Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 4 (1986) 721-730 721 AN APPLICATION OF THE RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES SHIGEYOSHI OWA Department of Mathematics Kinki University Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577, Japan SEIICHI FUKUI Department of Mathematics Wakayama University Wakayama 640, Japan XOICHI SAKAGUCHI Department of Mathematics Nara University of Education Nara 630, Japan and SHOTARO OGAWA Department of Mathematics Kinki University Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577, Japan (Received January 15, 1986) ABSTRACT. Let Df(z) be the Ruscheweyh derivative defined by using the Hadamard I+. are introduced and Certain new classes z) f(z) and z/(l The object of the present paper is to by virtue of the Ruscheweyh derivative. product of S establish several interesting properties of J (f) integral operator of f(z) Further, some results for and are shown. Ruscheweyh derivative, Hadamard product, starlike function, convex function, integral operator. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Primary 30C45. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. denote the class of functions of the form Let INTRODUCTION. f(z) Y- n=O an+ z which are analytic in the unit disk 0 {z: Izl < belonging to (l.l) I) (a I}. Let consisting of univalent functions in the unit disk of U n+l denote the subclass of A function f(z) is said to be starlike with respect to the origin in the unit disk if it satisfies . . Re for all z {zf’(z} > f(z) We denote by the origin in the unit disk (1.2) 0 the class of all starlike functions with respect to A function f(z) belonging to is said to be 722 S. OWA, S. FUKUI, K. SAKAGUCHI AND S. OGAWA convex in the unit disk if it satisfies zf"(z)} "(z) > Re {I + z U. for all we K S’c- S. 1,2) in A f.(z) n=O and that n+l (a jz I). j fl*f2(z) (or convolution product) product Hadamard Se , be given by an+ l 3 Then the zf’(z) if and only if f.(z) (j Let the class of all convex functions in the unit disk denote by f(z) We note that (1.3) 0 fl(z) of and f2(z) is defined by n=OZ an+l,lan+l,2 fl *f2(z) z n+l (1.5) By the Hadamard product, we define z Daf(z) z) 1+ (1 the A f(z) for The symbol Ruscheweyh derivative of Def(z) >- (a *f(z) (1.6) l) was introduced by Ruscheweyh [I], and is called f(z). To derive our results, we have to recall here the following lemmas. LEMMA #(0) satisfy and 6 (161 be analytic in the unit disk Let #(z) and g(z) ([2]). O. Suppose that for each g(O) O, #’(0) # O, g’(O) I), we have (z)* 0 (z U), C(z) lw(z)l z 0, < [z[ < (.7) ,) and satisfying analytic in the unit disk ,(z) > o "*g(z)" (z Re U ). {F(z)} (t.8) attains Let w(z) be regular in the unit disk its maximum value on the circle U Izl with r (0 < w(0) r < I) O. Then, at a point we can write ZoW’ (z O) where (0 0 F.g(z). LEMMA 2 ([3]). if g(z) I) we have Re where + 6z -z F(z) Then for each function > and (II m is real and LEMMA 3 ([4]). m > mW(Zo), I. For a real number z(Daf(z)) (a + a (a >-I), we have l)Da+If(z) -aDaf(z). (1.9) 723 AN APPLICATION OF THE RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES Note that (1.9) holds true for REMARK. LEMMA 4 ([5]) (u,v) Let complex plane) and let u u =-I. : be a complex function, + iu2, v + v! iv CC(C is Suppose that 2. the satisfies the following conditions (i) (u,v) (ii) (!,o)D and (iii) Re{(iu 2, vl)} < . p’()) . D fo= al for z 2. PROPERTIES OF THEOREM I. D f(z) Re{(l,O)} > 0; 0 (0 Df(z). < z and such that v the in Re{(p(z), zp’(z))} If > *Df(z) [!), > then Re p(z) 0 and satisfy the condition Z z(Df(z)) Def(z) De(zf’(z)) Def(z) z) (I is also in the class z/(l z) l+e, (2.1) *f(z) z) f(z), g(z) * (z)) I+ *(zf’ z ( 6 =-I, #(z) 2 u2)/2" such that (p(z), unit disk 0 (z (! + We note that PROOF. Setting < Applying Lemma I, we prove f(z) be in the class I) for a __>- I. Then Let < regular be D (iu2,v I) 0 for all + pl z + p2 z 2 + p(z) Let D; is continuous in F(z) and zf’(z)/f(z) in Lemma 1, we have z(Df(z))’} Re a which implies D < Izl < I) 3. e for PROOF. Since De(zf’(z)) f(z) $ THE CLASSES >__-I. f(z) Then Def(z) AND (2.2) and satisfy the condition , Theorem In view of Theorems (f(z) {f(z) E A: e D f(z). e => -1} i A: f(z) ( K,: Now, we derive: THEOREM 3. PROOF For For f(z) >_ O, we have e+l’ z(Def(z))’ Def(z) derives z(Def(z)) and 2, we can introduce the follow- and K 0 Def(z) ing classes; S" De(zf’(z)) is also in the class if and only if zf’(z) Hence we have U), (z 0 Let f(z) be in the class THEOREM 2. (0 . > Def(z) +I we define the function + w(z) w(z) (w(z) w(z) by 1). S. OWA, S. FUKUI, K. SAKAGUCHI AND S. OGAWA 724 Then, with Lemma 3, we have z(Def(z))’ Def(z) f(z) D + e Def(z) (I + e) + (I (I + e)(l + e} (3.2) w(z)) Differentiating both sides of (3.2) logarithmically, it follows that zD D e+l e+1 Suppose that for + w(z) w(z) + (I f(z))’ f(z) z 2zw’(z) w(z)){(l + e) + (! (3.3) e)w(z)}" 0 (w(z O) + 1). (3.4) Then it follows from Lemma 2 that z0w’ (z 0) row(z0) where m is real and m Re{ i60 >= I. z0(D w(z 0) Setting e+l we obtain e f(z 0))’ De+ f z0 + w(z 0) w(z 0) 2mw(z0) ,}+Re{ w(z0)){(1 (1 cos8 O) m(1 < + ) + (i a)W(Zo))) O, (3.5) M where M {e(l cosS0) + (I This contradicts that I(,.)I <, f(z) THEOREM 4. For Re Def(z) @ -)cosS0}2sin280 e+l" {II" + w(’z w(z. > 0, S > e O, we have {id}, e where id is the identity function Note that + {a + (I f(z) Dez z Therefore, w(z) 6as to satisfy uha z(Def(z))’’} S* PROOF. that zU. fora Re which implies -e)sin280 }2 the hypothesis f(z) for all z. , and that (3.6) AN APPLICATION OF THE RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES Re for all a. {} D z > (zf_U) 0 id Consequently, we conclude that . a for all f(z) For the converse, we assume that the function S class Z n=O a > 0. f(z) Is in the S*. + I) r(n + n!r( + I) an+IZ n+1 " S* It is well known that lan+ll for . belonging to Then we have D f(z) for all 725 < n (n> I) + This implies = r(n + + I) n!r( + I) an+l < n +1 (n > 1), (3.7) (n > 1) (3.8) or llan+ll < (n + l)!r(a + I) r(n + a + I) = > 0. Therefore, we have f(z) By virtue of Theorem 3, we prove: _> 0, we have THEOREM 5. For for all z. Ka+ PROOF. K. By Theorem 3, it follows that f(z) Da+If(z) K z(Da+if(z)) Da+l(zf (z)) Ka+l zf’ (z) E Sa+ I ====zf’ (z) (5 === ma(zf S (z)) .z(Dafz)) This asserts the result of the theorem. THEOREM 6. FOR a > O, S* S* we have S* S S. OWA, S. FUKUI, K. SAKAGUCHI AND S. OGAWA 726 Ka {id}, f(z) where id is the identity function z. The proof of Theorem 6 is similar to that of Theorem 4. Furthermore, an application of Lemma 4 to the classes THEOREM 7. f(z) be in the class Let {I Df(z)) z Re < where < 8 > Daf(z)} + I/2(8-I). A * f(z) p(z) u #(u,v) + u is > Re{#(l,0)} ! (3.9) p(z) by (3.1o) Differentiating (3.10) logarithmically, we have zp’ (z) + i. p(z) + (A- I) 8- Zg’(z) iu 2 and zp’(z) v (3.11) in u (u,v) by (3.13) (C -{I-A})xC, Moreover, for all (3.12) + I. + (A- I) D U). (z 0 and define the function iv2, V 8- continuous 0. + v > + I} p(z) + (A- I) 8- (u,v) Then (ze 28 it follows that a’ Re Let Then p(z) + (A- I) z(Daf(z)) Daf(z) Since >-I. gives: 3/2. A where with and 8-I We define the function PROOF. * a together and (iu2, Vl) D such (I,0) with that v < 0, < -(I + D and u22)/2, we can show that v Re {dp(iu2,vl)} < for < 8 < 3/2. Re p(z) Re AIDaf(z)l z 2 + (A- I) 0 , .} + 2 2) "2) 2{u22 + (A- + z for -(A- I)} > 8 COROLLARY I. 3/2 Let in Theorem f(z) (z 0 7, we have: be in the class * It that is, This completes the assertion of Theorem 7. Taking (3.14) satisfies the conditions in Lemma 4. #(u,v) > u (A- I)(1 + u -I 8- Hence the function follows from this fact that Re {. 8- with e > -I. Then ). (3.15) AN APPLICATION OF THE RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES I/2 af() COROLLARY 2. f(z) Let < where < PROOF. (3.16) be in the class "i[Daf[z))’# B-I Re 727 > > a with -I. Then (z 2B -E. U), (3.17) 3/2. Note that Ks ====> Df(z) f(z) ==== K S* (z)) E S* z(Def( z))’ D(zf <==== zf’ (z) E S*, which implies D(zf’(z)) (Df(z)),. Therefore, we have the corollary with the aid of Theorem 7. INTEGRAL OPERATOR J (f). We define the integral operator c 4. j (f) z.j + c z for A f(z) [6]. Livingston [8]. Bernardi . THEOREM 8. the class The operator f(z) tc_if(t)dt J (f) the by (4.1) (c >-1) when be in the class Define the function z(DJ (f))’ DJ(f) N c operator $, PROOF. c 0 In particular, Let J (f) Jl $ {i, 2, 3, (f) was with studied => 0. was studied by by Libera Then J(f) [7] and is also in w(z) by + w(z) -w(z) (w(z) I). (4.2) Then, by taking the differentiation of both sides logarithmically, we have 2(DJ(f))" + z(DJ(f)) z(DJ(f)) DJ (f) z2(D=f(z)) + z(DaJa(f) )’ 2zw’ (z) (I + w(z))(l w(z)) (4.3) Since z(z(Def(z))’) z(Def(z)) ’, (4.4) we can see that z2(DC*f(z)) ((, + l)z(DC*+If(z)) (c, + l)z(Daf(z)) (4.5) 728 S. OWA, S. FUKUI, K. SAKAGUCHI AND S. OGAWA by Lemma 3. J(f) Furthermore, it follows from the definition of a+l Daf(z) D that Ja( f)- (4.6) By using (4.5) and (4.6), we have z 2 Daja (f))" (a + l)z(Sa+IJa(f) )’ (a + l)z(Daf(z)) (a + (a + l)z(Daja(f)) 1)z(DaJa(f)) ’. (4.7) With the aid of Lemma 3, we have z(DaJe(f)) -aDaJe(f). l)Daf(z) (a + (4.8) Consequently, from (4.3), we obtain <a +, al)z(.Daf(z)) z(D l)Daf(z), (a + Ja(f))’ D a Ja 2zw’(z) (1 + w(z))(1 (f) w(z))’ (4.9) or (a [z(Daf(z)) +_l)Daf(z)_ z(DaJa (f))’ DaJa D af(z) z(DaJa(f)) 2zw’ (z) (I + w(z))(l (f) (4 I0) w(z))" Since (4.8) implies (a + z it follows from l)Daf(z DaJa aD + (f) )’ z Ja (f) DaJ ( + a) + ( + w(z) (f) )’ (4.11) (4.10) that z(Daf(z))’ Daf(z) + w(z) + (l w(z) 2zw’(z) w(z)){(l + a) + (I a)w(z)}" (4.12) By assuming Izl lzol for z0 U I <z)l and using the same technique as in the proof of Theorem 3, we can show that Re {. z(DaJa (f))’ Daja Thus we conclude that COROLLARY 3. function. Re {I + w(z)} w(z) > f Ja(f) (z 0 U). (4 13) is in the class Let f(z) be in the class (Zp+iFp(a+l where I-<zo)l a+l ,I p+IFp(a ,..., ap+ 81 ,..., 8p;Z) Sa a+2 with ..... a > O. Then, for pN , a+2; z))*f(z) denotes the generalized hypergeometric 729 AN APPLICATION OF THE RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES It is easy to see that PROOF. t-I + a Ja (f) In +++ n=0 an+l z E for . f(z) an+ t n+l) E n=0 0 z dt n+l (4.14) (z2F l(a+l ,I ;a+2;z))*f(z) Therefore, by Theorem 8, we have (Z2Fl(+l l;+2;z))*f(z) * Repeating the same manner, we conclude that f(z) , , Sa (z2Fl(a+l, l’a+2"z))*f(z) Sa (z3F2(a+l,a+l,1;a+2,a+2"z))*f(z) Sa .(Zp+iFp(a+l,...,a+l,l’a+2,-.-,a+2;z))*f(z) a. Finally, we prove THEOREM 9. Let f(z) be in the class a Then with J=(f) is also in the class PROOF. In view of Theorem 5, we can see that f(z) z(Daf(z))’ Ka D(zf’ (z)) <-_-- * f’ (z) Da(j(zf’)) <=F z(DJa(f) )’ W=2DaJ (f) . S J.(zf’(z)) S* S . K which completes the proof of Theorem 9. COROLLARY 4. (Zp+iF (+I ..., Let f(z) +I I;+2 with be in the class a+2;z))*f(z) K a p denotes the generalized hypergeometrlc function. where >= O. Then, for P p+IFp(a I, ’=p+l ;B N, ...,8 p ;z) S. OWA, S. FUKUI, K. SAKAGUCHI AND S. 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