WELLINGTON HEIGHTS S.S. RETURNING GRADE 12 Planning SHEET 2016-2017 Student Name: _______________________________, ___________________________________ Last Name First Name FIRST – Since you are a grade 12 RETURNING student you need to make sure you select options that will meet graduation requirements this year. Please use the Graduation Indicator in myBluePrint to determine if you are missing any compulsory courses. AFTER you have indicated all of the compulsory credits you need to take in grade 12 to meet the requirements of the OSSD, you are able to choose elective courses. If you plan to stay for one semester only choose either 3 or 4 credits. If you plan to stay for two semesters, choose a minimum of 6 or 7 credits. You can choose from the list of elective courses offered for grade 12 students, or you may choose a grade 10 or 11 class from the course calendar. NEXT, the requirement is that you ALSO complete your course selection online through your myBluePrint Account. Please see instructions on the back of this page. COMPULSORY ( one from English if needed) □ ENG4U □ ENG4C □ ENG4E If you plan to stay for one semester only choose either 3 or 4 credits. If you plan to stay for two semesters, choose a minimum of 6 or 7 credits. Co-op counts as either 2 or 4 credits. Dual Credits count as 2 Credits. Mathematics Business Advanced Functions □ MHF4U Law □ CLN4U Calculus □ MCV4U Accounting □ BAT4M Data Management □ MDM4U Business Leadership □ BOH4M Workplace Math □ MEL4E Foundations for College Math □ MAP4C Cooperative Education French □ FSF4U □ FTECO2 (2 Credit) □ FTECO4 (4 Credit) Dual Credit □ FTEDU4T Family Studies Personal Life Management □ HIP4O Social Sciences Equity and Social Justice □ HSE4M Canadian Families □ HHS4U □ HHS4C Science Biology □ SBI4U □ SBI3C Chemistry □ SCH4U □ SCH4C Physics □ SPH4U Practical Science □ SNC4E The Arts Drama Musical Theatre Exploring the Arts Music Visual Art Printmaking ADA4M ADB4O □ FTESDR AEA4O □ AMU4M □ AVI4M □ AWO4M Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course Missing Compulsory Credits (write in course code) ___________________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ Interdisciplinary Studies Philosophy of Literature and Film □ IDC4U1 International Studies □ IDC4U2 History West and the World □ CHY4U □ CHY4C Geography Forces of Nature □ CGF3M Healthy Active Living Coed Gym □ PPL4O Girls Gym □ PPL4OX Outdoor Ed □ PAD4O Coed Fitness □PAF4O Exercise Science □ PSK4U Technology Communications □ TGJ4O1 □ TGJ4M1 Computers □ TEJ4E1 □ TEJ4M1 Construction □ TCJ4ED (2 Credit) □ TCJ4E4(4 Credit) Metal □ TMJ4E1 □ TMJ4ED (2 Credit) Wood □ TWJ4E1 Drafting/Design □TDJ4O1 □ OLC4O (for students who need to meet their literacy requirement) Electives at Grade 9, 10, or 11 Levels (write in course code) List 3 Alternate electives: 1____________________ 2___________________ 3____________________ Specialist High Skills Major If you are interested in or are already pursuing, a Specialist High Skills Major in one of the areas listed below, please indicate this by checking the appropriate box. Checking the box does not guarantee acceptance into the SHSM. Interested students will be contacted for an interview. □ Arts and Culture □ Business □ Construction □ Information & Communication □ Health and Wellness □ Manufacturing □ Sports Performance It is the responsibility of the student and parents to carefully read the course calendar available at www.ugdsb.on.ca/whss and to keep an accurate record of his/her Credit History. WHSS Returning GRADE 12 COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET 2016/2017 Use the Online Course Selection Guide Instructions which can be found below. *You must enter your courses through MyBlueprint once you sign into www.ugcloud.ca Each grade 12 student must register for 8 courses and at least 2 alternates. ****WHSS Online Course Selection**** MyBluePrint.ca: Online Course Selection Guide for Students This step-by-step guide will help you complete online course selection using the myBlueprint website. You will require the below information to get started. 1. Login to your ugcloud account using your school network id and password. (Go to www.ugcloud.ca) 2. Choose the myBluePrint icon. 3. COURSE SELECTION – From the Home screen, click on the View Courses button that appears in the Course Selection Status box on the left. The button will say Plan Courses if course submission is disabled. 4. ADD COURSES FOR NEXT YEAR a. In High School Planner, click + [Course]. b. In the Course Selection and Details screen, explore the available courses. c. Click Add Course to Plan when you find the course you want. 5. GRADUATION INDICATOR – the Graduation Indicator will help you keep track of your progress. Click View Progress for a list of specific graduation requirements. a. **Since you are grade 12 students you graduation indicator should b. Show a completed or planned check in each required box. If it does not c. You will need to modify your selection to choose courses that d. Meet the requirements of your OSSD. 6. Submit Courses: When you are ready to submit your course selections, click Submit (Step 1 of 3). Note: you must review your course selection before the SUBMIT button will appear. 7. Confirm & Print: Carefully review the Submission Details page to ensure that you are meeting the requirements for the courses you have selected and that the courses that appear are correct. Once you have reviewed, click Confirm & Print. 8. Having trouble? View the video at: www.myblueprint.ca/online-course-selection-with-myblueprint/ 9. YOU’RE DONE! Print the Course Selection Sign-Off Sheet if you would like a copy for yourself. I have reviewed and completed my course selection online through MYBluePrint. ______________________________________ Student Signature Date:____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Parent Signature It is the responsibility of the student and parents to carefully read the course calendar available at www.ugdsb.on.ca/whss and to keep an accurate record of his/her Credit History. Students and parents can see an up to date credit analysis in High School Planner within your MyBluePrint Account. In your High School Planner select the Graduation Indicator. This link will show you the number of compulsory credits you have complete, planned and have remaining. Online Course Selection will be closed after Feb. 26th 2016.