Curriulum Vitae May 2, 2016 Russ Miller Department of Computer Siene and Engineering, 338F Davis Hall, State University of New York at Bualo, Bualo, New York 14260; (716) 645-4737 (oÆe); (716) 645-3464 (FAX);; Degrees: Ph.D., Department of Mathematial Sienes, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1985. Dissertation: Pyramid Computer Algorithms Advisor: Quentin F. Stout M.A., Department of Mathematial Sienes, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1982. B.S. in Computer Siene { Mathematis, Department of Mathematial Sienes, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1980. Employment: 2002-present UB Distinguished Professor, State University of New York at Bualo. 2001-present Adjunt Professor, Department of Strutural Biology, State University of New York at Bualo. 1998-present Adjunt Professor, Department of Eletrial Engineering, State University of New York at Bualo. 1992-2010 Senior Researh Sientist, Department of Moleular Biophysis, Hauptman-Woodward Medial Researh Institute (formerly The Medial Foundation of Bualo Researh Institute), Bualo, NY. 2006-2007 Founding Exeutive Diretor and Member of the Governing Board, Cyberinfrastruture Initiative in the State of New York. 1998-2006 Founding Diretor, Center for Computational Researh, State University of New York at Bualo. 1995-2002 Professor, Department of Computer Siene (and Engineering), State University of New York at Bualo. 1991-1996 Consultant, Thinking Mahines Corporation, Cambridge, Mass. 1990-1995 Assoiate Professor, Department of Computer Siene, State University of New York at Bualo. 1985-1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Siene, State University of New York at Bualo. 1985 Adjunt Leturer, Department of Mathematial Sienes, State University of New York at Binghamton. Researh Interests: Cyberinfrastruture, Grid Computing, High-Performane Computing, Parallel Algorithms and Arhitetures, Computational Crystallography, Computational Geometry, Combinatorial Optimization Russ Miller - Vitae Page 2 Honors: Best Song in Pop Rok / Country Category, \When Your Heart," The Akademia, February, 2016. Best Song in Cover / Rok Category, \Sweet Child O' Mine," The Akademia, February, 2016. Fellow of the IEEE, 2012. Eleted Senior Member of the IEEE, 2006. Induted into Amherst (NY) Avenue of Athletes for \outstanding ontributions in the area of youth sports," June, 2005. Certiate of Reognition, Career Servies OÆe, SUNY-Bualo, based on survey of Graduates of the Class of 2003, 2005. SGI Innovator Award, one of six in the inaugural lass, 2003. Listed in HPCwire 2003 Top People & Organizations to Wath, topwath03.html, Marh, 2003. International Sientist of the Year, International Biographial Centre, Cambridge, England, 2003. Best Praties Award, Bio-IT World, 2003. Mihael Dell presented CCR with its rst Dell Center in Researh Exellene, September, 2002. Eleted as member to the European Aademy of Sienes (Computer Siene) with the itation \for an outstanding and lasting ontribution to parallel algorithms and omputer siene eduation," August, 2002. Designated as UB Distinguished Professor, State University of New York at Bualo, April, 2002. Shake-and-Bake was mentioned on the poster \The Top Ten Algorithms of the Century," published in Computing in Siene & Engineering, Nov/De, 2000, produed in ooperation with the IEEE and The Computer Museum History Center. Best Presentation Award for the 1987 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, St. Charles, Illinois, August 17-21, 1987. Listed in dozens of Who's Who. Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Siene, Mathematis, and Engineering Category, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1985. Eleted to Phi Beta Kappa, 1980. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 3 Professional Assoiations: infoTeh Niagara, Board of Diretors, 2002-2005. Amerian Assoiation for the Advanement of Siene (AAAS) Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation (ACA) Assoiation for Computing Mahinery (ACM), inluding the Speial Interest Group on Computer Arhiteture. Institute of Eletrial and Eletronis Engineers (IEEE), inluding IEEE Computer Soiety, Tehnial Committees on Distributed Proessing, Pattern Analysis and Mahine Intelligene, and Parallel Proessing, as well as the Speial Interest Group on Automata and Computability Theory. Soiety for Industrial and Applied Mathematis (SIAM), inluding the Speial Interest Group on Superomputing. Teahing Interests: Cyberinfrastruture Grid Computing Cluster Computing Parallel Algorithms Analysis of Algorithms Computational Geometry Data Strutures Russ Miller - Vitae Page Funding: External Individual Funding: 2004: Hewlett-Pakard Company `Sponsored Training Program for a Postdotoral Aademi Fellowship Program' 1995-1998: National Siene Foundation `Salable Parallel Algorithms for Image Proessing and Computational Geometry' 1991-1994: National Siene Foundation `Parallel Algorithms for Image Proessing and Computational Geometry' Inludes Researh Experienes for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement 1988-1991: National Siene Foundation `Parallel Algorithms for Image Analysis, Computational Geometry, and Graph Theory' 1986-1988: National Siene Foundation `Algorithms for Parallel Computers' 1986: Superomputing Researh Center Workshop on Superomputing Internal Individual Funding: 1993 NYS/UUP Faulty Development Award Program `Support for TCPP Report' 1990-1991 NYS/UUP Experiened Faulty Travel Award `Parallel Computing' 1987-1988: NYS/UUP New Faulty Development Award `Parallel Algorithms' 1985-1987: State University of New York at Bualo Researh Development Fund Researh Grant `Parallel Algorithms and Languages' 1985-1987: State University of New York at Bualo New Faulty Program Researh Development Fund `Parallel Algorithms' $150,000 $239,994 $277,418 $170,000 $44,000 $3,000 $750 $500 $750 $7,500 $2,000 4 Russ Miller - Vitae Page 5 External Joint Funding: 2005-2009: National Siene Foundation $801,925 `CRI: A Western New York Computational and Data Siene Grid' PIs are as follows: R. Miller (PD, CCR/CSE), M. Green (CCR), C.M. Weeks (HWI), M. MCourt (NU) and H. Farian (Geneseo) 2002-2009: National Siene Foundation $2,054,063 `ITR: Enhaning Crystal Struture Determination through Data mining, Collaborative Environments, and Grid Computing' Inludes Researh Experienes for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement PIs are as follows: R. Miller (PD, CSE/CCR), J. Anstey (Media), H.A. Hauptman (HWI), C.M. Weeks (HWI) and A. Zhang (CSE) 2002-2006: National Imagery and Mapping Ageny `Management and Tehnology Development of the National Tehnology Alliane' Prime ontrat to Rosettex Tehnology and Ventures Group UB subontrats led by: David Mark: Imagery and Motion Imagery Proessing and Analysis, Geographi Information Systems (GIS), and Cartography Aidong Zhang: Proessing, Analysis, and Management of Data, Information, and Knowledge Russ Miller: Digital Tehnology Infrastruture 2002-2005: Federal/State Appropriations, Foundations, Donations $200,000,000+ `Center of Exellene in Bioinformatis' Major Enablers: B.A. Holm, J.E. Penksa, R. Miller, and E.D. Capaldi 2001-2003: National Siene Foundation $150,000 `High Performane Network Connetions for Siene and Engineering Researh - HPNC: High Performane Network Connetions for Hauptman-Woodward Inst' PIs are as follows: C.M. Weeks (PD, HWI), W. Pangborn (HWI), E.B. Pitman (Math), G.T. DeTitta (HWI), and R. Miller (CCR) 2001-2006: National Siene Foundation $1,003,088 `MultiStore: A Researh Infrastruture for Management, Analysis and Visualization of Large-Sale Multidimensional Data Sets' PIs are as follows: A. Zhang (PD, CSE), R. Aharya (CSE), A. Garg (CSE), D. Mark (Geog), and R. Miller (CSE) 2001: New York State OÆe of Siene, Tehnology and Aademi Researh $15,300,000 `Center for Disease Modeling and Therapy Disovery Setion Leader of Bioinformatis Laboratory' (One of Thirty Senior Personnel Listed in Proposal) PIs are as follows: B.A. Holm (PD, UB), D.C. Hohn (RPCI), G.T. DeTitta (HWI), and J.E. Friedlander (Kaleida) Russ Miller - Vitae Page 6 External Joint Funding (ont'd): 2001-2006: National Institutes of Health $7,820,345 `New Methods of Biomoleular Struture Determination' H.A. Hauptman (PD/HWI), G.T. DeTitta (HWI), C.M. Weeks (HWI), Q. Shen (CHESS), J.F. GriÆn (HWI), R.H. Blessing (HWI), S.A. Ealik (CHESS), W. Furey (Pitt), D. Guo (HWI), D.A. Langs (HWI), R. Miller (UB), S. Potter (HWI), G.D. Smith (HWI), W.D. Tolbert (CHESS), and H. Xu (HWI). 1999: Sun Mirosystems $112,000 `Development of a 64-Node Ultra 5 Linux/Beowulf Parallel Computing System' Russ Miller (PD) and Corky Brunskill (o-PI) 1998-1999: IBM Shared University Researh (SUR) Grant $1,200,000 `Determination of Moleular Struture of Large Proteins via SnB and Parallel Algorithms for Hidden Markov Modeling' R. Miller (PD), H.A. Hauptman (HWI), F. Sahs (Biophysis), and A. Auerbah (Biophysis) 1998-2001: National Siene Foundation $303,787 `Determining Moleular Strutures over the Web via SnB' Inludes Researh Experienes for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement R. Miller (PD) and C.M. Weeks (o-PI) 1998-2001: National Siene Foundation $310,500 `MRI: Strutural Studies and Methodologies in Chemistry and Moleular Biology' Inludes Researh Experienes for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement R. Miller (PD/CS), P. Coppens (Chem), T.R. Furlani (Chem), J. Gao (Chem), and H.F. King (Chem) 1998: Oishei Foundation $200,000 `Web-Based Computing with SnB' H.A. Hauptman (PD/HWI), R. Miller (HWI), and C.M. Weeks (HWI). 1998: W.M. Kek Foundation $1,000,000 `W.M. Kek Foundation Center for Computational Strutural Biology' F. Sahs, A. Auerbah, F. Qin, and R. Miller (onsultant). 1997-2000: Department of Energy Year 1: $520,000 `Superomputer Solution of Massive Crystallographi and Mirotomographi Strutural Problems' I. Foster (PD/Argonne), K. Jones (Brookhaven), H. Hauptman (HWI), C. Kesselman (CalTeh), I. MNulty (Argonne), R. Miller (UB/HWI), K. Moat (U. Chiago), J. Noedal (Northwestern), Z. Ren (U. Chiago), M. Rivers (U. Chiago), S. Sinha (PD/Argonne), R. Stevens (Argonne), E. Westbrook (Argonne), and S. Wright (Argonne). 1996-2001: National Institutes of Health $5,699,308 `New Methods of Biomoleular Struture Determination' H.A. Hauptman (PD/HWI), R. Blessing (HWI), C.-S. Chang (HWI), G.T. DeTitta (HWI), D.L. Dorset (HWI), S.E. Ealik (CHESS), J.F. GriÆn (HWI), D. Guo (HWI), D.A. Langs (HWI), R. Miller (UB) G.D. Smith (HWI), and C.M. Weeks (HWI). Russ Miller - Vitae Page External Joint Funding (ont'd): 1993-1996: National Institutes of Health $187,437 `Diret Methods of Phase Determination' (Supplement to `New Methods of Biomoleular Struture Determination') H.A. Hauptman (PD/MFB), R. Blessing (MFB), G. DeTitta (MFB), R. Miller (MFB/UB) 1992-1996: National Institutes of Health $3,009,370 `New Methods of Biomoleular Struture Determination' H.A. Hauptman (PD/MFB), D.L. Dorset (MFB), J.F. GriÆn (MFB), D. Guo (MFB), D.A. Langs (MFB), R. Miller (UB), G.D. Smith (MFB), and C.M. Weeks (MFB). 1990-1991: National Siene Foundation $270,000 `Aquisition of a High Performane Parallel Computer' A. Auerbah, D. Faber, F. Sahs, and R. Miller (onsultant) 1988-1989: National Siene Foundation $50,000 `Hyperube for Parallel Algorithms Researh' R. Miller (PD/CS), P.J. Eberlein (CS) and S.N. Srihari (CS) 1987-1990: National Siene Foundation $232,000 `Parallel Algorithms on a Hyperube Multiproessor' Inludes Researh Experienes for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement P.J. Eberlein (o-PD, Computer Siene), T. Furlani (Calspan), T. George (Physis), H. King (Chemistry), J. Lordi (Calspan), J. MIver (o-PD, Chemistry), and R. Miller (Computer Siene). Individual Superomputing Support: 1995-1996 Cornell Theory Center `SnB: Diret Methods for Crystal Struture Determination' IBM SP2 1995-1996 NSF MetaCenter Alloations `Crystal Struture Determination via Shake-and-Bake' Cray C90 (PSC), Cray T3D (PSC) 1994-1995 NSF MetaCenter Alloations `Crystal Struture Determination via Shake-and-Bake' Cray C90 (PSC), Cray T3D (PSC), TMC CM-5 (NCSA) 1993-1994 NSF Superomputing Center Advaned Computing Resoures `The Phase Problem of X-Ray Crystallography' TMC CM-5 (NCSA) 1991-1993 NSF Superomputing Center Advaned Computing Resoures `Parallel Solutions to the Phase Problem in X-Ray Crystallography' TMC CM-2 (PSC) 7 Russ Miller - Vitae Joint Superomputing Support: 1995: Lawrene Livermore National Laboratory `Appliations of Massively Parallel Computing Tehniques to the Diret Solution of Maromoleular Strutures' PI: Sean Parkin, LLNL Cray T3D Page 8 Russ Miller - Vitae Page 9 Publiations (H-Index of 41, as of 2015) Refereed Journal Papers: 1. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Geometri algorithms for digitized pitures on a mesh-onneted omputer, IEEE Transations on Pattern Analysis and Mahine Intelligene, PAMI-7 (1985), pp. 216-228. 2. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Data movement tehniques for the pyramid omputer, SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 16, no. 1, Feb. 1987, pp. 38-60. 3. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Simulating essential pyramids, IEEE Transations on Computers, vol. 37, no. 12, De. 1988, pp. 1642-1647. 4. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, EÆient parallel onvex hull algorithms, IEEE Transations on Computers, vol. 37, no. 12, De. 1988, pp. 1605-1619. 5. E. Cohen and R. Miller, Hyperube algorithms for the multiproessor sheduling problem, Superomputer Journal 27, vol. V, no. 5, September, 1988, pp. 17-32. 6. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Mesh omputer algorithms for omputational geometry, IEEE Transations on Computers, vol. 38, no. 3, Marh 1989, pp. 321-340. 7. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Parallel dynami omputational geometry, The Journal of New Generation Computer Systems 2 (1989) 3, pp. 227-246. 8. R. Miller and S.E. Miller, Convexity algorithms for digitized pitures on an Intel iPSC hyperube, Superomputer Journal 31, vol. VI, no. 3, May 1989, pp. 45-53. 9. L. Boxer and R. Miller, A parallel irle-over minimization algorithm, Information Proessing Letters 32, July 1989, pp. 57-60. 10. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Dynami omputational geometry on meshes and hyperubes, Journal of Superomputing, vol. 3, no. 3, September, 1989, pp. 161-192. 11. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Common intersetions of polygons, Information Proessing Letters 33, February 1990, pp. 249-254. 12. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, A portable parallel programming language, Strutured Programming (1990), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 157-171. 13. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Computing onvexity properties of images on a pyramid omputer, Algorithmia, vol. 6, no. 5, 1991, pp. 658-684. 14. F. Dehne, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Optial lustering on a mesh-onneted omputer, International Journal on Parallel Programming, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1991, pp. 475-486. 15. E. Cohen, R. Miller, E. Sarraf, and Q.F. Stout, EÆient onvexity and domination algorithms for neand medium-grain hyperube omputers, Algorithmia, vol. 7, no. 1, 1992, pp. 51-75. 16. C.M. Weeks, G.T. DeTitta, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Appliations of the minimal priniple to peptide strutures, Ata Crystallographia D49, 1993, pp. 179-181. 17. L. Boxer, C.-S. Chang, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Polygonal approximation by boundary redution, Pattern Reognition Letters 14 (1993), pp. 111-119. 18. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Parallel algorithms for all maximal equally-spaed ollinear sets and all maximal regular oplanar latties, Pattern Reognition Letters 14 (1993), pp. 17-22. Seymour: Russ Miller - Vitae Page 10 19. R. Miller, G.T. DeTitta, R. Jones, D.A. Langs, C.M. Weeks, and H.A. Hauptman, On the appliation of the minimal priniple to solve unknown strutures, Siene, vol. 259, Marh, 1993, pp. 1430-1433. 20. C.-S. Chang, G. DeTitta, H. Hauptman, R. Miller, P. Thuman, and C. Weeks, Using parallel omputers to solve the phase problem of x-ray rystallography, The International Journal of Superomputer Appliations, vol. 7, no. 1, Spring 1993, pp. 25-49. 21. R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis, and Q.F. Stout, Parallel omputations on reongurable meshes, IEEE Transations on Computers, vol. 42, no. 6, June 1993, pp. 678-692. 22. R. Miller, N.M. Galitsky, W.L. Duax, D.A. Langs, V.Z. Pletnev, and V.T. Ivanov, Moleular strutures of two rystalline polymorphs of the yli heptapeptide antibioti ternatin: ylo [- -OH-D-Leu-DIle-(NMe)Ala-(NMe)Leu-Leu-(NMe)Ala-D-(NME)Ala-℄, International Journal of Peptide & Protein Researh 42, 1993, pp. 539-549. 23. M.J. Atallah, F. Dehne, R. Miller, A. Rau-Chaplin, and J.-J. Tsay, Multisearh tehniques for implementing data strutures on a mesh-onneted omputer, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 20, 1994, pp. 1-13. 24. S. Hambrush, X. He, and R. Miller, Parallel algorithms for gray-sale digitized piture omponent labeling on a mesh-onneted omputer, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 20, 1994, pp. 56-68. 25. G.T. DeTitta, C.M. Weeks, P. Thuman, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Struture solution by minimal funtion phase renement and Fourier ltering. I. Theoretial basis, Ata Crystallographia A50, 1994, pp. 203-210. 26. C.M. Weeks, G.T. DeTitta, H.A. Hauptman, P. Thuman, and R. Miller, Struture solution by minimal funtion phase renement and Fourier ltering. II. Implementation and appliations, Ata Crystallographia A50, 1994, pp. 210-220. 27. R. Miller, S.M. Gallo, H.G. Khalak, and C.M. Weeks, SnB: Crystal struture determination via Shakeand-Bake, Journal of Applied Crystallography 27, 1994, pp. 613-621. 28. R. Miller, The status of parallel proessing eduation, Computer, August, 1994, pp. 40-43. 29. S.L. Tanimoto and R. Miller, Mesh algorithms for nding repetitions and partial symmetries in arrays, International Journal of Pattern Reognition and Artiial Intelligene, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1994, pp. 465-483. 30. D.A. Langs, R. Miller, H.A. Hauptman, and G.W. Han, Use of the minimal funtion for partial struture development in diret methods, Ata Crystallographia A51, 1995, pp. 81-87. 31. C.M. Weeks, H.A. Hauptman, G.D. Smith, R.H. Blessing, M.M. Teeter, and R. Miller, Crambin: a diret solution for a 400 atom struture, Ata Crystallographia D51, 1995, pp. 33-38. 32. M.P. MCourt, N. Li, W.A. Pangborn, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, and D.L. Dorset, Crystallography of linear moleule binary solids. X-ray struture of a holesteryl myristate/holesteryl pentadeanoate solid solution, J. Phys. Chem., vol. 100, no. 23, 1996, pp. 9842-9847. 33. M.P. MCourt, K. Ashraf, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, N. Li, W. Pangborn, and D.L. Dorset, X-ray rystal struture of ytotoxi, oxidized holesterols: 7-ketoholesterol and 25-hydroxyholesterol, Journal of Lipid Researh, vol. 38, 1997, pp. 1014-1021. 34. C.-S. Chang, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Inorporating tangent renement in the Shake-and-Bake formalism, Ata Crystallographia A53, 1997, pp. 436-444. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 11 35. G.D. Smith, R.H. Blessing, S.E. Ealik, J.C. Fonteilla-Camps, H.A. Hauptman, D. Housset, D.A. Langs, and R. Miller, The ab initio struture determination and renement of a sorpion protein toxin, Ata Crystallographia D53, 1997, pp. 551-557. 36. P.J. Loll, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, and P.H. Axelsen, A ligand-mediated dimerization mode for vanomyin, Chemistry and Biology 5, 1998, pp. 293-298. 37. A. Deaon, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and S.E. Ealik, The Shake-and-Bake struture determination of trilini lysozyme, Proeedings of the National Aademy of Sienes, U.S.A., 95, August 1998, pp. 9284-9289. 38. S.-H. Hu, M. Loughnan, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, R.H. Blessing, P.F. Alewood, R.J. Lewis, and J.L. Martin, The 1.1A Crystal Struture of [Tyr15 ℄-EpI, A novel {onotoxin from Conus Episopatus, solved by diret methods, Biohemistry 37, 1998, pp. 11425-11433. 39. L. Boxer, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Saleable parallel algorithms for lower envelope with appliations, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 53, 1998, pp. 91-118. 40. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Optimizing Shake-and-Bake for proteins, Ata Crystallographia D55, 1999, pp. 492-500. 41. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, The design and implementation of SnB v2.0, Journal of Applied Crystallography 32, 1999, pp. 120-124. 42. L. Boxer, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Salable parallel algorithms for geometri pattern reognition, Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing 58, 1999, pp. 466-486. 43. H.A. Hauptman, H. Xu, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, Exponential Shake-and-Bake: theoretial basis and appliations, Ata Crystallographia A55, 1999, pp. 891-900. 44. M. Egli, V. Tereshko, M. Teplova, G. Minasov, A. Joahimiak, R. Sanishvilli, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, M.A. Maier, H. An, P.D. Cook, and M. Manoharan, X-ray rystallographi analysis of the hydration of A- and B-form DNA at atomi resolution, Biopolymers (Nulei Aid Sienes) 48, 2000, pp. 234-252. 45. H. Xu, H.A. Hauptman, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, P1 Shake-and-Bake: Can suess be guaranteed?, Ata Crystallographia D56, 2000, pp. 238-240. 46. H. Xu, C.M. Weeks, A.M. Deaon, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Ill-onditioned Shake-and-Bake: The trap of the false minimum, Ata Crystallographia A56, 2000, pp. 112-118. 47. L. Boxer and R. Miller, EÆient omputation of the Eulidean distane transform, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 80, 2000, pp. 379-383. 48. Y. Vekhter and R. Miller, An improved phase-extension proedure for isomorphous-replaement phases, Ata Crystallographia D57, 2001, pp. 1048-1051. 49. L. Boxer and R. Miller, A parallel algorithm for approximate regularity, Information Proessing Letters, 80, 2001, pp. 311-316. 50. J. Rappleye, M. Innus, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, SnB v2.2: An example of rystallographi multiproessing, Journal of Applied Crystallography 35, 2002, pp. 374-376. 51. C.M. Weeks, R.H. Blessing, R. Miller, R. Mungee, S.A. Potter, J. Rappleye, G.D. Smith, H. Xu, and W. Furey, Towards automated protein struture determination: BnP, the SnB-PHASES interfae, A. Kristallogr. 217, 2002, pp. 686-693. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 12 52. M.L. Green and R. Miller, Grid omputing in Bualo, New York, Annals of the European Aademy of Sienes, 2003, pp. 191-218. 53. M.L. Green and R. Miller, A lient-server prototype for grid-enabling appliation template design, Parallel Proessing Letters, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2004), pp. 241-253. 54. M.L. Green and R. Miller, Moleular struture determination on a omputational & data grid, Parallel Computing Journal 30 (2004), pp. 1001-1017. 55. M.L. Green and R. Miller, Evolutionary moleular struture determination using grid-enabled data mining, Parallel Computing Journal 30 (2004), pp. 1057-1071. 56. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Coarse Grained Gather and Satter Operations with Appliations, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 64 (2004), pp. 1297-1310. 57. M.M. Eshaghian-Wilner and R. Miller, The Systoli Reongurable Mesh, Parallel Proessing Letters, Vol. 14, Nos. 3&4 (2004), pp. 335-350. 58. C.L. Ruby, M.L. Green, and R. Miller, The Operations Dashboard: A Collaborative Environment for Monitoring Virtual Organization-Spei Compute Element Operational Status, Parallel Proessing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2006), pp. 485-500. 59. R. Miller, N. Shah, M. Green, W. Furey, and C. Weeks, Shake-and-Bake on the grid, Journal of Applied Crystallography 40, 2007, pp. 938-944. 60. L. Boxer and R. Miller, EÆient oarse-grained data distributions and string pattern mathing, International journal of Information and Systems Sienes, vol. 6, no. 4, 2010, pp. 424-434. 61. L. Boxer and R. Miller, EÆient oarse-grained data distributions and string pattern mathing, International journal of Information and Systems Sienes, vol. 7, nos. 2-3, 2011, pp. 214-224. 62. R. Miller, Integrating Modern Computing Systems into the Computer Siene Curriulum at SUNYBualo: A 30-Year Case Study, International Journal on Teahing and Case Studies, to appear. Refereed Papers in Major Conferenes (Complete Papers Published): 63. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, The pyramid omputer for image proessing, Proeedings of the 1984 IEEE International Conferene on Pattern Reognition, pp. 240-242. 64. Q.F. Stout and R. Miller, Mesh-onneted omputer algorithms for determining geometri properties of gures, Proeedings of the 1984 IEEE International Conferene on Pattern Reognition, pp. 475-477. 65. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Computational geometry on a mesh-onneted omputer, Proeedings of the 1984 IEEE International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, pp. 66-73. 66. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Convexity algorithms for pyramid omputers, Proeedings of the 1984 IEEE International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, pp. 177-184. 67. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Pyramid omputer algorithms for determining geometri properties of images, Proeedings of the ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1985, pp. 263-277. 68. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Varying diameter and problem size in mesh-onneted omputers, Proeedings of the 1985 IEEE International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, pp. 697-699. 69. R. Miller, Writing SIMD Algorithms, Proeedings of the 1985 IEEE International Conferene on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers, pp. 122-125. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 13 70. R. Miller and S.E. Miller, Using hyperube multiproessors to determine geometri properties of digitized pitures, Proeedings of the 1987 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, pp. 638-640. 71. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Mesh omputer algorithms for line segments and simple polygons, Proeedings of the 1987 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, pp. 282285. 72. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Parallel algorithms for dynami systems with known trajetories, Proeedings of the 1987 IEEE Workshop on Computer Arhiteture for Pattern Analysis and Mahine Intelligene, 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. pp. 37-43. R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis, and Q.F. Stout, Meshes with reongurable buses, Advaned Researh in VLSI: Proeedings of the Fifth MIT Conferene, The MIT Press, 1988, pp. 163-178. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Simulating essential pyramids, Proeedings of the IEEE Conferene on Computer Vision and Pattern Reognition, 1988, pp. 912-917. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Convexity algorithms for parallel mahines, Proeedings of the IEEE Conferene on Computer Vision and Pattern Reognition, 1988, pp. 918-924. R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis, and Q.F. Stout, Image omputations on reongurable VLSI arrays, Proeedings of the IEEE Conferene on Computer Vision and Pattern Reognition, 1988, pp. 925-930. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Dynami omputational geometry on meshes and hyperubes, Proeedings of the 1988 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, vol. I: Arhiteture, IEEE, pp. 323-330. R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis, and Q.F. Stout, Data movement operations and appliations on reongurable VLSI arrays, Proeedings of the 1988 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, vol. I: Arhiteture, IEEE, pp. 205-208. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, An introdution to the portable programming language , Proeedings Seymour of the IEEE Computer Soiety's Thirteenth Annual International Computer Software and Appliations Conferene, 1989, pp. 94-101. 80. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Optimal hyperube algorithms for labeled images, Proeedings of the 1989 Workshop on Algorithms and Data Strutures, Leture Notes in Computer Siene, vol. 382, SpringerVerlag, pp. 517-528. 81. R. Miller and S.L. Tanimoto, Deteting repeated patterns on mesh omputers, Proeedings of the 1991 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, vol. III: Algorithms & Appliations, CRC Press, pp. 188-191. 82. M.J. Atallah, F. Dehne, R. Miller, A. Rau-Chaplin, and J.-J. Tsay, Multisearh tehniques for implementing data strutures on a mesh-onneted omputer, Proeedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Arhitetures, ACM Press, 1991, pp. 204-214. 83. S. Hambrush, X. He, and R. Miller, Parallel algorithms for gray-sale image omponent labeling on a mesh-onneted omputer, Proeedings of the 4th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Arhitetures, ACM Press, 1992, pp. 100-108. 84. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Parallel algorithms for all maximal equally-spaed ollinear sets and all maximal regular latties, Proeedings of The 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1992, pp. 54-58. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 14 85. C.-S. Chang, G. DeTitta, H. Hauptman, R. Miller, M. Poulin, P. Thuman, and C. Weeks, Solutions to the phase problem of x-ray rystallography on the Connetion Mahine CM-2, Proeedings of The 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1992, pp. 510-512. 86. C.-S. Chang, G. DeTitta, H. Hauptman, R. Miller, P. Thuman, and C. Weeks, Searhing over a domain ritial funtion: reasting the phase problem of x-ray rystallography, Proeedings of the Ninth IEEE Conferene on Artiial Intelligene for Appliations, 1993, pp. 183-189. 87. R. Miller and N.C. Shaller, The right stu? Teahing parallel omputing, Proeedings of the 8th International Parallel Proessing Symposium, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1994, pp. 956-961. 88. M.M. Eshaghian and Russ Miller, The systoli reongurable mesh, Proeedings of the 1995 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, vol. III: Algorithms & Appliations, CRC Press, pp. 146-150. 89. R. Miller and N.C. Shaller, Dierent approahes to parallel omputing eduation, Proeedings of the 9th International Parallel Proessing Symposium, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1995, pp. 849-850. 90. L. Boxer, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Some salable parallel algorithms for geometri problems, Proeedings of Eighth IASTED International Conferene on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS '96), pp. 426-430. 91. S.M. Gallo, R. Miller, and C.M. Weeks, The design of a portable sienti tool: A ase study using SnB, Superomputing `96 Conferene Proeedings, 92. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Maromoleular Phasing by Shake-and-Bake, Reent Advanes in Phasing: Proeedings of the CCP4 Study Weekend (DL-CONF-97-001), K. S. Wilson, G. Davies, A.W. Ashton & S. Bailey, Eds., CCLRC, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, UK, 1997, pp. 139-146. Also available at 93. I. Foster, J. Gieraltowski, S. Gose, N. Maltsev, A. Rodriguez, D. Dulakhe, A. Vaniahine, J. Shank, S. Youssef, D. Adams, R. Baket, W. Deng, J. Smith, D. Yu, I. Legrand, S. Singh, C. Steenberg, A. Afaq, E. Berman, J. Annis, L.A.T. Bauerdik, M. Ernst, I. Fisk, L. Giahetti, G. Graham, A. Heavy, J. Kaiser, N. Kuropatkin, R. Pordes, V. Sekhri, J. Weigand, Y. Wu, K. Baker, L. Sorrillo, J. Huth, M. Allen, L. Grundhoefer, J. Hiks, F. Luehring, S. Pek, R. Quik, S. Simms, G. Fekete, J. vandenBerg, K. Cho, K. Kwon, D. Son, H. Park, S. Canon, K. Jakson, D.E. Konerding, J. Lee, D. Olson, I. Sakrejda, B. Tierney, M. Green, R. Miller, J. Letts, T. Martin, D. Bury, C. Dumitresu, D. Engh, R. Gardner, M. Mambelli, Y. Smirnov, J. Voekler, M. Wilde, Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, P. Avery, R. Cavanaugh, B. Kim, C. Presott, J. Rodriguez, A. Zahn, S. MKee, C. Jordan, J. Prewett, T. Thomas, H. Severini, B. Cliord, E. Deelman, L. Flon, C. Kesselman, G. Mehta, N. Olomu, K. Vahi, K. De, P. Couvares, A. De Smet, C. Kireyev, E. Paulson, A. Roy, S. Koranda, B. Moe, B. Brown, and P. Sheldon, The Grid2003 prodution grid: priniples and pratie, IEEE International Symposium on High-Performane Distributed Computing, HPDC-2004, June 4-6, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 236-245. 94. R. Miller, Cyberinfrastruture and Grid Computing in New York State, 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 4-9, 2007, Salt Lake City (invited). Russ Miller - Vitae Page 15 Refereed Papers in Other Conferenes (Complete Papers Published): 95. R. Miller, ADLSIMD: An abstrat desription language for the SIMD family, Proeedings of the 1984 IEEE Southern Tier Tehnial Conferene, pp. 89-94. 96. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Some graph and image proessing algorithms for the hyperube, Hyperube Multiproessors 1987 (Proeedings of the 1986 SIAM Conferene on Hyperube Multiproessors), SIAM, 1987, pp. 418-425. 97. R. Miller and S.E. Miller, Image proessing on hyperube multiproessors, Proeedings of SPIE, Hybrid Image and Signal Proessing, vol. 939, 1988, pp. 156-166. 98. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Computational geometry on hyperube omputers, Proeedings of the ACM Third Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1988, pp. 1220-1229. 99. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Dynami omputational geometry on parallel omputers, Proeedings of the ACM Third Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1988, pp. 1212-1219. 100. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Portable parallel algorithms for geometri problems, Proeedings of the IEEE Seond Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, 1988, pp. 195-198. 101. Z. Dobes, D. Kumar, and R. Miller, Distributing data strutures on medium-grained hyperubes, Proeedings of the Fourth Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1989, pp. 55-58. 102. R. Fenrih, R. Miller, and Q.F. Stout, Hyperube algorithms for some NP-hard paking problems, Proeedings of the Fourth Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1989, pp. 769-776. 103. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Writing portable parallel programs in , Proeedings of the Fourth SIAM Conferene on Parallel Proessing for Sienti Computing, J. Dongarra, P. Messina, D.C. Sorensen, and R.G. Voigt, eds., 1990, pp. 419-424. 104. N. Bashir, M. Crovella, G. DeTitta, F. Han, H. Hauptman, J. Horvath, H. King, D. Langs, R. Miller, T. Sabin, P. Thuman, and D. Velmurugan, Parallel solutions to the phase problem in x-ray rystallography, Proeedings of The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1990, pp. 513-521. 105. R. Fenrih, R. Miller, and Q.F. Stout, Multi-tiered algorithms for two-dimensional bin paking, Proeedings of The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1990, pp. 58-63. 106. B. Falsa and R. Miller, Component labeling algorithms on an Intel iPSC/2 hyperube, Proeedings of The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1990, pp. 159-164. 107. G. DeTitta, H. Hauptman, R. Miller, M. Pagels, T. Sabin, P. Thuman, and C. Weeks, Parallel solutions to the phase problem in x-ray rystallography: an update, Proeedings of The Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, 1991, pp. 587-594. 108. C.-S. Chang, G. DeTitta, H. Hauptman, R. Jones, R. Miller, P. Thuman, and C. Weeks, Solving the phase problem of x-ray rystallography on parallel mahines, Proeedings of The Sixth SIAM Conferene on Parallel Proessing for Sienti Computing, R.F. Sinove, D.E. Keyes, M.R. Leuze, L.R. Petzold, and D.A. Reed, eds., 1993, pp. 304-307. Seymour Russ Miller - Vitae Page 16 109. C.-S. Chang, G.T. DeTitta, R. Miller, and C.M. Weeks, On the appliation of parallel geneti algorithms in x-ray rystallography, Proeedings of the 1994 Salable High Performane Computing Conferene, IEEE Computer Soiety Press, pp. 796-802. 110. H.G. Khalak, C.W. Weeks, R. Miller, and C.L. Bloebaum, Simulated annealing applied to moleular struture determination, Proeedings of the Fifth AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisiplinary Analysis and Optimization, 1994, pp. 7-9. 111. M.L. Green, S.M. Gallo, and R. Miller, Grid-enabled virtual organization based dynami rewall, Grid Workshop, SC2004, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2004. 112. C.L. Ruby, M.L. Green, and R. Miller, The operations dashboard: an interative, ollaborative environment for monitoring virtual organization-spei ompute element operational status, 2006 International Conferene on Computational Siene and Eduation, Rohester, NY, August, 2006. 113. A. Ghadersohi, M.L. Green, D. Pape, and R. Miller, A reliable and robust software arhiteture for distributed ollaborative Visualization, 2006 International Conferene on Computational Siene and Eduation, Rohester, NY, August, 2006. 114. J. Bednasz, S. Gallo, R. Miller, C. Ruby, and C. Weeks, Grid Computing in New York State, USA, Seond International Workshop on Semanti and Grid Computing (SGC07), The Fifth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Proessing and Appliations (ISPA-2007): Frontiers of High Performane Computing and Networking - ISPA 2007 Workshops: ISPA 2007 International Workshops SSDSN, UPWN, WISH, SGC, ParDMCom, HiPCoMB, and IST-AWSN, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 2007, Proeedings, P. Thulasiraman, X. He, T.L. Xu, M.K. Denko, R.K. Thulasiram, and L.T. Yang, eds, Leture Notes in Computer Siene 4743, LNCS Springer, Germany, 2007, pp. 273-284. 115. R. Miller, J. Bednasz, K. Chiu, S.M. Gallo, M. Govindaraju, M. Lewis, C.L. Ruby, and C.M. Weeks, Grid-Based Researh, Development, and Deployment in New York State, Fifth High-Performane Grid Computing Workshop, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Proessing Symposium, Miami, Fl, April 14, 2008. Other Refereed Papers (Complete Papers Published): 116. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Data movement tehniques for the pyramid omputer (preliminary version), IEEE Distributed Proessing Tehnial Committee Newsletter, speial issue on Distributed Systems Arhiteture, Jan. 1984, pp. 27-34. Invited Workshop Papers (Complete Papers Published): 117. M.L. Green and R. Miller, Moleular struture determination on a omputational & data grid, Bi- oGrid'04: Seond International Workshop on Biomedial Computations on the Grid, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004), 2004. 118. M.L. Green and R. Miller, Evolutionary moleular struture determination using grid-enabled data mining, BioGrid'04: Seond International Workshop on Biomedial Computations on the Grid, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004), 2004. 119. R. Miller, A ase study: Introduing parallel algorithms and parallel omputing into the omputer siene urriulum at SUNY-Bualo over the past twenty ve years, Third NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Eduation (EduPar-13), peer-reviewed and invited as keynote talk, 2013. (The hair of the Department of Computer Siene and Engineering at SUNY-Bualo enouraged the submission of this paper and ommitted funds to support onferene partiipation. Unfortunately, she withdrew the ommitment one notied of the aeptane. A ompanion paper submitted to another onferene was immediately withdrawn.) Russ Miller - Vitae Page 17 Workshop and Conferene Presentations (no proeedings available): 120. J.-S. Chen and R. Miller, Heuristi solutions to ombinatorial optimization problems on parallel omputers, AAAI-88 Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Mahine Intelligene and Pattern Reognition, August, 1988. 121. E. Cohen and R. Miller, Hyperube algorithms for the multiproessor sheduling problem, AAAI-88 Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Mahine Intelligene and Pattern Reognition, August, 1988. 122. C.M. Weeks, G.T. DeTitta, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Appliations of the minimal priniple to peptide strutures, Diret Methods of Phasing in Maromoleular Crystallography, 1992. 123. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, An introdution to SnB v2.0, Riding the Fene between Large and Small Moleules: Current Approahes to the Solution and Renement of Atomi and Near-Atomi Resolution Data, Workshop II - WK02, WK.02.03, 1998 Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation Annual Meeting. 124. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Software Development for Crystal Struture Determination, Health Care Industries Assoiation Regional Researh Forum, September 29, 1999, Bualo Marriott. 125. R. Miller, T. Furlani, and C. Brunskill, Beowulf Cluster, SC99, Sun Mirosystems Booth, November, 1999, Portland, Oregon. Newsletter Artiles: 126. R. Miller, Let's Think About Parallel Proessing Eduation, Newsletter of the Parallel Proessing Tehnial Committee, Ot., 1992, p. 11. 127. R. Miller and N.C. Shaller, The Right Stu? Teahing Parallel Computing, Newsletter of the Parallel Proessing Tehnial Committee, July, 1994, pp. 3-4 Russ Miller - Vitae Page 18 Dissemination via Musi 128. From Me to There by Esher's Enigma. All songs written, performed, and produed by Brian Miller and Russ Miller. Song list: Choie, Drowning in Time, Ideally, Suh a Disgrae, Green Candy Eyes. Available via Amazon, iTunes, CD Baby and other retailers September, 2013. (See for reviews, aess, and analysis.) 129. Piee of Mind by Esher's Enigma. All songs written, performed, and produed by Brian Miller and Russ Miller, with the exeption of one song written by Brian Moran and piano on one song by Mihael Murphy. Song list: Here for the Last Time, The Write Words, Keep Reahing, Safety Net, Bakstreet Boy. Available via Amazon, iTunes, CD Baby and other retailers Marh, 2014. (See for reviews, aess, and analysis.) 130. For a Moment by Esher's Enigma. All songs written, performed, and produed by Brian Miller and Russ Miller, with the exeption of piano on one song by Mihael Murphy. Song list: Should Have Known, When Your Heart, Bonre Rings and Heated Pools, My Guitar, Hide Behind the Text, Life of Solitude, Bixby Canyon Bridge, Beauty in the Flames, Beginnings, Sweet Child O' Mine. Available via Amazon, iTunes, CD Baby and other retailers February, 2015. (See for reviews, aess, and analysis.) 131. Interpretations by Esher's Enigma of well-known songs by other artists. Video and audio of songs inlude Kryptonite (3 Doors Down), Invinible (Pat Benatar). Available on YouTube and SoundCloud. Starting January, 2016 (audio/video list updated when new songs drop). Russ Miller - Vitae Page 19 Books: 1. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Parallel Algorithms for Regular Arhitetures: Meshes and Pyramids, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1996. 2. R. Miller and L. Boxer, Algorithms Sequential and Parallel: A Unied Approah, Prentie-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2000. (Translated into Russian in 2007.) 3. R. Miller and L. Boxer, Algorithms Sequential and Parallel: A Unied Approah, Seond Edition, Charles River Media, Hingham, Mass., 2005. 4. R. Miller and L. Boxer, Algorithms Sequential and Parallel: A Unied Approah, Third Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston, Mass., 2013. Complete rewrite of all hapters, inluding introduing a signiant amount of new material representing state-of-the-art omputational tehnologies, as well as reorganizing, refreshing, and rening existing material. Complete solution set for all problems. Complete set of powerpoint slides for all hapters. Book Chapters: 5. R. Miller, Image proessing on reongurable meshes, From Pixels to Features II: Parallelism in Image Proessing, J.C. Simon, ed., pp. 377-394, 1990. (From Pixels to Features II: Parallelism in Image Proessing, H. Burkhardt, Y. Neuvo, and J.C. Simon, eds., North Holland, 1991, pp. 85-101.) 6. R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis, and Q.F. Stout, EÆient parallel algorithms for intermediatelevel vision analysis on the reongurable mesh, Parallel Arhitetures and Algorithms for Image Understanding, V.K.P. Kumar, ed., Aademi Press, New York, 1991, pp. 185-208. 7. R. Miller, Parallel Proessing Arhitetures, Enylopedia of Computer Siene, 3rd edition, A. Ralston and E. Reilly, eds., Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, In., New York, 1993, pp. 1015-1025. 8. R. Miller, Parallel Proessing Algorithms, Enylopedia of Computer Siene, 3rd edition, A. Ralston and E. Reilly, eds., Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, In., New York, 1993, pp. 1025-1028. 9. M.M. Eshaghian, R. Miller, and C. Weems, Multimode System Heterogeneous Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, M.M. Eshaghian, ed., Arteh House Publishers, Mass., 1996, pp. 67-100. 10. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, SnB: applying Shake-and-Bake to proteins, Crystallographi Computing 7: Proeedings of the International Maromoleular Crystallography Computing Summer Shool, P. Bourne & K. Watenpaugh (Eds.), Bellingham, Washington, August 1996, pp. 138-147. Also, see 11. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, Shake-and-Bake: Appliations and Advanes, Diret Methods for Solving Maromoleular Strutures, S. Fortier, ed., Erie, Siily, May-June, 1997, Kluwer Aademi Publishers, 25th Course, International Shool of Crystallography, NATO ASI Series, 1998, pp. 389-400. 12. C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Extending the resolving power of Shake-and-Bake, Diret Methods for Solving Maromoleular Strutures, S. Fortier, ed., Erie, Siily, May-June, 1997, Kluwer Aademi Publishers, 25th Course, International Shool of Crystallography, NATO ASI Series, 1998, pp. 463-468. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 20 13. C.M. Weeks, H.A. Hauptman, C.-S. Chang, and R. Miller, Struture determination by Shake-andBake with tangent renement, Likelihood, Bayesian, Inferene and Their Appliation to the Solution of New Strutures, G. Briogne and C.W. Carter, eds., Transations of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation Transations, vol. 30, 1994 (1996), pp. 153-161. 14. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Algorithmi Tehniques for Networks of Proessors, CRC Handook of Algorithms and Theory of Computation, M.J. Atallah, ed., 1999, pp. 46-1 | 46-19. 15. G.M. Sheldrik, H.A. Hauptman, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and I. Uson, Diret Methods, International Tables for Crystallography: Crystallography of Biologial Maromoleules, Vol. F, Chapter 16, M.G. Rossman and E. Arnold, Eds., Dordreht: Kluwer Aademi Publishers, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 333-351. 16. C.M. Weeks, G.M. Sheldrik, R. Miller, I. Uson, and H.A. Hauptman, Ab initio phasing by dual-spae diret methods, Advanes in Struture Analysis, R. Kuzel & J. Hasek, eds., Prague: Czeh and Slovak Crystallographi Assoiation, 2001, pp. 37-64. 17. R. Miller, Parallel Proessing Arhitetures, Conise Enylopedia of Computer Siene, E.D. Reilly, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New Jersey, 2004, pp. 598-601. 18. R. Miller, Parallel Proessing Algorithms, Conise Enylopedia of Computer Siene, E.D. Reilly, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New Jersey, 2004, pp. 601-602. 19. R. Miller and M.L. Green, Moleular Struture Determination on a Computational and Data Grid, Parallel Computing in Bioinformatis and Computational Biology, A. Zomaya, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New Jersey, 2006, pp. 583-621. 20. C.L. Ruby and R. Miller, Eetively Managing Data on a Grid, Handbook of Parallel Computing: Models, Algorithms, and Appliations, S. Rajasekaran and J. Reif, eds., CRC Press, 2007, 46-1{46-36. 21. R. Miller, Grid Case Study: Grid in New York State, The Grid Tehnology Cookbook, M. Yafhak and M. Trauner, eds., 2007. Book Link:; Setion Link: 22. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Algorithmi Tehniques for Regular Networks of Proessors, CRC Handbook of Algorithms and Theory of Computation, 2nd edition, M.J. Atallah, ed., 2009, 46-1 { 46-33. 23. J.J. Bednasz, K. Chiu, S.M. Gallo, M. Govindaraju, M. Lewis, R. Miller, C.L. Ruby, and C.M. Weeks, Cyberinfrastruture in New York State, Grid Computing: Infrastruture, Servie, and Appliation, L. Wang and W. Jie, eds., CRC Press, 2009, pp. 31-54. 24. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, Moleular Struture Determination on the Grid, Handbook of Researh on Computational Grid Tehnologies for Life Sienes, Biomediine, and Healthare, M. Cannataro, ed., IRI Press, 2009, pp. 327-345. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 21 Abstrats: R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Data movement tehniques for the pyramid omputer, Abstrats of the AMS, November 1983, pp. 592-593. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Some graph and image proessing algorithms for the hyperube, Seond Conferene on Hyperube Multiproessors, 1986, p. 59. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Data movement tehniques for the pyramid omputer, Journal of Computer and Information Sienes, vol. 36, no. 6, 87-3, 1987, p. 1418. R. Miller, P.J. Eberlein, J. MIver, H. King, and S. Srihari, Parallel omputing at SUNY-Bualo, Third Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1988, p. 236. L. Boxer and R. Miller, Dynami omputational geometry on parallel omputers, Third Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1988, p. 120. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Computational geometry on hyperube omputers, Third Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1988, p. 237. R. Miller, Algorithms for parallel omputers, World Yearbook of New Generation Computing Researh and Development, 1988, p. 633. R. Miller, Distributing data strutures on medium-grained hyperubes, Fourth Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1989. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Hyperube algorithms for some NP-hard paking problems, Fourth Conferene on Hyperube Conurrent Computers and Appliations, 1989. R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, Writing portable parallel programs in , Fourth SIAM Conferene on Parallel Proessing for Sienti Computing, 1989. N. Bashir, M. Crovella, G. DeTitta, F. Han, H. Hauptman, J. Horvath, H. King, D. Langs, R. Miller, T. Sabin, P. Thuman, and D. Velmurugan, Parallel solutions to the phase problem in x-ray rystallography, The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, 1990, p. 41. R. Fenrih, R. Miller, and Q.F. Stout, Multi-tiered algorithms for two-dimensional bin paking, The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, 1990, p. 192. B. Falsa and R. Miller, Component labeling algorithms on an Intel iPSC/2 hyperube, The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, 1990, p. 190. G.T. DeTitta, P. Thuman, and R. Miller, Some observations about omputing with more than one proessor, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1991, #R04, p. 57. G.T. DeTitta, C.M. Weeks, P. Thuman, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Struture solution by minimal funtion phase renement and Fourier ltering: theoretial basis, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1991, #O02, p. 51. C.M. Weeks, G.T. DeTitta, P. Thuman, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Struture solution by minimal funtion phase renement and Fourier ltering: implementation and appliations, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1991, #O03, p. 51. C.M. Weeks, C.-S. Chang, G.T. DeTitta, D. Ghosh, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Appliation of the minimal priniple to Gramiidin A, Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation Meeting, 1992, #PA97, p. 105. Seymour Russ Miller - Vitae Page 22 C.M. Weeks, H.A. Hauptman, and R. Miller, SnB: a minimal funtion omputer program for struture determination, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1993, #PB10, p. 87. R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, and H.A. Hauptman, Phase renement tehniques for the minimal funtion, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1993, #PB11, p. 87. H.A. Hauptman, C.M. Weeks, G.D. Smith, M.M. Teeter, and R. Miller, Crambin: a diret solution for a 400 atom struture, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1993, #PI18, p. 117. C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, G.T. DeTitta, G.D. Smith, M.M. Teeter, and H.A. Hauptman, Progress towards appliation of the minimal funtion to maromoleules, XVI Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Beijing, China, 1993, #MS-02.01.03, p. 28. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, SnB: a status report, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1994, #M01, p. 65. C.M. Weeks, H.A. Hauptman, C.-S. Chang, and R. Miller, Struture determination by Shake-andBake with tangent renement, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1994, #TRN13, p. 41. M.P. MCourt, N. Li, W. Pangborn, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, and D. Dorset, Shake-and-Bake ab initio struture determination and paking analysis of a holesteryl myristate/holesteryl pentadeanoate solid solution, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1994, #PBO10, p. 96. N. Li, W. Pangborn, K. Ashraf, R. Miller, C.M. Weeks, D.L. Dorset, and M.P. MCourt, Crystal strutures of oxysterols: a basis for their ytotoxiity, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1995, W004, p. 149. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, Getting the most out of SnB, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1995, 2m.1.B, p. 53 (invited). C.M. Weeks, C.-S. Chang, H.A. Hauptman, R. Miller, Reent disoveries onerning shake-and-bake, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1995, M137, p. 128. R. Miller, Moleular struture determination via SnB, The 904th Meeting of the AMS, Kent State University, 1995, 904-68-230, pp. 798-799 (invited). R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, Appliations of SnB to proteins, XVII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, 1996, MS02.03.02, p. C-51 (invited). G.D. Smith, R.H. Blessing, S.E. Ealik, J.C. Fonteilla-Camps, H.A. Hauptman, D. Housset, D.A. Langs, and R. Miller, The ab initio struture and renement of a sorpion protein toxin, XVII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, 1996, MS02.06.07, pp. C-64-C-65. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Development of SnB Version 2, XVII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, 1996, PS02.03.16, p. C-54 (invited). C.-S. Chang, R. Miller, and C.M. Weeks, Shake-and-Bake: An optimization strategy for solving the phase problem of X-ray rystallography, Minisymposium on \Challenging Optimization Problems in Computational Biology," SIAM 45th Anniversary Meeting, Stanford University, July, 1997 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, SnB: Protein Phasing by Shake-and-Bake, 54th Annual Pittsburgh Diration Conferene, Mellon Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November 7-9, 1996 (invited). R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, Improving the performane of shake-and-bake, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1997, P254, pp. 161-162. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 23 C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Extending the resolving power of shake-and-bake, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1997, P41, p. 103 (invited). C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Extending the resolving power of shake-and-bake, International Shool of Crystallography, 25th Course: Diret Methods of Solving Maromoleular Strutures. C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Applying diret methods by shaking and baking synhrotron data, CHESS User's Meeting, June, 1997 (invited). C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Extending the resolving power of Shake-and-Bake, Diret Methods for Solving Maromoleular Strutures, S. Fortier, ed., Erie, Siily, May-June, 1997, 25th Course, International Shool of Crystallography, NATO ASI Series, 1998, pp. 463-468. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Phasing by Shake-and-Bake, Validation and Renement of Maromoleular Strutures, Lisbon, Portugal, 1997 (invited). Satellite Meeting \Validation and Renment of Maromoleular Strutures." Seventeenth European Crystallographi Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 1997 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Validation and Renement of Maromoleular Strutures, Seventeenth European Crystallographi Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 1997 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Diret Phasing Methods for Large Moleules, NATO Advaned Researh Workshop on Current Challenges on Large Supramoleules Assembilies, Athens, Greee, 1997 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Summer `98: Shaking-and-Baking in Washington D.C., Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1998, 11.03.03, p. 72 (invited). H. Xu, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Appliations of an Exponential Minimal Funtion, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1998, p. 132. A.M. Deaon, C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and S.E. Ealik, The Shake-and-Bake Struture Determination of Trilini Lysozyme, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, P162, 1998, p. 132. R. Miller and C.M. Weeks, An Introdution to SnB v2.0: A Cool Way to Solve Strutures (or How to Beat the Heat in Washington, D.C.), Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, WK.02.03, 1998, pp. 33-34 (invited). C.M. Weeks, H. Xu, R. Miller, and H.A. Hauptman, Shake-and-Bake Summer `98 Update: Improving Limited Data with Magnitude Estimation, Eighteenth European Crystallographi Meeting, Prague, Czeh Republi, August, 1998, E5-06, (invited). C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, H.A. Hauptman, R.H. Blessing, and A.M. Deaon, Solving Strutures with SnB, Workshop WK02: Solving Strutures with SnB, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1999, WK.02.01, p. 23. R. Miller, A. Palumbo, and C.M. Weeks, SnB Version 2.0: Diret Methods for Both Conventional Appliations and Large Substrutures, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1999, PT09, p. 107. H.A. Hauptman, H. Xu, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, Is 100% Suess for Shake-and-Bake Possible?, 54th Pittsburgh Diration Conferene, Columbus, OH, Otober, 1999. H.A. Hauptman, H. Xu, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, Is 100% Suess for Shake-and-Bake Possible?, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 1999, 03.01.10, p. 46. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 24 H. Xu, H.A. Hauptman, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, Exponential Shake-and-Bake: Can Suess be Guaranteed?, XVIII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, to appear. C.M. Weeks and R. Miller SnB Version 2.0: Diret Methods for Large Moleules and Large Substrutures, IUCr Crystallographi Computing Shool, Cambridge, UK, August, 1999. C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, H.A. Hauptman, R.H. Blessing, and A.M. Deaon, Solving Strutures with SnB, XVIII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, to appear. C.M. Weeks, R. Miller, and A.M. Deaon, What role an SnB play in automated maromoleular rystallography?, Workshop on Automation of Struture Determination, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, June, 1999. R. Miller, The Center for Computational Siene at SUNY-Bualo, New Trends in High Performane Computing, 1999, p. 32 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, Software development for rystal struture determination, Health Care Industries Assoiation Regional Researh Forum, Sept., 1999, Bualo, NY. C.M. Weeks, P.L. Howell, A.M. Deaon, R.H. Blessing, G.D. Smith, R. Miller, S.E. Ealik, and H.A. Hauptman, Finding seleniums with SnB, M12.BB.005, Eighteenth IUCR Congress and General Assembly, Glasglow, Sotland, August, 1999 (invited). C.M. Weeks and R. Miller, SnB Version 2.0: Diret methods for large moleules and large substrutures, IUCR Crystallographi Computing Shool on \Frontiers in Computational Crystallography," Cambridge, UK, August, 1999 (invited). W. Furey, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, Towards Automated Maromoleular Struture Determination: The SnB-PHASES Interfae, Abstrat P067, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, St. Paul, MN, July, 2000, p. 84. R. Miller, M. Innus, J. Rappleye and C.M. Weeks, SnB v2.0: An Example of Crystallographi Multiproessing, Abstrat P140, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, St. Paul, MN, July, 2000, p. 103. Weeks, Blessing, Miller, Mungee, Potter, Rappleye, Smith, Xu and Furey, Integrating Diret Methods into a Semi-Automated, Protein-Phasing Pakage, XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002. C.M. Weeks, S.A. Potter, R. Miller and W. Furey, Automated Protein Struture Solution with BnP, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, to appear. C.M. Weeks, S.A. Potter, R. Miller and W. Furey, Automated Protein Struture Determination with BnP, 21st European Crystallographi Assoiation Meeting, Durban, South Afria, August 24-29, 2003. W. Furey, L. Pasupulati , S. A. Potter, H. Xu, R. Miller, and C. M. Weeks, Automated Appliations of BnP. I. Methodology, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 01.03.03, Chiago, IL, July, 2004. C. M. Weeks, S. A. Potter, H. Xu, R. Miller, L. Pasupulati, and W. Furey, Automated Appliations of BnP. II. Test Results, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, P258, Chiago, IL, July, 2004. R. Miller, M. L. Green, and C. M. Weeks, BnP on the Grid, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 06.03.01, Chiago, IL, July, 2004. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 25 W. Furey, L. Pasupulati, S.A. Potter, H. Xu, R. Miller, and C.W. Weeks, Reent Developments in the BnP Pakage for Automated Protein Struture Determination, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 01.03.07, W0324, Orlando, FL, May-June, 2005. A. Ghadersohi, D. Pape, C. Weeks, M. Green, and R. Miller, Shake-and-Bake Visualizer, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, P088, W0094, Orlando, FL, May-June, 2005. C. M. Weeks, S. A. Potter, N. Shah, H. Xu, M. L. Green, R. Miller, L. Pasupulati, and W. Furey, Adapting BnP for Dierent Computing Environments, Annual Meeting of the Amerian Crystallographi Assoiation, 2006. Unpublished Manusripts: R. Miller, The Status of Parallel Proessing Eduation: 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from in users/miller or as Tehnial Report #93-27. H.G. Khalak, S.M. Gallo, C.M. Weeks, and R. Miller, SnB: A Struture Determination Pakage, User's Manual, 1993. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 26 Television Credits: MTV2's Video Mods presented ve new animated videos that blend live ation with motion apture and injet a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into musi videos: November 21, 2005. { Avenged Sevenfold's \Bat Country" was animated with the gaming environment from Everquest II. { Weezer's \Beverly Hills" was animated with the gaming environment from The Sims: Nightlife. { TI's \Do Your Thang" was animated with the gaming environment from Need for Speed: Most Wanted. { Sum 41's \Fat Lip" was animated with the gaming environment from Guitar Hero. { Nelly/Fat Joe's \Get it Poppin' " was animated with the gaming environment from True Crime: New York City. MTV2's Video Mods presented four new animated videos that blend live ation with motion apture and injet a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into musi videos: Otober 28, 2005. { Foo Fighters's \DOA" was animated with the gaming environment from Star Wars: Battlefront 2. { All Amerian Rejet's \Dirty Little Seret" was animated with the gaming environment from Sid Mier's Pirates. { Jane's Addition's \Mountain Song" was animated with the gaming environment from Getting Up. { Twista's \Hit the Floor" was animated with the gaming environment from LA Rush. MTV2's Video Mods presented four new animated videos that blend live ation with motion apture and injet a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into musi videos: September 30, 2005. { Unwritten Law's \Save Me" was animated with the gaming environment from X-Men Legends 2 - Rise of the Apoalypse. { Ciara's \1,2 Step" was animated with the gaming environment from Dane, Dane Revolution. { Hoobastank's \The Reason" was animated with the gaming environment from Dungeon Lords. { Jimmy Eat World's \Pain" was animated with the gaming environment from Juied. MTV2's Video Mods presented four new and one previously aired animated videos that blends live ation with motion apture and injets a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into musi videos: August 26, 2005. { The Used's \Take It Away" was animated with the gaming environment from SWAT 4. { Taking Bak Sunday's \This Photograph is Proof" was animated with the gaming environment from Silent Hill 3 & 4. { The Killers' \Mr. Brightside" was animated with the gaming environment from Lineage 2. { Queens of the Stone Age's \Little Sister" was animated with the gaming environment from Indigo Prophehy. { An enore of Franz Ferdinand's hit \Take Me Out" is animated with the Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sixth video game. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 27 Video Mods, an MTV2 show, presented three new and one previously aired animated MTV video that blends live ation with motion apture and injets a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into the musi videos: July 22, 2005. { The Beastie Boys \Oh Word" is inserted into an NBA Street V3 environment. { The Blink 182 song \All the Small Things" is rereated with the Spongebob Squarepants haraters. { The Yelloward song \Only One" is rereated with Medal of Honor:European Assault. { My Chemial Romane's \I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" is rereated with Death Jr. (replay from prior show). Video Mods (MTV2) presented four animated videos that blend live ation with motion apture and injet a unique video game environment, inluding haraters from one or more video games, into the musi videos: June 24, 2005. { Franz Ferdinand's hit \Take Me Out" is reonstruted with the Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sixth video game. { Sum 41's \Piees" is overhauled with Destroy All Humans!. { Good Charlotte's \Preditable" features Darkwath. { My Chemial Romane's \I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" is rereated with Death Jr. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 28 Colloquia and Other Invited Presentations: 1 2 3 High Performane Computing ) Disovery & Innovation, Lehigh HPC Symposium 2011, Lehigh Uni- versity, April, 2011. Moleular Struture Determination, Cyberinfrastruture, Disovery & Innovation, Environmental Moleular Sienes Laboratory, PNL, Rihland, WA, July, 2009. Enabling Disovery and Innovation via High-End Computing, Alumni Symposium, Department of Computer Siene and Engineering, University at Bualo, April, 2009. Disovery and Innovation via High-End Computational Resoures, Symposium on Computational Siene, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, January, 2009. The Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory, BioGrid`08, a workshop of the 2008 HealthGrid Conferene, Chiago, June, 2008. Disovery & Innovation via Cyberinfrastruture, University of Virginia, Marh 17, 2008. Disovery via Cyberinfrastruture, Clemson University, Shool of Computing, Otober 24, 2007 The Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory, NYS Grid, &, University of Rohester, Marh 21, 2007. The Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory: An Overview, A Presentation to the Middleware Group, February 21, 2007. A Status Report on NYSGrid, New York State Workshop on Data-Driven Siene and Cyberinfrastruture, Rohester, NY, January 23-24, 2007. A Status Report on the Prototype NYS Grid, New York State Workshop on Data-Driven Siene and Cyberinfrastruture, Troy, NY, September 21-22, 2006. Cyberinfrastruture and Moleular Struture Determination, Department of Computer Siene, University of Miami, September 27, 2006. An Overview of CSNY, the Cyberinstitute of SuNY-bualo, New York State Workshop on Data-Driven Siene and Cyberinfrastruture, Itaa, NY, July 11-12, 2006. Moleular Struture Determination, Grid Computing, and the Center for Computational Researh, Department of Computer Siene and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Marh 16, 2006. Moleular Struture Determination on the Grid, Department of Computer Siene, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY, Deember 8, 2005. Grid Computing and Bualo's Center for Computational Researh, Workshop on Conformal Computing, SUNY-Albany, Otober 14-15, 2005. ACDC-Grid Monitoring: A Hand's-On Tutorial, Workshop on Conformal Computing, SUNY-Albany, Otober 14-15, 2005. Shake-and-Bake, Grid Computing, and Visualization, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, August 26, 2005. 1 Note: 2 Note: 3 Note: Invited presentations that resulted in a publiation appear in earlier setions of this vita. Colloquium talks given in the Department of Computer Siene (and Engineering), SUNY-Bualo, have been omitted. Presentations at SUNY-Bualo onerning the reation of the Center for Computational Researh have been omitted. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 29 High-Performane Computing and High-End Visualization in Bualo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Center for Computational Researh: High-End Computation & Visualization and Grid Computing, Moleular Struture Determination and the ACDC Computational and Data Grid, Brown University, August 25, 2005. Ontario R&E Summit, Toronto, Canada, June 14, 2005. Department of Computer Siene, May 20, 2005. High-Performane Computing in Bualo, San Diego Superomputing Center, May 9, 2005. Data Driven Computing, Brown University, April 21, 2005. The Center for Computational Researh: Grid, Visualization, and BioMedial Computing, AMDeC (Aademi Mediine Development Company), Columbia University, September 29, 2004. The Center for Computational Researh & Grid Computing, CCR-SHARCNET Retreat, Bualo, September 22, 2004. Computational and Data Grids, SHARCNET Annual General Meeting 2004, Keynote Presentation, The University of Waterloo, Ontario, June 24, 2004. The Center for Computational Researh (CCR): An Overview, IBM, Cambridge, MA, June 17, 2004. An Overview of High-Performane Computing at the University at Bualo, Equality Club, WNY YMCA, Paddok Chevrolet Golf Dome, Tonawanda, NY, May 7, 2004. The Center for Computational Researh, University Advanement, Center for Tomorrow, SUNYBualo, ,Marh 5, 2004. The Center for Computational Researh, Bualo Niagara & Silion Graphis, SUNY-Bualo, February 26, 2004. The Advaned CCR Data Center ACDC Grid, NIH Program Projet Presentation, The HauptmanWoodward Medial Researh Institute, January 15, 2004 The Center for Computational Researh, Power Computing with the SUNY-Bualo, infoTeh Niagara, Deember 1, 2003. Grid-Enabled Shake-and-Bake, Albany NanoTeh Shool of NanoSienes & NanoEngineering, SUNYAlbany, September 25, 2003. CCR: Now & the Future, UB Alumni 50 Year Reunion Celebration, Bualo, NY, June 20, 2003. Enabling Collaborative Siene Through Grid Tehnology, Exeutive IT Life Siene Forum, Boston, MA, June 4-5, 2003. Superomputing and Visualization, Tehnial Soieties Counil of the Niagara Frontier, SUNY-Bualo, Marh 8, 2003. Center for Computational Researh: FSEC Status Report, University at Bualo Faulty Senate Exeutive Committee Meeting, February 26, 2003. Bualo Center of Exellene in Bioinformatis, Bioinformatis Grid Workshop, Southeastern Universities Researh Assoiation (SURA), January 29, 2003. A Career in Computing, Career Day, Williamsville East High Shool, January 10, 2003. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 30 An Overview of the Center for Computational Researh and the Center of Exellene in Bioinformatis, SEAS Dean's Counil, Center for Computational Researh, Otober 24, 2002. The Center for Computational Researh: An Overview, Irish Delegation, Center for Computational Researh, Otober 7, 2002. The Center of Exellene in Bioinformatis, Delivering Tehnology Leadership for Life Sienes: Researh Advanes for Drug Disovery and Bioterrorism, Delaware Biotehnology Institute, Otober 3, 2002. The Center for Computational Researh: An Overview, Presentation for Administration and Faulty, MMaster University, September 26, 2002. Center for Computational Researh, IDC HPC User Forum on Earth and Spae Siene, Portland, ME, September 9-11, 2002. Bualo's Bioinformatis Initiative, Central Park Men's Club, April, 2002. Career Day, Williamsville East High Shool, January 11, 2002. Brief Overview of CCR, Presentation for Sen. Shumer, Deember 10, 2001. Computation and Applied Sienes, SUNY-Albany, May 11, 2001. Career Day, Williamsville East High Shool, January 5, 2001. Bualo Byte Belt, January 4, 2001. RIT, Administrative Personnel, Otober 5, 2000 Siene Day 2000, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., July 12, 2000. High-Shool Workshop on Computational Chemistry, July 6, 2000. Life Sienes Symposium, SGI, Mt. View, CA, Marh 28-29, 2000. University of Rohester, Department of Computer Siene, Jan 23, 2000. The Bualo Sun Ultra5 Cluster, HPC Consortium Meeting, SC99, November 14, 1999, Portland, Oregon. Parallel Computing in Eduation Consortium, Ohio Superomputer Center, Columbus, Ohio, Otober 8, 1999. JPC4-5 \Beowulf and Beyond", The Fifth Joint DOE/NASA PC Clustered Computing Conferene, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Otober 6-8, 1999. The Assoiation of Old Crows, Niagara Frontier Chapter, September 23, 1999. HPCU99, SUNY Stony Brook, August 17-19, 1999. Campus2000, Columbia University, 1999. State University of New York at Geneseo, 1999. Campus2000, Boston University, 1999. Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematis and Computer Siene Division, 1998. Country Parkway Elementary Shool, Career Day, 1998. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 31 Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematis and Computer Siene Division, 1997. State University of New York at Bualo, Department of Physiology and Biophysis, 1997. Siene Alumni Assoiation, State University of New York at Bualo, 1997. Pennsylvania State University, Department of Computer Siene and Engineering, 1997. Argonne National Laboratory, Crystallographi Software Workshop, August, 1996. Old Dominion University, Department of Computer Siene, 1995. Brok University (St.Catharines, Ontario), Department of Computer Siene, Otober, 1994. Calspan Advaned Tehnology Center, Otober, 1994. New Jersey Institute of Tehnology, Department of Computer and Information Siene, September, 1994. 12th Annual Computer and Information Sienes Leture, o-sponsored by Niagara University and the Niagara Frontier Chapter of the Assoiation for Computing Mahinery, Niagara University, 1993. Symposium on Challenges for Diret Methods of Crystallography in the 21st Century, Bualo, New York, Ot. 1-4, 1992. University of Delaware, Department of Computer Siene, November, 1992. Pittsburgh Superomputing Center, November, 1992. Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), Shool of Computer Siene, November, 1991. State University of New York at Geneseo, Department of Computer Siene, April, 1991. University of Washington, Department of Computer Siene, November, 1990. Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), Shool of Computer Siene, Otober, 1990. Kent State University, Department of Mathematial Sienes, April, 1990. State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of Mathematial Sienes, April, 1990. State University of New York at Bualo, Department of Biophysis, September, 1989. State University of New York at Geneseo, Department of Computer Siene, November, 1989. State University of New York at Bualo, Graduate Group in Advaned Sienti Computing, 1988 (2), 1989 (2). Superomputing Researh Center, Lanham, Maryland, May, 1988. Niagara Frontier Chapter of the Assoiation for Computing Mahinery (NFC/ACM), Marh, 1988. Superomputing Researh Center, Lanham, Maryland, 1986. Ohio State University, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. Purdue University, Department of Eletrial Engineering, 1985. Rensselaer Polytehni Institute, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. Russ Miller - Vitae Sperry, Reston, Virginia, 1985. State University of New York at Albany, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. University of Kentuky, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. University of Minnesota, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Computer Siene, 1985. Page 32 Russ Miller - Vitae Page 33 Departmental Committees (SUNY-Bualo): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Undergraduate Aairs Committee (1989-1992, 2014-2016) Grievane Committee (2010-2014 (Chair)) Brohure Committee (2009-2010) Student Awards Committee (2007) Alumni Speakers Seletion Committee (2006) Development and Outreah for CSE Retreat (2005) Development Committee (1998-1999) Distinguished Speaker Committee (2003-2004 (Chair), 2008-2009 (Chair)) Alumni Relations Committee (1998-1999 (Chair)) Teahing Quality Committee (1997-1998, 1998-1999) Faulty Searh Committee (1985-1986 (Chair), 1991-1992, 1996-1997 (Chair), 1998) Graduate Aairs Committee (1985-1989, 1993-1995) Failities Committee (1986-1992, 1993-1994, 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 2000-2009) Publiations Committee (2004-2005) Graduate Admissions Committee (1987-1988) RDF Expenditures Committee (1988-1989, 1989-1992 (Chair)) Computing Assessment Study Committee (1989-1990) CISE Infrastruture Committee (1990-1992) Library Committee (1991-1992 (Chair)) Colloquium Committee (1994-1996 (Chair)) Strategi Reruiting Committee (1999, Chair) University Committees/Ativities (SUNY-Bualo): 1. Member, Furnas Sholar Athlete Award Committee (2003-2014) 2. Member, Information and Computing Tehnology Committee, UB 2020 (2005-2006) 3. Member, Internal Advisory Board, NIH National Program of Exellene in Biomedial Computing, pre-Center (2003-2004) 4. Member, Interollegiate Athleti Board (2003-2006) 5. Partiipant, Faulty Development Program (1985) 6. FNSM (Faulty of Natural Sienes and Mathematis) Computing Committee (1987-1991) 7. FNSM Early Graduate Admissions Committee (1987-1989) Russ Miller - Vitae 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Page 34 Co-founder: Interdisiplinary Graduate Group in Advaned Sienti Computing (1988) Assoiate Diretor, Graduate Group in Advaned Sienti Computing (1988-1991) Charter member, Graduate Group in Crystallography (1990-1991) FNSM Searh Committee for Chair of the Department of Computer Siene (1989-1990) Undergraduate Grievane Pool (1991-1992) Graduate Grievane Pool (1991-1992 (Alternate)) Advoate in Tenure Case (1992-93) Eleted Personnel Committee (1995-1997, 1998-1999 (alternate)) Ad-Ho Task Fore on High-Performane Researh Computing (1997-1998 (Chair)) UB/IBM Planning Session, Partiipant, 1999. Faulty Researh Advisory Counil, Member, 1999-2000. Bioinformatis Searh Committee, 2001. Bualo Niagara Center of Bioinformatis Teams, \Industrial Partners, Informatis" (2001, o-hair) Mentor, Honor's Program, 2001-2003. Member, Searh Committee, Eletrial Engineer, Failities Programming and Design, 2003. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 35 Letters on Professional Servie Editorial Responsibilities Member of the IEEE CS Fellows Evaluation Committee, 2012, 2013, 2014. Assoiate Editor, International Journal of Teahing and Case Studies, 2007 - present. Member of the editorial board of Parallel Proessing Letters, 1991 - present. Co-editor, with A. Shuster, Tehnion, Israel, for a speial issue of Parallel Proessing Dynamially Reongurable Arhitetures, vol. 5, no. 1, Marh, 1995. Tehnial Committees Member of the Advisory Committee for the IEEE Tehnial Committee on Parallel Proessing, 1997 present. Member of the Exeutive Committee for the IEEE Tehnial Committee on Parallel Proessing, 1992 1999. Co-ordinator for parallel proessing eduation. Member of nomination ommittee. Funding Panels: Reviewer, Department of Energy, Sienti Disovery through Advaned Computing (SiDAC), 2012. Panel Member, Department of Energy, Sienti Disovery through Advaned Computing (SiDAC), 2011. Panel Member, Cyber-Enabled Disovery and Innovation, National Siene Foundation, 2009. Panel Member, Siene Foundation Ireland, 2008. Panel Member, CLuE Bio Panel, National Siene Foundation, 2008. Panel Member, Cyber-Enabled Disovery and Innovation, National Siene Foundation, 2008. Chair of Programme Assessment Panel for Siene Foundation Ireland (SFI), Irish National Centre for High Performane Computing (ICHEC), 2005. Reviewer for Siene Foundation Ireland, National Centre for High Performane Computing, 2004. Chair of National Siene Foundation ommittee for TeraGrid (ETF/Core) Panel Review, 2004. Reviewer for Siene Foundation Ireland, Researh Professors, 2003. Chair of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 2003. Chair of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 2002. Chair of the Extensible Terasale Faility (ETF) for the Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI) program, 2002. Chair of the Committee of Visitors (COV) for the Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI) program, 2002. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 36 Chair of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 2001. Member of National Siene Foundation panel for the Distributed Terasale Faility, 2001. Member of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 2000. Chair of the National Siene Foundation panel and member/hair of the site visit team for the Terasale Computing System, 2000. Member of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 1999. Member of the National Siene Foundation panel on Experimental Software Systems, 1998. Member of the National Siene Foundation review ommittee and site visit team for Partnerships for Advaned Computational Infrastruture (PACI), 1996. Member of the National Siene Foundation CISE Instrumentation Panel, 1988. Advisory Counils: Member, Advisory Counil for the Computational Center for Nanotehnology Innovations, Rensselaer Polytehni Institute, 2006. Teragrid \Red Team" Review, September, 2004. Advisory Counil to the Center for Integrated Biologial, Chemial, and Tehnial Sienes, Niagara University, member, 2004-present. Shared Hierarhial Aademi Researh Computing Network (SHARCNET) High Performane Computing Strategi Counil, 2003-present. Member of the SGI Innovator Program, harter member with 5 others from around the U.S., 2003. Member of the Dell HPCC Advisory Counil, 2003. Member of the AAAS \National Workshop on Developing Guidane for NSF Advaned Networking Infrastruture Support," 1999. Evaluations: Department of Computer Siene graduate program, Kent State University, 2004. AAAS Researh Competitiveness Proposals for University Initiatives, 2004. Conferene Partiipation: Program Committee { { Member of the program ommittee for Fall-13, 2013. NSF/TCPP CDET Center Early Adopter Awards for Member of the program ommittee for BioGrid`08, a workshop of the 2008 HealthGrid Conferene, Chiago, June, 2008. Russ Miller - Vitae { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { Page 37 Member of the program ommittee for BioGrid`07, a workshop at CCGrid07, Seventh IEEE Internation Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid - CCGrid 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May, 2007. Member of the program ommittee for the 19th ISCA International Conferene on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2006), 2006. Member of the program ommittee for International Workshop on Sienti Instruments and Sensors on the Grid, in onjuntion with eSiene 2005, 1st IEEE International Conferene on e-Siene and Grid Computing, Melbourne, Australia, Deember 5, 2005. Member of the steering ommittee for BioGrid`06, a workshop at CCGrid2006, 6th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Singapore, Japan, May, 2006. Member of the program ommittee for IPDPS'2006, the International Parallel and Distributed Proessing Symposium, Rhodes, Greee, April, 2006. Member of the program ommittee for the 18th ISCA International Conferene on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2005), 2005. Member of the program ommittee for BioGrid`05, a workshop at CCGrid2005, 5th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Cardi, UK, May 9-12, 2005 Member of the program ommittee for BioGrid`04, a workshop at CCGrid2004, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Chiago, Illinois, April 19-22, 2004. Member of the program ommittee for BioGrid`03, a workshop at CCGrid2003, 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Tokyo, Japan, May 12-15, 2003. Member of the program ommittee for the ICPP Workshop on High Performane Sienti and Engineering Computing with Appliations, Toronto, Canada, 2000. Member of the program ommittee for SUPER*CAN HPSC `96, the 10th annual Conferene on High Performane Computers, Ottawa, Canada, 1996. Member of the program ommittee for the 3rd Workshop on Reongurable Arhitetures, as part of the IEEE Tenth International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Hawaii, 1996. Member of the program ommittee for the Seventh International Conferene on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, D.C., 1995. Member of the program ommittee for the 2nd Workshop on Reongurable Arhitetures, as part of the IEEE Ninth International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Santa Barbara, California, 1995. Member of the program ommittee for the 12th International Conferenes on Pattern Reognition, Jerusalem, Israel, Otober, 1994. Member of the program ommittee for the IEEE Eighth International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Canun, Mexio, April, 1994. Member of the program ommittee for Frontiers `92: The Fourth Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, Tyson's Corner, Virginia, Otober, 1992. Member of the program ommittee for the International Conferene on Computing and Information, Ottawa, Canada, May, 1991. Session Chair Session hair, Seond International Workshop on Semanti and Grid Computing (SGC07), The Fifth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Proessing and Appliations (ISPA2007), Niagara Falls, ON, August, 2007. { New Trends in High Performane Computing, Stony Brook, NY, August, 1999. { Fourth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Proessing, Arlington, Texas, Deember, 1992. { Russ Miller - Vitae Page 38 { 1991 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, St. Charles, Ill. { The Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conferene, Charleston, South Carolina, April, 1990. { 1988 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, St. Charles, Ill. { 1987 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing, St. Charles, Ill. Panel Disussion { { { { { { { { Invisted Panelist, National Siene Foundation Symposium: "Cyber-Enabled Disovery and Innovation", Albany, New York, Sept 5-6, 2007. Topi: \Eduation Issues of CDI." (The panel mod- erator is Lenore M. Mullin, National Siene Foundation. The other panelists are Steven Gordon, Ohio Superomputer Center, Prabhat Hajela, Rensselaer Polytehni Institute, and John Sasso, New York State OÆe of Tehnology.) Invited Panelist, GT'04 The Premier Enterprise Grid Computing Conferene, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May, 2004. Topi: \Storage Considerations for Grid Computing Environments." (The panel moderator is William Hurley, Senior Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group. The other panelists are Kevin Deierling, Vie President, Produt Marketing, Mellanox Tehnologies and Brue Moxon, Chief Solutions Arhitet, Panasas.) Invited Panelist, SC2003, Phoenix, Arizona, November, 2003. Topi: \The Simpliation of Superomputing: Clustering, Applianes and Grid Computing"; Talk: \The WNY Bioinformatis Grid" (The other panelists were Marshall Peterson, CTO of the J. Craig Venter Siene Foundation, Steve Oberlin, Founder and CEO of Unlimited Sale, Dr. Andrew Grimshaw, Founder and CTO of Avaki, and Mark Seager, Assistant Department Head for Terasale Systems, Lawrene Livermore National Laboratory. The hair was Bill Blake, SVP of Produt Development, Netezza Corp.) Moderator, The 9th International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Santa Barbara, California, April, 1995. Topi: \Dierent Approahes to Parallel Computing Eduation" (The panelists were Daniel C. Hyde, Buknell University, David Kotz, Dartmouth College, Gordon Makinson, University of Kent, P. Takis Metaxas, Wellesley College, and Nan C. Shaller, Rohester Institute of Tehnology.) Moderator, The 8th International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Canun, Mexio, April, 1994. Topi: \The Right Stu? Teahing Parallel Computing" (The panelists were Janet Hartman, Illinois State University, Elizabeth R. Jessup, University of Colorado at Boulder, Trevor Mudge, University of Mihigan, John R. Nikolls, MasPar Computer Corporation, Ralph Roskies, Pittsburgh Superomputing Center, and Nan C. Shaller, Rohester Institute of Tehnology.) Panelist, The 8th International Parallel Proessing Symposium, Workshop on Reongurable Arhitetures, Canun, Mexio, April, 1994. Topi: \The Future of Reongurable Arhitetures" (The panel hair was Hussein Alnuweiri, University of British Columbia, Canada, and the other panelist was Hossam ElGindy, University of Newastle, Australia.) Invited panelist, The 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, MLean, Virginia, Otober, 1992. Topi: \Issues on the Algorithm-Software Continuum" (The other panelists were Mike Atallah, Purdue University, Jan Cuny, University of Massahusetts, Amherst, Dennis Gannon, Indiana University, Joseph Ja'Ja', University of Maryland, and Virginia Lo, University of Oregon. The panel hair was Leah Jamieson, Purdue University.) Panelist, From Pixels to Features II: Parallelism in Image Proessing, ESPRIT BRA 3035 Workshop, Bonas, Frane, August, 1990. Topi: \Parallel Arhitetures: A Moving Target" (The other panelists were Robert Hummel, New York University, Hans Burkhardt, Tehnishe Universit^at Hamburg-Harburg, and Wolfgang K. Giloi, GMD-TUP FIRST, Berlin. The moderator was Lewis W. Tuker, Thinking Mahines Corporation.) Russ Miller - Vitae { Page 39 Invited panelist, 1986 University of Rohester Computer Siene Conferene, Topi: \General Purpose Parallel Computing" (The other panelists were Azriel Rosenfeld, University of Maryland, and R.C. Holt, University of Toronto. The moderator was Jerome Feldman, University of Rohester.) Workshop/Shool Partiipation: Instrutor, International Shool of Crystallography, 25th Course: Diret Methods of Solving Maromoleular Crystal Strutures, \Parallel Computing and Crystallography," \Shake-and-Bake: Appliations and Advanes," and \Tutorial: Shake-and-Bake using SnB," Erie, Siily, 1997. Instrutor, Computational X-Ray Crystallography Workshop, Pittsburgh Superomputing Center, July 24-27, 1994. The fous of the workshop was on SnB and X-PLOR. The other instrutors were Herbert A. Hauptman, Medial Foundation of Bualo, and Axel Brunger, Yale University. Summer Workshop for Superomputing (1986), Superomputing Researh Center, Washington, D.C. Russ Miller - Vitae Reviewing: Reviewer for the following journals: { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { IEEE Transations on Computers (IEEE-TC) IEEE Transations on Pattern Analysis and Mahine Intelligene (IEEE-PAMI) IEEE Transations on Software Engineering (IEEE-TSE) IEEE Transations on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE-TPDS) Journal of the Assoiation of Computing Mahinery (JACM) Computer Vision, Graphis, and Image Proessing (CVGIP) Parallel Proessing Letters (PPL) Information Proessing Letters (IPL) Algorithmia Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) Journal of Superomputing Mahine Vision and Appliations SIAM Journal on Computing (SIAMJC) Journal of Algorithms Journal of Pattern Reognition and Artiial Intelligene The Computer Journal Ata Crystallographia { { { { { { { { { Distributed Memory Computing Conferene (DMCC) (IEEE) International Conferene on Parallel Proessing (ICPP) IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arhiteture (ISCA) International Parallel Proessing Symposium (IPPS) International Conferene on Superomputing (ICS) IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Proessing Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers) International Conferenes on Pattern Reognition International Conferene on Computing and Information (ICCI) Reviewer for the following onferenes: Reviewer of books for the following publishers: { MGraw-Hill { Aademi Press { PWS-Kent { The MIT Press Reviewer of proposals for the following agenies: { National Siene Foundation (NSF) { Air Fore OÆe of Sienti Researh (AFOSR) { Natural Sienes and Engineering Researh Counil of Canada (NSERC) Page 40 Russ Miller - Vitae Page 41 Teahing: State University of New York at Binghamton Undergraduate Courses Taught: { Computer Programming I { Computer Programming II { Data Strutures { Independent Study: Miroomputers Graduate Courses Taught: { Independent Study: Software Engineering { Independent Study: Data Strutures State University of New York at Bualo Undergraduate Courses Taught: { Disrete Strutures (2013, 2015, 2016) { Introdution to Sienti Computing (1995, with Eberlein and Pitman) { Analysis of Algorithms (1986, 1987, 1988 (2 setions), 1996, 1997, 2010, 2011, 2012) { Algorithms for Modern Computing Systems (2013, 2014, 2015) { Advaned Data Strutures (1989, 1990, 1991 (2 setions)) { Data Strutures (2009) { Independent Studies, inluding Cluster Computing (1999, 2000), High-Performane Computing (2000), Registering and Downloading on the World Wide Web (1996), Monitoring a Distributed System (1991), X-Ray Crystallography on Parallel Mahines (1989, 1990), Intermediate-Level Image Proessing on Distributed-Memory Mahines (1989, 1990), and The Intel iPSC/2 Operating System (1988). Graduate Courses Taught: { Theory of Computation (1985) { Analysis of Algorithms (1986, 1987, 1988, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2010, 2011, 2012) { Algorithms for Modern Computing Systems (2013, 2014, 2015) { Introdution to Parallel Algorithms (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1995, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014) { Speial Topis: Cyberinfrastruture (2007) Seminars Direted: { Programming Massively Parallel Systems (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) { Programming Massively Parallel GPGPU Systems (2012) { Cyberinfrastruture (2006, 2007, 2008, 2011) { Grid Computing (2003, 2004, 2005) { Cluster Computing (2000) { Introdution to the World Wide Web (1997) Russ Miller - Vitae { { { { { { { { { Page 42 Optimization Algorithms (1994, with Eberlein) Parallel Computing (1989, 1994 (with Eberlein)) Parallel Algorithms and Arhitetures for Image Analysis (1992) Minimization Tehniques and Parallel Computing (1991) Computational Geometry (1990) Advaned Sienti Computing (1988, with Eberlein, Furlani, Kazarino, King, MIver, Zubrow) Hyperube Multiproessors (1987-1988, with Eberlein) Hyperubes (1986-1987, with Eberlein) Parallel Algorithms (1986) Other Teahing Ativities: Designed and Introdued CSE714: Cyberinfrastruture, 2007. Designed, Introdued, and Rened, CSE712: Grid Computing, 1998-pres. Introdued experimental luster omputing into CSE633: Parallel Algorithms, 2006. Designed and Introdued CS633: Parallel Algorithms, 1985-1986. Co-Designed and Introdued CS350: Advaned Data Strutures, 1985-1989. Co-Designed CS515: Introdution to Parallel Computing, 1991-1992. Co-Designed and Introdued CS237: Introdution to Sienti Computing, 1993-1994. Co-Initiated Advaned Certiate in Computational Siene. Co-Initiated COR 501: Introdution to High-Performane Computing I. Co-Initiated COR 502: Introdution to High-Performane Computing II. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 43 Student Supervision:4 Post-Dotoral Students: Hongliang (Jimmy) Xu, Diret Methods Crystallography, 1997-1999. Mark L. Green, Grid Computing, 2002-2004. Henrique Buher, Grid Computing & TraÆ Simulation, 2004-2005. Major Professor for Ph.D. Students: C.-S. Chang, \Struture Determination Algorithms in Computational X-Ray Crystallography," 1994. Yanina Vekhter, \Appliation of the Two-Channel Maximum Entropy Method for the Reonstrution of Eletron Density, The Phase Extension Proedures Coupled to the Isomorphous Replaement Method," 2000. Ioana S^irbu, \A Perturbation Approah to the Eletron Correlation Cusp," 2002. Committee Member for Ph.D. Students: 1. Cesar Bandera, \Computer Vision Using Fovial Spae-Variant Sampling, " Eletrial and Computer Engineering, 1990. 2. Anil Shende, \Digital Analog Simulation of Uniform Motion in Representations of Physial n-Spae by Lattie-Work MIMD Computer Arhitetures," 1991. 3. S. Sunder, \Parallel Algorithms for Sheduling Problems," 1994. 4. C.-H. (Vinent) Huang, \Communiation-EÆient Bulk Synhronous Parallel Algorithms," 2001. M.S. Students with Thesis: 1. Laurene Boxer, \Parallel Algorithms for Dynami Computational Geometry," 1987. 2. Pam Thuman, \Solutions to the Phase Problem of X-Ray Crystallography on a Variety of Parallel Mahines," 1992. 3. Catherine L. Ruby, \Three Data Grid Initiatives for the Advaned Computational Data Center," 2006. M.S. Students with Projets: 1. Susan E. Miller, \Hyperube Algorithms for Determining Geometri Properties of Digitized Pitures," 1987. 2. Norm Wahl, \Component Labeling on the Intel Hyperube," 1987. 3. Mark Gunning, \The All-Nearest Neighbor Problem on an Intel iPSC/1 Hyperube," 1987. 4. Elias Sarraf, \Convexity Algorithms for Planar Point Data on the Intel iPSC," 1988. 5. Diane Wise, \Computing the Voronoi Diagram on a Shared-Memory Mahine," 1988. 6. Rik Fenrih, \NP-Hard Paking Problems on the Intel iPSC/2 Hyperube," 1989. 4 Unless otherwise indiated, degrees were awarded from the Department of Computer Siene (and Engineering). Russ Miller - Vitae Page 44 7. Steve Gallo, \SnB: Portability and User Interfae," 1996. 8. Martins Innus, \Sienti Visualization," 2001. Undergraduate Researh Students Supervised: John Delgado (1988), Je Horvath (1989), Pam Thuman (1990), Noushin Bashir (1990), Todd Sabin (1990), Babak Falsa (1990), Mar Poulin (1992), Steve Gallo (1993), Thomas Tang (1997), Adam Fass (1998), David Walia (2003-2004), Mark Cianhetti (2003-2004), Catherine Ruby (2003-2004), Noah Milman (2006-2007), Matt Lehner (2005-2007) Major Community Servie (Non-Professional) 1. Co-Chair, Fox Valley Club Handiap Committee, 2011-2015. 2. Member, Fox Valley Club Grounds Committee, 2011-2015. 3. Manager, Lou Gehrig Little League, 1993-1999. 4. Manager, Mathewson-MCarthy Little League, 2000-2003. 5. Head Coah, Amherst Youth Basketball, 1997-2004, 2012-2013. 6. Board of Diretors, Amherst Youth Basketball, 1998-present. 7. President, Amherst Youth Basketball, 1999-2005, 2013-present. 8. Head Coah, WNY Warriors AAU Travel Basketball, 2002-2004. 9. President, WNY Warriors AAU Basketball Organization, 2002-2004. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 45 Commerial Software Pakages: 1980: A surveying pakage was developed for Benro Survey Ltd., Huntington, New York. This pakage allowed surveying rms to produe more eÆient and more aurate bids that met New York State speiations. 1981: A argo and driver protetion pakage was developed for Elk Routemaster, In., Farmingdale, New York. This software pakage, oupled with the Routemaster hardware, disables a vehile that deviates from its predetermined route. Further, the argo doors of a vehile equipped with the Routemaster system annot be opened unless the vehile is at a predetermined destination. This pakage has been used on shipments by truking ompanies transporting tobao and by the United States Postal Servie. 1982: A pakage ombining inventory ontrol, automated mailings, and ustomer seletion was developed for the Sound Approah, In., an audio store in Commak, New York. 1994: SnB is a moleular struture determination pakage developed jointly with members of the Hauptman-Woodward Medial Researh Institute (HWI). This pakage, whih is based on our Shake-and-Bake method of struture determination, has proven to be quite eetive in solving moleular strutures ontaining up to 2500 non-hydrogen atoms in the asymmetri unit ell, given atomi resolution data, and up to 200 Se atoms used to solve 600 kDa strutures given Se-Met data. SnB has been distributed to more than 500 laboratories worldwide. For more details, please see 2002: BnP is The Bualo `n Pittsburgh Interfae for omplete protein phasing. It ombines the SnB struture determination pakage with the Bill Furey's PHASES suite of routines. BnP provides a seamless interfae between SnB and other rystallographi software. This interfae provides a oordinated ontrol of several steps in the protein struture determination pathway, and it failitates a high degree of automation. The pakage has been made available for single proessor, multiproessor, luster, and grid omputing environments. It runs under the SGI, Linux, and Ma OS X platforms. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 46 Center for Computational Researh (CCR) In the 21st entury, leading aademi institutions will embrae the digital data-driven soiety that we live in and empower their students to ompete in our knowledge-based eonomy. In order to support researh, sholarship, eduation, and ommunity outreah, institutions must be prepared to deliver high-end yberinfrastruture that will enable the eÆient olletion, management, organization, analysis, and visualization of data. Through Dr. Miller's vision and foresight, and with support of strong University leadership, the Center for Computational Researh was established in 1998. Dr. Miller served as (founding) Diretor from 1998{ 2006. CCR providing a ompetitive advantage for the faulty, students, and sta at the University, as well as the WNY ommunity. One only needs to look at funding, reruiting, government relations, and ommunity outreah to see the enormously positive impat that CCR had on the University and the Western New York region. The mission of CCR was to 1) enable Researh and Sholarship, 2) provide Eduation, Outreah, and Training, and 3) eet Tehnology Transfer to loal industry in areas that require high-end omputing, storage, networking, and visualization. Founding Diretor. The Diretor was responsible for oversight, planning, and budgetary deisions of the Center. The mission of CCR was to enable world-lass omputationally-intensive researh (i.e., researh that requires high-performane omputing and high-end visualization) at the University, thereby improving the reputation of UB in WNY/NYS, the national stature of the University, and the rankings of programs in omputationally-intensive areas. This was aomplished by { providing state-of-the-art resoures and support to high-tehnology omputationally-intensive researh projets, { providing opportunities for industrial partnerships that inlude aess to enter resoures, inluding CPU yles, high-end visualization hardware and software, appliation software, and tehnial onsulting, and { serving as a foal point for tehnology transfer within the UB/WNY ommunity by oering seminars, workshops, and ourses on high-performane omputing, omputer modeling and simulation. While the initial mission of CCR was to provide high-performane omputing to UB faulty with omputationally-intensive researh programs, the Diretor worked with the UB administration and CCR sta to greatly enhane the mission of CCR to inlude eonomi development in WNY, eduation and outreah, inreased funding, and national visibility for UB. Researh and Sholarship Supported. CCR annually supported on the order of 140 researh groups spanning approximately 40 departments at UB, as well as 20 external groups. This extensive overage inluded traditional omputational siene and engineering disiplines, nontraditional disiplines (lassis, art, media study, and so on), loal institutions (RPCI, HWI, Children's Hospital, Bualo General Hospital, Niagara College, Brokport, Columbia, U. Rohester, Geneseo, RIT, U. Toronto), and loal and national industry (MTV, Q-Chem, Bergmann, Parsons, Praxair, TVGA, NYSTA, IBC Digital, eMedia, First Interstate Data, Veridian, Tops Markets, et.). CCR-Based Funding: In exess of $300M of external funds were brought into the University, and $400M into the Western New York region, for whih either CCR sta had a lead sienti role, projets relied on CCR resoures, vendors provided in-kind donations to CCR, or CCR sta played a major role in the aquisition of funds. Funding agenies inluded NSF, NIH, NIMA, EPA, and NASA, to name a few. Vendor ontributions ame from Dell, SGI, IBM, Sun Mirosystems, AliasjWavefront, Myriom, Nortel, Platform Computing, Q-Chem, and Performane Tehnologies. Foundation support was provided by Oishei, Kek, and Wendt. NYS support, led by Governor Pataki and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, was provided for a number of CCR-entri ativities, inluding the Center Russ Miller - Vitae Page 47 of Exellene in Bioinformatis and High-End Visualization. Federal support, led by Congressman Thomas M. Reynolds, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Senator Charles E. Shumer, was also provided for CCR-entri ativities. Major Infrastruture. During Miller's tenure as Diretor, CCR maintained 25TF of omputing, 300TB of storage, and a variety of high-end visualization systems. This inluded the following. { A 2100 proessor Dell Linux luster of Myrinet-onneted Irwindale proessors, with a peak performane of over 13TF. { A 600 proessor Dell Linux luster of Myrinet-onneted Pentium4 proessors, whih was listed in the November, 2002 top500 list as the 22nd fastest superomputer in the world. { A 2000 proessor Dell Linux luster of PIII and P4 nodes onneted with Ethernet. { A 532 proessor IBM BladeCenter luster of Intel Xeon proessors. { A 150 proessor SGI PentiumIII luster of Myrinet onneted 1 GHz hips. { A 64 proessor SGI Altix3700 superomputer. { A 78 proessor IBM RS/6000 SP. { An 80 proessor Linux/Solaris SUN Mirosystems luster. { An HP storage area network (SAN) with 75TB (raw) of disk and 250TB of tape. { A 35TB (raw) EMC Storage System. { A heterogeneous bioinformatis system. { High-end SGI Onyx2 and Onyx300 3D visual superomputers attahed to display environments inluding a Fakespae Immersadesk and an SGI 3300W. { A 20-projetor tiled display wall. { A visDuo passive stereo display system. { Two aess grid nodes. Western New York Community Projets. CCR provided an immersive 3D visualization of the proposed Peae Bridge and Plaza options to the publi in CCR and oered videos and stills of the simulations via the CCR Web site. CCR has also worked on high-prole projets involving moving the Williamsville Toll Plaza, Aident Reonstrution, TraÆ Flow and Simulation, Medial Visualization, and Sienti Simulation and Visualization. CCR worked with various government agenies to provide models and simulations of numerous projets in the Western New York Region, inluding TVGA, Bergmann Assoiates, 3DSape, the New York State Thruway Authority, Children's Hospital, The Medial Corridor, various Departments of Transportation, the Photonis Institute, Parsons, Niagara College, eMedia, and IBC Digital. Eduation and Outreah. Eorts in this area have been substantial. { CCR developed and deployed a year-long High Shool ourse in bioinformatis. This projet involves Mt. St. Mary's Aademy, City Honors, and Orhard Park High Shool. { CCR operated a highly suessful annual summer workshop for High-Shool students. During 1999 & 2000, the workshop foused on Computational Chemistry, while in 2001 & 2002, the fous was on high-end visualization, and in 2003 & 2004, the fous was on bioinformatis. { CCR hosted students and faulty from SUNY-Brokport and SUNY-Geneseo during the Winter 1999-2000 intersession, providing an intensive workshop on high-performane omputing. { CCR regularly provided workshops and seminars on aspets of high-performane omputing of interest to our urrent and potential users. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 48 CCR hosted workshops on Bioinformatis software, omputational hemistry software, and banking software. { CCR hosted a session of SGI's Linux University and a session of IBM's IBM SP superomputing workshop. { CCR provided tours to approximately 2500 people per year. People passing through CCR inlude eleted oÆials, sout troups, elementary, middle, and high-shool lasses, loal industry, and a wide range of interested itizens. National Presene. CCR sta were invited to give presentations at numerous national meetings, vendor-based events, high-shools, ommunity organizations, and so forth. Publiity. The Diretor interfaed with various publi relations organizations on ampus and faulty/industry utilizing CCR resoures. On the order of 1500 news artiles appeared during this period, inluding print and eletroni media both loally and nationally. The Diretor represented CCR and UB on television on a wide variety of oasions. { Russ Miller - Vitae Page 49 Russ Miller: Future of Computing In the 21st entury, leading aademi institutions will embrae our digital data-driven soiety and empower students to ompete in this knowledge-based eonomy. In order to support researh, sholarship, eduation, and ommunity outreah, Miller's Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory (CI Lab) is dediated to the integration of researh in disiplinary domains, inluding siene, engineering, eonomis, health are, transportation, multimedia, and national seurity, with researh in enabling tehnologies and interfaes. The goal of the CI Lab is to allow end-users to transparently ollet, manage, organize, analyze, and visualize data without having to worry about details suh as where the data is stored, where the data is proessed, or where the data is rendered. This ease of use and high availability of data and information proessing tools will allow for revolutionary advanes in siene, engineering, and beyond. Cyberinfrastruture sits at the ore of modern simulation and modeling, enabling entirely new methods of investigation that allow sholars to address previously unsolvable problems. Speially, the development of neessary software, algorithms, portals, and interfaes that will enable researh and sholarship by freeing end-users from dealing with the omplexity of various omputing environments is ritial to extending the reah of high-end omputing, storage, networking, and visualization to the general user ommunity. Computational environments must be driven by disiplinary researh and sholarship. In order to produe eetive systems, suh an approah requires 1) teams of users foused on disiplinary researh and sholarship who will partner with 2) teams of omputationally-foused enabling sientists and engineers, both of whom will work with 3) a team of personnel who an implement ritial tehnial tasks. The resulting systems must be robust (hardware and software) and inlude easy-to-use tools for produing eÆient as well as eetive appliations. These systems should be omfortably extended to new and non-standard user ommunities in an eetive fashion. While there is a need to ontinue to fous on high-performane omputing (single systems and olletions of multiple heterogeneous systems), signiant advanes need to be made in areas that inlude data, visualization, interfaes, virtual organizations, eduation, and outreah. For example, extremely eÆient and generally-appliable high-performane omputing-based algorithms need to be developed that serve as building bloks to a wide variety of eÆient appliations by rossing disiplinary boundaries. Further, appliations need to be developed using tools that will allow for ease of portability. The Grid urrently serves as ritial infrastruture for most ativities in yberinfrastruture. The Grid is a rapidly emerging and expanding tehnology that allows geographially-distributed and independentlyoperated resoures to be linked together in a transparent fashion. These resoures inlude CPU yles, data storage systems, sensors, visualization devies, and a wide variety of Internet-ready instruments. The New York State Grid (NYS Grid) was designed and deployed under Miller's diretion, following extensive eorts in developing a Bualo-based grid (ACDC-Grid) and a Western New York Grid (WNY Grid). NYS Grid inludes a heterogeneous olletion of resoures from institutions throughout New York State and is available in a simple and seamless fashion to users worldwide. Major features of NYS Grid inlude that following: it integrates a omputational grid with a data grid in a simple and transparent fashion; it inorporates a Web Portal for ease-of-use; it inludes a user-friendly grid monitor; and it inludes a grid-enabling applition template in order to expedite the porting of appliations to the grid. As we move forward, omputing will serve as a magnet that is used to foster and transform transdisiplinary researh to generate new knowledge from large and growing data sets, will be used to derive fundamental insights on multi-omponent systems, and will enhane disovery by ontinuing to reate signiant virtual organizations that ross boundaries of all varieties. An aademi institution an ontribute to the ubiquitous future that omputing will play in our daily lives by reating omputing-entri infrastrutures that are dediated to the advanement of researh, sholarship, eduation, and outreah in areas that an take advantage of ompute, networking, visualization, storage, sensors, and a wide-variety of integrated instrumentation resoures. Under Miller's leadership while (Founding) Diretor of the Center for Computational Researh, SUNYBualo made signiant advanes with respet to many of these initiatives. Further, Miller provided a number of proposals to enhane yber-enabled disovery to the SUNY-Bualo administration. These proposals were viewed by a faulty review panel as being of top priority. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 50 Russ Miller: Brief Biography Dr. Miller maintains appointments as Distinguished Professor of Computer Siene and Engineering at SUNY-Bualo and senior sientist at the Hauptman-Woodward Medial Researh Institute (HWI). Dr. Miller is world-renowned for his seminal work in areas of parallel algorithms for the mesh, pyramid, hyperube, and reongurable arhitetures overing domains that inlude omputational geometry, image analysis, and fundamental data movement operations. Miller's urrent fous is on yberinfrastruture, grid omputing, and moleular struture determination. Prof. Miller's publiations number approximately 200, inluding peer-reviewed papers, hapters, and abstrats of presentations at national or international onferenes. He has also published 2 textbooks overing parallel and sequential algorithms. Miller's work in parallel algorithms led to a ollaboration with world-lass sientists at the HWI working on solutions to problems in moleular struture determination. This revolutionary work produed algorithms and ommunity odes that have been used to solve moleular strutures several orders of magnitude larger than had previously been possible, as well as solving numerous strutures with a wide variety of properties that were previously thought to be unsolvable. This work was reognized by the IEEE with its inlusion in the IEEE poster \Top 10 Algorithms of the 20th Century." Dr. Miller founded the Center for Computational Researh (CCR) at SUNY-Bualo, where he served as Diretor from 1998-2006. During his tenure, CCR was ontinuously ranked as one of the leading superomputing enters worldwide and served as a model for universities providing key infrastruture to enable 21st entury disovery. On an annual basis, CCR supported nearly 140 projets overing approximately 40 aademi departments, as well as projets from a variety of loal and national olleges, universities, non-prot organizations, government agenies, and private setor ompanies. Dr. Miller played a signiant role in bringing approximately $0.5 billion dollars to Western New York in the form of peer-reviewed funding, appropriations, and ontrats. In fat, he was instrumental in the establishment of the $290M New York State Center of Exellene in Bioinformatis. Note that in establishing the Center of Exellene in January of 2001, New York State Gov. George E. Pataki stated that \This Center [of Exellene in Bioinformatis℄ will, through the University of Bualo's Center for Computational Researh, reate aademi and industrial partnerships..." Dr. Miller was listed on HPC Wire's 2003 Top People and Organizations to Wath. The omputational rystallographi algorithm Shake-and-Bake, whih is o-authored by Prof. Miller, was listed on the IEEE poster \Top 10 Algorithms of the 20th Century." Miller was eleted to the European Aademy of Sienes (Computer Siene) in 2002 with the itation \for an outstanding and lasting ontribution to parallel algorithms and omputer siene eduation" and was presented with International Sientist of the Year, Cambridge, England, in 2003. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 51 Russ Miller: Eduation and Outreah Dr. Miller has been teahing ourses to graduate and undergraduate students sine 1981. He has taught ourses in areas that inlude data strutures, algorithms, omputational siene, yberinfrastruture, and high-performane omputing. He has served on departmental teahing evaluation ommittees and been awarded the Best Presentation Award for a talk he gave at the 1987 International Conferene on Parallel Proessing. Prof. Miller has given many hundreds of presentations to professional as well as non-tehnial audienes, inluding invited talks at international onferenes and workshops, as well as presentations to eleted oÆials, ub sout troops, defense ontrators, high-shool AP lasses, prospetive students and student/athletes, itizens interested in urban planning, and so forth. Prof. Miller has been involved in eduation and outreah for over 20 years. He produed a report on parallel proessing eduation, a summary of whih appears in [28℄, and organized a panel disussion at the 1994 International Parallel Proessing Symposium [87℄. He is urrently a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Teahing and Case Studies, was oordinator for parallel proessing eduation from 1992-1999 for the IEEE Tehnial Committee on Parallel Proessing, has introdued approximately 10 ourses involving yberinfrastruture, high-performane omputing, and omputational siene, has published a number of artiles on parallel proessing eduation, has given invited talks on parallel omputing eduation, and has organized workshops at international onferenes on parallel proessing eduation. Under Miller's leadership as Diretor of the Center for Computational Researh, CCR oered summer workshops for highshool students, summer workshops for high-shool teahers, developed a year-long High-Shool ourse in bioinformatis for a number of shools inluding some involving underrepresented students, has oered training sessions for faulty, students, and sta from area olleges and institutions, and organized regular workshops targeting interests of the loal ommunity, to name a few, Dr. Miller was instrumental in the establishment and advanement of the EOT-PACI program, whih foused on eduation, outreah, and training, predominantly in the area of omputational siene, highperformane omputing, and high-end visualization. Miller set up similar programs through the Center for Computational Researh in the Western New York area, reahing out to an all-girls shool, an inner ity shool, a private inner ity shool, and a suburban shool. In addition, when CCR was established, the rst program that CCR hosted was a high-shool workshop. This series of workshops ran for 6 onseutive years on topis that inlude omputational hemistry, bioinformatis, and visualization. Dr. Miller has published two textbooks in the area of parallel and sequential algorithms and has ontributed a number of hapters to various olletions. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 52 Russ Miller: Researh Program (1985-2007) My researh program is onerned with i) developing eÆient parallel algorithms to solve fundamental problems on a variety of feasible parallel models of omputation, ii) developing eÆient solutions to omputationally intensive problems, and iii) yberinfrastruture, inluding the development, analysis, and deployment of ritial middleware, as well as the development and depolyment of a series of grids in Bualo, Western New York, and throughout New York State. The fous of the parallel algorithms researh is on developing solution strategies and fundamental operations that an be applied to a variety of problems. Using this approah, eÆient solutions to problems in image analysis, graph theory, and omputational geometry have been obtained. The fous of the researh in omputational siene has been on optimization problems. The highlight of this eort has been the development of a solution strategy to a diÆult minimization problem that provides a powerful means to determining moleular strutures, whih is an important ingredient in the ure and prevention of disease via rational drug design. Note that our Shake-and-Bake algorithm was reently listed on the IEEE poster Top Algorithms of the 20th entury. The fous of my Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory is on providing the infrastruture neessary to perform high-end simulation and modeling, inluding the development of algorithms, portals, interfaes, and middleware. In addition, my Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory has led in the development of several grids, inluding an experimental Bualo-based grid, a Western New York Grid, and most reently, a heterogeneous and persistent New York State Grid, upon whih a grass-roots New York State Cyberinfrastruture Initiative has been established. In terms of middlesware, the fous has been on the design, analysis, and implementation of eÆient grid monitoring and sheduling tools, as well as on the dynami integration of resoures in order to reate a oherent grid that is transparent to the users. A brief overview of this work is presented below. [The itations in brakets refer to the enumerated papers listed earlier in the CV.℄ Cyberinfrastruture and Grid Computing Cyberinfrastruture provides for the transparent and ubiquitous appliation of tehnologies entral to ontemporary siene and engineering, inluding high-end omputing, networking, and visualization, as well as data warehouses, siene gateways, and virtual organizations, to name a few. The fous of my Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory is on providing the infrastruture neessary to perform high-end simulation and modeling, inluding the development of algorithms, portals, interfaes, and middleware. In addition, we have led in the development of several grids, inluding an experimental Bualo-based grid, a Western New York Grid, and most reently, the New York State Grid, upon whih a grass-roots New York State Cyberinfrastruture Initiative has been established. Cyberinfrastruture sits at the ore of modern simulation and modelling, providing entirely new methods of investigation that allow sholars to address previously unsolvable problems. Speially, the development of neessary software, algorithms, portals, and interfaes that will enable researh and sholarship by freeing end-users from dealing with the omplexity of various omputing environments is ritial to extending the reah of high-end omputing, storage, networking, and visualization to the general user ommunity. The Grid urrently serves as ritial infrastruture for most ativities in yberinfrastruture. The Grid is a rapidly emerging and expanding tehnology that allows geographially distributed and independently operated resoures (CPU yles, data storage, sensors, visualization devies, and a wide variety of Internetready instruments) to be linked together in a transparent fashion. The power of the Grid lies not only in the aggregate omputing power, data storage, and network bandwidth that an readily be brought to bear on a partiular problem, but on its ease of use. The Advaned Computational Data Center Grid (ACDC-Grid) [52,53,54,55,19,117,118℄, whih spans organizations throughout Western New York, is a heterogeneous grid initially designed to support SnB. ACDCGrid was part of Grid3+, Open Siene Grid (OSG), the IBM NE BioGrid, and serves as the ornerstone of the Western New York Grid (WNY-Grid) and the emerging New York State Grid (NYS Grid). ACDC-Grid Russ Miller - Vitae Page 53 inorporates an integrated omputational and data grid, lightweight job monitoring, preditive sheduling, and opportunities for improved Grid utilization through an elegant bakll faility. The ACDC-Grid was developed with ritial grid omponents that allow for the deployment of a generalpurpose regional enterprise grid residing over generally available IP networks. An eetive and eÆient grid monitoring system was developed during the early stages of the prototype ACDC-Grid. This monitoring system was ritial to the grid development group and proved useful to early appliation adopters. The ACDC-Grid monitoring system exploits the development of robust database servers. The monitoring system utilizes a MySQL database server, whih an maintain millions of reords and hundreds of simultaneous onnetions in a fast and stable manner. The ACDC-Grid preditive sheduler uses a database of historial jobs to prole the usage of a given resoure on a user, group, or aount basis. Determining aurate quality of servie estimates for grid-enabled appliations an be dened in terms of a ombination of historial and runtime user parameters in addition to spei resoure information. Suh a methodology is inorporated into the ACDC-Grid Portal, whih ontinually renes the preditive sheduler parameters based, in part, on the data stored by the monitoring system. The ACDC-Grid enables the transparent migration of data between various storage element resoures while preserving uniform aess for the user, where basi le management funtions are provided via a platform-independent Web interfae. The ACDC-Grid introdued the onept of dynami resoure alloation during the GRID3 intensive appliation period during Superomputing 2003 and Superomputing 2004. The amount of omputational resoures provided to the GRID3 user base was dynamially rolled into and out of prodution on a daily basis. The ACDC-Grid exploits a grid-enabling template framework that inludes a dynamially reated HTML grid onsole for the detailed monitoring of omputational grid jobs. Results from previous studies have been used in the design of the Globus-based ACDC-Grid that serves researhers at the Center for Computational Researh and the Hauptman-Woodward Medial Researh Institute, loated in Bualo, NY. The Gridenabling Appliation Templates (GATs) used for porting sienti and engineering appliations to the ACDCGrid use abstration as the proess of ombining multiple smaller operations into a single unit that an be referred to by a stage. Eah stage is named and may ontain a template for imposing ne-grained appliation input le generation, automated parallelization, intermediate result le monitoring, exeption handling, and overall appliation performane metris. Using the ACDC-Grid GAT abstration allows programmers to solve problems at a high level, while deferring non-ritial details. To date, a variety of appliations have been inorporated into the ACDC-Grid. These appliations ome from domains that inlude strutural biology, earthquake engineering, groundwater modeling, and omputational hemistry, to name a few. The ACDC-Grid membership in the international Virtual Data Grid Laboratory (iVDGL) provides aess to international heterogeneous omputing and storage resoures for the purpose of experimentation in gridenabled data-intensive sienti omputing. The ACDC-Grid team partiipates in the (i) iVDGL iGOC, whih is used as the entral oordination point for grid tehnial problem resolution, (ii) grid monitoring tehnial working group, and (iii) grid troubleshooting working group. The ACDC-Grid is a founding partiipant of the Open Siene Grid (OSG), a ooperative venture that brings together laboratory and university failities, grid tehnology providers, and the appliation ommunities, for the purpose of engineering and building a ommon Grid infrastruture that will ensure the neessary robust, persistent, omputational, and data servies needed by laboratories, experiments, and appliation managers. The New York State Grid (NYS Grid) was designed and deployed by my Cyberinfrastruture Laboratory, in ollaboration with the Center for Computational Researh while I was diretor of CCR. NYS Grid was an expansion of our Western New York Grid, a heterogeneous grid that inluded SUNY-Bualo (Dell Cluster), the Hauptman-Woodward Medial Researh Institute (Apple Cluster), Niagara University (Dell Cluster), and SUNY-Geneseo (Sun Cluster). NYS Grid inludes resoures from a dozen institutions throughout New York State and is available in a simple and seamless fashion to users worldwide. NYS Grid ontains a Russ Miller - Vitae Page 54 heterogeneous set of resoures and utilizes general-purpose IP networks. A major feature of NYS Grid is that it integrates a omputational grid (ompute lusters that have the ability to ooperate in serving the user) with a data grid (storage devies that are similarly available to the user) so that the user may deploy omputationally-intensive appliations that read or write large data les in a very simple fashion. In partiular, NYS Grid was designed so that the user does not need to know where data les are physially stored or where the appliation is physially deployed, while providing the user with easy aess to their les in terms of uploading, downloading, editing, viewing, and so on. The ore infrastruture for NYS Grid inludes the installation of standard grid middleware, the use of an ative Web portal for deploying appliations, dynami resoure alloation so that lusters and networks of workstations an be sheduled to provide resoures on demand, a salable and dynami sheduling system, and a dynami rewall, to name a few. NYS Grid urrently supports a variety of appliations and users from NYS Grid institutions as well as from users sponsored through Open Siene Grid. Computational Crystallography Diret Methods are ommonly used by rystallographers to determine relatively small rystal strutures. However, traditional approahes do not appear to be extensible to larger strutures. The ombination of a new formulation of the phase problem of x-ray rystallography based on Hauptman's minimal priniple [25, 86℄, and advanes in massively parallel omputing [20, 85, 104, 107, 108℄, have led to the development of the Shake-and-Bake [26, 86℄ solution strategy. This approah to rystal struture determination onsists of a ylial proess whih alternates phase renement in reiproal spae with the imposition of phase onstraints through an atomi interpretation of the eletron density in real spae in an eort to determine the set of phases that minimize the minimal funtion. Our omputer program SnB [27℄, whih is based on our Shake-and-Bake method of moleular struture determination, has been used suessfully to solve more than three dozen strutures over a variety of spae groups. Highlights of SnB inlude i) solving two previously omplex and important unknown 100-atom strutures (Ternatin E and Ternatin D) [19, 22℄, whih had esaped solution for over a deade, in about an hour, ii) solving numerous other previously unknown strutures [32, 33, 38, 44℄, inluding SeMet strutures, some of whih ould not be solved by traditional diret methods, iii) solving vanomyin [36℄, the antibioti of last resort, iv) solving a variety of diÆult and large small moleules [35, 36, 37℄, v) dramatially improving the suess rates over traditional diret methods, and vi) re-solving Crambin, a 400-atom struture, in a matter of several hours [31℄. The original solution to Crambin relied on speial properties of the Crambin moleule and the measurement of additional x-ray data. Further, previous attempts to solve this struture by diret methods in other laboratories had failed. These attempts were signiant in that more than 500,000 ambiguities were onsidered without suess, while we obtained a suess rate of approximately 4%. A number of phase renement tehniques have been onsidered within the Shake-and-Bake framework, inluding the tangent formula, where the minimal funtion is used only as a passive gure-of-merit. Experimentation has shown that the tangent formula an be a ost-eetive alternative to traditional phase renement approahes. For this reason, the tangent formula has been inorporated as an optional phase renement tehnique into SnB [13℄. Reently, traditional optimization strategies have been suessfully revisited, inluding geneti algorithms [109℄ and simulated annealing [110℄, for exploiting the minimal funtion to solve the phase problem within the framework of Shake-and-Bake. Previous attempts at using traditional optimization strategies with the minimal funtion, but without the alternation between real and reiproal spae, had failed. SnB has been shown to be more robust than traditional methods in terms of solving strutures based on partial struture information [30℄. In addition, SnB an be suessfully applied to diÆult eletron diration data sets. Diret methods break down when the quality of the data is worse than about 1.3A. The urrent fous of this researh is on i) breaking the 1.3A barrier, ii) oupling low-ost speial purpose hardware with SnB, and iii) designing a ost-eetive multiproessor system that will be amenable to a signiant set of problems in sienti omputing, inluding the phase problem. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 55 BnP is The Bualo `n Pittsburgh Interfae for omplete protein phasing. It ombines the SnB struture determination pakage with the Bill Furey's (University of Pittsburgh) PHASES suite of routines. Speifially, BnP provides a seamless interfae between SnB and other rystallographi software. This interfae provides a oordinated ontrol of several steps in the protein struture determination pathway, and it failitates a high degree of automation. This pakage has been distributed world-wide and used to solve numerous SeMet strutures. Initially, experimentation that lead to the development of the Shake-and-Bake method was performed on an Intel iPSC/2, Intel iPSC/860, Thinking Mahines Corporation CM-2, and Thinking Mahines Corporation CM05. The urrent version of SnB and BnP are available on a variety of workstations, networks of workstations, lusters, shared-memory mahines, and grids. Computational Geometry Given planar input (i.e., nonimage input) representing points, sets of points, irles, onvex gures, hyperplanes, simple polygons, orthogonal polygons, or iso-oriented retangles, optimal mesh algorithms have been developed [4, 6, 65, 71, 75℄ to solve problems involving onvexity, smallest enlosing gures, linear separability, proximity, area, and intersetion. These algorithms involved developing new mesh paradigms that have additional appliations, as well as giving mesh implementations for several existing paradigms. A powerful grouping tehnique was developed to solve many of the area and intersetion problems. This is a general tehnique that an be used in situations where multiple nondisjoint binary searhes would naturally our. It was also shown how to exploit the slab method for solving problems in omputational geometry on the mesh, and how to avoid the natural explosion of data that is possible with reursion in order to exploit Bentley's versatile multidimensional divide-and-onquer tehnique. The multisearh problem is dened as follows. Given a data struture D modeled as a graph with n onstant-degree nodes, perform O(n) searhes on D. Let r be the length of the longest searh path assoiated with a searh proess, and assume that the paths are determined \on-line." That is, the searh paths may overlap arbitrarily. In [23, 82℄, it is shown that the multisearh problem for ertain lasses of graphs an be solved in O(n1=2 + rn1=2 = log n) time on a mesh of size n. For many data strutures, the searh path traversed when answering one searh query has length r = O(log n). For these ases, our algorithm proesses O(n) suh queries in asymptotially optimal (n1=2 ) time. The lasses of graphs amenable to this tehnique inlude many important data strutures that arise in pratie, ranging from simple trees to Kirkpatrik hierarhial searh DAGs. Multisearh is a useful abstration that an be used to implement parallel versions of standard sequential data strutures on a mesh. For example, this tehnique an be used for parallel on-line tree traversals, as well as to provide hierarhial representations of polyhedra, whih an be exploited to yield optimal algorithms for three-dimensional onvex hull, lines-polyhedron intersetion queries, multiple tangent plane determination, and onvex polyhedra intersetion. Optimal algorithms to solve the planar point input onvex hull problem have been developed for a variety of arhitetures [4, 75℄, inluding the EREW PRAM and a xed interonnetion mahine. In addition, optimal mesh algorithms, and eÆient PRAM algorithms, have been developed for solving problems involving equally-spaed ollinear sets [18, 84℄. The work in dynami omputational geometry [7, 10, 72, 77, 99℄ fouses on developing tehniques for a variety of arhitetures to solve problems involving point objets that are moving along known trajetories. The problems involve properties suh as ollision, onvexity, ontainment, and proximity, where the solution is a funtion over time. Some of the results and subalgorithms developed for problems in dynami omputational geometry were used to give eÆient solutions to stati problems, suh as the irle-over minimization problem [9℄ and problems involving intersetions of polygons [11℄. EÆient and often optimal salable algorithms have been developed for Dehne's Coarse-Grained Multiproessor (CGM). Solutions have been developed to solve problems in omputational geometry and image proessing [39, 42℄. Finally, parallel algorithms to solve onvexity and domination problems on ne-grained (theoretial) hyperubes and on a medium-grained Intel hyperube were studied [15, 98℄. The medium-grained results Russ Miller - Vitae Page 56 show that for suh problems eÆient solutions are onstruted as a ombination of ommuniation patterns assoiated with the theoretial parallel algorithms, eÆient serial data redution tehniques, and eÆient parallel data redution tehniques. Through experimentation, the behavior of dierent algorithms with respet to the distribution of the input has been studied. Image Analysis and Graph Theory The initial onentration in this area was on developing eÆient algorithms, as well as time and proessor bounds, for the mesh and pyramid omputers. New tehniques and fundamental data movement operations were developed that formed the foundation of the algorithms [1, 2℄. Optimal mesh algorithms were developed [1, 64℄ for intermediate-level image problems involving onvexity, internal paths, proximity, diameter, and largest empty irle. Given a gray-sale image, two asymptotially optimal algorithms were developed for labeling the onneted omponents [24, 83℄. The rst of these algorithms operates diretly on the image using a traditional divide-and-onquer paradigm, while the seond operates on a graph representation of the image, exploiting a variety of new graph algorithms that were developed, suh as nding independent sets and oloring graphs. Optial lustering is a tehnique based on the prinipal of optial resolution, and is of partiular interest in piture analysis. Results in omputational geometry and graph theory are exploited in [14℄ to derive an optimal mesh algorithm to determine the optial lusters with respet to a given separation parameter, and to determine the range of the separation parameter that will result from a desired range of optial lusters. An interesting result in terms of salable parallel algorithms was presented in [68℄, whih shows that a mesh omputer with a redued diameter is an optimal interonnetion sheme for solving problems in image analysis and graph theory. Current work on salable algorithms fouses on a pratial model of omputation for whih optimal salable parallel algorithms have been developed for a variety of problems in image proessing and omputational geometry. While the pyramid was initially proposed for performing low-level image proessing, eÆient algorithms [2, 63, 66, 67, 116℄ to solve problems in intermediate-level image proessing and graph theory demonstrated that pyramids an be exploited for more than just low-level image proessing. Problems in image proessing involve onnetivity, onvexity, proximity, diameter, and smallest enlosing gures, while problems in graph theory inlude determining the bridge edges, artiulations points, and yli index of a graph, as well as determining whether or not a graph is bipartite or bionneted. Convexity properties of digitized pitures on a pyramid omputer have also been studied for the purpose of showing that the pyramid is very sensitive to the rate at whih data an be ompressed [13℄. For example, given an n n image, algorithms have been developed that range from (log n) time to nd the extreme points of a onvex gure in a digitized piture, to (n1=3 ) time to nd the diameter of a labeled gure, to (n) time to nd, for every label, the extreme points of the proessing elements with that label. Researhers in image proessing are often able to develop eÆient single gure pyramid algorithms that are diÆult to extend to the multiple gure per image ase. This is due to the fat that severe bottleneks are reated at the apex of the pyramid if one tries to naively generalize a single gure algorithm to a multiple gure algorithm. However, it was shown [3, 74℄ that by systematially simulating the eet of having a separate \essential" pyramid over every objet, optimal or nearly optimal image algorithms for pyramids, hyperubes, mesh-of-trees, meshes with buses, the reongurable mesh, and the PRAM an be obtained. This approah should greatly simplify algorithm development for image proessing in that one an onentrate on single gure pyramid algorithms and use this simulation tehnique to extend the solution to multiple gure algorithms for a wide variety of arhitetures. While the pyramid is an interesting arhiteture for implementing image algorithms, the hyperube has a number of well-known advantages over the pyramid. Hyperube (and mesh-of-trees) algorithms were developed [96℄ for problems involving images and graphs. The image problems involve onvexity, proximity, separability, diameter, and smallest enlosing gures, while the graph problems involve bridge edges, artiulations points, minimal spanning forests, bionneted omponents, the yli index, as well as determining properties of a graph suh as whether or not it is bipartite. These algorithms rely on eÆient data movement Russ Miller - Vitae Page 57 operations and simulation tehniques. Unfortunately, optimal hyperube algorithms are not yet known for problems suh as sorting/routing data or labeling the gures of an image. However, given a labeled image, optimal hyperube algorithms have been developed [80℄ to determine the extreme points, area, perimeter, entroid, diameter, width, and smallest enlosing retangle of every gure. These algorithms rely on new fundamental operations and implementations of interesting paradigms. For many appliations, it is desirable to have an interonnetion sheme that may be reongured during an algorithm. A mesh with reongurable broadast bus (i.e., a reongurable mesh) was proposed [73℄ as a model of omputation that aptures some of the salient features of the CAAPP, polymorphi-torus network, and CHiP projet. Further, due to the reongurability of the bus, whih is ontrolled loally within the proessors, this model ombines the advantages of the mesh, pyramid, mesh-of-trees, and mesh with multiple broadast buses. Fundamental operations and algorithmi tehniques for this model have been developed [76, 78℄. Based on these operations and tehniques, polylogarithmi time algorithms have been presented [21, 5, 6℄ to solve problems involving digitized pitures or graphs given as adjaeny matries. Reently, I have proposed a systoli reongurable mesh. This is a pratial model that an be eetively realized as a o-proessor oupled to a workstation, and for whih optimal algorithms have been developed to solve fundamental problems involving images and graphs[88℄. Finally, a variety of algorithms have been implemented on an Intel hyperube to evaluate solution strategies and data redution tehniques for solving onvexity and labeling problems [8, 70, 97, 106℄. The results show that for suh problems, eÆient solutions are onstruted as a ombination of theoretial parallel algorithms, eÆient serial algorithms, eÆient serial data redution tehniques, and eÆient parallel data redution tehniques. Through experimentation, the performane of algorithms with respet to ertain properties of the input image has been studied. Languages The interonnetion sheme among proessors (or between proessors and memory) of a parallel omputer signiantly aets the running time of programs. Therefore, eÆient parallel algorithms must take the interonnetion sheme into aount. This in turn entails tradeos between eÆieny and portability among dierent arhitetures. Based on experiene with parallel algorithms, a high-level data parallel programming language alled was presented for use in designing, expressing, and implementing eÆient portable parallel algorithms. The foundation of is based on the approah of designing parallel algorithms based on standardized global operations suh as prex, broadast, sort, ompression, and assoiative read. also inorporates fundamental paradigms, suh as divide-and-onquer, redue-and-reateross-produt, and redue-and-ompress, whih are derived from theoretial parallel algorithms. The intent is to rediret the diÆulties of portability and eÆieny into similar diÆulties for the global operations and paradigms sine the ost of developing eÆient implementations of standardized operations on the various target arhitetures an be amortized over numerous algorithms. [12, 69, 79, 95, 100, 103℄ Seymour Seymour Seymour NP-Hard Approximation Algorithms This researh fouses on the design, analysis, and implementation of approximation solutions to NP-Hard problems on medium-grained mahines. The problems studied inlude the multiproessor sheduling problem [5℄ and the 2-dimensional (retangle) paking problems [102, 105℄. Interesting results have been obtained that onsider not only the standard time and auray of solution tradeo, but a third parameter, namely, the number of proessors. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 58 Parallel Computing at SUNY-Bualo During the Summer and Fall of 1986, I was engaged in disussions and negotiations with Intel Sienti Computing. The result of this eort was that Intel agreed to loan me a hyperube for researh and eduational purposes. This mahine, a hybrid iPSC/1 hyperube, was the rst general purpose parallel omputer to be installed (during the Spring of 1987) at SUNY-Bualo. During the Summer and Fall of 1986, I was also intimately involved with a multidisiplinary and interinstitutional grant proposal involving Computer Siene (Eberlein, Miller), Chemistry (George, King, MIver), and the Calspan Advaned Tehnology Center (Furlani, Lordi). The proposal was sent to the National Siene Foundation in Deember, 1986, and the award was made eetive September, 1987. With these funds, the following 3 hyperubes were obtained. 1. A 16-node iPSC/1 in whih eah 80286-based proessor was ongured with 4.5Mbytes of memory. 2. A 32-node iPSC/2 in whih eah 80386-based proessor was ongured with 4Mbytes of memory. 3. A 4-node iPSC/2 in whih eah 80386-based proessor was ongured with 4Mbytes of memory and oupled to a vetor board. During 1986, I served on a ommittee that was responsible for making reommendations to the Department of Computer Siene for replaing some of its time-sharing Unix mahines. After onsidering numerous alternatives, a few of the ommittee members, inluding myself, supported the aquisition of a shared-memory multiproessor that ould handle a heavy ourse load and support shared-memory multiproessor researh. While there was strong opposition to this approah within the ommittee, the Department supported our position and University funds were used to purhase an 8-proessor shared-memory Enore Multimax for the Department. The mahine has been used suessfully sine its installation in the Spring of 1987 for both ourses and researh. In the Summer of 1987, an equipment proposal was submitted to the National Siene Foundation by 3 members of Computer Siene (Eberlein, Miller, Srihari) for the purhase of a departmental distributedmemory researh mahine. The award was made in the Spring of 1988, and a 16-node transputer mahine from Topologix was purhased. Work in parallel omputing has been supported by the Graduate Group in Advaned Sienti Computing (later renamed the Graduate Group in High Performane Computing), whih was oÆially reognized (and funded) by the University in the Fall of 1988. I was Assoiate Diretor of the Group during its rst 3 years (1988-1991). In the mid-1990s, due to the wide variety of software and hardware platforms available, the fous of my experimental parallel omputing eorts have been on parallel mahines that are available o-site. Due to my aÆliation with Thinking Mahines Corporation, a variety of CM-2, CM-200, and CM-5s have been available for use at Thinking Mahines Corporation. In addition, based on a number of superomputing grants that I have obtained, inluding a prestigious MetaCenter Alloations Grant for Grand Challenge Problems, students working under my diretion have used a CM-5 at the Pittsburgh Superomputing Center and at the National Center for Superomputing Appliations, as well as a Cray C90 and the new massively parallel Cray T3D at the Pittsburgh Superomputing Center. Finally, a variety of distributed omputing platforms have been exploited using RPC, Linda, and PVM. Please refer to the setion \Center for Computational Researh," whih appears earlier in this CV, for information pertaining to my involvement with high-end omputing at SUNY-Bualo during the period 19982006. In 2007, one the University makes the appropriate spae available, my yberinfrastruture laboratory has plans to purhase signiant high-performane omputing systems with NSF CRI and ITR funds. Russ Miller - Vitae Page 59 Multidisiplinary Researh at SUNY-Bualo SUNY-Bualo embraes multidisiplinary and interinstitutional researh eorts. I have been involved in suh ativities sine the Summer of 1986, when regular meetings involving members of the Department of Computer Siene, the Department of Chemistry, and the Calspan Advaned Tehnology Center foused on possibilities of using parallel mahines to solve sienti problems. These meetings resulted in an NSFfunded proposal that supported the aquisition of 3 Intel hyperubes. As the meetings ontinued and the new mahines arrived, I began to work losely with sientists in other departments at the University and at neighboring institutions. These early disussions also led to the formation of the Graduate Group in Advaned Sienti Computing, a University-reognized multidisiplinary graduate group funded by the University and loal orporate aÆliates. I was one of the founding members of the group and was its Assoiate Diretor during its rst three years (1988-1991). The members of the Graduate Group shared a ommon interest in large-sale sienti omputing, with partiipants representing a wide variety of aademi units inluding Computer Siene, Chemistry, Mathematis, Physis, Engineering, Anthropology, Management, and Geography, as well as neighboring researh institutions, inluding the Medial Foundation of Bualo and the Calspan Advaned Tehnology Center. This group of mathematiians, omputer sientists, rystallographers, theoretial hemists, and others have ollaborated in the study of parallel algorithms and their appliation to problems in several dierent elds of siene. This has led to the design, analysis, and implementation of parallel solutions to a number of problems. Relationships forged as a result of this Graduate Group have stimulated multidisiplinary and interinstitutional researh in Western New York. In fat, as a result of the relationships formed by key members of the Graduate Group, I haired an ad-ho ommittee of faulty and sta who developed a report that led to the formation of the Center for Computational Researh. I am urrently involved in a number of multidisiplinary projets, whih have been desribed on the preeding pages. In addition, through the Center for Computational Researh, I have played a role in supporting researh and sholarship involving on the order of 140 researh groups spanning approximately 40 dierent aademi departments, 20 ompanies and institutions, and a variety of government agenies.