Each tender must be submitted in a
separate, clearly marked sealed envelope,
indicating the contents and tender number.
Tenders must be deposited in the relevant
tender box as specified by no later than
the Closing date and time indicated in the
individual tender advertisements. The
closing time of tenders will be regulated
with the Telkom electronic time signal
available at tel 1026.
Faxed tenders will not be considered. The
Council is not bound to accept the lowest
or any tender and reserves the right to accept
any tender in whole or in part.
Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically
to the registration requirements stated in
the tender/contract documents in respect
of the City of Cape Town’s Vendor Database,
the Western Cape Supplier Database and
the Construction Industry Development
Board’s Register of Contractors, as applicable.
Tenders are hereby invited for the following:
1.Tender No. 99C /2010/11: Provision
of a Service Provider: Review and make
recommendations on Business Processes,
Structures and Mechanisms to enhance
the effectiveness and efficiency of
the services rendered by the Roads
and Stormwater Department with
particular reference to the Operations
and Assets Branch & Infrastructure
Maintenance and Depots Branch.
Closing Date: 15 November 2010 at 10:00 am,
Tender Box 30 at theTender Office, 5th Floor,
Tower Block *.Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape
Town). For technical enquiries contact
Randall Adriaans, tel 400-3942 or e-mail:
2. Tender No: 109S/2010/11: Chemical
briefing session) will take place on the, 02
November 2010 at 10:00 at Elsies River
Housing Maintenance Depot, 42nd Avenue,
Elsies River. For technical enquiries
contact Mr Arthur William Julie, tel
021 936 8803 / 084 225 1994, fax 021 936 8809.
(This tender document is not available on
the City of Cape Town website.)
13. Tender
Construction of Civil Services For
Ocean View Housing Project. Closing
Date: 23 November 2010 at 10:00. Tender
Box 48 at theTender Office, 5th Floor,Tower
Block *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City Of Cape
Town). Tenderers should have an estimated
CIDB contractor grading of 7CE or higher.
A site visit/clarification meeting (noncompulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session) will take place on Tuesday,
02 November 2010 at 10:00 at Old Quarry
entrance of Slangkop Road, Ocean View.
For technical enquiries contact Mr Edward
Thomas, tel 021 710 9363 / 084 603 3531.
(This tender document is not available on
the City of Cape Town website.)
weed control on hard surfaces. Closing
date: 22 November 2010 at 10:00. Tender
Box 13 at theTender Office, 5th Floor,Tower
Block *. Tender fee: R30 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of
Cape Town).A strongly recommended
briefing session will be held on Friday 12
November 2010 at 10:00 at Royal Ascot
Council Chamber, Bridle Road, Milnerton.
For technical enquiries contact Mr
George Frost, tel 021 550 7504.
3. Tender No: 110S/2010/11: Opening
and closing of graves in the City
cemeteries. Closing date: 22 November
2010 at 10:00. Tender Box 12 at the Tender
Office, 5th Floor, Tower Block *. Tender fee:
R30 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
payable to the City of Cape Town). For
technical enquiries contact: Mr George
Frost, tel 021 550 7504.
4. Tender No: 111Q/2010/11: Tender for
the Upgrade work at Matroosfontein,
Salberau and Apricot Place home for
Senior Citizens. Closing date: 12 November
2010 at 10:00. Tender Box 22 at the Tender
Office, 5th Floor, Tower Block *. A Site
Visit/Clarification Meeting will be at
Matroosfontein Senior Citizens Home,
Lotus Way, Matroosfontein at 10:00,
Thursday 4 November 2010. For technical
enquiries contact Arthur William Julies,
tel 021 9368803, Cell 084 2251994.
Construction of Atlantis Integrated
Rapid Transport Corridor: R27 from
Blaauwberg Road to Sandown Road
(North). Closing date: 23 November 2010
at 10:00.Tender Box 23 at theTender Office,
5th Floor, Tower Block *. A Site Visit /
Clarification Meeting will be held on
Wednesday 10 November 2010 at 10:00 at
the offices of HHO Africa, 14 Bree Street,
Cape Town. For technical enquiries
contact Mr Cobus Hugo, tel 021 400-2961.
Construction of Non- Motorised
Transport Infrastructure within 500m
of the Atlantis Intergrated Rapid
Transit Bus Stations: Culemborg,
Paarden Eiland to Racecourse Road,
Sunset Beach. Closing date: 23 November
2010 at 10:00. Tender Box 28 at the Tender
Office, 5th Floor, Tower Block *. A Site
Visit / Clarification Meeting will be held
on Thursday 11 November 2010 at 10:00 at
the offices of HHO Africa, 14 Bree Street,
Cape Town. For technical enquiries
contact Mr Cobus Hugo, tel 021 400-2961.
7.Tender No. 114G/2010/11: Manufacture,
Supply and Delivery of Prefabricated
Concrete Plinths / Bases for Equipment.
Closing Date: 22th November 2010 at 10:00.
Tender Box 14 at theTender Office, 5th Floor,
Tower Block *. Tender fee: R50 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to the
City of CapeTown). For technical enquiries
contact Mr A Broodryk, tel 021 514-4605
or Cell No. 084 645 1293.
8.Tender No. 115S/2010/11: Supply of
Labour for the Installation, Testing and
Maintenance of Protection and
Automation Relays. Closing Date: 22th
November 2010 at 10:00.Tender Box No. 29
at theTender Office, 5th Floor,Tower Block *.
Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed
cheque payable to the City of CapeTown). For
technical enquiries contact Mr R de Kock,
tel 021 918-7054 or Cell No. 084 565 1200.
9.Tender No. 116Q/2010/11: Construction
of Bulk Stormwater Infrastructure:
Blackheath – Phase 3. Closing Date: 12
November 2010 at 10:00. Tender Box 50 at
the Tender Office, 5th Floor, Tower Block *.
Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed
cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB
contractor grading of 4CE or higher. A site
visit/clarification meeting (a non-compulsory
but strongly recommended briefing session)
will take place on the, 3 November 2010 at
10:00 at Blackheath Industria, cnr of
Wimbledon/ School Streets, Blackheath. For
technical enquiries contact Mr Wynand
Buhr, tel 021 850 4418 / 084 919 1396 fax
021 850 4500. (This tender document is not
available on the City of Cape Town website.)
10. Tender No. 117Q/2010/11: Period
Tender for the Supply and Installation
of windows in Council Owned Flats:
Bellville South. (Please note that this
tender covers a period of two years
from date of commencement). Closing
Date: 12 November 2010 at 10:00. Tender
Box 37 at the Tender Office, 5th Floor, Tower
Block *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of
Cape Town). Tenderers should have an
estimated CIDB contractor grading of
3GB or higher. A site visit/clarification
meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly
recommended briefing session) will take
place on the, 03 November 2010 at 10:00
at Cnr of Frank Louw and Abdurahman
Streets, Bellville South. For technical
enquiries contact Mr Arthur William
Julie, tel 021 936 8803 / 084 225 1994, fax
021 936 8809. (This tender document is not
available on the City of Cape Town website.)
11. Tender No. 118Q/2010/11: The
Rehabilitation of the Victoria Road
Bridge over the Disa River, Hout Bay.
Closing Date: 12 November 2010 at 10:00.
Tender Box 38 at theTender Office, 5th Floor,
Tower Block *. Tender fee: R100 (Nonrefundable; Crossed cheque payable to
the City of CapeTown).Tenderers should have
an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 4CE
or higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a
non-compulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session) will take place on the, 03
November 2010 at 10:00 at the site, Victoria
Road Bridge over the Disa River, Hout Bay.
For technical enquiries contact Mr. Jameson
Mtanga, tel 021 400 3497 / 082 391 8919, fax
021 419 7639. (This tender document is not
available on the City of Cape Town website.)
12. Tender No. 119Q/2010/11: Period
Tender for the replacement and repairs Tender documents are available on
to concrete staircases in various (unless
council owned properties for existing otherwise stated), or are obtainable from
settlements: North Maintenance Area. the City of Cape Town Tender Office, 5th
(Please note that this tender covers Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard,
a period of two years from date of Cape Town, during office hours from
commencement). Closing Date: 12 08:30-15:00. For further information
November 2010 at 10:00. Tender Box 39 at regarding the collection of tender
the Tender Office, 5th Floor, Tower Block *. documentation, please contact the
Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed Tender Office on telephones (021) 400 2481;
cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). 400 5123; 400 2405 or 400 2505.
Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB
contractor grading of 3GB or 3SL or * Tower Block refers to the Tower Block of
higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a the Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard,
non-compulsory but strongly recommended Cape Town.
• R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S
• Erf 19419, Koeberg Road, Rugby
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17(2)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance
15 (No 15 of 1985) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to
inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark Centre Cnr Koeberg & Ixia Streets,
Milnerton. Enquiries may be directed to PO Box 35, Milnerton 7435, J.Gelb, tel 021 550-1090, and fax 021 550-7517 week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections,
with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned
District Manager on or before 22 November 2010 quoting the above relevant legislation,
the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any
objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: Karma Property Investments 24 (Pty) Ltd.
Application number: 3614
Address: 367 Koeberg Road, Rugby
Nature of Application:
The Rezoning of Erf 19419, No 367 Koeberg Road, Rugby from Single Residential to
General Business (sub-zone GB2) in terms of Section 17(1) of the Land Use Planning
Ordinance 15(no 15 of 1985) to convert the existing dwelling on the property for
commercial and retail purposes.
• Public Open Space: Portion of Erf 163981 and Portion of Erf 163982 Cape
Town at Athlone.
Notice is hereby given in terms Section 137 of the Municipal Ordinance 20 of 1974 that
the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office
of the District Manager at Cnr. Aden Avenue & George Street, Athlone. Enquiries may be
directed to Mark Collison at PO Box 283, Athlone, 7760;,
tel 021 684-4343 and fax number 021 684 4440 week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections,
with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned
District Manager on or before 22 November 2010, quoting the above relevant legislation,
the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any
objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: ACG Architects and Development Planners
Application number: 121208
Address: Between Belgravia Road and Arlington Road, Athlone
Nature of Application:
Application has been made for the closure of a portion of Public Open Space
Notice is hereby given of Council’s intention to alienate and or grant long term leasehold
rights in respect of its capital assets listed hereunder for establishment of Social Care
Facilities, namely, Aids Orphanages, and / or any related social care demands in the areas
mentioned below:
Erf Number
Tarentaal Rd -Bridgetown
Groenberg and Rooiberg
Rd - Heideveld
Dyani Crescent - Khayelitsha
Voorbrug Rd -Delft
Community Facility
Municipal Purposes
Inst. III
Mixed Use
For further details of the proposal interested Parties / Organizations / Business partners can
contact Mr Kevin Gallagher, tel 021 400-1842, 13th Floor Tower Block Bayside Civic Centre
Cape Town. Any Objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with
valid reasons within 21 days to PO Box 4557, Cape Town or fax (021) 400-3001 on or
before 19th November 2010.
• Erf 3743, 124 Main Road, Strand
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17(1) of Ordinance 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned
application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager,
First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets, Somerset West.
Enquiries may be directed to Ms Riana du Plessis, PO Box 19, Somerset West, 7129,
e-mail to, tel 021 850-4346 or fax 021 850-4487 during
08:00–14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing at the
office of the District Manager at the First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries
Pretorius Streets, Somerset West on or before 22 November 2010, quoting the above
relevant legislation and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections
received after the above-mentioned closing date may be considered to be invalid.
Applicant: Alan King
Owner: The Ricdown Property Trust
Application Number: 195834
Notice Number: 49/2010
Address: 124 Main Road, Strand
Nature of Application:
The rezoning of Erf 3743, 124 Main Road, Strand from General Residential Zone I to
General Business Zone 1 (Non-Central) purposes to allow for the conversion of the
existing main building to business/retail purposes.
to Ms Riana du Plessis/Mr Jurgen Neubert, PO Box 19, Somerset West, 7129, e-mail
to, tel 021 850-4346 or fax 021 850-4487 during 08:00–14:30.
Any objections, with full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing at the office of the
District Manager at the First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets,
Somerset West on or before 29 November 2010, quoting the above relevant legislation
and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. The application is also open to
inspection at the office of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Region
B, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 601, 1 Dorp Street, CapeTown,
from 08:00–12:30 and 13:00–15:30 (Monday to Friday).Telephonic enquiries in this regard
may be made at 021 483-4634 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483-3098. Any objections
received after the abovementioned closing date may be considered to be invalid.
Applicant: Mr S Warasally
Owner: Mr S Warasally
Application Number: 195093
Notice Number: 50/2010
Address: 24 Forbes Street, Rusthof, Strand
Nature of Application:
a) The Removal of restrictive title conditions to Erf 7093, 24 Forbes Street, Rusthof,
Strand to enable the owner to operate a tuck shop on the property;
b) The temporary departure from the Strand Zoning Scheme Regulations on Erf 7093,
24 Forbes Street, Rusthof, Strand to regularize the existing house shop on the property.
Council By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003, an application to renew
the lease for a portion of Public Street, being portion of Remainder Erf 70019, Dessie
Road, Plumstead, approximately 148 m² in extent, as shown on Plan LT 145/1, of Timour
Hall Primary School or its successors-in-title for a period of ten years for gardening
and security purposes at a rental of R566,67 per annum plus VAT and rates. For further
details of the transaction please contact Andre Golding, tel 021 710-8202, Property
Management Services, Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Road, Plumstead between 08:00-16:00
on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together
with reasons therefor, to the Regional Head: Property Services, South Peninsula Region,
Private Bag X5, Plumstead, 7801, or fax 021 710-8375 or 021 710-8192 on or before 22
November 2010.
• Portion of Public Street – Portion of Erf 728 Fresnaye – Avenue St Louis - Fresnaye
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 4(3)(a) and 6(1)(a) of the Provincial Notice
No. 5988 that the Council received an application from Themis Anastasia Lourandos
for the closure and purchase of a portion of Public Street portion of Erf 728 Fresnaye,
Avenue St Louis, Fresnaye, in extent approximately 86m² as shown on Plan STC 1006
for consolidation with her adjoining Erf 1431 Fresnaye. The land applied for is required
for garden, access and security purposes.The recommended selling price is R330 000.00
(excluding VAT), escalating at 5% per annum from date of Council approval until paid
in full. The application is available for inspection, on appointment in the office of Mrs
M Murray tel 021 400-6557 during office hours (08:00 – 13:00; 13:30 – 16:00), 3rd floor
• Erf 18526, Pedro Street, Wallacedene, Kraaifontein
Media City Building, cnr Heerengracht and Hertzog Boulevard, CapeTown and comments,
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17(2)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, if any, must reach the undersigned in writing at PO Box 4557 Cape Town, 8000, by no
No 15 of 1985, that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to later than 22 November 2010. (L7/2/148)
inspection at the office of the District Manager, Northern District. Any enquiries may be
directed to Hannes van Zyl, Planning & Building Development Management, Municipal
Offices, Brighton Road, Kraaifontein (Postal Address: PO Box 25, Kraaifontein 7569),
e-mail address, tel 021 980-6003 and fax
021 980-6083 week-days during office hours (08:00 – 14:30). Any objections, with full • Erf 35524 (Closed Portion of Versveld Street), Goodwood
reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance,
Manager: Northern District on or before 22 November 2010 quoting the above relevant 1985 (No 15 of 1985) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open
legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. to inspection at the office of the District Manager, City of Cape Town 3rd Floor, Municipal
Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Offices, Voortrekker Road, Parow. Enquiries may be directed to Mr D Stevens, tel
Owner/s: City of Cape Town
021 938-8207 and fax 021 938-8509 during the hours 08:00 – 14:30. Objections, with
Applicant: NuPLAN AFRICA
full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing at the office of the above-mentioned
Application number: 197863
District Manager on or before 22-11-2010, quoting the above relevant legislation
Nature of Application:
and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
• The rezoning of Erf 18526, Wallacedene, from Open Space Zone II, to Institutional the abovementioned closing date may be considered to be invalid.
Zone I, in order to accommodate a school on the property concerned.
Applicant: Jody Francis
Should your response not reach the above offices on or before the closing date, it may Application nr: 194439
be considered invalid. Kindly clearly indicate in terms of which legislation your comments Address: Versveld Street, Goodwood
/ objections are made. Should you be unable to provide written objection or representation, Nature of Application: Application for the rezoning in respect of Erf 35524, Goodwood,
you may by appointment during office hours request a staff member to assist you with from Public Road Purpose to Local Business Zone, to accommodate additional on-site
transcribing your objection or representation. Kindly note, any comment and/or objection parking as well as an vehicle entrance for Erf 35518, Goodwood.
submitted would be public record and be made available to the applicant for response Ref No:T/W 18/6/1/308
as a matter of course.
• Erf 18 Constantia (first placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967
(Act 84 of 1967), and in terms of Sections 15 and 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance
no.15 of 1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to
inspection at the office of the District Manager, Department: Planning & Building
Development Management, City of Cape Town, Ground Floor, 3 Victoria Rd, Plumstead,
and any enquiries may be directed to Mr K Barry, from 08:30-13:00 Monday to Friday,
tel 021 710-8205. The application is also open for inspection at the office of the Director:
Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs &
Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas
Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town week days from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30.
Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 2689 and the Directorate’s
fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections and/ or comments, with full reasons
therefore, must be submitted in writing at both (1) the office of the District Manager,
Department: Planning & Building Development Management, City of Cape Town,
Private Bag X5, Plumstead, 7800 or faxed to 021 710-8283 or e-mailed to and (2) the Director: Integrated Environmental
Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Provincial
Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town on
or before the closing date, quoting, the above Act and Ordinance, the belowmentioned
reference number, and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Objections
and comments may also be hand-delivered to the abovementioned street addresses
by no later than the closing date. If your response is not sent to these addresses and/
or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to be invalid.
Closing date: 29 November 2010.
Location address: 31 Spilhaus Avenue. Hohenhort
Owner: Pamper Investments (Pty) Ltd
Applicant: Plan Africa cc
Application no: 192093
Nature of application: Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to erf 18 at 31
Spilhaus Avenue to enable the owner to subdivide the property into two portions and
departure from the Divisional Council of the Cape Zoning Scheme to permit the portions
to be below the minimum erf size of 8000m2 (Portion 1 + 4000m2 and Remainder + 4000m2)
• Erf 7093, 24 Forbes Street, Rusthof, Strand (first placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 3(6) of the Act 84 of 1967 & 15(1)(a)(ii) of
Ordinance 15 of 1985 that the under-mentioned application has been received and is • Portion of Public Street, Being Portion of Remainder Erf 70019, Dessie
Road, Plumstead
open to inspection at the office of the District Manager, First Floor, Municipal Offices,
cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets, Somerset West. Enquiries may be directed Notice is hereby given that the Council is considering, in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of
• Erven 12679 and 15917, Bellville (second placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act
84 of 1967 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection
at the office of the District Manager at 3rd Floor, Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road,
Parow. Enquiries may be directed to Mr R Snyman, Private Bag X4, Parow, 7499,, tel 021 938-8532 and fax 021 938-8509 during
08:00-14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director:
Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs &
Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 204, 1
Dorp Street, Cape Town from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday).
Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483 6818 and the Directorate’s
fax number is (021) 483 3633. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged
in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental
Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning at Private
Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to the above-mentioned District Manager,
on or before 22 November 2010, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number.
Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Messrs Roderick Andrew Cole Lewis
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title conditions, applicable to Erven 12679
and 15917, Bellville, to enable the owner to remove the existing building/development
restrictions which the existing buildings contravene. These restrictions, as per Title
Deed No T061623/2002, relate to building setbacks, coverage and the provision of loading
bay facilities.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Pound Ordinance No 18 of 1938 that the following
animals have been impounded at the Municipality’s Dog/General Pound, Atlantis
(Perkins Street, Atlantis Industrial Area:
1 x Pigs (sow)
1 x Stallion – Horse
2 x Mare - Horses
Unless previously released, the above animals will be sold by Public Auction at the
Pound at 10:00 on 29th October 2010.
For afterhours enquiries contact Peter Lottering, 084 211 2115, 021 577 4088
Achmat Ebrahim:
City Manager
22 October 2010