trouble. 2.2.3 Other fuels (carbonaceous) The best fuel, if one can't have pure hydrogen to start with, is a gaseous fuel that contains plenty of hydrogen. Among the simple combustible gases there is a noticeable predominance of hydro- gen in methane (CH4 ), ethane (C2 H6 ), butane (C4 H1 0 ), etc. It is easier to extract the hydrogen from such gases than it is from hydrocarbon liquids or solids. Natural gas is used in some thermal engine electrical generation plants. Because a natural gas operated fuel cell offers almost twice as much conversion efficiency, the gas industry took an early interest in the fuel cell. In 1967 a group of twenty-eight gas and combination gas and electric utilities formed the Team to Advance Research for Gas Energy Transformation or "TARGET" to develop fuel-cell power plants for the generation of electric power using natural gas as the hydrogen-providing fuel and air for the oxygen supply. E-8 __ __ __ In this system the hydrogen-rich gas is processed in a "reformer" to convert the gas in hydrogen and carbon dioxide before introduction into the fuel cell. There is an energy conversion loss in the "reformer" stage due to oxidation of the carbon and use of some of the reformed gas in maintenance of the reformer process itself, (the energy conversion is about 75% efficient). The concept proved to be a viable one and several pilot plants were built. Natural gas is now in short supply. Petroleum, from which the more desirable light hydrocarbon fuels can be derived has become expensive and for a number of other reasons, among them our desire to reduce imports, is not a desired source of fuel for the generation of electricity in the 1980's and beyond. However, the most common available fossil fuel is coal. Therefore, current effort in the U.S. is to develop fuel cell systems which can use fuels derived from coal. 2.2.4 Electrolytes The type of electrolyte used in a cell is governed by the fuel to be consumed. The electrolyte can be acid or alkaline, solid or aqueous, etc. The first aqueous fuel cells developed with reasonable performance were hydrogen/oxygen cells. These cells operated with a KOH (potassium hydroxide) electrolyte at about 60-80°C (140-1760 F). Noble metals were used as catalysts; platinum in particular. It was natural that the initial work with hydrocarbons was carried out under the same conditions. Success was very limited. The main obstacle to the use of an alkaline electrolyte in a carbonaceous fuel cell is the reaction of the electrolyte with CO 2 to form the carbonate salt. CO2 + 2KOH - ) K2 C0 3 + H2 0 To keep the electrolyte active, the K2 CO3 would have to be regenerated back to KOH, a process that would consume about 30% of the cell's output power. In addition, expensive and cumbersome equip- ment would be needed. A hydorcarbon cell must operate in an electrolyte such as acid or equilibrium carbonate solutions. The electrolyte must ve such that its composition does not change during cell reaction or at least reaches a steady state from which there is no further change. Experiments were conducted with acidic electrolytes and some success is reported. Problems exist however, among them being that corrosion limits the choices of the catalysts for both the fuel and the oxygen polarization. Losses are high and catalysis is slow at low temperatures. These latter two are common to aqueous solutions. 2.2.5 Catalyst The catalyst participates in at least three functions of the electrode process: electron transfer, and surface reaction. adsorption, Nickel, palladium, and platinum are the most active catalysts for the anodic oxidation of H2 , CO, hydrocarvons and alcohols. The life of a fuel cell is partly limited by the life of the catalyst. To date;,much of the low temperature fuel cell research has been centered on the search for adequate catalysts. By its nature this research has been semi-empirical although guided by general prin- ciples of catalysis developed by individual investigators. stated. More specific rules and laws have not been It is unfortunate that in spite of advances in solid state physics, kinetics and theory of catalysis, the preparation of catalysts for a given reaction remains an art. Catalysts have been found that are satisfactory for hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells using alkaline electrolytes. Catalysis for carbonaceous fuels, however, are much more prone to poisons in the fuels. E-9 - - 2.3 Rformer Fossil fuels have to be processed to a form useable in the fuel cell. This process is called reformation. In the reformer, as the equipment is called, the fuel is changed into a gas stream, if originally a liquid, and the carbon oxidized so that Co and H2 are fed to the cell. The composition of the gas stream is dependent upon the: a. fuel source (petroleum, natural gas, coal, "wastes", etc.) b. reformer process, (steam, heat, sulphur removal, and the economics) c. requirements of the fuel cell (hydrogen/CO, 2 d. load response requirements. hydrogen/CO, CO/CO2, etc.) This may be met by buffer ("surge")storage tanks. A coal to carbon monixide fuel cell to electricity system from a practical standpoint is that which refers to the original solid fuel form which the gas is generated and the electricity produced. C + CO 2 = 2C0 Gas Generation 2C0 + 02 C + 02 - 2C02 Fuel Cell reaction = CO2 Overall process Reformers in fuel cell systems are considered to have about 70 - 75% conversion efficiency. 2.4 Carbon Monoxide cell The significance of the carbon monoxide cell is related to attempts to utilize carbonaceous fuels in a more active form, either as carbon monoxide or in the form of "water gas" obtained by the reaction of methane with water. The individual reactions for a carbon monoxide cell are: at the cathode at the anode 2e + 1/2 02 + CO2 + CO 3 CO + C023 - 202 + 2e The overall reaction is described as: - CO + CO 3 CO 2 + 2e The presence of an appropriate catalyst in the fuel gas line or at the electrode itself, alone with water results in a reaction H2 0 + CO = H2 + CO 2 Hydrocarbons and partially oxidized hydrocarbons (such as alcohols, aldenhydes, etc.) in a high temperature cell go through a more indirect process CnH2n + 2 H 2 +02- = CnH2 n + H2 = H2 0 + 2e E-10 ii CnH2n + nH 2 0 = nCO + 2nH 2 CO + H2 = C 2 + H2 2.5 Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell 2.5.1 Introduction The Energy Conversion Alternative Study (ECAS) concluded that one of the most promising fuel cell concepts is the molten carbonate electrolyte type. The fuel is the low heating value gas (LHVG) obtainable from an adjacent coal gasification facility. The electrolyte contains Li2 CO3 , Na 2 C0 3 , and K2 C0.3 The overall reaction is identical to very efficient combustion in that only H2 0 and CO2 are the major products. If a sulfur bearing coal is the feedstock, then scrubbers must be employed in the gasification (reformer) step before the fuel cess and the extracted sulfur present a disposal problem. 0 0 The molten carbonate cell is a high temperature device, 700 C (1300 F). The heat generated in the fuel cell can be used in a bottoming cycle (conventional steam/turbine generation plant). The conversion efficiency for the fuel cell/bottoming cycle electricity generation can be 66%. The overall stat nn efficiency, taking into account losses in the conversion of coal to gas, is 50%. A system concept t shown in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4 AC Power m I a-c electricity a-c electricity I r m I Inverter Generator - I % mechanical energy d-c electricity r . . l_ , Goal Synthetic Gas Coal Gasifier & - Bottoming Cycle (Steam or Gas Turbine) heat Fuel Cell s - (H 2 & CO) Desulfurizer - ~, m heated Ah 4-am-- Air ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- 4"Het- J c Compressor Sulphur Compounds Electric Power Plant System Concept: coal/reformer-(gasification)/molten carbonate fuel cell/bottoming cycle E-11 2.5.2 Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Operation 0 0 iolten carbonate fuel cells operate at about 500 to 800 C (932-1470 F) using as electrolytes mixtures of lithium, sodium, and potassium carbonates and porous nickel electrodes. The elemental cell model is shown in Figure 2.5. In this system, the carbonate electrolyte serves to transfer oxide ions from the cathode, which consumes oxygen from the air, to the anode, which combines this oxygen with the fuel, H2 and CO. At the anode: H2 + C0 3 --) H2 0 + CO2 + 2e CO + CO 3 -At 2C02 + 2e the cathode: 1/2 Os + CO 2 + 2 ) CO3 The advantages of this type of fuel cell over others are: a. Catalysis is normally not a problem due to the high temperature of operation. As a consequence, noble metals are not required to effect the desired reactions. b. 0 0 The waste heat, because of its high temperature (500-800 C or 932-1470 F) can be used to generate steam or can be used in the reformation of hydrocarbon fuels and bottoming cycle. c. The electrolyte is non-acidic, less corrosive than acidic electrolytes. d. Because carbon monoxide is part of the operation, a carbonaceous fuel (coal derived) is useable. Nox produced from air fixation in the fuel cell operation is minimal in this system due to the 0 0 low temperature of operation (700-750 C or 1300-1400 F). The major environmental problems are associated with ash, and sulfur compounds from the post gasification scrubber handling and disposal. Water treatment and cooling tower operation for the steam plant are also problems which will influence cost of operation and siting considerations. There is, however, substantial uncertainty regarding: a. Operation of the fluidized bed gasifier such that the gas produced be free of tars or contaminating hydrocarbons b. The efficiency of the hot-gas iron oxide fixed-bed desulfurization process c. The ability to control regeneration of sulfide beds d. The effect on fuel cell life of the probable contaminants in the fuel gas as produced Unresolved problems at any of these processing steps could require significant process additions to control potential environmental problems, adding to capital requirements and increasing the project cost of electricity. E-12 Figure 2.5 THE ELEMENTAL (MOLTEN CARBONATE) CELL Fuel Vent Oxidant Inlet e- -+ CO3) (H2 + C03= L/ H2 2 + Co 2 Ion Conductor and Electron Insulator Electrochemically Combines H and 0 To Release Electrical Power Directly E-13 3.0 THE UT/IGT SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction The major effort in fuel cell system development in the U.S. involves a molten carbonate fuel cell. The system is to use coal which is processed in a reformer stage to produce a low heating value gas (H2 and CO) for the fuel cell. The waste heat of the fuel cell is employed in a conventional thermal (turbine/electric) plant. Overall efficiencies of 50% from coal to electricity are projected. turbine coal fired plant can operate at about 39%. Boers*2 1 A modern conventional steam is credited with early research on the devices upon which current fuel cell technology is based. A consortium of United Technologies, the Institute of Gas Technology, several electrical utilities, and the Electric Power Research Institute have invested to date over 50 million dollars for research. The consortium has published few details of the results of their investigations and no information on which one may base cost estimates. 3.2 It is expected to be operational by 1980. Fuel Cell Section In the system as envisaged by UT, each fuel cell unit will have an output of 4.5 megawatts. The size will be 7.0 m high by 4 m in diameter (23 ft. x 13.5 ft.) and weigh about 84 metric tons (93 U.S. tons). The thermodynamic efficiency of the cell itself can be as high as 57%. used as process heat for generation of electricity The 43% loss can in a conventional be thermal cycle system or in the conversion of the coal to a fuel gas for the cell. Fuel consumed in the projected fuel cell system will amount to 85% of the total hydrogen plus carbon monoxide in the feed gas. The useful life of the system is projected to be 40,000 hours (5 years). Considerable technical progress has increased the probability that this fuel cell power plant can be successfully commercialized. We have some reservations about the availability of clean (sulfur and heavy metal free) coal should Mr. Carter's proposals for massive conversion to coal by industry and electrical utilities be implemented. 3.3 These are discussed later in the paper. Bottoming Cycle As outlined above, the use of a high-temperature fuel cell system in a power plant permits the designer to increase the overall plant efficiency by integration with a "bottoming cycle." (See Fig. 4) The "bottoming cycle" refers to the process of removing the heat from the fuel cell with a liquid, water, or other two-phase fluid, by means of a heat exchanger. The fluid, which is flashed to a "gas" stage at high pressure, is delivered to the turbine, which, in turn, drives an electrical generator. The "bottoming cycle" design is a relatively straightforward engineering task with more or less established trade-off criteria which permit optimization for cost-effectiveness. Since this paper is to primarily consider the fuel cell portion of a power plant we will not discuss the "bottoming cycle" any further except to include the cost estimates in overall system evaluation. 3.4 Power Conditioning (Inverter) Fuel cell electrical output is direct current. other processes can use the DC output directly. alternating current. In the Electroplating, aluminum smelting and a number of Nearly all other customers for electricity require United States the frequency is 60 hertz (cycles per second). conditioners, or inverters, are necessary for the conversion of the DC output to AC. This can be accomplished at about 95% efficiency. In general, there are at least seven power conversion schemes that can be considered: 1. chopper-inverter E-14 · ___ ________ Power 2. inverter 3. buck-boost inverter 4. complementary inverters 5. high frequency link 6. hydbrid (high frequency + simple line-commutated inverter) 7. force commutated inverter The AC output of the converter must be compatible with the electrical grid (transmission and distribution lines, switchgear, transformers, other generating platns, etc.). The frequency of the output and the vol- tage levels at the point of coupling must be exactly the same. In addition any transients on the line (sudden changes of voltage or load due to short circuits, lightning discharges, switching, etc.) must not damage the fuel cell plant or any disturbances originating at the fuel cell plant must be similar to those of conventional plants for which apparatus and system design parameters exist to minimize damage to equipment or interruption of electrical supply. 13 of the economic and technical aspects of the above The Westinghouse Company has conducted a study seven schemes and found that the number 7, force commutated inverter, is the optimum. The major point ot be mentioned here is that the state-of-the-art indicates an upper limit of approximately 2 kilovolts output from fuel cell batteries. Because of transformer primary current con- siderations, this constraint limits use of the force commutated type of inverter system to powerplants of small size, 25 megawatts or less. 3.5 For the larger plants, systems 1 through 3 offer the best possibilites. Fuel 3.5.1 Introduction Petroleum-derived products naphtha, benzene, etc. are the most desireable carbonaceous fuels. first family of fuel cells systems developed at UT have been designed for these types. The It is apparent that now they are too expensive, or valuable, forlarge-scale use in fuel cell power plant operation. The plant design, therefore uses coal as the source of fuel. 3.5.2 Coal Gasification (Requirements) All coal-fired powerplants require coal preparation facilities at the site. consider, then, is the storage and grinding area. The first area to Leaks and spills are to be expected, facilities should be provided for cleaning up and hosing down the area so as to wash dust to a collecting pond before it becomes airborne. The fuel cell requires a gas, so the coal must be converted (reformed) into gas. Existing gasi- fiers require as feedstock, that the coal be crushed to, but not finer than, about 6.4 mm (1.6 inches). Vapor effluents from coal crushing may contain sulfur compounds, combustibles, and other trace components from coal, and may be odoriferous. Depending on its composition, the vapors may have to be scrubbed or incinerated prior to discharge. The gasification process will be one of several being developed by other industries. The require- ment for a "pure" gas input will necessitate that the product gas be cleaned of sulphur and heavy metal contaminants before use. If it were a conventional power plant one might consider "post combustion" scrubbing, which does offer some opportunities for overall conversion efficiency. The gasification process is accompanied by a number of discharges of sulfur compounds, NOx , trace elements, contaminated water, and heat. Sulfur is removed from the synthesis gas immediately after coal gasification, and thus is not a problem associated with the fuel cell or steam generation portion of the plant. E-15 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 4.1 Introduction Because of the efficiencies in the range of 50-55%, fuel cells would consume about 2/3 of the fossil fuel of a conventional facility, thus consumptive use of land for extraction purposes would be less. Thermal pollution of the fuel cell section is thus proportionately less than at a coal facility and air pollutants are limited to CO2 and small fractions of other pollutants, see Table 4.1. (Meyer, Jones & Kessler, 1975). Other beneficial effects of fuel cells result from a quietness, size and low waste level which enable small installations to be sited locally reducing transmission needs to one-third or less of conventional needs. Table 4.1 presents a general fuel cycle view of important pollutants, Tables 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 show lists of specific concerns and chemicals emitted, and Tables 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 show quantification of effluents (Kalfodelis, et al., 1976) from a large fuel cell facility that includes a coal gasification plant. TABLE 4.1 Comparative Air Pollutant Levels of 1000 MWe Powerplants at 0.75 Load Factor Gas-fired station Sulfur dioxide (lbs) Fuel Cells 1970 2 Nitrogen oxides (lbs) 26300 1660 Hydrocarbons (lbs) 18400 1500 Particulates (lbs) 660 .2 E-16 TABLE 4.2 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM OPERATION OF 1000 MWe COAL-FIRED FUEL CELL POWER PLANT WITH LOAD FACTOR OF 0.75a Impact Land, sq. mi. Water, tons Air, Extraction (surface) 32.9 23900 curies 0 BTU O tons u curies 0 Solid or liquid waste, tons 1.82 x 106 Processing Transport Conversion .2 2.3 .6 2570 0 0 0 0 3200 1.8 x 104 0 0 813 0 45 26300 0 2.0 x lO1 3 870 2.2 x 104+ 0 3.0 x 105 0 2.1 x 106 0 .206 .016 1.53 Injuries 9.3 1.7 15.6 1.09 Workdays lost 330 66. 1560 120. Occupational Deaths Total 2.0 x 1013 0 curies Transmission 0 .009 a Assumed similar to a gas-fired facility in conversion aspects and to a coal facility in extraction and transport aspect. E-17 0 1.76 + 27.7 + 2080. + TABLE 4.3 EMISSIONS AND EFFLUENTS FROM FUEL CELL POWERPLANT Emissions to Atmosphere Potential Concerns Wind action on coal storage and handling Dust, fire, odors Wind action on ash Dust Water vapor from coal grinding Dust, H2 S Cleaned flue gas NO x , plume disperions, dust, SO x , P.O.M. Vacuum pump on steam condenser Minor Air and mist from cooling tower Plume, mist deposition, trace chemicals Possible fugitive dust from area and iron oxide preparation Dust nuisance Transients due to upsets, cleaning, etc. Dust, smoke, fumes Potential noise and odors Machinery, maintenance Effluents - Liquids and Solids Rain runoff - coal and waste areas Suspended and dissolved matter Ash slurry Ground water contamination Slurry of waste from sulfur recovery cleanup Ground water contamination and land use Sludge and chemicals from water treating Minor Waste electrolyte Ground water contamination Trace Elements Leaching associated with disposal of ash Soluble toxic elements Fate of volatile toxic elements in coal feed Contamination of local air and water; effect on fuel cell life Emissions as gas and P.M. and P.O.M. with stack gas Hazards to life E-18 TABLE 4.4 CHEMICALS USED IN RECIRCULATIVE COOLING WATER SYSTEMS Chemical Use Corrosion inhibition or scale prevention in cooling towers Organic phosphates Sodium phosphates Chromates Zinc salts Synthetic organics Biocides in cooling towers Chlorine Hydrochlorous acid Sodium hypochlorite Calcium hypochlorite Organic chromates Organic zinc compounds Chlorophenates Thiocyanates Organic sulfurs pH control in cooling towers Sulfuric acid Hydrochloric acid Dispersing agents in cooling towers Lignins Tannins Polyacrylonitrile Polyacrylamide Polyacrylic acids Polyacrylic acid salts Biocides in condenser cooling water systems Chlorine Hypochlorites Sodium pentachlorophenate E-19 ------ TABLE 4.5 POWERPLANT PERFORMANCE SUMMARY GASEOUS AND THERMAL EMISSIONS Plant Effluent 0.32 SO2 , pg/J 9 NOx , 0.52 <.013 g/J 0.30 HC, pg/J Negligible CO, pg/J 6.8 Particulate, g/J Solid Fuel Standards <0.039 0.043 Thermal Pollution Heat Rejected - Cooling Towers 1.830 MJ/kWh Heat Rejected - Stack 0.30 MJ/kWh Heat Rejected - Total (1) 3.62 MJ/kWh (1) Includes total plant losses E-20 TABLE 4.6 BASE CASE ESTIMATE OF POTENTIAL TRACE ELEMENTS DISCHARGED TO ATMOSPHERE WITHOUT SCRUBBER Average % Emitted (7) ppm in Coal Basis) (Dry . Element Emittedb kg/d Antimony 0.5a 25 0.81 Arsenic 8 - 45 25 13. - 73 Beryllium 0.6 - 7.6 25 1.0 - 12 Boron 13 - 198 25 21 - 320 Bromine 14 .2 a 100 92.0 Cadmiun 0,14a 35 0,32 Chlorine 400 - 1000 a 100 2600 - 6500 Fluorine 50 - 167 100 320 - 1100 Lead 8 - 14 35 18 - 32 Mercury .04 - .49 90 0.2 - 2.9 Molybdenum 0.6 - .49 25 1.0 - 14 Selenium 2.2a 70 10.0 Vanadium 8.7 - 67 30 17 - 130 Zinc 0 - 53 25 0 - 86 3094 - 8373 TOTAL a, Not given in ECAS basis and therefore estimated b. Based on a feed rate 6891 t/d of Illinois No. 6 coal E-21 TABLE 4.7 POWERPLANT PERFORMANCE SUMMARY LIQUID AND SOLID WASTE Liquid Blowdown Gasifier Boiler 152 m3/h 5.9 Steamplant Boiler 21.1 Cooling Tower 125.0 Sulfur 6.1 t/h 9.1 g/kWh Solid (Ash) 20 t/h 32 g/kWh E-22 _ __ 0.23 dm 3/kWh 5.0 U.S. GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 5.1 Overall Program The U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) has established a National Fuel Cell Program to "commercialize state-of-the-art fuel cell technology in the near term and advance higher efficiency, lower cost, future competitive technologies..." 1. Utility Demonstrations: There are six facets to the program. Demonstrate, on a utility grid, the viability of electric utility fuel cell systems which are nearing readiness for commercialization. 2. Provide technology to lower the cost and increase the First Generation Technology: reliability of first generation fuel cell systems. 3. Second Generation Technology: Advance the state-of-the-art of molten carbonate fuel cells in order to achieve the earliest possible commercialization of these fueled, based loaded systems. 4. Fuels Utilization: Broaden the spectrum of fuel cell acceptable fuels to include the economic usage of No. 1 through No. 6 fuel oils, coal, and solid wastes. 5. Systems Development: Develop and demonstrate fuel cell systems for applications outside of electric utilities including (1) the efficient recovery of waste fuel sources such as waste hydrogen from industrial processes, hydrogen rich gases generated from urban waste and sewage sludge and methane-air mixtures recovered from deep shaft mines; (2) integrated energy systems for residential and commercial buildings and industrial applications; and (3) transportation applications. 6. Applied Research: Examine advanced fuel cells systems for application after 1985 and support emerging systems with a sufficient technology base for continuing improvements. 5.2 Demonstration The first generation units are the original units developed by UT/IGT which operate on natural or clean methane gas or naphtha. ERDA's part here is apparently to accelerate the establishment of demonstration projects even though they may not be entirely cost-effective or use desired fuels. The demonstration units, 4.8 megawatt, were anticipated for fall '77. The commercial units, for which there are 56 orders, are 27 megawatt units using clean, special fuels, and may be available in 1978. These systems are intended to be co-generation types: fuel cell generated electricity with "heat pumped" waste heat for heating, ventilation and air conditioning will be available. In the late 1980's it is hoped that 50% efficiency, combined fuel cell/steam generated electricity, with coal gasification reformers and molten salt cells will have been developed. 5.3 Research Applied research over a period of 20-50 years will be supported in order to obtain efficiencies of 60% from advanced fuel cells (solid oxidized). 5.4 Comment The nature of the agreements between industry and ERDA is not clear. Industry has invested millions of dollars in research and states flatly that all information is proprietary and declines to furnish data E-23 as to the exact status development, or the nature of any impediments to completion of commerical units. The ERDA program is one and one-half years old. The schedule of events was not endorsed by any of the researchers or utility people with whom we have made contact and it was their considered opinion that making fuel cells operate on hydrogen and oxygen, or very clean gas and air or "special" fuels like naphtha, is one thing. It is quite something else for the electrical generating industry to invest a few hundred million dollars in a technology for the commerical production of electricity, in competition with other proven technologies. Of particular concern is the requirement for clean natural fuels or the production of special composition (hydrogen rich) fuels or the production of special com- position (hydrogen rich) fuels from fossil fuels which are already in short supply and very expensive. Even the coal-based units will require "low" sulfur coals. 6.0 STATUS OF OTHER TYPES OF FUEL CELLS 6.1 Methanol-Air Fuel Cell Battery The Esso Research and Engineering Company of Linden, New Jersey, has designed a methanol-air fuel cell battery (low-temperature) for the U.S. Army for military communications. furic acid and the output was rated 60 watts at 6 volts. The electrolyte is sul- Life tests have been on the order of 400 hours over a 6-month period and it is anticipated that the cells should operate satisfactorily for longer periods of time. The performance of this size of cell for the intended application may be considered satisfactory. Certainly there is no similarity between the military mission, "electricity at any cost," and a commercial bulk power central station electricity plant. 6.2 Extrapolation is not possible. Tungsten Carbide/Carbon Fuel Cells In West Germany there is considerable effort being expended on the development of tungsten carbide/ carbon fuel cells. It is the opinion of researchers at the AEG-Telefunken Corp., German Federal Republic, that the tungsten carbide/carbon fuel cell has the greatest potential from the point of view of economics and applicability. The logic leading to their preference for this low-temperature cell over others stems from the sensitivity of alkaline fuel cells to carbon dioxide and thus to cheap, carbon-containing fuels, the necessity for the utilization of noble metal electrodes in fuel cells with acidic electrolites and the sensitivity of metallic catalysts to poisons. In a series of papers (Pohl, 1972; Bohn, 1968; and Bohn, 1973) they describe their investigations and conclude that the tungsten carbide/carbon fuel cell is the most economical for West German purposes. The current status, progress since 1973, could not be determined. E-24 P 7.0 ECONOMIC EVALUATION 7.1 General Because technology has yet to be clearly defined for key elements in a commercial fuel cell facility, particularly the molten carbonate fuel cells and because proprietary development is involved in each of the gasification, sulfur recovery, and fuel cell areas, the developers themselves are considered best placed to estimate costs from the present technology base. The estimates vary between wide limits. We will discuss what we believe to be the best available study. As a general rule, however, it may be expected that estimated costs will rise as development proceeds to commercialization. 7.2 UT/IGT/NU 1st Generation Fuel Cell Plant In 1972, Northeast Utilities Service Company, (an electrical utility), conducted an economic study9 of the natural gas fueled fuel cell power plant as part of the generation mix of their system. The results were contained in a paper presented at the winter meeting of a professional engineers society meeting. The results indicated that fuel cells could provide an economically competitive generating source depending, among other things, on the intended duty cycle, and the cost of fuel at the point of use. Two of the figures that illustrated results are reproduced, Figures 7.1 and 7.2. In Figure 7.1, the range of nuclear installed cost of $425/KW. 1977 costs are about $900/KW. Fuel cost, if one assumes that the fuel cell would be naphtha, is over $2.00 per million BTU (see Figure 7.2). The fuel cell that is planned for use in the 1985 time frame would not use a petroleum derived hydrocarbon but one from coal. Neither the cell, nor the coal gasification process has been developed. The uncertainty and hazard of projecting costs in underlined by the Northeast Utilities experience. 7.3 Molten Carbonate Cell (Second Generation) All conceptions of power plants utilizing this type of cell include a coal conversion facility adjacent to the fuel cell or fuel cell/bottoming cycle power generation plant. 7.3.1 Burns and Roe Burns and Roe, Inc. 13,14 15 have developed the cost estimate for the molten carbonate fuel integrated facility from data supplied by UTC(UL)-IGT for a plant which generates 638 MWe. The model plant is complete and self-sufficient, using coal, water, air, and water-treating chemicals as raw materials. Certain chemical additions will also be required at the catalytic facilities included in the system, including iron oxide at the desulfurizer, catalyst at the sulfur recovery plant, and electrolyte conditioners at the fuel cells. Catalytic tail gas treatment may also be included and require chemical additions. The presentation includes breakdowns for the installed costs of land and improvements, fuel handling and processing, fuel cell system, electrical plant equipment, and the steam plant-bottoming cycle. The overall plant capital cost estimate summary is reproduced as Table 7.1. 7.3.2 Hart and Womak An economic assessment of molten carbonate fuel cells for large-scale power production with propane feed to an integrated reformer-molten carbonate fuel cell system was published by Hart and Womak in 1967.17 They concluded that initial capital costs for the system would be at least 25% higher than for a coal-fired steam turbine generator system of similar life. Since the fuel cell life was expected to be short (ptimistically 5 years compared to perhaps 10 to 20 years for a gas turbine and 20 to 30 years for a steam turbine), they concluded that such a fuel cell plant was not economically attractive. 7.3.3 Bockris and Srinivasan Bockris and Srinivasan conducted a study 2 0 from different sources of recent (1969) and future fuel cell costs. A projected cost for the molten carbonate cell system attributed to Broers is $600/KW for large-scale production using gas and a reformer. E-25 _ _ I I FUEL CELL FUELCOST FUEL CELL INSTALLEDCOST ~ SMW Nuclear vs. Fuel Cell Baseload Expansion Figure 7.1 II I i l! CS IGa ,2 I SC _ l 1go 12o _ _ _ _ 14o 11M 1i0 FUEL CELL INSTALLED COST- IlW Gas Turbine vs. Fuel Cell Peak Load Expansion Figure 7.2 Figures 7.1 and 7.2 apapted from Northeast Utilities/United Technologies data. E-26 TABLE 7.1 MAJOR COMPONENT RELATIVE COST COMPARISON (In Mid-1975 Dollars Per kWe) Westinghouse (Parametric Point MC4 from Ref. 8) Fuel UTC - IGT (Reference 10) 150 82 Power Conditioning 63 38 Steam Bottoming 36 34 249 154 1 Capital costs developed for a 900 MWe fuel cell power plant, exclusive of indirect costs, which develops 1170 MW AC output. 2 This basis for fuel cell power plant, exclusive of indirect costs, with 638 MW total net output. Source: Burns & Roe, Inc. 13, 14, 15 E-27 7.3.4 Westinghouse The effect of ten plant and operating variables on the cost of electricity was investigated by Westinghouse 6ibrmolten carbonate fuel cell systems in their parametric assessment study. These were the effect of power plant size, fuel cell life, cell output degradation, current density at fuel cell electrodes, electrolyte thickness, temperature of the fuel cell, replacement of air by oxygen, oxygen plant size, fuel type, and recovery of waste heat from the fuel cell by a steam turbine generator system. The approaches used by Westinghouse to calculate the capital costs of the fuel cell subsystems analyzed in its study are detailed in that report. Westinghouse emphasizes that cost techniques are, at best, aoproximate, in the absence of design details for the fuel cell models. In Table 7.3 are presented the final overall component capital cost breakdowns estimated by Westing- house for a 900 MW fuel cell power plant (which, however, develops 1170 MW AC output), compared with those employed in the UGT-IGT Burns and Roe basis for a 638 ME facility. Note that the system estimated by Westinghouse operates on medium heating value gas, for which no related capital charge was developed. But again, the UL-IGT estimates appear extremely optimistic, notwithstanding the fact that they were estimated for a system which was only about half the size of the system considered by Westinghouse. In an oral presentation made by a study team at NASA of NASA's evaluation of ECAS conceptual designs were made. Cost estimates generated by GE, Westinghouse, and UTC for Category 2, Furnace and Solids Handling, and for Category 4, Bottoming Cycle Equipment were compared. Because UTC estimates were consistently low relative to those of GE and Westinghouse in these categories, Exxon prepared 53 , for purposes of comparison, a composite capital cost estimate patterned after UTC's presentation in which the GE estimates were used for these categories. estimate for the molten carbonate system increased from $590 to $774 per kWe. The capital cost In addition, Westinghouse's value for the fuel cell equipment (about double the UTC estimate) was assumed, total investment in increased to 600 million dollars or to about $945 per kWe (see Table 7.4). 7.4 Economics of Pollution Abatement It is difficult to attempt to separate investment and operating costs chargeable to environmental control facilities in an assessment of this powetplant. The gasifier concept, the desulfurization and sulfur recovery processes, and the fuel cell method for generation of electricity have all been included in the design in the expectation that emissions to the environment from the overall plant will be lower than from competing power generation facilities. Even the steambottoming cycle, whose function is to maintain overall generation efficiency above current practice, may be considered to be a thermal pollution control device because it converts a portion of fuel cell waste heat, that would normally be thermal pollution, into electricity. recovery, and fuel cell areas. Proprietary development is involved in the gasificiation, sulfur In addition, it is extremely difficult to estimate costs from the present technology base because, as a general rule, it may be expected that any estimated costs will rise as development proceeds to commercialization. 7.5 Conclusion - Economic Evaluation Commercial availability of carbonaceous fuels (coal derived) fired fuel cell systems is not anticipated before the year 1990 and, in some cases, 2000. To estimate the cost of electricity, in 1986 dollars, for a system which is still being developed is curious exercise. Some workers, however, have estimated that the figure would be between 55 and 70 mills per kW hour. These cost comparisons serve to point out difficulties in making cost projections of technology that has not been at least tested on a pilot demonstration unit. Factors not associated with a specific technology may also drastically change the incentive for commercialization. E-28 For example, no one had foreseen the unprecedented increases in fuel costs and the government policy of discouragement of use of the desirable fuels which have occurred within the past five years. On the other hand, molten carbonate fuel cell power capability has been improved considerably since the early sixties. The ultimate consideration, of course, is what the interplay among stricter regulations on emissions from power plants, which drive up capital costs (and may introduce inefficiencies into the systems), the improvements in technology (which reduce costs), and hopefully, increase efficiency, and the costs of fuels, to which larger fractions of all labor and material costs are becoming more significantly comparable, will be on the viability of the proposed system. The ECAS study (54) is the most recent (1976) and comprehensive study that addressed the economics of fuel cell power plants. report. Figures 4.8 through 7.6 and Table 7.2 are adapted from that We have not attempted to duplicate the efforts of the investigators. been possible for us to even check the results. It would not have The original data were in constant 1974 dollars. We have added a scale equivalent 1986 dollars (5% inflation). Figure 4.7 is an illustration of the estimates of the General Electric Company's "Minimum Capital Cost Points" for power plants. We have marked the figure for the cost of open cycle gas turbine (presently used for peaking) and the cost for the high temperature fuel cell. displays the estimates of the Westinghouse Corporation estimates. Figure 7.4 The reader's attention is in- vited to the particular data points for open cycle gas turbine (a conventional contemporary peaking unit) for the molten carbonate fuel cell/steam plants. The cost of electricity, as estimated by the Westinghouse Corporation, for several advanced generaling systems, is listed in Figure 7.5. Conventional peaking turbine generated electricity costs and molten carbonate fuel cell generated electricity are indicated by the dotted lines. The relative efficiencies and range costs of electricity for several systems are plotted in Figure 7.6. The estimate for cost of electricity as generated by a molten carbonate cell ranges between 55 and 70 mills per kilowatt hour in 1986 dollars. Table 7.2 summarizes the values of all relevant parameters for high and low temperature fuel cell power plants. Availability." The interesting item here is the last one, "Estimated Date of Commercial No fuel cell systems, in their opinion, will be available before 1990, and some not until after the year 2000. E-29 System Case Advancedsteam 11 Open-cyclegasturbine 22 Open-cycle gas turbinclorganic 36 Combined cycle air cooled) 8 Combined cycle water cooled) 5 Closed-cycle gas turbine trecuperated) 6 Closed-cycle gasturbineforganic 40 Closed-cycle gas turbinelsteam 46 Supercriticalcarbondioxide 47 Liquid-metalRankine 9 Open-cycle MHD 12 Closd-cycleMHD 13 Liquid-metal,MHD 6 Lov-temperaturefuel cells S High-temperaturefuel cells 4 NE 0 200 400 :- 600 g00 1000 I 1200 1400 875 Capital cost, $/kWe (1974 dollars) i I I 0 400 800 General Electric results I I I I 1200 1600 2000 1650 Minimum capital cost points 1986 dollars, 5%/yr. inflation MIT calculation Figure 7.3 *Adapted from (54). E-30 - - ------ -- I 2400 I 2800 I 3200 Case Sysiem Advanced stlcm(atmospheric 69 furnal . Advancd steam (Af6i .Mijor cmpents -i seam(pressAdanced urizedoilerl 6 lanceof plant M tontingency E] Escalation andinterest 49 Advanced steam PIFBI Open-cycle gasturbine Isimple cycle) Open-cycle gasturtine trecuperatled 1 16 Z v///// ' / Open-cyck gas turbinelorganic -.:.~ Cobtined cycle Clased-cycl gasturbine ncuperated) Clased-cycle gas lurbinelslam Clsed-cycle gas turbinelorganic =ch-s m//cass2I ULutl-! tIRankine Oten-cycle MHiD dirct Indirect cll liredllstem 13 IO~~~bI~~c I.·~: 121lhse case1, ·; ona~~~~~j,,~.... . .:. OpencycleMIID (diretr coalliredllstam I Open-cycle MIlDLBTU intlgrd gasiflrlistum One 4Lbre Cled-cycleMiHDIskam 2 Uquild-Iell MlsDhslm 12 Phosphorkc acid Iull clls 11 I . - '////a//B , I I~\"E, ,1-,'':f ';;, .. Z :~'.;~>.: ': ' -L. L"\'I'M i//j/////////, f I M: '\\\\\\~,.;7.1.j7' -1. .<> .. P-1 r;:*l :r - .1'. Alilne lul cells Mdltan carbotenlul callkist 4 Sel Iectrlylt uelcells 20 NNIONNOM~~~~~t~:?. II AI IIO ai Ia 1 I II 4c0 o }1 1 I M M 1 I 10 -~ Capital cost, 1 I Im c 1 I 1I I Im 1 I M I I11 I 12, I . I 1300VI 1O0 I ~ I I I I $/kW (1974 dollars) Westinghouse results I · 200 i I - · 600 m I I 1400 1000 I I d 1800 , I I 2200 1986 dollars, 5%/yr. inflation MIT calculation Figure 7.4 *Adapted from (54). E-31 2600 2600 4000 4000 Ssstcl Advance ste .,prl : Case : Urllarel I i Advanced slam presurizedboilerl (69t4 31 Adivarces :-L OFB, C FI Components odCX C Capital F *Fuel 0 · Operating and maintenance 1 2 i fI Advanced steam tF8I I 31 c Open-cycle gasturbineIismplecycle, 26 Open-cycle gasturbineIrecuperaled) 8U Open-cycle gasturbine'organlc 96 Combined cycle 1 C ' F FF I CC lo 0 lO f I 21 Closed-cycle gasturbineIrecuperatedl 27 41 Closed-cycle gasturbine.steam C F 0 42 Closed-cycle gaslurbinelorganic 52 Liquid-metal Rankine 13 Open-cycle MHO (direct-indiredct coal lired)- base case1 12 C |F I F 1 0o I C C I I 110 ,F'o Open-cycle MHDtdirectcoalfired base case2 Open-cycle MHD(LBTU integrated gasifier)- base case3 I s Closed-cycle MHO 6 iquid-metal MHD 12 Phosphoric acidluelcells Alkalineuelcells I CI C a C II F I F 101 0 11 c I C Molten carbonate fuelcells . I F . I O ,l I CI|_FjO_| Solidelectrolyte uelcells F c a 0 I I 10 _ , I Iol , I 20 I, 30 I, 40 I 50 I 60 I 0o Cost of electricity, mills/kW-hr. (1974 dollars) Westinghouse results I 0 20 40 60 I 80 100 1986 dollars, 5%/yr. inflation MIT calculation Figure 7.5 *Adapted from (54). E-32 --- 120 140 50 . IAA lUU I \ "\ ,/ , Low-temperature fuel cells (HBTU fuel) 40 80 m ,- LMMHD / I 30 J CCMHD 60 Low-temperature ; -Supercritical CO 2 /,\ m OGTfuel cells fuel)-. OGTlorganic-' (hydrogen High-temperature fuel cells o _ S0 - (W / organic \ _ _, CGTI -LMR OGT(SRCfuel)-' 20 CGT-_ 40 = , f- o v n Ru - Alkaline fuel cells- 30 0 " / -'' r - _,-OGTIorganic . 4- OGT- ~ "c_,* 4J -.-. ^.-' / ,. At4 -Phosphoric acid /' fuelcells . U / I.- i CRT 20 ...r-olid electrolyte ae LO U W S_ go - 4- _ _ 60 =l U - 0 o 'CCMHD 40 -S Combined cycle-' .10 _ U a / fuelcells ) o S:'" n 20 IU r E Moltencarbonate fuel cells- 4 IU a) _ I (a)GeneralElectricresults. IU E I- J Combined cycle(air cooled S.- 4-) - I/ V-:" ill .20 .30 .40 .50 .I n., /ll 50" I f Overallenergyefficiency (b) Westinghouse results. Average Cost of Electricity HBTU - High Btu Gas LMMHD - Liquid Metal Magnelohydrodynamic OGT - Open-Cycle Gas Turbine CCMHD - Closed-Cycle Magnelohydrodynamic CGT - Closed-Cycle Gas Turbine OCMHD - Open-Cycle Magnelohydrodynamic LMR - Liquid Metal Rankine Figure 7.6 Source:54 E-33 TABLE 7.2 - WESTINGHOULFE VALUESOF ALL RELIVANT PAIIAMETERS FOR LOW- ANDIIIC;I-TEMlPERATUiRF FUEL-CEL.POWEHI IIANTS Iolten Aqueous acid system Paramceer Solid electrolyte system carbonate system (case 12) < g Case 4 Case 18 Case 19 (case 4) . 23.4 1255 1161 219 25 900 900 250 900 Fuel HBTU mITU IBTU IBTU LBTU Oxidizer Fuel-celllife, hr Voltagedegradation,perccnt Air Air Air 10 000 Air 10000 Air 10 000 10 000 10 000 poweroutput, MWe Fuel-cellrating, nvW dc Temperature, OC Electrolytetype 85 wt ElectrOlytethickness, cm 2 Anodecatalyst loading, mg Pt/cm Cathodetype 2 Cathodecatalyst loading, mgPt/em Totalplant capital cost, milliondollars: Fuel processingequipment Fuel-cellsystem Steamturbinegenerator Osygenplant Heat-recoverysteam generator Recuperator Powerconditioning Capitalcost, $/kWe Resultbreakdown: Total major-componentcost, milliondollars Total major-componentcost, $/kWVe Balance-of-plantcost, $/kWe Sitelabor.cost, /kWe Total direct cost, $/kWe Indirect costs, $/kWe Profit andowner ,osts, $/k%'e cost, $/kWe Contingency Ecalation cost, S/kWe Interest duringconstruction,S/kWe Total capitalization,S/kWe Costof electricity, mills/kW-hr Capitalcomponent Fuel component component Operating-and-maintenance Total Fatimatedtime for construction,yr i EsUmateddate of commercialavailability - - I - - 5 5 5 5 650 1000 1000 1000 Paste of Li, Na. K, (ZrO2 ) _x020 2 3 )x carbonates, and alkali aluminates 0.05. 0.004 0.1 13 PO4 (ZXO2) (Zo 2 )l-x(CaO (Y 20 3 ) 0.002 0.004 Nl Ni-ZrO2 - cermet Ni-ZrO2 - cermet NI-ZrO2 - eermet Lithiated NiO In20s/PrCoO3-x In2 O3 /PrCoO3 -x %n03/Prcoo3_ x Cr203 0.002 Cr2O3 0.002 Cr2 0 3 0.002 400 0.56 45.6 47.7 893.28 75.37 161.00 0.3 Interconnection type Inlerconnection thickness, cm 2 Currentdensity, mA/cm Averagecell voltage, V Pow-erplant efficiency, percent Overallenergyefficiency,percent L-C 5 190 Pt/C 0.3 Pt/C Anode type 1064 200 200 0.7 36.0 24.2 8.64 0.645 0.7 54.4 45.7 2.4 0 0 400 0.66 60.2 50.6 539.05 2.41 142.00 11.52 569. 90 2.30 171.00 11.72 0 0 0 15.62 18.4 59.00 0.211 4.20 17.50 11.80 28.00 59.00 269.06 227.74 18.38 29.47 275.58 15.03 22.05 22.05 68.62 79.04 482.370 248.95 215.40 15.57 33.35 264.32 17.01 21.15 21.15 66.35 76.43 93.87 429.58 39.59 137.54 606.71 70.14 456.40 36.40 89.81 96.71 948.31 341.17 327.96 36.98 89.08 454.03 45.43 36.32 38.59 130.94 153.38 858.70 15.25 12.55 16.05 43.85 14.74 11.34 14.16 40.24 29.98 5.47 12.25 47.70 27.15 6.35 18.40 51.89 5 1990+ 5.0 3.0 2000+, 2000+ 0 0 1.38 20.20 4.84 59.00 4.51 193.74 39.93 42.70 276.37 21.78 22.11 12.44 19.00 19.46 371.16 11.73 25.01 9.85 0.086 0 46. 68 1.5 1990 BOO 0.68 53.2 53.2 205.46 52.36 18.80 - - 1974 Dollars E-34 48. 54 . - I 5.5 2000+ TABLE 7.3 PLANT CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY (638 MWe PLANT) Materials Balance Major Comments of Plant (M$) (M$) Land Improvements & Structures 1.4 Site Labor (Direct & Indirect) (M$) 13 - Total $/KW (M$) 16 31 48 21 50 78 .59 92 Coal Handling, Gasification, Gas Cleanup & Ash Handling 17 Fuel Cell System Equipment 42 Steam Plant Bottoming Cycle Equipment 17 4.2 10 31 49 Electric Plant Equipment 19 4.5 9 33 51 SUBTOTALS A&E Services & Contingency Escalation & Interest During Construction 6.7 11 96 45 63 204 318 18 12 20 50 78 123 193 377 590 (@ 48%) TOTAL DOLLARS Source: (53) E-35 TABLE 7.4 COMPOSITE CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE M$ $/kW GE +35 +56 W +60 +98 91 GE +27 +42 33 51 UTC 318 326 515 +122 +196 50 78 79 127 +29 +49 254 396 405 642 +151 +245 123 193 195 303 +72 +110 377 590 600 945 +223 +355 $kW M$ $kW 31 48 31 48 Coal Handling, Gasification, Gas Cleanup, & Ash Handling 50 78 85 134 Fuel Cell System Equipment 59 92 119 190 31 49 58 33 51 204 Land, Improvements, & Structures Steam Plant Bottoming Cycle Equipment Electrical Plant Equipment A & E Services and Contingency Sub-total Escalation and Interest During Construction Total INCREMENT Composite UTC M$ UTC E-36 - -- - 8.0 CONCLUSION The fuel cell offers excellent opportunities for the generation of electricity at higher effi- ciency and much less pollution than conventional fossil fuel fired steam turbine driven generation. The "ideal" fuel cell requires hydrogen and oxygen, two gases that are "manufactured" by expensive processes. Hydrogen handling storage and transmission requires special technology none of which has been tested on a scale that would be required for fuel cell generation on a utility sized scale. Fuel cells that operate from light hydrocarbon fuels have been and are successfully employed in electric utility generation facilities. Light hydrocarbons are derived from petroleum. Current national policy is to discourage use of such fuels for the generation of electricity. A type of fuel cell, called the molten carbonate cell, can be designed and manufactured. It will operate on coal derived low heating value gas. A pilot plant has yet to be built and therefore there is no way to estimate the cost of the electricity that would be generated. There has been sufficient technological progress in the research phase to provide a high degree of confidence in the ultimate technical success of the concept of an integrated coal gasification plant (with sulphur scrubbers), fuel cell electricity generation and steam turbine electrical generation bottoming cycle. The anticipated dates for completion of pilot plant studies vary from late 1980 to early 1990. E-37 9.0 TECHNICAL NOTE - HYDROGEN ECONOMY 9.1 General We dream of the "ideal" fuel/electricity system: virtually inexhaustible, available at minimum environmental cost and creating no pollution upon conversion to work or heat. The hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell producing electricity is perhpas the closest we come to this dream. It can be derived from water, the most abundant chemical with minimum environmental impact. for 1985 shows that the usual pollutants (CO, S0,2 An analysis for New York City particulates, hydrocarbons) are reduced to zero while the NOx is reduced to about 75% of the value that would otherwise be expected. When one, however, examines methods of production, transportation, and storage we find that the economic viability of a hydrogen energy system still depends on certain technological advances in the state of the art. As the environmental and other cost determining factors of fossil fuels rise, the economic advantage of a hydrogen economy approaches the stage where serious thought and experimentation begin to make sense. The fuel cell has contributed much to the consideration. to the section of the references that is pertinent to hydrogen. The reader is referred Our discussion will be brief. The current thought centers about producing hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis with off-peak electric power (from a nuclear station). Hydrogen is delivered by pipeline for use as a fuel for inter- nal and external combusiton and/or use in fuel cells. The oxygen produced at the nuclear plant would also be piped to cities, but used for sewerage treatment. It has been pointed out that if undergrounding of electric transmission is required in the future, electrolytic hydrogen, transported in gaseous form in pipelines and converted back to electricity at the load substation (fuel cells), may provide a less expensive system than transmission of electricity directly. Why has not a hydrogen economy been possible; what are the impediments; what will the cost of petroleum have to be in order for hydrogen to compete? 9.2 Production of Hydrogen 9.2.1 Fossil Fuel Processes The production of hydrogen from fossil fuels employs either a reformer reaction or an oxidation reaction. Steam reforming of light hydrocarbons produces carbon monoxide and hydrogen. In the oxidation readtion,for heavy petroleum and coal, oxygen is introduced in controlled quantities to produce CO and H2 which is then converted to C0 2 and H2 . The oxidation process has an advantage over steam reforming in that it can process any hydrocarbon feedstock, or coal and no desulfurization is required prior to the partial oxidation step. The results of a comparative study of the manufacturing costs for 1990, conducted in 1969, are tabulated in Table 9.1. Take particular note of the predicted price of fuel oil, natural gas, and coal. The prices in 1977 are indicated for oil and coal. 9.2.2 So much for long-range economic forecasts. Electrolysis Present electrolysis plants required 120 - 140 kwh of electric power for the production of 1000 standard cubic feet (SCF) of hydrogen about 60% efficient as compared to theoretical possibility. While advanced designs may be expected to greatly reduce capital costs and operate at higher efficiency, the operating costs for hydrogen production remain extremely sensitive to electric power costs, which will increase with time. Each mil per kwh increase in the cost of electricity adds 12-14 cents per 1000 E-38 TABLE 9.1 COMPARISION OF THE MANUFACTURING COSTS OF HYDROGEN FROM SEVERAL PROCESSES* 3 Cost, ¢/O1 SCF Hydrogen Steam methane reforming+ Steam Naphtha reforming+ Partial oxidation , of fuel oil* Coal gasification using steam and oxygen# 12.4 20.6 13.8 16.0 Utilities** 4.0 4.2 5.1 3.8 Labor at $4/hr 1.2 1.2 1.4 2.8 Overhead, 60% of labor 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.7 Maintenance, and operating supplies, 4% of capital investment 1.7 2.0 2.1 4.6 Fixed charges at 9% 3.8 4.5 4.6 10.3 23.8 33.2 27.8 39.2 Raw materials Total, 103 SCF Capital investment, $ millions 5.8 6.6 6.9 15.3 *Based on hydrogen production, 40 million standard cubic feet per day; hydrogen delivery pressure, 1700 psig; fixed charges; depreciation 6.7%, local taxes and insurance 2.7%. +Natural gas at $0.25/10 BTU. lNaphtha at $20/ton *Fuel oil at $2/bbl: 150,000 BTU/gal. 1977 #Bituminous coal at $5/ton; 12,700 BTU/lb. 1977 $14.50/bbl 30.00/ton delivered **Includes electricity, cooling water, and boiler feedwater. Source: J.E. Mrochek, "Economics of Hydrogen and Oxygen Production," in Abundant Nuclear Energy, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (May, 1969). E-39 SCF of hydrogen in today's plants. Electricity, derived from solar energy, is intermittent and periodic. solar energy provides a constant source of storeable energy. 9.2.3 Hydrogen production from Such as system is some time away. Chemical Disassociation Energy input, in the form of heat, can supply kinetic energy to free the molecules of hydrogen The idea of "cracking" water by the use of heat is appealing. and oxygen in water. Material limitations (direct thermal decomposition takes place at an acceptable rate at temper0 0 atures above 3000 C (5500 F) presently prevent process heat production at temperatures necessary for the one-step crackign process; the idea of using multi-step processes at lower temperature is being considered. In a multi-step process the required work which must be supplied can be reduced to zero (theoretically) by the selection of a suitable sequence of chemical steps. Analysis of the msot promising process, Mark - 1 of Euratom's Ispra Laboratories, by the Future's Group and Funk shows that on a commercial basis, the plant costs are higher and technical problems much more difficult to solve than commonly estimated. 9.2.4 Direct Disassociation It is possible to disassociate water by the direct transference of energy in the form of heat or 0 Temperatures are in the range of 2500°C (4500 F) and the efficiency is computed to be about 35%. light. Ultraviolet light can disassociate water. The generation of adequate amounts of ultraviolet require the existence of a fusion reactor. The first, high temperature heat is materials prohibited. For the second, fusion reactors non- existent. Transportation 9.2.5 Hydrogen transmission can be accomplished in the same variety of ways which are used for transmitting natural gas. Costs, assuming solution of the technical problems of welds, valves, pumps, mater- ials, etc., are solved, as computed by the Futures Group in 1972 are displayed in Figure 7. 2. 9.2.6 Storage The problem of hydrogen storage must be divided into three subsidiary questions: the time in storage, the accessibility, and the volume of hydrogen to be stored. Hydrogen will leak through much smaller orifices much more readily than natural gas. to be designed for both long- and short-term variations in demand. Storage has For seasonal variations, large volumes are required; for daily swings in demand, smaller storage volumes are suitable for electric power production. For vehicle propulsion, very small amounts of fuel must be available on demand. The storage systems for these different purposes are quite different. They involve different vessels, controls, valves, etc. and hydrogen form, i.e., liquid, and high and low pressure gas states. 9.2.7 Markets General The price of hydrogen does and will depend upon the size and nature and geographical distribution of the market. Possible customers are: 1. fuel cells 2. manned aircraft E-40 ·______L-111---.. ---- I -_ _ ,_ I ,, _____ Figure 9.2 Transportation Costs for H2 By Various Means _ ___ __ . . . i i : . : . - +- . . : - .. . -. 50 . CryogenicPipeline (ii 30 20 r2 I i 10 I--' ,. 5 · · ··. :· · .:... '':'' ~~ -':-:. :.-::::i-:: C M . ! · 00o . qi i i~~~~~~~Ri L-;l]:~~~~~~. .I .T: . '~~~~~ .~~~~~... Ox · - : .... .. .. ;- .i... ......... -· T... ' ... i. I.:i~ ;.. , .......d ' ; !..~ · · ........:~i -] i ' I . : ~ . i . Ii . · k · .'30 Inch Pipelin (gas) · '' · ... i : : . M . ~°:. :::~'; ' ' [1:::. I: L - . . ',I . : . : -. . 7 !Ship . ~I t : - -Barge . . .. (liquid) . ' - ~~~~~~. . :' 1 - ! 77 -77 7 . . i ! - - . I I. f - i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Distance in miles Source: The Futures Group E-41 -- 800 900 - : I. --- i - 7 -- · i 7- 1000 : . .I ; a . . . .: 3. rockets 4. surface transportation a. ships b. trucks c. buses d. buses e. trains Hydrogen will have to compete with a well established, safe, and fully understood petroleum economy. Market penetration, in the absence of strong and sustained government intervention will not take place. Fuel Cells The "ideal" fuel cell requires pure hydrogen and pure oxygen. These fuels must be produced. The production costs cancel the advantages of the "ideal" fuel cell. Substitution of air for oxygen introduces the serious problem of "poisoning" of the cell by the relatively small amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If it is desired to operate fuel cells with fuels derived from carbon or hydrocarbon materials, the desired electrolytes are acidic and electrodes and catalysts that are immune to carbon poisoning. The alternative is to process the fuel gas feed stream in a way that all objectionable components are reduced to the level where economical operation is obtained. The stage in which the hydrocarbon containing fuels are processed is called "reformer". "Reform- ation" introduces the opportunity to include coal, petroleum, natural gas, and synthetics (ammonia, methanol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) as fuels for cost competitive fuel cell operation. Other Commercial Uses of Hydrogen Hydrogen is required in a number of petrochemical, food, metallurgical and other process industries. The requirements are met by existing production facilities. Certainly there are industries that would purchase hydrogen to replace some of their existing requirements for fuels if the price of hydrogen were to decrease. They would not convert until there is an assurance that price will be stable or only decrease. 9.3 Conclusion - Prospects for Hydrogen The production of hydrogen presently is very closely coupled to the availability and price of fossil fuels. Hydrogen can be produced by use of nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors first have to become available on a scale that results in excess capacity, if only at certain times of the day, to be diverted to hydrogen production. A hydrogen economy depends upon the satisfactory solution of formidable technical problems associated with more widespread use of hydrogen. not known. At this juncture in time, the cost of the solution is Just how much hydrogen will be demanded by a fuel cell market is practically impossible to forecast. There are no distribution, storage handling, or "combustion" equipments in existence. A completely new system, from top to bottom, has to be developed and tested before it can be introduced. This author believes that the establishment of a significant, greater than 5% of the total energy economy, hydrogen industry before the next century will require a dedication on the part of the government, motivated by the external forces which do not exist or can be perceived or should be considered desirable. There is the very interesting opportunity to make hydrocarbons, liquids (gasoline, jet fuel, etc.,), and gases (methane, butane, etc.,) by combining hydrogen and carbon (derived from coal). amounts of coal available. There are large If the "greenhouse" effect is of concern, then extraction of carbon from CO2 in air, about 3% average in 1977 (higher in urban centers and near certain industries) might have very positive environmental impacts. The cost of CO 2 pollution abatement by conventional means might be more than the cost of CO2 use in the synthesis of hydrocarbon fuels. The opportunity merits serious consideration. E-42 _I_ *_ IC---·-·ll_.-___1 _ __1.___ __ -_ _ __I _ 10.0 1. REFERENCES "Fuel Cell Definitions," Standards Pub. No. CV 1-1964, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, New York, N.Y. 2. Peattie, C.G., "Hydrocarbon-air Fuel Cell Systems," IEEE Spectrium, Vol. 3, pp. 69-76, June 1966. 3. Liebhafsky, H.A., and Carins, E.J., "The Fuel Cell and the Power Industry," Rept. 60-RL-2382C, General Electric Co., Mar. 1960. 4. Leibhafsky, H.A., and Douglas, D.L., "Fuel Cells as Electrochemical Devices," Ind. Eng. Chem., vol. 52, pp. 293-294, Apr. 1960. 5. Lord Rothschild, "Fuel Cells," Sci. J., Vol. 1, p. 82, 1965. 6. Bolan, P. "Heat Pumps and Fuel Cells," Proceedings of AICHE Annual Meeting, November 1976. 7. "National Benefits Associated with Commercial Application of Fuel Cell Power Plants," United Technologies Corporation. 8. "Fuel Cell Benefits Analysis," Argonne National Laboratory. 9. 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