The ζ-ζ Correlator Is Time Dependent (arXiv:1006.3999) E.O. Kahya (U. Jena) V.K. Onemli (Istanbul Tech.) R.P. Woodard (U. Florida) Loop Corrections to ∆R2(k,t) 3 k k·x 2 3 −i 0)|Ω ∆R(k, t) ≡ d x e Ω|R(t, x )R(t, 2π 2 −0.037±0.012 k +0.088 = 2.441−0.092 × 10−9 −1 0.002 Mpc ∞ GH 2(tk ) 2 ℓ ≈ 1+ aℓ(k, t)[GH (tk )] πǫ(tk ) ℓ=1 ȧ Ḣ ds = −dt + a (t)dx · dx ⇒ H(t) ≡ , ǫ(t) ≡ − 2 a H tk ∋ k = H(tk )a(tk ) 2 2 2 Weinberg’s Bound (hep-th/0506236, 0605244) & K. Chaicherdsakul (hep-th/0611352) |aℓ(k,t)| < powers of ln[a(t)/a(tk)] IS THE BOUND SATURATED? Weinberg Yes! GR + inflaton (Sect. V, eqn 41) -½ Σi ∂µσi∂νσi gµν(-g) ½ (Sect. VII, eqn 71) Senatore & Zaldarriaga (arXiv:0912.2734) No! Eqn (71) is wrong No IR Logs from anything at any order What Causes IR Logs? Tsamis & Woodard (gr-qc/0505115) TWO KINDS OF FIELDS Massless, minimally coupled scalars Gravitons TWO WAYS OF GETTING IR LOGS 2 i∆(x;x) = UV + H /(4π ) ln[a(t)/a(tI)] Vilenkin & Ford, Linde, Starobinsky (1982) Vertex Integrations (T&W 1996) How IR Logs Happen Consider Mode Sum for i∆(x;x’) ′) d3 k ′ ∗ ′ i k·( x − x ′ θ(k − H) θ(t−t )u(t, k)u (t , k)e + θ(t −t)(c.c.) 3 (2π) a(t) = eHt ik H ik u(t, k) = √ 1− exp 3 Ha(t) Ha(t) 2k H 1 k 2 i k 4 −→ √ 1+ ( ) + ( ) + ... 3 2 Ha 3 Ha 2k de Sitter : > Ha(t) =⇒ u(t, k) oscillates k∼ i∆(x; x) ≈ Ha 4π H2 H2 2 dk k × = ln[a(t)] 3 3 2 8π H 2k 4π Counting IR Logs Tsamis & Woodard (gr-qc/0505115) ∆L = κ(ϕ,hµν)N × (∂ϕ,∂hµν,other fields) Each extra κ gives up to lnN[a(t)] Eg λϕ4 λln2(a) Eg κh∂h∂h κln(a) NB ∂σ∂σ SHOULD NOT produce any! But QG gives GH2 ln(a) And U(σ) ~ λσ gives λGH2 ln2(a) MMC Scalar Models with IR Logs λφ^4 (Brunier, 1. M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) & <Tµν> Growing scalar mass & pos. vac. Energy SQED (Kahya, 2. Kahya, Onemli) Prokopec, Tornkvist, Tsamis) M²(x;x') ∆u & Π(x;x') ∆ε <φ*φ>, <(Dµφ)*Dνφ>, <FµνFρσ> & <Tµν> Growing photon mass & neg. vac. Energy Yukawa (Duffy, 3. Prokopec, Miao) M²(x;x') ∆u, Σ(x;x') ∆u & <φψψ> Growing fermion mass & neg. vac. Energy Quantum Gravity Models with IR Logs QG + Dirac (Miao) 1. Σ(x;x') ∆u(t,k) Growing fermion field strength QG + MMC Scalar (Kahya) 2. M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) Possible tilt in Power Spectrum QG (Tsamis) 3. Σ(x;x') & <hµν> Consistent with relaxation of Λ Our Model: L=LGR+Linfl+Lspec LGR = 1/(16πG) R(-g)½ Linfl= -½∂µϕ∂νϕgµν(-g)½ - V(ϕ)(-g)½ Lspec =-½∂µσ∂νσgµν(-g)½ - U(σ)(-g)½ Our Background ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t)dxidxi ϕ = ϕ0(t) σ = 0 & U(0) = 0 ½(D-2)(D-1)H2 = 8πG [½(dϕ0/dt)2 + V0] 2 2 -(D-2)[Ḣ+½(D-1)H ]=8πG[½(dϕ0/dt) –V0] (dϕ0/dt)2 = -(D-2) Ḣ/(8πG) V(ϕ0) = (D-2)[Ḣ + (D-1)H2]/(16πG) ADM Fields w/o ADM Gauge OUR FIELDS ds2 = -[N(t,x)dt – Ni(t,x)dxi]2 + gij(t,x)dxidxj gij(t,x) = a2(t) exp[2ζ(t,x)] [δij + hij(t,x)] (-g)½ = N aD-1 e(D-1)ζ ϕ(t,x) = ϕ0(t) + δϕ(t,x) σ(t,x) = 0 + σ(t,x) OUR GAUGE N & Ni from constraint eqns δϕ(t,x) = 0 ∂ihij(t,x) = 0 The N(t,x) Constraint Is Easy L = S.T. – aD-1e(D-1)ζ [A N + B/N]/(16πG) A = -R + 16πG[V0 + U(σ) + ½gij∂iσ∂jσ] B = (Eii)2 – EijEij – 8πG[(∂tϕ0)2+(∂tσ-∂iσNi)2] Eij = ½ [Ni;j + Nj;i - ∂tgij] δS/δN = 0 A – B/N2 = 0 N = (B/A)½ (Exact!) L = (S.T.) – aD-1e(D-1)ζ (AB)½/8πG The Ni(t,x) Constraint Is Hard Conformally Rescale: gij ≡ a2 e2ζ ǧij Expand A & B A0 = B0 = (D-2)[Ḣ + (D-1) H2] A = A0 (1+α) & B = A0 (1+β) (A B)½ = A0 [1 + ½(α+β) - ⅛(α-β)2 + . . .] Integrate by parts a lot Eliminate quadratic mixing btwn ζ and Ni Sk = Nk + ǧkj∂j ∆-1 [e-2ζ ∆ζ/Ha2 - ǫ(∂tζ-∂iζNi)] Free Theories LS= aD-1/(32πG) [∂iSk∂iSk + (D-3+ǫ)/(D-1-ǫ) ∂iSk∂kSi] Lζ = (D-2)/(16πG) ǫaD-1 [(∂tζ)2 – a-2∂kζ∂kζ] Lh= aD-1/(64πG) [∂thij∂thij – a-2∂khij∂khij] Lσ = ½ aD-1 [(∂tσ)2 – a-2∂kσ∂kσ] hij & σ are m=0, min. coupled scalars 2 For ǫ = -Ḣ/H ≈ constant, ζ is too! Relation of R(t,x) to ζ(t,x) R = -¼∆-1[a2 e2ζ (3-Curvature)] gij = a2 e2ζ ǧij = a2 e2ζ [δij + hij] ∆ = ǧij Ďi Ďj 3-Curvature a-2e-2ζ [Ř - 2(D-2)∆ζ – (D-2)(D-3) ǧij∂iζ∂jζ] Det(ǧ) = 1 & ∂i hij = 0 Ř = O(h2) R = ½(D-2)ζ + ¼∆-1[Ř-(D-2)(D-3)ǧij∂iζ∂jζ] = ½(D-2)ζ + O(ζ,ζ h,h2) Tree Power Spectra from u(t,k) H/(2k3)½ ∆R = k3/2π ∫d3x eikx <ζ(t,x)ζ(t,0)> = [k3/2π]×[8πG/(D-2)ǫ]×|u(t,k)|2 GH2/(πǫ) ∆h = k3/2π ∫d3x eikx <hij(t,x)hij(t,0)> = [k3/2π]×[32πG]×[2]×|u(t,k)|2 16GH2/π r = ∆h/∆R < 0.22 (95% confidence) ǫ = r/16 < 0.014 GH2 = π/16 × r × ∆R < 10-10 Moral: 2 Good Approximations All Propagators ~ MMC Scalar [ζ-ζ] ≈ 8πG/[(D-2)ǫ]×i∆(x;x’) [h-h] = 32πG×[T-T Projector]×i∆(x;x’) [σ-σ] = i∆(x;x’) ǫ < 0.014 use de Sitter i∆ ∆(x;x’) Cf. Onemli & Woodard (gr-qc/0204065) We can compute things this way! Interactions Tedious . . . But Undifferentiated Terms Simple Universal aD-1 e(D-1)ζ ζ/a2 Space ∂‘s have extra e-2ζ Self-Interactions of ζ (D-2)/(16πG) ǫaD-1e(D-1)ζζ ×[(∂tζ)2 – e-2ζζ/a2 ∂kζ∂kζ] Field re-def: Z = 2/(D-1) [e½(D-1)ζ – 1] Interactions between ζ & σ ǫ/(D-1) aD-1 e(D-1)ζζ U(σ) Don’t ignore ǫ suppressed terms Time Dependence from a Spec. Potential U(σ) = λσ/4! ∫dDy [8πG/(D-2)ǫ i∆(x;y)]×⅛×iλ½(D-1)ǫaD-1 ×[i∆(y;y)]2×[8πG/(D-2)ǫ i∆(y;x’)] Fourier transform on x & x’ GH2/(πǫ) × λGH2/(48π) ln3[a(t)] Hartree Approximation: σ 3<σ>2 3[H2/4π ln(a)]2 Free: ǫa3/8πG [(∂tζ)2 - ∂iζ∂iζ/a2] σ Int: ǫa3 λ/16 σζ ǫa3/8πG × 3λGH4/32π ln2(a) ζ Mode eqn of u(t,k) for t >> tk 3 H du/dt ≈ 3λ G H4/32π ln2(a) u 3 ½ [1 + λGH2/96π ln3(a) + ...] u(t,k) ≈ H/(2k ) ∆R ≈ k3/2π × 4πG/ǫ × |u(t,k)|2 ∆R ≈ GH2/(πǫ) [1+λGH2/(48π) ln3(a) + …] Time Dependence from Self-Interactions of ζ(t,x) Eg. ¼(D-1)2×½Z2(x)×½Z2(x’) ¼(D-1)2×½ [(8πG/(D-2)ǫ) i∆(x;x’)]2 Fourier transform & gather leading logs 2 GH2/(πǫ) × 27/4 GH /(πǫ) ln[a(t)] Motivations of Senatore & Zaldarriaga Weinberg did make error with dim. Reg. Preserving ∆R as a relic of inflation But corrections down by GH2 < 10-10 And anyway, growth stops after inflation IR logs eventually make pert. theory break But Sect. V, eqn (41) is right And anyway, there must be such effects But not for observable modes And anyway, why is that bad? Cloudy mysticism about eternal inflation Our Motivations IR logs in QG observables People have doubted this . . . Loop corrections to ∆R(k,t) MIGHT be observable some day 21 cm rad. from proto-structures to z~50 Furlanetto, Oh & Briggs, astro-ph/0608032 Enough data to see r ~ 10-8! Good astrophys. & unique inflation model Final Thought Only small IR Log corrections in ∆R But IR Logs ALSO affect constants Down by GH2 < 10-10 Ln[a(t)/a(tk)] < 50 for observable modes Eg., the vacuum energy Λ Eg., force of gravity G For long inflation these can matter a(tk) a(tinitial) Perturbation theory can break down