Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0 No. 2 (1987) 227-232 227 .-SIMILAR BASES MANJUL GUPTA and P.K. KAMTHAN Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 208016 INDIA (Received May I, 1986) ABSTRACT. (X,T) locally convex space (l.c.s.) another l.c.s. for all , Corresponding to an arbitrary sequence space P DT (Y,S) <---> is said to be %-similar {a if for an arbitrary sequence {an q(Yn )} tively the family of all T g %’ for and S all q n D S, where {x a sequence to a sequence of scalars, {a D and T D which ultimately help to characterize % and the spaces s n {yn P(Xn)} in E % are respec- T and S. (X,T) and (Y,S) continuous seminorms generating In.this note we investigate conditions on in a n similarity between two Schauder bases. We also determine relationship of this concept with %-bases. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. (K)-property, normal topology, semi--base, -base, fully -base, similar sequences, -similar sequences, normal and symmetric sequence spaces. gBO AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 46A35, 46A45, 46A05. i. MOTIVATION. Similar bases in the literature have been studied with a view to find the compar- ison between an arbitrary base and a known base of apparently simple looking elements. However, for certain neutral and obvious reasons, the similarity of bases is defined in terms of the convergence of the underlying infinite series. Since there are dif- ferent modes of convergence, one may talk of similarity of bases depending upon the particular kind of convergence or a particular type of a Schauder base, e.g. similar bases, absolutely similar bases etc. (see [I]). In the literature of Schauder bases, we have recently introduced different types of %-bases" which generalize several con- cepts of absolute bases in a locally convex space (cf. [2]) and hence it becomes imperative to exploit this notion and introduce a kind of similarity, that is, %-similarity which should have in a natural way some relationship with %-bases and at the same time should extend the results on absolute similarity. This is what we have done in this note and would discuss the same in subsequent pages. 2. TERMINOLOGY. Unless specified otherwise, we write throughout trary Hausdorff locally convex spaces (l.c. TVS) (X,T) and (Y,S) for two arbi- containing Schauder bases (S.b.) 228 M. GUPTA and P.K. KAMTHAN {Xn E {Xn ;fn {yn} and {yn;gn} E respectively (cf. [3] for details and unexplained D We write terms on basis theory hereafter). T continuous seminorms generating the topology D S. ing for isomorphism (X,T) The symbol R X from 6 where p* E a Kthe set {q(yn)} P, we write A(P) and attach a similar mean- Let }; x e X and T- family of all is used to mean the existence of a topological {{gn(y)}: y e Y} Pne DT -Wp Ay x (X,T) of and conversely. {{fn(X)}: x q* {P(Xn)}; Y onto 6y A (Y,S) te to mean T A and P DS q, For is an arbitrary sequence space (s.s) For discussion and unexplained for its KSthe space. [4]; cf. also [5] whereas for the theory of l.c. TVS our terms on s.s., we refer to references are [6] and [7]. An s.s. A is said to satisfy the (K)-propert if there exists 8 Ax in such that K K E 18nl inf 8 (2.1) > 0 A Without further notice, whenever we consider an s.s. assumed that A as an l.c. TVS, it would be (A,Ax) is equipped with its normal topology Finally, following [8], we recall DEFINITION 2.2: if 6X AX, for each p {x ;f n n An s.b. 6 (ii) a A-base if in D T’ for an l.c. TVS (X,T) is called (i) a semi-A-base the map A X X’ and (iii) (A n(A (X,T) p a fully A-base if Ix)), p X AX {fn(X)p(Xn)} (x) and is con- tlnuous. NOTE: If seminorm If l {Xn;fn Qp,y on Qp,y(x) is a semi-l-base, then for each X nl Ifn(X) llTnlP(Xn)’ {Qp,y: D T, there exists p e r in p(x) _< 3. in D and T in I x, the is well defined, where {x "f satisfies (2.1) and the family p n’ DT,Y D T n e I x} for all is a fully l-base, then of seminorms on so that for all nl_ Ifn(X) IP(Xn) -< x K8p,8(x) in (2.2) x e X. T is also generated by x; in particular, for each p in X, _< r(x). (2.3) I-SIMILAR BASES. Let us recall from [I] the following: DEFINITION 3.1. {Xn iliXi written as A sequence {Yn }’ {Xn if for converges in cX e X> is said to be similar to a sequence {yn in i eiy i converges in Y. The concept of absolute similarity introduced in [I], is abstracted to A- similarity as follows: cY, (3.2) A-SIMILAR BASES {yn }c Y, to a sequence {enP(Xn)} X n is said to be l-slmilar {Xn {Yn }’ provided for {enq(yn )} e l, for all q to be written as e l, for all p e D {x l, a sequence For an arbitrary s.s. DEFINITION 3.3. 229 e D <---> T (3.4) S. The following are straightforward. PROPOSITION 3.6. {Xn {Xn PROPOSITION 3.7. If PROPOSITION 3.5. {p(enXn )} e for {Yn {Yn AX <=> Ay. (3.4) is equivalent to is normal, then l e l, for all p e D <=> T {q(nYn)} e l, for all q e D (3.8) s. in {x n Z1 I In particular, if NOTE. <-----> }l-{yn} we have is absolutely similar to <---> x <=> A(P) n {yn as discussed in A(Q) are Kthe []. A(P) A(Q), where and spaces corresponding to the KSthe sets {x Let PROPOSITION 3 8 {{P(Xn)}: p e D and Q {{q(yn)}: q e respectively. {yn and n Then be l-bases. 6 It suffices to observe that PROOF. T) D S} P x A x, 6y ay {x {yn n <---> {x n {yn }. and now apply Propositions 3.5 and 3.6. 4. FURTHER CONDITIONS. In order to obtain more characterizations of l-slmilarlty of bases, let us bringY{x X and forth the following conditions for two arbitrary sequences for all p e D T, q e D for all q e D S, p e D PROPOSITION 4.3. l If such that p(xn) q(yn ), for all n Z I. (4.1) such that q(yn) P(Xn), for all n Z I. (4.2) S T {Yn n is normal and conditions (4.1) and (4.2) are satisfied, then {Xn ! {yn} For obtaining the converse of the preceding result, we restrict ourselves to metrlzable l.c. TVS. DX {Pi: i generated by If is a metrlzable l.c. TVS, then T (X,T) I}, where Dy {ql Similarly, when P2 Pl q2 ! "’’}" is also generated by (Y,S) is metrlzable, S is With this background, (4.1) and (4.2) take the fol- lowing forms: for all i i, for all j > I, j and M i > and K i > 0 such that pi(Xn) > 0 such that qj(Yn Hereafter, in all subsequent pages, we will let (2.1). LEMM 4.6. let l Let I I with 1.(4.4) for all n > 1.(4.5) k be a normal s.s., satisfying x. (X,T) and (Y,S) be metrlzable. contain an element for all n which will throughout be assumed to be nor- Also, we consider another s.s. mal and symmetric along with < Miqj(Yn), Kjpi(xn) Suppose that >> 0, that is, a n l is also symmetric and > 0, for each n I. Assume 230 M. GUPTA and P.K. KAMTHAN the truth of the following statement for an for all i Then (4.5) holds. PROOF. Since A x i, {pi(nXn)} A > E m: in {qj(=nYn)} , E for all y is also symmetric, we may find an element Y >> 0. Let now (4.5) be not satisfied. ni(n i one finds a positive integer qj(Yni) > Then there exists < ni+ __i I) I, i in (4.7) Jl. Ax with \ so that for each j il, with pi(Xnl), for all yi/qj (Yni) n I. i Define d qj(niYn i) y up being one finds , woulb be in i > m otherwise {qj(nYn and 0 otherwise and so Yi , for otherwise its close On the other hand, let a contradiction. m I; then so that Pm(niXni ! Pi(niXni {pm(nXn)} Hence i n 0 Now n A E for each I. m < ui’ for all i Z m. This contradicts (4.7) and the lemma is proved. Symmetry considerations lead to (X,T) and (Y,S) be metrizable, along with A, satisfying the conA Then {x {yn} <.> (4.4) and (4.5) hold. Let THEOREM 4.8. ditions laid down in Lemma 4.6. 5. A-BASES AND SIMILARITY. In this section, we investigate conditions when two fully A-bases are similar. First, we need LEMMA 5.1. in (Y,S). Let {x be a fully A-base for (X,T) n {yn an arbitrary sequence Then (4.2) is equivalent to the following statement: for all q D s, E p {l for all finite sequences Let (4.2) be satisfied. k q(il iYi and this proves (5.2). E D such that T k k q(il iYi PROOF. and ! (5.2) P(il ixl k }" Then lot some r e D !BB T k il liBilP(Xi) k iBB r(il =ixi The other part is obvious. Symmetry considerations in Lemma 5.1 now easily lead to and {yn be fully A-bases for m-complete l.c. TVS’s Let {x THEOREM 5.3. and (Y,S) n} respectively. Then the truth of (4.1) and (4.2) yields that {x n (X,T) {yn }. A-SIMILAR BASES (X,T) Conversely, if and ditions of Lemma 4.6, then PROOF. 231 (Y,S) are Frchet spaces with {Xn {Yn l, satisfying the con- (4.4) and (4.5) hold. --> For the converse, First part follows from Lemma 5.1 and its symmetrizatlon. {Xn observe that {yn and [8]. are h-bases by Propositions 3.5 and 3.6 of Now make use of Proposition 3.8 and Theorem 4.8. Observe that Lemma 5.1 and the first part of Theorem 5.3 and valid for an ar- REMARKS. satisfying the K-property. l bitrary sequence space Since h-bases and fully h-bases are the same i a p.82), Frchet spaces we can rephrase Theorem 5.3 for THEOREM 5.4. (X,T) Let be Frchet spaces and satisfying the conditions of Lemma 4.6. l, along with (Y,S) and Frchet space (cf. [8], as follows: {Xn }’ {Yn Then {Xn be h-bases (4.4) and (4.5) hold. NOTE. The proof of the above theorem is also immediate from Proposition 3.8 and Theorem 4.8. 6. THE ISOMORPHISM THEOREM. In order to obtain the main result of this section, let us introduce the following two conditions: {p(enXn )} {p(=nXn )} where , e e l, for all p e D e l, for all p {Xn }’ {Yn D ==> T ==> T {q(enYn)} {q(enYn)} DS; (6.1) for all q e D S, (6.2) e l, for all q , X, Y respectively and are arbitrary sequences in l, are the s.s. as specified in Lemma 4.6. NOTE. When (X,T) Proposition 4.3). and T are metrizable, the conditions D being replaced by S DX and Dy (6.1) and (6.2) will (cf. remarks following Thus we have If the hypothesis of Lemma 4.6 holds, then (4.5) --> (6.1) --> (6.2) PROPOSITION 6.3. ---> (Y,S) and D be considered with (4.5). Next, we have PROPOSITION 6.4. ous linear map. Let (X,T), (Y,S) be a metrizable l.c. TVS and {Xn For a sequence X, let Yn RXn. R:X Y a continu- Then either of the equiva- lent conditions (4.5), (6.1) and (6.2) holds. PROOF. in For each j > i there exist and so (4.5) holds. X i such that qj(Rx) KjPi(X) for all x The result now follows from the preceding proposition. Conversely, we have PROPOSITION 6.5. {Xn }’ (Y’S) Let (X,T) be a metrlzable l.c. TVS containing a fully a Frchet space containing a sequence {yn }. h-base If either of the equiva- lent conditions (4.5), (6.1) or (6.2) holds, then there exists a continuous linear map R:(X,T) PROOF. (Y,S) with RXn Yn’ n _> I. Define k R then by (4.5) and (2.3), (m emXm R:sp {xn Y k m mYm is continuous and so its unique extension is M. GUPTA and P.K. KAMTHAN 232 This completes the proof. the required continuous linear map. PROPOSITION 6.6. {x (Y,S) for {yn PROOF. {yn}; with {yn;gn cf. gn gn(y) f (Y,S) and (X,T) be m-complete such that RXn’ Yn n I. Then {yn = (Y,S). Let is a semi k-base {yn }. n is clearly an indeed X {x and and (X,T) be a semi k-base for n in (X,T) Let n {gn S.b. and let R-I n fn(X) for all n I. Then for each y Z Proposition 3.5 of [8]. Thus corresponding to X AX and (4.2) holds and k y x Y, ther exists a unique in is normal, Consequently, both of these bases are (Y,S). is a semi k-base for Since i. s.a.c.f, be the Ay. But X Y "-> -bases, AX Ay and now apply Proposition 3.6. Finally, we have Let PROPOSITION 6.7. {x k-bases Rx with PROOF. with n and n Yn’ {yn Yn’ be {yn n > I. By Proposition 3.4 Rxn u-complete barrelled spaces having semi }. Then (X,T) (Y,S) respectively such that {x n (X,T) and (Y,S) {x n {yn and so by a theorem of [9], (X,T) (Y,S) n> i. REFERENCES i. 2. 3. ARSOVE, M.G. Similar Bases and Isomorphisms in Frchet Spaces, Math. Ann. 4. KAMTHAN, P.K. and GUPTA, M. N.Y., USA, 1981. 5. RUCKLE, W.H. 1981. 6. HORVATH, 7. 135 (1958), 283-293. KALTON, N.J. On Absolute Basis, Math. Ann. 200(1973), 209-225. KAMTHAN, P.K. and GUPTA, M. Theory of Bases and Concs, Advanced Publishing Program, Pitman, London, U.K., 1985. 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