What Can I do with a Major in Geography? Geography seeks to define and study the patterns of physical and human features of the earth, the relationships between them, the association of features giving personality or character to individual places or regions, the connections and movements between places, and the meaning to man of the sameness and differences among places on the earth. Because it presents an integrated view of the physical and social sciences, Geography is of significance to liberal arts and science programs whether the subject is selected as the major, minor or elective. Typical Occupations: Cartographer Computer Mapper Ecologist Geography Teacher Land-Use Analyst Outdoor Guide Remote-Sensing Analyst Climatologist Demographer Environmental Manager GIS Specialist Market Researcher Park Ranger Soil Conservationist Community Planner Earth Scientist Forestry Technician Hazard-Waste Planner Meteorologist Peace Corps Worker Skills & Abilities: Analyze & interpret data Conduct research Develop ideas Gather & organize data Make presentations Plan projects Prepare/write reports Spatial visualization Career Resources: Career Services http://www.sfasu.edu/ccs/careerservices/index.asp U.S. Geological Survey http://www.usgs.gov/ohr/student/index.html Association of American Geographers https://communicate.aag.org/eseries/scriptcontent/custom/giwis/cguide/ Bureau of Land Management http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/res/blm_jobs/careers_main_menu.html Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/careers/ Geography at SFA http://www.sfasu.edu/soc/111.asp 1/31/13