Each tender must be submitted in a separate,
clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating the
contents andTender No.Tenders must be deposited
in the relevant tender box as specified by no later
than the Closing date and time indicated in the
individual tender advertisements. The closing
time of tenders will be regulated with the Telkom
electronic time signal available at tel 1026.
Faxed tenders will not be considered. The Council
is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender
and reserves the right to accept any tender in
whole or in part.
Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to the
registration requirements stated in the
tender/contract documents in respect of the City of
Cape Town’s Vendor Database, the Western Cape
Supplier Database and the Construction Industry
Development Board’s Register of Contractors, as
Tenders are hereby invited for the following:
DATE. Tender No. 13Q/2011/12 Period Tender
for the Repair of Plumbing and Installation
of Water Management Devices at Domestic
Properties Occupied by Indigent Households:
Region Central (Please note: the tender covers
a 2 year period). Closing Date: 19 August 2011
at 10:00. Tender Box 10 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee:
R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable
to the City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries
contact Mr Linda Siyengo, tel 021 590-1494, fax
021 590 1504, e-mail
(This tender document is not available on the City
of Cape Town website.)(Please note that the above
tender was advertised on 22 July 2011. Please be
advised that the closing date has been extended
to 19 August 2011.)
DATE. Tender No. 16Q/2011/12 Design-Build of
Mechanical and Civil Works for the Advanced
Pressure Management of the Water Network in
Monte Vista. Closing Date: 22 August 2011
at 10:00.Tender Box 13 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee:
R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to
the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an
estimated CIDB contractor grading of 3ME or 3CE or
higher. For technical enquiries contact Mr Melvin
Engelbrecht, tel 021 590-1516, fax 021 590-1504,
e-mail (This
tender document is not available on the City of
Cape Town website.)(Please note that the above
tender was advertised on 22 July 2011. Please be
advised that the closing date has been extended
to 22 August 2011.)
DATE. Tender No. 17Q/2011/12 Design-Build of
Mechanical and Civil Works for the Advanced
Pressure Management of the Water Network in
Goodwood Pressure Zone. Closing Date: 23
August 2011 at 10:00. Tender Box 9 at the
Tender Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse
Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB
contractor grading of 4ME or 4CE or higher. For
technical enquiries contact Mr Melvin
Engelbrecht, tel 021 590 1516, fax 021 590-1504,
e-mail or Mr
N Joni, tel 021 590-1500, fax 021 590-1504, e-mail (This tender
document is not available on the City of Cape
Town website.)(Please note that the above tender
was advertised on 22 July 2011. Please be advised
that the closing date has been extended to 23
August 2011.)
4. Tender No: 26S/2011/12 – Suppy, Installation
and Commissioning of Urban CCTV Cameras
and Equipment for Wynberg, Claremont,
Newlands, Rondebosch and Mowbray Areas.
Closing date: 12 September 2011 at 10:00. Tender
Box 105 at theTender Submission Office, 2nd Floor,
Concourse *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
A Compulsory briefing session will be held on
Tuesday, 23rd August 2011 at 10:00 on the 1st
Floor Auditorium, Transport Management Centre,
Cnr Smartt & Richmond Streets, Goodwood. For
technical enquiries please contact Mr Charl
Geyser, tel 021 427-5083.
5. Tender No: 27C/2011/12: Provision of
Professional Services: Appointment of a
Legal Panel for the Provision of Legal Services
for the Collection of Debts owed to the City
of Cape Town. Closing Date: 06 September 2011
at 10:00.Tender Box 101 at theTender Office, 2nd Floor
Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard,
Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
For technical enquiries please contact Mr Denzil
Albertus, tel 021 400 1852.
6. Tender No. 28Q/2011/12: Period Tender for
Supply and Installation of Doors, Door Stiles
and Door Furniture at the City of Cape Town
Existing Housing Facilities – South Region.
Closing Date: 26 August 2011 at 10:00. Tender Box
110 at the Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor,
Concourse Level*.Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor
grading of 3GB or higher. A site visit/clarification
meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly
recommended briefing session) will take place on
the 17th August 2011 at 10:00 at the Human
Settlements Office, No 3 New Ottery Road (next to
Ottery Fire Station), Ottery. For technical
enquiries contact Mr Ronald Du Plessis, tel 021
710-8154 / 084 225 1991 fax: 021 710 8240. (This
tender document is not available on the City of
Cape Town website.)
7. Tender No. 29Q/2011/12: Period Tender for
Roofs, Ceilings and Gutter Replacement and
Repairs to Housing Rental Units, Multi Storey
Buildings within the South Region of the
City of Cape Town. Closing Date: 26 August 2011
at 10:00. Tender Box 114 at the Tender Distribution
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee:
R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable
to the City of CapeTown).Tenderers should have an
estimated CIDB contractor grading of 3GB or
higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended briefing
session) will take place on the 17th August 2011
at 11:00 at the Human Settlements Office, No 3
New Ottery Road (next to Ottery Fire Station),
Ottery. For technical enquiries contact Mr
Ronald Du Plessis, tel 021 710-8154 / 084 225 1991,
fax 021 710-8240. (This tender document is not
available on the City of Cape Town website.)
8. Tender No. 31Q/2011/12 Contermanskloof
Phase 3: The Construction of a 900mm
Diameter Main from M12 to Parklands Main
Road and a New Connection on the Voelvlei
Bulk Water Main. Closing Date: 06 September 2011
at 10:00. Tender Box 108 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee:
R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to
the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an
estimated CIDB contractor grading of 7CE or
higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended briefing
session) will take place at Kraaifontein Civic, Big
Committee Room, 1st Floor, Brighton Road on, 17
August 2011 at 10:00. For technical enquiries
contact Mr L Pienaar, tel 021 527-7000, fax 021 527
7001, e-mail (This tender
document is not available on the City of Cape
Town website.)
9. Tender No. 32Q/2011/12 The Construction
of Civil Engineering Services for 225 Erven
in Rondevlei. Closing Date: 26 August 2011 at
10:00. Tender Box 109 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender fee:
R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable
to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have
an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 5CE or
higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended briefing
session) will take place at New World Foundation
Building, Grindal Avenue, Lavender Hill on, 16 August
2011 at 10:00. For technical enquiries contact Mr
RE van Dijk (Daveng Consulting Engineers), tel
021 906 5602, fax 021 906 5603, e-mail (This tender document is not
available on the City of Cape Town website.)
10. Tender No: 33C/2011/12: Professional
Services in relation to Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) Project of the City of
Cape Town - Landfill Gas Extraction and
Beneficial Utilisation and Potential Other
CDM Projects. Closing Date: 02nd September
2011 at 10:00. Tender Box 79 at the Tender
Submission Office, 2nd Floor Concourse*. Tender
fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
payable to the City of Cape Town). As this tender
consists of a two envelope system, both the
technical offer and the financial offer must be
submitted in a clearly marked separate envelope
and deposited into the aforementioned tender
box. A compulsory briefing session to be held at
10:00, Thursday, 18th August 2011, at the offices
of the City of Cape Town, Transport Department,
Room E1, 18th Floor, Civic Centre. For technical
enquiries contact Mr Barry Coetzee, tel 021 400-2992
or via
Tender documents are obtainable on (unless otherwise
stated) or are obtainable from the City of Cape
Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor
Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog
Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours from
08:30 to 15:00. For further information regarding the
collection of tender documentation, please contact
the Tender Distribution Office on telephones
021 400 2481; 021 400 5123; 021 400 2405.
• R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S
• Erf 261, Melkbosstrand (second placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967)
that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the
District Manager at Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton (PO Box 35, Milnerton,
7435) and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at 021 550-7516, and fax no 021 550- 7517, weekdays during the hours of 08:00 to
14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Provincial
Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town weekdays from
08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:30. Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4640 and
the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be
lodged in writing at the office of the above mentioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management,
Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000,
and simultaneously at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at P O Box 35, Milnerton 7439
on or before 6 September 2011, quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference
number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Heynes and Partners Inc Attorneys
Application No: 188962
Address: 42 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand
Nature of application:
Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 261, 42 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand to
utilise the erf as a Medical Practice for a Physiotherapist. The Street building line will be encroached.
Conditional Use to permit an Institution (Medical Practice for a Physiotherapist).
• Erf 6078 Gugulethu
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 5 of the Provincial Notice 733 of 22 September 1989
(Promulgated in terms of Act 4 of 1984), Regulation 19(5) of the Township Regulation No.R1897 of 12
September 1986 ( Promulgated in terms of Act 4 of 1984), Section 6 (1)(a) of the Provincial Notice
No.5988 of 28 February 2003 and of the IKAPA Zoning Scheme Regulations that the undermentioned
application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Ledger House,
corner of Aden Avenue and George Street Athlone, and that any enquiries may be directed to Mr M
Collison, PO Box 283, Athlone, 7760 or email, tel 021 684-4343, fax 021
684-4410 weekdays during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in
writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager on or before 05 September 2011 quoting the
above applicable legislation, the application number, as well as your erf and contact phone number
and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: Urban Vision Town Planners
Application Number: 204864
File Reference: LUM/26/607
Nature of application:
1. Consent Use in terms of Section 4.12 to permit a range of uses as Consent Uses in a Residential II
use zone.
2. A departure in terms of Section 3.14 to relax the height restriction of 2 storeys for the proposed Museum.
• Erf 4784, 4875, 2533, 10903 and Remainder Erf 2558 Constantia
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 15, 17 and 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of
1985 that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office
of the District Manager, Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape
Town, Customer Interface, Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Rd, Plumstead, from 08:00-14:30, Monday to Friday.
Any technical enquiries may be directed to Mr K McGilton on tel 021 710-8278. Any objections and/ or
comments, with full reasons therefore, must be submitted in writing at the office of the District Manager,
Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of CapeTown, Private Bag X5, Plumstead, 7801
or fax 021 710-9446 or e-mailed to on or before the closing date, quoting,
the above Ordinance, the belowmentioned reference number, and the objector’s erf and phone numbers
and address. Objections and comments may also be hand-delivered to the abovementioned street
address by no later than the closing date. If your response is not sent to this address and/ or fax number,
and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to be invalid. For any further information in
this regard, contact Mr R Brice, tel 021 710-9308. The closing date for objections and comments is 5
September 2011.
File Ref: LUM/16/2558 (Vol 1)
Applicant: Headland Town & Regional Planners
Address: Eskol Avenue
Nature of Application:
To consolidate and Rezone Erven 4784, 4875, 2533, 10903 and Remainder Erf 2558 Constantia from Single Dwelling Residential to Subdivisional area to create 1 Single Dwelling Residential property and 1
General Residential property as shown on the plan of subdivision for the development of a retirement
Application is also made for the following regulation departures from the Divisional Council of the
Cape, Zoning Scheme Regulations:
Single Dwelling Portion (Portion 1)
Part III Section 4(b): To permit a rear boundary setback of 1,5m in lieu of 3m (existing pool house)
from Portion 2
General Residential Portion (Portion 2)
than the
• Erf 15080 Fish Hoek (Sun Valley)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 17 and 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance no. 15 of
1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of
the District Manager, Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape Town,
Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Rd, Plumstead, and any enquiries may be directed to Mr K Barry, from 08:3014:30 Monday to Friday, tel 021 710-8205. Any objections and/ or comments, with full reasons therefore,
must be submitted in writing at the office of the District Manager, Department: Planning & Building
Development Management, City of Cape Town, Private Bag X5, Plumstead, 7801 or fax 021 710-9446
or e-mailed to Objections and comments may also be hand-delivered
to the abovementioned street address by no later than the closing date. If your response is not sent
to the above address and/ or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to
be invalid. The closing date for objections and comments 5th September 2011.
Applicant: T. Norton
Application Number: 202451
Address: No 6 Cruiser Close
Nature of Applications:
1. Rezone the property from Single Residential to Commercial to permit the use of the existing
structure for office use.
2. Conditional Use in terms of Part II Section 3 (b) of the Divisional Council Zoning Scheme Regulations
to permit offices on the ground floor.
3. Departure from the following sections of the Divisional Council Zoning Scheme Regulations:
- Part III, Section 1(a) for the existing structure which is to be utilised for offices sited 4.5m from the
street boundary in lieu of 8m.
- Part IV, Section 6(1)(a) for the existing structure which is to be utilise for offices, with windows or
apertures sited 2.5m and 3.88m in lieu of 4.5m from the lateral boundaries.
- Part IV, Section 6 (1)(b) for the existing buildings sited 0.5m and 1.02m from the rear boundary in
lieu of 4.5m.
- Part IV, Section 6 (1)(a) for the existing outbuildings sited 1.245m and 0.2m from northern and
southern lateral boundaries in lieu of 4.5m from one side.
• Erf 186 Meadowridge (second placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967)
that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the
District Manager, Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape Town,
Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Rd, Plumstead, and any enquiries may be directed to Mr. Simpiwe Poswa,
from 08:00 to 14:30, Monday to Friday, tel 021 710-8093. The application is also open for inspection at
the office of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs
& Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp
Street, Cape Town, weekdays from 08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:30. Telephonic enquiries in this regard
may be made at 021 483 4089 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections and/
or comments, with full reasons therefore, must be submitted in writing at both (1) the office of the District
Manager, Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape Town, Private
Bag X5, Plumstead, 7801 or faxed to 021 710-8283 or e-mailed to and
(2) the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs &
Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp
Street, Cape Town on or before the closing date, quoting, the above Act, the below-mentioned
reference number, and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Objections and comments
may also be handdelivered to the abovementioned street addresses by no later than the closing date.
If your response is not sent to these addresses and/ or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives
late, it will be deemed to be invalid. The closing date for objections and comments is 3 September 2011.
File Ref: LUM/17/186 (162862)
Applicant: H Hoosain
Address: 15 Rutherford Way
Nature Of Application:
Removal of Restrictive title deed condition applicable to Erf 186, 15 Rutherford Way, Meadowridge, to
enable the owner to construct a domestic staff quarters and store room on the property. The lateral and
rear building line restrictions will be encroached upon.
• City properties
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 4(3) (a) of the Provincial Notice No. 5988 that the City intends
to lease various properties, the details of which are as follows:
Size ± Purpose
8 Mile
450 (Pty) Ltd
Public Street, abutting Erf 168152,
Newmarket Street,
Cape Town
Woodstock 818m²
Parking and 10 years R11 000.00
per month
excluding VAT
For further details of the proposal please contact Mr Raafiq Kolia, tel 021 400-6549 Property
Department Media City Building, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays.
Any Objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with valid reasons to PO Box
4557, Cape Town or fax 021 421-8287 on or before 5th September 2011.
• Interim Parking: Coen Steytler Avenue Roof Parking, The Lease of Land on the Island
located between Table Bay Boulevard and Eastern Boulevard on the Foreshore and the
Parking next To Founder’s Garden (Erf 186) Under the Bridge for the Expansion of the
Cape Town International Convention Centre (Cticc)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 4(3)(a) of the By-Law relating to the management and
administration of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property (Council By-Law LA 12783, promulgated
in the Provincial Gazette 5988 on 28/12/2003) that the City intends to lease and/or grant rights to the
Cape Town International Convention Centre Company (Pty) Ltd (Convenco), a municipal entity, of certain
Council-owned land/ portions of Council-owned land and/or improved property for the purpose of
interim parking.
It is the Cape Town International Convention Centre Company (Pty) Ltd (Convenco) and the City’s intention
of acquiring and developing certain immovable property for the purpose of expanding the Cape Town
International Convention Centre’s (CTICC) existing exhibition, conferencing and meeting facilities.
During the construction period of the convention centre expansion, alternative interim parking
arrangement would be required to accommodate current parking lessees until completion of the
The Coen Steytler Avenue roof parking, the island located between Table Bay Boulevard and Eastern
Boulevard on the Foreshore and the parking next to Founder’s Garden (Erf 186) under the bridge have
been identified to accommodate the interim parking requirements.
The three parking areas will be provided by the City to Convenco at a minimum rental of R1000 per
annum for the duration of the construction of the CTICC expansion (approximately 2 years). Convenco
will be responsible for all costs related to the provision of these parking facilities.
Approximately 775 parking bays will be provided on these three parking areas.
Details of interim parking locality plans of the three proposed parking areas are available for inspection
by appointment at the office of Ms Yusra Ebrahiem, tel 021 400-4918 during office hours (08:00-13:00;
13:30-16:00), 13rd Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town or can be obtained by e-mail
from the e-mail address provided below.
Comments on the proposed interim parking leases must be submitted in writing to: The City Manager,
for attention: Ms Y Ebrahiem, Department Property Management, P O Box 4557, Cape Town, 8000 or via
e-mail to: by not later than Monday, 05 September 2011.
• Portions of Erf 95135 Cape Town - The Tea Room and the Bothy situated in the Company’s
Gardens, Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town
Notice in terms of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878 and Section 4 of the City
By-Laws relating to the Management and Administration of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable
Property, LA 12783.
The City of Cape Town is considering the lease of portions of Erf 95135 Cape Town, comprising of the
buildings known as the Tea Room and the Bothy, situated in the Public Gardens of the Company’s
Gardens, Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, by public tender.
Further particulars and plans in this regard may be inspected during normal office hours on the 13th
Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Any person, who has any objection to, comment
or representation on the proposed lease of the abovementioned properties, should lodge such
objection, comment or representation in writing to the office of the City Manager marked for the
attention of Ms O Prins, not later than 05 September 2011.
• Certain Categories of City Owned Land
The City is required to advertise the intention to lease out immovable property for comment. The
public participation comprises two elements, the first of which is the publication in the local press
(Cape Times and Die Burger) and the second the notification to Subcouncils, Ward Councilors, National
Treasury, Provincial Treasury and Ratepayers Associations and adjoining owners.
Notice is hereby given that during the course of the 2011/12 financial year Council will be, in terms of
Section 4(3)(a) of Council By-Law LA. 12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003 and the Policy on the
Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26
August 2010, considering the lease and lease renewal of the following categories of City owned land:
Category Description
Improved Properties Improved properties let on a month-to-month basis at a market related
rental to lessees listed in the managed database or to Social Care
organizations at a tariff rental as approved by Council annually.
Non-viable Security Small portions of municipal land (Public Place and Public Street) let
Gardening to adjoining land owners at a tariff rental as approved by Council
The property specific details per transaction will be communicated to the Subcouncil Manager,
Subcouncil Chairperson, Ward Councilor, Ratepayers Associations and abutting land owners.
Notifications will also be posted on Notice Boards at the Property Management Regional Offices.
For further details please contact Mr Siphesonke Mgwebile, tel 021 400-3797, Property Holding, Civic
Tower, 13th Floor 12, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town between the hours 08:00-16:30 on weekdays.
Any objections to this proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the
Manager: Property Holding, Civic Tower, 13th Floor 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, fax 021 400-3001
or e-mailed to on or before 09 September 2011.
• Erf 1528, Klipdam, Kuilsrivier (first placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 that
the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District
Manager:Tygerberg District, 3rd Floor, Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Parow, and that any enquiries
may be directed to Mr Siwakhile Mba, Private Bag X4, Parow, 7499 and 3rd Floor, Municipal Offices,
Voortrekker Road, Parow,, 021 938-8434 and 021 938-8509 week
days during 08:00-14:30.The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director: Integrated
Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Provincial
Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town week days from
08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at
021 483-8338 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483-3633. Any objections, with full reasons therefore,
may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental
Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning at Private Bag X9086,
Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to the abovementioned District Manager on or before 12 September
2011, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any comments received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Atlas Town Planning (Jacobus Olivier)
Nature of application: Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to Erf 1528, Kuilsrivier to enable
the owner to convert the existing building on the property into offices.
Notice is hereby also given in terms of Sections 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (No 15
of 1985) that Council has received the undermentioned application, which is open to inspection at the
office of the District Manager at 3rd Floor, Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Parow. Enquiries may
be directed to Mr Siwakhile Mba, Private Bag X4, Parow, 7499, 3rd Floor, Municipal Offices, Voortrekker
Road, Parow, tel 021 938-8434, fax 021 938-8509, week days during
08:00-14.30. Written objections, if any, with reasons may be lodged at the office of the abovementioned
Development manager on or before 12 September 2011, quoting the above applicable legislation, the
application number, as well as your erf and contact phone number and address. Any objections received
after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: Atlas Town Planning (Jacobus Olivier)
Application number: 206303
Address: 2 Plantanus Street, Klipdam, Kuilsrivier.
Nature of Application: Application entails the following:
The application entails the rezoning of Erf 1528, Kuilsrivier from Single Residential to Business Zone
B to permit offices.
• Various Portions Of Council Land to Abutting Social Care Organizations
Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Council By-Law LA.12783
promulgated on 28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape
Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2011, considering applications for the
alienation of portions of council owned land to the registered owners of abutting erven hosting existing
social care organizations in order to finalize old back-log social care transactions. The properties are
being alienated at 25% of current market value as permissible to registered social care organisations.
Details are as follows:Social Care Organization/
Additional Property to be purchased
Proposed sales
price (exclusive
of VAT)
Eric Miles Cheshire Home
Erven 105139 and 105140 Cape Town abutting 7 823m² R1 300 000,00
Erf 109808 Cape Town (at Tijgerhof)
For The Disabled
Chris Steytler Industries For Erf 35115 Bellville and Portion of Erf 12861 6 000m² R1 725 000,00
The Disabled
Bellville abutting Erf 38108 Bellville (at
Saxon Industrial)
Orion Organization For The
Erf 2749 Wesfleur abutting Erf 11561
1 770m² R66 375,00
Wesfleur (at Atlantis Industrial)
Atlantis Dreamteam Feeding Portion Of Erf 1791 Wesfleur (at Saxonsea, 1438m² R30 125,00
Atlantis Islamic Society
Portion Of Erf 118 Wesfleur abutting Erf
6668m² R56 000,00
117 Wesfleur (at Avondale, Atlantis)
Table View Assembly Of God Portion Of Erf 11303 Milnerton (at Table
3435m² R440 000,00
Youth Centre
For further details of the transaction please contact Pieter Strümpher, tel 021 590-1416, Property Holding
Branch, Goodwood Municipal Offices between 08:00- 15:30 on weekdays.
Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the
Regional Head: Property Holding, PO Box 100, Goodwood 7459], fax 021 590-1581.or e-mailed to on or before 2 September 2011.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Pound Ordinance No 18 of 1938 that the following animals have
been impounded at the Municipality's Dog/General Pound,Atlantis(Perkins Street, Atlantis Industrial
1. 18 x Pigs
2. 1 x Pony (horse)
Unless previously released, the above animals will be sold by Public Auction at the Pound at 10:00 on
12TH August 2011.
For after-hours enquiries contact Peter Lottering, tel 021 577-4088, Cell 0842112115.
Achmat Ebrahim:
City Manager
5 August 2011
The proposed application is to regularize the existing situation.
It is proposed that the first floor comprising of 5 bedrooms be utilized for a Guest House
Accommodation. The ground floor comprises a dining room area which is to be used by the guests,
a laundry and gym/beauty salon. The owner is to reside on the second floor.