Department of Music The mission of the Arkansas Tech University Music Department is to fully exercise its tradition of educational and cultural regional leadership to enhance the quality of life through the art form of music, providing undergraduate educational, artistic, and career opportunities for individuals and the greater society. The music department has an established reputation for the superior quality of the music teacher preparation program and for high standards in musical performance. Arkansas Tech University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The goals of the music department are: Dr. Cynthia L. Hukill, Head Witherspoon Hall Room 107 (479) 968-0368 Professor: Barrow, Parker, T. Smith Associate Professors: Anderson, Barber, K.L. Futterer, K.T. Futterer, Hukill Assistant Professors: B. Clements, J. Clements, del Grazia, Gale, Reed Instructor: G. Morris 1. To provide excellence in music instruction; 2. To provide music instruction for students desiring to pursue music-related studies as a major, as preparation for graduate music studies, and as preparation for a career in music; 3. To provide music curricula leading to the Baccalaureate of Arts with a major in music; 4. To provide the necessary and desirable professional preparation for the training of accredited music teachers for public schools (Baccalaureate in Music Education); 5. To provide opportunities for meaningful professional growth through direct involvement in musical performance; 6. To provide educational and artistic service to students, the institution, the community, and the region; 7. To encourage creative work and research; and 8. To dedicate policies and resources for effectiveness in departmental programs. An audition, demonstrating acceptable musical preparation, is required prior to enrollment as a major in music. To meet the requirements for the baccalaureate degree in music, the student must complete 120 semester hours, including 8 hours of applied music and successful completion of the Sophomore Barrier and Keyboard Proficiency Exams, 4 hours in required ensembles (band or choir), 16 hours in music theory and ear training; and 8 hours of music history. In order to meet the requirements for the baccalaureate degree in music education, students must complete 129 semester hours as indicated in the appropriate music education curriculum. Instrumental and keyboard music education majors must complete one semester of class voice. A senior recital is required. All music majors must demonstrate acceptable piano proficiency or enroll in class or applied piano each semester until successful completion of the appropriate Piano Proficiency Exit Exam. The fee for class piano is $10 per semester. All music majors are required to attend a prescribed number of campus concerts and recitals. Successful completion of 6 semesters of recital attendance is required. Private instruction in the student’s major performance area is required of all music majors. Such study involves one onehour lesson and 12 hours of practice per week and carries two semester hours of credit. Students may elect enrollment as a non-major, subject to faculty availability. Such study involves one thirty-minute lesson, 6 hours of practice per week, and assigned ensemble participation. A fee of $60 per semester credit hour is assessed for all applied music study. Curriculum in Music Suggested Sequence of Courses Freshman Fall Sophomore Fall Spring 1,T 1,T ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 Mathematics1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T MUS 1000 0 MUS 1000 MUS 1__2 5,7,10,T MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 MUS 1__25,7,10,T 1 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 1 3 Science with Lab Beginning 3 Language I11 0 MUS 1000 Spring 1,T 4 Science with Lab1,T Beginning Language 3 11 II 0 MUS 1000 2 MUS 1__25,7,10,T 2 MUS 1__25,7,10,T MUS 1441 or MUS MUS 1441 or MUS 1 1 12012,T 12012,T 1 1 4 3 0 2 1 1 MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 16813,T MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 16813 MUS 1713T MUS 1731 3 MUS 1723 T T 1 MUS 1741 MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 16813,T 3 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2723 3 1 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2741 1 Sophomore Barrier Jury6 TECH 10011 1 Piano Exit Exam4 0 Total Hours Junior Fall 15 Total Hours 14 Total Hours Senior Fall Spring Social Sciences/Fine 3 Arts/Humanities/Speech1,T Social Sciences1,T U.S. History/Government1,T MUS 3000 MUS 3773 Elective8,9,T Total Hours MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 16813,T 15 Total Hours 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 Elective8,9,T 0 MUS 3000 3 MUS 3783 0 3 7 Elective8,9,T 16 Total Hours 7 15 Spring Fine Arts & 2 Humanities1,3,T 3 MUS 3692 16 Total Hours 0 3 14 Elective8,9,T 10 16 Total Hours 13 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Piano (MUS 1441 or MUS 1201) to be taken each semester until completion of Piano Exit Exam. Students completing the exam upon entrance may substitute music elective hours for the requirement. 3 Enrollment in MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 1681 to be selected by advisor. Only one credit per semester may be used for completion of major ensemble requirement. 4 Successful completion required for graduation. 5 Vocal majors are encouraged to enroll in Vocal Diction (MUS 1191, MUS 2191) for elective credit. 6 Successful completion required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two hour credit and for completion of all music degrees. 7 Concurrent enrollment is required for applied study in appropriate MUS 1501, MUS 1571 or MUS 1681. 8 Elective courses to obtain a minimum of sixty-six non-music hours (21-23 in addition to General Education and Foreign Language hours). 9 Elective courses to obtain a minimum of forty 3000/4000 level hours (32 in addition to music history hours). 10 See course descriptions for the appropriate applied music course number. 11 Students may waive three hours of language requirements for every one year of language study in high school with grades of "C" or better. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Music Education for Teacher Licensure Curriculum in Instrumental Music Option7 Suggested Sequence of Courses Freshman Fall Sophomore Fall Spring 1,T ENGL 1013 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 8,T 3 3 0 ENGL 1023 1,T 3 1,T Science with Lab MUS 1000 8,T 4 0 MUS 1__2 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 MUS 1__2 2 1 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 1 MUS 1501T 1 MUS 1501T MUS 1713 T 3 MUS 1731 T 1 Spring 1,T Social Sciences T SPH 2003 MUS 1000 3 3 0 8 MUS 1__2 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 1 MUS 1501T MUS 1723 3 MUS 1741 1 SEED 2002T Science with Lab MUS 1000 8,T 2 1,T 4 0 MUS 1__2 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 1 MUS 1501T 1 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2723 3 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2741 1 1 1 MUS 2441T 1 MUS 3401 1 MUS 3481 1 3 TECH 1001 1 Total Hours Junior Fall 16 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 SEED 35525 2 MUS 3000 0 MUS 3000 SEED 40525 2 SEED 45565 6 2 MUS 4001 1 1 2 MUS 4281 1 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Spring 8 2 0 8 8 2 1 1 MUS 3__2 MUS 3281 MUS 3431 MUS 3773 3 MUS 3501 1 MUS 3802 MUS 4461 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 1 2 15 MUS 3702 MUS 3762 MUS 3783 Total Hours 2 2 3 15 Total Hours MUS 3__2 MUS 3421 MUS 3501 Sophomore Barrier Jury 0 Piano Exit Exam 0 15 Total Hours 15 1 1 MUS 3__2 MUS 3501 MUS 3692 MUS 38534 MUS 4971 Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 6 3 1 13 Total Hours 14 3 6,7 9 SEED 4809 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Piano (MUS 1441 or MUS 1201) to be taken each semester until successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 3 Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees 4 Prerequisite: successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 5 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 6 See admission policy and procedure. 7 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II music specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. 8 See course descriptions for the appropriate applied music course number. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Keyboard Instrumental Music Option4 Suggested Sequence of Courses Freshman Fall Sophomore Fall Spring 1,T ENGL 1013 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 3 0 MUS 1202 T MUS 1501 T MUS 1713 T MUS 1731 T 1 T 1 MUS 2441 TECH 1001 Total Hours 2 1 3 ENGL 1023 1,T 3 1,T Science with Lab MUS 1000 T MUS 1202 4 0 2 Spring 1,T Social Sciences 1,T Science with Lab MUS 1000 T MUS 1202 4 0 2 SPH 2003T 3 T SEED 2002 MUS 1000 2 MUS 1202 T 2 T 1 0 T 1 MUS 1501 1 MUS 1501 T 3 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2201 1 T 1 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2723 3 T 1 MUS 3401 1 MUS 2741 1 MUS 1501 MUS 1723 MUS 1741 MUS 2201 T 3 1 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours MUS 3481 Sophomore. Barrier Jury2 15 Total Hours 1 0 14 Junior Fall Spring Social Sciences1,T 3 MUS 3000 0 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T U.S. History/Government1,T 2 MUS 3000 1 MUS 3202 1 MUS 3281 2 MUS 3431 3 MUS 3501 2 MUS 3783 2 MUS 4461 16 Total Hours MUS 3202 MUS 3421 MUS 3501 MUS 3702 MUS 3773 MUS 3802 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 3 SEED 48093,4 Total Hours 3 3 Senior Fall Fine Arts & Humanities1,T Spring SEED 35523 SEED 4052 MUS 3202 MUS 3501 MUS 3692 MUS 3853 0 2 1 1 1 3 1 15 Total Hours 3 SEED 45563 6 2 MUS 3442 2 2 2 1 2 3 MUS 3762 MUS 4001 MUS 4281 MUS 4701 2 1 1 1 15 Total Hours 13 9 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion of all music degrees. 3 See admission policy and procedure. 4 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Keyboard Vocal Music Option5 Suggested Sequence of Courses Freshman Fall Sophomore Fall Spring ENGL 10131,T 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 ENGL 10231,T 1,T 3 Science with Lab 0 MUS 1000 T Spring 3 Social Sciences1,T T 4 Science with Lab 0 MUS 1000 T 1,T 3 SPH 2003T 3 T 4 SEED 2002 0 MUS 1000 2 T 2 1 MUS 1231T 1 2 MUS 1202 MUS 1202 MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 1 MUS 1231 MUS 1681T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 3 MUS 1713T MUS 1681T 2 MUS 1202 MUS 1731T 1 MUS 1723 3 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2201 1 T 1 MUS 1741 1 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2723 3 1 MUS 2201 1 MUS 2741 Sophomore Barrier Jury2 15 Total Hours 1 MUS 2441 TECH 1001 Total Hours Junior Fall 15 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T MUS 1231 MUS 3000 0 MUS 3000 Spring 1 MUS 1231T 1 2 MUS 1202 0 MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or MUS 1571, MUS 1581 1 1 MUS 1681T or MUS 1681T 16 Total Hours Senior Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T 0 14 Spring 3 SEED 45564 6 1 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 SEED 35524 2 MUS 3442 2 0 SEED 40524 2 MUS 3762 2 MUS 3202 2 MUS 3202 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3681 MUS 3681 2 MUS 3202 2 MUS 4001 1 1 MUS 3441 1 MUS 4701 1 MUS 3773 3 MUS 3702 2 MUS 3802 MUS 3821 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 MUS 3783 1 MUS 4821 2 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 4,5 SEED 4809 Total Hours MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3681 3 MUS 3692 2 1 MUS 3853 3 16 Total Hours 12 3 9 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees. 3 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 4 See admission policy and procedure. 5 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Vocal Music Option7 Freshman Fall Spring ENGL 10131,T 1,T Mathematics Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 3 ENGL 10231,T 3 Social Sciences MUS 1000 0 MUS 1000 MUS 1232T 2 MUS 1191 1,T MUS 1441 or MUS 1 MUS 1232T 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 1 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T MUS 1681T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 3 MUS 1713T MUS 1681T MUS 1731T 1 MUS 1723T 4 Science with Lab1,T 4 3 MUS 1000 0 SEED 2002 2 2 MUS 1000 0 1 MUS 1232T 2 T 0 MUS 1232 MUS 1441 or MUS 1 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 2 or MUS 1681T 1 MUS 2191 3 MUS 2723 3 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2741 1 MUS 1741 1 Total Hours Junior Fall 15 Total Hours SPH 2003T 3 Social Sciences1,T 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T MUS 3000 0 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 SEED 35525 MUS 3232 2 MUS 3000 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3191 MUS 3681 MUS 3702 2 MUS 3232 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 1 or MUS 1681T 1 1 MUS 2713 TECH 1001 Spring Spring 3 Science with Lab1,T 1 1 3 1 3 Sophomore Barrier Jury 0 Piano Exit Exam 0 13 Total Hours 14 Spring Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T 3 2 SEED 45565 6 0 SEED 40525 2 MUS 4001 1 1 MUS 3232 2 MUS 4701 1 2 MUS 3441 1 MUS 4832 2 MUS 3773 1 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3681 2 MUS 3692 1 MUS 3802 3 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3681 2 MUS 3762 MUS 3821 1 MUS 3783 3 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 MUS 4821 16 Total Hours 3 MUS 38534 1 16 Total Hours 6,7 SEED 4809 Total Hours 1 2 16 Total Hours 3 9 12 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Piano (MUS 1441 or MUS 1201) to be taken each semester until successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 3 Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees. 4 Prerequisite: successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 5 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 6 See admission policy and procedure. 7 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 13