Internat. J. Math. & Math. (1987)69-78 Sci. 69 Vol. l0 No. ON POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE, PERTURBATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS IOANNIS K. ARGYROS Department of Mathematic The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 522h2 (Received November 21, 1985 and in revised form May 23 1986) ABSTRACT. We use perturbation techniques to solve the polynom/al equation in Banach Our techniques provide more accurate information on the location of solutions space. and yield existence and uniqueness in cases not covered before. An example is given to justify our method. KEY WORDS AND PKRASES. Perturbation, contraction. 46B15,65 1980AMSSUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE(S). i. INTRODUCTION. - In this paper we use perturbation techniques to find solutions of the abstract polynomial equation of degree x in a Banach space Obviously X (i.i) (x) k, x+_ over the field F +--- (.) +MIX+M0 of real or complex numbers. is a natural generalization of the scalar polynomial equation of the first kind to the more abstract setting of a Banach space. The case case k a 2. similar to k 2 has been examined in [i], [7], [8]. Here we investigate the The principal new idea in this paper is the introduction of an equation (i.i), z Fk(Z) +N2 z2+Nlz+M0. Nkzk+Nk_Izk-l+ The’results are then obtained under suitable choices of the Our method is a generalization of the one’s discussed namely, the method of successive substitutions and N ’s, P [8], [9] Newton’s method. (1.2) p 1,2,---,k. by L. B. Rall, It always provides a more accurate information on the location of the solutions and it also yields exis- tence and uniqueness results for (i.i) in the cases not covered before. and A2 M2-I our results coincide with theorems in [8], [9], For z able to provide more accurate information on the location of the solutions. In order to justify this, in Part 2 of our paper we compare our results with the results in [9], [i0] equation using as an example a special case of (i.i), namely 0 but even then we are [8], the famous Chandrasekhar’s 70 I.K. ARGYROS C[0,13 X for d reav (1.3) have (1.3) as k 0 Stronger resets for 0.5. [3], [6] been obtained in exple to justi o method. DEFINITION i. L(X,Y) Denote by ear operators from a linear space X linear operator from Y into M X from k the linear space over the field X into Y and Y, will be a point of x NOTATION i. operates on L(X,Y) Given a (il,i2,.-.,ik) the . For example, if a k-linear Xl,X2,..-,xk E X are given, then X Y. i from X 1,2,...,k, into Y DEFINITION 2. A E where k-linear operator the (k-l)- X into the notation Y (i) and a permutation can be used for such that i k-linear operators k’. Xl, The order of operation is impor- if x. x,x2,..-,x operates on and so on. ()Sx... Thus, there are operator L(X) of the integers M] e-eX. (i) from associated with a given X into Y k-linear is said to be symmetric if for all l, 2, i Rk, denotes the set of all permutations of the integers The symmetric ,k. k-linear operator =.. is called the mean of NOTATION 2. p Y. E k, used. If For p Mk- The notation L(,Y), for the result of applying to x E X p-times will be P will represent a (k-p)-linear operator from X into x p < k, then k, note that %x for all M2,---, each M.I i X XlX2---xk x2, by of the lin- Y. Y. into k-linear operator k-linear operator from ll of the convention being that 1 Finally, denote tant. X points k z linear operator L(}-I,Y) into the space F For k 2,3,--. a (k-1)-linear operators from into a linear space k-linear operator from is called operator or fo= of In this paper we Just use and elsewhere. BASIC CONCEPTS AND THEOREMS. 2. i gener even more %x (i) E Rk, x X. It follows from (2.1) that the multilinear operators in (1.1) may be assumed to be symmetric without loss of generality, since in (1.1) may be replaced by Mi, i 2,3,.--,k, without changing the value 71 POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE Yk(x’. of Oniess tne contrary is exolicitly staked, ne mttlilinear operators will be assumed o be symmetric. 2,3,.-.,k X,Y Assume from now on tha% are Banach spaces. A linear operaor DIN!TiON 3. L fILl! is finite. IILII Tne quantity DEFINITION 4. For X from a k-linear operator (k-l)-linear operators from X of defined by L(X, L-(-’is-l,y)). ae NOTATION 3. (2.2), L(,Y). p and k the Banach norm) The bound (or X k-linear operatoms from Y into x+ _- operators from X DEFINITION 6. + on B by into Y. Let z qk (r i X L(,Y) + %_ + Pk positive solutions q (r) < i, r Ix X llx-zll PROOF. s (Sl,S2). r], where Claim I. Pk are bounded multilinear q(r) of degree qk r. qk(r)-r has two 0 or none. & s 2 I Assume that THEOREM i. o’ (r+ llz ll)- Note that by Descartes rule of signs [5] the equatio= of degree is bounded. r+" L’ llz II)-llz Y into and define the polynomial i )-z X from 1,2,-..,k From now on we assume be fixed in Pk +--- + Mi, is said to be bounded if its coefficients q(r) Then r maps Pk has two positive solutions s I < s 2 has a unique fixed point in the ball such that (z,r) (s,s) (Sl,S2). U(z,r) into U(z,r). l(x-zll l(x)-(z)+(z)-zll l%(-(z)ll+ ll(z)-ll I% I Ira2 ,(/ ,z )/...+ I% ,( (+ ,z ,)-+ ( llz ,)- ,z II+-- ,z if .+ + or q(r) (Note 0 Pk - Sr ,P(z)-z, which is true by hypothesis. that claim i is true even if Claim 2. in claim 1, will be Note that by Definitions (3) and () if An abstract polynomial operator defined by (x) k is said then DEFINITION 5. k Y into L(xk-I,Y), into Y. into L. X from being considered to be an element of with space of bounded denoted henceforth by (2.2) X to be bounded if it is a bounded linear operator from space of bounded is said to be bounded if (or norm) of is called the bound k 2 2, . lill u Y into s I s 2 and is a contraction operator on r [Sl,S2]). U(z,r). IF Xl,X2 U(z,r), then as 72 I.K. ARGYROS bui ql (r) < by hypothesis. The result now follows from the contraction mapping principle. DINITION 7. %( Define he polynomial I1-%_ it; I- llz IF + q}:(r of degree k on ]+ I%-i li. iz !# + %_ (r) + I1. (z)-. It. +--- + Note that z-’ I#o + .." " (’-)--. / IIMo-o " "-5_" " 11.-5. I1" if z * "-: I1- I1" i1"-I1" I1". " " + (F. z )-z " II- I1" I1" (1.2). is a fixed point of The proof of the following theorem follows from Theorem 1 and the above observation. THEOREM 2. Suppose that there exists a solution z satisfying (1.2) and that (r) k(r)-r point in has two positive solutions U(z,r), where (s,s) r APPLICATIONS. From now on we assume that THEOREM 3. k s < s I and 1 0. Then Theorem 2 becomes has a unique fixed Consider the equation M + z Suppose that there exists a solution 0 2 N2z satisfying (3.i) and z ilzll < [,/I1!1 (JIl-ll (I) Then (sl,s 2). 2 Pk 2. +,,/i111):]--. Then the equation x has a unique solution x U(z,a), Mo+M2x 2 (3.2) where 1 U(z,b) (II) Moreover, x b where [1-211"2 !1" IIz i1-1:(211"2 I1" IIz I1-- )2_t, i1"2-N2 11{2 Ii" Iiz I12 ]/2:1 (211"2 II) -. In practice, an exact solution of the auxiliary equation (3.i) can seldom be The following theorem, whose proof is similar to that of Theorem 2, guaran- obtained. tees that the original equation (3.2) has a solution even when we can only find an . approximate solution of THEOREM Let z (3.1). be fixed in X and set 1 _ [_ I1 z2’ o-z I!" IIz b IIM-N iiz I1 + IIz iil Ii/ POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE 73 then (I) (II) equation (3.2) U(z,b). this solution actually lies in Let us define the operator on PRO0Y. T(x) Claim i. T maps U(z,a)- has a unique solution zn U(z,r) into M 2: 0 by +M2 x2. U(z,r) for [b,a). r If x U(z,r) then M2 x2+ M0-z T(x)- z (M2-N2)(x-z+z)2+ N2(x-z )2 +2N2z(x-z)+ (N2z 2 +M0-z). (:11- i!+i1 I1:) which is true for T Claim 2. r (iiz IIi1- It/ I1 !1" ii’. I1-) + + I1- I!" IIz - iiz Ir 0 U(z,r) then + [a,b). U(z,r). is a contraction operator on If w,v ()-(v)i % M2 (w-z+v-z+Rz) (w-v) 2(r+llz|)ll!w-vM2 So T U(z,r) is a contraction on 0 for < r < a. Because Theorem h relies on the contraction mapping principle, it actually pro- (3.2), vides an iteration procedure for solving x 0 z REMARK 1. converges for any x (z,b) 0 progression with quotient M + 0 (+ z- - to the solution By Theorem 3 we have COROLLARY i. M2x (1 I1" liz II-z) q n 1,2,--. n i, 2, x of (3.2) at the rate of a geometric i1- i111 !1. Iiz 112] /. IIz !i) I (111" ii- I1-) -1il-I- II. I1. I1] a/. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3, the solution Theorem 3 satisfies PROOF. 2 0+M2xn The iteration Xn+I PROOF, and M Xn+I namely, set By Theorem 3, x obtained in I.K. ARGYROS 74 so that coo.u.z (I) (II) IIx . or ,. equation (3.2) moreover, x Apply - "11"011 < z, 11"11 U(MO,a), here x -11"1111"o 1111 t has a ique solution U(M0,b) b PROOF. uo X *c ii:o i/ eorem where I1" I1o I!- -11 I1" "o 11 3 with M2 0 We now state R’s theorem for comparison. TOR 5. (I) If equation }M.Mo<I (3.2) M z d O. e proof c be fod in [8], []. then has a solution X x satising 2 11 !111"o 1111 (II) moreover, PROPOSITION 1. x que is in U(x,R), here Asse" theses of eor 3, 5 e ’satisfied; (11-12-)) zi l o1 > o. (I) (z) the + PROOF. By Theorem 3, x-zil b so llx! b+ll By Theorem 5, x so it is enough to show or - (II.IFII.-. il)11 zll IIz + !i’11 > o and the result follows from REMARK 2. (a) (II). If the evaluation of we can look for a z II M2-N2 such that: in Theorem 3 is difficult, then POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE 75 2J 1t%1 (J IP’-2-21 + 4 It% Ii) and sar the iteration wiT.,h z z" O we can apply the theorem in the bali (b} z-211%1!. U(z,a’). (211%!!. .ll-z)2 1!%1i +1! 211.21 .1i , )1i provided that the quantity under the radical is nonnegative. b a’ < a, EXAMPLE I. a and ?/ Also note that sice c U(z,a’ c U(z,a). For the equation of Chandrasekhar, l+x(s)01 s x(t )dr, s x(s) X 2 a’ < we have U(z,b) we have b where C[0,1] Q(x) x(s) (s) X X defined by x(t)dt M :X X X 2 is quadratic since the symmetric bilinear operator M2(x,y) Q The operator with the sup-norm. (3.3) y(t)dt+y(s) X defined by x(t)dt satisfies M2(x,x) We will prove that the norm IIM211 Q(x) for all in 2. Now s- dt X. x in 2 and since always Q we obtain in 2 g 11"2 I1" It- The proof will be completed if we prove that I1%11 But by the definition of in 2. "2, ilM2 x T dt S =in2 SO I1" in 2. We now apply Theorem 5 and Corollary 2 to (3.3) with 5, equation (3.3) has a unique solution in R provided that i- 4X in 2 > 0, i.e., U(x,R), J!-4l B= XM 2. According to Theorem where in 2 2k in 2 k < .36067"’’. According to Corollary 2, I.K. ARGYROS 76 equation (3.3, has a uniaue solution wner6 l-2X in 2kin 2 (II) moreover, U(l,a), x l-hl in 2 > O, 2-9/i-X l-2k in a provided that where in 2 2k in 2 i.e., k < .36067"". One can now see by comparing the above that Corollary 2 under the same condition on gives a better information on the location of the solution than Theorem 5 [8], []. of Our next goal is to use Theorem h to obtain solutions of (3.3) for a wider range k. It is not necessary to assume B has any connection with Chandrasekhar’s equation in Proposition 2 or 3. PROPOSITION 2. If z E X is a solution of the equation + z kMe(z,z],.. satisfying then for where c. [, I1 IIz II(--x I1 II-IIz II)]- the conclusions of Theorem 3 for the equation x M + 0 klM2(x,x) hold. PROOF. To apply Thoerem 3 we need I111 < i:J.. I111 (dl.-hl Iil + Jh I111)]- since we have or by taking the square root of both sides of the above inequality and using h< (e Ie I1"11 II) -x we get e =t =o If z ono is not (-) < oe tm t i=at zo IIz II- exact solution of the quaatic eqtion z M 0 + 2z,z), then we can use the following generalization of Proposition POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE Le PROPOSITIOn( I. C z be flxed in i > C }, and 77 and k Tnen for any satisfying k < k_ < M x has a unique solution in U(z,a), C the equation O/XIM2(x,x) and in fact this solution lies in U(z,b). Here i I PROOF. Similar to Proposition 2. REMARK 3. According to Corollary 2 or Theorem 5 and the discussion following Example i, Chandrasekhar’ s equation z(s) has a solution z l+kM2(z(s),z(s)) provided that k < l+ksz(S)o s+t .36067376"’’. the iteration suggested in Remark 1 for a sttitable range of l .424059379"’’. until (3 dt But now using Proposition 3 and x 0 ZN(I we can extend the Here are some characteristic values for norm of the corresponding approximate solution ZN(1) and C l the I(). llzN()ll 1.44474532 .38h363732 1.53401867 39512252 .399942101 .40524h331 .4 1.5981923 1.6833661 420163281 .k23 1.6961/4492k .423011429 .42h 1.7005561 1.70073716 .42400047 35 .38 1.558263525 39 .4 .42h059378 .424059379 1.700973721 .424059379 .424059379 Note that the above results coincide at least at six decimal places with the ones obtained in [2], [3] and [I0]. REFERENCES i. 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