694 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 21 NO. 4 (1998) 694 CORRIGENDUM A NOTE ON SELF-CONJUGATE n-COLOR PARTITIONS A.K. AGARWAL Department of Mathematics Panjab University Chandigarh 160014, INDIA A theorem involving self-conjugate n-color partitions was proved by A K. Agarwal and R. Balasubrananian in their paper entitled n-Color Partitions with Weighted Differences Equal to Minus Two, Internat. d. Math. Math. Sci., Vol. 20, No. 4 (1997), 759-768. There are some errors in this theorem which are corrected as follows: THEOREM 1. Let A(v) denote the number ofn-color self-conjugate partitions ofv such that each part is self-conjugate. Let B(v) denote the number of ordinary partitions of v imo odd parts. Then A(v) B(u), for all v > 0. Hence II 1 + ,=1 =1 q2-1 (1) 3, since the relevant partitions are 5a, 311111 and 111]111111. Also, B(5) 3, the relevant this case since in partitions are 5, 311, 11111. THEOREM 2. Let C(v) denote the number of all n-color self-conjugate partitions ofv. LetD(v) dznote the number of partitions ofv such that each even part2n can come in[n/2], where[ is the greatest EXAMPLE. A(5) integer function, different colors denoted by (2n)1, (2n)2,’’-, (2n)W2 I. D(v), for all v > 0. Hence, Then C(v) + u=] II ELE. C(5) 4, s e relt fiom e 5s, 3211, 2221, 11111. so, D(5) 4. In is e e relt tiom e 54]1, 3 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1. in ch p n-color pfion enat by A(u). PROOF OF OM 1. L H m 2i 1. m if we iore e subscrip of all of i m mint be d. Bemme mi m=_,+] of u into odd p. Convsely, if we mider p in H, we get a ique ordi on or d rh ch 2a-1 by (2a-1) we g a uque nition pfion ofu imo odd enat by A (u). h bijeon prov eor 1. PROOF OF OM 2. L a n-color pfion at byC(). is impli at th p of a e ei seff-conjugam or ey app pm of mum1y conjugam p. It w obsewed in seff-conjugam if it is odd. Also, e humor of pairs of mutually e proof of eor at a p njugam p pong to y en imer2n In/2]. e gen toger prove eorem 2 sho in [1] atC() of rem 2 ao eqs e nber of seic ple RE It pfion of FENCES 1. A.K. Ag, Prdings ofRCOM (l, 35M6, As Ademy ofe. .