Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 326&327 (2003) 125–129 Structural investigations of the Se–Ag–I system T. Petkova a,* , M. Mitkova a,b , Mir. Vlcek c, S. Vassilev a a c Central Laboratory for Electrochemical Power Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl 11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria b Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-6206, USA Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Nam. Cs. Legii 565, Pardubice 532 10, Czech Republic Abstract Glasses from the Se–Ag–I system have been investigated. Structural information is gathered based on results col delected by a combination of several types of diffraction measurements. First coordination sphere at r ¼ 2:3–2:5 A termined by radial distribution function calculations can be assumed to be composed by Se–Ag and Ag–I correlations in the network units and Se–Se correlation in the Se cluster units. The interatomic distances and average bond angles decrease with the introduction of additives to selenium. The Raman spectra reveal that the introduction of silver and iodine, in particular, brings about a shift of the Se chain stretching mode towards lower wave numbers (251–236 cm1 ). Apparently, the newly formed structure after the introduction of additives into selenium is pretty compact and is becoming more covalent with a stronger interchain interaction. Depending on the concentration of additives the breathing modes of Ag–Se and Ag–I bonds also can be seen. Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.43.D; 61.80.C; 73.61.A; 78.30.L 1. Introduction Selenium, which is known as one of the major glass formers among the chalcogenide glasses, has a tendency to form atomic chains built up by Se8 fragments and chain segments [1]. Introduction of metallic atoms brings about polymerization of the Se matrix and formation of three-dimensional structural units due to the usually higher coordination of the metals. Special attention has been * Corresponding author. Tel.: +359-2 724 339; fax: +359-2 722 544. E-mail address: (T. Petkova). paid to systems containing silver [2,3]. On the other hand, introduction of halogen elements to the Se chains causes an increase of glassy matrix floppiness as halogen atoms can bond in the chains and are also responsible for chains fragmentation by acting as chain terminators because they are one-fold coordinated [4]. The Se–Ag–I system, which contains both metal and halogen elements, offers a challenging opportunity to explore changes in the structure appearing in the pure chalcogen matrix of such a complex system. Further more, recently Boolchand and Bresser [5] has shown that both products of eventual reactions in these systems – Ag2 Se and AgI – can vitrify since the mechanically effective connectivity for them is 0022-3093/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0022-3093(03)00390-9 126 T. Petkova et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 326&327 (2003) 125–129 2.26 and 2, respectively, which suggests that the morphological structure of the AgI glass may be similar to that of the Se glass. Our previous investigations on the Se–Ag–I system indicate formation of glasses that include up to 23 at.% silver and 13 at.% iodine [6]. The glasses have only one glass-transition temperature that suggests formation of a homogeneous or nano-phase separated structure, by which the small sizes of the phase-separated species does not affect the properties of these glasses on a macroscopic scale. The glass-transition temperature is pretty much low and it decreases with the addition of overstoichiometric iodine in respect to the AgI composition. This leads us to believe that the halide becomes part of the backbone of the glass and by being one-fold coordinated it lowers its main coordination. In this work we give a more detailed review of the structural organization of the glasses from the Se–Ag–I system emphasizing the changes that occur in the Se matrix. We are using results given by X-ray diffraction measurements. To complement these results we studied also the Raman spectra of these glasses, which relate directly to the interaction between atoms within structural units. 2. Experimental procedure and calculations Glasses with composition Se1x (AgI)x , Se1x Ag5 Ix and Se1x Ag10 Ix (x ¼ 5, 10, 15 at.%) were synthesized as described in our previous papers [6]. X-ray diffraction patterns of the powder samples (particle size less then 5 m) were obtained with an X-ray diffractometer Philips h–2h Bragg– Brentano geometry using CuKa radiation (k ¼ ) and mounted graphite monochromator 1:54178 A for diffracted beam. The diffraction data were collected for 60 s at each 0.2° step width over a 2 range from 5° to 150° in the range of scattering 1 ðQ ¼ vector magnitudes Q between 0.4 and 8 A 4p sin h=kÞ. All the X-ray investigations were performed at ambient temperature. The diffraction intensities were corrected for the background, incoherent (polarization and absorption) and multiple scattering, respectively, in the usual way in order to eliminate the part of radiation which does not carry structural information. The spectra were scanned at a constant rate. After a Fourier transformation the reduced radial function GðrÞ was obtained: GðrÞ ¼ 4prfqðrÞ q0 g; ð1Þ where q0 is average atom density of the alloy and qðrÞ is the atom density as a function of r. The radial distribution function can be written as RDF ¼ 4pr2 qðrÞ ¼ rGðrÞ þ 4pr2 q0 : ð2Þ A parameter of great interest is the area enclosed under the first radial distribution function (RDF) peak as it represents the average coordination number (N ). The average coordination number in a spherical shell between radius r1 and r2 around any given atom can be calculated as Z r0 N¼ 4pr2 qðrÞ dr; ð3Þ r0 where r0 is a lower limit of r below which qðrÞ is zero and r0 is the first minimum of 4pr2 qðrÞ. The position of the first peak gives a value for the nearest-neighbour bond length, r1 , and similarly the position of the second peak gives the nextneighbour distance, r2 ; a knowledge of both immediately gives a value for the bond angle H: H ¼ 2 arcsinðr2 =2r1 Þ: ð4Þ The RDF yields only a limited amount of information, restricted essentially to the local structure around a given atom, i.e. bond lengths and bond angles. The structural origin of more distant correlations corresponding to higher order peaks in the RDF cannot be obtained directly, but only in conjunction with additional information, which may be gathered, for example, from spectroscopic data. The Raman spectroscopy investigations were performed with Fourier transformation IR spectrophotometer IFS55 with a Raman accessory FRA 106 Bruker, Germany. The laser irradiation at the wavelength of 1.06 lm with an output power of 90 mW was used for the excitation of the Raman spectra. This wavelength value was essential because irradiation of samples in this range causes no detectable photostructural transformations T. Petkova et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 326&327(2003) 125–129 127 within the scale of 100 scans. The resolution of the Raman spectrometer was 1 cm1 . Se75Ag15 I10 The positions of the first and second peaks in the radial distribution function imply the interatomic distance in Se–Ag–I glasses (Fig. 1). It is shown that when silver and iodine are presented by equal quantities in the glass, the position of the first peak in RDF shifts gradually with increasing , due to the forAgI content from 2.34 to 2.46 A mation of heteropolar bonds (Ag–Se and Ag–I). When the iodine content exceeds that of Ag or contrawise, the silver concentration is bigger in respect to that of iodine, we do not observe any changes in first RDF peak. A small change in the next peak position can be indicated occurring probably due to the direct Se–I bonding. However, evidences for these bonds could not be obtained by X-ray diffraction investigation alone. The Raman spectra of the investigated glasses are shown on Fig. 2. They are compared with the spectrum of the amorphous selenium, which 4 πr 2ρ(r ) Se75Ag10I15 Se75Ag15I10 Se70 Ag15 I15 Se80Ag10I 10 Se90Ag5 I5 Se 0 2 4 6 8 10 r(A) Fig. 1. Radial distribution curves for different glassy compositions. Intensity (arb.units) 3. Results Se75Ag10I15 Se70 Ag15I15 Se80 Ag10 I10 Se90Ag5I5 Se 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Raman shift,cm-1 Fig. 2. Raman spectra of the investigated glasses, the Raman spectrum of pure Se is given for comparison. features well expressed fundamental vibrational modes at 250 and 112 cm1 . These two modes characterize the presence of Se8 fragments that have cis-coupling and give rise to the features of bond stretching vibration at 250 cm1 in the plane and the bond bending motion with a frequency of 112 cm1 perpendicular to the plane and the chain segments with trans-coupling that has only one A1 mode, a bond-stretching vibration with an inplane motion, occurring at 250 cm1 as well [7]. The mode at 250 cm1 has a shoulder at lower wave numbers that has been deconvoluted at the fitting procedure with a peak at 235 cm1 . It is characteristic for the trigonal form of Se [8]. When 5–15 at.% silver and iodine are progressively introduced to the Se matrix, the mode at 235 cm1 increases in amplitude at the expense of the intensity of the mode at 250 cm1 and becomes the only characteristic feature of Se when higher amounts of silver and iodine are introduced into the glass as the mode at 112 cm1 does not appear in those cases. At this point, however, new modes emerge like those at 144 cm1 manifesting a formation of Ag2 Se, the modes of AgI (84 and 128 T. Petkova et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 326&327 (2003) 125–129 123 cm1 ) [9] and iodine (182 and 191 cm1 ) depending on the composition of glasses. 4. Discussion The position and intensity of the third and the next maximum on the RDF curves can be assumed as related mainly to the structure of Se atoms. We gives rise to can speculate that the peak at 4.5 A chain-like features, whereas the absence of this peak implies ring-like-fragment morphology for pure Se. The peak diminishes suggesting that the chain-like features are partially destroyed. The calculated values for bond angles show no significant differences. The average value is 95– 100°. Only pure Se shows bigger H (105°). A decrease in the bond angle values is probably due to the formation of new structural units and a more compact structure of the investigated glasses with increasing additives to Se (Table 1). We consider the character of the RDF as a probability function and the position of the peak can be interpreted as the average distance of the Table 1 Structure parameters of Se–Ag–I glasses ) ) Composition r1 (A r2 (A Se Se90 Ag5 I5 Se80 Ag10 I10 Se75 Ag10 I15 Se75 Ag15 I10 Se70 Ag15 I15 2.34 2.36 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.46 3.72 3.58 3.54 3.54 3.56 3.78 H 105.9 98.58 95.12 95.12 95.46 100.35 different coordination spheres to an arbitrary atom taken as a reference origin. The most probable three kinds of bonds Se–Se, Se–Ag and Ag–I contribute mainly to the diffraction spectrum and the first diffraction peak. The position of the first represents the average maximum at 2.34–2.46 A distance between first neighbours. We fit the experimental RDF using four Gaussian functions (Ag–Se bond), 2.33 and 3.69 with maxima 2.67 A (Se–Se) and 2.55 A (Ag–I). The results from the A fitting procedure are given in Table 2. The values of Ag–Se bond lengths are much smaller than the þ ) and sum of the ionic radii of Ag (rAg 1:26 A 2 ), which indicates a substantial Se(rSe 1:91 A Table 2 Results of T ðrÞ analysis Composition Correlations Se Se–Se Se–Se (second Se–Se Ag–I Ag–Se Se–Se (second Se–Se Ag–I Ag–Se Se–Se (second Se–Se Ag–I Ag–Se Se–Se (second Se–Se Ag–I Ag–Se Se–Se (second Se–Se Ag–I Ag–Se Se–Se (second Se90 Ag5 I5 Se80 Ag10 I10 Se75 Ag10 I15 Se75 Ag15 I10 Se70 Ag15 I15 neighbour) neighbour) neighbour) neighbour) neighbour) neighbour) ) Distance (A Partial coord. number 2.33 3.68 2.3 2.58 2.79 3.62 2.3 2.55 2.77 3.66 2.33 2.55 2.67 3.68 2.33 2.55 2.67 3.68 3.33 2.56 2.67 3.67 4.6 11.2 1.65 0.96 0.03 4.04 1.74 0.93 0.2 5.25 2.65 0.55 0.23 6.72 1.99 0.47 0.49 4.89 0.7 0.59 0.33 3.78 T. Petkova et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 326&327(2003) 125–129 covalent character of these bonds. This is also confirmed by the Raman results since the formation of a structure close to trigonal chains defined by the development of the mode at 235 cm1 is correlated to a formation of more covalent structure with stronger interchain forces. The appearance of the peak at 235 cm1 is always accompanied with an absence of the peak at 112 cm1 . As pointed out by Lucovsky [8], this feature is related to the presence of structural units with cis-coupling configuration having breathing modes at 112 and 250 cm1 . These are the frequencies with highest density of states characteristic for selenium with a network type of structure [10]. The molecular dynamic simulations confirm the Raman activity of these units also with high proximity [11]. In principle, these cis-coupling configurations can form a closed structure since due to the alternation of the bond angles in sign [8] these fragments can form a ring. However the fact that they disappear after introducing additives to selenium reveals the formation of more ÔopenÕ structure built up by trans-coupling configurations that maintain the sense of the dihedral angles leading to helical arrangement of a potentially infinite extent [8]. The development of this structure is related closer to the introduction of iodine in the glasses while even at a higher silver concentration (15 at.%) but less iodine (10 at.%) the initial a-Se structure manifested by the mode at 250 cm1 is still present in the Raman spectrum (Fig. 2). The earlier results of one of us show that when introduced in the Ge–Se matrix, silver reacts with Se from the Se chains to form Ag2 Se but this does not affect the structure of the free selenium units [12]. Indeed, the chemical bonding between the three elements of the glass is a consequence of two effects: (1) A bond strength energy [13] that requires Ag to predominantly bond to selenium instead of iodine as this process requires lower energy (202.5 kJ/mol vs. 234 kJ/mol). This restricts formation of Ag–I bonds and leaves some free iodine atoms. (2) On the other hand, these free iodine atoms clamp the backbone locally [14] because of the larger covalent radii of the iodine additive. As a result, a much more compact structure occurs that is manifested by the occurrence and growth of the Se chain mode at 235 cm1 . Such an effect has been 129 described also for the Ge–S–I system [15], where iodine induces rigidity transition in the system and affects the self-organization of the random network. 5. Conclusions Our studies on the structure of Se–Ag–I glasses indicate that introduction of silver and iodine to the Se-matrix leads to formation of more open and closely packed structure. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the helpful discussions with Professor P. Boolchand during the preparation of the manuscript. References [1] S.O. Kasap, in: A.S. Diamond, D.S. Weiss (Eds.), Handbook of Imaging Materials, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002, p. 331. [2] V. Vassilev, P. Petkov, V. Vachkov, S. Bojcheva, J. Mater. Lett. 41 (1999) 278. [3] V. Vassilev, I. Markova, E. Dopeiska, P. Petkov, S. Boycheva, Proc. XIIIth C G C, Publ. House ÔScience InvestÕ, 1999, 310. [4] M. Mitkova, P. Boolchand, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 240 (1998) 1. [5] P. Boolchand, W.J. Bresser, Nature 410 (2001) 1070. [6] M. Mitkova, T. Petkova, A. Yanakiev, Mater. Chem. Phys. 30 (1991) 55. [7] G. Lucovsky, F.L. Galeener, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 35&36 (1980) 1209. [8] G. Lucovsky, in: E. Gerlach, P. Grosse (Eds.), The Physics of Selenium and Tellurium, Springer, Berlin, 1979, p. 180. [9] G. Burns, F.H. Dacol, M.W. Shafer, Solid State Commun. 19 (1976) 291. [10] X. Zhang, D. Drabold, Phys. Rev. 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