I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1978)297-305 297 Vol. EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF THE 3RD GRASSMAN SPACE OVER A 5-DIMENSIONAL VECTOR SPACE KULDIP SlNGH Department of Mathematics The University of New Brunswick Frederlcton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3 (Received June i0, 1977) ABSTRACT. An equivalence relation is defined on Arv, the r th Grassman space over V and the problem of the determnatlon of the equivalence classes defined by this relation is considered. elements form an equivalence class. For any r and V, the decomposable For r 2, the length of the element determines the equivalence class that it is in. Elements of the same length are equivalent, those of unequal lengths are inequivalent. When r > 3, the length is no longer a sufficient indicator, except when the length is one. Besides these general questions, the equivalence classes of dim V A3V, when 5 are determined. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Grsman space, equivalent classes, representation of AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. 14M15. 298 K. SINGH Suppose V is a finite dimensional vector space over an arbitrary field F and r is a positive integer. Consider define an equivalence relation on write X C (T)X r Arv Arv, We the rth Grassman space over V. If X and Y are in as follows: Arv, we a non-slngular linear transformation T:V-- V such that Y iff Y, where C r (T) is the rth exterior product of that if T and S are two linear transformations of V and if T is non-singular, then Cr(T-I) Cr (T)-I’ T. Using the facts, then C r (T)Cr(S) Cr(TS) it follows that the above relation is an equivalence relation. We consider the problem of determining the number of equivalence classes, Arv into which the set is decomposed, along with a system of distinct repre- sentatives of these equivalence classes. DEFINITIONS. i. Arv If X e and X x I ^...^ Xr, we say X is decomposable. Arv, If X e 2. we define its length, to be denoted by (X) as (X) posable elements If X 3. If X e is a subspace of V and X E Arv, If X ,Y e (+/-) P(X) Arv (i) Let T:V / V be a s Then Y Y dlm[X]. Y, then (i) and X P(Y). PROOF. If (X) Aru}. we define the rank of X to be denoted by o(X) as p(X) PROPOSITION 1. is a sum of m decom- we define a subspace [X] of V as n{UIU IX] 4. Arv, min{mlX of Arv}. s X C (T)X r i=ElXi, where X s 7. C (T)X i. i=l r i n.s.l.t, such that C Arv and (Xi) This implies (Y) X implies (Y) < (X) and this proves (i). r (T)X- Y. i. < s (X). Similarly 299 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF THE 3RD GRASSMAN SPACE implies Y e ArT(U) and hence P(X) ArT-I(w), implies X If U and W are subspaces of V, then PROOF. Ar(u Clearly Xl, YI’ Xl, x2,...,xk ^ xjll-<i<j-<k} i (Aru) t Ar(u respectively. If X e (Aru)n (Arw), then X aij xi ^ xj + 7. A AZ aijx bij i dij i and j. xj + A cij E B bij yi ^ YJ CZ cijz ^ zj i + E D + n W), Aru, Arw y and also dij xi ^ EZ eijx i Arw Ar(u n W). j Hence ^ zj. ,z t of W. + W. l_<j_<t}, then the sets A, A u B u D, A form bases of n ,xk, z I is a basis of U E u F X T[X] W and extend it to be a basis of U C u D B V is a n.s.l.t. To prove the inclusion in I z Aru {Yi ^ Yj ll-<i<j-<s}’ C {z i ^ E-- {x ^ zjll_<i_<k l_<j_<t}, i B l_<j_<s}, i (Arw). n of U and a basis x Ys’ Zl’ ^ yjll_<isk; {Yi ^ zj ll-<i-<s; D-- {x n W) _= Xk, yl,...,y s Xl,...,Xk, If A-- {x / P(Y). PROPOSITION 2. a basis A where T:V From this remark, it follows easily that [Y] the other direction, let Then Arw and Y C (T)X. r such that Y F Aru We first remark that if U and W are subspaces of V, then X (ii) zjll-<i<j-<t}, C u E, and and A r(U aij aij + W) and 0 for all the appropriate values of the indices eij Thus X e Ar(U W). REMARK i. The result of Proposition 2 holds for any number of subspaces REMARK 2. If X e of V. Ar[x] Ar(ue Uen ArV and-=O rU)" {UIU Thus X e is a subspace of Am[x] V, X e Aru},- then and IX] Isthe smallest such subspace of V. PROPOSITION 3. Xl’’’’’Xk’ YI’’’’’Yk PROOF. Let X e A2V, (X) k and X k x i=l i ^ Yi then are linearly independent. If not, then one of them (say) Yk is a linear combination of the K. SINGH 300 remaining Then x k X i=II Yk alxl + k-i j--iIbjyj. k-i k ^’Yk k Let Xl,...,Xk, yl,...,yk_ I. I a i--i x Ixk ^ i + I b j=l J xk A Hence X can be written as YJ zi)’ where z i aix i + biy i, 1 _< i <_ k-l. ^ Yl + Xk ^ zl) i. If z i # 0, let a i # 0, then -i Xk ^ zi zi ^ (ai Yi- Xk)’ thus (x i ^ Yi + Xk ^ zi) i=II (xi ^ Yi + Xk ^ then (x i xi ^ Yi + If z 0, i < i. Hence (X) < k-l, a contradiction iX] Z(X) k I x k and X ^ i=l i then Yi <Xl,...,Xk, yl,...,yk >. PROOF. 3, dim U X A2V, If X e PdMARK 3. Let U k i=17"xi ^ Yi’ dim IX] > 2k. Thus [X] [X] U k Z x Let X formation of V A2V, ^ Yi’ PROPOSITION 5. Y 2k, P(Y) 2s. x’i’ TYl Yi’ Txi Arv, If X Yk >" P(Y), then X P(X) and [Y] <Xl,...,Xk, yl,...,yk > Proposition 3, P(X) Again by Proposition 3, <Xl,...,Xk, YI’ If X,Y e By Proposition let e [X], 1 _< i -< k. xi’ Yl PROPOSITION 4. PROOF A2[X]; Also X e 2k. then IX] c_ U. <Xl,...,Xk, yl,...,yk>; Z(X) Y. s =ElXj ^ yj; then by Remark 3, <x,...,x’s’ YI’’’’’Ys’> Also by Thus k Let T be a linear trans- s. i < i < k; then C (T)X r 2, X x I ^ Xr ^ Y + Y Thus X Yl ^ ^ Yr’ then X <Xl,...,Xr, YI’’’’’Yr >" PROOF. Let U <Xl,...,Xr, yl,...,yr>; at least one element (say) xI ing IX], i.e., U yj X U 1 bjxI + wj, i x ^ (Ar-Iw) I <Xl> W => < j < r, where and X Aru Let W be a complement of W, [X] c_ W. <Xl> e 2 x I Let B be a basis of IX] and is not in IX]. extend {x} u B to a basis of U. Arw, wi,w (Xi) ^ (Ar-Iw) Arw. and alx I + Let x i W. If IX] # U, then then IX] c_ U. 1,2. Also X e in U, contain- w l, 2 < i < r and Then X--X i, i <Xl> I + X2, where But Ar[x]" C Arw, hence EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF THE 3RD GRASSMAN SPACE X X X I 2 Hence IX] e Arw. U <x Thus X Let X PROOF. If X,Y e Arv, Xl^...Axr + (Y) (X) U Yl ^" ^Yr basis of U + I n r of U s and extend it to a basis U2, to a basis Zl,...,Zk, I and + 2s. k. <x I Xr> I + U 2. Let I U Zl,...,z k Zk, Ul,...,Us, Zl, Vl’’’’’Vs of Y. P(Y), then X 2, P(X) <yl,...,yr >, then by Proposition 4, IX] 2 i, a contradiction. ,Xr, yl,...,yr >. I PROPOSITION 6. k (X) => 2 The above proposition is true also for (X) Note: U X 0 and X I 301 U2. be a where Then ,Us are two bases of Xl’’’’’Xr and Zl,...,Zk, uI U I, hence XlA.. AXr aZlA...AZkAUlA...AUs ZlA...AZkAU--IA...Au s, where u--I auI. Similarly yl A...Ay r bZlA...AZkAVlA...AV S z 1 ^...AZkAVl A...Av s where i bVl Hence X ZlA AZk A (-IAU2A...^Us + IAV2A...AVs), where Us’ V--l’V2’’’’’Vs is a basis of [X]. Zl’ Zk’ l’U2 Similarly Y zl^...^z k ^ (-l^U2 ^. .^Us + Vl^V2^...^Vs) where P(X) k Since _ __w zl’’’’’z’ Ul’U2’’’’’ U s’ Vl’V2’’’’’ Vs Define T:V Tz --! Y; hence X REMARK 4. U 1 + U2, Let X e If X YlA...^yr aXlA...AXr, P(X) dim U 2r THEOREM i. E(2, s), s PROOF. I n U 2. Arv, 2, then r + i (X) + Yl ^ ^Yr 2, 3,...,s. for i U 2 < 0(X) -< 2r. then IX] <yl,...,yr >. where a is a scalar and Hence r+l P(X) {XIX Arv, Let E(2, s) r+l, r+2 all vectors of Arv, <Xl,...,Xr >, I vi, Y. XI^...AX r where U Vl, Tv i ui, Tv I Ul, Tu i Then C (T)X r PROOF. V, a linear transformation > zi, Tu I i is a basis of [Y]. (X) <x ,...,X r, y i I U I # U2, Yr > for otherwise I. 2r. (X) 2, P(X) s}, then ,2r are all the equivalence classes on the set of of length 2. Follows from Proposition 6 and Remark 4. K. SINGH 302 Arv Let 0 # X e PROPOSITION 7. and x e V such that x 0 X ^ then x IX]. PROOF. Let x I, x 2,...,xm be a basis of IX]. Ar[x] basis of where Qr ,m X ^ basis of A x la r+l<x ,IX]> det X m. Thus x A X > a 0 n I a ISeQr m is a =0ee Qr, => m IX], then {x If x ^ is a is a set of all the strictly decreasing sequences of length r on the integers i, 2 then x {sl SeQr,- m Then A part of a X 0, a contradiction. If 0 PROPOSITION 8. ^ Arv e By Proposition 7, x PROOF. x # X ^ X # 0. be a basis of Ix^X] and extend it to a basis x, IX]. <x> If U Ar+l[xAX] v e A r+l ^ (Aru) x U. Thus x^v Ar+Iu. Let xAX Ar[x]. thus X- u PROPOSITION 9. ent vectors in IX]. Hence IX-u] c_ IX]. IX] and Ix^X] A2V, Suppose X Then YI’ Y2 xI ^ PROOF. x 2 X e E l_<i<j_< 4 Xl,...,xk of ,Xm Aru and ^ (X-u) Now X e A r IX] and u e c U, 0. Aru If _c Ar[x]’ Thus x e IX-u] => x e IX], which is u e Aru. Hence IX] _c U. IX]. <x> (X) 2, Xl, x 2 are linearly independ- e IX] and % e F x I ^ Yl 3 + X has one and only one x2 ^ Y2 + Yl ^ Y2" A2V, (X) 2 => P(X) x 2, x 3, x of IX]. 4 Then X Then x xAu. 0 i.e., X of the following representations: (i) X (ii) X Let x, U, U c_ IX]. x^u+v, where u e x e IX-u]. a contradiction and therefore X-u Also U c_ IX], hence U IX]. Xk, Xk+ 1 Xl, <x> 0 and thus xAX then by Proposition 7 IX]. <x> If v # 0, then by Proposition 7, x e Iv] 0. Hence v a contradiction. X-u # 0 then Ix^X] <Xl,...,Xk >, X] A Again by Proposition 7, since Clearly Ix^X] _c <x> 0, hence x e Ix^X]. (x^X) IX], then Ix and x aijx i ^ x j’ a ij e F. 4. Extend Xl, x 2 to a basis Xl, EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF THE 3RD GRASSMAN SPACE If a12x2 + a13x3 + a14x4 x If a34 0, then I ^ Yl + x2 ^ Y2" + a12)a34 a13a24 + a14a23 0 a34 X (-% 0, take Yl (-%+a12)Xl^X2 Set Y Then Y -%xl^x2 + + X. + al3xl^x3 al4Xl^X4 and a23x3 + a24x4’ Y2 Because of (i), (Y) then has a solution in F. (i) + 303 a23x2^x3 + a24x2^x4 i; also Y e + a34x3^x4. ^ x A2[X]. YI’ Y2 e IX] Y --Yl ^ Y2" Hence X-- %xl^x2 + yl^Y2 If X xl^Y I + x2^Y 2 and also X %Xl^X2 + Zl^Z 2 then xI ^ X and also x I ^ X x I ^ z I ^ z 2. Thus 0 # Xl^X2^Y2 Xl^Zl^Z2 Thus <xl,x2,Y2 > z alxl + a2x2 + a3Y2 Let z <Xl,Zl,Z2 >. x I 2 ^ Y2 and hence and blXI + b2x 2 + b3Y 2. 2 (alb2-a2bl)Xl^X2 + (alb3-a3bl)XlAY2 + (a2b3-a3b2)x2^Y2 Putting this expression for Zl^Z 2 in X %Xl^X 2 + z I ^ z 2, we get two different representations of X in the basis of A2[X], determined by the Then Zl^Z 2 Xl,X2,Yl,y 2 of basis IX]; thus X has precisely one of the two representations. If X,Y e PROPOSITION i0. Arv are decomposable, then X+Y is decomposable iff dim[X] n [Y] -> r-l. PROOF. Let X (=>) Let X+Y be decomposable, and X+Y Xl^’’’^Xr’ any i, 1 -< i -< r Y Yl ^’’’^yr’ I by Proposition 7, and [Z] zi ^ (X+Y) 0 => Hence IX] [Y]. If IX] # [Z], then for some i, z zi^X -zi ^Y IX]. i ----> Let Ul,...,Ur_ I + dim[Y] (r+l) be l.i. vectors in [X] _< i. [Z], then for 0, and thus z.i e [Y] [Y], i.e., dim[X] n [Y] dim r-l. <zi,[Y]>. Thus space <zi,[X]>. (<--) If dim[X] [X], [Y] Hence [Y] > r-l. [Y] and extend these to a basis x, Ul,...,Ur_ 1 and a basis y, Ul,...,Ur_ 1 of IX] and [Y] respectively. X ax^ulA...^Ur_l, Y by ^ Ul^...^Ur_ I r. But <zi,[X]> are r-dimensional subspaces in an (r+l) dim[X] n [Y] a dim[X] If IX] Zl^...^Zr. 0; but then z.^Y i z.^Z i z o^X Z Z, (Z) for some a and b. Thus K. S INGH 304 Hence X+Y (ax+by)^ul^... Ur_l, THEOREM 2. PROOF. If dim V X a l_<i<j<k_<5 (X) _< + (a145xI a134x4 (X) then XlAX2 ^ (a123x3 ijkXi ^xjAxk Xl^X3^(a134x4 + + + _< _< 2. Let 3. Xl, x2, x3, x4, x 5 + a234x4 + a235x5" a135x5’ Y2 + (x I + + Hence (X) _< Let X + X2 + 124x4 + a125x5) a135x5) + x2^x3^(a234x4 + a235x5) yl,y 2 are i.+/-.; then x4Ax5 %yl^Y2 % e F. Let a124x4 + a125x5 X xlAx2^(a123x3 + blY I + b2Y2) + XlAX3^Yl + %(a145x I + a245x 2 + a345x3)Yl^Y2 a123XlAX2^X3 a a245x 2 + a345x3)x4^x5 So we assume 3. A3V, Then + Yl 5, X e We shall first prove that (X) be a basis of V. Let i.e., X+Y is decomposable. (b2x I 3 yl,y 2 <yl,Y2 > blY I + + a345%Y2)AYl^(-blX2 x If are l.d., then <x4,x5 >, b2Y 2. and thus Then x2^x3^Y 2 + a145EY 2) (a245 a345bl)%Yl)AX2^Y2 x 3 3. X3, where XI, X2, X 3 are decomposable, X 1 Xl^X2^X3 X yl^Y2AY3, X 3 ZlAZ2AZ3 Then 1 -< dim[XI] 0 IX2] _< 3. 2 CASE i. dim[XI] n IX 2] %X for some 3. Then X and thus (X) -< 2. 2 1 CASE 2. dim[XI] n IX 2] 2. Let Ul,U2,V and Ul,U2,W be bases of IX I] and IX 2] respectively. Then X %Ul^U2AV and X 2 Ul^U2AW. Then (X) _< 2. 1 CASE 3. dim[XI] n IX 2] i. det Ul, u2, u and Ul, u4, u be bases of 5 3 IXI] and IX2] respectively. Then X 1 Ul^U2^U3 X 2 Ul^U4^U5; we have X 1 assumed the co-effs, to be absorbed with the vectors XI+X 2 u I ^ Y, where Y u2^u 3 + u4Au5. Also ui’s IX 1 + IX2 and vi’s. V. Then EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF THE 3RD GRASSMAN SPACE Since n dim<u2,u3,u4,u5 > IX 3] > 2, we can take X 3 By Proposition 9, Wl,W 2 <u2,u3,u4,u5 >. or Y WlAV 1 + w2Av 2. If -< 2. If Y Wl^V 1 WlAW2^W3 v I, v %WlAW2 + VlAV2, Y 305 2 Y and % where %WlAW2 + VlAV 2 Ul^Y + WlAW2^W3 then X + w2^v2, then since Ul,Wl,W2,Vl,V 2 is also a of V, let w alu I + a2w I + a3w 2 + a4v I + a5v 2. Then 3 X X + X + X (u I a4W2)AWlAVl + UI^W2AV2 + (a5v 2 + alUl)AWI^W2 1 2 3 length length -< 2, since Z dim<ul,w2,v2 > REMARK. n uI^W2AV2 <a5v 2 + + + alUl,Wl,W2 > -> 2 A3V There exists X e a basis of V and X (a5v 2 Xl^X2AX3 + with alUl)AWlAW2 implies (X) then xIAX4AX5 has basis has and f(Z) -< i. 2; for if (X) Xl,X2,X3,X4,X 5 is 2, by Proposition i0. A3V, dim V 5, (X) 2, then P(X) 5; for let X X + X2, where (XI) (X2) i. Since X is not decomposable, then by 1 Proposition i0, dim[X I] n IX 2] < 2 and hence dim[X] > dim[XI] + dim[X 2] dim[XI] n IX 2] 5. 4, i.e., P(X) It follows from Proposition 6 that if X,Y e A3V and (X) (Y), then Y. Hence all the equivalence classes of A3V are given by X S o {XIX V, (X) 0} {0} REMARK. If X e S S ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 1 2 {XlX {XIX e e A3V, A3V, (X) I} (X) 2}. The author is grateful to Professor R. Westwick for his invaluable help in the preparation of this manuscript. REFERENCES i. Hodge, W. V. D. and D. Pedoe. Methods of Algebraic Geometry University Press, Cambridge, 1953. 2. Lim, M. J. S. L-2 Subspaces of Grassmann Product Spaces, Pacific J. Math. 33 (1970) 167-182. 3. Gurewich, G. B. Foundations of the Theory of. Algebraic Invariants, P. Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, The Netherlands, 1964. Vol. i,