HHES Parent Council Meeting Minutes Thursday December 6, 2012 In Attendance: Lynda McDougall, Wendy Wicks, Charity Pigeau, Linda Cruikshank, Andrea Chantree-King, Andrea Carson-Pedri, Rachel Kelly, Kelly Elderfield, Sue Trowell, Christine Janes, Kristen McDonald, Karen Dopson, November’s Minutes were approved by Karen Dopson, seconded by Rachel Kelly Old Business: 1. Spirit Wear Sales: Only 46 orders were placed, not as great as Parent Council had hoped. There seemed to be a lot of confusion as to how to place the orders as the order form had gone home on the back side of “Hawk Talk” which isn’t always read. Some parents also didn’t want to order clothing with HHES logo on it if their child(ren) will be moving to the new school next year. The total profit made was $317.40 (with an additional 10% on top of that from the company who supplied the Spirit Wear – total to be announced when Charity is provided with that dollar amount) The $317.40 will go into the general playground fund which will be shared with the new school and the 10% donation will go into the corporate donations playground fund which will remain with HHES for the new Jr. playground 2. Mabel’s Labels – Parent Council is awaiting the most recent cheque from previous sales, (August-October 2012). An email was received to inform that they were behind on issuing their cheques 3. Movie Night (Nov.30) – It went well, lots of fun. There were a few minor glitches but lessons learned for when Parent Council hosts the next one! There is lots of candy left over which will be sold next time. All costs were covered. A thank you card will be sent to Shawnette Crouse, the Event Planner for the Town of Shelburne for donating the popcorn machine and paper bags for the popcorn. 4. Thank you card was received from the winner of the Boogie-a-thon grand prize which was donated by Council. 1 New Business: 1. Future Movie Night – Parent Council plans to host another movie night in January or February 2013 provided a date can be coordinated with the Principal and Vice Principal to provide the required staff supervision. The movie will be “How to Train Your Dragon.” The movie was chosen by Parent Council from the “Learn 360” list teachers have access to. These movies are pre-approved to be shown in large groups. 2. Fundraising: In September 2013 HHES students will be operating as 2 schools in one if the new school is not ready to open. Students that will eventually move to the new school will begin the year with the teacher that will move with them to the new school and students that will remain at HHES will be placed in classes with their teacher whom will remain at HHES for the year. The new school may or may not be ready for September 2013 therefore Parent Council discussed the options of how to fairly distribute the funds raised during 2012/13 since it is essentially half of the students currently at HHES that will be moving to the new school and they are helping to raise funds this year. There are 3 envelopes of funds: a) General School Council Funds: All monies raised during 2012/13 that are not donated by a corporation or from a grant sponsorship specifically for the Jr. Playground. Any funds remaining in the general account by the end of June 2013, after all the years commitments have been paid will be shared evenly between Hyland Heights & the new school. The School Council funds ledger will show a line within the general funds account which is money that will be kept aside specifically for the new JR playground. When funds are raised specifically for the JR playground through fundraising efforts by School Council those funds will be recorded in the ledger under the general account playground ledger line. As of January 9th, 2013 there is $123.89 in the playground ledger line within the general funds account; this money and any money during the remainder of the 2012/13 school calendar year designated to this ledger line will remain at Hyland Heights and not be shared with the new school. b) HHES JR. Playground: We anticipate that funds may be generated through corporate sponsorships or grants**. Money donated by Corporations or raised through grants specifically for our new JR playground will remain at our school. c) Playground for the New School: We anticipate that funds may be generated through corporate sponsorships or grants** where the corporations will allocate the funds specifically for a new playground at the New School. 2 **Corporate sponsorships or grants: These funds will be directed to the school for which they are intended. A corporation may direct funds to Hyland Heights E.S. playground initiative only or corporations may choose to direct funds to both Hyland Heights E.S. and the new school. The expressed intent of the corporation will determine where the funds are allocated. An estimated cost for the new HHES Jr. Playground is $40 000. It was discussed that council should approach the Town of Shelburne to see if they could donate funds to help. KTH and the Wind Farms were also discussed as possibilities. 3. It is thought that the paper copy of the “Hawk Talk” monthly newsletter isn’t always read by parents which is resulting in parents not knowing what is going on within the school; therefore Parent Council is looking into purchasing either an email or a phone system in order to improve communication with HHES parents. Sue Trowell will be researching the Synner Voice phone system currently used at CDDHS and Kristin MacDonald will be researching the Constant Contact email system. All information will be brought back to the next meeting and the Council will vote on the best choice to proceed with. The HHES office staff are currently encouraging parents to supply an email or up to date phone contact to assist with better communication and to decrease the amount of paper used by the school. 4. Withdrawn Services by Teachers: Teachers are currently unable to collect money from students due to direction from their provincial federation office; this is creating a negative impact on Council’s pizza days fundraising. Lots of discussion took place regarding how to reorganize the upcoming 2 pizza days without having to involve the teaching staff. It was eventually decided to cancel and hopefully reschedule the December 19 and January 9 pizza days. This will be discussed again in January when additional information and possibly more changes will be known with regards to the Teachers extra services. 5. Shepherd’s Cupboard – it was unanimously decided to donate $200 as is done annually. 6. Office Admin. Staff appreciation – it was decided to once again purchase three $25 gift cards from Jelly Craft bakery for the HHES office staff as they are continuously wonderful to Parent Council and always helpful to assist whenever they can. The gift cards will be given to Cheryl Hincks, Anna Nunes and Teresa Llyod. 7. Digital Cameras – The Kindergarten classes asked Parent Council to discuss whether it was possible for 3 additional cameras to be purchased. It was decided to hold off making the decision until January 2013 to see where things will be 3 financially in light of the need to currently cancel pizza days which is our only constant flow of income. 8. Walk-way concerns behind the school – It was mentioned by Karen Dopson that the deterioration of the walk way behind the school, near the fenced in school/daycare yard was a concern to parents and should be repaired. Lynda McDougall will look into the issue. 9. Parent Council Voting Process for decision making– When a decision needs to be made during the meetings a vote will take place among all parents present at the meeting, majority rules and the decision will be recorded in the meeting minutes. If an emergency decision needs to be made outside of the monthly meetings, the Executive council members will vote and majority will rule. Treasurer’s Report Chequing Account - $4638.39 Savings Account - $1543.87 ($27.78 from Mabel’s Labels for 2012/13 general playground funds) Pizza Day profits for Nov 21 and Dec 5 - $730.06 Movie Night Pizza Profits after Popcorn cost deductions - $91.77 (this will be given to Tara McCabe for the Christmas Angels program to purchase grocery gift cards for families in need at our school.) Principal’s & Vice Principal’s Reports There was a “walk out” of 40 (out of 125) intermediate students on Tues Dec 4. Both Denise Heaslip and Lynda McDougall supervised to ensure the safety of the students. When speaking to them, they discovered that about 20 students stated they walked out to protest the removal of their extra curricular activities and the rest seemed to just go along with it. An Orangeville Banner reporter was on site due to a student alerting them of the walk out. The reporter was asked to leave the property and it was explained to him that there had been no permission given by any parents to allow their child’s photo to be taken or for them to be interviewed. Provincially, teachers have been directed not to engage with students about what is happening politically or engage them in conversations about the change in services provided. 4 Breakfast Club – this will not be affected by the teachers withdraw of services as it is run by Tara McCabe who doesn’t fall under the same sanctions as the teachers do. Milk Tokens – Candice Kitchen has agreed to come into the school once a week to take care of the orders. An announcement will be made for students to bring their money down to the lobby for the tokens during first recess. Dates for 2013 Parent Council Meetings: January 9 Feb 6 March 6 April 3 May 8 June 5 ** PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE DATES AND THE MOVE FROM THURSDAYS TO WEDNESDAYS ** Happy Holidays! Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!! 5