INDUSTRY TRENDS The Duck Author Bonnie Marini is Director of Product Line Management at Siemens Energy. Pond A Look at Non-Renewable Generation on Grids with A Lot of Renewable Resources RENEWABLE DISPATCH AND THE CALIFORNIA DUCK Figure 1 is a picture of a graph from the CAISO that has become commonly used when discussing renewable generation. The picture shows a projection of required non-renewables generation over a 24 hour day. The top of the duck is 2013. The bottom of the California Duck Renewable Generation 1 Net Load 27,000 25,000 23,000 Megawatts T he use of renewable power generation continues to grow around the globe. The challenge introduced with renewable generation is that it can be interrupted by timing and weather, and this variance affects the stability of the power produced. The sum of all generation must meet the demand at the very instant the demand is manifested—simply put, most of the electricity around the globe is produced and used in the very same moment. Without a solution for large-scale, cost-effective energy storage, the only way to fill the gaps in fluctuating generation from renewable resources is by partnering dispatchable power generation. The California duck curve has become synonymous in the industry with the shape of renewable generation. The renewable duck generation rides on top of the rest of the generation portfolio, which is referred to as the duck pond. This paper discusses the changes in demand for this pond of dispatchable generating resources as they react to the presence and growth of the duck. 21,000 2013 19,000 Significant change starting in 2015 13,000 11,000 Increased ramp 2015 17,000 15,000 0 2 4 6 Potential over-generation 2020 8 10 12 Hour 14 16 18 20 22 23 The California Duck is a graphic published by the California Independent System Operator that projects the expected need for non-renewable generation over a 24-hour day. Each line in the duck is a different year from 2013 to 2020. As time marches on and more solar generation is placed on line, the non-renewable demand drops during midday. The change in hourly demand drives the 2013 line, the duck’s back. The solar generation that will be online by 2020 results in a dip in non-renewable demand during midday – the duck’s belly. The Duck Pond of Non-Renewable Generation Megawatts BY BONNIE MARINI, PHD 27,000 25,000 23,000 21,000 19,000 17,000 15,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2 Net Load 2013 2013 Fluctuating Load 2020 Fluctuating Load 2015 The “Duck Pond” 2013 Base Load Non-Renewable Generation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 Hour Figure 2 is an expansion of Figure 1, showing the amount of generation under the duck. 2020 Base Load Daily Total and Non-Renewable Demand - Load Net Load (2/24/2013) 28,000 3 Load Net Load 27,000 Load & Net Load (MW) 26,000 25,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 23.00 22.00 21.00 20.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3,00 2.00 1.00 0.00 18,000 Figure 3 is another example of total demand and non-renewable demand over the course of a day. duck’s belly is 2020. What can be seen from the duck is that the solar power generated during the day will result in a need for non-renewable resources to ramp down in the morning and ramp up in the evening. It should be noted that the California duck curve of Figure 1 is a picture of one particular day. Since weather is a big factor, the curve changes every day. A glance at any of these curves can result in an impression that most of the other generation on the grid will need to ramp on and off in order to support the renewables however in Figure 1 the y-axis is cut off at 11 Gigawatts. It is interesting to note that the duck’s belly is marked “potential over-generation risk”. Clearly this “overgeneration” is not due to the renewables producing more power than the grid demands. It is due to the expected behavior of the resources providing that 12 to 15 GW – the generators that fill the duck pond. Figure 2 is an expansion of Figure 1, showing the amount of generation under the duck. WHAT CHANGED AND WHAT DIDN’T Historically, different types of power plants were used for different types of dispatch. Figure 2 shows how the split between base load and f luctuating load plants is changing. Fewer base load plants and more f luctuating load plants are needed to integrate with renewables. The concern is that there are too many base load plants and not enough f luctuating load plants. If the base load plants can’t be turned down or shut down, there is overgeneration. Using the same example graph, moving from the 2013 scenario, the steady base load was about 18 GW. In the 2020 scenario the steady load is about 12 GW, which means that 6 GW of generators had to switch from being base loaded to f luctuating load. Looking at the curve, we can see that it is not just the amount of f luctuating generation that changes, it is also the amount of time these resources are dispatched. In the 2013 scenario, most of this f luctuating generation is dispatched less than 20 percent of the time. In the 2020 scenario, many of the f luctuating resources are running more than 60 percent of the time. This changes both the economic and environmental impact of these f luctuating resources. One other factor that has been a point of discussion with renewable integration is ramp rate. Figure 3 shows another example of total demand and non-renewable demand over the course of a day. The blue line depicts total demand and the lower red line depicts the net demand which in this case is defined as the nonrenewable demand. This shows that even without renewables, power had to ramp up and down in order to meet demand. The difference between the past and the future is not the existence or rate of the ramp but simply the amount of energy that needs to ramp. The charts illustrate that increasing renewables: • will decrease the base load nonrenewable generation • will increase the amount of fluctuating non-renewable generation • will increase the amount of INDUSTRY TRENDS Megawatts Dispatch Regimes 27,000 25,000 23,000 21,000 19,000 17,000 15,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 4 Peaking dispatch 2013 Medium dispatch 2015 Base dispatch The duck pond can be broken into three different kinds of operation: Base load; mid load; and peaking load Examples of Dispatch on a Grid with Renewables 35,000 Generation (MW) Wind Net Demand Demand 30,000 5 Solar Simple Cycle 25,000 Combined Cycle 20,000 Hydro 15,000 Gas Fired Steam Turbine Cogen 10,000 Biomass/Geothermal 5,000 0 Coal Fired Steam Turbine Nuclear 1 Hour dispatch of the f luctuating nonrenewable generation • will require a similar ramp rate to the f luctuating generation used in the past The first reaction to deal with this non-traditional problem was using a tradition solution. Some suggested switching these plants to the types of plants that had been used for f luctuating load in the past, for example simple cycle gas fired power 24 plants, but the change in dispatch make this solution a less suitable fit for today’s challenges. THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR FLUCTUATING GENERATION The first requirement for a resource to be used for f luctuating generation is that it can support f luctuating operation. For illustrative purposes, as shown in Figure 4, the duck pond can be broken into three different kind of operation: • Base load = not changing load frequently • Mid Load = dispatch for a large portion of the day, but can reduce load or shut down for portions on the day • Peaking Load = dispatch for short operational windows and operate <20% of the time To support fluctuating load, there are several types of plants that can be used • Simple Cycle – Fast start, high f lexibility, low CapEx, low efficiency, High LCOE • Conventional Combined Cycle – Slow Start, Capable for Fast Load Changes, Wide operating range, Higher CapEx, High Efficiency, Low LCOE • Flex-Plant Combined Cycle – Fast start, Capable for Fast Load Changes, Wide operating range, Higher CapEx, High Efficiency, Low LCOE In addition to technical capability, the decision between technologies depends on economics. For a low dispatch plant, low CapEx is more critical than low LCOE. For a high dispatch plant, the opposite is true. Low LCOE is the more critical factor. Typically for plants that dispatch less than 10 percent to 20 percent the economics favor simple cycles. For plants which dispatch more, the fuel savings benefit of the combined cycles results in better economics for the high efficiency combined cycles. Prior to the growth of f luctuating renewables much of the f luctuating load was low dispatch. The solution for this demand was simple cycle. Today’s medium dispatch demands are different. To gain a broader understanding of how future dispatchable resources will need to behave in order to accommodate increased renewable Examples of Dispatch on a Grid with Renewables 12,000 Ramp Rate of >2,500 MW/hr 10,000 Generation (MW) 6 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1 24 Hour Ramping Support from Combined Cycle Power Plants CONVENTIONAL COMBINED CYCLES FOR FLUCTUATING DEMANDS Changing load is not only due to changing dispatch of renewable generation. It is also due to constant changes in demand which happen all of the time. Conventional combined cycle technology has been used to meet these changing loads for many years. As shown in Figure 3, the Examples of Dispatch on a Grid with Renewables 7 Net Demand 50,000 Demand 45,000 Wind Solar 40,000 Generation (MW) generation; data developed in two recent studies of future dispatch behavior were evaluated with a specific focus on what types of plants will be needed to accommodate increased renewables. One study was conducted by the CAISO1 and the other was conducted by the Ventyx Corporation. The results of both studies indicate that the majority of demand f luctuations will be supported by combined cycles. In a future grid, with an increase of highly fluctuating renewables, simple cycles will still support low dispatch, peaking demands. Whereas, combined cycles are a better choice for the rest of the pond if they can meet the fluctuating demand – and analysis and history shows that they can. during the day. The magnitude of the energy supplied makes it practical to use large combined cycle plants to support this need. The red line on Figure 5 represents the simple cycles. In this case they are dispatched; however they are not used to cover the changes in demand. Their dispatch is rather f lat, and the amount of energy dispatched is minimal. It is less costly and more environmentally friendly to use the combined cycles to cover large demand changes so they are used first. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show a Simple Cycle 35,000 30,000 Cogen 25,000 Combined Cycle 20,000 Hydro 15,000 Biomass/Geothermal 10,000 Gas Fired Steam Turbine 5,000 Coal Fired Steam Turbine 0 1 Hour ramps seen with renewables are not expected to be faster than the ramps previously seen in the market – they are only larger and longer. Figure 5 is a simulation of a winter day on the Huntington Beach grid in California. Many of the plants modeled are not advanced FlexPlant combined cycles, but are conventional cycles. Figure 6 focuses on the energy provided by combined cycles and shows they are providing majority of the ramping support. The power from combined cycles ramps up and down to cover two peaks 24 Nuclear projected summer day, in Huntington Beach. Again, the dispatch of the simple and combined cycle’s show that the larger share of demand change is supported by combined cycles. In this case, the overall demand is high, and the simple cycles are dispatched to meet the peak in demand. This dispatch order on a high renewable grid is similar to the dispatch order on a conventional grid. Combined cycles dispatch first because they offer a lower cost of generation followed by simple cycles meet peaks in demand. There is no INDUSTRY TRENDS Generation (MW) Generation (MW) Simple Cycle and Combined Cycle Dispatch 20,000 high ramping capability, they are not designed to start fast and frequently. Newer flexible combined cycle plants can start as fast as a simple cycle while still maintaining full equipment life, making multiple restarts viable even for large combined cycles. A good example of a f lexible combined cycle which uses the advantage of fast start is the Siemens H-Class power plant which has been operating since 2012 in Irsching, Germany. Figure 10 shows an example of the plant operation as it starts quickly in the morning, follows demand during the day, shuts down in the evening, and repeats this pattern the next day. With Siemens 8 Gas – Simple Cycle 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 20,000 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Hour 15 17 19 21 23 9 11 13 Hour 15 17 19 21 23 Gas - Combined Cycle 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1 3 5 7 40,000 30,000 Wind 25,000 Solar Hydro 10,000 Gas Fired Steam Turbine 5,000 Coal Fired Steam Turbine Nuclear 1 Hour indication of a need for more simple cycles to support load changes. Similar data was extracted for a node in Texas, which has the largest supply of wind power in the US. Figure 9 illustrates that the same phenomenon can be observed there as well. The vast majority of load changes are supported by combined cycles first. Simple cycles are used primarily for peak demand and are not critical for supporting the large ramps in load that were seen in the past, or the even larger ramps in load that are 24 Combined Cycle 5,000 0 Combined Cycle 15,000 9 10,000 Simple Cycle 20,000 0 15,000 Generation (MW) Generation (MW) 35,000 Generation (MW) A Day in Texas - Simple Cycle and Combined Cycle Dispatch 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Hour 15 17 19 21 23 9 11 13 Hour 15 17 19 21 23 Simple Cycle 1 3 expected in the future. Combined cycles are able to change load quickly and ultimately dispatch first due to the lower cost of generation. FLEXIBLE COMBINED CYCLES FOR RENEWABLE SUPPORT While conventional combined cycles offer advantages over simple cycles for renewable integration, modern Flex-Plant combined cycles offer significantly more capability. While conventional combined cycles have 5 7 Flex-Plants there is no need to trade efficiency for f lexibility. This plant exceeds 60% net combined cycle efficiency and can add 500 MW of generation to the grid in 30 minutes. Operating Flex-Plants in the U.S. include Lodi Energy Center in Lodi, California and the Temple and Sherman plants in Texas. Unlike most simple cycles, combined cycles often have a very large load range, enabling them to ramp up and down without having to shut down and restart. Typical Daily Operation at SCC5-8000H in Irsching Germany 250 Reliable plant startup 200 On Grid Control 10 Fast, controlled ramp up & down MW 150 100 50 0 –50 0:00 4:48 2:24 7:12 9:36 14:24 19:12 0:00 4:48 9:36 14:24 19:12 0:00 12:00 16:48 21:36 2:24 7:12 12:00 16:48 21:36 2:24 Time ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Today efficiency is not just an economic factor, it is also an environmental consideration. Greenhouse gas production is directly related to efficiency, and recently issued EPA rules are one example of the requirements for future generation. In the EPA’s Carbon Pollution Standards issued this year, in order to manage carbon dioxide production, low efficiency plants are limited in dispatch based on their efficiency. For plants with less than 50% efficiency based on LHV, the plant’s dispatch is limited to its equivalent LHV based efficiency. For example, a simple cycle plant with 35 percent net efficiency may not dispatch more than 35 percent of the time. Again looking at Figure 4, it is expected that a large group of fluctuating plants will be needed to dispatch at higher levels, adding another driver for the use of combined cycles for renewable integration. FITTING THE PLANT TO THE NEED It seems rare when a choice is better in functionality, cost, and environmental footprint, but for high dispatch plants, combined cycles win in all three areas. Flexible combined cycle power plants support the renewable concept by being more efficient, cleaner for the environment and f lexible to meet the change in demand. For low dispatch plants, a traditional approach still makes sense. The lowest CapEx solution with high flexibility is a good fit, and this is typically a simple cycle frame unit. CONCLUSION The growing portfolio of renewable resources has resulted in the addition of a large demand for high dispatch, f luctuating generation. This demand regime is not served by plants which cannot change load, and is not served well by low efficiency plants designed for peaking. This growing market segment needs a solution with high operating efficiency, low LCOE, high ramping f lexibility and fast start. The new generation of FlexPlant combined cycles offer these benefits. Use of the right solutions for these various load regimes will support the environmental benefit of renewable generation while managing the cost of generation with cost effective, high efficiency plants. Electronic and single printed copies or distribution with permission to Siemens Energy from Power Engineering March © 2016 PennWell Corporation Siemens’ Flex-Plants™ A trusted partner for renewables ©Siemens, 2016. All Rights Reserved. The continued growth of renewable energy generation puts power supply at nature‘s whim. The potential for rapid fluctuations in generation must be quickly balanced to maintain a reliable supply of power to the grid. With all of the flexibility and features of a peaker and the high efficiency of a combined cycle plant, proven Flex-Plants from Siemens work in harmony with renewables, providing efficient and reliable electricity when the wind stops blowing or the sun stops shining. FlexPlant Ad-Rebranded.indd 1 As you tackle the challenge of ensuring a reliable power supply while remaining committed to using natural resources responsibly, Siemens has the solutions that help you do both. 4/19/16 1:22 PM