1. Short description of Plan:

Short description of Plan:
The purpose of the OD&T Plan is to develop a framework and drive a
strategy that will facilitate the optimal provision, organisation and
deployment of the City’s staff so as to enable the City to achieve its
strategic goals and objectives. The primary alignment of the staff to
the City’s needs took place in the previous financial year through the
implementation of the new organisational structure and finalisation of
the placement process. The focus of the transformation plan is now to
shift the culture and managerial practice of the organisation in order to
ensure delivery. This will be done by focussing on the following four
a. To shift the organisation to high performance, based on best
practice benchmarking and through the alignment of people
strategies to business strategies.
b. To guide and drive the process of changing to a high performance
organisation through the key strategic programmes.
c. To measure the value gained by investment in employees, the %
alignment of people strategies to business strategies and the extent
to which the organisation measures up to international and national
best practice benchmarks.
d. To identify and implement key levers in the field of human capital
management that will have the greatest impact on improved service
Vision :
Transform the organisation into a sustainable high performance
organisation, in which employees are developed, valued, empowered
and motivated, quality management is embedded in all managerial
practices and processes, and service delivery in terms of the IDP takes
Legislation :
Regulation 2 (1) (a), Municipal Systems Act.
Key strategic Issues and challenges
a. Key strategic issues:
i. People management issues
ii. Human Capital management issues
iii. Quality management and Productivity issues
b. Key strategic challenges:
i. Research & develop conceptual framework, methodologies
and models which will empower the organisation to change
its managerial practices and assess deliverables from
citizen/customer/investor perspective.
ii. Review current people management strategies.
iii. Establish buy in from organisation to accept new ways of
thinking and functioning.
Critical success factors:
a. Leadership buy in to and ownership of transformation plan and
b. Creating change in climate and culture through change
management interventions.
c. Implementation of integrated management model and methodology.
a. Embedding of high performance quality management systems and
b. Ongoing strategising which focuses on a challenging desired future
through the IDP process
c. Development of business partners (internal & external) required to
achieve desired destiny
d. Development of transformational leaders
e. Aligning people strategies to business strategies
f. Releasing potential of people
g. Broadbased change management initiative
Strategic Goals and Objectives
a. Improving the operational efficiency of the organisation including
the cost of delivering services
b. The increase in funds available for service delivery
c. Return on investment in human capital
d. The reduction in loss of critical talent
e. The improvement in the City’s rating as employer of choice
f. Embedding of quality management and best practice processes &
g. Creating an e-HR enabled environment
Key Deliverables
a. Operational efficiency best practise benchmarks e.g. ISO
b. Organisational & Human Capital Benchmark and measurements
c. Effective stakeholder partnerships – internal & external – which
support delivery on strategic objectives
d. Organisational Climate Indicators (barriers or enablers to high
people/ organisational performance)
e. Talent Management strategies and interventions
f. Transformational Leaders
g. Full e-HR capacity
Resources to be used to achieve outcomes
a. Capex : R9 million over three years
b. Opex : R55 million over 3 years (inclusive of RG funding)
Key Strategic Programmes
a. Human Resources Strategic Plan
b. Change Management and Communication Plan within a Project
Management Environment
c. Quality Management Plan
d. E-HR implementation plan
Key performance Indicators
a. % decrease in cost of targeted services
b. % increase in funds available for service delivery in targeted
c. % reduction in loss of critical talent in leadership and in key
d. % return on investment in human capital development
e. Improvement in the City’s rating as employer of choice – to be in
the top ten employers in Cape Town
f. Alignment of employees with City’s vision – The City that works for
you - % improvement in customer satisfaction survey
g. Embedding of quality management and best practice processes &
i. Number of Corporately agreed business processes reengineered.
ii. Number of best practice standards set for targeted strategic
and performance processes
h. Number of successful continuous improvement initiatives
implemented, which have a measurable impact on (a), (b) or (c)
i. % of role mapped employees using, to its full capacity, the activated
SAP modules forming part of the e-HR roll out
j. % customers satisfied with the use of and accessibility of timeous,
relevant and up to date HR information.