Semester 1993-94 1994smr 1994smr 1994smr 1994smr 1994-95 1995smr 1995smr 1995smr 1995smr 1996smr 1996smr 1996smr 1996smr 1996smr 1996smr 1997smr 1997smr 1997smr 1997smr 1997smr 1997smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1998smr 1999S 1999S 1999smr 1999smr First Name Todd Afshin Julie Matthew Steven Timothy Afshin Julie Matthew Steven Afshin Casey Craig Rebecca Matthew Steven Annalise David Katherine Melissa Rebecca Shawna Annalise David Holly Jeffrey Jessica Katherine Matthew Rebecca Shawna Aimee Matthew Annalise David Last Name Bredeweg Afarin Jaasma Barton Sundbeck Van Huis Afarin Jaasma Barton Sundbeck Afarin Carney Phillips Timmer Barton Sundbeck VanWyngarden Barnett Drake Feenstra Timmer Hendrickson VanWyngarden Carlson Van Dam Wilcox Black Drake Kern Timmer Hendrickson Morehouse Deboer VanWyngarden Nash Major Chem Chem Chem Phys Phys Chem Chem Chem Phys Phys Chem Chem/Phys Chem Chem Phys Phys Chem/ES Chem Chem/Phys Chem Chem Geol/ES Chem/ES Chem GES Geol/Chem Chem/ES Chem/Phys Chem Chem GES Chem/Ed Engr/ES Chem/ES Chem/ES Project_Title Heavy Ion Reaction Analysis Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Nuke Group Nuke Group Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Metal ion solutions Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Nuke Group Nuke Group Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Heavy Ion Reaction Analysis Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Tree Rings Heavy metal analysis of solutions Nuke Group Nuke Group Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Tree Rings Heavy Ion Reaction Analysis Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Stromatolites Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aqueous Preconcentration Techniques Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Comparison with XRF Studies of Geological Sample Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis A Comparison of Elemental Characterizations of Rock Samples from Southern India Macatawa Area Coordinating Council Intern: Environmental Chemistry Analysis of Watershed Surface Waters The Role of Accessory Minerals in Trace Element Concentrations across an Amphibolite to Granulite Facies Terrai Macatawa Area Coordination Council Intern: Chemical Analysis of Watershed Surface Waters Heavy Ion Reaction Studies: 35 and 60 Me V/A Kr+ Au, Th Heavy Ion Reaction Studies Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aqueous Preconcentration Techniques Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Comparison with XRF Studies of Geological Sample Independent Project: Develop-ment of a Radon detection Laboratory Independent Study Project: Neutron Activation Analysis of Watershed Sediments Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis 1999smr 1999smr 1999smr 1999smr 1999smr 2000-01 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2000smr 2001-02 2001F 2001F 2002S 2002S 2002S 2002smr 2002smr 2002smr 2002smr 2002smr 2002smr 2003S 2003smr 2003smr 2003smr 2003smr 2004S 2004S 2004smr 2004smr Holly Jeffrey Jessica Junu Matthew Jeffrey Annalise Brennan David Jennifer Junu Katherine Kaylan Kyle Matthew Peter Andrew Robert Joseph Katherine Robert Andrew Erin Joseph Katherine Kyle Robert Joseph Andy Chris Heather Natalie Laurence Tom Carl Christopher Van Dam Wilcox Black Shrestha Kern Wilcox VanWyngarden Hughey Nash Huber Shrestha Ramsey Brakora Ranta Goupell VanWylen Huisman Bartlett Postma Ramsey Bartlett Huisman Ingersoll Postma Ramsey Ranta Bartlett Phillips Huisman Avery Mentzer Hoogeveen Picq Barton Van Faasen Avery Bio/ES Geol/Chem Chem/ES Chem/ES Chem GES/Chem Chem Phys Chem/ES Bio Chem/ES Bio/Chem Engr Chem Phys Math Chem/Phys Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem/Phys Chem/ES Chem Chem Chem Chem/Engr Chem/Phys Chem/ES Chem/ES Chem/ES Geography Chem Chem Chem/ES Macatawa Area Coordinating Council Intern: Environmental Chemistry Analysis of Watershed Surface Waters Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Geochemical Analysis of Zircons Macatawa Area Coordination Council Intern: Chemical Analysis of Watershed Surface Waters Environmental Chemistry of the Lake Macatawa Watershed Heavy Ion Reaction Studies: Analysis of Light Charged Particles in 84 Kr + Au, Th Reactions Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Zircons of Southern India Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectroscopy Studies: Aerosol Sampling and Analysis Heavy Ion Reaction Studies: Isotope Yield Temperature Measurements in 84K+Au, Th reactions Analysis of Western Michigan Aerosols: A PIXE Application The Antimutagenic Effect of Chlorophyllin on Metabolically Activated Cyclophosphamide Environmental Chemistry of the Lake Macatawa Watershed Chromium Analysis of White Lake Sediment Via Pixe Phosphorus Analysis of the Lake Macatawa Watershed Phosphorus Analysis of the Lake Macatawa Watershed Heavy Ion Reaction Studies: Isotope Yield Temperature Measurements in 84Kr+Au reactions Construction of a Modular Neutron Array (MoNA) and Analysis of ¹¹C+ ¹?7Au Fission Cross Sections Development of a Novel Diffusive Gradient Technique for Environmental Metal Ion Analysis The Introduction of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry at Hope College, and Applications in Environm The Introduction of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry at Hope College, and Applications in Environm Accelerator Mass Spectrometry study of Cyclophosphamide The Introduction of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry at Hope College, and Applications in Environm Trace Metal Measurements Using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) Analysis of Lake Macatawa Sediment and its History The Introduction of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry at Hope College, and Applications in Environm The Antimutagenic Effect on Chlorophyllin on Metabolically Activated Cyclophosphamide Transportation and Distribution of Phosphates in the Lake Macatawa Watershed Comparison of Environmental Trace metal Analysis by PIXE to EPA Method 3051A Microwave-Assisted Digestion and ICP Analysis of Lake Macatawa Sediment Development of a Novel Diffusive Gradient Technique for Environmental Metal Ion Analysis Synthesis of Organic Standards for Pentachloronitrobenzene Degradation Products in the Environment Resuspension of Phosphorus from Lake Macatawa Sediment Microwave-Assisted Digestion and ICP Analysis of Lake Macatawa Sediment Assessing TMDL Implementation in the Macatawa Watershed, Using SWAT Development of an Beam Analysis Technique to Quantify Gel Thickness Standardization of the AOAC Method for Phosphorus Analysis for use in a Public High School. Historical Analysis of Trace Metals in a Lake Michigan Sediment Core 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2004smr 2005S 2005S 2005S 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005smr 2005F 2006S 2006S 2006S 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr Heather Keiko Natalie Andrew Justin Utsab Patrick Carol Abe Heather Christopher Carol Natalie Matthew Meredith Lindsay Julissa Jill Patrick Joshua Justin Utsab Carolina Carl Jennifer Daniel Natalie Matthew Patrick Meredith Lindsay Daniel Alex Joshua Carl Jennifer Mentzer Kito Hoogeveen Huisman Rieth Khadka Mears Guess Pena Mentzer Avery Guess Hoogeveen Rycenga Praamsma Ellsworth Pabon Pinter Mears Warner Rieth Khadka Contreras Van Faasen Soukhome Tobert Hoogeveen Rycenga Mears Praamsma Ellsworth Tobert Behm Warner Van Faasen Soukhome Chem/ES Bio/ ES Chem/ES Chem/Phys Phys Phys Phys Phys Phys Chem/ES Chem/ES Phys Chem/ES Chem Chem/ES Chem Chem Chem/Phys Phys Chem/Phys Phys Phys Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem/ES Chem Phys Chem/ES Chem Chem Chem Chem/Phys Chem Chem Phosphorus Resuspension and Adsorption in Lake Macatawa Mineralogy and Trace Element Analysis of Michigan Dune Sands Trace Metal Profile and Phosphorus Fractionation in the Sediments of Lake Macatawa A Novel Method for the Detection of Trace Metals in Sediment Construction of a Modular Neutron Detector Array Radiodating Analysis of Pb-210 in Sediment Samples Analysis of a Radioactive Nuclear Beam Experiment from Notre Dame. Analysis of a Radioactive Nuclear Beam Experiment from Notre Dame. Installation of a new Pelletron Accelerator at Hope College. Phosphorus Resuspension in Lake Macatawa Sediments Manganese Contamination in the Surface Sediment of Lake Michigan Analysis of MoNA Calibration Data Ion Beam Analyses of Metals in Lake Sediments Development of Ion Beam Analysis Techniques for Electrophoresis Gels Characterization of Ponds in the Lake Macatawa Watershed Characterization of Ponds in the Lake Macatawa Watershed Sediment Contamination Characterization in Lake Macatawa Rutherford Backscattering Analysis of Electropolymerized Films Development of Ion Beam Analysis Forensic Techniques for Glass Provenance of Trace Elements in Quartz Sand Grains by Ion Beam Analysis Analysis of 6He +209Bi Reactions Radiolead Dating of Sediment Cores Manganese Contamination in the Surface Sediment of Lake Michigan History of the Lake Macatawa Watershed and Development of a HS Curriculum History of the Lake Macatawa Watershed and Development of a HS Curriculum Sediment Contamination Characterization in Lake Macatawa Ion Beam Analyses of Metals in Lake Sediments Development of Ion Beam Analysis Techniques for Electrophoresis Gels Development of Ion Beam Analysis Forensic Techniques for Glass Sources of Lead in Drinking Water Development of Ion Beam Analysis Techniques for Electrophoresis Gels Sediment Contamination Characterization in Lake Macatawa Characterization of Ponds in the Lake Macatawa Watershed Provenance of Trace Elements in Quartz Sand Grains by Ion Beam Analysis History of the Lake Macatawa Watershed and Development of a HS Curriculum History of the Lake Macatawa Watershed and Development of a HS Curriculum 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006smr 2006F 2006F 2006F 2006F 2006smr 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Billy Meghan Derek Christopher Deborah Michele Robert Eric Kellia Eddie Emily David Tyler Carolina Alexander Lindsay J.Mark Daniel Joshua Morgan Carl Jennifer Erica Eddie Christopher Deborah Richard Lindsay Lauren Matt J.Mark Joshua Daniel Rachel Timothy Matthew Statema Winer Padilla Hall Denby MacMillan Johnson Johnson Pell Helderop McConnelly Fraker Depke Contreras Behm Ellsworth Lunderberg Tobert Warner Willming Van Faasen Soukhome Beck Helderop Hall Denby Sampson Goodell Brierley Ellison Lunderberg Warner Tobert Driscoll Nagi Keller Chem/Ed Phys Phys Phys Phys Chem Chem GES Ed Bio Bio Bio GES Chem Chem Chem Chem/Bio Chem Chem/Phys Bio Chem Chem GES Bio Phys Phys Phys Chem Bio Chem Chem/Bio Chem/Phys Chem Chem Phys Phys History of the Lake Macatawa Watershed and Development of a HS Curriculum RBS Characterization of Electrochemical Films Development of Ion Beam Analysis Forensic Techniques for Glass Development of Ion Beam Analysis Forensic Techniques for Glass Radioactive Nuclear Beam Measurements with MoNA Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Provenance of Trace Elements in Quartz Sand Grains by Ion Beam Analysis Microinvertebrate Toxicity in Lake Sediments due to Copper Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Toxicology of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Manganese Contamination in the Surface Sediment of Lake Michigan Investigation of Mercury Sources from a Dental Office Metalloprotein Stoichiometry of CUP-12 Trace Element Analysis of Sediments by PIXE &ICP RBS analysis of Electropolymer Films PESA/PIXE Analysis of Metalloprotein Stoichiometry Copper uptake in Algal Pond Systems Environmental History of the Macatawa Watershed Environmental History of the Macatawa Watershed PIXE Characterization of Minerals Aquatic Toxicology of Au and Ag Nanoparticles Study of the decay energy of 12,13Li Determination of 7He ground state energy Forensic Analysis of Glass Using PIXE Feasibility of Hair Analysis via PIXE Algal Growth Conditions in Ponds Cu Partition in Algal Sediment Systems Ion Beam Induced Luminescence Studies of Minerals Ion Beam Analysis of Metalloprotein Stoichiometry RBS Analysis as a Technique for Electropolymer Thickness Determination Forensic Applications of Cathodoluminesce Ion beam analysis Ion beam analysis 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Brian Danielle Joshua Kristin Jennifer Lucas Kurt Hao Rolando Jennifer Joshua Sarah Brian Amanda Kristin Matthew Eric J.Mark Andrew Timothy Danielle Morgan Kiley Sarah Danielle Elly Kryssie Lucas Daniel Daniel Kevin Kevin Sarah Kathy Andrew Kiley Dess Silletti Borycz Hasbrouck Bartman Johnson Aschack Shen Barajas Bartman Borycz Brokus Dess Gernentz Hasbrouck Keller Lunderberg Lunderberg McCubbin Nagi Silletti Smith Spirito Brokus Silletti Earlywine Hasbrouck Johnson Anderson Pesch Krueger Klunder Prill DeBlasio McCubbin Spirito Chem Chem Chem Chem Bio Chem/Engr Chem Chem Bio Chem/Math GES Chem Chem Chem Phys Phys Chem/Bio Phys Phys Chem Chem Phys GES Chem Chem Chem Chem GES Chem Chem Chem Phys Phys Phys Phys Ion beam analysis Forensic Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Cathodoluminescence Environmental Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Super Oxide Dismutase Isolation and Analysis Ion beam analysis Construction and Calibration of a Sediment Trap Macatawa Watershed Sediment Identification Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Ion Beam Induced Luminescence of Glass Macatawa Watershed Sediment Identification Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Differential PIXE Analysis of Paint MoNA Experimental & Forensic Glass Analysis Ion Beam Induced Luminescence of Feldspars Differential PIXE Analysis of Paint Radiodating of Sediments Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Radiodating of Sediments PIXE Analysis of Lake Sediment Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Cathodoluminescent Signatures of Neutron Irradiation Phosphates in the Lake Macatawa Watershed Sediment Fingerprinting Sediment Sampling in the Macatawa Watershed Sediment Sampling in the Macatawa Watershed PIXE analysis of Aerosols Proprietary Analysis for Tennant Co. PIXE analysis of Honey PIXE analysis of sediment Ion Beam Analysis of Metalloprotein Stoichiometry PIXE analysis of automotive Paint layers 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Timothy Eric Eric Kyle Dan Alexa Bailey Sarah Daniel Elly` Kyle Amanda Zach Kryssie Curtis Lucas Kevin Eric Adam Andrew Timothy David Kiley Nick Lauren Kyle Michael Elly Scott Kyle Catie Eric Austin Nick Kevin Rachel Nagi Lunderberg Hydorn Alexander Anderson Bakker Bensley Brokus Callam Earlywine Falk Gernentz Geschwendt Hasbrouck Johnson Johnson Klunder Lunderberg Maley McCubbin Nagi Nowicki Spirito Wozniak Zandstra Alexander Atwell Earlywine Essenmacher Falk Gammon Greve Homkes Hubley Klunder Kreb Phys Phys Chem Chem Chem/GES Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem/GES Chem Phys Chem Phys Chem Chem Phys Chem Phys Phys Chem Phys Chem/Phys Chem Chem Bio/Chem Chem Engr Geo/Chem Bio Chem Bio Phys Chem Bio Construction of LISA dectectors Analysis of Radioactive Nuclear Beam studies with MoNA Analysis of Lake Macatawa E.Coli PIXE analysis of sediment Watershed sampling & Education Sediment fingerprinting with SEM/EDS PIXE analysis of sediment Sediment Sampling in the Macatawa Watershed Sediment Sampling in the Macatawa Watershed Organohalogen flame retardants in foam Organohalogen flame retardants in foam Macatawa Watershed Sediment Identification PIXE analysis of clays CL analysis of feldspars Forensic Analysis of Glass Using PIXE Sediment Fingerprinting Proprietary Analysis For Tennant Co. MoNA Experimental Analysis Phosphate analysis of sediment PIXE Analysis of Metalloproteins Proprietary Analysis For Tennant Co. ICP analysis of Lake Michigan cores Differential PIXE Analysis of Paint Nuclear Chemistry Sediment Fingerprinting PIXE analyses Sediment analyses Organohalogen flame retardants in foam Radioisotope harvesting Sediment analysis Lake Macatawa sediment analysis Organohalogen flame retardants in foam SEM identification of pollen in sediment Radiodating analyses Cathodoluminescence of feldspars Phosphate analyses 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Eric Adam Andrew Robert David Kelly Evelyn Marina Megan Kiley Nick Lauren Michael Jarrhett Scott Eric Nick Rachel Yijun Adam Heather Arcy Christina Lisa Peter Rohan Margaret Stanna Jeffrey Nick David Boone Oliver Lisa Meghanne Randy Lunderberg Maley McCubbin Muterspaugh Nowicki Petrasky Ritter Samp Sibley Spirito Wozniak Zandstra Atwell Butler Essenmacher Greve Hubley Kreb Liao Maley O’Connell Ortega Sarosiek Savagian Schemper Dandivati Dickinson Dorn Hosmer Hubley Lunderberg Marois Purcell Savagian Tighe Wade Phys Chem Phys Chem Chem Engr Engr Chem Phys Phys Chem Chem Phys Chem Eng Chem Phys Chem Chem Chem Chem Chem Phys Chem Geochem Phys Chem Chem Phys Chem Chem GES Chem Chem GES MoNA Experimental analysis PIXE Analyses PIXE Analysis of Metalloproteins ICP analysis of Lake Michigan cores ICP analysis of Lake Michigan cores Harvesting radioisotopes Sediment fingerprinting SEM Identification of pollen in sediment PIXE Analysis of Metalloproteins Differential PIXE Analysis of Paint Nuclear chemistry Sediment Fingerprinting Sediment Fingerprinting PIXE analysis methods Isotope harvesting Lake Macatawa sediment analysis Radiodating GIS analysis Flame retardants in foam Ion Beam analysis of materials Flame retardants in foam Phosphate analysis of sediment PIXE analysis of paint Flame retardants in foam Cathodoluminescence of feldspars Sediment project PIGE analysis of PFAS PIXE analysis of tattoo inks PIXE analysis of tattoo inks PIXE & PIGE analysis of materials PIGE analysis of PFAS Harvesting radioisotopes Salt monitoring & biochar Flame retardants in foam Flame retardants in foam Salt monitoring & biochar 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Joshua Margaret Nick David Boone Meghanne Randy Evelyn Will Elizabeth Scott Welsch Dickinson Hubley Lunderberg Marois Tighe Wade Ritter Kruper Lindquist Essenmacher Chem Phys Phys Chem Chem Chem GES Engr Geochem Phys Chem Eng Salt monitoring & biochar PIGE analysis of PFAS PIXE & PIGE analysis of materials PIGE analysis of PFAS Harvesting radioisotopes Day1 curriculum development Day1 curriculum development Market potential of PIGE Day1 curriculum development PIGE analysis of PFAS Harvesting radioisotopes