I ntrnat. J. Math. a Math. Sol. Vol. 217 (1918) 217-225 COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEMS IN THE RING OF MATRICES OF RATIONAL INTEGERS JAU-SHYONG SHIUE Department of Mathematical Sciences National Chengchl University Taipei, Talwan Republic of China and CHIE-PING HWANG Department of Mathematics National Central University Chungli, Taiwan Republic of China (Received April i, 1977 and in revised form August 29, 1977) ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the characterizations of the complete residue system mod. G, where G is any nxn matrix, in the ring of nn matrices. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Complete residue system, ring of Gasian integers, the complete ridue system. reprns for AMS(MOS)SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i 12F05, 12B35. INTRODUCTION. Let Z denote the ring of rational integers and Z(i) be the ring of J. S. SHIUE AND C. P. HWANG 218 Jordan and Potratz [i] have exhibited several representa- Gausslan integers. tlons for the complete residue system (in short, C.R.S.) mod.r, in the ring of Gausslan integers. Also it is well known that the ring of Gausslan 22 integers is isomorphic to the ring of a, b in Z. matrices of the form -b This raises the question of characterizing the C.R.S. mod. a G, where G is any nn matrix, in the ring of nn matrices of which we denote by Ma (Z). n 2. THE COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEM IN Mat (Z). n IB mean UIA B. First of all, we define A and A B mod. U means that there is a matrix C such that B CA, Now we can give a definition of the C.R.S. mod. U in the ring of Mat (Z). 0. Then a subset J of Mat (Z) Let U be in Mat n (Z) with detU n is called a C.R.S. rood. U if and only if for any A in Mat (Z) there exists DEFINITION. n uniquely a matrix B in J such that A LEMMA i. Eij Ilk Let B mod. U. dlag(gl,g2,...,gn) G with gl # 0, i 1,2,...,n. Let be "the matrix units, then {aEZ G n n E Y m=i j--i a E mj mj where a mj in Z,a il--ai2 --’’" =alk_l=0 are the principal ideals generated by a positive integer aik--a} gk’ where i,k--l,2,...,n. PROOF. It is clear the Ilk are ideals in Z. But Z is a P.I.D., therefore Ilk are principal ideals generated by a positive integer dik. Since Eik-- EikG n then gk is in Ilk, i.e., diklgk. On the other hand, for dik n Ilk we have m=i j=ir" amjEmj (tik)G for some (tik), where amj is in Z, ail=ai2--...--aik_l--0, aik--dik. It follows that dik--tikgk, i.e., dlk Igkl This completes the proof. in COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEMS IN THE RING OF MATRICES LEMMA 2. Let G {(rlk) J 0 < dlag(gl,g2,...,gn) rik Igkl < with gk # 0, k 219 1,2,...,n. Then i,k-- 1,2,...,n} forms a complete residue system modo G. PROOF. that A- (i) For any A ’.Igkl alk Pik (Plk Igkl) G A- 0 < Ir12 s121 + r lk’ (rlk)" (alk) in Matn(Z), where 0 < r But Igkl there exist Plk’ rlk ..Igkl. Therefore Elk-- Igkl i EikG ik < in Z such and therefore (rlk). This shows that A-- (rlk) mod. G. (2) If (rlk) -= (Slk) rood. G, where 0 < rlk Slk < Igkl then G (rik- Slk), i.e., rll Sll is in Iii (by Lemma i). This implies that gl (rll Sll), and so rll Sll for 0 <_I rll Slll<Igl I- t follows that r12- s12 is in 112. Therefore g2 (r12 Sl2) and rl2 s12, for < [g21. Continuing in this way, we must have rlk-- Slk for all i,k-- 1,2,...,n. THEOREM i. If G is a nxn matrix with detG # 0, and if U and V are unimodular nn matrices such that UGV J {(rik)V -I 0 <_ rik < ]gkl i,k diag(gl,g2,... ,gn), 1,2,...,n} forms then a complete residue system rood. G. PROOF. follows matrlx(rlk) -1 (rlk)V mod. G. Igkl such that AV-= (rlk)mod. UGV., i.e., A--I Let (rlk)V-I (Slk)V mod. G, where 0 < rlk Slk < Igkl. that (rik) (Slk)rood. UGV. Therefore (rlk)= (Slk). with 0 < (2) (i) By Lemma 2, for any nxn matrix A, there exists a rlk < COROLLARY i. If J forms a C.R.S. rood. G, and U and V are unimodular nxn matrices, then {URV COROLLARY 2. It R in J} forms a C.R.S. mod. GV. If G is a nxn matrix with detG of the C.R.S. rood. G is IdetGl n. # 0, then the cardinality J. S. SHIUE AND C. P. HWANG 220 3. THE COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEM IN Mat 2(z). By restricting the order of the matrix we may relax the condition on the diagonable matrix. LEMMA 3. Io (i) =o I’ I u121 ull u21 u22 Let U {a e Z U {a U Z I( a8 U)r I 0a 0)6 e Mat 2(z) for some =, 8, r e Z} Ii= Ii {aeZ U {a e Z U I( 08 a)r 0 a positive integer PROOF. 0 i (i) a Io r 8 U 0 0 Moreover, I I I O I’o illes U U’ le erefore d d Io, o Z and then for some 6 o" o" o for U o" 0 detU But Z is a P.I.D., therefore IO is an ideal and then d Since U IU lUll, dU21. t21 t22 t21Ull + t22U21. 8.c.d.(Ull, U21). 0b 0) Now detU e IO is a nonzero ideal of Z. UII, UI2 o" i.e., 0 generated by a positive integer d we have , for some e, 8, r e Z, and then "’ clear that IO is an ideal of Z us and I I. a8 S)r implies U 0 b Io I’.o Moreover } are nonzero principal ideals of Z generated by a the other hand, b e and g.c.d.(Ul,U2). forsome 8, r e Z} a d then e Z} are nonzero principal ideals for some of Z generated by a positive integer d (2) # 0, with detU If U ilies U By d i 0 U 0 we have e t 2(Z). t21 t22 xlU21, then xld. us for some XlUll and Io, 0 0 COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEMS IN THE RING OF MATRICES (2) a e I I if b b s , 0 0 r 0 U such that 0 0 0 b 0 __u and then I U I_ I I. Conversely, I 10 1 b 0 0 Now deU d’ s is an ideal of Z. I1 _I dedtU 0 Thus I (0 i)(0 and so U b Z then r and, for some i.e., a s I I. It is also clear that 11. a a (00J then U Ir I( 0 U I implies 221 i.e., 11 for all nonzero ideal of I is a Z. But Z is a P.I.D., and then I I is an ideal generated by a positive integer g. Now U 0 0 detU detU detU a I implies d s d I 0 g det U i.e. gU21, 0 II, g -u21 y d g we have Ii, gu21 gUll Ull gUll. detU t21Ull + t22U21 By the proof of (i), we have d gd IdetU i.e., g t21(gUll) + t22(gu21) IdetU[ IdetUI or and then g. d Therefore g This d completes the proof of (2). Let U THEOREM 2. d )= g c d.(Ull u21 r21 < d, 0 < =/ ull u12) Then J {R Mat2(Z) u21 u22 [ | \ r12, r22 < with detU \ rl2j r22 jr21 rll # 0, let Mat2(Z) 0 < rll is a complete residue system (rood. U) in d Mat2 (Z). PROOF r (I) From d U (1 d Io, II d 0 U we have IdetUl d ) 0 U 0 01 ,i.e., J. S. SHIUE AND C. P. HWANG 222 there exists T i Mat2(Z) TIU, d r 1,2,3,4 such that i T2U, ) a12 a21 a22 all For any matrix A that Pll d + rll all for some b12,b21,b22 PI2’ r12 Z, 0 <_ for some 0 <r21 d22 e Z. A PllTl Finally d22 P22 PIITI P12T2u U rl r21 r2 r12 U P12T2 P21T3 for some P22T4 A r21 < for some r12 P22,r22 P21,r21 ) e ) --< r22’ r12 < Mat 2(z) there exists R e Assume that <_ rll, r21, Sll s21 rll r12 r21 r22 < d, 0 ) <_ i sll s12 -= s21 s22 h IdetU < d r22 < or d J2 (rood. U) where r12 r22 s12 s22 e Z, for some Z, 0 <_ rl I r12 r21 r22 U d, 0 c21 c22 R(mod. U). (2) 0 r22 _< rll, where 0 b21 b22 rll r12 r21 r22 U such PlI’ rll rll U for some r21 P21T3 U + d U + d PllTl T4U. d PllTlU P12T2U + d P21 c21 This proves that for any matrix A b12 PI2 Then A- d Again Then A- < d. implies A- U Z. c21,c22 < Thus A- O) IdetU 0 there exists < d. Moreover, Z. r12 Mat2(Z) <_ rll where 0 T3U, d such that COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEMS IN THE RING OF MATRICES 223 This implies U I Now r12-s121 rll-Sll r21-s21 0 < i.e., r12 e rll or Ii, rll Io Sll or d rll Sll rl2-Sl l 0 < d, rll- Sll r12- s12 so that i e ., r22-s22 It follows that Sll. (r12 ’d s12). U But 0 < 21-s21 r22-s 2 Ir12-s121 < d s12. It follows that U i e r21-s21 r22-s22 <_ Ir21-s211 r22 s22 Also 0 i.e., so that r22 < d, so that e I COROLLARY 3. or IdetU d J2 (r22 Mat2(Z e I or d o (r21- s21) This implies that U s22). Finally 0 <_ I I sll s12 s21 s22 with detU complete residue system (rood. U) is REMARK. ) are incongruent. Let U e s21 r21--s21. rll r12 r21 r22 i.e. s22 two elements in I r21 # 0. Ir22-s221 r22-s22 < IdetU d This proves that any Then the cardinallty of the detUl2. If we consider the ring of 3x3 matrices, the corresponding results will read as follows, the proofs will be as in Lemma 3 and Theorem 2, with possible minor changes. LEMMA 4. Let u I uij I a (i) Io {a e Z U el2 e21 22 31 =32 Mat3(Z> with detU el3h for some 231 e33/ # 0. eij Then e Z}, 224 J. S. SHIUE 0 I’0 {aeZ U I"0 {a U Z C. P. HWAIqG 0 0 a 21 u22 31 u32 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 32 u33 Z}. for some eiJ for some 32’ a33 t Z} are nonzero principal ideals of Z generated by the positive integer go g.c.d. (Ull,U21,u31). Moreover, I0 0 (2) 12 {a e Z {a e Z 12 U 0 0 I0 a 21 22 23 u31 u32 33 U I’ O 0 0 0 0 a for some iJ e Z}, for some sij e Z), 31 32 33 {a e Z 12 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 are nonzero principal ideals of Z generated by the positive integer where g’ g.c.d. (coful3 cofu23 cofu33), g2 g’ cofulj is the cofactor of the element (3) I I I 1 II-- {a e Z {a U Z U {aZ U uij. Moreover, 21 a22 23 a31 a32 a33 /00 I 0 a 0 12 12 12 for some aij for some iJ for some a33 0 23 u31 e32 33 0 and a33 e Z} COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEMS IN THE RING OF MATRICES 225 are nonzero principal ideals of Z generated by the positive integer Moreover, I I THEOREM 3. II I gl I. Let U Ull u12 u13 u21 u22 u23 Mat3(Z) with detU 0, let u31 u32 u33 go g’c’d’(Ull’ u21’ u31)’ g’ J3 {R [rij] e Mat3(Z) g’c’d’(cful3’ cfu23’ cfu33)" 0 < residue system (mod. U) where rij gl < g’ go i,J gJ-i 1,2,3} Then is a complete detUl g2 REFERENCE I. Jordan, J. H. and C. J. Potratz. Complete Residue Systems in the Gaussian Integers, Math. Mag. 3__8 (1965) 1-12.