BRANT AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL February, 2014 At Brant Ave P.S. we treat others the way we want to be treated! M. Gault, Principal Happy Snowy February! We have some wonderful things planned for our Safe Schools Campaign this month. First, we will be having a Pink Shirt Day on February 26th. The original event was organized by David Shepherd, and Travis Price of Berwick, Nova Scotia, who in 2007 bought and distributed 50 pink shirts after a male ninth grade student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt during the first day of school. On February 26th, in addition to wearing pink, we will be having two assemblies with special guests. The first assembly will be for our primary students and it will teach the students about inclusion. The second assembly will be for our junior students concerning the topic of cyberbullying. More information is on the next page written by Mrs. Fonte our Child and Youth Worker. Finally, I have included below a quote from a Ministry of Education pamphlet concerning the difference between conflict and bullying. There is an important distinction to be made as it is an issue that often confuses many of us. See below: “Is conflict the same as bullying? People may sometimes confuse conflict with bullying, but they are different. Conflict occurs between two or more people who have a disagreement, a difference of opinion or different views. Conflict between students does not always mean it’s bullying. Children learn at a young age to understand that others can have a different perspective than their own, but developing the ability to gain perspective takes time and the process continues into early adulthood. In conflict, each person feels comfortable expressing his or her views, and there is no power imbalance. Each person feels able to state his or her view point. How people deal with conflict can make it positive or negative. Conflict becomes negative when an individual behaves aggressively by saying or doing hurtful things. Then the conflict is an aggressive interaction. Conflict only becomes bullying when it is repeated over and over again and there is a power imbalance. Over time, a pattern of behaviour may emerge where the person who behaves aggressively in the conflict may continue or even make it worse. The person who is the recipient of the aggressive conflict may feel less and less able to express his or her point of view and feel more and more powerless. That is when negative conflict may turn into bullying. A school will respond to bullying and conflict differently.” For more information go to the following link: df As always, I am available it you have any questions about this, or any other topic of interest concerning your child’s education and experience at Brant. Ave. P.S. Sincerely, Mair Ann Gault JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Please contact the office at 519-824-2671 if you have a child, or know of a child, who will be turning four on or before December 31, 2014 for Junior Kindergarten or five on or before December 31, 2014 for Senior Kindergarten and has not yet registered. INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHOES REQUIRED Please make sure your children have indoor shoes available at school for gym and in class. Boots are only to be worn outside. Not only is it unhealthy and dangerous for students to walk around the floors of the school in socks, students will not have a chance to change into their footwear if there is a fire alarm or drill. Thank you for helping with this. CONTACT INFORMATION/SAFE ARRIVAL In September you were asked to update contact information on your child’s admission sheet. I am finding that as I make daily phone calls many of the contact numbers are either now out of service or people are not employed at the original number given to the school. This outdated information makes it very hard to have a safe arrival program. Please call the school office at 519-824-2671 or send in a note with any change of information. If there is any type of emergency I may not be able to reach you. Also, a friendly reminder to call in your child’s absence to the attendance line 519-824-2671 ext. 100. This line is available day and night. bus students drive their child(ren) in the morning, they must also be picked up at 3:15 pm. PARKING Snow banks will begin to emerge along Brant Avenue which means a reduction in visibility and the need for an increased awareness of our students. Vehicles are to park along the road when picking up or dropping off students; this will ensure that no students walking home through the parking lot are at risk. Please adhere to these procedures as we work to make our scool a safe place for students, staff and parents. LIVE FREE CAMPAIGN Thank you for your support. Mrs. Smith Live Free For Those Who Live Without...Coming th February 28 LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW! Winter is fully upon us and therefore this is a good time to send out a reminder about winter recess expectations. Please ensure your child comes to school with the appropriate winter clothing, including a coat, snowpants, hat, mitts and boots, etc. Extra socks and mittens are recommended. This is also the time we remind students about the “no one owns the snow, so share when building snow forts and snowmen”. Of all the rules, however, the most serious one is outlined below: No throwing snow, snowballs or ice balls. This rule is in place at all schools to maintain the safety of all students. We want to encourage safe and fun play this winter at Brant Avenue Public School. BUS/TAXI CANCELLATIONS During times of inclement weather, please listen to our local radio stations: 1460 AM CJOY; 106.1 Magic FM for school transportation cnacellations. Information on bus/taxi cancellations and school closures are also posted on the Upper Grand District School Board’s website: If your child(ren) regularly travel by bus, parents do not need to inform the school of your child’s absence when buses are cancelled. If however, your child(ren) walk to school, you are asked to leave a message on the 24 hour attendance line (519-824-2671 ext. 100) for any absence or late arrival. Please note: on days when buses/taxis are cancelled, unless otherwise informed, the school will be open and a regular school program will be offered. Also, if parents of Every day, many children in our community live without the basic necessities that many of us take for granted. Often these children go to school without the proper nutrition to allow them to focus on their class work. Put simply, they are too hungry to learn. But this can change and you can make a difference. Brant Avenue Public School will be taking part in the “Live Free Challenge”. Students and staff will be challenged to “Live free” of something they take for granted every day. The challenge will take place on Friday February 28th and student will be asked to give up something they like or enjoy for the whole day as part of the “Live Free Challenge”. Students are asked to donate a Toonie to the campaign to show their support for Food and Friends program in our area. All the money donated by Brant Avenue students will go directly towards our school’s snack program!! Thanks for your participation!! VALENTINES DAY COOKIE SALE to support our 2014 Live Free campaign. Brant Avenue Public School. will be selling Valentine’s cookies at 2nd nutrition break on February 14th for a $1.00 per cookie. All proceeds from the cookie sale will go towards our Live Free campaign, which will then going directly back into our school nutrition program. Thanks for your support. PINK SHIRT DAY ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26TH. Brant Avenue P.S. will be taking part in Pink shirt Day to show their support in...” Standing up and not standing by to Bullying”. Here is a link to learn more about this day. SOREN BENNICK PRODUCTIONS is coming to Brant Avenue School. The second show is for grades 4-6 and is called Cyber Busters. On Wednesday February 26th, Soren Bennick Productions will be putting on two shows at our school. SUMMARY: Two students meet by accident in a park. As they begin to talk, the topic turns to cyber bullying. The students tell each other stories about cyber bullying that they have experienced at school. TOPICS COVERED: What is cyber bullying? What are the negative effects of cyber bullying? What to do if it happens to you? How do you prevent cyber bullying? The first show is for grades K-3 and is called Hi Rez Comes to earth. SUMMARY: Hi Rez has only been playing with other purple aliens and has been ignoring all the aliens of other colours. So he is assigned by his planet elders to visit Earth to find out about INCLUSION. Upon arrival, Hi Rez meets a young school girl named Jessie and they become friends. Jessie teaches Hi Rez the positive benefits of being receptive to new people and new ideas. And Hi Rez helps her understand the importance of being persistent and standing up for yourself, especially when she really wants to do something, like join the hip hop club, even when they don't want you as a member! Together, Jessie and Hi Rez also work out that it's OK to have your own group of friends and that not everyone can be part of every group (to play football, you have to be able to play football!). It's just that when someone is being left out, then that's not right. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING DATE The next School Council Meeting date is set for th Thursday, March 6 , at 6:30pm in the school library. Come join your neighbours and fellow parents and guardians to learn more about your child’s school and how you can get involved. MONTH of FEBRUARY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 River Run trip: Gr. 1, 1 / 2, 2/3A & 2/3C 9 10 11 12 River Run trip: Gr. 5/6 7 8 14 15 Report Cards go home 13 VIP Grade 6 Cookie Sale Red and White Day 16 17 Family Day – no school 23 24 18 19 Basketball tournament 25 20 4:30pm Tim Horton’s Camp Info Night 26 Pink Shirt Day Soren Bennick Productions 27 21 Olympics Day and Olympics Assembly 28 Live Free Day 22