MUNICIPAL NOTICES Each tender must be submitted in a separate, clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating the contents and tender number. Tenders must be deposited in the relevant tender box as specified by no later than the closing date and time indicated in the individual tender advertisements. The tender boxes are located at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd floor Concourse level, Civic Centre, Cape Town. The closing time of tenders will be regulated with the Telkom electronic time signal available at tel 1026. Faxed tenders will not be considered. The City of Cape Town is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part. Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to the registration requirements stated in the tender documents in respect of the City of CapeTown’s Vendor Database and the Construction Industry Development Board’s Register of Contractors, as applicable. 1. Tender No: 143C/2012/13: The Appointment of a Professional Service Provider to Monitor the Dial-A-Ride Public Transport Service Contract on Behalf of the City of Cape Town. Closing Date: 13 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 3 *.Tender Fee: R50 (Non-Refundable; Crossed Cheque Payable to the City of Cape Town). A non-compulsory but highly recommended site meeting will be held on 20 November 2012 at 10:00 at the Civic Centre, 18th floor, Room E1. For technical enquiries contact Nontando Nolutshungu, Email: 2. Tender No. 168Q/2012/13 General Repairs to Tafelsig Community Centre. Closing Date: 30 November 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 90 *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). CIDB Grading required: 2GB or higher, A non-compulsory but strongly recommended site visit/clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place on Tuesday 20 November 2012 at 10:00. For technical enquiries contact Mr Arthur Winston Adams, tel 021 400 3958, fax 086 576 2422, e-mail: (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 3. Tender No. 171Q/2012/13: Construction of Civil Works for New Dunoon Sewer Pump Station No.2 and Rising Main. Closing Date: 04 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 61 *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 7CE or higher. A site visit/clarification meeting will take place onTuesday, 13 November 2012 at 10:00 at the existing Dunoon pump station I N V I TAT I O N TO T E N D E R no.1, on Blaauwberg Road, Milnerton. For technical enquiries contact Mr D Edwards, tel 021 914 2833, fax 021 914 0916, e-mail: (This tender document is not available on the City of CapeTown website.) 4. Tender No. 172Q/2012/13: Replacement and Commissioning of Escalators at Cape Town Civic Centre. Closing Date: 07 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 62 at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 5SI or higher. A compulsory site visit/clarification meeting will take place on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 at 10:00 on the 2nd Floor (Concourse Level), Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. For technical enquiries contact Mr R Lamprecht, tel 021 911 5094, fax 021 413 0428, e-mail: (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 5. Tender No. 173Q/2012/13: Reconstruction of Concrete Roads In Manenberg – Phase 2. Closing Date: 11 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 71 *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 6CE or higher. A noncompulsory but strongly recommended site visit/clarification meeting will take place on the Tuesday, 27 November 2012 at 10:00 at Downeville Primary School, Tagus Way, Manenberg. For technical enquiries contact Mr M Tshiki, tel 710 8163, fax 086 588 8807, e-mail: (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 6. Tender No. 174Q/2012/13: Ndabeni Master Plan: Alterations and Additions. Closing Date: 11 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 72 *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 8GB or higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session) will take place on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 10:00 at the TSS Boardroom Electricity Service Depot, Melck Street, Ndabeni. For technical enquiries contact Mr A.Broodryk, tel 021 514 4605, fax 021 514 4670, e-mail: (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 7. Tender No: 175S/2012/13: Hire of Mini Busses for Staff Transport to and from Athlone Transfer Station. Closing date: 10 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 73 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Shaun Christian, 021 980 1348. 8. Tender No: 176S/2012/13: Hire of Mini Busses for Staff Transport to and from Coastal Park Landfill Site. Closing date: 10 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 76 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Shaun Christian, 021 980 1348. 9. Tender No: 177S/2012/13: Hire of Mini Busses for Staff Transport to and from Swartklip Transfer Station. Closing date: 10 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 91 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Shaun Christian, 021 980 1348. 10. Tender Number: 178S/2012/13 –Hire of Mini Busses for Staff Transport to and from Vissershok Landfill Site. Closing date: 10 December 2012 at 10:00.Tender Box 94 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Shaun Christian, 021 980 1348. 11. Tender No. 180G/2012/13: Supply and Delivery of High Intensity Discharge Lamps. Closing Date: 10th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 82 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of CapeTown). For technical enquiries contact Mr Shaun Arrowsmith, tel 021 918 7532 or Cell No. 084 246 1099 and Shaun Kemp, tel 021 918 7529 or Cell No. 084 354 7717. 12. Tender No. 181S/2012/13: Supply of Technical Support Services for the Curtiss Wright Mod/Pod Gas Turbine Generating Plant to the City of Cape Town. Closing Date: 11th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 86 *. A non-compulsory briefing session will be held on 26th November 2012 from 10:30 at Athlone Gas Turbine, off Bhunga avenue, Langa, Exit 12, N2, Cape Town. It is strongly recommended that all prospective tenderers attend the session to familiarise themselves with the tender. For technical enquiries contact Mr Phillip Eybers, tel 021 856 1864 Ext 212 or Cell No. 084 645 0289. 13. Tender No. 182G/2012/13: Supply, Delivery and Installation of a Vehicle Mounted High Voltage Cable Oil Degasifying Plant with Ancilliary Equipment. Closing Date: 11th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 99 *. A noncompulsory site meeting will be held on 26th November 2012 from 10:00 at Technical Support Services Board Room, Ndabeni Depot, 13 Melck Street, Ndabeni, Maitland at Electricity Department. It is strongly recommended that all prospective tenderers attend the session to familiarise themselves with the tender. For technical enquiries contact Mr Claude Davids, tel 021 514 4681 or Cell No. 084 645 1270 (vehicle chassis and payload issues) and Mr Vladimir Medinski, tel 021 763 1203 or Cell No. 084 630 7969 (degasifyer plant and associated equipment issued). 14. Tender No: 183S/2012/13: Horticultural Maintenance of The Company’s Garden. Closing Date: 10 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 102 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries please contact Mr Rory Phelan, tel 021 400 2521. 15. Tender No: 184C/2012/13: Provision of Professional Services: Preliminary Design, Design and Tender, Construction Monitroring of Extensions and Alterations to Mzamomhle Clinic, Browns Farm (Phillipi). Closing Date: 13th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 113 *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session will be held on the 21st November 2012 at 10:00, at the Offices of the City of Cape Town, Development Services, Room 1, 15th Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. For technical enquiries please contact Lebohang Kabi, tel 021 400 9426, fax 086 698 6094 or via email to (This document is not available on the City of Cape Town website). 16.Tender No. 185Q/2012/13: Construction of a Pump Station and Associated Civil Works for treated Effluent from Macassar Wastewater Treatmentworks. Closing Date: 30 November 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 58 *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 6CE or higher. A noncompulsory but strongly recommended site visit/clarification meeting will take place on the Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 10:00 at Entrance Gate to Macassar Waste Water Treatment Works, Macassar Drive, Macassar. For technical enquiries contact Mr W. Olieslager, tel 021 487-2596, fax 021 423 9540, e-mail: This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 17. Tender No: 186C/2012/13: Provision of Professional Services in Respect of Electrical Engineering Services: Kanonkop (Atlantis) Housing Project Phase 1. Closing Date: Friday 30th November 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 93 *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of CapeTown). A non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session will be held on the 20th November 2012 at 10:00, at the Offices of the City of Cape Town, Council Chambers, No. 1 Bridle Way, Roayal Ascot, Milnerton, Cape Town. For technical enquiries please contact Cecilia de Bruyn, tel 021 550 7599, fax 086 576 1380 or via email to (This document is not available on the City of Cape Town website). 18. Tender No. 188Q/2012/13: DesignBuild of Mechanical and Electrical Works for a Pump Station for Treated Effluent from Macassar Waste Water Treatment Works. Closing Date: 03 December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 97 *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of CapeTown).Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 6CE or higher. A non-compulsory but strongly recommended site visit/clarification meeting will take place on the Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 10:00 at Entrance Gate to Macassar Waste WaterTreatment Works, Macassar Drive, Macassar. For technical enquiries contact MrW. Olieslager, tel 021 487 2596, fax 021 423 9540, e-mail: This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website.) 19. Tender No. 189G/2012/13: Supply and Delivery of Aviation Fuel. Closing Date: 13th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 104 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Hein Baard, tel 021 856 1864 Ext 214 or Cell No. 083 291 6979. 20. Tender No. 190S/2012/13: Supply of Labour for the Location and Repair of Pilot Cable Faults. Closing Date: 13th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 105 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). technical enquiries contact Mr Marius Wessels, tel 021 918 7046 or Cell No. 083 632 0925. 21. Tender No: 192C/2012/13: Recognition of prior learning (RPL) project in Khayelitsha & Mitchell’s Plain. Closing Date: 13th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 80 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Simon Phankisa, tel 021 487 2414. 22. Tender No: 193G/2012/13: Supply and Delivery of Protective Footwear: Period: From date of commencement of contract until 30 March 2015. Closing Date: 12th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 95 *. Tender fee: R50 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Mr Peter Muller 021 794 5064 or Cell No: 073 239 2090 23.Tender No: 194C/2012/13: Appointment of a Service Provider to provide Administrative Skills Training. Closing Date: 12th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 101 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Ismail Rabin, Email: 24. Tender No: 195C/2012/13: Provision of a Service Provider to provide Personal Development and Growth Training. Closing Date: 12th December 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 60 *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries contact Ismail Rabin, Email: 25. CANCELLATION OF TENDER! Tender No. 327C/2011/12: Description: Provision of Professional Services Hydrogeological Investigation of Existing Water Springs in the City of Cape Environs. Original Advert Date: 23 March 2012. Closing date: 16 April 2012 at 10:00. The Supply Chain Management Bid adjudication Committee on 22 October 2012 resolved that this tender be cancelled. 26. CANCELLATION OF TENDER Tender No: 370G/2011/12. Description: Supply and Delivery of Tyre Related Services as and when required. Originally advertised: 13 April 2012. Closing date: 21 May 2012 *. Tender documents are obtainable on (unless otherwise stated) or are obtainable from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours from 07:30 to 15:00. For further information regarding the collection of tender documentation, please contact the Tender Distribution Office on telephones 021 400 2481; 021 400 5123; 021 400 2405. • L A N D U S E A P P L I CAT I O N S • R E M OVA L O F R E ST R I C T I O N S • R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of CapeTown’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2010, considering an application for the closure of Erf 20004 Strand (Lwandle) a Public Place, in extent approximately 2024m² as shown REZONING & SUBDIVISION on General Plan 2840/1994 SHT 5. For • Erven 18332 and 37260, Khayelitsha further details of the transaction please Notice is hereby given in terms of contact Anneke Klue, tel 021 900 1732, Regulation 5 of Township Regulation No -Property Holding, 2nd Floor, Omniforum P.K.733/1989 of 22 September 1989 and Building, 94 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River Regulation 19(5) of Township regulation No between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any R1897 of 12 September 1986 promulgated objections to the proposal must be in terms of Act 4 of 1984, that Council has submitted in writing, together with reasons received the undermentioned application, therefor, to the Regional Head: Property which is open for inspection at the office of Holding, Private Bag X6, Kuils River7579, the District Manager at Department: fax 086 576 0371 or e-mailed to Planning & Building Development on or before Management at Stocks and Stocks 11 December 2012 Complex, Ntlazane Street, Illitha Park, Private Bag X93, Belville 7535. Enquiries may be directed to HR Dhansay, Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape Town, Stocks and AMENDMENT TO THE CAPE Stocks, Ntlazane Street, Illitha Park, Khayelitsha, week days during 08:00-13:00. Written TOWN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK, REZONING, objections, if any, with reasons may be SUBDIVISION CONDITIONAL lodged at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or to Comments_ObjecUSE & DEPARTURES on or • Remainder Erf 10905 Constantia, before 9 December 2012, quoting the Steenberg Road, Tokai above applicable legislation, the application Notice is hereby given in terms of the pronumber, as well as your Erf number, contact visions of Sections 4(7), 15, 17 and 24 of the phone number and address. Land Use Planning Ordinance (No 15 of Location address: C/o Lansdowne and 1985), Part II Section 4 of the Divisional Spine Road Council of the Cape Zoning Scheme ReguOwner: City of Cape Town – Douglas Norlations and Section 3(4)(b) of the Municipal man (Housing Department) Planning and Performance Management Applicant: Jono Trust – Mark Job Regulations as published in terms of the Application no: 222309 provisions of the Municipal Systems Act No Nature of Application: 32 of 2000 that the undermentioned 1. Rezoning from Undetermined to applications have been received and are open Residential I, Open Space I, Services and to inspection at the office of the District Public Road in terms of Regulation 5 of Manager, Department: Planning & Building Township Regulation No P.K. 733/1989 of Development Management, 3 Victoria Road, 22 September 1989 promulgated in Plumstead, 7800, from 08:00–13:00, Terms of Act 4 of 1984 for erven 18332 & Mondays to Fridays. Enquiries may be directed 37260 Khayelitsha. to Mr D. Suttle, at the abovementioned office, 2. Subdivision into 388 Residential I, 1 or by postal address to, The District Business, 1 Open Space I, 1 Services, Manager, Department: Planning & Building Remainder & Public Road in terms of Development Management, Private Bag X Regulation 19(5) Township Regulation No 5, Plumstead, 7801. Contact details for Mr R 1897 of 12 September 1986 promulgated Suttle are, tel 021 710 8268, fax 021 710 in terms of Act 4 of 1984. 8283, or by e-mail to: Any objections with full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing to the abovementioned office on or before 10th December 2012. CLOSURE The objector’s erf and phone number/s and • Erf 20004 Strand (Lwandle) Public Place address must be stated. If your response is Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in not sent to these addresses and/or fax terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Council By-Law number, and if, as a consequence it arrives LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003 late, it will be deemed to be invalid. KHAYELITSHA / MITCHELLS PLAIN DISTRICT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OOSTENBERG DISTRICT Management: Region 2, at Applicant: Planning Partners (Pty) Ltd Application Number: 221187 Nature of Applications: 1. Amendment of the Cape Town Spatial Development Framework The City of Cape Town is considering amending the approved Cape Town Spatial Development Framework to permit the change in designation from High Potential & Unique Agricultural Land to Urban Development, applicable to the land unit Remainder Erf 10905 Constantia, as well as to amend the Urban Edge Line to include the abovementioned land unit within the Urban Edge.The public may submit comments to the City with respect to the proposed amendments as provided for in section 3(4)(b) of the Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations as published in terms of the provisions of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000, as well as in terms of section 4 (7) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No. 15 of 1985. 2. Rezoning applied for in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 2.1 It is proposed to rezone the subject property to Subdivisional Area to permit Single Dwelling Residential, Commercial, General Residential and Rural for 7 residential properties, private road, restaurant, deli, art gallery, function rooms with 1 dwelling unit, parking and a sculpture garden. 3. Subdivision applied for in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985, Zoning of Portions & Land Use 3.1 It is proposed to subdivide the subject property into 9 portions and Remainder Erf 10905. 3.2 Portions 1-7 range in size from 4000m2 to ±4405m2 and are proposed to be zoned Single Dwelling Residential to be developed with a Dwelling House on each portion. 3.3 Portions 8 (±402m2) & 9 (±2665m2) are proposed to be zoned Single Dwelling Residential to be used as private road and a gatehouse. 3.4 Remainder Erf 10905 (±36937m2) is proposed to have a split zoning of Rural (±27800m2), Commercial (±3720m2) & General Residential (±5417m2) to be used as follows: • Rural Zone: Sculpture garden, riverine area and wetland, • Commercial Zone: Restaurant, deli & parking, • General Residential Zone: Art gallery, function rooms with ancillary office and 1 dwelling unit & parking. 3.5 It is proposed to lease a portion of the adjoining property Remainder Erf 10829 for environmental management and landscaping purposes. The extent of the leased area is ±1,1944 ha. 4. Conditional Uses applied for in terms of Part II Section 7 (b) of the Divisional Council of the Cape Zoning Scheme regulations 4.1 To permit a Place of Assembly (a meeting hall for functions) and a Place of Instruction (an art gallery) on a property zoned General Residential. 5. Departures from the Divisional Council of the Cape Zoning Scheme Regulations in terms of Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 5.1 Part 111 Section 1: To permit a building on Portion 4 to be 3m in lieu of 4.5m from the street (private road) boundary. 5.2 Part V1 Section 2: To permit street frontage of 10m for Portion 3, 4m for Portion 4 and 5m for Portions 5 & 6, all in lieu of 22.5m. 5.3 Part V1 Section 6: To permit the Rural zoned portion of Remainder Erf 10905 to be ±2, 78 ha in lieu of 21.5 ha.(Note the full extent of Remainder Erf 10905 is ±3.6937 ha and includes Commercial and General Residential spot zones). 5.4 Part V Section 1: To depart from the parking requirements. It is proposed that the provision of parking be provided in accordance with a Traffic Impact Assessment. REZONING, SUBDIVISION, CONDITIONAL USE & DEPARTURES • Erven 443, 445, 434 and Cape Farm 932-118 Cape Town at Noordhoek, Mountain Road Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 15, 17 and 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 and Part II Section 4 and Part IV Section 6 of the Divisional Council of the Cape Zoning Scheme Regulations that Council has received the under-mentioned application, which is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager, Department: Planning and Building Development Management, City of Cape Town, Customer Interface, Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Road, Plumstead, 7800 from 08:00-14:30 Mondays to Fridays. Any objections and/or comments, with reasons must be submitted in writing at the office, or by post to, the District Manager, Department: Planning and Building Development Management, Private Bag X5, Plumstead, 7801 or fax 021 710 8283 or e-mailed to comments_objections.southern@capetown quoting the above legislation, the below-mentioned application number and the objector’s erf, phone numbers and OM/18/14423810 Manager on or before 14 December 2012 quoting the above Act, the undermentioned reference number, as well as the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any comments received after the abovementioned REZONING closing date may be disregarded. • Erf 105331, 22 Aerial Road, Sanddrift Applicant: Jody Francis consultants (obo Notice is hereby given in terms Section 17 Shell SA Pty Ltd) (2)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, Application number: 222514 No 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned Address: 2 William Penn Road application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Nature of Application: To amend the Manager at the Milnerton Civic, 87 Pienaar restrictive title condition applicable to erf Road, Milnerton. Enquiries may be directed 8721, William Penn Road, partly in Milnerton to Ms Lizanne Grey, PO Box 35, Milnerton, Township Extension No 6, to enable the 7435, Milnerton Civic, Pienaar Road, Milnerton, owner to erect a Kentucky Fried Chicken 7441, comments_objections.blaauw- (KFC) on the property. The building line, tel 021 444 0587 restrictions will be encroached. week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager on or before 10 December 2012, quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Applicant: J H Van Heerden Owner:The Ocean View Restaurant CC Application number: 223220 Address: 22 Aerial Road, Sanddrift Nature of Application: Rezoning of Erf 105331, Sanddrift from Single Residential (SD1) to General Business (GB1) to allow a Restaurant to operate on the property. BLAAUWBERG DISTRICT