Communications Planning Worksheet Assess Situation What are the major issues/initiatives in your district/state? How do you spend the majority of your time? Are stakeholders aware of your role? What proof do you have? What are your objectives? What are the barriers to achieving your goals? What are your resources/opportunities? Define Benefits/Outcomes How will students benefit? How will other stakeholders benefit? Why do they care? How will school psychologists benefit? Identify Your Target Audiences Who are key stakeholders in the district who Primary (decision-makers) are allies to effective implementation of comprehensive school psychological services? Who affects the decision makers’ opinions? Secondary (stakeholders/participants) Who knows the decision makers? How much outreach needs to be done to school psychologists in the district? Key Messages 1. Supporting Points 2. 3. Select Strategies/Implementation 1. Timing/Details 2. 3. Evaluate Outcomes Criteria Outcomes Criteria Short-term: For more communications planning resources, visit Long-term: