Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0, No. 3 (1987) 461-472 461 RESONANCE CLASSES OF MEASURES MARIA TORRES DE SQUIRE Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Regina Reglna, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2 Canada (Received September 30, 1986) ABSTRACT. We extend F. Holland’s definition of the space of resonant classes of func- tions, on the real line, to the space R(#pq) sures, on locally compact abelian groups. (I ) of resonant classes of mea- p, q We characterize this space in terms of trans- formable measures and establish a realatlonship between definite functions for amalgam spaces. R(pq) and the set of positive As a consequence we answer the conjecture posed by L. Argabright and J. Gil de Lamadrld in their work on Fourier analysis of unbounded measures. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Amalgam spaces, Fourier transform of unbounded measures, positive definite measures, positive definite quasimeasures, Fourier multipliers. __ 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. INTRODUCT ION. F. Holland [I] defined the space 43A35, 43A15. R(#q) (I q ) of resonance classes of func- #ooq, and proved that tions, on the real llne, relative to the space of test functions (2 ) iff it is the Fourier transform of an unq a function belongs to R(q) 6]. He also pointed out that the set P(C c) of positive definte functions in Cooper’s sense [2] is included in R(I) [I, I], and proved that bounded measure [I, every function in Theorem R(ool as the functions in has the same representation in terms of unbounded measures 8], [3, Theorems 4.1 and 4.2] (in fact, [I, P(C c) Theorems 7 and as we will prove here, these representations hold for a larger class of functions and they are equivalent). These results of Holland together with Bochner’s theorem on poa function is the Fourier transform of a bounded measure sltlve definite functions [4] iff it is a linear combination of positive definite functions that any function in R(ooq) lead one to speculate is a linear combination of positive definite functions. In the present paper we respond to this conjecture in a more general setting. We define the space (I ) of resonance classes of measures (on locally compact p, q as a particular case; we which includes R(#=o abellan groups) relative to characterize this space in terms of transformable measures [5], and prove that for (2 ) is a linear combination of positve deany measure in q p s) [6], and for q < 2, any measure finite functions for some amagam space (L (#pq) , pq, (pq) q) r, M.T. DE SQUIRE 462 (pq) in can be approximated by linear combinations of positive definite functions (L r for some amalgam s) From these results we conclude that P(C c is dense in R(I) and O(C c )>, the space generated by the set of positive definite measures as defined in [5, 4], is dense in the space of transformable measures. This answers the conjecture posed in [5]. Throughout the whole paper (x) (x and dual group m measure will be a locally compact abelian group with Haar G F. For an element in A G). Given two sets A and B we denote by E F we write B the set [x,] {x instead of ylx (x) E B}. A, y f(-x). The to denote its involution, i.e. For a function f on G we use space of contlnuos functions which vanish at infinity, with compact support, will be with the inductive limit topology, as denoted by Co, C c, respectively, We endow C [5] By in c a measure (on G) we will mean an element of the continuous dual of C (G). c be the space of measures on G. We let A funetlon belongs to q and f G, belongs to L set of and belongs to f Loc (I =< q =< )q belongs to L if f restricted to any compact sub- (I < q < ) if f has compact support L q. (L p (Co, q) (I < p, q < ) and the space of measures M (I < s < ) will be as defined in [7]. We will make constant use of the following inclusions and inequalities proven in [7]. The amalgam spaces (L (L (L p pl p, = (L p, = (L p2 ql) q) q) [[f[[Pq2 q), q2) ql < q2 (1.1) q) P > P2 (1.2) c L p fl L q (1.3) q p < [[f[[ Pql q < < Ilfll p >p (1.4) q2 (- We will assume all the results of duality and convolution product for these spaces, the Holder and Young’s inequalities, and the Hausdorff-Young theorem for amalgams as given in [8, I, 2]. The Fourier transform (inverse of the Fourier transform) of a measure (on LI(G) We let c {$U {ca} G the approximate identity consisting of continuous functions with a fixed support and po- sitive Fourier transform in A ). We will denote by F) will be denoted by of the algebra on LI(F). U a compact neighbourhood of O} the space of functions in C c be the family of functions whose Fourier transform belongs to L U in with the following properties supp U=U (1.6) U SU*U where U L2c U > 0 and U > 0 lim uniformly on any SU g {U is an (1.8) compact subset of approximate identity of L g (1.10) RESONANCE CLASSES OF MEASURES B The duality between a Banach space by B’, F <f,F> linear space there exists a measure f C I F such that on We denote by /_ c {f*l generated by the set B’ and its Banach dual B. As in [5] we call a measure f 2(G), C 463 on G transformable, if the Cc(G)}, is f will be denoted included in LI(), f*(x)d(x)= |I12(-)d() and for all the space of transformable measures. POSITIVE DEFINITE MEASURES. 2. [6], We follow the definition of positive definite measures given by Dupuis in but S0(G) which is equivalent to the space of translation bounded [9]. The advantage is that for e S0(G)’ its Fourier transform $ bewe have, as proven in [8, 2], that S0(F)’ [I0] and for f e L using the Segal algebra quasimeasures longs to $ (*f)^ f ()v and (2.1) (2.2) S0(G) We assume all definitions and results about the algebra given in [8, 2]. From these it is not difficult to see that the Fourier transform of a transformable . (considered as an element of measure associated to As in S0(G) [I0], is positive, o positive. In this sense a function g o an element o(f) implies S0(G)’ [10]) corresponds S0(G)’ in to the measure O, if f positive in S0(G)’ is positive in 0 almost everywhere. Indeed, let U be the measure gdm and suppose g g(x) S0(G)’ positive. For # e C c positive, the function *e d is a positive element of S0(G) and converges to in C [5]. So we have that c lim <*e,> lim <*e,g> O. Hence U is a positive measure and therefore () 0 almost everywhere [II, Chp. III]. g(x) iff in Let DEFINITION 2.1. be a subset of functions of E E itive definite measure for (DI) E c L () (D2) <h,> 0 We write (E) by <(E)> E O. such that to denote the set of positive definite measures for to denote the set of measurable functions in we denote by is a pos- if h e E for all S0(G)’. A measure + the E set of functions in the linear space (E). For E a set E, and P(E) Definition 2.1 as in whose Fourier transform is positive, and generated by (E). Clearly, Definition 2.1 is equivalent to Dupuis’ definition of positive definite measures [6]. By [I0, Theorem BI] and [8, (1.9)] the set hence any L p space [8, (1.4)]. E can be any amalgam space, (G), of measures U such the with space of transformable meaconnection in C e c, Argabright and Gil de Lamadrid have studied the set <*$,> _> that 0 for all sures. We use their results in [5] to prove that PROPOSITION 2.2. in C A measure U (G) is equal to belongs to (C C) iff <*,U> (Cc). 0 for all c PROOF. The inclusion luded in T [5, Theorem sitive definite function therefore (C c 2.2] c (G) is clear. Take we have that a function [5, Theorem 4.1], satisfies condition (D2). so <,> in 0 by (G). Since C c is inc+ is a continuous po- Cc [5, Corollary 4.2] and 464 M.T. DE SQUIRE REMARK 2.3. It is clear that if P(EI) c P(E2) [5, so by Theorem {[ set <,o> such that M.} [6, 4.1] (El, E2 as C if Definition in E is a subset of C > 0 in A for all C +, and characterized it as the II]. Proposition As in [6, Proposition II] we use the following le to prove LE 2.4. lira f that Cc. {@U = C c, Proposition 1.8]). PROOF. If eorem 2.5. Es) (Co, {f A in + such [8, 1.6] that the Theorem {f ea c)] lim P(L p Eq) Theorem III . p’, Eq’) Then I, f@u*e is equal to [7, D> > O. Therefore g P(L p, Eq). (L is in- (see also [8 in A f as stated in the previous lena, so by n lm <f {fu*ea} the net is an element of f and is in- (fu) (*U) (fu*e) belongs to L {fu*e} net p q (L p, q)+, then Theorem 3.2] we have The other inclusion follows [6, Proposition IV]. from S 2.6. such that in 3. (L is in <f,> then there exists a net and since p, q < Let THEOREM 2.5. there is a net +, Thus by (2.1) its Fourier transform Finally as in [6 cluded in A A g we have by [8, (2.5), (2 6], is positive that f Eq), in A. f n (L p, be any of the amalgam spaces < s < ). If PROOF. Since cluded in A Let , (I < p, q < 2.1), then (E) then of positive definite quasimeasures to be the set of all Dupuis defined the set quasimeasures El c E2 From (2.2) and p Eq eorem (L 2.5 we have that if 0 p, q < ), then (I is a positive measure belongs to P(L p Eq) RESONCE CLASSES OF ASUS. Bertrandias and Dupuis [2] defined the space Pq (I ) p, q of test func- tions on locally compact abelian groups based on Holland’s definition of the space (I ) q Let DEFINITION 3.1. tions C (G) in The space i’ p, q , p 2 in g Pq in T Pq (G) r (R) Pq =L () Let C2(G) and pq is included in C c for (G) (I ! p, q ) is continuous iff there is a p q )(F) if p < such that in (L , $(-) d() Holland’s definition of the space of resonance classes [I, 5]. if , , pq if p [2, 2 c)]. DEFINITION 3.3. 4.2. for on M ,(F) q next definition extends of functions eorem Hence the space ! P, q, r rq pq by the Hausdorff-Young theorem. q T() e [13] [9] A @ ii) A linear functional for consists of all func- endowed with the norm used by Bertrandias and Dupuis for their definition of the Fourier i) As sets unique measure (G) (C0, Eq)(F) The space belongs to [14]. We will use this RE 3.2. ! such that transfo is equal (as a set) to I(G) . for the real line. p, q . A measure on G is resonant relative to RESONANCE CLASSES OF MEASURES (R2) <,> The map is continuous on 465 i.e. there exists a constant Pq pq ( We denote by and by R(pq) (pq). the space of functions in (# included in the space of resonance classes of measures relative to Pq Pq (pq) By (I.I) it is clear that is < s < q < if H. Feichtinger has given a more general definition of resonance classes of func- B’ tions relative to the space S0(G) is a Banach space of functions containing as a dense subspace (private communication). THEOREM 3 4 i) A function A measure ii) e (L iii) For 2 < q _--< c (L q if (pq) ?(pq) =< p, q =< =o) (1 e and U Mq,(F) (pq) c (L q, P) if 2 _<-- p _<_ =0, and < p < 2 [I, PROOF. The proof of i) is similar to the real case rem loc" iff if p < oo. we have that 2) f e L satisfies (RI) iff f belongs to p’, q’)(F) o, if p B where Theorem I] using [7, Theo- 3.1]. and set the map T() <,> on Pq If T is in continuous then by Remark 3.2 there exists a measure 9 as stated in the theorem such that I (-)dg() / #(x)d(x). Since C2(G c #=of(G) we conclude that and e M ,(r) then for and e e nl(r) [8 Conversely if q Theorem 1.4]. Hence by [5 Corollary 3ol] and Youngs inequality we have that ( q ). The proof for Therefore I $(-)d()l _< (x)d(x)l (#pq) To prove ii) take . , #T II I eT IIllq, ll$11q p finite is the same. (L p Part iii) follows from the Hausdorff-Young theorem and the fact that the spaces q and M (2 < q < ) are included in [15, Remark 6 25] e 2 =< =< ’ q LIIoc nT R(I) T [5, conclude from Theorem 3.4 R(pq) (Opq) Theorem 2.5] that =T. (*i and for p The following corollary is easily deduced from the previous theorem and the Hausdorff-Young theorem. Let COROLLARY 3.5. ! f ! p , e M ,(F) there exists a unique q v 2 ! q ! if p , . A function, p q (L f R(pq) belongs to )(F) if p < , iff such that =. Since rem q Cc I] (with p => if q 2, Corollary 3.5 includes the results of Eberlein [16, Theo) and Stewart [7, Theorem 4.4] (with p o) as special cases. q We observe that the measure in Corollary 3.5 is precisely the Fourier trans- form of f. We now establish the relationship between R(#pq) (2 < q < ) and the set of posi- tive definite functions. PROPOSITION 3.6. if 2 < p < oo, PROOF If . Let q’ of <P(L f e R(=oq ), p’ e (L 2 _<--q _--< oo. The space 2)> if then f 0l 92 + i(O q if p < =o, and (j P) if 2 p =o, Young theorem e (L .,4). So by Remark 2.6 we conclude that 9. q’ 2) if < p < 2 2 < p < oo, to P(L p ’3 q, R(pq) <P(L is a subspace of p’, q’)> < p < 2 =< =< 4) and (j 9j 9) where j > O, ? [II, Chp. III] By (L 4) q, 2) if belongs to j E Mq, if the Hausdorff- =< p =<,2 (J, q P(L P I,. if M.T. DE SQUIRE 466 <P(L COROLLARY 3.7. 2.51 PROOF. By Theorem p(L 2, I), [6, then by p(L Theorem II] R(oo2). f e lude that 1)> R(Ooo2 and <p(L2)> R(22). 2, I) c (L 2, 0o) and P(L 2) c L 2, 2 g so by Remark 2.3 and Theorem 3.4 we M2, p(L2), f e Similarly if f is in hence if then by Theorem 3,4, E conc-_ R(22) and the equalities follow from Proposition 3.6. cases For the remaining , 2, 2 < p < and q (L transforms on (1 _< s < 2) r, (L f (L q p’ s) Eq;) f e (L EP [21, on [17, Corollary 6.3]. Indeed q, P) (L such that 2.41. Remark belongs to f otherwise <_ p < 2, 2 _< q _< <_ p _< =o, 2 < q _< oo; =< s =< 2), < r < 2, (1 are not onto then there exists 2 that is, for the inclusions in Proposition 3.6 are proper because the Fourier q, + g and clearly to P(L q Eq ). (1 if 2 =< s =< 2), _< P ). But R(pq). 2, s) hence l<o,f>l (L g (L 2 < q < and p’, q’), <,,g> defined by g Therefore and on _< p h e (L for ali So the function P) (L p would be in f Ms p on Eq ), The remaining cases are s imi lar < q < 2. ( FOR pq We have seen that any measure in 4. THE SPACE (pq) (2 < q < oo) is a linear combination of < q < 2, any measure in positive definite functions; we want to prove now that for ( Pq , is approximated by linear combinations of positive definite functions. We endow the spaces and Llloc L ,, (pq), R(pq) and .,lloc,L1c) and O(L as subspaces of and respectively. loc if p oI,C c), with the weak*-topology respectively [18, Chp. IV]. We consider -_=<,< PROPOSITION 4.1. Let gq )(F) g (L p . oo, g then ( Pq fl and ==< q 0o, Conversely, if PROOF. We prove the proposition for For <> g lim the Cml’ v < ,*U> {*$U net llm p exists a measure EvMq,(F) Ifv there measure and lim in V (pq), E llm then *U 0o, the proof for p finite is the same. in <*U,> <,> <,>. , *U is a converges to is transformable and that < 2. if p < oo, such that Cc [5], so Since so by Theorem 3.4, we have that C2(G) = oo (q). we conclude The converse is clear. REMARK 4.2. If f g R(pq) f**u(X) f because (I < p < =o, I *u(X-t)f(t)dt I U()[x’] IG (x)f(x)dx This implies that f(x) d() G is transformable and have that < q < 2), then lira LI() U lira I [5, Corollary 3.1]. Hence Cc we where the limit exists on L on IG(X)IF *U()[x’] d() U()[x,] d() e for dx" any compact subset of G (c.f. [I, Theorem 9] and [7, Theorem 4.2]). THEOREM 4.3. Let approximated by elements in it(Opq), hence in q < 2. Every element in <P(L If 2 < p < =o, in <p(L I, P’)> PROOF. By Proposition 4.1 we only have to prove that for {*U belongs to <P(L P’)> By Theorem 3.4, the measure R(pq), I, 2)> IIe (1 ), if can be < p < 2. the net is a linear combination of positive measures llj RESONANCE CLASSES OF MEASURES 4) (j M in So by [8 q (2.5)] for [[j][q,[]U[]q[][[ oo $o we have that 4) (j [8, L E 467 2.5] PJ*U (j I..4). Now, if f E LI(G) +, then by [8, P5] and the definition of the Fourier transform we have that <f,Oj*@U > <f*@u,Oj> <U,Pj> > O, therefore OJ*U E P(LI) (j 4), and we conclude that *. belongs to <p(LI)>. If (nn), then u p ’ Eq g each (L 4) belongs to (L and therefore jU [19, 7 h)], j (j ==, EP) if hence by (2.1) and the Hausdorff-Young theorem we have that in is (L j*U + we have that 2) if < p < 2 So for 2 < p < =o, in (L A <, j*U> <U_,Pj> > O, this implies by Theorem 2.5 that j*U is in P(L I, EP’) if < p _<__ 2. 2 < p < o, in P(L I, E2) if Since is dense in Proposition we conclude that E L ’ REMARK 4.4. By Remark 2.3, Theorem 4.3 and Proposition 2.2 we conclude that the )> is dense in/ (c.f. [5, 4]) and <P(Cc)> is dense in L space T PROPOSITION 4.5. i) Let are dense in q ___< 2. The spaces <p(LI)> and floe T" 9(Cc R(q) ,q < q < 2. The spaces ii) Let <P(L 2)> R(O2q) and <p(L I, 2) R(O2q). 2) = ’T P(L to Let f e P (L Mq,, hence First of all we recaii (Remark 2.3) that P(L q, R(oo), Llloc" f since If p(L f I, 2), l’) and by the Hausforff-Young theorem, We finally (pq), in as p < oo, the space 2 point out that for because <P(L [21 [20, Theorem 5.5.1] using in 2, 1 q’), I, P’)> ( is not a P’)) (L E Also measure if in (L p’ . . , and [15, 1 p) (L defined by I }. So for each integer n q (L p Indeed, let such that n we define the to be the product of n times the characteristic function of the set J f function [n,n+l)Ix belongs hence in P’) and g Is not a measure so I, 2)> is not included in (0 Pq ). inner measure there exists I = [n,n+l) n a, f f belongs to P(L < p < q < 2, then <p(L p’/q’ + p’. Since m is a {x e m(Jn) (I/n) where J n If g hence the function f is not included Theorem 5] Theorems 5.6 and 15.9], we can prove that there exists a function such that and then again by Theo- (L R(2q). f g 1) ’#T and By Theorem 2.5 and [6, Theorem II],its Fourier transform f rem 2.5, f e (L (2q) are dense in <p(L1)> = R(q) PROOF. In view of Theorem 4.3, we have to prove that f then q’). lfllp,q,-v fn Hausdorff-Young theorem fni I0o2 ;< 7. f Since each Illnllo2 < 7. n (np (l/n) converges cllfnl121 I/n, therefore f I) n 2) to in (L 7. c n2(1/n) Of’= belongs to (L 2 c (L 2) f’, because a function c(1/n) 0-2 < and is not in <,> <$,g> I, 2) q’) p’, (L l<$,f>l I because for < I<,>I E S0(R) thls shows that > 3. since By the Lebesgue Convergence theorem and the fact that So (R) v v f’> hence f’ <,fn> <*,f n > S0(R) we have <*,f> <$ f> defined by <,g> be the function on (L Clearly g is in in is not so by the f. Let e(e g I, 2) we have that c (L p’ q’) iff f E (LP’,q’). M.T. DE SQUIRE 468 Therefore ( g Pq ). G can be extended to f The construction of the function using the partition of disjoint relatively compact subsets as in [7, 3]. Probably the same is true for < q < p < 2, but we were unable to decide the matter. 5. REPRESENTATION THEOREMS. R( We will prove in this section (Theorem 5.4) that the representation theorems for and P(C and 8] and [3 Theorems 4.1 and 4.2] respectively in [I Theorems C L hold for the space =< q (I R(pq) loc REMARK 5.1. i) If g x e G all Lq+/-oc R(pq) f e Let LI(G), *f then and they are equlvalent. We Theorem 3.3]. [5, first give a remark easily deduce from =< p _< oo), < 2, =< ^P’ (I exists and ___< q e =o).A LI(). Therefore for locally almost we have that I f*(x) I f(y)(x- y)dy G r ()[x,] d(). ii) If the integral on the left is a continuous function of [ / e L q’ for all =< Let THEOREM 5.2. =< . [I, p, q I q) c PROOF. It is clear that the convolution If $ (L is in either , support of x(y) (x and p, q) f* we have to prove that or (C0, e L if p q’ L exists for then q) (Co I(). q f e L, oc So by our previous remark and c U of 0. Let E be the x x < q < 0o, then the map where G. So given e > 0 there exists a nelghbourhood V y), is continuous on is the characteristic function of Therefore *f q), II, x of 0 such that for all x e V we have that [f*(x) $ if p < is continuous on a nelghbourhood U. If s g then (-) d() r e (L p L’qloc R(pq), f If f(x)(x)dx $ 3] as a particular case. Theorem G such that in a nelghbourhood [r ()d(). f(y)(-y)dy G The next theorem includes x 0. Hence under this hypothesis of 0, then the formula in i) is valid for x f*(s)[ <_ f* ]U-E If(y) *yl lq, fXu_ E E. So for x e U 8 V U lx(y) s(y) dy < XU_E q we have that IIfXu_EIIqlIx yllq, < e. is continuous at s. I, then the map x is continuous on G, and as before, E x there exists a neighbourhood of zero V such that for x in U N V we have that If q f*(x) f*(s) < fXu II lll(fU_E) x (fU_E)sl 11 < . We need now to introduce Simon’s generalization of compact abelian groups [22]. This ends the proof. Castro summabillty on locally This consists of a family of functions compact neighbourhood of O) in (C0, I) {U (U being a with the following properties u-->’ II%llx__< {U U is an approximate identity for Cc and lira U U() for all (5.2) L F. The following representation theorem is an extension of (5.3) [I, Theorem 7] (c.f. [3, 469 RESONANCE CLASSES OF MEASURES Theorem 4.1]). (x) f(x) (C.I) =< q Let THEOREM 5.3. dx for all G (L p h q)(F) Furthermore if q, q for alI if p < r, P’) in (L I) and f e If Lq R(#pq), 1oc then d?() h(-) dx F q)(F) h e (Co 2q/(2q r . u(x)h(x)f(x) lira G =< p =< < 2, if p 2 < p < oo, then The double integrai exists not necessarily as a Lebesgue in- tegral but as the sum of the convergent series I Iv8 a Va, where V Y)(x)*(Y) dx dY (L p, p < oo. If h e < p < 2, or (L q in [7, 3]. definedv then h belongs to either L, are finite union of the sets 8 PROOF. Suppose if f(x q)(F), V i2 {#U} c C (G), we have that (G) if p > 2. Since C that conclude we 5.2 Theorem So by (hU) VV h*u and therefore G u(x)h(x)f(x) e (L Since as p’, q’) F and h*u lim in (L h f h() d() gral on the right converges to ,P’)(G) VV Lq hu C d(.). h**u(-) dx- (L q p, q) [8, Proposition 1.8] the inte- and this proves the first part of the theorem Let q qb, in L r hence I/2 < I/r < 3/4 (Co, q) (*)^ II Set IB(b,)l 2q/(2q r Since c and therefore r’ because and < q < 2, we have that l/r r e (Co, then e L [12, 7]. So by 2q r’ C’ (5.4) to be equal to the left side of (5.4). So by B(,@) 111 Ip,q, 1151 [pq < ll2q, and Theorem 5.2 / ()()d(). f(x- y)(x)*(y)dx dy < 1) < r < 2. If I111 p,q, !1511 pr’ I111 pr’ Holder’s inequality therefore =< C ]]@[[rp,[[][rp, if _<_ p < 2 and [B(,)] __< C [][]r2[[][r2 if p > 2, where C is a constant depending on f, p and q. (L r, P’) then Jig[ [rp’ If g [Iga[ lp’)r lip’ where ga gXLo" So for #, in (e r, zP’) we have that [B(,)[ < C l[a[ [rp, [@8[ [rp’" So I B(e,@8) is absolutely convergent and the left side of (5.4) exists as stated in the theorem. Finally, since I ga converges in the norm of (L r, P’) to g we have that ]B(,)] [ . . B(a,8) f $()() d(). THEOREM 5.4. If =< The proof for 2 < p < q < 2, =< p < f e and Lloc,q is similar. then the following are equi- valent i) f e R(pq) , ii) There exists a unique r in (L that for all U P’)(G) in m, in (L p 2q/(2q- I) M ,(F) if p q where r q the double integral exists as in Theorem 5.3. iii) There exists a unique measure as in part ii) such that )(F) if p < o, such M.T. DE SQUIRE 470 f(x) li, F qu(.)[x,] du(.) where the limit exists as in Remark 4.2. PROOF. By Theorem 5.3 part i) implies part ii) and by Propsttton 4.1 part tit) tpiles part ). U 8U*SU Suppose that ii) holds. Since 2 8U e L c and for all t in G we have The left side is equal to the right side is f(x)8U*U(t- x)dx equal to I U()[t,] of part iii). Hence we conclude that 6. f(X),u(tdu(), u*f and f**u(t), x)dx converges to f in the sense ii) implies iii). RTHER RESETS. In this last section we want to give a characterization of the set of Fourier mul- and (I tipliers from the space ) to L q Dupuis’ characterization theorem [6, Theorem IIl]. #q M I. This will allow us to extend M() ((q)) the space M(#) ((#q)) is the space of is in L1 (M I) for all q(G) Folling the notation in [23] we denote by multipliers from Since for ! L to tions (measures) f q Cc 2. q on F that is =< q =< , for 2 EOREM 6.1. Let (MI). {(q) for f e C l<f,$ C (n and suppose that q’) (L S(#,) 2. Then q l<f,$ n c < $’1 lira Ilfllll$n + [<f’$n $ IIq and I, q’) c M(q) n in we have that h’[ and # C clude by the Closed Graph theorem that the map longs to e Mq’ (F) and therefore From Theorem 6.1 we see that F*q We write O(Fq) Mq, g M P. O Take $*e_ g (L g A q and (F_). q E-’ and By [6. Proposition c M(Cc (L n h lira M(q),__ f 2) in MI, so is dense in C, we con- from I. q’)(F). 2. Then q P(C0, q) P(Fq) PROOF. If ). #q to then the measure as proven in [23] and M is con- If[din be- (C M2 to denote the set EOREH 6.2. Let Hence Mq,(F). f e (L (q)__ Mq, M_,c(# and where C is a constant depending on the support of f. Since C tinuous. Hence by Remark 3.2, all func- we consider the characterization of these spaces PROOF. By the Young’s inequality Let f such that of Fourier N $ and (’e_) v Since (L = P(Fq). that of Theorem 2.5. g (L (mq) (C0, q). 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