715 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No 4 (1986) 715-720 CHARACTERIZATIONS OF SOME NEAR-CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS AND NEAR-OPEN FUNCTIONS C.W. BAKER Department of MatLiematics Indiana University Southeast New Albany, Indiana 47150 (Received April 7, 1986) ABSTRACT. A subset N 0-nelghborhood of of a topological space is defined to be a U x if there exists an open set x E U CI such that to characterize the following types of functions: U N. This concept is used weakly continuous, 0-contlnuous, strongly 0-continuous, almost strongly 0-cbntinuous, weakly S-continuous, weakly open Additional characterizations are given for weakly and almost open functions. The concept of 0-neighborhood is also used to define the fol- -continuous functions. 0-open, strongly 0-open, almost strongly 0-open, and lowing types of open maps: weakly -open functions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. O-neighborhood, weakly continuous function, O-continuous function, strongly O-continuous function, almost strongly O-continuous function, weakly S-continuous function, weakly open function, almost open fnction, O-open function, strongly O-open function, almost strongly O-open function, weakly S-open function. 19B0 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 54C10. I. INTRODUCTION. Near-contlnulty has been investigated by many authors including Levlne [I], Long and Herrlngton [2], Noirl [3], and Rose [4]. Rose [5] and Singal and Singal [6]. Near-openness has been developed by The purpose of this note is to characterize sev- eral types of near-continuity and near-openness in terms of the concept of 0- neighborhood. These characterizations clarify both the nature of these functions and Additional characterizations of weak S-contlnulty are the relationships among them. given. The concept of 0-neighborhood also leads to the definition of several new types of near-open functions. 2. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION. The symbols X Y and denote sumed unless explicitly stated. U U and the interior of U topological spaces with no separation axioms as- Let U be a subset of a space are denoted by CI U is said to be regular open (regular closed) if 0-closure (-closure) (Velicko [7]) of U and U Int U X. Int CI U (U is the set of all The closure of respectively. x in The set CI Int U). X The such that every closed neighborhood (the interior of every closed neighborhood) of x intersects C.W. BAKER 716 the collection of all X space e-open e-open (-open) respec- A set is ClU). (u For a given -open sets and the collection of all with the X The space form topologies. CIU and if its complement is e-closed (-closed). e-open (6-open) said to be U (6-closed) if is called e-closed U The set tively. CleU CleU are denoted by U The e-closure and the -closure of U. sets both topology will be signified X e (X). s by DEFINITION I, A function X f: Y is said to be weakly continuous (Levine [I]) (e-continuous (Fomin [8]), strongly 0-continuous (Long and Herrington [2]), almost strongly e-continuous (Noiri and Kang [9]), weakly -continuous (Baker [I0])) if for each x e X U hood V and each open neighborhood of f(U) such that x Int CI V, f(Int CI U) CI V f(x), there exists an open neighbor- (f(Cl U) f(Cl U) CI V, X f: Y (f(U) N (x CI U A subset N Int CI U X of a space x in X a point e U U f(U) X, of Int CI f(U)). DEFINITION 3. ne.ighborhood) of f(Cl U) is said to be weakly open (Rose [5]) (almost open (Rose [5])) provided that for each open subset Int f(Cl U) V, CI V). A function DEFINITION 2. of is said to be a e-neighborhood (6- if there exists an open set U such that x N). Note that a e-neighborhood is not necessarily a neighborhood in the e-topology, but a -neighborhood is a neighborhood in the -topology. 3. NEAR-CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS. The main results can be paraphrased as follows: ,,f-i (e-neighborhood) neighborhood"; e-nelghborhood"; neighborhood) weak continuity corresponds to e-continuity corresponds to ,,f-I strong e-continuity corresponds to "f e-neighborhood"; almost strong e-continuity corresponds to’ -I hood) (e- -I (neighbor- nelghborhoo e-nelghborhood", and weak -contlnuity corresponds to ,,f-I (e-nelghborhood) -nelghborhood THEOREM I. A function f: X Y is weakly continuous if and only if for each x in X and each Assume PROOF. such that N of f-l(N) f(x), x e X Let is weakly continuous. is a neighborhood of Then there exists an open set V and let such that N f(U) CI V N. f-l(N) x e U Thus f-l(N) and hence x. be a CI V f(x) e V is weakly continuous, there exists an open neighborhood f Since f f(x). neighborhood of N. e-nelghborhood U of x is a neighborhood of x. Assume for each neighborhood of CI V x. x e X Let and each e-neighborhood x e X U for which U x V f-l(cl f(x), is a e-neighborhood of an open set and let f -i (Cl V) N of x that f-l(N) be an open neighborhood of V) is a neighborhood of and f(U) Cl V x. is a f(x). Since Thus there is which proves f is weakly continuous. THEOREM 2. X A function and each e-nelghborhood X f: N of Y f(x), is e-continuous if and only if for each f-l(N) is a e-neighborhood of x. x in CHARACTERIZATIONS OF SOME NEAR-CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS PROOF. Assume neighborhood’ f(x). of Y X f: f(Cl U) ! C1 V N. neighborhood of U C1 U f-l(N) g x X in and hence and for each 0-neighborhood Let x. x X g f-l(c1 f(x), is a 0-neighborhood of CI V and thus f V and let Hence there exists an open set U for which f(Cl U) f(x) e V =CIV for which U of f-l(N) such th. t x is a 0- x. is a 0-neighborhood of C1 V x be a 0- N and let f, there exists an open neighborhood Thus Assume for each Since V Then there exists an open set By the 0-continuity of N. x e X Let is 0-continuous. 717 of f(x) f that V) is a 0-neighborhood of f-l(c I C1 U V). -i (N) f(x). be an open neighborhood of U x N x. That is, is 0-continuous. The proof of the following theorem is similar to that of Theorem 2 and is omitted. THEOREM 3. each X x in A function x A funciton X in X f: is strongly 0-continuous if and only if for N and each neighborhood THEOREM 4. for each Y X f: f(x), of Y f -I (N) is a 0-neighborhood of x. is almost strongly 0-continuous if and only if N and each -neighborhood of f(x), f-l(N) is a 0-neighborhood of x. PROOF. N Assume -i (N) U which proves that Assume for each 0-neighborhood of U Hence there is an open set Int C1 V f(Cl U) THEOREM 5. N of f-l(Int f(x) f X N Y x e U f -I !Cl U ! f (Int C1 V). f -I (N) be a space and Then x intersects H} and CI H {x e X: every -neighobrhood of x intersects H}. The proof follows easily from the definitions. For X f: Y (a) f: (b) For each Hi X, (c) For each K Y, C1 6 (d) f: Y X X S the following statements are equivalent: is weakly -continuous. Y x. That is, f(Cl H)! f-1(K x. [9] for almost strongly 0-continuous functions. H ! X. o THEOREM 6. Since These results are analogous every 0-neighborhood of (b) is a The following theorem {x e X: C1 (N) f(x). is a -neighborhood of H (a) -I is weakly -continuous if and only if for each f(x), of to those obtained by Noiri and Kang in X that is a 0-neighborhood of C1 V) gives additional characterizations of weak -continuity. Let x e U C1 U x. The proof of this theorem is similar to that of Theorem 4. LEMMA. Then is almost strongly 0-continuous. f: and each 0-neighborhood and let such that be an open neighborhood of V and let such that and hence A function Int C1 Vc N. is a 0-neighborhood of f(x), is a 6-neighborhood of Int C1 V x e X (N) x e X Let f(Cl U) and each -neighborhood X x x. f -i x e X is almost strongly 0-continuous, there exists f for which x V Then there exists an open set Since of Let is almost strongly 0-continuous. f(x). V Int CI V N. f(x) e an open neighborhood ! f Y X f: be a -neighborhood of C1 e f(H). f-i (Cl e is weakly continuous. K). C.W. BAKER 718 C16 f-l(N) in H . Let (c). y Let (d). x 0 f-i X (a). Y s x CI g f(Cl6 f-l(K)) f-l(N H, = H) f(Cl CI n . H f(f-l(K)) ! CI 0 That is, f(H). 0 CI 0 K. Thus . CI V) X f-I (CI0 Hence x CI V). (Y 0 U Thus there is a neighborhood CI V. f(Int CI U) Then CI V Since of CI V). (y such that x Int CI U Since is is a is weakly continuous. Y x CI f(x) f(x). be an open neighborhood of V -open C1 V and hence W set U Then there is a regular open set f(U) ! f(W) f(x). be an open neighborhood of V and let is weakly continuous, there exists a f(Int CI U) 4. Thus Cl V). (y X Let CI V. f(W) f(H). and let f(x), (y f: regular open, X g CI f-i x (Int CI U) (d) 0 Since By (b) K ! Y. a 0-neighborhood of By (c) CI g x. By Theorem 5 f(x). be a 0-neighborhood of N x f-l(cl0 K). CI f-l(K) (c) Hence Then there exists an H). f(Cl y and let Let is a -neighborhood of N n f(H) # (b) f(x). y such that HX Let (a) => (b). PROOF. W. U g x for which f: Since such that x containing Then is weakly -continuous. f NEAR-OPEN FUNCTIONS. In this section weak openness and almost openness are characterized in terms of the concept of 0-neighborhood. THEOREM 7. A function PROOF. Assume of x. ly open U x Assume for each x such that neighborhood of f(x). Thus U be an open set in Int f(Cl U) f(U) X. N of x Suppose x is a neighborhood of f(Cl U) x, CI U ! N. Since f is weakf(N) is a neighborhood of f(x). U Hence and each 0-neighborhood Let is a 0-neighborhood of and f be a 0-neighborhood N and let g X in x X g f(U) ! Int f(Cl U) ! Int f(N). f(x) Int f(Cl U). Let is weakly open. f X x f(x). is a neighborhood of x, f(N) Then there is an open set of is weakly open if and only if for each Y X f: N and each 0-neighborhood f(x). that f(N) is a U. Since CI U Hence f(x) is weakly open. The proof of the following theorem is similar and is omitted. THEOREM 8. A function f: and each neighborhood Theorem N of X Y is almost open if and only if for each x, CI f(N) x g X f(x). is a 0-neighborhood of and the characterizations of near-continuous functions in Section 3 suggest the following definitions of near-open functions. DEFINITION 4. A function f: X Y is said to be 0-open almost strongly 0-open, weakly -open) if for each (neighborhood, -neighborhood, -neighborhood) N x of (-neighborhood, 0-neighboehood, -neighborhood) of g X x, (strongly 0-open, and each 0-neighborhood f() is a 0-neighborhood f(x). The following theorems characterize these near-open functions in terms of the closure and interior operators. Since the proofs are all similar, only the first theorem is proved. THEOREM 9. A function f: each open neighborhood that CI V ! f(Cl U). U of X Y is 0-open if and only if for each x, there exists an open neighborhood V x of X and f(x) such 719 CHARACTERIZATIONS OF SOME NEAR-CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS PROOF. borhood of V set Assume x. such that Y X f: Assume that for each V x e X be a 0-neighborhood of V There exists an open set THEOREM I0. X x f(x) THEOREM ii. x e X f(x) X f(x) X !Cl V there exists f(N). ! f(Cl U) N and let CI U x e U N. f(N) Hence 0-open if and only if for each is strongly Y U of Y X V x, there exists an open neighborhood of U 0-open if and only if for each is almost strongly of there exists an open neighborhood x V of V of ! f(Int CI U). A function f: X and each open neighborhood such that f(x) e V for which x x e X f(U). A function f: C1 V U of Let is 0-open. f and each open neighborhood such that THEOREM 12. x and A function f: CI V f(Cl U). CI V for which and each open neighborhood such that U and each open neighborhood such that f(x) is a 0-neighborhood of be an open neigh- f(x), there exists an open Then there is an open set x. U and let f(Cl U). f(x) of x e X Let is a 0-neighborhood of CI V f(x) e V an open neighborhood 0-open. is f(Cl U) Since Int CI V is weakly 6-open if and only if for each Y U of We have the following implications: 0-open => 0-open => weak x, there exists an open neighborhood f(Cl U). 6-open implications are not reversible. {a, b}, T EXAMPLE I. Let X {a} {a, b}}. The inclusion mapping: <= st. 0-open => almost st. almost open => weak open. The following examples show that these , {X, {a}}, (X, T I) Y, T {a, b, c}, and Y 2) T 2 , ={Y, is weak open but not weak -open. In the next example the space EXAMPLE 2. T 2 {Y, (X, T I) (X, TI) be as in Example I. Let Y {a, b, c, d}. and {a}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}, {a, c, d}}. (Y, T2) EXAMPLE 3. (Y, T 2) Let (Y, T 2) is from Example 2.2 in Noiri and Kang [9]. is weak Let S-open, but (Y, T 2) The inclusion mapping: not 0-open. be as in Example 2. The identity mapping: (Y, T 2) is 0-open but not almost strongly 0-open. EXAMPLE 4. Let {c}, {a, c}, {a, b}}. X {a, b, c}, T , {X, The identity mapping: {a}, {a, c}} (X, T I) (X, T2) and T2 {X, , {a}, is almost strongly 0-open and almost open, but not strongly 0-open. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. LEVINE, Norman, A Decomposition of Continuity in Topological Spaces, Amer. Math. Monthly 68(1961) 44-46. LONG, Paul E. and HERRINGTON, Larry L., Strongly 0-Continuous Functions, J. Korean Math. Soc. 18(1981) 21-28. NOIRI, Takashi, On S-Continuous Functions, J. Korean Math. Soc. 16(1980) 161-166. 4. ROSE, David A., Weak Continuity and Almost Continuity, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 7(1984) 311-318. 5. ROSE, David A., Weak Openness and Almost Openness, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 7(1984) 35-40. C.W. BAKER 720 6. SINGAL, M. 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