MUNICIPAL NOTICES Each tender must be submitted in a separate, clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating the contents and tender number. Tenders must be deposited in the relevant tender box as specified by no later than the closing date and time indicated in the individual tender advertisements. The tender boxes are located at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd floor Concourse level, Civic Centre, Cape Town. The closing time of tenders will be regulated with the Telkom electronic time signal available at tel 1026. Faxed tenders will not be considered. The City of Cape Town is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Peter Horn, 10:00. Tender Box 16 *. Tender fee: R50 021 400 2060. (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable *. Tender documents are obtainable on to the City of Cape Town). A strongly (unless recommended briefing session will be otherwise stated) or are obtainable from held at Durbanville Municipal Offices, Cnr the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Oxford & Queens Road, Board Room A & Office, 2nd Floor Concourse Level, Civic B on the 20th February 2013 at 10:00. For Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape technical enquiries contact Tseko Town during office hours from 07:30 to Magubane, tel 021 444 7123. 15:00. For further information regarding 4. Tender No: 319S/2012/13: Cleaning the collection of tender documentation, of Solid Waste in Inaccessible Areas please contact the Tender Distribution by means of Abseiling /Climbing. Office on telephones 021 400 2481; Closing date: 12 March 2013 at 10:00. 021 400 5123; 021 400 2405. Tender Box 4 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non- I N V I TAT I O N TO T E N D E R right to accept any tender in whole or in part. Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to the registration requirements stated in the tender documents in respect of the City of Cape Town’s Vendor Database and the Construction Industry Development Board’s Register of Contractors, as applicable. 1. AMENDMENT! Tender No. 306Q/2012/13: Wallacedene Civil Engineering Services Phase 10: Upgrade of Existing Infrastructure. Closing Date: 8 March 2013 at 10:00. Tender Box 75 *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 7CE or Higher. A Compulsory site visit/clarification meeting will take place on Thursday, 21 February 2013 at 10:00 at the Council Chambers, 1st floor, Municipal Offices, Brighton Road, Kraaifontein. For technical enquiries contact Mr RV Johnston, tel 021 850 4513, fax 021 850 4377, e-mail 2. Tender No. 317C/2012/13: Provision of Professional Services: Management of Money Market Investments for the City of Cape Town. Closing date: 11 March 2013 at 10:00. Tender Box 3 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Eugene Block, tel 021 400 5980. 3. Tender No: 318S/2012/13: The Provision of a Conventional Refuse Collection Service in Brown’s Farm, Phillipi, Weltevreden and Surrounding Areas. Closing date: 18 March 2013 at • L A N D U S E A P P L I CAT I O N S • R E M OVA L O F R E ST R I C T I O N S • R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S ALIENATION: VARIOUS PORTIONS OF COUNCIL LAND TO APROVED BENEFICIARIES • NY 110, Shop No.04 In terms of Section 4 (3) (a) of Council By-Law LA. 12783 on 28 February 2003, notice is hereby given that the Council has, in terms of Paragraph 13.2 of the Council’s Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, granted approval for dispensing with the competitive processes established in the Disposal Management System and that direct negotiations be entered into with the registered tenants of the erven listed hereunder for the purchase thereof at a nominal fee of R20m2. Any objections, accompanied by substantive documentary proof, and/or alternative proposals must be submitted within 30 days of this notice and lodged with Ebrahiem Meyer Property Management, 13th floor, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, City of Cape Town 8000. GUGULETHU SHOPS TO BE ADVERTISED No. INITIALS & SURNAME ADDRESS ERF NUMBER SIZE IN M² AMOUNT 1 NY 110, SHOP NO.04 10192 141 Mrs P.H. Mayaba R2820.00 For further details of the transaction please contact Ebrahim Meyer, tel 021 4003877 / 3928, Special Projects & Strategic Assets, Civic Centre between 08:00-15:30 on weekdays. HELDERBERG DISTRICT LEASES • Various Erven Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Council ByLaw LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2010, considering the following proposed leases. Details are as follows: Applicant Property description to be leased Extent of Rental lease area Lease term Purpose Mr M Rodrigues Lease of ± 46 m² portion of erf 2914 Somerset West Market rental of 10 Years R230.00p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a(reviewed after 5 years) Business Purposes St Tropez Flats Lease of Public Street Portion of Erf 10495, Strand Market rental of R550.00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a (reviewed after 5 years) Parking Purposes ± 70 m² 10 Years For further details of the transaction please contact Ms Melissa Prins, tel 021 900 1734, Property Holding, Omni Forum Building, 2nd Floor, 94 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposals must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefor, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Eastern Region, 94 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River, 7580, fax 021 900 1692 or e-mailed to on or before 08 March 2013. KHAYELITSHA/MITCHELL’S PLAIN LEASE e-mailed to Applicant: Francis Consultants Address: 2 Atholl Road Nature of Application: The removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erven 749 and 750 Camps Bay, 2 Atholl Road, to enable the owner to subdivide the proposed Portion 1 being ± 247m2 in extent, off Remainder Erf 750 being ± 620 m2 in extent and consolidating it with Erf 749 for residential purposes. Note: The subdivision would be in terms of Section 23 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985, as this is considered to be an adjustment of boundaries. The following departures from the City of Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations have also been applied for: • From Section 54: - To permit the existing garage extensions to be set back 0.445m in lieu of 3.00m from the south east lateral common boundary along the subdivision line AMENDMENT (Portion 1). - To permit the existing bedroom 2 on first floor and associated balcony without (The below mentioned advert was previously advertised in the Cape Times on Friday overlooking features to be set back 0.00m in lieu of 3.00m from the south east 11 January 2013. The closing date has been amended to 18 February 2013) lateral common boundary along the subdivision line (Portion 1). REZONING & DEPARTURE(S) - To permit the existing balcony on the second floor with overlooking features to • Erf, 442, 13 Jarvis Street, Cape Town (De Waterkant) be set back 3,50m in lieu 6,00m from the south east lateral common boundary Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 & 15 of the Land Use Planning along the subdivision line (Portion 1). Ordinance 15/1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is LEASE AND LEASE RENEWAL open to inspection at the office of the District Manager: Table Bay District at 2nd Floor, • Various Properties Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms Joy San Giorgio, Planning & Building Development Management, Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3) (a) of Council PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management Heerengracht Cape Town, email address:, tel of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 021 400 6453 or fax 021 421 1963, week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with August 2010, considering an application for the lease and lease renewal of the full reasons, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District following leases to the registered owners of abutting Erven and their successors-in-title Manager: Table Bay District at 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Details are as follows: Heerengracht Cape Town, and may be directed to Joy San Giorgio, Planning & Applicant Property Applicant’s Extent of Rental Lease Purpose Building Development Management, P O Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Description Erf No. lease area term Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, or email your to be leased comments/objections to:, tel portion of Erf 1817, 61 m² Market 10 yrs For commercial 021 400 6453 or fax 021 421 1963 on or before 18 February 2013 quoting the above Purple purposes Plum Prop public street, Main Road, rental of R 3, Act and the objector’s erf number. Any objections received after aforementioned 180 (Pty) Main Road, Green Point 900.00 p/m closing date may be disregarded. Ltd Green Point excl. VAT Applicant: K L Jankowitz escalating at Application number: 222378 8% p/a. Nature of application: 2. Application for Conditional Use in terms of Part II, Section 5 of the Cape Divisional Council Zoning Scheme Regulations to permit a Place of Instruction in a Single Residential Zone. 3. Application for Permanent Departures from the following Parts and Sections of the Cape Divisional Council Zoning Scheme Regulations: a. Part III, Section 1 to permit a street building line of 0.0m in lieu of 4.5m from Ngqwangi Drive b. Part IV, Section 4 to permit a building height of 8.5m in lieu of 8.0m c. Part V, Section 1(c) to permit parking bays having an area of 12.5m² (5m x 2.5m) in lieu of an area of 18m² (6m x 3m). TABLEBAY DISTRICT It is proposed to rezoning the property from a General Residential Use Zone, Subzone R7 to a General Business Use Zone, Sub-zone B1 to accommodate a Combined Building (comprising Business Premises (offices) and a Residential building). The Scheme Regulations required that on-site parking is provided for a Residential Building - no on-site parking will be provided in this instance. Consequently a departure from parking is required to permit null (0) on-site parking in lieu of four (4) parking bays required. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS • Erf 2743, 3 Camps Bay Drive, Camps Bay (first placement) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act No 84 of 1967 in terms of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town and at the office of the Head of Department, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Development Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, 6th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 Monday to Friday. Any objections or comments with full reasons, must be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Head of Department, Department of Environmental Affairs and that any enquiries may be directed to Tinus Nyelele, Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town, phone (021) 400-6455 week days during the hours of 08:00-14:30. Any objections and/or comments, with full reasons, must be submitted in writing, quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the relevant reference number, the objector’s street and postal address and contact telephone numbers to the Director: Planning & Building Development Management, PO Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000, or hand-delivered to the abovementioned address, or fax 021 421 1963 or e-mailed to on or before 18 March 2013. If your response is not sent to these addresses or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to be invalid. The closing date for objections and comments is 18 March 2013. Applicant: Willem Buhrmann Associates (on behalf of Camps Bay Corner Trust) File Ref: LM5914 (217204) Nature of Application: Removal and amendment of a restrictive title conditions pertaining to Erf 2743, 3 Camps Bay Drive, Camps Bay, in order to regularise the business uses comprising restaurants, offices and shops on the property. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS, SUBDIVISION & DEPARTURES • Erf 749 and 750 Camps Bay (second placement) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act No 84 of 1967, Sections 15 and 23 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town and any enquiries may be directed to Kajabo Ernest Ngendahimana, PO Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000, email address:, tel 021 400 6457 week days during 08:00-14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday.) Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4640 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections or comments with full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Land Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to the abovementioned District Manager on or before the closing date, quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the relevant reference number, the objector’s street and postal address, objector’s Erf number and contact telephone numbers. Any objections and comments may also be hand delivered to the abovementioned street addresses or emailed to by no later than the closing date. The closing date for objections and comments is 11 March 2013. If your response is not sent to these addresses or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to be invalid. File Ref: LM6006 (220971) Owner: Peter Mats Klipe Mobile Connect Leasing portion of Erf 56370, Upper Bebington Ave, Bishopscourt Not applicable 75 m² Pamela Lynette Miller OBO abutting owners Portions of Erven 31093 & 32601, River Street, Rosebank Erven 31400- 369 m² 1, 31402, Market 5 yrs rental of R 7, 846.08 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 10% p/a. For cellular communications base station Market 5 yrs rental of R 920.00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a. For parking and Security purposes For further details of the transaction please contact Lee Dickinson, tel 021 400 6553, Property Holding, 3rd floor, Media City Building, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 between 08:00-16:00 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Cape Town Region, PO Box 4557, Cape Town 8000, fax 021 425 3605 or e-mailed to on or before 8 March 2013. TYGERBERG DISTRICT REZONING AND SUBDIVISION • Erf 10565, 13th Avenue, Boston, Bellville Notice is hereby given in terms Section 17(2) and 24(2) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at 3rd Floor, Municipal Office, Voortrekker Road, Parow. Enquiries may be directed to Sharon Hoffman, Private Bag X4, Parow, 7499 or 3rd Floor, Municipal Office, Voortrekker Road, Parow, email address:, tel 021 938 8516 and fax 021 938 8509 week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District manager (or by using the following email address: on or before 11 March 2013, quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Applicant: Messrs A Lotz Application number: 226499 Address: 13th Avenue, Boston, Bellville Nature of Application: The application entails the rezoning of the property from Public Open Space to Subdivisional Area (for local business purposes and public open space) and the subdivision into 2 portions. Portion A (1100m² in extent) will be utilised as a parking area for the development of the new building materials store of Brights on Erf 29760, Bellville. No new structures will be erected on Erf 10565, Bellville. The parking area will be available for the public and use by the Vredelust Church after hours and on Sundays. There are currently 39 parking bays on Erf 10565, Bellville and the redesign of the parking facility will provide a total of 138 parking bays. NOTICE: IMPOUNDED ANIMALS Notice is hereby given in terms of Pound Ordinance No 18 of 1938 that the following animals have been impounded at the City of Cape Town Animal Pound, Atlantis(Perkins Street, Atlantis Industrial Area: 1. 63 x Goats Unless previously released, the above animals will be sold by Public Auction at the Pound at 10:00 on 15th February 2013. For afterhours enquiries contact Peter Lottering, cell 084 2112115, tel 021 577 4088 Achmat Ebrahim: City Manager 8 February 2013 THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU OM/18/14623855 CAPE FLATS DISTRICT