Document 10455894

in terms of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 (MPBL)
(to be completed by an official)
Company / Trust
Please complete and mark with an X the preferred method of formal written communication
Property Extent
Any restrictive title deed conditions
affecting development on the property?
Any unauthorised land use / building work / structures
on the property?
If so, has owner / operator been served with a
notice to rectify?
Is the purpose of this application to rectify a contravention in terms of the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015?
Company / Trust
Please complete and mark with an X the preferred method of formal written communication
(Mark all applications to be applied for)
Rezoning of land, including rezoning to sub divisional area overlay zoning
In terms of (see below)
of the City of Cape Town
Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015
Section 42(a)
Permanent departure
Section 42(b)
Temporary departure
Section 42(c)
Subdivision of land
Section 42(d)
Implementation of a subdivision approval in phases
Section 42(e)
Consolidation of land
Section 42(f)
Amendment, suspension or deletion of a restrictive condition
Section 42(g)
Consent or approval in terms of, or the relaxation of, a restrictive condition in a title deed
where the restriction relates to use, subdivision, development rules or design criteria
Section 42(h)
Consent, approval or any other permission or requirement in terms of the development
management scheme
Section 42(i)
Amendment, deletion or addition of conditions in respect of an existing approval
granted or deemed to be granted in terms of this By-Law
Section 42(j)
Extension of the period of validity of an approval
Section 42(k)
Amendment or cancellation of an approved plan of subdivision or general plan
Section 42(l)
Permission required in terms of the conditions of approval of an application
Section 42(m)
Determination of a zoning, a non-conforming use right or any other matter which the City
may determine in terms of this By-Law
Section 42(n)
Correction of a zoning map
Section 42(o)
Certification of an owners' association constitution or an amendment;
Section 42(p)
Alteration or amendment of a street name or number
Section 42(q)
Determination of an administrative penalty as contemplated in section 129(1)
Section 42(r)
To exempt a subdivision from the need for approval in terms of this By-Law as
contemplated in section 67(3)
Section 42(s)
Any other application provided for in this By-Law
Section 42(t)
Any other application which the City Manager may prescribe in terms of this By-Law
Section 42(u)
If required, has application for Environmental Impact Assessment, Heritage Impact Assessment, Transport / Traffic
Impact Assessment, Major Hazard Installation Assessment or Spatial Development Framework approval been made?
Total Application fee
Is a pre-application consultation in terms of section 70(2) of the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 required?
Is the pre-application consultation record attached?
Brief description of proposed development / intent of application (including conditions / site development plan amendments required)
Copy of trust deed
List of title deed conditions to be removed /
amended / relaxed
Proof of payment
Pre-application consultation record (if held)
4. That this submission includes all necessary planning applications (including any departures) required to enable the development proposed
herein. I/we specifically confirm that I/we have read the relevant title deed(s) and that there are no restrictive conditions which impact on the
this application, or alternatively where there are, removal / amendment / suspension of these form part of the submission.
5. That where the proposal involves existing building work erected and / or used in contravention of the development management scheme, that
I/we have consulted with the Section Head: Land Use Management for the applicable area to ensure the correct application in terms of planning
law is being made. I confirm that I have not been served with a demolition directive in terms of section 128 (1) (b) (ii) of the City of Cape Town
Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015.
# If the application is made by a person other than the registered owner (e.g. an agent / consultant) the requirements in terms of section 71 (1)(b)
of the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 must be adhered to.
Registered owner’s
Building line encroachment
Exceeding maximum permitted floor factor
Administrative penalty
Application for an administrative penalty in terms of section 42 (r) of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015:
Give a description of the contravention on the property.
Describe the duration of the contravention.
Describe the extent of area used for the unlawful activity, and/or the extent of the unauthorised building work.
(Indicate extent on map/plan/ diagram)
Has the unlawful activity ceased?
Has the owner / person previously contravened the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015?
If so, please provide more details below.
Provide the municipal valuation of the erf.
Assessment checklist (in respect of permanent departures / SDP amendments, where no objections)
In terms of Section
of the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 the above application is hereby
in accordance with the attached Plan no
and subject to the following conditions (if any):
Authorised official’s signature
Authorised official’s name (in block capitals)
Amended on: 17/09/2015