NOMINEE SUMMARY: Name and Title of Nominee: Thomas, Lia M.D. Current Primary Appointment: PSYCHIATRY Current Secondary Appointment: n/a Current Rank: Assistant Professor Proposed Rank: Associate Professor Clinician-Educator Academic Track: Clinician-Educator Percent Effort: 100% Curriculum vitae Date Prepared: Name: Lia Andrea Thomas, MD Office Address: VA North Texas Health Care System Work Phone: 214-857-3602 Work E-Mail: Work Fax: Place of Birth: Education Postdoctoral Training Faculty Academic Appointments Current Licensure and Certification Board Certified Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions Major Administrative/Leadership Positions , Committee Service ( Professional Societies Invited Lectures Service to the Community Bibliography Peer-Reviewed Publications Thomas L Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media TEACHING PORTFOLIO A. Medical and graduate school didactic and small group teaching Date 7/2/2013 9/2008-7/2011 5/16/2008 1/29/08, 2/26/08, 9/30/2008 Title Team-Based Learning: OCD and Eating Disorders, MS3 Clerkship Colleges Psychiatry Mentor for MS1 and MS2 classes (Cary College; Principal Mentor – Robert Bash, MD) Somatoform Disorders, 3RD year medical school psychiatry clerkship Overview of Anxiety Disorders, 3RD year medical school psychiatry clerkship Location UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX D. Committees concerned with medical and graduate student education 2012-present Medical Student Education Committee 2012-present Mental Health Education Committee UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX VA North Texas Health Care Center, Dallas, TX F. Medical student rotations Date 2012-present Title Gold/Trauma Mixed Rotation 3 months / year Location VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX H. Postgraduate medical education Clinical Supervision Date Title 2008-2009 Mental Health Trauma Services Selective 4 months/ year 2011-2012 Mental Health Trauma Services Elective 3 months/ year 2012-2013 Mental Health Trauma Services Elective 3 months/year 2012-present Mentor, Psychiatry Resident Didactics LIA ANDREA THOMAS, MD Location VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX Page 1 Resident Lectures Date Title 2/26/13 Differential Diagnosis – PTSD (PGY1) 3/19/13, 2/12/12 Documentation Review – HPI (PGY1) 11/13/12 Monitoring Medications (PGY2) 11/6/12 Educating patients on side effects (PGY2) 2/15/12, 1/26/11 Team Based Learning – PTSD (PGY1) 1/19/11 Treatment of PTSD (PGY1) 7/14/10 Introduction to PGY1 Didactics 12/3/08 PTSD and ASD (PGY1) CME Lectures Date Title Location UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX Location 6/26/13 “Mental Health Concerns of Returning Combat Veterans” Part of the Texas Area Health Education Center (AHEC) symposium - AHEC Veterans Mental Health Project: Home of the Brave Hosted at Weatherford College Wise County, Bridgeport, TX 6/16/12 "Mental Health Concerns of Current Combat Veterans” Part of the Texas Area Health Education Center (AHEC) symposium "Behavioral and Mental Health of Veterans, Services Members& Families." UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX Curriculum Development Date Title 2/2012Skills Based-Course Director, PGY1-4 Present Psychiatry Resident Didactics 4/2011-6/2012 Course Director, PGY-1 Psychiatry Didactics 2/2010– 4/2011 Co-Course Director, PGY-1 Psychiatry Didactics LIA ANDREA THOMAS, MD Location UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX Page 2 ADMINISTRATIVE PORTFOLIO (for administrators) A. Clinical Service Development Date 2009-Present Title Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic that specializes in offering evidenced based treatment for PTSD, and other mood disorders as a result of trauma. Service began with 12 staff members; presently has 20. Clinic has moved to offering evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Partnered with Ambulatory Care to create the Post Deployment Clinic, an integrated service clinic providing comprehensive initial evaluations for returning Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. LIA ANDREA THOMAS, MD Location Mental Health Trauma Services, VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX Page 3 CLINICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mornings 4 hours VA Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic 4 hours VA Post Deployment Clinic (also med student supervision) 3 hours VA Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic 4.5 hours VA Post Deployment Clinic 4 hours VA Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic Afternoons 2-3 hours VA Medical Director (Admin) 4 hours UTSW Resident Didactics 3 hours VA Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic 2-3 hours Admin (VA and UTSW Education) 2 VA Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic Date July 2007present February 2009-present Title Mental Health Trauma Services Outpatient Post Deployment Clinic (Ambulatory Care Integrated Ambulatory Care Initiative) LIA ANDREA THOMAS, MD Location VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX Page 1 GRANT SUPPORT LIA ANDREA THOMAS, MD Page 1