Farmer’s management of crop diversity in coastal agrosystems of Hue region, Vietnam Research contributors: T.V.Tuyen, J.L.Pham, M.Bellon, T.V.Minh, L.D.Huong, N.T.Cach, D.T.Son Sponsors: SDC, IRRI, IDRC, IPGRI, & Hue Univ. of Agri & Forestry. Study sites in the coastal ecosystem in Huê region coastal isolated Tam Giang lagoon Huê coastal integrated Residence, garden and rice fields are integrated A rice farmer household A rice farmer woman in her garden taking care of her sesame No. of Winter-Spring rice cultivars: Accumulation level & Change over time - Coastal Landscape - Sub-agrosystems - Village (Ave. of 3) - Household - Plot level 31(1996) – 25 (2001) (Isolated) (Integrated) 15 - 13 23 - 29 9-7 10 - 8 3.0 – 2.2 2.6 – 2.1 ≈1 ≈1 N h T. Vars h D a g m n u a h M h m d d 7 a a n u m m 9 la u 4 Q T o 8 2 u la o m m c 3 K Q e IR 9 X g T n C u a o d o N e N p e s p N N g e n h u e u o m o B 8 c 4 3 g y g 1 n a n 6 a c a g H C a H N IR n 6 8 G u L tr T N p M v e ke lu 6 3 B o p o a e a c N IR C T. Vars K C g Q N th m s 2 1 0 m ie m N g x 1 0 a h u C m p n e m 8 o 3 s IR m a N u u h Q C 1 5 T C C o 5 0 s y m a 6 0 u u c n 7 0 a h o c a ra -1 8 0 H o c p 9 W/S V ar dis tr ib ution in 1996 (% obs ) 3 0 e p e 7 3 5 H e N U W/S var . dis tr ib u tio n (% ob s ) 4 0 Distribution of Winter-S. rice cultivars in 1996 (% hhs) 2 5 2 0 68% varieties 5 0 9 0 Distribution of Winter-S. rice cultivars in 2000 (% hhs) 4 0 3 0 2 0 83% varieties 0 Factor explaining changes in rice diversity: (1) The catastrophic flood in 1999 Usual rainfall distribution & special in 1999 in Hue region 3000 Monthly Rainfall (mm) 2500 2000 Average 1500 In 1999 1000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Impact of catastrophic flood (Nov. 99) on farmers’ seeds & varieties 100 100 100 90 80 70 6 8 .3 60 S eed s lo s t 50 V ariety lo s t 40 30 A d o p ted new -M V 3 3 .3 2 4 .4 2 3 .1 Is o lated (N = 41) Integrated (N = 39) 20 10 0 The catastrophic flood (Nov. 99) reduced rice area (TVs) at household level because of moving sands 4500 4000 3500 3000 M V a r e a in W S 2500 T V a r e a in W S 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 9 9 6 - I s o la te d 2 0 0 1 - I s o la te d 1 9 9 6 - I n te g r a te d 2 0 0 1 - in te g r a te d Factor explaining changes in rice & crop diversity: - (2) The farm diversification The diversification: Directions of main flows among farm sub-systems Farmer’s interest and external factors Others TV rice MV rice Other crops Animal Change in importance of income sources & crop diversity Rice Animal husbandary Other crops Trees Others # Trational rice varieties # Taro landraces Integrated Isolated = = + = + = = -++ = The diversification favors loosing rice traditional varieties, but helps maintain inter-crop diversity Ex. - No relation b/w No. of rice cultivars & No. of crops per HH - Pig husbandry at HHs helps conserve taro landraces as feed No of rice cultivars, taro landraces & crops at HH level in an integrated village 8 .0 7 .5 7 .3 7 .0 6 .0 5 .2 5 .0 # c ro p s /h h 4 .0 # ta ro v a rs /h h 3 .0 2 .0 1 .4 1 .7 1 .5 1 .0 0 .0 1 r ic e v a r / h h 2 r ic e v a r s / h h 3 r ic e v a r s / h h Taro landraces & their distribution in an integrated village (% hhs) 40 3 9 .4 35 3 0 .3 30 3 0 .3 25 20 15 10 6 .1 5 3 3 3 3 3 0 män Män ao ch áú m män män Män män män män Män n æå cï saïp n g o tü â oí saïp têm Implication: Targeted ecosites & populations for on-farm conservation • Abundant landraces (e.g. rice TVs & Taro) are season, agroecology and community specific • Rare populations, long-term adaptation & evolution cultivars are HHs specific but across sites/communities Implication: Targeted working levels for on-farm conservation • Cultivars & their abundance at HH are subjects of farmers, but support systems, e.g. seeds, play influential roles • Cultivar variation among HHs is fundamental for diversity at larger scale of agrosystem. This is subject of community arrangement. Response: Examples, Participatory Research on building awareness of diversity & agro-supports for: - Sustaining rice diversity over catastrophic events, such as flood - Increase assess to genetic resource (e.g. preferred varieties) 48.8% hhs at isolated villages & 20.5% at the integrated wanted to re-use some of the lost varieties • Improve seed infrastructure at HH & community level, • Include traditional varieties into the formal seed & agro-support systems, for example: – build awareness of diversity & farmer’s preference; – Conduct analyses of local policy on agro-supports A community Loudspeaker at the village headman’s house Rice farmer participants in a community crop diversity contest Rice seed & crop samples displayed at the community crop diversity contest Thank you